path: root/l10n-fy-NL/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-fy-NL/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-fy-NL/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl b/l10n-fy-NL/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d676ed9817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fy-NL/mail/messenger/otr/otr.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-encryption_required_part1 = Jo hawwe probearre in net-fersifere berjocht nei { $name } te stjoeren. Beliedsmjittich binne net-fersifere berjochten net tastien.
+msgevent-encryption_required_part2 = Wy probearje in priveepetear te begjinnen. Jo berjocht wurdt opnij ferstjoerd as it priveepetear begjint.
+msgevent-encryption_error = Der is in flater bard by it fersiferjen fan jo berjocht. It berjocht is net ferstjoerd.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-connection_ended = { $name } hat syn/har fersifere ferbining mei jo al sluten. Om foar te kommen dat jo troch fersin in berjocht sûnder fersifering ferstjoere, is jo berjocht net ferstjoerd. Beëinigje jo fersifere petear of start it opnij.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-setup_error = Der is in flater bard by it opsetten fan in priveepetear mei { $name }.
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+msgevent-msg_reflected = Jo ûntfange jo eigen OTR-berjochten. Jo probearje mei josels te praten of ien stjoert jo berjochten nei jo werom.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-msg_resent = It lêste berjocht oan { $name } is opnij ferstjoerd.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg_not_private = It fersifere berjocht fan { $name } is net te lêzen, omdat jo op dit stuit net privee kommunisearje.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg_unreadable = Jo hawwe in net te lêzen fersifere berjocht ûntfongen fan { $name }.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg_malformed = Jo hawwe in ûnjildich gegevensberjocht ûntfongen fan { $name }.
+# A Heartbeat is a technical message used to keep a connection alive.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-log_heartbeat_rcvd = Heartbeat ûntfongen fan { $name }.
+# A Heartbeat is a technical message used to keep a connection alive.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-log_heartbeat_sent = Heartbeat ferstjoerd nei { $name }.
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+msgevent-rcvdmsg_general_err = Der is in ûnferwachte flater bard by it beskermjen fan jo petear mei OTR.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+# $msg (string) - the message that was received.
+msgevent-rcvdmsg_unencrypted = It folgjende berjocht fan { $name } is net fersifere: { $msg }
+# Do not translate 'OTR' (name of an encryption protocol)
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg_unrecognized = Jo hawwe in net-werkend OTR-berjocht ûntfongen fan { $name }.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+msgevent-rcvdmsg_for_other_instance = { $name } hat in berjocht stjoerd dat bedoeld is foar in oare sesje. As jo mear kearen oanmeld binne, hat in oare sesje it berjocht mooglik ûntfongen.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+context-gone_secure_private = Priveepetear mei { $name } is start.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+context-gone_secure_unverified = Fersifere, mar net-ferifiearre petear mei { $name } is start.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+context-still_secure = It fersifere petear mei { $name } is mei sukses fernijd.
+error-enc = Der is in flater bard by it fersiferjen fan it berjocht.
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+error-not_priv = Jo hawwe fersifere gegevens ferstjoerd nei { $name }, dy't dit net ferwachtte.
+error-unreadable = Jo hawwe in net lêsber fersifere berjocht ferstjoerd.
+error-malformed = Jo hawwe in ûnjildich gegevensberjocht ferstjoerd.
+resent = [opnij ferstjoerd]
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+tlv-disconnected = { $name } hat syn/har fersifere konversaasje mei jo beëinige; jo moatte itselde dwaan.
+# Do not translate "Off-the-Record" and "OTR" which is the name of an encryption protocol
+# Make sure that this string does NOT contain any numbers, e.g. like "3".
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - the screen name of a chat contact person
+query-msg = { $name } hat om in Off-the-record (OTR-)fersifere petear frege. Jo beskikke echter net oer de ynstekker om dat te stypjen. Sjoch foar mear ynformaasje.