path: root/thunderbird-l10n/sk/chrome/sk/locale/sk/calendar/
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Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/sk/chrome/sk/locale/sk/calendar/')
1 files changed, 696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/sk/chrome/sk/locale/sk/calendar/ b/thunderbird-l10n/sk/chrome/sk/locale/sk/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4398636891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/sk/chrome/sk/locale/sk/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Default name for new events
+newEvent=Nová udalosť
+# Titles for the event/task dialog
+newEventDialog=Nová udalosť
+editEventDialog=Upraviť udalosť
+newTaskDialog=Nová úloha
+editTaskDialog=Upraviť úlohu
+# Do you want to save changes?
+askSaveTitleEvent=Uložiť udalosť
+askSaveTitleTask=Uložiť úlohu
+askSaveMessageEvent=Udalosť ešte nebola uložená. Chcete uložiť túto udalosť teraz?
+askSaveMessageTask=Úloha ešte nebola uložená. Chcete uložiť túto úlohu teraz?
+# Event Dialog Warnings
+warningEndBeforeStart=Čas ukončenia je nastavený skôr, než čas začiatku.
+warningUntilDateBeforeStart=Dátum 'Opakovať do' je skorší ako dátum začiatku.
+# The name of the calendar provided with the application by default
+# The name given to a calendar if an opened calendar has an empty filename
+untitledCalendarName=Kalendár bez názvu
+# Event status: Tentative, Confirmed, Cancelled
+# ToDo task status: NeedsAction, InProcess, Completed, Cancelled
+statusTentative =Predbežne
+statusConfirmed =Potvrdená
+todoStatusCancelled =Zrušená
+statusNeedsAction =Vyžaduje akciu
+statusInProcess =Prebieha
+statusCompleted =Dokončená
+# Task priority, these should match the priority.level.* labels in calendar.dtd
+importPrompt=Do ktorého kalendára chcete importovať označené položky?
+exportPrompt=Z ktorého kalendára chcete exportovať?
+pastePrompt=Do ktorého z vašich zapisovateľných kalendárov chcete prilepiť?
+publishPrompt=Ktorý kalendár chcete publikovať?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also a meeting invitation - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventAlso=Prilepený objekt obsahuje stretnutie
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also several meeting invitations - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventsAlso=Prilepený objekt obsahuje stretnutia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteTaskAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also an assigned task - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTaskAlso=Prilepený objekt obsahuje pridelenú úlohu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteTasksAlso): The users pasting operation include among
+# others also several assigned tasks - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTasksAlso=Prilepený objekt obsahuje pridelené úlohy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteItemsAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also assigned task(s) and meeting invitation(s) - this is used as a affix
+# in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteItemsAlso=Prilepený objekt obsahuje stretnutia a pridelené úlohy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventOnly): The users is pasting a meeting -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventOnly=Chystáte sa prilepiť stretnutie
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting several meetings -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventsOnly=Chystáte sa prilepiť stretnutia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventOnly): The users is pasting an assigned task -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTaskOnly=Chystáte sa prilepiť pridelenú úlohu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting several assigned
+# tasks - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTasksOnly=Chystáte sa prilepiť pridelené úlohy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting assigned task(s) and
+# meeting(s) - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteItemsOnly=Chystáte sa prilepiť stretnutia a pridelené úlohy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteNotifyAbout): Text displayed if pasting an invitation
+# or assigned task
+# %1$S - pasteEvent* or pasteTask*
+pasteNotifyAbout=%1$S. Chcete poslať informáciu zainteresovaným stranám?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteAndNotifyLabel): button label used in calendar prompt
+# of the pasted item has attendees
+pasteAndNotifyLabel=Prilepiť a odoslať
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteDontNotifyLabel): button label used in calendar prompt
+# of the pasted item has attendees
+pasteDontNotifyLabel=Prilepiť bez odoslania
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (importItemsFailed):
+# %1$S will be replaced with number of failed items
+# %2$S will be replaced with last error code / error string
+importItemsFailed=Počet položiek, ktoré sa nepodarilo importovať: %1$S. Posledná chyba: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noItemsInCalendarFile2):
+# %1$S will be replaced with file path
+noItemsInCalendarFile2=Importovanie z %1$S nie je možné. V tomto súbore sa nenachádzajú žiadne importovateľné položky.
+#spaces needed at the end of the following lines
+unableToRead=Nedá sa čítať zo súboru:
+unableToWrite=Nedá sa zapisovať do súboru:
+HTMLTitle=Mozilla Kalendár
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timezoneError):
+# used for an error message like 'An unknown and undefined timezone was found while reading c:\Mycalendarfile.ics'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the path to a file
+timezoneError=Pri čítaní súboru %1$S bolo nájdené neznáme nedefinované časové pásmo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateError):
+# %1$S will be replaced with number of duplicate items
+# %2$S will be replaced with a file path pointing to a calendar
+duplicateError=Niekoľko položiek (celkom %1$S) bolo ignorovaných, pretože existujú v cieľovom kalendári a aj v kalendári %2$S.
+unableToCreateProvider=Pri príprave kalendára umiestneného na %1$S na použitie sa vyskytla chyba. Dostupný nebude.
+# Sample: Unknown timezone "USPacific" in "Dentist Appt". Using the 'floating' local timezone instead: 2008/02/28 14:00:00
+unknownTimezoneInItem=Neznáma časová zóna "%1$S" v "%2$S". Používa sa 'plávajúca' miestna časová zóna: %3$S
+TimezoneErrorsAlertTitle=Chyby časových zón
+TimezoneErrorsSeeConsole=Viď Chybovú konzolu: Neznáme časové zóny sú spracované ako 'plávajúce' miestne časové zóny.
+# The following strings are for the prompt to delete/unsubscribe from the calendar
+removeCalendarTitle=Odstrániť kalendár
+removeCalendarButtonDelete=Vymazať kalendár
+removeCalendarButtonUnsubscribe=Zrušiť odber
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageDeleteOrUnsubscribe): Shown for
+# calendar where both deleting and unsubscribing is possible.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageDeleteOrUnsubscribe=Naozaj chcete odstrániť kalendár "%1$S"? Zrušením odberu ho len odstránite zo zoznamu, vymazaním z neho odstránite údaje.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageDelete): Shown for calendar where
+# deleting is the only option.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageDelete=Naozaj chcete natrvalo odstrániť kalendár "%1$S"?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageUnsubscribe): Shown for calendar
+# where unsubscribing is the only option.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageUnsubscribe=Naozaj sa chcete odhlásiť z kalendára "%1$S"?
+WeekTitle=%1$S. týždeň
+# Error strings
+## @name UID_NOT_FOUND
+## @loc none
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooNewSchemaErrorText):
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of the host application, e.g. 'Thunderbird'
+# %2$S will be replaced with the name of the new copy of the file, e.g. 'local-2020-05-11T21-30-17.sqlite'
+tooNewSchemaErrorText=Vaše údaje kalendára nie sú kompatibilné s touto verziou aplikácie %1$S. Údaje kalendára vo vašom profile boli aktualizované novšou verziou aplikácie %1$S. Vytvorili sme zálohu údajov s názvom "%2$S". Aplikácia bude pokračovať s novovytvoreným súborom údajov.
+# List of events or todos (unifinder)
+eventUntitled=Bez názvu
+# Tooltips of events or todos
+tooltipLocation=Miesto konania:
+# event date, usually an interval, such as
+# Date: 7:00--8:00 Thu 9 Oct 2011
+# Date: Thu 9 Oct 2000 -- Fri 10 Oct 2000
+# event calendar name
+tooltipCalName=Názov kalendára:
+# event status: tentative, confirmed, cancelled
+# event organizer
+# task/todo fields
+# start date time, due date time, task priority number, completed date time
+tooltipDue=Splniť do:
+tooltipPercent=% hotovo:
+#File commands and dialogs
+# Filters for export/import/open file picker. %1$S will be replaced with
+# wildmat used to filter files by extension, such as (*.html; *.htm).
+filterIcs=Súbory iCalendar (%1$S)
+filterHtml=Webová stránka (%1$S)
+# Remote calendar errors
+genericErrorTitle=Vyskytla sa chyba
+httpPutError=Publikovanie kalendára zlyhalo.\nČíslo chyby: %1$S: %2$S
+otherPutError=Publikovanie kalendára zlyhalo.\nČíslo chyby: 0x%1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (readOnlyMode):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. It has been...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+readOnlyMode=Nastala chyba pri načítaní kalendára: %1$S. Tento kalendár je prístupný iba na čítanie, zmeny v kalendári budú viesť k strate údajov. Ak chcete mať prístup aj k zápisu, zmeňte nastavenia tohto kalendára.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (disabledMode):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. It has been...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+disabledMode=Nastala chyba pri načítaní kalendára: %1$S. Prístup ku kalendáru je zablokovaný až pokiaľ nebude jeho použitie bezpečné.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (minorError):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. However this...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+minorError=Nastala chyba pri načítaní kalendára: %1$S. Ak je to len malá chyba, program bude pokračovať ďalej.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stillReadOnlyError):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home.'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+stillReadOnlyError=Nastala chyba pri načítaní kalendára: %1$S.
+utf8DecodeError=Nastala chyba pri dekódovaní súboru iCalendar (ics) ako UTF-8. Skontrolujte, či je súbor vrátane symbolov a písmen s diakritikou kódovaný typom UTF-8.
+icsMalformedError=Nepodarila sa analýza súboru iCalendar (ics). Overte, či je súbor používa syntax súboru typu iCalendar (ics).
+itemModifiedOnServerTitle=Položka bola na serveri zmenená
+itemModifiedOnServer=Táto položka bola na serveri nedávno zmenená.\n
+modifyWillLoseData=Potvrdením vašich zmien sa prepíšu zmeny vykonané na serveri.
+deleteWillLoseData=Odstránenie tejto položky spôsobí stratu zmien vykonaných na serveri.
+updateFromServer=Zrušiť moje zmeny a znovu načítať
+proceedModify=Odoslať moje zmeny
+dav_notDav=Zdroj na %1$S buď nie je súbor DAV alebo nie je dostupný.
+dav_davNotCaldav=Zdroj na %1$S je súbor DAV, ale nie je to kalendár typu CalDAV.
+itemPutError=Počas ukladania položky na server sa vyskytla chyba.
+itemDeleteError=Počas odstraňovania položky zo servera sa vyskytla chyba.
+caldavRequestError=Pri odosielaní pozvánky sa vyskytla chyba.
+caldavResponseError=Pri odosielaní odpovede sa vyskytla chyba.
+caldavRequestStatusCode=Kód stavu: %1$S
+caldavRequestStatusCodeStringGeneric=Požiadavka nemohla byť spracovaná.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString400=Požiadavka obsahuje nesprávnu syntax a nemôže byť spracovaná.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString403=Používateľ nemá dostatočné oprávnenie na vykonanie danej požiadavky.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString404=Zdroj nebol nájdený.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString409=Konflikt zdrojov.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString412=Prekonfigurácia zlyhala.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString500=Vnútorná chyba servera.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString502=Nesprávna brána (nastavenie proxy servera?).
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString503=Vnútorná chyba servera (dočasná odstávka servera?).
+caldavRedirectTitle=Aktualizovať umiestnenie kalendára %1$S?
+caldavRedirectText=Požiadavky pre kalendár %1$S sú presmerovávané na nové umiestnenie. Chcete zmeniť umiestnenie kalendára na nasledovnú hodnotu?
+caldavRedirectDisableCalendar=Zakázať kalendár
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (likelyTimezone):
+# Translators, please put the most likely timezone(s) where the people using
+# your locale will be. Use the Olson ZoneInfo timezone name *in English*,
+# ie "Europe/Paris", (continent or ocean)/(largest city in timezone).
+# Order does not matter, except if two historically different zones now match,
+# such as America/New_York and America/Toronto, will only find first listed.
+# (Particularly needed to guess the most relevant timezones if there are
+# similar timezones at the same June/December GMT offsets with alphabetically
+# earlier ZoneInfo timezone names. Sample explanations for English below.)
+# for english-US:
+# America/Los_Angeles likelier than America/Dawson
+# America/New_York likelier than America/Detroit (NY for US-EasternTime)
+# for english:
+# Europe/London likelier than Atlantic/Canary
+# Europe/Paris likelier than Africa/Ceuta (for WestEuropeanTime)
+# America/Halifax likelier than America/Glace_Bay (Canada-AtlanticTime)
+# America/Mexico_City likelier than America/Cancun
+# America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires likelier than America/Araguaina
+# America/Sao_Paolo (may not recognize: summer-time dates change every year)
+# Asia/Singapore likelier than Antarctica/Casey
+# Asia/Tokyo likelier than Asia/Dili
+# Africa/Lagos likelier than Africa/Algiers (for WestAfricanTime)
+# Africa/Johannesburg likelier than Africa/Blantyre (for SouthAfricanStdTime)
+# Africa/Nairobi likelier than Africa/Addis_Ababa (for EastAfricanTime)
+# Australia/Brisbane likelier than Antarctica/DumontDUrville
+# Australia/Sydney likelier than Australia/Currie or Australia/Hobart
+# Pacific/Auckland likelier than Antarctica/McMurdo
+# Guessed Timezone errors and warnings.
+# Testing note:
+# * remove preference for calendar.timezone.default in userprofile/prefs.js
+# * repeat
+# - set OS timezone to a city (windows: click right on clock in taskbar)
+# - restart
+# - observe guess in error console and verify whether guessed timezone city
+# makes sense for OS city.
+# 'Warning: Operating system timezone "E. South America Standard Time"
+# no longer matches ZoneInfo timezone "America/Sao_Paulo".'
+# Testing notes:
+# - Brasil DST change dates are set every year by decree, so likely out of sync.
+# - Only appears on OSes from which timezone can be obtained
+# (windows; or TZ env var, /etc/localtime target path, or line in
+# /etc/timezone or /etc/sysconfig/clock contains ZoneInfo timezone id).
+# - Windows: turning off "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving time"
+# can also trigger this warning.
+WarningOSTZNoMatch=Upozornenie: časové pásmo operačného systému ("%1$S")\nnezodpovedá internému časovému pásmu ZoneInfo ("%2$S").
+# "Skipping Operating System timezone 'Pacific/New_Country'."
+# Testing note: not easily testable. May occur someday if (non-windows)
+# OS uses different version of ZoneInfo database which has a timezone name
+# that is not included in our current ZoneInfo database (or if the mapping
+# mapping from windows to ZoneInfo timezone ids does).
+SkippingOSTimezone=Vynecháva sa časové pásmo operačného systému ('%1$S').
+# "Skipping locale timezone 'America/New_Yawk'."
+# Testing note: Skipping occurs if a likelyTimezone id is unknown or misspelled.
+SkippingLocaleTimezone=Vynecháva sa časové pásmo miestneho nastavenia ('%1$S').
+# Testing note: "No match" timezones include Bucharest on W2k.
+# Brazil timezones may be "No match" (change every year, so often out of date,
+# and changes are often more than a week different).
+warningUsingFloatingTZNoMatch=Upozornenie: používa sa "plávajúce" časové pásmo.\nČasovému pásmu operačného systému nezodpovedá žiadne časové pásmo ZoneInfo.
+# "Warning: Using guessed timezone
+# America/New York (UTC-0500/-0400).
+# [rfc2445 summer daylight saving shift rules for timezone]
+# This ZoneInfo timezone almost matches/seems to match..."
+# This ZoneInfo timezone was chosen based on ... "
+WarningUsingGuessedTZ=Upozornenie: používa sa odhadnuté časové pásmo\n %1$S (UTC%2$S).\n%3$S\n%4$S
+# Testing note: "Almost match" timezones include Cairo on W2k.
+TZAlmostMatchesOSDifferAtMostAWeek=Toto časové pásmo ZoneInfo najlepšie zodpovedá časovému pásmu operačného systému.\nPre toto pravidlo sa budú nasledujúce prechody medzi letným a štandardným časom\nlíšiť od prechodov časového pásma operačného systému najviac o týždeň.\nV údajoch sa môžu vyskytnúť nezrovnalosti ako rozdielny dátum začatia,\nlíšiace sa pravidlá alebo výpočty pravidiel pre negregoriánske kalendáre.
+TZSeemsToMatchOS=Toto časové pásmo ZoneInfo zodpovedá tento rok časovému pásmu operačného systému.
+# used for a display of a chosen timezone
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a timezone
+TZFromOS=Toto časové pásmo ZoneInfo bolo vybrané na základe identifikátora časového pásma\noperačného systému ("%1$S").
+# Localization note (TZFromLocale): Substitute name of your locale language.
+TZFromLocale=Toto časové pásmo ZoneInfo bolo vybrané na základe časového pásma operačného systému\ns časovými pásmami, ktoré používajú používatelia internetu so slovenským nastavením systému.
+TZFromKnownTimezones=Toto časové pásmo ZoneInfo bolo vybrané na základe časového pásma operačného systému\nso známymi časovými pásmami v abecednom poradí podľa ID pásma.
+# Print Layout
+tasksWithNoDueDate = Úlohy bez termínu ukončenia
+# Providers
+icsName=iCalendar (ICS)
+memoryName=Dočasný (v pamäti)
+storageName=Lokálny (SQLite)
+# Used in created html code for export
+htmlPrefixLocation=Miesto konania
+htmlTaskCompleted=%1$S (dokončené)
+# Categories
+addCategory=Pridať kategóriu
+multipleCategories=Viac kategórií
+#Today pane
+eventsandtasks=Udalosti a úlohy
+go=Prejsť na
+# Some languages have different conjugations of 'next' and 'last'. If yours
+# does not, simply repeat the value. This will be used with day names, as in
+# 'next Sunday'.
+# Alarm Dialog
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmWindowTitle.label): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms. See:
+alarmWindowTitle.label=#1 pripomienka;#1 pripomienky;#1 pripomienok
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmStarts):
+# used for a display the start of an alarm like 'Starts: Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmStarts=Začína: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmTodayAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Today at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmTodayAt=Dnes o %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmTomorrowAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Tomorrow at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmTomorrowAt=Zajtra o %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmYesterdayAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Yesterday at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmYesterdayAt=Včera o %1$S
+# Alarm interface strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: These strings do not get displayed. They are only visible
+# when exporting an item with i.e a DISPLAY alarm, that doesn't have a
+# description set, or an EMAIL alarm that doesn't have a summary set.
+alarmDefaultDescription=Predvolený popis Mozilla
+alarmDefaultSummary=Predvolený súhrn Mozilla
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmSnoozeLimitExceeded): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms.
+alarmSnoozeLimitExceeded=Budík nemôžete odložiť o viac ako #1 mesiac.;Budík nemôžete odložiť o viac ako #1 mesiace.
+taskDetailsStatusNeedsAction=Vyžaduje akciu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDetailsStatusInProgress):
+# used for a display of how much of a task is completed '25% Complete'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the number of percentage completed
+taskDetailsStatusInProgress=Dokončená na %1$S%%
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDetailsStatusCompletedOn):
+# used for a display of completion date like 'Completed on Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the completion date-time of the task
+taskDetailsStatusCompletedOn=Dokončená dňa %1$S
+gettingCalendarInfoCommon=Kontrola kalendárov…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gettingCalendarInfoDetail):
+# used for a progress-display of processed like 'Checking Calendar 5 of 10'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the currently processed calendar
+# %2$S will be replaced with the total numbers of calendars
+gettingCalendarInfoDetail=Kontroluje sa kalendár %1$S z %2$S
+# %1$S will be replaced with the number of an error code
+errorCode=Kód chyby: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorDescription):
+# %1$S will be replaced with the description of an error
+errorDescription=Popis: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorWriting):
+# used for an message like 'An error occurred when writing to the calendar Home!'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+errorWriting2=Pri zapisovaní do kalendára %1$S nastala chyba! Viac informácií nájdete nižšie.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorWritingDetails):
+# This will be displayed in the detail section of the error dialog
+errorWritingDetails=Ak vidíte túto správu po odložení alebo odstránení pripomienky z kalendára, do ktorého nechcete pridávať udalosti alebo ich upravovať, môžete tento kalendár nastaviť len na čítanie. To môžete urobiť vo vlastnostiach kalendára, ktoré zobrazíte pravým kliknutím na daný kalendár v zozname kalendárov alebo zozname úloh.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltipCalendarDisabled):
+# used for an alert-message like 'The calendar Home is momentarily not available'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+tooltipCalendarDisabled=Kalendár %1$S je práve nedostupný
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltipCalendarReadOnly):
+# used for an message like 'The calendar Home is readonly'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+tooltipCalendarReadOnly=Kalendár %1$S je len na čítanie
+taskEditInstructions=Kliknutím sem pridáte novú úlohu
+taskEditInstructionsReadonly=Vyberte zapisovateľný kalendár
+taskEditInstructionsCapability=Vyberte kalendár, ktorý podporuje úlohy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeWithTimezone):
+# used for a display of a date-time with timezone 'Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21', Europe/Paris
+# %1$S will be replaced with the completion date-time
+# %2$S will be replaced with the name of the timezone
+datetimeWithTimezone=%1$S, %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (singleLongCalendarWeek):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'Calendar Week 43'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the week
+singleLongCalendarWeek=Kalendárny týždeň: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (severalLongCalendarWeeks):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'Calendar Weeks 43 - 45'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the start-week
+# %2$S will be replaced with the index of the end-week
+severalLongCalendarWeeks=Kalendárne týždne: %1$S-%2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (singleShortCalendarWeek):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'CW 43'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the week
+singleShortCalendarWeek=Týž. %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (severalShortCalendarWeeks):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'CWs 43 - 45'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the start-week
+# %2$S will be replaced with the index of the end-week
+severalShortCalendarWeeks=Týž. %1$S-%2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (multiweekViewWeek):
+# Used for displaying the week number in the first day box of every week
+# in multiweek and month views.
+# It allows to localize the label with the week number in case your locale
+# requires it.
+# Take into account that this label is placed in the same room of the day label
+# inside the day boxes, exactly on left side, hence a possible string shouldn't
+# be too long otherwise it will create confusion between the week number and
+# the day number other than a possible crop when the window is resized.
+# %1$S is a number from 1 to 53 that represents the week number.
+multiweekViewWeek=týž. %1$S
+# Task tree, "Due In" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dueInDays, dueInHours): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms. See:
+dueInDays=#1 deň;#1 dni;#1 dní
+dueInHours=#1 hodinu;#1 hodiny;#1 hodín
+dueInLessThanOneHour=< 1 hodinu
+# used for display of Month-dates like 'December 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month
+# %2$S will be replaced with the year
+monthInYear=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthInYear.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (formatDateLong):
+# used for display dates in long format like 'Mon 15 Oct 2008' when it's
+# impossible to retrieve the formatatted date from the OS.
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the day in short format;
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in;
+# %3$S will be replaced with the name of the month in short format;
+# %4$S will be replaced with the year.
+formatDateLong=%1$S, %2$S %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dayHeaderLabel):
+# used for display the labels in the header of the days in day/week views in short
+# or long format. For example: 'Monday 6 Oct.' or 'Mon. 6 Oct.'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the day in short or long format
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in, plus the name
+# of the month in short format (the day/month order depends on the OS settings).
+dayHeaderLabel=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalInMonth):
+# used for display of intervals in the form of 'March 3 - 9, 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %4$S will be replaced with the common year of both dates
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalInMonth=%2$S – %3$S %1$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalInMonth.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenMonths):
+# used for display of intervals in the form 'September 29 - October 5, 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with name of the month of the end date
+# %4$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %5$S will be replaced with the common year of both dates
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalBetweenMonths=%2$S %1$S – %4$S %3$S %5$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenMonths.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenYears):
+# used for display of intervals in the form 'December 29, 2008 - January 4, 2009'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with the year of the start date
+# %4$S will be replaced with name of the month of the end date
+# %5$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %6$S will be replaced with the year of the end date
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalBetweenYears=%2$S %1$S %3$S – %5$S %4$S %6$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenYears.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSameDateTime):
+# used for intervals where end is equals to start
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+datetimeIntervalOnSameDateTime=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSameDay):
+# used for intervals where end is on the same day as start, so we can leave out the
+# end date but still include end time
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00 - 17:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+# %3$S will be replaced with the time of the end date
+datetimeIntervalOnSameDay=%1$S %2$S – %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSeveralDays):
+# used for intervals spanning multiple days by including date and time
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00 - 7 Jan 2006 9:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+# %3$S will be replaced with the date of the end date
+# %4$S will be replaced with the time of the end date
+datetimeIntervalOnSeveralDays=%1$S %2$S – %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDate):
+# used for task without start and due date
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDate= nezadaný dátum začiatku alebo konca
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDueDate):
+# used for intervals in task with only start date
+# displayed form is 'start date 5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDueDate=začiatok %1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutStartDate):
+# used for intervals in task with only due date
+# displayed form is 'due date 5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the due date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the due date
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutStartDate=termín %1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dragLabelTasksWithOnlyEntryDate
+# dragLabelTasksWithOnlyDueDate)
+# Labels that appear while dragging a task with only
+# entry date OR due date
+dragLabelTasksWithOnlyEntryDate=Čas začiatku
+dragLabelTasksWithOnlyDueDate=Termín do
+deleteTaskLabel=Odstrániť úlohu
+deleteEventLabel=Odstrániť udalosť
+calendarPropertiesEveryMinute=Každú minútu;Každé #1 minúty;Každých #1 minút
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (extractUsing)
+# Used in message header
+# %1$S will be replaced with language name from
+extractUsing=Používa sa %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (extractUsingRegion)
+# Used in message header
+# %1$S will be replaced with language name from
+# %2$S will be replaced with region like US in en-US
+extractUsingRegion=Používa sa %1$S (%2$S)
+# Used to determine the correct plural form of a unit
+unitMinutes=#1 minúta;#1 minúty;#1 minút
+unitHours=#1 hodina;#1 hodiny;#1 hodín
+unitDays=#1 deň;#1 dni;#1 dní
+unitWeeks=#1 týždeň;#1 týždne;#1 týždňov
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showCalendar)
+# Used in calendar list context menu
+# %1$S will be replaced with the calendar name
+# uses the access key calendar.context.togglevisible.accesskey
+showCalendar=Zobraziť kalendár %1$S
+hideCalendar=Skryť kalendár %1$S
+# uses the access key calendar.context.showonly.accesskey
+showOnlyCalendar=Zobraziť iba kalendár %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (modifyConflict)
+# Used by the event dialog to resolve item modification conflicts.
+modifyConflictPromptTitle=Konflikt pri úprave položky
+modifyConflictPromptMessage=Položka práve upravovaná v dialógovom okne bola od jej otvorenia upravená.
+modifyConflictPromptButton1=Prepísať nové zmeny
+modifyConflictPromptButton2=Zahodiť tieto zmeny
+# Accessible description of a grid calendar with no selected date
+minimonthNoSelectedDate=Nie je vybraný žiadny dátum