path: root/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab')
3 files changed, 916 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..895008aedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These messages are used as headings in the recommendation doorhanger
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-heading = Extensión recomendada
+cfr-doorhanger-feature-heading = Característica recomendada
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-sumo-link =
+ .tooltiptext = Por que estou vendo isto?
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-cancel-button = Agora non
+ .accesskey = n
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-ok-button = Engadir agora
+ .accesskey = a
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-manage-settings-button = Xestionar a configuración de recomendación
+ .accesskey = m
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-never-show-recommendation = Non amosarme esta recomendación
+ .accesskey = s
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-learn-more-link = Máis información
+# This string is used on a new line below the add-on name
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Add-on author name
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-author = por { $name }
+# This is a notification displayed in the address bar.
+# When clicked it opens a panel with a message for the user.
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-notification = Recomendación
+# .a11y-announcement is extracted in JS and announced via A11y.announce.
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-notification2 = Recomendación
+ .tooltiptext = Recomendación de extensión
+ .a11y-announcement = Recomendación de extensión dispoñible
+# This is a notification displayed in the address bar.
+# When clicked it opens a panel with a message for the user.
+# .a11y-announcement is extracted in JS and announced via A11y.announce.
+cfr-doorhanger-feature-notification = Recomendación
+ .tooltiptext = Características recomendadas
+ .a11y-announcement = Características recomendadas dispoñibles
+## Add-on statistics
+## These strings are used to display the total number of
+## users and rating for an add-on. They are shown next to each other.
+# Variables:
+# $total (Number) - The rating of the add-on from 1 to 5
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-rating =
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { $total ->
+ [one] { $total } estrela
+ *[other] { $total } estrelas
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $total (Number) - The total number of users using the add-on
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-total-users =
+ { $total ->
+ [one] { $total } usuario
+ *[other] { $total } usuarios
+ }
+## Firefox Accounts Message
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-header = Sincronice os seus marcadores en todas partes.
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-body = Un gran achado! Agora non quedará sen este marcador nos seus dispositivos móbiles. Comece cun { -fxaccount-brand-name }.
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-link-text = Sincronizar marcadores agora ...
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-close-btn-tooltip =
+ .aria-label = Botón de peche
+ .title = Pechar
+## Protections panel
+cfr-protections-panel-header = Navegar sen ser seguido
+cfr-protections-panel-body = Manteña os seus datos para si mesmo. { -brand-short-name } protéxeo de moitos dos rastreadores máis comúns que seguen o que fai na Rede.
+cfr-protections-panel-link-text = Máis información
+## What's New toolbar button and panel
+# This string is used by screen readers to offer a text based alternative for
+# the notification icon
+cfr-badge-reader-label-newfeature = Nova característica:
+cfr-whatsnew-button =
+ .label = Novidades
+ .tooltiptext = Novidades
+cfr-whatsnew-release-notes-link-text = Lea as notas de lanzamento
+## Enhanced Tracking Protection Milestones
+# Variables:
+# $blockedCount (Number) - The total count of blocked trackers. This number will always be greater than 1.
+# $date (Datetime) - The date we began recording the count of blocked trackers
+cfr-doorhanger-milestone-heading2 =
+ { $blockedCount ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } bloqueado en<b>{ $blockedCount }</b>rastrexadores desde { DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } bloqueados sobre<b>{ $blockedCount }</b>rastrexadores desde { DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ }
+cfr-doorhanger-milestone-ok-button = Ver todo
+ .accesskey = V
+cfr-doorhanger-milestone-close-button = Pechar
+ .accesskey = C
+## DOH Message
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-body = A súa privacidade importa. { -brand-short-name } dirixe agora as súas solicitudes de DNS de forma segura sempre que sexa posible para un servizo asociado para protexelo mentres navega.
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-header = Consultas aos DNS cifradas e máis seguras
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-primary-button-2 = Aceptar
+ .accesskey = A
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-secondary-button = Desactivar
+ .accesskey = D
+## Full Video Support CFR message
+cfr-doorhanger-video-support-body = É posíbel que os vídeos deste sitio non se reproduzan correctamente nesta versión do { -brand-short-name }. Para obter compatibilidade completa de vídeo, actualice o { -brand-short-name } agora.
+cfr-doorhanger-video-support-header = Actualizar o { -brand-short-name } para reproducir vídeo
+cfr-doorhanger-video-support-primary-button = Actualizar agora
+ .accesskey = u
+## VPN promotion dialog for public Wi-Fi users
+## If a user is detected to be on a public Wi-Fi network, they are given a
+## bit of info about how to improve their privacy and then offered a button
+## to the Mozilla VPN page and a link to dismiss the dialog.
+# This header text can be explicitly wrapped.
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-header = Parece que está a usar una rede sen fíos pública
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-body = Para agochar a súa localización e a súa actividade de navegación, considere a posibilidade empregar unha rede privada virtual. Axudará coa súa protección ao navegar en lugares públicos como aeroportos e cafetarías.
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-primary-button = Manterse en privado con { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name }
+ .accesskey = M
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-link = Agora non
+ .accesskey = N
+## Emotive Continuous Onboarding
+spotlight-better-internet-header = Unha internet mellor comeza con vostede
+spotlight-better-internet-body = Cando usa { -brand-short-name }, está votando por unha Internet aberta e accesíbel que é mellor para todos.
+spotlight-peace-mind-header = Encargámonos por vostede
+spotlight-peace-mind-body = Cada mes, { -brand-short-name } bloquea unha media de máis de 3.000 rastrexadores por usuario. Porque nada, especialmente as molestias de privacidade como os rastrexadores, debería interpoñerse entre vostede e a boa internet.
+spotlight-pin-primary-button =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Manter na doca
+ *[other] Fixar na barra de tarefas
+ }
+spotlight-pin-secondary-button = Agora non
+## MR2022 Background Update Windows native toast notification strings.
+## These strings will be displayed by the Windows operating system in
+## a native toast, like:
+## <b>multi-line title</b>
+## multi-line text
+## <img>
+## [ primary button ] [ secondary button ]
+## The button labels are fitted into narrow fixed-width buttons by
+## Windows and therefore must be as narrow as possible.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-title = Novo { -brand-short-name }. Máis privado. Menos rastreadores. Sen cesións.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-text = Probe agora o último { -brand-short-name }, anovado coa nosa mellor protección anti-seguimento ata a data.
+# This button label will be fitted into a narrow fixed-width button by
+# Windows. Try to not exceed the width of the English text (compare it
+# using a variable font like Arial): the button can only fit 1-2
+# additional characters, exceeding characters will be truncated.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-primary-button-label = Abrir { -brand-shorter-name } agora
+# This button label will be fitted into a narrow fixed-width button by
+# Windows. Try to not exceed the width of the English text (compare it using a
+# variable font like Arial): the button can only fit 1-2 additional characters,
+# exceeding characters will be truncated.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-secondary-button-label = Lembrarmo máis tarde
+## Firefox View CFR
+firefoxview-cfr-primarybutton = Probalo
+ .accesskey = P
+firefoxview-cfr-secondarybutton = Agora non
+ .accesskey = n
+firefoxview-cfr-header-v2 = Seguir onde o deixou
+firefoxview-cfr-body-v2 = Recupere as lapelas pechadas recentemente e salte sen problemas entre dispositivos con { -firefoxview-brand-name }.
+## Firefox View Spotlight
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-title = Saúde a { -firefoxview-brand-name }
+# “Poof” refers to the expression to convey when something or someone suddenly disappears, or in this case, reappears. For example, “Poof, it’s gone.”
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-subtitle = Quere esa lapela aberta no seu teléfono? Cóllaa. Necesita ese sitio que acabas de visitar? Veña, teno de volta con { -firefoxview-brand-name }.
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-primarybutton = Vexa como funciona
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-secondarybutton = Saltar
+## Colorways expiry reminder CFR
+colorways-cfr-primarybutton = Escoller unha combinación de cores
+ .accesskey = c
+# "shades" refers to the different color options available to users in colorways.
+colorways-cfr-body = Coloree o seu navegador con tonalidades exclusivas de { -brand-short-name } inspiradas en voces que cambiaron a cultura.
+colorways-cfr-header-28days = As combinacións de cores de Independent Voices caducan o 16 de xaneiro
+colorways-cfr-header-14days = As combinacións de cores de Independent Voices caducan en dúas semanas
+colorways-cfr-header-7days = As combinacións de cores de Independent Voices caducan esta semana
+colorways-cfr-header-today = As combinacións de cores de Independent Voices caducan hoxe
+## Cookie Banner Handling CFR
+cfr-cbh-header = Permitir que { -brand-short-name } rexeite os avisos de cookies?
+cfr-cbh-body = { -brand-short-name } pode rexeitar automaticamente moitas solicitudes de avisos de cookies.
+cfr-cbh-confirm-button = Rexeitar os avisos de cookies
+ .accesskey = R
+cfr-cbh-dismiss-button = Agora non
+ .accesskey = n
+## These strings are used in the Fox doodle Pin/set default spotlights
+july-jam-headline = Encargámonos por vostede
+july-jam-body = Cada mes, { -brand-short-name } bloquea unha media de máis de 3.000 rastreadores por persoa, o que lle ofrece un acceso seguro e rápido á boa internet.
+july-jam-set-default-primary = Abrir as miñas ligazóns con { -brand-short-name }
+fox-doodle-pin-headline = Benvido de novo
+# “indie” is short for the term “independent”.
+# In this instance, free from outside influence or control.
+fox-doodle-pin-body = Aquí ten un rápido recordatorio de que pode manter o seu navegador indie favorito a só un clic de distancia.
+fox-doodle-pin-primary = Abre as miñas ligazóns con { -brand-short-name }
+fox-doodle-pin-secondary = Agora non
+## These strings are used in the Set Firefox as Default PDF Handler for Existing Users experiment
+set-default-pdf-handler-headline = <strong>Os seus PDF agora ábrense en { -brand-short-name }.</strong> Edite ou asine formularios directamente no seu navegador. Para cambiar, busque «PDF» na configuración.
+set-default-pdf-handler-primary = Entendido
+## FxA sync CFR
+fxa-sync-cfr-header = Novo dispositivo no seu futuro?
+fxa-sync-cfr-body = Asegúrese de que os seus marcadores, contrasinais e lapelas máis recentes veñen consigo cada vez que abre un novo navegador { -brand-product-name }.
+fxa-sync-cfr-primary = Máis información
+ .accesskey = M
+fxa-sync-cfr-secondary = Lembrarmo máis tarde
+ .accesskey = L
+## Device Migration FxA Spotlight
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-header = Usa un dispositivo antigo?
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-body = Faga unha copia de seguranza dos seus datos para asegurarse de non perder información importante como marcadores e contrasinais, especialmente se cambia a un dispositivo novo.
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-primary-button = Como facer unha copia de seguranza dos meus datos
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-link = Lembrarmo máis tarde
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-getting-new-device-header-2 = Novo dispositivo no seu futuro?
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-getting-new-device-primary-button = Como facer unha copia de seguranza dos meus datos
+## Set as Default PDF Reader Infobar
+# The question portion of the following message should have the <strong> and </strong> tags surrounding it.
+pdf-default-notification-message = <strong>Faga de { -brand-short-name } o seu lector de PDF predeterminado?</strong> Use { -brand-short-name } para ler e editar PDF gardados no seu ordenador.
+pdf-default-notification-set-default-button =
+ .label = Estabelecer como predeterminado
+pdf-default-notification-decline-button =
+ .label = Agora non
+## Launch on login infobar notification
+launch-on-login-learnmore = Máis información
+launch-on-login-infobar-confirm-button = Si, abrir { -brand-short-name }
+ .accesskey = S
+launch-on-login-infobar-reject-button = Agora non
+ .accesskey = n
+## These string variants are used when the “launch on login” infobar
+## notification is displayed for a second time.
+launch-on-login-infobar-final-reject-button = Non, grazas
+ .accesskey = N
diff --git a/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl b/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..680cce6521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Firefox Home / New Tab strings for about:home / about:newtab.
+newtab-page-title = Nova lapela
+newtab-settings-button =
+ .title = Personalice a páxina de nova lapela
+newtab-personalize-icon-label =
+ .title = personalizar lapela nova
+ .aria-label = personalizar lapela nova
+newtab-personalize-dialog-label =
+ .aria-label = Personalizar
+## Search box component.
+# "Search" is a verb/action
+newtab-search-box-search-button =
+ .title = Buscar
+ .aria-label = Buscar
+# Variables:
+# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
+newtab-search-box-handoff-text = Buscar con { $engine } ou escribir enderezo
+newtab-search-box-handoff-text-no-engine = Buscar ou introducir enderezo
+# Variables:
+# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
+newtab-search-box-handoff-input =
+ .placeholder = Buscar con { $engine } ou introducir enderezo
+ .title = Buscar con { $engine } ou introducir enderezo
+ .aria-label = Buscar con { $engine } ou introducir enderezo
+newtab-search-box-handoff-input-no-engine =
+ .placeholder = Buscar ou introducir enderezo
+ .title = Buscar ou introducir enderezo
+ .aria-label = Buscar ou introducir enderezo
+newtab-search-box-text = Buscar na Rede
+newtab-search-box-input =
+ .placeholder = Buscar na web
+ .aria-label = Buscar na web
+## Top Sites - General form dialog.
+newtab-topsites-add-search-engine-header = Engadir buscador
+newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-header = Novo atallo
+newtab-topsites-edit-topsites-header = Editar sitio favorito
+newtab-topsites-edit-shortcut-header = Editar o atallo
+newtab-topsites-title-label = Título
+newtab-topsites-title-input =
+ .placeholder = Escribir un título
+newtab-topsites-url-label = URL
+newtab-topsites-url-input =
+ .placeholder = Escribir ou pegar un URL
+newtab-topsites-url-validation = Requírese un URL válido
+newtab-topsites-image-url-label = URL da imaxe personalizada
+newtab-topsites-use-image-link = Usar unha imaxe personalizada…
+newtab-topsites-image-validation = Produciuse un fallo ao cargar a imaxe. Probe un URL diferente.
+## Top Sites - General form dialog buttons. These are verbs/actions.
+newtab-topsites-cancel-button = Cancelar
+newtab-topsites-delete-history-button = Eliminar do historial
+newtab-topsites-save-button = Gardar
+newtab-topsites-preview-button = Previsualizar
+newtab-topsites-add-button = Engadir
+## Top Sites - Delete history confirmation dialog.
+newtab-confirm-delete-history-p1 = Confirma que quere eliminar do historial todas as instancias desta páxina?
+# "This action" refers to deleting a page from history.
+newtab-confirm-delete-history-p2 = Non é posíbel desfacer esta acción.
+## Top Sites - Sponsored label
+newtab-topsite-sponsored = Patrocinado
+## Context Menu - Action Tooltips.
+# General tooltip for context menus.
+newtab-menu-section-tooltip =
+ .title = Abrir menú
+ .aria-label = Abrir menú
+# Tooltip for dismiss button
+newtab-dismiss-button-tooltip =
+ .title = Eliminar
+ .aria-label = Eliminar
+# This tooltip is for the context menu of Pocket cards or Topsites
+# Variables:
+# $title (string) - The label or hostname of the site. This is for screen readers when the context menu button is focused/active.
+newtab-menu-content-tooltip =
+ .title = Abrir menú
+ .aria-label = Abrir o menú contextual para { $title }
+# Tooltip on an empty topsite box to open the New Top Site dialog.
+newtab-menu-topsites-placeholder-tooltip =
+ .title = Editar este sitio
+ .aria-label = Editar este sitio
+## Context Menu: These strings are displayed in a context menu and are meant as a call to action for a given page.
+newtab-menu-edit-topsites = Editar
+newtab-menu-open-new-window = Abrir nunha nova xanela
+newtab-menu-open-new-private-window = Abrir nunha nova xanela privada
+newtab-menu-dismiss = Rexeitar
+newtab-menu-pin = Fixar
+newtab-menu-unpin = Quitar
+newtab-menu-delete-history = Eliminar do historial
+newtab-menu-save-to-pocket = Gardar en { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-menu-delete-pocket = Eliminar do { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-menu-archive-pocket = Arquivar no { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-menu-show-privacy-info = Os nosos patrocinadores e a súa privacidade
+## Message displayed in a modal window to explain privacy and provide context for sponsored content.
+newtab-privacy-modal-button-done = Feito
+newtab-privacy-modal-button-manage = Xestionar a configuración de contido patrocinado
+newtab-privacy-modal-header = A súa privacidade importa.
+newtab-privacy-modal-paragraph-2 =
+ Ademais de servir historias engaiolantes, tamén lle mostramos
+ contido relevante, e inspeccionado antes, de patrocinadores selectos. Teña a certeza de que <strong> a súa navegación
+ os datos nunca deixan a súa copia persoal de { -brand-product-name } </strong>: non a vemos nós e os nosos
+ patrocinadores tampouco a ven.
+newtab-privacy-modal-link = Aprender como funciona a privacidade na nova lapela
+# Bookmark is a noun in this case, "Remove bookmark".
+newtab-menu-remove-bookmark = Retirar marcador
+# Bookmark is a verb here.
+newtab-menu-bookmark = Engadir aos marcadores
+## Context Menu - Downloaded Menu. "Download" in these cases is not a verb,
+## it is a noun. As in, "Copy the link that belongs to this downloaded item".
+newtab-menu-copy-download-link = Copiar ligazón de descarga
+newtab-menu-go-to-download-page = Ir á páxina de descargas
+newtab-menu-remove-download = Retirar do historial
+## Context Menu - Download Menu: These are platform specific strings found in the context menu of an item that has
+## been downloaded. The intention behind "this action" is that it will show where the downloaded file exists on the file
+## system for each operating system.
+newtab-menu-show-file =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Amosar no Finder
+ *[other] Abrir o cartafol que o contén
+ }
+newtab-menu-open-file = Abrir o ficheiro
+## Card Labels: These labels are associated to pages to give
+## context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
+## the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device.
+newtab-label-visited = Visitados
+newtab-label-bookmarked = Nos marcadores
+newtab-label-removed-bookmark = Retirouse o marcador
+newtab-label-recommended = Tendencias
+newtab-label-saved = Gardado no { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-label-download = Descargado
+# This string is used in the story cards to indicate sponsored content
+# Variables:
+# $sponsorOrSource (string) - The name of a company or their domain
+newtab-label-sponsored = { $sponsorOrSource }· Patrocinado
+# This string is used at the bottom of story cards to indicate sponsored content
+# Variables:
+# $sponsor (string) - The name of a sponsor
+newtab-label-sponsored-by = Patrocinado por { $sponsor }
+# This string is used under the image of story cards to indicate source and time to read
+# Variables:
+# $source (string) - The name of a company or their domain
+# $timeToRead (number) - The estimated number of minutes to read this story
+newtab-label-source-read-time = { $source } · { $timeToRead } min
+## Section Menu: These strings are displayed in the section context menu and are
+## meant as a call to action for the given section.
+newtab-section-menu-remove-section = Retirar sección
+newtab-section-menu-collapse-section = Contraer sección
+newtab-section-menu-expand-section = Expandir sección
+newtab-section-menu-manage-section = Xestionar sección
+newtab-section-menu-manage-webext = Xestionar extensión
+newtab-section-menu-add-topsite = Engadir sitio favorito
+newtab-section-menu-add-search-engine = Engadir buscador
+newtab-section-menu-move-up = Subir
+newtab-section-menu-move-down = Baixar
+newtab-section-menu-privacy-notice = Política de privacidade
+## Section aria-labels
+newtab-section-collapse-section-label =
+ .aria-label = Contraer sección
+newtab-section-expand-section-label =
+ .aria-label = Expandir sección
+## Section Headers.
+newtab-section-header-topsites = Sitios favoritos
+newtab-section-header-recent-activity = Actividade recente
+# Variables:
+# $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider.
+newtab-section-header-pocket = Recomendado por { $provider }
+## Empty Section States: These show when there are no more items in a section. Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
+newtab-empty-section-highlights = Comece a navegar e aquí amosarémoslle algúns dos mellores artigos, vídeos e outras páxinas que visitara recentemente ou que engadira aos marcadores.
+# Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
+# Variables:
+# $provider (string) - Name of the content provider for this section, e.g "Pocket".
+newtab-empty-section-topstories = Xa está ao día. Regrese máis tarde para ver máis historias de { $provider }. Non pode agardar? Seleccione un tema popular e atopará máis historias interesantes da web.
+## Empty Section (Content Discovery Experience). These show when there are no more stories or when some stories fail to load.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-header = Está atrapado!
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-content = Volva máis tarde para ver máis historias.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-try-again-button = Intentar de novo
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-loading = Cargando…
+# Displays when a layout in a section took too long to fetch articles.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-timed-out = Carafio! Case cargamos esta sección, pero non de todo.
+## Pocket Content Section.
+# This is shown at the bottom of the trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
+newtab-pocket-read-more = Temas populares:
+newtab-pocket-new-topics-title = Quere máis historias? Vexa estes temas populares de { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-pocket-more-recommendations = Máis recomendacións
+newtab-pocket-learn-more = Máis información
+newtab-pocket-cta-button = Obter { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-pocket-cta-text = Garde no { -pocket-brand-name } as historias que lle gusten, e alimente a súa imaxinación con lecturas fascinantes.
+newtab-pocket-pocket-firefox-family = { -pocket-brand-name } forma parte da familia { -brand-product-name }
+# A save to Pocket button that shows over the card thumbnail on hover.
+newtab-pocket-save = Gardar
+newtab-pocket-saved = Gardado
+## Pocket content onboarding experience dialog and modal for new users seeing the Pocket section for the first time, shown as the first item in the Pocket section.
+newtab-pocket-onboarding-discover = Descubrir o mellor da web
+newtab-pocket-onboarding-cta = { -pocket-brand-name } explora unha ampla gama de publicacións para achegar o contido máis informativo, inspirador e fiable ao seu navegador { -brand-product-name }.
+## Error Fallback Content.
+## This message and suggested action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render.
+newtab-error-fallback-info = Vaites, produciuse un erro ao cargar este contido.
+newtab-error-fallback-refresh-link = Actualice a páxina para tentalo de novo.
+## Customization Menu
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-title = Atallos
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-subtitle = Sitios gardados ou visitados
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-toggle =
+ .label = Atallos
+ .description = Sitios gardados ou visitados
+# Variables
+# $num (number) - Number of rows to display
+newtab-custom-row-selector =
+ { $num ->
+ [one] { $num } fila
+ *[other] { $num } filas
+ }
+newtab-custom-sponsored-sites = Atallos patrocinados
+newtab-custom-pocket-title = Recomendado por { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-custom-pocket-subtitle = Contido excepcional patrocinado por { -pocket-brand-name }, parte da familia { -brand-product-name }
+newtab-custom-pocket-toggle =
+ .label = Recomendado por { -pocket-brand-name }
+ .description = Contido excepcional patrocinado por { -pocket-brand-name }, parte da familia { -brand-product-name }
+newtab-custom-pocket-sponsored = Historias patrocinadas
+newtab-custom-pocket-show-recent-saves = Mostrar o gardado recentemente
+newtab-custom-recent-title = Actividade recente
+newtab-custom-recent-subtitle = Unha selección de sitios e contido recentes
+newtab-custom-recent-toggle =
+ .label = Actividade recente
+ .description = Unha selección de sitios e contido recentes
+newtab-custom-close-button = Pechar
+newtab-custom-settings = Xestionar máis axustes
diff --git a/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl b/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2d94225ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gl/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### UI strings for the MR1 onboarding / multistage about:welcome
+### Various strings use a non-breaking space to avoid a single dangling /
+### widowed word, so test on various window sizes if you also want this.
+## Welcome page strings
+onboarding-welcome-header = Benvida ao { -brand-short-name }
+onboarding-start-browsing-button-label = Iniciar a navegación
+onboarding-not-now-button-label = Agora non
+mr1-onboarding-get-started-primary-button-label = Comezar
+## Custom Return To AMO onboarding strings
+return-to-amo-subtitle = Ben, xa ten o { -brand-short-name }
+# <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> will be replaced with the icon belonging to the extension
+# Variables:
+# $addon-name (String) - Name of the add-on
+return-to-amo-addon-title = Agora imos obter <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <b>{ $addon-name }</b>.
+return-to-amo-add-extension-label = Engadir a extensión
+return-to-amo-add-theme-label = Engadir o tema
+## Variables: $addon-name (String) - Name of the add-on to be installed
+mr1-return-to-amo-subtitle = Saúde a { -brand-short-name }
+mr1-return-to-amo-addon-title = Ten un navegador rápido e privado ao seu alcance. Agora pode engadir <b>{ $addon-name }</b> e facer aínda máis con { -brand-short-name }.
+mr1-return-to-amo-add-extension-label = Engadir { $addon-name }
+## Multistage onboarding strings (about:welcome pages)
+# Aria-label to make the "steps" of multistage onboarding visible to screen readers.
+# Variables:
+# $current (Int) - Number of the current page
+# $total (Int) - Total number of pages
+onboarding-welcome-steps-indicator-label =
+ .aria-label = Progreso: paso { $current } de { $total }
+# This button will open system settings to turn on prefers-reduced-motion
+mr1-onboarding-reduce-motion-button-label = Desactivar animacións
+## Title and primary button strings differ between platforms as they
+## match the OS' application context menu item action where Windows uses "pin"
+## and "taskbar" while macOS "keep" and "Dock" (proper noun).
+## Multistage MR1 onboarding strings (about:welcome pages)
+# String for the Firefox Accounts button
+mr1-onboarding-sign-in-button-label = Acceder
+## Title, subtitle and primary button string used on set default onboarding screen
+## when Firefox is not default browser
+## Multistage MR1 onboarding strings (about:welcome pages)
+# The primary import button label will depend on whether we can detect which browser was used to download Firefox.
+# Variables:
+# $previous (Str) - Previous browser name, such as Edge, Chrome
+mr1-onboarding-import-primary-button-label-attribution = Importar desde { $previous }
+mr1-onboarding-theme-header = Fágao seu
+mr1-onboarding-theme-subtitle = Personalice o { -brand-short-name } cun tema.
+mr1-onboarding-theme-secondary-button-label = Agora non
+# System theme uses operating system color settings
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-system = Tema do sistema
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-light = Claro
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-dark = Escuro
+# "Alpenglow" here is the name of the theme, and should be kept in English.
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-alpenglow = Alpenglow
+onboarding-theme-primary-button-label = Feito
+## Please make sure to split the content of the title attribute into lines whose
+## width corresponds to about 40 Latin characters, to ensure that the tooltip
+## doesn't become too long. Line breaks will be preserved when displaying the
+## tooltip.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of system theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-system =
+ .title =
+ Seguir o tema do sistema operativo
+ para botóns, menús e xanelas.
+# Input description for system theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-system =
+ .aria-description =
+ Seguir o tema do sistema operativo
+ para botóns, menús e xanelas.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of light theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-light =
+ .title =
+ Empregar un tema claro para botóns,
+ menús e xanelas.
+# Input description for light theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-light =
+ .aria-description =
+ Empregar un tema claro para botóns,
+ menús e xanelas.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of dark theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-dark =
+ .title =
+ Usa un tema escuro para botóns,
+ menús e xanelas.
+# Input description for dark theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-dark =
+ .aria-description =
+ Usa un tema escuro para botóns,
+ menús e xanelas.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of Alpenglow theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-alpenglow =
+ .title =
+ Empregar un tema dinámico e colorido para botóns,
+ menús e ventás.
+# Input description for Alpenglow theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-alpenglow =
+ .aria-description =
+ Empregar un tema dinámico e colorido para botóns,
+ menús e xanelas.
+# Selector description for default themes
+mr2-onboarding-default-theme-label = Explorar temas predeterminados.
+## Strings for Thank You page
+mr2-onboarding-thank-you-header = Grazas por nos escoller
+mr2-onboarding-thank-you-text = O { -brand-short-name } é un navegador independente apoiado por unha organización sen ánimo de lucro. Xuntos, estamos a facer a web máis segura, sá e máis privada.
+mr2-onboarding-start-browsing-button-label = Iniciar a navegación
+## Multistage live language reloading onboarding strings (about:welcome pages)
+## The following language names are generated by the browser's Intl.DisplayNames API.
+## Variables:
+## $negotiatedLanguage (String) - The name of the langpack's language, e.g. "Español (ES)"
+## Multistage live language reloading onboarding strings (about:welcome pages)
+## The following language names are generated by the browser's Intl.DisplayNames API.
+## Variables:
+## $negotiatedLanguage (String) - The name of the langpack's language, e.g. "Español (ES)"
+## $systemLanguage (String) - The name of the system language, e.g "Español (ES)"
+## $appLanguage (String) - The name of the language shipping in the browser build, e.g. "English (EN)"
+onboarding-live-language-header = Escolla o seu idioma
+mr2022-onboarding-live-language-text = { -brand-short-name } fala o seu idioma
+mr2022-language-mismatch-subtitle = Grazas á nosa comunidade, { -brand-short-name } está traducido a máis de 90 idiomas. Parece que o seu sistema está a usar { $systemLanguage } e { -brand-short-name } está a usar { $appLanguage }.
+onboarding-live-language-button-label-downloading = Descargando o paquete de idioma para { $negotiatedLanguage }…
+onboarding-live-language-waiting-button = Obtendo os idiomas dispoñíbeis…
+onboarding-live-language-installing = Instalando o paquete de idioma para { $negotiatedLanguage }…
+mr2022-onboarding-live-language-switch-to = Cambiar a { $negotiatedLanguage }
+mr2022-onboarding-live-language-continue-in = Continuar en { $appLanguage }
+onboarding-live-language-secondary-cancel-download = Cancelar
+onboarding-live-language-skip-button-label = Saltar
+## Firefox 100 Thank You screens
+# "Hero Text" displayed on left side of welcome screen. This text can be
+# formatted to span multiple lines as needed. The <span data-l10n-name="zap">
+# </span> in this string allows a "zap" underline style to be automatically
+# added to the text inside it. "Yous" should stay inside the zap span, but
+# "Thank" can be put inside instead if there's no "you" in the translation.
+# The English text would normally be "100 Thank-Yous" i.e., plural noun, but for
+# aesthetics of splitting it across multiple lines, the hyphen is omitted.
+fx100-thank-you-hero-text =
+ 100
+ grazas
+ <span data-l10n-name="zap">a vostede</span>
+fx100-thank-you-subtitle = É a nosa publicación número 100! Grazas por axudarnos a construír unha internet mellor e máis saudábel.
+fx100-thank-you-pin-primary-button-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Manter { -brand-short-name } na doca
+ *[other] Fixar { -brand-short-name } na barra de tarefas
+ }
+fx100-upgrade-thanks-header = 100 grazas
+# Message shown with a start-browsing button. Emphasis <em> should be for "you"
+# but "Thank" can be used instead if there's no "you" in the translation.
+fx100-upgrade-thank-you-body = É a nosa publicación número 100 de { -brand-short-name }. Grazas a <em>vostede</em> por axudarnos a construír unha internet mellor e máis saudábel.
+# Message shown with either a pin-to-taskbar or set-default button.
+fx100-upgrade-thanks-keep-body = É a nosa publicación número 100! Grazas por formar parte da nosa comunidade. Que teñas { -brand-short-name } a un clic durante as próximas 100.
+mr2022-onboarding-secondary-skip-button-label = Saltar este paso
+## MR2022 New User Easy Setup screen strings
+# Primary button string used on new user onboarding first screen showing multiple actions such as Set Default, Import from previous browser.
+mr2022-onboarding-easy-setup-primary-button-label = Gardar e continuar
+# Set Default action checkbox label used on new user onboarding first screen
+mr2022-onboarding-easy-setup-set-default-checkbox-label = Establecer { -brand-short-name } como navegador predeterminado
+# Import action checkbox label used on new user onboarding first screen
+mr2022-onboarding-easy-setup-import-checkbox-label = Importar desde un navegador anterior
+## MR2022 New User Pin Firefox screen strings
+# Title used on about:welcome for new users when Firefox is not pinned.
+# In this context, open up is synonymous with "Discover".
+# The metaphor is that when they open their Firefox browser, it helps them discover an amazing internet.
+# If this translation does not make sense in your language, feel free to use the word "discover."
+mr2022-onboarding-welcome-pin-header = Abrir unha internet incríbel
+# Subtitle is used on onboarding page for new users page when Firefox is not pinned
+mr2022-onboarding-welcome-pin-subtitle = Inicia { -brand-short-name } desde calquera lugar cun só clic. Cada vez que o fas, elixes unha web máis aberta e independente.
+# Primary button string used on welcome page for when Firefox is not pinned.
+mr2022-onboarding-pin-primary-button-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Manter { -brand-short-name } na doca
+ *[other] Fixar { -brand-short-name } na barra de tarefas
+ }
+# Subtitle will be used when user already has Firefox pinned, but
+# has not set it as their default browser.
+# When translating "zip", please feel free to pick a verb that signifies movement and/or exploration
+# and makes sense in the context of navigating the web.
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-only-subtitle = Comeza cun navegador apoiado por unha organización sen ánimo de lucro. Defendemos a túa privacidade mentres percorres a web.
+## MR2022 Existing User Pin Firefox Screen Strings
+# Title used on multistage onboarding page for existing users when Firefox is not pinned
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-pin-header = Grazas por querer a { -brand-product-name }
+# Subtitle is used on onboarding page for existing users when Firefox is not pinned
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-pin-subtitle = Inicia unha internet máis saudábel desde calquera lugar cun só clic. A nosa última actualización está chea de cousas novas que pensamos que che encantarán.
+# Subtitle will be used on the welcome screen for existing users
+# when they already have Firefox pinned but not set as default
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-set-default-only-subtitle = Usa un navegador que defenda a túa privacidade mentres percorres a web. A nosa última actualización está chea de cousas que che encantarán.
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-pin-checkbox-label = Engada tamén a navegación privada de { -brand-short-name }
+## MR2022 New User Set Default screen strings
+# This string is the title used when the user already has pinned the browser, but has not set default.
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-title = Faga de { -brand-short-name } o seu navegador de referencia
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-primary-button-label = Faga { -brand-short-name } o seu navegador predeterminado
+# When translating "zip", please feel free to pick a verb that signifies movement and/or exploration
+# and makes sense in the context of navigating the web.
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-subtitle = Use un navegador apoiado por unha organización sen ánimo de lucro. Defendemos a súa privacidade mentres percorre a web.
+## MR2022 Get Started screen strings.
+## These strings will be used on the welcome page
+## when Firefox is already set to default and pinned.
+# When translating "zip", please feel free to pick a verb that signifies movement and/or exploration
+# and makes sense in the context of navigating the web.
+mr2022-onboarding-get-started-primary-subtitle = A nosa última versión está construída pensando en ti, polo que é máis fácil que nunca navegar pola web. Está chea de funcións que che encantarán.
+mr2022-onboarding-get-started-primary-button-label = Configurar en segundos
+## MR2022 Import Settings screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-import-header = Configuración ultrarrápida
+mr2022-onboarding-import-subtitle = Configura { -brand-short-name } como che guste. Engade os teus marcadores, contrasinais e moito máis desde o teu navegador anterior.
+mr2022-onboarding-import-primary-button-label-no-attribution = Importar desde un navegador anterior
+## If your language uses grammatical genders, in the description for the
+## colorway feel free to switch from "You are a X. You…" (e.g. "You are a
+## Playmaker. You create…") to "X: you…" ("Playmaker: You create…"). This might
+## help creating a more inclusive translation.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-title = Escolla a cor que o inspire
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-subtitle = As voces independentes poden cambiar a cultura.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-primary-button-label-continue = Estabelecer e continuar
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-colorway-checkbox-label = Faga de { -firefox-home-brand-name } a súa páxina de inicio colorida
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-default = Predeterminado
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-default2 =
+ .title = Cores actuais de { -brand-short-name }
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-default = <b>Usar as miñas cores actuais de { -brand-short-name }.</b>
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-playmaker = Busca-xogadas
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-playmaker2 =
+ .title = Busca-xogadas (vermello)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-playmaker = <b>Buscas xogadas.</b> Creas oportunidades para gañar e axudas ao teu círculo a mellorar o seu xogo.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-expressionist = Expresionista
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-expressionist2 =
+ .title = Expresionista (amarelo)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-expressionist = <b>Es expresionista.</b> Ves o mundo de forma diferente e as túas creacións provocan emocións nos demais.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-visionary = Visionario
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-visionary2 =
+ .title = Visionario (verde)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-visionary = <b>Tes unha visión.</b> Cuestionas o status quo e animas aos demais a imaxinar un futuro mellor.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-activist = Activista
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-activist2 =
+ .title = Activista (azul)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-activist = <b>Es activista.</b> Deixas o mundo nun lugar mellor do que o atopaches e animas aos demais a facelo.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-dreamer = Soñador
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-dreamer2 =
+ .title = Soñador (violeta)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-dreamer = <b>Tes un soño.</b> Cres que a fortuna favorece o atrevemento e inspiras aos demais a ser valentes.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-innovator = Innovador
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-innovator2 =
+ .title = Innovador (laranxa)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-innovator = <b>Innovas.</b> Ves oportunidades en todas partes e melloras a vida de quen te rodea.
+## MR2022 Multistage Mobile Download screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-title = Saltar entre o portátil e o teléfono
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-subtitle = Colle lapelas dun dispositivo e segue onde o deixaches noutro. Ademais, sincroniza os teus marcadores e contrasinais en calquera lugar no que uses { -brand-product-name }.
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-cta-text = Escanea o código QR para obter { -brand-product-name } para móbiles ou <a data-l10n-name="download-label">envíache unha ligazón de descarga.</a>
+mr2022-onboarding-no-mobile-download-cta-text = Escanear o código QR para obter { -brand-product-name } para móbil.
+## MR2022 Upgrade Dialog screens
+## Pin private window screen shown only for users who don't have Firefox private pinned
+mr2022-upgrade-onboarding-pin-private-window-header = Obter liberdade de navegación privada cun só clic
+mr2022-upgrade-onboarding-pin-private-window-subtitle = Nin rastros nin historial gardados, directo do escritorio. Navega sen que ninguén mire.
+mr2022-upgrade-onboarding-pin-private-window-primary-button-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Manter a navegación privada de { -brand-short-name } na doca
+ *[other] Fixar a navegación privada de { -brand-short-name } na barra de tarefas
+ }
+## MR2022 Privacy Segmentation screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-title = Sempre respectamos a súa privacidade
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-subtitle = Con suxestións e buscas máis intelixentes, traballamos constantemente para crear un { -brand-product-name } mellor e máis persoal.
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-text-cta = Que queres ver cando ofrecemos novas funcións que utilizan os teus datos para mellorar a túa navegación?
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-button-primary-label = Usar as recomendacións de { -brand-product-name }
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-button-secondary-label = Mostrar información detallada
+## MR2022 Multistage Gratitude screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-title = Está a axudarnos a construír unha web mellor
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-subtitle = Grazas por usar { -brand-short-name }, apoiado pola Fundación Mozilla. Co teu apoio, traballamos para facer que internet sexa máis aberta, accesible e mellor para todos.
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-primary-button-label = Vexa as novidades
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-secondary-button-label = Iniciar a navegación
+## Onboarding spotlight for infrequent users
+onboarding-infrequent-import-title = Síntase como na casa
+onboarding-infrequent-import-subtitle = Vaias quedar ou só probar, recorda que podes importar os teus marcadores, contrasinais, e moito máis.
+onboarding-infrequent-import-primary-button = Importar a { -brand-short-name }
+## MR2022 Illustration alt tags
+## Descriptive tags for illustrations used by screen readers and other assistive tech
+mr2022-onboarding-pin-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Persoa que traballa nun portátil rodeada de estrelas e flores
+mr2022-onboarding-default-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Persoa que abraza o logotipo de { -brand-product-name }
+mr2022-onboarding-import-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Persoa que monta un monopatín cunha caixa de iconas de software
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Sapos saltando por nenúfares cun código QR para descargar { -brand-product-name } para móbil no centro
+mr2022-onboarding-pin-private-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Unha variña máxica fai que o logotipo de navegación privada de { -brand-product-name } saia dun sombreiro
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Choque de mans de pel clara e escura
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Vista dunha posta de sol a través dunha fiestra cun raposo e unha planta doméstica nun peitoril
+mr2022-onboarding-colorways-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Un spray de man pinta un colorido colaxe dun ollo verde, un zapato laranxa, unha pelota de baloncesto vermella, uns auriculares morados, un corazón azul e unha coroa amarela.
+## Device migration onboarding
+onboarding-device-migration-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Un raposo saudando na pantalla dun ordenador portátil. O portátil ten un rato conectado.
+onboarding-device-migration-title = Benvido de novo!
+onboarding-device-migration-subtitle = Inicie sesión no seu { -fxaccount-brand-name(capitalization: "sentence") } para recuperar os seus marcadores, contrasinais e historial consigo no seu novo dispositivo.
+onboarding-device-migration-primary-button-label = Acceder