path: root/l10n-eu/browser
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
125 files changed, 12827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/branding/official/brand.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/branding/official/brand.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0b3696f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/branding/official/brand.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Firefox Brand
+## Firefox must be treated as a brand, and kept in English.
+## It cannot be:
+## - Declined to adapt to grammatical case.
+## - Transliterated.
+## - Translated.
+## Reference:
+## Firefox and Mozilla Brand
+## Firefox and Mozilla must be treated as a brand.
+## They cannot be:
+## - Transliterated.
+## - Translated.
+## Declension should be avoided where possible, leaving the original
+## brand unaltered in prominent UI positions.
+## For further details, consult:
+-brand-shorter-name = Firefox
+-brand-short-name = Firefox
+-brand-shortcut-name = Firefox
+-brand-full-name = Mozilla Firefox
+# This brand name can be used in messages where the product name needs to
+# remain unchanged across different versions (Nightly, Beta, etc.).
+-brand-product-name = Firefox
+-vendor-short-name = Mozilla
+trademarkInfo = Firefox eta Firefox logoak Mozilla Fundazioaren marka erregistratuak dira. Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/branding/official/ b/l10n-eu/browser/branding/official/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d6a612125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/branding/official/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+brandFullName=Mozilla Firefox
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutDialog.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutDialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9cbc68dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutDialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+aboutDialog-title =
+ .title = { -brand-full-name }(r)i buruz
+releaseNotes-link = Nobedadeak
+update-checkForUpdatesButton =
+ .label = Bilatu eguneraketak
+ .accesskey = B
+update-updateButton =
+ .label = Berrabiarazi { -brand-shorter-name } eguneratzeko
+ .accesskey = B
+update-checkingForUpdates = Eguneraketak bilatzen…
+## Variables:
+## $transfer (string) - Transfer progress.
+settings-update-downloading = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Eguneraketa deskargatzen — <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>
+aboutdialog-update-downloading = Eguneraketa deskargatzen — <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>
+update-applying = Eguneraketa aplikatzen…
+update-failed = Eguneraketak huts egin du.<label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Deskargatu azken bertsioa</label>
+update-failed-main = Eguneraketak huts egin du.<a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Deskargatu azken bertsioa</a>
+update-adminDisabled = Eguneraketak desgaitu ditu sistemaren administratzaileak
+update-policy-disabled = Eguneraketak desgaitu ditu zure erakundeak
+update-noUpdatesFound = { -brand-short-name } eguneratuta dago
+aboutdialog-update-checking-failed = Huts egin du eguneraketak bilatzean.
+update-otherInstanceHandlingUpdates = Beste instantzia bat ari da { -brand-short-name } eguneratzen
+## Variables:
+## $displayUrl (String): URL to page with download instructions. Example:
+aboutdialog-update-manual-with-link = Eskuratu eguneraketak <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>
+settings-update-manual-with-link = Eskuratu eguneraketak <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>
+update-unsupported = Ezin duzu eguneraketa gehiago burutu sistema honetan.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Argibide gehiago</label>
+update-restarting = Berrabiarazten…
+update-internal-error2 = Ezin dira eguneraketak bilatu barne-errore bat dela eta. Eguneraketak <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label> helbidean daude erabilgarri
+# Variables:
+# $channel (String): description of the update channel (e.g. "release", "beta", "nightly" etc.)
+aboutdialog-channel-description = Une honetan <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> eguneraketa-kanalean zaude.
+warningDesc-version = { -brand-short-name } esperimentala da eta ezegonkorra izan liteke.
+aboutdialog-help-user = { -brand-product-name } laguntza
+aboutdialog-submit-feedback = Bidali iritzia
+community-exp = <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> weba ireki, publiko eta guztiontzat atzigarri mantentzeko lanean dabilen <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">komunitate globala</label> da.
+community-2 = ‌‌<label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>k diseinatzen du { -brand-short-name }, weba ireki, publiko eta guztiontzat atzigarri mantentzeko lanean dabilen <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">komunitate globalak</label>.
+helpus = Lagundu nahi duzu? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Egin dohaintza</label> edo <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">hartu parte!</label>
+bottomLinks-license = Lizentziaren informazioa
+bottomLinks-rights = Erabiltzailearen eskubideak
+bottomLinks-privacy = Pribatutasun-politika
+# Example of resulting string: 66.0.1 (64-bit)
+# Variables:
+# $version (String): version of Firefox, e.g. 66.0.1
+# $bits (Number): bits of the architecture (32 or 64)
+aboutDialog-version = { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)
+# Example of resulting string: 66.0a1 (2019-01-16) (64-bit)
+# Variables:
+# $version (String): version of Firefox for Nightly builds, e.g. 66.0a1
+# $isodate (String): date in ISO format, e.g. 2019-01-16
+# $bits (Number): bits of the architecture (32 or 64)
+aboutDialog-version-nightly = { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutLogins.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutLogins.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7dec82840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutLogins.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# NOTE: New strings should use the about-logins- prefix.
+about-logins-page-title = Saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+about-logins-login-filter =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu saio-hasierak
+ .key = F
+create-new-login-button =
+ .title = Sortu saio-hasiera berria
+about-logins-page-title-name = Pasahitzak
+about-logins-login-filter2 =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu pasahitzak
+ .key = F
+create-login-button =
+ .title = Gehitu pasahitza
+fxaccounts-sign-in-text = Eskuratu zure pasahitzak zure beste gailuetan
+fxaccounts-sign-in-sync-button = Hasi saioa sinkronizatzeko
+fxaccounts-avatar-button =
+ .title = Kudeatu kontua
+## The ⋯ menu that is in the top corner of the page
+menu =
+ .title = Ireki menua
+# This menuitem is only visible on Windows and macOS
+about-logins-menu-menuitem-import-from-another-browser = Inportatu beste nabigatzaile batetik…
+about-logins-menu-menuitem-import-from-a-file = Inportatu fitxategitik…
+about-logins-menu-menuitem-export-logins = Esportatu saio-hasierak…
+about-logins-menu-menuitem-remove-all-logins = Kendu saio-hasiera guztiak…
+about-logins-menu-menuitem-export-logins2 = Esportatu pasahitzak…
+about-logins-menu-menuitem-remove-all-logins2 = Ezabatu pasahitz guztiak…
+menu-menuitem-preferences =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Aukerak
+ *[other] Hobespenak
+ }
+about-logins-menu-menuitem-help = Laguntza
+## Login List
+login-list =
+ .aria-label = Bilaketarekin bat datozen saio-hasierak
+# Variables
+# $count (number) - Number of logins
+login-list-count =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Saio-hasiera bat
+ *[other] { $count } saio-hasiera
+ }
+# Variables
+# $count (number) - Number of filtered logins
+# $total (number) - Total number of logins
+login-list-filtered-count =
+ { $total ->
+ [one] { $total } / { $count } saio-hasiera
+ *[other] { $total } / { $count } saio-hasiera
+ }
+# Variables
+# $count (number) - Number of logins
+login-list-count2 =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] pasahitz { $count }
+ *[other] { $count } pasahitz
+ }
+# Variables
+# $count (number) - Number of filtered logins
+# $total (number) - Total number of logins
+login-list-filtered-count2 =
+ { $total ->
+ [one] { $total } / { $count } pasahitz
+ *[other] { $total } / { $count } pasahitz
+ }
+login-list-sort-label-text = Ordenatze-irizpidea:
+login-list-name-option = Izena (A-Z)
+login-list-name-reverse-option = Izena (Z-A)
+login-list-username-option = Erabiltzaile-izena (A-Z)
+login-list-username-reverse-option = Erabiltzaile-izena (Z-A)
+about-logins-login-list-alerts-option = Alertak
+login-list-last-changed-option = Azken aldaketa
+login-list-last-used-option = Azkenekoz erabilia
+login-list-intro-title = Ez da saio-hasierarik aurkitu
+login-list-intro-title2 = Gordetako pasahitzik ez
+login-list-intro-description = { -brand-product-name }(e)n pasahitza gordetzean, hemen agertuko da.
+about-logins-login-list-empty-search-title = Ez da saio-hasierarik aurkitu
+about-logins-login-list-empty-search-title2 = Ez da pasahitzik aurkitu
+about-logins-login-list-empty-search-description = Ez dago zure bilaketarekin bat datorren emaitzarik.
+login-list-item-title-new-login = Saio-hasiera berria
+login-list-item-subtitle-new-login = Idatzi zure saio-hasierako kredentzialak
+login-list-item-title-new-login2 = Gehitu pasahitza
+login-list-item-subtitle-missing-username = (erabiltzaile-izenik ez)
+about-logins-list-item-breach-icon =
+ .title = Datu-urratzea izandako webgunea
+about-logins-list-item-vulnerable-password-icon =
+ .title = Pasahitz ahula
+about-logins-list-section-breach = Datu-urratzea izandako webguneak
+about-logins-list-section-vulnerable = Pasahitz ahulak
+about-logins-list-section-nothing = Alertarik ez
+about-logins-list-section-today = Gaur
+about-logins-list-section-yesterday = Atzo
+about-logins-list-section-week = Azken 7 egunak
+## Introduction screen
+about-logins-login-intro-heading-logged-out2 = Gordetako saio-hasieren bila? Aktibatu sinkronizazioa edo inporta itzazu.
+about-logins-login-intro-heading-logged-in = Ez da sinkronizatuta saio-hasierarik aurkitu.
+login-intro-description = Saio-hasierarik gorde baduzu beste gailu bateko { -brand-product-name }(e)n, jarraian dituzu hauek hemen eskuratzeko urratsak:
+login-intro-instructions-fxa = Sortu edo hasi saioa zure { -fxaccount-brand-name(kasua: "n") } saio-hasierak gordeta dituzun gailuan
+about-logins-login-intro-heading-message = Gorde zure pasahitzak toki seguru batean
+login-intro-instructions-fxa2 = Sortu edo hasi saioa zure kontuan, saio-hasierak gordeta dituzun gailuan.
+login-intro-instructions-fxa-settings = Zoaz Ezarpenak > Sinkronizazioa > Gaitu sinkronizazioa… menu-aukerara eta hautatu 'Saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak' kontrol-laukia.
+login-intro-instructions-fxa-passwords-help = Laguntza gehiagorako, bisitatu <a data-l10n-name="passwords-help-link">pasahitzen laguntza</a>.
+about-logins-intro-browser-only-import = Zure saio-hasierak beste nabigatzaile batean gordeta badituzu, <a data-l10n-name="import-link">{ -brand-product-name }(e)n inporta ditzakezu</a>
+about-logins-intro-import2 = Zure saio-hasierak { -brand-product-name }(e)tik kanpo badaude gordeta, <a data-l10n-name="import-browser-link">beste nabigatzaile batetik</a> edo <a data-l10n-name="import-file-link">fitxategi batetik</a> inporta ditzakezu
+## Login
+login-item-new-login-title = Sortu saio-hasiera berria
+# Header for adding a password
+about-logins-login-item-new-login-title = Gehitu pasahitza
+login-item-edit-button = Editatu
+about-logins-login-item-remove-button = Kendu
+login-item-origin-label = Webgunearen helbidea
+login-item-tooltip-message = Ziurtatu hau bat datorrela saioa hasten duzun webgunearen helbide zehatzarekin.
+login-item-origin =
+ .placeholder =
+login-item-username-label = Erabiltzaile-izena
+about-logins-login-item-username =
+ .placeholder = (erabiltzaile-izenik ez)
+login-item-copy-username-button-text = Kopiatu
+login-item-copied-username-button-text = Kopiatuta!
+login-item-password-label = Pasahitza
+login-item-password-reveal-checkbox =
+ .aria-label = Erakutsi pasahitza
+login-item-copy-password-button-text = Kopiatu
+login-item-copied-password-button-text = Kopiatuta!
+login-item-save-changes-button = Gorde aldaketak
+about-logins-login-item-save-changes-button = Gorde
+login-item-save-new-button = Gorde
+login-item-cancel-button = Utzi
+## The date is displayed in a timeline showing the password evolution.
+## A label is displayed under the date to describe the type of change.
+## (e.g. updated, created, etc.)
+# Variables
+# $datetime (date) - Event date
+login-item-timeline-point-date = { DATETIME($datetime, day: "numeric", month: "short", year: "numeric") }
+login-item-timeline-action-created = Sortuta
+login-item-timeline-action-updated = Eguneratua
+login-item-timeline-action-used = Erabilita
+## OS Authentication dialog
+about-logins-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
+## The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to "
+## and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+## notes are only valid for English. Please test in your respected locale.
+# This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins on Windows.
+about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Zure saio-hasiera editatzeko, sartu zure Windows kredentzialak. Honek zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du.
+# This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins
+# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
+about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = editatu gordetako saio-hasiera
+# This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins on Windows.
+about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message2-win = Zure pasahitza aldatzeko, sartu zure Windows kredentzialak. Honek zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du.
+# This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in about:logins
+# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
+about-logins-edit-login-os-auth-dialog-message2-macosx = editatu gordetako pasahitza
+# This message can be seen when attempting to reveal a password in about:logins on Windows.
+about-logins-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Zure pasahitza ikusteko, sartu zure Windows kredentzialak. Honek zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du.
+# This message can be seen when attempting to reveal a password in about:logins
+# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
+about-logins-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = agerrarazi gordetako pasahitza
+# This message can be seen when attempting to copy a password in about:logins on Windows.
+about-logins-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Zure pasahitza kopiatzeko, sartu zure Windows kredentzialak. Honek zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du.
+# This message can be seen when attempting to copy a password in about:logins
+# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
+about-logins-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = kopiatu gordetako pasahitza
+# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins on Windows.
+about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Zure saio-hasierak esportatzeko, idatzi Windowseko zure saio-hasiera kredentzialak. Zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du honek.
+# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins
+# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
+about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = esportatu gordetako saio-hasiera eta pasahitzak
+# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins on Windows.
+about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message2-win = Zure pasahitzak esportatzeko, sartu zure Windows kredentzialak. Honek zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du.
+# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins
+# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
+about-logins-export-password-os-auth-dialog-message2-macosx = esportatu gordetako pasahitzak
+## Primary Password notification
+about-logins-primary-password-notification-message = Idatzi zure pasahitz nagusia gordetako saio-hasiera eta pasahitzak ikusteko
+master-password-reload-button =
+ .label = Hasi saioa
+ .accesskey = H
+## Dialogs
+confirmation-dialog-cancel-button = Utzi
+confirmation-dialog-dismiss-button =
+ .title = Utzi
+about-logins-confirm-remove-dialog-title = Kendu saio-hasiera hau?
+confirm-delete-dialog-message = Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.
+# Title for modal to confirm the removal of one saved password
+about-logins-confirm-delete-dialog-title = Kendu pasahitza?
+# Message for modal to confirm the removal of one saved password
+about-logins-confirm-delete-dialog-message = Ezin duzu ekintza hau desegin.
+about-logins-confirm-remove-dialog-confirm-button = Kendu
+## Variables
+## $count (number) - Number of items
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-confirm-button-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Kendu
+ [one] Kendu
+ *[other] Kendu denak
+ }
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-checkbox-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Bai, kendu saio-hasiera hau
+ [one] Bai, kendu saio-hasiera hau
+ *[other] Bai, kendu saio-hasiera hauek
+ }
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kendu saio-hasiera bat?
+ *[other] Kendu { $count } saio-hasiera?
+ }
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-message =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Honek { -brand-short-name }(e)n gorde duzun saio-hasiera eta hemen agertzen den edozein urratze-alerta kenduko ditu. Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.
+ *[other] Honek { -brand-short-name }(e)n gorde dituzun saio-hasierak eta hemen agertzen den edozein urratze-alerta kenduko ditu. Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.
+ }
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kendu saio-hasiera gailu guztietatik?
+ *[other] Kendu { $count } saio-hasiera gailu guztietatik?
+ }
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-sync-dialog-message =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Honekin, { -brand-short-name }(e)n gordetako saio-hasiera { -fxaccount-brand-name } bidez sinkronizatutako gailu guztietatik kenduko da. Hemen agertzen diren urratzeen inguruko abisuak ere kenduko ditu honek. Ekintza hau ezingo duzu desegin.
+ *[other] Honekin, { -brand-short-name }(e)n gordetako saio-hasiera guztiak { -fxaccount-brand-name(kasua: "0") } bidez sinkronizatutako gailu guztietatik kenduko da. Hemen agertzen diren urratzeen inguruko abisuak ere kenduko ditu honek. Ekintza hau ezingo duzu desegin.
+ }
+# Checkbox for modal to confirm the removal of saved passwords
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-checkbox-label2 =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Bai, kendu pasahitza
+ [one] Bai, kendu pasahitza
+ *[other] Bai, kendu pasahitzak
+ }
+# Title for modal to confirm the removal of all saved passwords when user is NOT synced
+about-logins-confirm-remove-all-dialog-title2 =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kendu pasahitz { $count }?
+ *[other] Kendu { $count } pasahitz?
+ }
+about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-title = Esportatu saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-message = Zure pasahitzak testu irakurgarri modura gordeko dira (adib. P@sahitz3skas4) beraz esportatutako fitxategia ireki dezakeen orok ikusi ahal izango ditu.
+about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-confirm-button = Esportatu…
+about-logins-confirm-export-dialog-confirm-button2 = Jarraitu esportazioarekin
+about-logins-alert-import-title = Inportazioa burutu da
+about-logins-alert-import-message = Ikusi inportazioaren laburpen xehatua
+confirm-discard-changes-dialog-title = Baztertu gorde gabeko aldaketak?
+confirm-discard-changes-dialog-message = Gorde gabeko aldaketa guztiak galdu egingo dira.
+confirm-discard-changes-dialog-confirm-button = Baztertu
+## Breach Alert notification
+about-logins-breach-alert-title = Webgune-urratzea
+breach-alert-text = Zure saio-hasierako datuak eguneratu zenituen azken alditik pasahitzak jakitera eman edo lapurtu egin dira webgune honetatik. Aldatu pasahitza zure kontua babesteko.
+about-logins-breach-alert-date = Datu-urratzea data honetan gertatu zen { DATETIME($date, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (String) - The hostname of the website associated with the login, e.g. ""
+about-logins-breach-alert-link = Joan { $hostname } ostalarira
+## Vulnerable Password notification
+about-logins-vulnerable-alert-title = Pasahitz ahula
+about-logins-vulnerable-alert-text2 = Pasahitz hau datu-urratze batean eragindako beste kontu batean erabili da, Kredentzialak berrerabiltzeak zure kontu guztiak arriskuan jartzen ditu. Aldatu pasahitz hau.
+# Variables:
+# $hostname (String) - The hostname of the website associated with the login, e.g. ""
+about-logins-vulnerable-alert-link = Joan { $hostname } ostalarira
+about-logins-vulnerable-alert-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+## Error Messages
+# This is an error message that appears when a user attempts to save
+# a new login that is identical to an existing saved login.
+# Variables:
+# $loginTitle (String) - The title of the website associated with the login.
+about-logins-error-message-duplicate-login-with-link = Erabiltzaile-izen hori duen sarrera bat badago lehendik ere { $loginTitle } webgunerako. <a data-l10n-name="duplicate-link">Sarrera horretara joan?</a>
+# This is a generic error message.
+about-logins-error-message-default = Errorea gertatu da pasahitz hau gordetzen saiatzean.
+## Login Export Dialog
+# Title of the file picker dialog
+about-logins-export-file-picker-title = Esportatu saio-hasieren fitxategia…
+# The default file name shown in the file picker when exporting saved logins.
+# This must end in .csv
+about-logins-export-file-picker-default-filename = saio-hasierak.csv
+# Title of the file picker dialog
+about-logins-export-file-picker-title2 = Esportatu pasahitzak { -brand-short-name }(e)tik
+# The default file name shown in the file picker when exporting saved logins.
+# This must end in .csv
+about-logins-export-file-picker-default-filename2 = pasahitzak.csv
+about-logins-export-file-picker-export-button = Esportatu
+# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type
+# filter by the operating system.
+about-logins-export-file-picker-csv-filter-title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] CSV dokumentua
+ *[other] CSV fitxategia
+ }
+## Login Import Dialog
+# Title of the file picker dialog
+about-logins-import-file-picker-title = Inportatu saio-hasieren fitxategia
+# Title of the file picker dialog
+about-logins-import-file-picker-title2 = Inportatu pasahitzak { -brand-short-name }(e)ra
+about-logins-import-file-picker-import-button = Inportatu
+# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type
+# filter by the operating system.
+about-logins-import-file-picker-csv-filter-title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] CSV dokumentua
+ *[other] CSV fitxategia
+ }
+# A description for the .tsv file format that may be shown as the file type
+# filter by the operating system. TSV is short for 'tab separated values'.
+about-logins-import-file-picker-tsv-filter-title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] TSV dokumentua
+ *[other] TSV fitxategia
+ }
+## Variables:
+## $count (number) - The number of affected elements
+about-logins-import-dialog-title = Inportazioa burutu da
+about-logins-import-dialog-items-added =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] <span>Saio-hasiera berriak gehituta:</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span>
+ }
+about-logins-import-dialog-items-modified =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] <span>Lehendik dauden saio-hasierak eguneratuta:</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span>
+ *[other] <span>Lehendik dauden saio-hasierak eguneratuta:</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span>
+ }
+about-logins-import-dialog-items-no-change =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] <span>Bikoiztutako saio-hasierak aurkitu dira:</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span> <span data-l10n-name="meta">(ez dira inportatu)</span>
+ }
+about-logins-import-dialog-items-error =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] <span>Erroreak:</span> <span data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</span> <span data-l10n-name="meta">(ez dira inportatu)</span>
+ }
+about-logins-import-dialog-done = Eginda
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-title = Inportazio-errorea
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-conflicting-values-title = Gatazkan dauden hainbat balio saio-hasiera baterako
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-conflicting-values-description = Adibidez: saio-hasiera baterako hainbat erabiltzaile-izen, pasahitz, URL, etab.
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-title = Fitxategi-formatuaren arazoa
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-description = Zutabeen goiburu okerrak edo falta egin dira. Ziurtatu fitxategiak zutabeak dituela erabiltzaile-izen, pasahitz eta URL balioentzat.
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-permission-title = Ezin da fitxategia irakurri
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-permission-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ez du fitxategia irakurtzeko baimenik. Saiatu fitxategiaren baimenak aldatzen.
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-unable-to-read-title = Ezin da fitxategia analizatu
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-unable-to-read-description = Ziurtatu CSV edo TSV fitxategi bat hautatu duzula.
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-no-logins-imported = Ez da saio-hasierarik inportatu
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-try-import-again = Saiatu berriz inportatzen…
+about-logins-import-dialog-error-cancel = Utzi
+about-logins-import-report-title = Inportazioaren laburpena
+about-logins-import-report-description = Saio-hasiera eta pasahitzak { -brand-short-name }(e)ra inportatu dira.
+# Variables:
+# $number (number) - The number of the row
+about-logins-import-report-row-index = { $number }. errenkada
+about-logins-import-report-row-description-no-change = Bikoiztua: lehendik dagoen saio-hasiera batekin bat dator
+about-logins-import-report-row-description-modified = Lehendik dagoen saio-hasiera eguneratuta
+about-logins-import-report-row-description-added = Saio-hasiera berria gehituta
+about-logins-import-report-row-description-added2 = Pasahitz berria gehituta
+about-logins-import-report-row-description-error = Errorea: eremua falta da
+## Variables:
+## $field (String) - The name of the field from the CSV file for example url, username or password
+about-logins-import-report-row-description-error-multiple-values = Errorea: hainbat balio { $field } eremurako
+about-logins-import-report-row-description-error-missing-field = Errorea { $field } eremua falta da
+## Variables:
+## $count (number) - The number of affected elements
+about-logins-import-report-added =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">Saio-hasiera berri gehitu dira</div>
+ }
+about-logins-import-report-modified =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">Saio-hasiera eguneratu dira (lehendik zeudenak)</div>
+ }
+about-logins-import-report-no-change =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">Saio-hasiera bikoiztu</div> <div data-l10n-name="not-imported">(ez dira inportatu)</div>
+ }
+about-logins-import-report-error =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] <div data-l10n-name="count">{ $count }</div> <div data-l10n-name="details">Errore</div> <div data-l10n-name="not-imported">(ez dira inportatu)</div>
+ }
+## Logins import report page
+about-logins-import-report-page-title = Inportazioaren laburpen-txostena
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPocket.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPocket.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2823174166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPocket.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Pocket button panel strings for about:pocket-saved, about:pocket-signup, and about:pocket-home
+## about:pocket-saved panel
+# Placeholder text for tag input
+pocket-panel-saved-add-tags =
+ .placeholder = Gehitu etiketak
+pocket-panel-saved-error-generic = Errorea gertatu da { -pocket-brand-name }-en gordetzen saiatzean.
+pocket-panel-saved-error-tag-length = Etiketak 25 karakterera daude mugatuta
+pocket-panel-saved-error-only-links = Loturak gorde daitezke soilik
+pocket-panel-saved-error-not-saved = Ez da orria gorde
+pocket-panel-saved-error-no-internet = Internetera konektatuta egon behar duzu { -pocket-brand-name }-en gorde ahal izateko. Konektatu internetera eta saiatu berriro.
+pocket-panel-saved-error-remove = Errorea gertatu da orria hau kentzen saiatzean.
+pocket-panel-saved-page-removed = Orria kenduta
+pocket-panel-saved-page-saved = { -pocket-brand-name }-en gordeta
+pocket-panel-saved-page-saved-b = { -pocket-brand-name }-en gordeta!
+pocket-panel-saved-processing-remove = Orria kentzen…
+pocket-panel-saved-removed-updated = Orria gordetakoetatik kendu da
+pocket-panel-saved-processing-tags = Etiketak gehitzen…
+pocket-panel-saved-remove-page = Kendu orria
+pocket-panel-saved-save-tags = Gorde
+pocket-panel-saved-saving-tags = Gordetzen…
+pocket-panel-saved-suggested-tags = Iradokitako etiketak
+pocket-panel-saved-tags-saved = Etiketak gehituta
+# This is displayed above a field where the user can add tags
+pocket-panel-signup-add-tags = Gehitu etiketak:
+## about:pocket-signup panel
+pocket-panel-signup-already-have = { -pocket-brand-name } erabiltzailea zara jada?
+pocket-panel-signup-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+pocket-panel-signup-login = Hasi saioa
+pocket-panel-signup-signup-email = Eman izena posta elektronikoa erabiliz
+pocket-panel-signup-signup-cta = Eman izena { -pocket-brand-name }-en. Doakoa da.
+pocket-panel-signup-signup-firefox = Eman izena { -brand-product-name }ekin
+pocket-panel-signup-tagline = Gorde { -brand-product-name }etik artikuluak eta bideoak edozein gailutan { -pocket-brand-name }-en ikusteko, noiznahi.
+pocket-panel-signup-tagline-story-one = Egin klik { -pocket-brand-name } botoian { -brand-product-name }etik edozein artikulu, bideo edo orri gordetzeko.
+pocket-panel-signup-tagline-story-two = Ikusi edozein gailutan { -pocket-brand-name }-en, noiznahi.
+pocket-panel-signup-cta-a-fix = Internet gordetzeko zure botoia
+pocket-panel-signup-cta-b-updated = Egin klik { -pocket-brand-name } botoian artikuluak, bideoak eta loturak gordetzeko. Ikusi gordetakoak edonon, edonoiz.
+pocket-panel-signup-cta-b-short = Egin klik { -pocket-brand-name } botoian artikuluak, bideoak eta loturak gordetzeko.
+pocket-panel-signup-cta-c-updated = Ikusi gordetakoak edonon, edonoiz.
+## about:pocket-home panel
+pocket-panel-home-welcome-back = Ongi etorri berriz ere
+pocket-panel-home-paragraph = { -pocket-brand-name } erabil dezakezu webguneak, artikuluak, bideoak, podcastak arakatu eta gordetzeko edo irakurtzen ari zinenera itzultzeko.
+pocket-panel-home-explore-popular-topics = Arakatu puri-purian dauden gaiak
+pocket-panel-home-discover-more = Aurkitu gehiago
+pocket-panel-home-explore-more = Arakatu
+pocket-panel-home-most-recent-saves = Hona hemen gorde dituzun azkenak:
+pocket-panel-home-most-recent-saves-loading = Gordetako azkenak kargatzen…
+pocket-panel-home-new-user-cta = Egin klik { -pocket-brand-name } botoian artikuluak, bideoak eta loturak gordetzeko.
+pocket-panel-home-new-user-message = Ikusi hemen gorde dituzun azkenak.
+## Pocket panel header component
+pocket-panel-header-my-saves = Ikusi gordetakoak
+pocket-panel-header-sign-in = Hasi saioa
+## Pocket panel buttons
+pocket-panel-button-show-all = Erakutsi denak
+pocket-panel-button-activate = Aktibatu { -pocket-brand-name } { -brand-product-name }(e)n
+pocket-panel-button-remove = Kendu
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPolicies.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPolicies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bc1d0aeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPolicies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+about-policies-title = Enpresa-politikak
+# 'Active' is used to describe the policies that are currently active
+active-policies-tab = Aktibo
+errors-tab = Erroreak
+documentation-tab = Dokumentazioa
+no-specified-policies-message = Enpresa-politiken zerbitzua aktibo dago baina ez dago gaitutako politikarik.
+inactive-message = Enpresa-politiken zerbitzua inaktibo dago.
+policy-name = Politikaren izena
+policy-value = Politikaren balioa
+policy-errors = Politika-erroreak
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPrivateBrowsing.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPrivateBrowsing.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e5f4c5f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutPrivateBrowsing.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+privatebrowsingpage-open-private-window-label = Ireki leiho pribatua
+ .accesskey = h
+about-private-browsing-search-placeholder = Bilatu webean
+about-private-browsing-info-title = Leiho pribatuan zaude
+about-private-browsing-search-btn =
+ .title = Bilatu webean
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of the user's default search engine
+about-private-browsing-handoff =
+ .title = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz edo idatzi helbidea
+about-private-browsing-handoff-no-engine =
+ .title = Bilatu edo idatzi helbidea
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of the user's default search engine
+about-private-browsing-handoff-text = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz edo idatzi helbidea
+about-private-browsing-handoff-text-no-engine = Bilatu edo idatzi helbidea
+about-private-browsing-not-private = Une honetan ez zaude leiho pribatu batean.
+about-private-browsing-info-description-private-window = Leiho pribatua: { -brand-short-name }(e)k zure bilaketa- eta nabigazio-historia garbitzen ditu leiho pribatu guztiak ixtean. Honek ez zaitu anonimo egiten.
+about-private-browsing-info-description-simplified = { -brand-short-name }(e)k zure bilaketa- eta nabigazio-historia garbitzen ditu leiho pribatu guztiak ixtean baina honek ez zaitu anonimo egiten.
+about-private-browsing-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+about-private-browsing-hide-activity = Ezkutatu zure jarduera eta kokapena, nabigatzen duzun toki orotan
+about-private-browsing-get-privacy = Eskuratu pribatutasun-babesak nabigatzen duzun toki orotan
+about-private-browsing-hide-activity-1 = Ezkutatu nabigazio-jarduera eta kokapena { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name } erabiliz. Klik bakarrak konexio segurua sortzen du, baita Wi-Fi publikoetan ere.
+about-private-browsing-prominent-cta = Mantendu pribatu { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name } erabiliz
+about-private-browsing-focus-promo-cta = Deskargatu { -focus-brand-name }
+about-private-browsing-focus-promo-header = { -focus-brand-name }: nabigazio pribatua edonon
+about-private-browsing-focus-promo-text = Gure berariazko nabigatze pribatuko aplikazio mugikorrak zure historia eta cookieak garbitzen ditu aldi oro.
+## The following strings will be used for experiments in Fx99 and Fx100
+about-private-browsing-focus-promo-header-b = Eramazu nabigatze pribatua zure telefonora
+about-private-browsing-focus-promo-text-b = Erabili { -focus-brand-name } zure mugikorreko nabigatzaileak ikusterik nahi ez dituzun bilaketa pribatu horiek egiteko.
+about-private-browsing-focus-promo-header-c = Hurrengo mailako pribatutasuna mugikorrean
+about-private-browsing-focus-promo-text-c = { -focus-brand-name }(e)k zure historia eta cookieak garbitzen ditu aldi oro, halaber publizitatea eta jarraipen-elementuak ere blokeatzen ditu.
+# This string is the title for the banner for search engine selection
+# in a private window.
+# Variables:
+# $engineName (String) - The engine name that will currently be used for the private window.
+about-private-browsing-search-banner-title = { $engineName } da leiho pribatuetarako zure bilaketa-motor lehenetsia
+about-private-browsing-search-banner-description =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Beste bilaketa-motor bat hautatzeko, zoaz <a data-l10n-name="link-options">aukeretara</a>
+ *[other] Beste bilaketa-motor bat hautatzeko, zoaz <a data-l10n-name="link-options">hobespenetara</a>
+ }
+about-private-browsing-search-banner-close-button =
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+about-private-browsing-promo-close-button =
+ .title = Itxi
+## Strings used in a “pin promotion” message, which prompts users to pin a private window
+about-private-browsing-pin-promo-header = Nabigatze pribatuaren askatasuna klik bakarrean
+about-private-browsing-pin-promo-link-text =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Mantendu Dock-ean
+ *[other] Ainguratu ataza-barran
+ }
+about-private-browsing-pin-promo-title = Gordetako cookie edo historiarik ez. Nabigatu inor begira ez balego bezala.
+## Strings used in a promotion message for cookie banner reduction
+# Simplified version of the headline if the original text doesn't work
+# in your language: `See fewer cookie requests`.
+about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-header = Cookie iragarki-bandak kanpora!
+about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-button = Murriztu cookie iragarki-bandak
+about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-message = Utzi { -brand-short-name }(r)i cookie laster-leihoak automatikoki erantzuten, distraziorik gabeko nabigaziora itzul zaitezen. Ahal bada eskaera guztiak ukatuko ditu { -brand-short-name }(e)k.
+# Simplified version of the headline if the original text doesn't work
+# in your language: `{ -brand-short-name } will show fewer cookie requests`
+about-private-browsing-cookie-banners-promo-heading = { -brand-short-name } cookie iragarki-bandez arduratzen da
+## Strings for Felt Privacy v1 experiments in 119
+about-private-browsing-felt-privacy-v1-info-header = Ez utzi arrastorik gailu honetan
+about-private-browsing-felt-privacy-v1-info-link = Nork ikus lezake nire jarduera?
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutRestartRequired.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutRestartRequired.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d69f515050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutRestartRequired.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+restart-required-title = Berrabiarazi egin behar da
+restart-required-heading = Berrabiarazi { -brand-short-name } erabiltzen jarraitzeko
+restart-required-intro = { -brand-short-name }(r)en eguneraketa bat hasi da atzeko planoan. Berrabiarazi egin beharko duzu eguneratzen amaitzeko.
+window-restoration-info = Zure leihoak eta fitxak laster batean berreskuratuko dira; leiho edo fitxa pribaturik ez da berreskuratuko ordea.
+restart-button-label = Berrabiarazi { -brand-short-name }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutRobots.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutRobots.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1eb97f425b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutRobots.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used in the about:robots page, which ties in with the
+### robots theme used in the Firefox 3 Beta 2/3 first run pages.
+### They're just meant to be fun and whimsical, with references to some geeky
+### but well-known robots in movies and books. Be creative with translations!
+# Nonsense line from the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still". No translation needed.
+page-title = Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!
+# Movie: Logan's Run... Box (cyborg): "Welcome Humans! I am ready for you."
+error-title-text = Ongi etorri gizakiak!
+# Movie: The Day The Earth Stood Still. Spoken by Klaatu.
+error-short-desc-text = Bakean eta borondate onez etorri gara zuek bisitatzera!
+# Various books by Isaac Asimov.
+error-long-desc1 = Robot batek ez lioke gizaki bati minik eman behar edo, ekintzarik egin gabe, ez lioke gizaki bati min hartzen utzi behar.
+# Movie: Blade Runner. Batty: "I've seen things you people wouldn’t believe..."
+error-long-desc2 = Sinistuko ez zenituzketen gauzak ikusi dituzte robotek.
+# Book: Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. What the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation calls robots.
+error-long-desc3 = Robotak plastikozko zure lagunak dira eta beraiekin egon nahiko duzu.
+# TV: Futurama. Bender's first line is "Bite my shiny metal ass."
+error-long-desc4 = Miazkatu behar ez den metalezko ipurdi distiratsua dute robotek.
+# TV: Battlestar Galactica (2004 series). From the opening text.
+error-trailer-desc-text = ...eta plan bat dute.
+# Book: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Arthur presses a button and it warns him.
+error-try-again = Saiatu berriro
+ .label2 = Ez sakatu botoi hau berriro.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutSessionRestore.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutSessionRestore.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2923fd0e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutSessionRestore.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+restore-page-tab-title = Berreskuratu saioa
+# The title is intended to be apologetic and disarming, expressing dismay
+# and regret that we are unable to restore the session for the user
+restore-page-error-title = Sentitzen dugu. Arazoak izaten ari gara zure orriak berreskuratzen.
+restore-page-problem-desc = Arazoak izaten ari gara zure azken nabigatze-saioa berreskuratzen. Berriro saiatzeko, hautatu 'Berreskuratu saioa'.
+restore-page-try-this = Oraindik ezin duzu zure saioa berreskuratu? Batzuetan fitxa batek eragin lezake hau. Ikusi aurreko fitxak, kendu marka berreskuratu behar ez dituzun fitxetatik eta gero berreskuratu.
+restore-page-hide-tabs = Ezkutatu aurreko fitxak
+restore-page-show-tabs = Ikusi aurreko fitxak
+# When tabs are distributed across multiple windows, this message is used as a
+# header above the group of tabs for each window.
+# Variables:
+# $windowNumber: Progressive number associated to each window
+restore-page-window-label = { $windowNumber } leihoa
+restore-page-restore-header =
+ .label = Berreskuratu
+restore-page-list-header =
+ .label = Leihoak eta fitxak
+restore-page-try-again-button =
+ .label = Berreskuratu saioa
+ .accesskey = B
+restore-page-close-button =
+ .label = Hasi saio berria
+ .accesskey = H
+## The following strings are used in about:welcomeback
+welcome-back-tab-title = Ongi!
+welcome-back-page-title = Ongi!
+welcome-back-page-info = { -brand-short-name } erabiltzeko prest dago.
+welcome-back-restore-button =
+ .label = Aurrera!
+ .accesskey = A
+welcome-back-restore-all-label = Berreskuratu leiho eta fitxa guztiak
+welcome-back-restore-some-label = Berreskuratu nahi dituzunak soilik
+welcome-back-page-info-link = Zure gehigarriak eta pertsonalizazioak kendu egin dira eta nabigatzailearen ezarpenak lehenespenetara leheneratu dira. Honek ez badu zure arazoa konpondu, <a data-l10n-name="link-more">irakurri argibide gehiago egin dezakezunaren inguruan.</a>
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutTabCrashed.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutTabCrashed.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7bbd741f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutTabCrashed.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+crashed-title = Fitxen hutsegiteen berriemailea
+crashed-close-tab-button = Itxi fitxa
+crashed-restore-tab-button = Berreskuratu fitxa
+crashed-restore-all-button = Berreskuratu huts egindako fitxa guztiak
+crashed-header = Kontxo. Fitxa honek huts egin berri du.
+crashed-offer-help = Laguntzeko moduan gara!
+crashed-single-offer-help-message = Aukeratu '{ crashed-restore-tab-button }' orria berriro kargatzeko.
+crashed-multiple-offer-help-message = Aukeratu '{ crashed-restore-tab-button }' edo '{ crashed-restore-all-button }' orria(k) berriro kargatzeko.
+crashed-request-help = Lagunduko diguzu?
+crashed-request-help-message = Hutsegite-txostenek arazoak diagnostikatu eta { -brand-short-name } hobetzen laguntzen digute.
+crashed-request-report-title = Eman fitxa honen berri
+crashed-send-report-2 = Bidali hutsegite-txosten automatiko bat honelako arazoak konpondu ahal izan ditzagun
+crashed-comment =
+ .placeholder = Aukerazko iruzkinak (iruzkinak publikoki ikus daitezke)
+crashed-include-URL-2 = Sartu { -brand-short-name }(e)k huts egin zuenean bisitatzen ari zinen guneen URLak
+crashed-report-sent = Hutsegite-txostena bidalita dago; eskerrik asko { -brand-short-name } hobetzen laguntzeagatik!
+crashed-request-auto-submit-title = Eman atzeko planoko fitxen berri
+crashed-auto-submit-checkbox-2 = Eguneratu hobespenak automatikoki bidal daitezen txostenak { -brand-short-name }(e)k huts egiten duenean
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutUnloads.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutUnloads.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45f7a39f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/aboutUnloads.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Strings used in about:unloads, allowing users to manage the "tab unloading"
+### feature.
+about-unloads-page-title = Fitxak deskargatzea
+about-unloads-intro =
+ Fitxak automatikoki deskargatzeko eginbidea dauka
+ { -brand-short-name }(e)k, memoria faltagatik aplikazioak
+ huts egitea eragozteko sistemaren memoria erabilgarria
+ baxua denean. Memoriatik kendu beharreko hurrengo fitxa
+ hainbat atributuren baitan aukeratzen da. Orri honek erakusten du
+ zein lehentasun ematen dien fitxei { -brand-short-name }(e)k eta
+ zein fitxa kenduko den memoriatik fitxen deskarga abiaraztean.
+ Fitxen deskarga eskuz abiaraz dezakezu beheko
+ <em>Deskargatu</em> botoia sakatuta.
+# The link points to a Firefox documentation page, only available in English,
+# with title "Tab Unloading"
+about-unloads-learn-more =
+ Ikusi <a data-l10n-name="doc-link">Fitxak deskargatzea</a> eginbideari
+ eta orri honi buruzko argibide gehiago lortzeko.
+about-unloads-last-updated = Azken eguneraketa: { DATETIME($date, year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", hour12: "false") }
+about-unloads-button-unload = Deskargatu
+ .title = Kendu memoriatik lehentasun altueneko fitxa
+about-unloads-no-unloadable-tab = Ez dago deskargatu beharreko fitxarik.
+about-unloads-column-priority = Lehentasuna
+about-unloads-column-host = Ostalaria
+about-unloads-column-last-accessed = Azken atzipena
+about-unloads-column-weight = Oinarrizko pisua
+ .title = Fitxak balio honen arabera sailkatzen dira lehenik, zeina hainbat atributu berezitatik eratortzen den, adibidez soinua erreproduzitzea, WebRTC, etab.
+about-unloads-column-sortweight = Bigarren mailako pisua
+ .title = Erabilgarri badago, fitxak balio honen arabera sailkatzen dira oinarrizko pisuaren arabera sailkatu ondoren. Balioa fitxaren memoria-erabilera eta prozesu kopurutik eratortzen da.
+about-unloads-column-memory = Memoria
+ .title = Fitxaren estimatutako memoria-erabilera
+about-unloads-column-processes = Prozesu IDak
+ .title = Fitxaren edukiak dituzten prozesuen IDak
+about-unloads-last-accessed = { DATETIME($date, year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", hour12: "false") }
+about-unloads-memory-in-mb = { NUMBER($mem, maxFractionalUnits: 2) } MB
+about-unloads-memory-in-mb-tooltip =
+ .title = { NUMBER($mem, maxFractionalUnits: 2) } MB
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/accounts.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/accounts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7b95cb449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/accounts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Used as the FxA toolbar menu item value when user has not
+# finished setting up an account.
+account-finish-account-setup = Amaitu kontuaren konfigurazioa
+# Used as the FxA toolbar menu item title when the user
+# needs to reconnect their account.
+account-disconnected2 = Kontua deskonektatuta
+# Menu item that sends a tab to all synced devices.
+account-send-to-all-devices = Bidali gailu guztietara
+# Menu item that links to the Firefox Accounts settings for connected devices.
+account-manage-devices = Kudeatu gailuak…
+## Variables:
+## $email (String): = Email address of user's Firefox Account.
+account-reconnect = Birkonektatu { $email } erabiltzailea
+account-verify = Egiaztatu { $email }
+## Displayed in the Send Tab/Page/Link to Device context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link.
+account-send-to-all-devices-titlecase = Bidali gailu guztietara
+account-manage-devices-titlecase = Kudeatu gailuak…
+## Displayed in the Send Tabs context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link
+## and the account has only 1 device connected.
+# Redirects to a marketing page.
+account-send-tab-to-device-singledevice-status = Konektatutako gailurik ez
+# Redirects to a marketing page.
+account-send-tab-to-device-singledevice-learnmore = Fitxak bidaltzeari buruzko argibide gehiago…
+# Redirects to an FxAccounts page that tells to you to connect another device.
+account-send-tab-to-device-connectdevice = Konektatu beste gailu bat…
+## Displayed in the Send Tabs context menu when right clicking a tab, a page or a link
+## and the Sync account is unverified. Redirects to the Sync preferences page.
+account-send-tab-to-device-verify-status = Kontua egiaztatu gabe
+account-send-tab-to-device-verify = Egiaztatu zure kontua…
+## These strings are used in a notification shown when a new device joins the Firefox account.
+# The title shown in a notification when either this device or another device
+# has connected to, or disconnected from, a Firefox account.
+account-connection-title = { -fxaccount-brand-name(capitalization: "title") }
+# Variables:
+# $deviceName (String): the name of the new device
+account-connection-connected-with = Ordenagailu hau { $deviceName } gailuarekin konektatuta dago orain.
+# Used when the name of the new device is not known.
+account-connection-connected-with-noname = Ordenagailu hau gailu berri batekin konektatuta dago orain.
+# Used in a notification shown after a Firefox account is connected to the current device.
+account-connection-connected = Saioa ondo hasi duzu
+# Used in a notification shown after the Firefox account was disconnected remotely.
+account-connection-disconnected = Ordenagailu hau deskonektatu egin da.
+## These strings are used in a notification shown when we're opening
+## a single tab another device sent us to display.
+## The body for this notification is the URL of the received tab.
+account-single-tab-arriving-title = Fitxa jasota
+# Variables:
+# $deviceName (String): the device name.
+account-single-tab-arriving-from-device-title = { $deviceName } gailuko fitxa
+# Used when a tab from a remote device arrives but the URL must be truncated.
+# Should display the URL with an indication that it's been truncated.
+# Variables:
+# $url (String): the portion of the URL that remains after truncation.
+account-single-tab-arriving-truncated-url = { $url }…
+## These strings are used in a notification shown when we're opening
+## multiple tabs another device or devices sent us to display.
+## Variables:
+## $tabCount (Number): the number of tabs received
+account-multiple-tabs-arriving-title = Fitxak jasota
+# Variables:
+# $deviceName (String): the device name.
+account-multiple-tabs-arriving-from-single-device =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Fitxa { $tabCount } iritsi da { $deviceName } gailutik
+ *[other] { $tabCount } fitxa iritsi dira { $deviceName } gailutik.
+ }
+account-multiple-tabs-arriving-from-multiple-devices =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Fitxa { $tabCount } iritsi da konektatutako zure gailuetatik.
+ *[other] { $tabCount } fitxa iritsi dira konektatutako zure gailuetatik.
+ }
+# This version is used when we don't know any device names.
+account-multiple-tabs-arriving-from-unknown-device =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Fitxa { $tabCount } iritsi da
+ *[other] { $tabCount } fitxa iritsi dira
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/addonNotifications.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/addonNotifications.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e98c278cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/addonNotifications.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+xpinstall-prompt = { -brand-short-name }(e)k gune honi galarazi egin dio ordenagailuan softwarea instalatzeaz galdetzea.
+## Variables:
+## $host (String): The hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from.
+xpinstall-prompt-header = Baimendu { $host }(r)i gehigarri bat instalatzea?
+xpinstall-prompt-message = { $host }(e)tik gehigarri bat instalatzen saiatzen ari zara. Jarraitu aurretik, ziurtatu gunea fidagarria dela.
+xpinstall-prompt-header-unknown = Baimendu gune ezezagun bati gehigarria instalatzea?
+xpinstall-prompt-message-unknown = Gune ezezagun batetik gehigarri bat instalatzen saiatzen ari zara. Jarraitu aurretik, ziurtatu gunea fidagarria dela.
+xpinstall-prompt-dont-allow =
+ .label = Ez baimendu
+ .accesskey = E
+xpinstall-prompt-never-allow =
+ .label = Inoiz ez baimendu
+ .accesskey = n
+# Long text in this context make the dropdown menu extend awkwardly to the left,
+# avoid a localization that's significantly longer than the English version.
+xpinstall-prompt-never-allow-and-report =
+ .label = Eman gune susmagarriaren berri
+ .accesskey = s
+# Accessibility Note:
+# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button)
+# See for details
+xpinstall-prompt-install =
+ .label = Jarraitu instalazioa
+ .accesskey = J
+# These messages are shown when a website invokes navigator.requestMIDIAccess.
+xpinstall-disabled-locked = Softwarearen instalazioa sistemaren kudeatzaileak ezgaitu du.
+xpinstall-disabled = Softwareren instalazioa ezgaituta dago. Egin klik 'Gaitu' botoian eta saiatu berriro.
+xpinstall-disabled-button =
+ .label = Gaitu
+ .accesskey = G
+# This message is shown when the installation of an add-on is blocked by enterprise policy.
+# Variables:
+# $addonName (String): the name of the add-on.
+# $addonId (String): the ID of add-on.
+addon-install-blocked-by-policy = { $addonName } ({ $addonId }) blokeatu du zure sistemaren administratzaileak.
+# This message is shown when the installation of add-ons from a domain is blocked by enterprise policy.
+addon-domain-blocked-by-policy = Zure sistemaren kudeatzaileak gune honi galarazi egin dio ordenagailuan softwarea instalatzeaz galdetzea.
+addon-install-full-screen-blocked = Gehigarrien instalazioa ez da baimentzen pantaila osoko moduan edo modu horretara sartu aurretik.
+# Variables:
+# $addonName (String): the localized name of the sideloaded add-on.
+webext-perms-sideload-menu-item = { $addonName } gehigarria { -brand-short-name }(e)ra gehitu da
+# Variables:
+# $addonName (String): the localized name of the extension which has been updated.
+webext-perms-update-menu-item = { $addonName } hedapenak baimen berriak behar ditu
+## Add-on removal warning
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the add-on that will be removed.
+addon-removal-title = { $name } kendu?
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): the name of the extension which is about to be removed.
+addon-removal-message = Kendu { $name } { -brand-shorter-name }(e)tik?
+addon-removal-button = Kendu
+addon-removal-abuse-report-checkbox = Salatu hedapen hau { -vendor-short-name }(r)i
+# Variables:
+# $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being downloaded
+addon-downloading-and-verifying =
+ { $addonCount ->
+ [one] Gehigarria deskargatzen eta egiaztatzen…
+ *[other] { $addonCount } gehigarri deskargatzen eta egiaztatzen…
+ }
+addon-download-verifying = Egiaztatzen
+addon-install-cancel-button =
+ .label = Utzi
+ .accesskey = U
+addon-install-accept-button =
+ .label = Gehitu
+ .accesskey = G
+## Variables:
+## $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being installed
+addon-confirm-install-message =
+ { $addonCount ->
+ [one] Gune honek gehigarri bat instalatu nahi du { -brand-short-name }(e)n:
+ *[other] Gune honek { $addonCount } gehigarri instalatu nahi ditu { -brand-short-name }(e)n:
+ }
+addon-confirm-install-unsigned-message =
+ { $addonCount ->
+ [one] Kontuz: gune honek egiaztatu gabeko gehigarri bat instalatu nahi du { -brand-short-name }(e)n. Zure ardurapean jarraitu.
+ *[other] Kontuz: gune honek egiaztatu gabeko { $addonCount } gehigarri instalatu nahi ditu { -brand-short-name }(e)n. Zure ardurapean jarraitu.
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $addonCount (Number): the number of add-ons being installed (at least 2)
+addon-confirm-install-some-unsigned-message = Kontuz: gune honek { $addonCount } gehigarri instalatu nahi ditu { -brand-short-name }(e)n eta horietako batzuk egiaztatu gabekoak dira. Zure ardurapean jarraitu.
+## Add-on install errors
+## Variables:
+## $addonName (String): the add-on name.
+addon-install-error-network-failure = Ezin izan da gehigarria deskargatu konexio-akats bat dela-eta.
+addon-install-error-incorrect-hash = Ezin izan da gehigarri hau instalatu ez datorrelako esperotako { -brand-short-name } gehigarriarekin bat.
+addon-install-error-corrupt-file = Ezin izan da gune honetako gehigarria instalatu hondatuta dagoela dirudielako.
+addon-install-error-file-access = Ezin izan da { $addonName } instalatu { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin duelako beharrezko fitxategia aldatu.
+addon-install-error-not-signed = { -brand-short-name }(e)k gune honi egiaztatu gabeko gehigarri bat instalatzea eragotzi dio.
+addon-install-error-invalid-domain = Ezin da helbide honetatik { $addonName } gehigarria instalatu.
+addon-local-install-error-network-failure = Ezin izan da gehigarri hau instalatu fitxategi-sistemako errore bat dela-eta.
+addon-local-install-error-incorrect-hash = Ezin izan da gehigarri hau instalatu ez datorrelako esperotako { -brand-short-name } gehigarriarekin bat.
+addon-local-install-error-corrupt-file = Ezin izan da gehigarri hau instalatu hondatuta dagoela dirudielako.
+addon-local-install-error-file-access = Ezin izan da { $addonName } instalatu { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin duelako beharrezko fitxategia aldatu.
+addon-local-install-error-not-signed = Ezin izan da gehigarri hau instalatu egiaztatu gabea delako.
+# Variables:
+# $appVersion (String): the application version.
+addon-install-error-incompatible = Ezin da { $addonName } instalatu ez delako { -brand-short-name } { $appVersion } bertsioarekin bateragarria.
+addon-install-error-blocklisted = Ezin izan da { $addonName } instalatu egonkortasun- eta segurtasun-arazoak eragiteko arrisku handia daukalako.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/allTabsMenu.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/allTabsMenu.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14c9c5fdb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/allTabsMenu.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# "Search" is a verb, as in "Search through tabs".
+all-tabs-menu-search-tabs =
+ .label = Bilatu fitxak
+all-tabs-menu-new-user-context =
+ .label = Edukiontzi-fitxa berria
+all-tabs-menu-hidden-tabs =
+ .label = Ezkutatutako fitxak
+all-tabs-menu-manage-user-context =
+ .label = Kudeatu edukiontziak
+ .accesskey = o
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appExtensionFields.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appExtensionFields.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfebbb1905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appExtensionFields.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Theme names and descriptions used in the Themes panel in about:addons
+# "Auto" is short for automatic. It can be localized without limitations.
+extension-default-theme-name-auto = Sistemaren itxura — automatikoa
+extension-default-theme-description = Errespetatu sistema eragilearen ezarpena botoi, menu eta leihoetarako.
+extension-firefox-compact-light-name = Argia
+extension-firefox-compact-light-description = Kolore-eskema argia duen itxura.
+extension-firefox-compact-dark-name = Iluna
+extension-firefox-compact-dark-description = Kolore-eskema iluna duen itxura.
+extension-firefox-alpenglow-name = Firefox Alpenglow
+extension-firefox-alpenglow-description = Erabili itxura koloretsua botoi, menu eta leihoentzat.
+## Colorway Themes
+## These themes are variants of a colorway. The colorway is specified in the
+## $colorway-name variable.
+## Variables
+## $colorway-name (String) The name of a colorway (e.g. Graffiti, Elemental).
+extension-colorways-soft-name = { $colorway-name } — leuna
+extension-colorways-balanced-name = { $colorway-name } — orekatua
+# "Bold" is used in the sense of bravery or courage, not in the sense of
+# emphasized text.
+extension-colorways-bold-name = { $colorway-name } — bizia
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appMenuNotifications.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appMenuNotifications.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..362b308d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appMenuNotifications.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+appmenu-update-available2 =
+ .label = Eguneraketa erabilgarri
+ .buttonlabel = Deskargatu
+ .buttonaccesskey = D
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Baztertu
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = z
+appmenu-update-available-message2 = Deskargatu { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en azken bertsioa.
+appmenu-update-manual2 =
+ .label = Eguneraketa erabilgarri
+ .buttonlabel = Deskargatu
+ .buttonaccesskey = D
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Baztertu
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = z
+appmenu-update-manual-message2 = Ezin da { -brand-shorter-name } automatikoki eguneratu. Deskargatu bertsio berria — ez duzu gordetako informazio edo pertsonalizaziorik galduko.
+appmenu-update-unsupported2 =
+ .label = Ezin da eguneratu
+ .buttonlabel = Argibide gehiago
+ .buttonaccesskey = A
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Baztertu
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = B
+appmenu-update-unsupported-message2 = Zure sistema eragilea ez da bateragarria { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en azken bertsioarekin.
+appmenu-update-restart2 =
+ .label = Eguneraketa erabilgarri
+ .buttonlabel = Eguneratu eta berrabiarazi
+ .buttonaccesskey = E
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Baztertu
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = B
+appmenu-update-restart-message2 = Eskuratu { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en azken bertsioa. Irekitako fitxa eta leihoak berreskuratu egingo dira.
+appmenu-update-other-instance =
+ .label = Ezin da { -brand-shorter-name } azken bertsiora automatikoki eguneratu.
+ .buttonlabel = Eguneratu { -brand-shorter-name } halere
+ .buttonaccesskey = E
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Orain ez
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = z
+appmenu-update-other-instance-message = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en eguneraketa berri bat erabilgarri dago baina ezin da instalatu { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en beste kopia bat martxan dagoelako. Itxi ezazu eguneraketarekin jarraitzeko edo aukeratu edozein modutan eguneratzeko (beste kopia agian ez da ondo ibiliko berrabiarazi arte).
+appmenu-addon-private-browsing-installed2 =
+ .buttonlabel = Ados
+ .buttonaccesskey = A
+appmenu-addon-post-install-message3 = Kudeatu zure gehigarri eta itxurak aplikazio-menuaren bitartez.
+appmenu-addon-post-install-incognito-checkbox =
+ .label = Baimendu hedapen honi leiho pribatuetan exekutatzea
+ .accesskey = B
+appmenu-new-tab-controlled-changes =
+ .label = Zure fitxa berria aldatu egin da.
+ .buttonlabel = Mantendu aldaketak
+ .buttonaccesskey = M
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Kudeatu fitxa berriak
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = K
+appmenu-homepage-controlled-changes =
+ .label = Zure hasiera-orria aldatu egin da.
+ .buttonlabel = Mantendu aldaketak
+ .buttonaccesskey = M
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Kudeatu hasiera-orria
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = K
+appmenu-tab-hide-controlled =
+ .label = Sartu ezkutatutako zure fitxetara
+ .buttonlabel = Mantendu fitxak ezkutatuta
+ .buttonaccesskey = M
+ .secondarybuttonlabel = Desgaitu hedapena
+ .secondarybuttonaccesskey = D
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65bcd1f6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## App Menu
+appmenuitem-banner-update-downloading =
+ .label = { -brand-shorter-name } eguneraketa deskargatzen
+appmenuitem-banner-update-available =
+ .label = Eguneraketa erabilgarri — deskargatu orain
+appmenuitem-banner-update-manual =
+ .label = Eguneraketa erabilgarri — deskargatu orain
+appmenuitem-banner-update-unsupported =
+ .label = Ezin da eguneratu — sistema bateragaitza
+appmenuitem-banner-update-restart =
+ .label = Eguneraketa erabilgarri — berrabiarazi orain
+appmenuitem-new-tab =
+ .label = Fitxa berria
+appmenuitem-new-window =
+ .label = Leiho berria
+appmenuitem-new-private-window =
+ .label = Leiho pribatu berria
+appmenuitem-history =
+ .label = Historia
+appmenuitem-downloads =
+ .label = Deskargak
+appmenuitem-passwords =
+ .label = Pasahitzak
+appmenuitem-addons-and-themes =
+ .label = Gehigarriak eta itxurak
+appmenuitem-print =
+ .label = Inprimatu…
+appmenuitem-find-in-page =
+ .label = Bilatu orrian…
+appmenuitem-translate =
+ .label = Itzuli orria…
+appmenuitem-zoom =
+ .value = Zooma
+appmenuitem-more-tools =
+ .label = Tresna gehiago
+appmenuitem-help =
+ .label = Laguntza
+appmenuitem-exit2 =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] Irten
+ *[other] Irten
+ }
+appmenu-menu-button-closed2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki aplikazio-menua
+ .label = { -brand-short-name }
+appmenu-menu-button-opened2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Itxi aplikazio-menua
+ .label = { -brand-short-name }
+# Settings is now used to access the browser settings across all platforms,
+# instead of Options or Preferences.
+appmenuitem-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak
+## Zoom and Fullscreen Controls
+appmenuitem-zoom-enlarge =
+ .label = Gerturatu zooma
+appmenuitem-zoom-reduce =
+ .label = Urrundu zooma
+appmenuitem-fullscreen =
+ .label = Pantaila osoa
+## Firefox Account toolbar button and Sync panel in App menu.
+appmenu-remote-tabs-sign-into-sync =
+ .label = Hasi saioa sinkronizatzeko…
+appmenu-remote-tabs-turn-on-sync =
+ .label = Gaitu sinkronizazioa…
+# This is shown after the tabs list if we can display more tabs by clicking on the button
+appmenu-remote-tabs-showmore =
+ .label = Erakutsi fitxa gehiago
+ .tooltiptext = Erakutsi gailu honetako fitxa gehiago
+# This is shown beneath the name of a device when that device has no open tabs
+appmenu-remote-tabs-notabs = Irekitako fitxarik ez
+# This is shown when Sync is configured but syncing tabs is disabled.
+appmenu-remote-tabs-tabsnotsyncing = Aktibatu fitxak sinkronizatzea zure beste gailuetako fitxen zerrenda ikusteko.
+appmenu-remote-tabs-opensettings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak
+# This is shown when Sync is configured but this appears to be the only device attached to
+# the account. We also show links to download Firefox for android/ios.
+appmenu-remote-tabs-noclients = Beste gailuetako zure fitxak hemen ikusi nahi dituzu?
+appmenu-remote-tabs-connectdevice =
+ .label = Konektatu beste gailu bat
+appmenu-remote-tabs-welcome = Ikusi zure beste gailuetako fitxen zerrenda.
+appmenu-remote-tabs-unverified = Zure kontua egiaztatu egin behar da.
+appmenuitem-fxa-toolbar-sync-now2 = Sinkronizatu orain
+appmenuitem-fxa-sign-in = Hasi saioa { -brand-product-name }(e)n
+appmenuitem-fxa-manage-account = Kudeatu kontua
+appmenu-fxa-header2 = { -fxaccount-brand-name }
+appmenu-account-header = Kontua
+# Variables
+# $time (string) - Localized relative time since last sync (e.g. 1 second ago,
+# 3 hours ago, etc.)
+appmenu-fxa-last-sync = Azken sinkronizazioa { $time }
+ .label = Azken sinkronizazioa { $time }
+appmenu-fxa-sync-and-save-data2 = Sinkronizatu eta gorde datuak
+appmenu-fxa-signed-in-label = Hasi saioa
+appmenu-fxa-setup-sync =
+ .label = Gaitu sinkronizazioa…
+appmenuitem-save-page =
+ .label = Gorde orria honela…
+## What's New panel in App menu.
+whatsnew-panel-header = Nobedadeak
+# Checkbox displayed at the bottom of the What's New panel, allowing users to
+# enable/disable What's New notifications.
+whatsnew-panel-footer-checkbox =
+ .label = Jakinarazi eginbide berriei buruz
+ .accesskey = k
+## The Firefox Profiler – The popup is the UI to turn on the profiler, and record
+## performance profiles. To enable it go to and click
+## "Enable Profiler Menu Button".
+profiler-popup-button-idle =
+ .label = Profil sortzailea
+ .tooltiptext = Grabatu errendimenduaren profila
+profiler-popup-button-recording =
+ .label = Profil sortzailea
+ .tooltiptext = Profil sortzailea profila grabatzen ari da
+profiler-popup-button-capturing =
+ .label = Profil sortzailea
+ .tooltiptext = Profil sortzailea profila kapturatzen ari da
+profiler-popup-header-text = { -profiler-brand-name }
+profiler-popup-reveal-description-button =
+ .aria-label = Agerrarazi informazio gehiago
+profiler-popup-description-title =
+ .value = Grabatu, analizatu, partekatu
+profiler-popup-description = Elkarrekin lan egin errendimenduaren gaineko arazoetan, zure taldearekin partekatzeko profilak argitaratuz.
+profiler-popup-learn-more-button =
+ .label = Argibide gehiago
+profiler-popup-settings =
+ .value = Ezarpenak
+# This link takes the user to about:profiling, and is only visible with the Custom preset.
+profiler-popup-edit-settings-button =
+ .label = Editatu ezarpenak…
+profiler-popup-recording-screen = Grabatzen…
+profiler-popup-start-recording-button =
+ .label = Hasi grabatzen
+profiler-popup-discard-button =
+ .label = Baztertu
+profiler-popup-capture-button =
+ .label = Kapturatu
+profiler-popup-start-shortcut =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⌃⇧1
+ *[other] Ctrl+Shift+1
+ }
+profiler-popup-capture-shortcut =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⌃⇧2
+ *[other] Ctrl+Shift+2
+ }
+## Profiler presets
+## They are shown in the popup's select box.
+# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
+# devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.jsm.js
+# Please take care that the same values are also defined in devtools' perftools.ftl.
+profiler-popup-presets-web-developer-description = Web aplikazio gehienen arazketarako gomendatutako aurrezarpena, eragin negatibo txikiarekin.
+profiler-popup-presets-web-developer-label =
+ .label = Web garapena
+profiler-popup-presets-firefox-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en profila egiteko gomendatutako aurrezarpena.
+profiler-popup-presets-firefox-label =
+ .label = { -brand-shorter-name }
+profiler-popup-presets-graphics-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en programa-errore grafikoak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+profiler-popup-presets-graphics-label =
+ .label = Grafikoak
+profiler-popup-presets-media-description2 = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en audio eta bideo programa-erroreak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+profiler-popup-presets-media-label =
+ .label = Multimedia
+profiler-popup-presets-networking-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en sareko programa-erroreak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+profiler-popup-presets-networking-label =
+ .label = Sarea
+profiler-popup-presets-power-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en energia-erabilpenaren arazoak ikertzeko aurrezarpena, eragin negatibo txikiarekin.
+# "Power" is used in the sense of energy (electricity used by the computer).
+profiler-popup-presets-power-label =
+ .label = Energia
+profiler-popup-presets-custom-label =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatua
+## History panel
+appmenu-manage-history =
+ .label = Kudeatu historia
+appmenu-restore-session =
+ .label = Berreskuratu aurreko saioa
+appmenu-clear-history =
+ .label = Garbitu azken historia…
+appmenu-recent-history-subheader = Azken historia
+appmenu-recently-closed-tabs =
+ .label = Itxitako azken fitxak
+appmenu-recently-closed-windows =
+ .label = Itxitako azken leihoak
+# This allows to search through the browser's history.
+appmenu-search-history =
+ .label = Bilatu historia
+## Help panel
+appmenu-help-header =
+ .title = { -brand-shorter-name } laguntza
+appmenu-about =
+ .label = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)i buruz
+ .accesskey = b
+appmenu-get-help =
+ .label = Lortu laguntza
+ .accesskey = L
+appmenu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Arazoak konpontzeko informazio gehiago
+ .accesskey = f
+appmenu-help-report-site-issue =
+ .label = Eman gunearen arazoaren berri…
+appmenu-help-share-ideas =
+ .label = Partekatu ideiak eta iritzia…
+ .accesskey = P
+appmenu-help-switch-device =
+ .label = Gailu berri batera aldatzea
+## appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode and appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode
+## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both.
+appmenu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode2 =
+ .label = Arazoak konpontzeko modua…
+ .accesskey = m
+appmenu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = Desaktibatu arazoak konpontzeko modua
+ .accesskey = m
+## appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site and appmenu-help-not-deceptive
+## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both.
+appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site =
+ .label = Eman gune iruzurtiaren berri…
+ .accesskey = i
+appmenu-help-not-deceptive =
+ .label = Hau ez da gune iruzurtia…
+ .accesskey = i
+## More Tools
+appmenu-customizetoolbar =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu tresna-barra…
+appmenu-developer-tools-subheader = Nabigatzailearen tresnak
+appmenu-developer-tools-extensions =
+ .label = Garatzaileentzako hedapenak
+appmenuitem-report-broken-site =
+ .label = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/backgroundtasks/defaultagent.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/backgroundtasks/defaultagent.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63690b9221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/backgroundtasks/defaultagent.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+default-browser-agent-task-description = Nabigatzaile lehenetsiaren agentearen atazak egiaztatzen du noiz aldatzen den nabigatzaile lehenetsia { -brand-short-name }-etik beste batera. Aldaketa baldintza susmagarrien pean gertatuko balitz, erabiltzaileei { -brand-short-name }-era bueltatzeko eskatuko zaie, ez birritan baino gehiagotan. Ataza hau automatikoki instalatzen du { -brand-short-name }-ek eta berriro instalatzen da { -brand-short-name } eguneratzean. Ataza hau desgaitzeko, eguneratu "default-browser-agent.enabled" hobespena about:config orrian edo { -brand-short-name } enpresa-politikaren "DisableDefaultBrowserAgent" ezarpena.
+default-browser-notification-header-text = Jarraitu { -brand-short-name } erabiltzen?
+default-browser-notification-body-text = Zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia aldatu egin zen duela gutxi. Sakatu { -brand-short-name } lehenetsi gisa berrezartzeko.
+default-browser-notification-yes-button-text = Bai
+default-browser-notification-no-button-text = Ez
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browser.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browser.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4473545b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browser.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## The main browser window's title
+# These are the default window titles everywhere except macOS.
+# .data-title-default and .data-title-private are used when the web content
+# opened has no title:
+# default - "Mozilla Firefox"
+# private - "Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing)"
+# .data-content-title-default and .data-content-title-private are for use when
+# there *is* a content title.
+# Variables:
+# $content-title (String): the title of the web content.
+browser-main-window-window-titles =
+ .data-title-default = { -brand-full-name }
+ .data-title-private = { -brand-full-name } Nabigatze pribatua
+ .data-content-title-default = { $content-title } — { -brand-full-name }
+ .data-content-title-private = { $content-title } — { -brand-full-name } Nabigatze pribatua
+# These are the default window titles on macOS.
+# .data-title-default and .data-title-private are used when the web content
+# opened has no title:
+# "default" - "Mozilla Firefox"
+# "private" - "Mozilla Firefox — (Private Browsing)"
+# .data-content-title-default and .data-content-title-private are for use when
+# there *is* a content title.
+# Do not use the brand name in these, as we do on non-macOS.
+# Also note the other subtle difference here: we use a `-` to separate the
+# brand name from `(Private Browsing)`, which does not happen on other OSes.
+# Variables:
+# $content-title (String): the title of the web content.
+browser-main-window-mac-window-titles =
+ .data-title-default = { -brand-full-name }
+ .data-title-private = { -brand-full-name } — Nabigatze pribatua
+ .data-content-title-default = { $content-title }
+ .data-content-title-private = { $content-title } — Nabigatze pribatua
+# This gets set as the initial title, and is overridden as soon as we start
+# updating the titlebar based on loaded tabs or private browsing state.
+# This should match the `data-title-default` attribute in both
+# `browser-main-window` and `browser-main-window-mac`.
+browser-main-window-title = { -brand-full-name }
+# The non-variable portion of this MUST match the translation of
+private-browsing-shortcut-text-2 = { -brand-shortcut-name } nabigatze pribatua
+urlbar-identity-button =
+ .aria-label = Ikusi gunearen informazioa
+## Tooltips for images appearing in the address bar
+urlbar-services-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki instalazio-mezuen panela
+urlbar-web-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Aldatu gunetik jakinarazpenik jaso dezakezun ala ez
+urlbar-midi-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki MIDI panela
+urlbar-eme-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Kudeatu DRM softwarearen erabilpena
+urlbar-web-authn-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki web autentifikazioaren panela
+urlbar-canvas-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Kudeatu canvas-etik erauzteko baimenak
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-microphone-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Kudeatu zure mikrofonoa gunearekin partekatzea
+urlbar-default-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki mezuen panela
+urlbar-geolocation-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki helbide-eskaeren panela
+urlbar-xr-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki errealitate birtualaren baimenen panela
+urlbar-storage-access-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki nabigatze-jardueren baimenen panela
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-screen-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Kudeatu zure leihoak edo pantaila gunearekin partekatzea
+urlbar-indexed-db-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki lineaz kanpoko biltegiratzearen mezuen panela
+urlbar-password-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki pasahitza gordetzeko mezuen panela
+urlbar-plugins-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Kudeatu pluginen erabilera
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-devices-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Kudeatu zure kamera eta/edo mikrofonoa gunearekin partekatzea
+# "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or
+# another audio output connection.
+urlbar-web-rtc-share-speaker-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Kudeatu beste mikrofono batzuk gunearekin partekatzea
+urlbar-autoplay-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki erreprodukzio automatikoaren panela
+urlbar-persistent-storage-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Gorde datuak biltegiratze iraunkorrean
+urlbar-addons-notification-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki gehigarrien instalazio-mezuen panela
+urlbar-tip-help-icon =
+ .title = Lortu laguntza
+urlbar-search-tips-confirm = Ados, ulertuta
+urlbar-search-tips-confirm-short = Ulertuta
+# Read out before Urlbar Tip text content so screenreader users know the
+# subsequent text is a tip offered by the browser. It should end in a colon or
+# localized equivalent.
+urlbar-tip-icon-description =
+ .alt = Aholkua:
+urlbar-result-menu-button =
+ .title = Ireki menua
+urlbar-result-menu-button-feedback = Iritzia
+ .title = Ireki menua
+urlbar-result-menu-learn-more =
+ .label = Argibide gehiago
+ .accesskey = A
+urlbar-result-menu-remove-from-history =
+ .label = Kendu historiatik
+ .accesskey = K
+urlbar-result-menu-tip-get-help =
+ .label = Lortu laguntza
+ .accesskey = L
+## Prompts users to use the Urlbar when they open a new tab or visit the
+## homepage of their default search engine.
+## Variables:
+## $engineName (String): The name of the user's default search engine. e.g. "Google" or "DuckDuckGo".
+urlbar-search-tips-onboard = Gutxiago idatzi, gehiago aurkitu: bilatu { $engineName } erabiliz helbide-barratik zuzenean.
+urlbar-search-tips-redirect-2 = Hasi zure bilaketa helbide-barran { $engineName } bilatzailearen eta zure nabigazio-historialeko proposamenak ikusteko
+# Make sure to match the name of the Search panel in settings.
+urlbar-search-tips-persist = Bilaketak egitea sinpleagoa da orain. Saiatu zure bilaketa zehatzagoa egiten helbide-barran. Honen ordez URLa erakusteko, zoaz ezarpenetako 'Bilaketa' atalera.
+# Prompts users to use the Urlbar when they are typing in the domain of a
+# search engine, e.g. or
+urlbar-tabtosearch-onboard = Hautatu lasterbide hau behar duzuna azkarrago bilatzeko.
+## Local search mode indicator labels in the urlbar
+urlbar-search-mode-bookmarks = Laster-markak
+urlbar-search-mode-tabs = Fitxak
+urlbar-search-mode-history = Historia
+urlbar-search-mode-actions = Ekintzak
+urlbar-geolocation-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Kokalekuaren informazioa blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-xr-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Errealitate birtualeko gailuen sarbidea blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-web-notifications-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Jakinarazpenak blokeatuta dauzkazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-camera-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Kamera blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-microphone-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Mikrofonoa blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-screen-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Pantaila partekatzea blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-persistent-storage-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Datuen biltegiratze iraunkorra blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-popup-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Popup leihoak blokeatuta dauzkazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-autoplay-media-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Soinudun multimedia automatikoki erreproduzitzea blokeatuta daukazu gune honetarako.
+urlbar-canvas-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Canvas-eko datuen erauzketa blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-midi-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = MIDI sarbidea blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+urlbar-install-blocked =
+ .tooltiptext = Gehigarrien instalazioa blokeatuta daukazu webgune honetarako.
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the edit bookmark command.
+urlbar-star-edit-bookmark =
+ .tooltiptext = Editatu laster-marka ({ $shortcut })
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the add bookmark command.
+urlbar-star-add-bookmark =
+ .tooltiptext = Egin orri honen laster-marka ({ $shortcut })
+## Page Action Context Menu
+page-action-manage-extension2 =
+ .label = Kudeatu hedapena…
+ .accesskey = h
+page-action-remove-extension2 =
+ .label = Kendu hedapena
+ .accesskey = k
+## Auto-hide Context Menu
+full-screen-autohide =
+ .label = Ezkutatu tresna-barrak
+ .accesskey = E
+full-screen-exit =
+ .label = Irten pantaila osoko ikuspegitik
+ .accesskey = p
+## Search Engine selection buttons (one-offs)
+# This string prompts the user to use the list of search shortcuts in
+# the Urlbar and searchbar.
+search-one-offs-with-title = Oraingoan, bilatu honekin:
+search-one-offs-change-settings-compact-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Aldatu bilaketa-ezarpenak
+search-one-offs-context-open-new-tab =
+ .label = Bilatu fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = f
+search-one-offs-context-set-as-default =
+ .label = Ezarri bilaketa-motor lehenetsi gisa
+ .accesskey = h
+search-one-offs-context-set-as-default-private =
+ .label = Ezarri leiho pribatuetarako bilaketa-motor lehenetsi gisa
+ .accesskey = E
+# Search engine one-off buttons with an @alias shortcut/keyword.
+# Variables:
+# $engineName (String): The name of the engine.
+# $alias (String): The @alias shortcut/keyword.
+search-one-offs-engine-with-alias =
+ .tooltiptext = { $engineName } ({ $alias })
+# Shown when adding new engines from the address bar shortcut buttons or context
+# menu, or from the search bar shortcut buttons.
+# Variables:
+# $engineName (String): The name of the engine.
+search-one-offs-add-engine =
+ .label = Gehitu "{ $engineName }"
+ .tooltiptext = Gehitu "{ $engineName }" bilaketa-motorra
+ .aria-label = Gehitu "{ $engineName }" bilaketa-motorra
+# When more than 5 engines are offered by a web page, they are grouped in a
+# submenu using this as its label.
+search-one-offs-add-engine-menu =
+ .label = Gehitu bilaketa-motorra
+## Local search mode one-off buttons
+## Variables:
+## $restrict (String): The restriction token corresponding to the search mode.
+## Restriction tokens are special characters users can type in the urlbar to
+## restrict their searches to certain sources (e.g., "*" to search only
+## bookmarks).
+search-one-offs-bookmarks =
+ .tooltiptext = Laster-markak ({ $restrict })
+search-one-offs-tabs =
+ .tooltiptext = Fitxak ({ $restrict })
+search-one-offs-history =
+ .tooltiptext = Historia ({ $restrict })
+search-one-offs-actions =
+ .tooltiptext = Ekintzak ({ $restrict })
+## QuickActions are shown in the urlbar as the user types a matching string
+## The -cmd- strings are comma separated list of keywords that will match
+## the action.
+# Opens the about:addons page in the home / recommendations section
+quickactions-addons = Ikusi gehigarriak
+quickactions-cmd-addons2 = gehigarriak
+# Opens the bookmarks library window
+quickactions-bookmarks2 = Kudeatu laster-markak
+quickactions-cmd-bookmarks = laster-markak
+# Opens a SUMO article explaining how to clear history
+quickactions-clearhistory = Garbitu historia
+quickactions-cmd-clearhistory = garbitu historia
+# Opens about:downloads page
+quickactions-downloads2 = Ikusi deskargak
+quickactions-cmd-downloads = deskargak
+# Opens about:addons page in the extensions section
+quickactions-extensions = Kudeatu hedapenak
+quickactions-cmd-extensions = hedapenak
+# Opens the devtools web inspector
+quickactions-inspector2 = Ireki garatzaile-tresnak
+quickactions-cmd-inspector = ikuskatzailea, garatzaile-tresnak
+# Opens about:logins
+quickactions-logins2 = Kudeatu pasahitzak
+quickactions-cmd-logins = saio-hasierak, pasahitzak
+# Opens about:addons page in the plugins section
+quickactions-plugins = Kudeatu pluginak
+quickactions-cmd-plugins = pluginak
+# Opens the print dialog
+quickactions-print2 = Inprimatu orria
+quickactions-cmd-print = inprimatu
+# Opens the print dialog at the save to PDF option
+quickactions-savepdf = Gorde orria PDF gisa
+quickactions-cmd-savepdf = pdf
+# Opens a new private browsing window
+quickactions-private2 = Ireki leiho pribatua
+quickactions-cmd-private = nabigatze pribatua
+# Opens a SUMO article explaining how to refresh
+quickactions-refresh = Biziberritu { -brand-short-name }
+quickactions-cmd-refresh = berritu
+# Restarts the browser
+quickactions-restart = Berrabiarazi { -brand-short-name }
+quickactions-cmd-restart = berrabiarazi
+# Opens the screenshot tool
+quickactions-screenshot3 = Hartu pantaila-argazkia
+quickactions-cmd-screenshot = pantaila-argazkia
+# Opens about:preferences
+quickactions-settings2 = Kudeatu ezarpenak
+quickactions-cmd-settings = ezarpenak, hobespenak, aukerak
+# Opens about:addons page in the themes section
+quickactions-themes = Kudeatu itxurak
+quickactions-cmd-themes = itxurak
+# Opens a SUMO article explaining how to update the browser
+quickactions-update = Eguneratu { -brand-short-name }
+quickactions-cmd-update = eguneratu
+# Opens the view-source UI with current pages source
+quickactions-viewsource2 = Ikusi orriaren iturburua
+quickactions-cmd-viewsource = ikusi iturburua, iturburua
+# Tooltip text for the help button shown in the result.
+quickactions-learn-more =
+ .title = Ekintza bizkorrei buruzko argibide gehiago
+## Bookmark Panel
+bookmarks-add-bookmark = Gehitu laster-marka
+bookmarks-edit-bookmark = Editatu laster-marka
+bookmark-panel-cancel =
+ .label = Utzi
+ .accesskey = z
+# Variables:
+# $count (number): number of bookmarks that will be removed
+bookmark-panel-remove =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Ezabatu laster-marka
+ *[other] Ezabatu { $count } laster-marka
+ }
+ .accesskey = K
+bookmark-panel-show-editor-checkbox =
+ .label = Erakutsi editorea gordetzean
+ .accesskey = E
+bookmark-panel-save-button =
+ .label = Gorde
+# Width of the bookmark panel.
+# Should be large enough to fully display the Done and
+# Cancel/Remove Bookmark buttons.
+bookmark-panel =
+ .style = min-width: 23em
+## Identity Panel
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+identity-site-information = { $host } ostalariaren informazioa
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+identity-header-security-with-host =
+ .title = Konexioaren segurtasuna { $host } ostalarirako
+identity-connection-not-secure = Konexio ez-segurua
+identity-connection-secure = Konexio segurua
+identity-connection-failure = Konexioak huts egin du
+identity-connection-internal = { -brand-short-name } orri segurua da hau.
+identity-connection-file = Orri hau zure ordenagailuan biltegiratuta dago.
+identity-connection-associated = Orri hau beste orri batetik kargatu da.
+identity-extension-page = Orri hau hedapen batetik kargatu da.
+identity-active-blocked = { -brand-short-name }(e)k seguruak ez diren orri honetako zatiak blokeatu ditu.
+identity-custom-root = Mozillak onetsi gabeko ziurtagiri-jaulkitzaile batek egiaztatu du konexioa.
+identity-passive-loaded = Orri honetako zenbait atal ez dira seguruak (adib. irudiak).
+identity-active-loaded = Babesa desgaitu duzu orri honetan.
+identity-weak-encryption = Orri honek zifraketa ahula erabiltzen du.
+identity-insecure-login-forms = Orri honetan sartutako saio-hasierak arriskuan egon litezke.
+identity-https-only-connection-upgraded = (HTTPSra bihurtu da)
+identity-https-only-label = HTTPS-Only modua
+identity-https-only-label2 = Hobetu automatikoki gune hau konexio seguru batera
+identity-https-only-dropdown-on =
+ .label = Aktibatuta
+identity-https-only-dropdown-off =
+ .label = Desaktibatuta
+identity-https-only-dropdown-off-temporarily =
+ .label = Desaktibatuta behin-behinean
+identity-https-only-info-turn-on2 = Aktibatu gune honetarako HTTPS-Only modua, ahal denean { -brand-short-name }(e)k konexioa HTTPSra bihur dezan.
+identity-https-only-info-turn-off2 = Orriak hautsita badirudi, agian HTTPS-Only modua desgaitu nahi duzu gunea HTTP ez-segurua erabiliz berritzeko.
+identity-https-only-info-turn-on3 = Gaitu HTTPS hobekuntzak gune honetarako { -brand-short-name }(e)k ahal denean konexioa hobetzea nahi baduzu.
+identity-https-only-info-turn-off3 = Orriak hautsita badirudi, agian gune honetarako HTTPS hobekuntzak desgaitu nahi dituzu, gunea HTTP ez-segurua erabiliz berritzeko.
+identity-https-only-info-no-upgrade = Ezin da konexioa bihurtu HTTPtik.
+identity-permissions-storage-access-header = Guneen arteko cookieak
+identity-permissions-storage-access-hint = Ondorengo hauek guneen arteko cookie eta datuak erabil ditzakete gune honetan zauden bitartean.
+identity-permissions-storage-access-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+identity-permissions-reload-hint = Agian orria berritu beharko duzu aldaketek eragina izan dezaten.
+identity-clear-site-data =
+ .label = Garbitu cookieak eta guneetako datuak…
+identity-connection-not-secure-security-view = Ez zaude modu seguruan konektatuta gune honetara.
+identity-connection-verified = Modu seguruan zaude konektatuta gune honetara.
+identity-ev-owner-label = Ziurtagiria honi jaulkia:
+identity-description-custom-root2 = Mozillak ez du ziurtagiri-jaulkitzaile hau ontzat hartzen. Zure sistema eragileak edo administratzaile batek gehitu du agian.
+identity-remove-cert-exception =
+ .label = Kendu salbuespena
+ .accesskey = K
+identity-description-insecure = Gune honetarako zure konexioa ez da pribatua. Bidaltzen duzun informazioa besteek ikus lezakete (adibidez pasahitzak, mezuak, kreditu-txartelak, etab.).
+identity-description-insecure-login-forms = Orri honetan sartzen duzun saio-hasiera informazioa ez da segurua eta arriskuan egon liteke.
+identity-description-weak-cipher-intro = Gune honetarako zure konexioak zifraketa ahula erabiltzen du eta ez da pribatua.
+identity-description-weak-cipher-risk = Besteek zure informazioa ikusi edo webgunearen portaera alda lezakete.
+identity-description-active-blocked2 = { -brand-short-name }(e)k seguruak ez diren orri honetako atalak blokeatu ditu.
+identity-description-passive-loaded = Zure konexioa ez da pribatua eta gunearekin partekatzen duzun informazioa besteek ikus lezakete.
+identity-description-passive-loaded-insecure2 = Webgune honek segurua ez den edukia du (adib. irudiak).
+identity-description-passive-loaded-mixed2 = { -brand-short-name }(e)k zenbait eduki blokeatu arren, oraindik ere segurua ez den edukia du orriak (adib. irudiak).
+identity-description-active-loaded = Wegune honek segurua ez den edukia dauka (adibidez script-ak) eta zure konexioa ez da pribatua.
+identity-description-active-loaded-insecure = Gune honekin partekatzen duzun informazioa besteek ikus lezakete (adibidez pasahitzak, mezuak, kreditu txartelak, etab.).
+identity-disable-mixed-content-blocking =
+ .label = Desgaitu babesa momentuz
+ .accesskey = D
+identity-enable-mixed-content-blocking =
+ .label = Gaitu babesa
+ .accesskey = G
+identity-more-info-link-text =
+ .label = Informazio gehiago
+## Window controls
+browser-window-minimize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Txikitu
+browser-window-maximize-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Maximizatu
+browser-window-restore-down-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Leheneratu txikira
+browser-window-close-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Itxi
+## Tab actions
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+browser-tab-audio-playing2 = ERREPRODUZITZEN
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+browser-tab-audio-muted2 = MUTUTUTA
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+# This label should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+browser-tab-audio-pip = BIDEOA BESTE LEIHO BATEAN
+## These labels should be written in all capital letters if your locale supports them.
+## Variables:
+## $count (number): number of affected tabs
+browser-tab-mute =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] MUTUTU { $count } FITXA
+ }
+browser-tab-unmute =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] EZ MUTUTU { $count } FITXA
+ }
+browser-tab-unblock =
+ { $count ->
+ *[other] ERREPRODUZITU { $count } FITXA
+ }
+## Bookmarks toolbar items
+browser-import-button2 =
+ .label = Inportatu laster-markak…
+ .tooltiptext = Inportatu laster-markak beste nabigatzaile batetik { -brand-short-name }(e)ra.
+bookmarks-toolbar-empty-message = Sarbide azkarra izateko, ipin itzazu laster-markak hementxe, laster-marken tresna-barran. <a data-l10n-name="manage-bookmarks">Kudeatu laster-markak…</a>
+## WebRTC Pop-up notifications
+popup-select-camera-device =
+ .value = Kamera:
+ .accesskey = K
+popup-select-camera-icon =
+ .tooltiptext = Kamera
+popup-select-microphone-device =
+ .value = Mikrofonoa:
+ .accesskey = M
+popup-select-microphone-icon =
+ .tooltiptext = Mikrofonoa
+popup-select-speaker-icon =
+ .tooltiptext = Bozgorailuak
+popup-select-window-or-screen =
+ .label = Leiho edo pantaila:
+ .accesskey = L
+popup-all-windows-shared = Zure pantailan ikusgai dauden leiho guztiak partekatuko dira.
+## WebRTC window or screen share tab switch warning
+sharing-warning-window = { -brand-short-name } partekatzen ari zara. Fitxaz aldatzen duzunean, besteek ere ikus dezakete.
+sharing-warning-screen = Zure pantaila osoa partekatzen ari zara. Fitxaz aldatzen duzunean, besteek ere ikus dezakete.
+sharing-warning-proceed-to-tab =
+ .label = Jarraitu fitxara
+sharing-warning-disable-for-session =
+ .label = Desgaitu partekatze-babesa saio honetarako
+## DevTools F12 popup
+enable-devtools-popup-description2 = F12 lasterbidea erabiltzeko, ireki lehenik garatzaile-tresnak 'Nabigatzailearen tresnak' menutik.
+## URL Bar
+# This string is used as an accessible name to the "X" button that cancels a custom search mode (i.e. exits the search mode).
+urlbar-search-mode-indicator-close =
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+# This placeholder is used when not in search mode and the user's default search
+# engine is unknown.
+urlbar-placeholder =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi bilaketa edo helbidea
+# This placeholder is used in search mode with search engines that search the
+# entire web.
+# Variables
+# $name (String): the name of a search engine that searches the entire Web
+# (e.g. Google).
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-web-2 =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu webean
+ .aria-label = Bilatu { $name } erabiliz
+# This placeholder is used in search mode with search engines that search a
+# specific site (e.g., Amazon).
+# Variables
+# $name (String): the name of a search engine that searches a specific site
+# (e.g. Amazon).
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-engine =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi bilaketa-terminoak
+ .aria-label = Bilatu { $name }
+# This placeholder is used when searching bookmarks.
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-bookmarks =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi bilaketa-terminoak
+ .aria-label = Bilatu laster-markak
+# This placeholder is used when searching history.
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-history =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi bilaketa-terminoak
+ .aria-label = Bilatu historia
+# This placeholder is used when searching open tabs.
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-tabs =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi bilaketa-terminoak
+ .aria-label = Bilatu fitxak
+# This placeholder is used when searching quick actions.
+urlbar-placeholder-search-mode-other-actions =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi bilaketa-terminoak
+ .aria-label = Bilaketa-ekintzak
+# Variables
+# $name (String): the name of the user's default search engine
+urlbar-placeholder-with-name =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu { $name } erabiliz edo idatzi helbidea
+# Variables
+# $component (String): the name of the component which forces remote control.
+# Example: "DevTools", "Marionette", "RemoteAgent".
+urlbar-remote-control-notification-anchor2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Nabigatzailea urruneko kontrolpean dago (arrazoia: { $component })
+urlbar-permissions-granted =
+ .tooltiptext = Baimen bereziak eman dizkiozu webgune honi.
+urlbar-switch-to-tab =
+ .value = Aldatu fitxara:
+# Used to indicate that a selected autocomplete entry is provided by an extension.
+urlbar-extension =
+ .value = Hedapena:
+urlbar-go-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Joan kokapen-barrako helbidera
+urlbar-page-action-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Orri-ekintzak
+## Action text shown in urlbar results, usually appended after the search
+## string or the url, like "result value - action text".
+# Used when the private browsing engine differs from the default engine.
+# The "with" format was chosen because the search engine name can end with
+# "Search", and we would like to avoid strings like "Search MSN Search".
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine
+urlbar-result-action-search-in-private-w-engine = Bilatu leiho pribatuan { $engine } erabiliz
+# Used when the private browsing engine is the same as the default engine.
+urlbar-result-action-search-in-private = Bilatu leiho pribatuan
+# The "with" format was chosen because the search engine name can end with
+# "Search", and we would like to avoid strings like "Search MSN Search".
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine
+urlbar-result-action-search-w-engine = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz
+urlbar-result-action-sponsored = Babesleak hornituta
+urlbar-result-action-switch-tab = Aldatu fitxara
+urlbar-result-action-visit = Bisitatu
+# Allows the user to visit a URL that was previously copied to the clipboard.
+urlbar-result-action-visit-from-clipboard = Bisitatu arbeletik
+# Directs a user to press the Tab key to perform a search with the specified
+# engine.
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches the entire Web
+# (e.g. Google).
+urlbar-result-action-before-tabtosearch-web = Sakatu 'Tab' tekla { $engine } erabiliz bilatzeko
+# Directs a user to press the Tab key to perform a search with the specified
+# engine.
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches a specific site
+# (e.g. Amazon).
+urlbar-result-action-before-tabtosearch-other = Sakatu 'Tab' tekla { $engine } erabiliz bilatzeko
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches the entire Web
+# (e.g. Google).
+urlbar-result-action-tabtosearch-web = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz helbide-barratik zuzenean
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of a search engine that searches a specific site
+# (e.g. Amazon).
+urlbar-result-action-tabtosearch-other-engine = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz helbide-barratik zuzenean
+# Action text for copying to clipboard.
+urlbar-result-action-copy-to-clipboard = Kopiatu
+# Shows the result of a formula expression being calculated, the last = sign will be shown
+# as part of the result (e.g. "= 2").
+# Variables
+# $result (String): the string representation for a formula result
+urlbar-result-action-calculator-result = = { $result }
+## Action text shown in urlbar results, usually appended after the search
+## string or the url, like "result value - action text".
+## In these actions "Search" is a verb, followed by where the search is performed.
+urlbar-result-action-search-bookmarks = Bilatu laster-markak
+urlbar-result-action-search-history = Bilatu historia
+urlbar-result-action-search-tabs = Bilatu fitxak
+urlbar-result-action-search-actions = Bilaketa-ekintzak
+## Labels shown above groups of urlbar results
+# A label shown above the "Firefox Suggest" (bookmarks/history) group in the
+# urlbar results.
+urlbar-group-firefox-suggest =
+ .label = { -firefox-suggest-brand-name }
+# A label shown above the search suggestions group in the urlbar results. It
+# should use sentence case.
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of the search engine providing the suggestions
+urlbar-group-search-suggestions =
+ .label = { $engine }(r)en iradokizunak
+# A label shown above Quick Actions in the urlbar results.
+urlbar-group-quickactions =
+ .label = Ekintza bizkorrak
+# A label shown above the recent searches group in the urlbar results.
+# Variables
+# $engine (String): the name of the search engine used to search.
+urlbar-group-recent-searches =
+ .label = Azken bilaketak
+## Reader View toolbar buttons
+# This should match menu-view-enter-readerview in menubar.ftl
+reader-view-enter-button =
+ .aria-label = Sartu irakurtzeko ikuspegian
+# This should match menu-view-close-readerview in menubar.ftl
+reader-view-close-button =
+ .aria-label = Irten irakurtzeko ikuspegitik
+## Picture-in-Picture urlbar button
+## Variables:
+## $shortcut (String) - Keyboard shortcut to execute the command.
+picture-in-picture-urlbar-button-open =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki bideoa beste leiho batean ({ $shortcut })
+picture-in-picture-urlbar-button-close =
+ .tooltiptext = Itxi bideoa beste leiho batean ({ $shortcut })
+picture-in-picture-panel-header = Bideoa beste leiho batean
+picture-in-picture-panel-headline = Webgune honek ez du gomendatzen bideoa beste leiho batean ikustea
+picture-in-picture-panel-body = Bideoak agian ez dira garatzaileak nahi zuen moduan bistaratuko bideoa beste leiho batean ikusteko gaituta badago.
+picture-in-picture-enable-toggle =
+ .label = Gaitu halere
+## Full Screen and Pointer Lock UI
+# Please ensure that the domain stays in the `<span data-l10n-name="domain">` markup.
+# Variables
+# $domain (String): the domain that is full screen, e.g. ""
+fullscreen-warning-domain = <span data-l10n-name="domain">{ $domain }</span> pantaila osoan dago orain
+fullscreen-warning-no-domain = Dokumentua pantaila osoan dago orain
+fullscreen-exit-button = Irten pantaila osotik (Esk)
+# "esc" is lowercase on mac keyboards, but uppercase elsewhere.
+fullscreen-exit-mac-button = Irten pantaila osotik (esk)
+# Please ensure that the domain stays in the `<span data-l10n-name="domain">` markup.
+# Variables
+# $domain (String): the domain that is using pointer-lock, e.g. ""
+pointerlock-warning-domain = <span data-l10n-name="domain">{ $domain }</span> (e)k zure erakuslearen kontrola dauka. Kontrola berreskuratzeko, sakatu eskape tekla.
+pointerlock-warning-no-domain = Dokumentu honek zure erakuslearen kontrola dauka. Kontrola berreskuratzeko, sakatu eskape tekla.
+## Bookmarks panels, menus and toolbar
+bookmarks-manage-bookmarks =
+ .label = Kudeatu laster-markak
+bookmarks-recent-bookmarks-panel-subheader = Azken laster-markak
+bookmarks-toolbar-chevron =
+ .tooltiptext = Erakutsi laster-marka gehiago
+bookmarks-sidebar-content =
+ .aria-label = Laster-markak
+bookmarks-menu-button =
+ .label = Laster-marken menua
+bookmarks-other-bookmarks-menu =
+ .label = Beste laster-markak
+bookmarks-mobile-bookmarks-menu =
+ .label = Mugikorreko laster-markak
+## Variables:
+## $isVisible (boolean): if the specific element (e.g. bookmarks sidebar,
+## bookmarks toolbar, etc.) is visible or not.
+bookmarks-tools-sidebar-visibility =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Ezkutatu laster-marken alboko barra
+ *[other] Ikusi laster-marken tresna-barra
+ }
+bookmarks-tools-toolbar-visibility-menuitem =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Ezkutatu laster-marken tresna-barra
+ *[other] Ikusi laster-marken tresna-barra
+ }
+bookmarks-tools-toolbar-visibility-panel =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Ezkutatu laster-marken tresna-barra
+ *[other] Erakutsi laster-marken tresna-barra
+ }
+bookmarks-tools-menu-button-visibility =
+ .label =
+ { $isVisible ->
+ [true] Kendu laster-marken menua tresna-barratik
+ *[other] Gehitu laster-marken menua tresna-barran
+ }
+bookmarks-search =
+ .label = Bilatu laster-markak
+bookmarks-tools =
+ .label = Laster-marken tresnak
+bookmarks-subview-edit-bookmark =
+ .label = Editatu laster-marka hau…
+# The aria-label is a spoken label that should not include the word "toolbar" or
+# such, because screen readers already know that this container is a toolbar.
+# This avoids double-speaking.
+bookmarks-toolbar =
+ .toolbarname = Laster-marken tresna-barra
+ .accesskey = b
+ .aria-label = Laster-markak
+bookmarks-toolbar-menu =
+ .label = Laster-marken tresna-barra
+bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder =
+ .title = Laster-marken tresna-barraren osagaiak
+bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder-button =
+ .label = Laster-marken tresna-barraren osagaiak
+# "Bookmark" is a verb, as in "Add current tab to bookmarks".
+bookmarks-subview-bookmark-tab =
+ .label = Egin uneko fitxaren laster-marka…
+## Library Panel items
+library-bookmarks-menu =
+ .label = Laster-markak
+library-recent-activity-title =
+ .value = Azken jarduera
+## Pocket toolbar button
+save-to-pocket-button =
+ .label = Gorde { -pocket-brand-name }-en
+ .tooltiptext = Gorde { -pocket-brand-name }-en
+## Repair text encoding toolbar button
+repair-text-encoding-button =
+ .label = Konpondu testu-kodeketa
+ .tooltiptext = Antzeman testuaren kodeketa zuzena orriaren edukitik
+## Customize Toolbar Buttons
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to open settings (only on macOS)
+toolbar-settings-button =
+ .label = Ezarpenak
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Ireki ezarpenak ({ $shortcut })
+ *[other] Ireki ezarpenak
+ }
+toolbar-overflow-customize-button =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu tresna-barra…
+ .accesskey = P
+toolbar-button-email-link =
+ .label = Bidali lotura postaz
+ .tooltiptext = Bidali postaz orri honetarako lotura
+toolbar-button-logins =
+ .label = Pasahitzak
+ .tooltiptext = Ikusi eta kudeatu gordetako zure pasahitzak
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to save a copy of the page
+toolbar-button-save-page =
+ .label = Gorde orria
+ .tooltiptext = Gorde orri hau ({ $shortcut })
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to open a local file
+toolbar-button-open-file =
+ .label = Ireki fitxategia
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki fitxategia ({ $shortcut })
+toolbar-button-synced-tabs =
+ .label = Sinkronizatutako fitxak
+ .tooltiptext = Erakutsi beste gailuetako fitxak
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (string) - Keyboard shortcut to open a new private browsing window
+toolbar-button-new-private-window =
+ .label = Leiho pribatu berria
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki nabigatze pribatuko leiho berri bat ({ $shortcut })
+## EME notification panel
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing = Gune honetako zenbait audiok edo bideok DRM softwarea darabil eta { -brand-short-name }(r)en eginbideak muga litzake.
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-manage = Kudeatu ezarpenak
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-manage-accesskey = K
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-dismiss = Baztertu
+eme-notifications-drm-content-playing-dismiss-accesskey = B
+## Password save/update panel
+panel-save-update-username = Erabiltzaile-izena
+panel-save-update-password = Pasahitza
+# "More" item in macOS share menu
+menu-share-more =
+ .label = Gehiago…
+ui-tour-info-panel-close =
+ .tooltiptext = Itxi
+## Variables:
+## $uriHost (String): URI host for which the popup was allowed or blocked.
+popups-infobar-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu popup leihoak { $uriHost }(e)rako
+ .accesskey = p
+popups-infobar-block =
+ .label = Blokeatu popup leihoak { $uriHost }(e)rako
+ .accesskey = p
+popups-infobar-dont-show-message =
+ .label = Ez erakutsi mezu hau popup leihoak blokeatzerakoan
+ .accesskey = z
+edit-popup-settings =
+ .label = Kudeatu popup leihoen ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = K
+picture-in-picture-hide-toggle =
+ .label = Ezkutatu bideoa beste leiho batean txandakatzeko botoia
+ .accesskey = E
+## Since the default position for PiP controls does not change for RTL layout,
+## right-to-left languages should use "Left" and "Right" as in the English strings,
+picture-in-picture-move-toggle-right =
+ .label = Eraman eskuinera bideoa beste leiho batean ikustea txandakatzekoa
+ .accesskey = s
+picture-in-picture-move-toggle-left =
+ .label = Eraman ezkerrera bideoa beste leiho batean ikustea txandakatzekoa
+ .accesskey = z
+# Navigator Toolbox
+# This string is a spoken label that should not include
+# the word "toolbar" or such, because screen readers already know that
+# this container is a toolbar. This avoids double-speaking.
+navbar-accessible =
+ .aria-label = Nabigazioa
+navbar-downloads =
+ .label = Deskargak
+navbar-overflow =
+ .tooltiptext = Tresna gehiago…
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): keyboard shortcut to print the page
+navbar-print =
+ .label = Inprimatu
+ .tooltiptext = Inprimatu orri hau… ({ $shortcut })
+navbar-home =
+ .label = Hasiera-orria
+ .tooltiptext = { -brand-short-name } hasiera-orria
+navbar-library =
+ .label = Biltegia
+ .tooltiptext = Ikusi historia, gordetako laster-markak eta gehiago
+navbar-search =
+ .title = Bilatu
+# Name for the tabs toolbar as spoken by screen readers. The word
+# "toolbar" is appended automatically and should not be included in
+# in the string
+tabs-toolbar =
+ .aria-label = Nabigatzailearen fitxak
+tabs-toolbar-new-tab =
+ .label = Fitxa berria
+tabs-toolbar-list-all-tabs =
+ .label = Zerrendatu fitxa guztiak
+ .tooltiptext = Zerrendatu fitxa guztiak
+## Infobar shown at startup to suggest session-restore
+# <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> will be replaced by the application menu icon
+restore-session-startup-suggestion-message = <strong>Ireki aurreko fitxak?</strong> Aurreko zure saioa berrezar dezakezu { -brand-short-name } aplikazio-menutik <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>, Historia barnean.
+restore-session-startup-suggestion-button = Erakuts iezadazu nola
+## Mozilla data reporting notification (Telemetry, Firefox Health Report, etc)
+data-reporting-notification-message = { -brand-short-name }(e)k zenbait datu automatikoki bidaltzen ditu { -vendor-short-name }(e)ra zure esperientzia hobetzeko.
+data-reporting-notification-button =
+ .label = Aukeratu partekatzen dudana
+ .accesskey = A
+# Label for the indicator shown in the private browsing window titlebar.
+private-browsing-indicator-label = Nabigatze pribatua
+## Unified extensions (toolbar) button
+unified-extensions-button =
+ .label = Hedapenak
+ .tooltiptext = Hedapenak
+## Unified extensions button when permission(s) are needed.
+## Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip.
+unified-extensions-button-permissions-needed =
+ .label = Hedapenak
+ .tooltiptext =
+ Hedapenak
+ Baimenak behar dira
+## Unified extensions button when some extensions are quarantined.
+## Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip.
+unified-extensions-button-quarantined =
+ .label = Hedapenak
+ .tooltiptext =
+ Hedapenak
+ Zenbait hedapen ez dira onartzen
+## Private browsing reset button
+reset-pbm-toolbar-button =
+ .label = Amaitu saio pribatua
+ .tooltiptext = Amaitu saio pribatua
+reset-pbm-panel-heading = Zure saio pribatua amaitu?
+reset-pbm-panel-description = Itxi fitxa pribatu guztiak eta ezabatu historia, cookieak eta guneetako bestelako datu guztiak.
+reset-pbm-panel-always-ask-checkbox =
+ .label = Galdetu beti
+ .accesskey = b
+reset-pbm-panel-cancel-button =
+ .label = Utzi
+ .accesskey = z
+reset-pbm-panel-confirm-button =
+ .label = Ezabatu saioko datuak
+ .accesskey = s
+reset-pbm-panel-complete = Saio pribatuko datuak ezabatuta
+## Autorefresh blocker
+refresh-blocked-refresh-label = { -brand-short-name }(e)k orri hau blokeatu du automatikoki ez berritzeko.
+refresh-blocked-redirect-label = { -brand-short-name }(e)k orri hau blokeatu du automatikoki beste orri batetara ez joateko.
+refresh-blocked-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu
+ .accesskey = B
+## Firefox Relay integration
+## Add-on Pop-up Notifications
+popup-notification-addon-install-unsigned =
+ .value = (Egiaztatu gabea)
+popup-notification-xpinstall-prompt-learn-more = Gehigarriak modu seguruan instalatzeko argibide gehiago
+## Pop-up warning
+# Variables:
+# $popupCount (Number): the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popup-warning-message =
+ { $popupCount ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name }(e)k galarazi egin du gune honek pop-up leiho bat irekitzea.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name }(e)k galarazi egin du gune honek { $popupCount } pop-up leiho irekitzea.
+ }
+# The singular form is left out for English, since the number of blocked pop-ups is always greater than 1.
+# Variables:
+# $popupCount (Number): the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popup-warning-exceeded-message = { -brand-short-name }(e)k galarazi egin du gune honek { $popupCount } pop-up leiho baino gehiago irekitzea.
+popup-warning-button =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Aukerak
+ *[other] Hobespenak
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] A
+ *[other] H
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $popupURI (String): the URI for the pop-up window
+popup-show-popup-menuitem =
+ .label = Erakutsi '{ $popupURI }'
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b242104d40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+navbar-tooltip-instruction =
+ .value =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Ekarri behera historia erakusteko
+ *[other] Egin eskuin-klika edo ekarri behera historia erakusteko
+ }
+## Back
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Back command.
+main-context-menu-back-2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Joan orri bat atzera ({ $shortcut })
+ .aria-label = Atzera
+ .accesskey = z
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-back-mac =
+ .label = Atzera
+ .accesskey = z
+navbar-tooltip-back-2 =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-back-2.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-back-2 =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-back-2.aria-label }
+## Forward
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Forward command.
+main-context-menu-forward-2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Joan orri bat aurrera ({ $shortcut })
+ .aria-label = Aurrera
+ .accesskey = A
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-forward-mac =
+ .label = Aurrera
+ .accesskey = A
+navbar-tooltip-forward-2 =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-forward-2.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-forward-2 =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-forward-2.aria-label }
+## Reload
+main-context-menu-reload =
+ .aria-label = Berritu
+ .accesskey = r
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-reload-mac =
+ .label = Berritu
+ .accesskey = r
+toolbar-button-reload =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
+## Stop
+main-context-menu-stop =
+ .aria-label = Gelditu
+ .accesskey = G
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+main-context-menu-stop-mac =
+ .label = Gelditu
+ .accesskey = G
+toolbar-button-stop =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-stop.aria-label }
+## Stop-Reload Button
+toolbar-button-stop-reload =
+ .title = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
+## Firefox Account Button
+toolbar-button-fxaccount =
+ .label = { -fxaccount-brand-name }
+ .tooltiptext = { -fxaccount-brand-name }
+## Account toolbar Button
+toolbar-button-account =
+ .label = Kontua
+ .tooltiptext = Kontua
+## Save Page
+main-context-menu-page-save =
+ .label = Gorde orria honela…
+ .accesskey = G
+## Simple menu items
+main-context-menu-bookmark-page =
+ .aria-label = Egin orriaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+ .tooltiptext = Egin orriaren laster-marka
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+# Cannot be shown at the same time as main-context-menu-edit-bookmark-mac,
+# so should probably have the same access key if possible.
+main-context-menu-bookmark-page-mac =
+ .label = Egin orriaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+# This menuitem is only visible on macOS
+# Cannot be shown at the same time as main-context-menu-bookmark-page-mac,
+# so should probably have the same access key if possible.
+main-context-menu-edit-bookmark-mac =
+ .label = Editatu laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = E
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the add bookmark command.
+main-context-menu-bookmark-page-with-shortcut =
+ .aria-label = Egin orriaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+ .tooltiptext = Egin orriaren laster-marka ({ $shortcut })
+main-context-menu-edit-bookmark =
+ .aria-label = Editatu laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = E
+ .tooltiptext = Editatu laster-marka
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the edit bookmark command.
+main-context-menu-edit-bookmark-with-shortcut =
+ .aria-label = Editatu laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+ .tooltiptext = Editatu laster-marka ({ $shortcut })
+main-context-menu-open-link =
+ .label = Ireki lotura
+ .accesskey = I
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-tab =
+ .label = Ireki fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = t
+main-context-menu-open-link-container-tab =
+ .label = Ireki lotura edukiontzi-fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-window =
+ .label = Ireki leiho berrian
+ .accesskey = l
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-private-window =
+ .label = Ireki lotura leiho pribatu berrian
+ .accesskey = p
+main-context-menu-bookmark-link-2 =
+ .label = Egin loturaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-save-link =
+ .label = Gorde lotura honela…
+ .accesskey = G
+main-context-menu-save-link-to-pocket =
+ .label = Gorde lotura { -pocket-brand-name }-en
+ .accesskey = o
+## The access keys for "Copy Link" and "Copy Email Address"
+## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items
+## are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-copy-email =
+ .label = Kopiatu helbide elektronikoa
+ .accesskey = e
+main-context-menu-copy-phone =
+ .label = Kopiatu telefono zenbakia
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-copy-link-simple =
+ .label = Kopiatu lotura
+ .accesskey = K
+# This command copies the link, removing additional
+# query parameters used to track users across sites.
+main-context-menu-strip-on-share-link =
+ .label = Kopiatu gunearen jarraipenik ez duen lotura
+ .accesskey = a
+## Media (video/audio) controls
+## The accesskey for "Play" and "Pause" are the
+## same because the two context-menu items are
+## mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-media-play =
+ .label = Erreproduzitu
+ .accesskey = p
+main-context-menu-media-pause =
+ .label = Pausatu
+ .accesskey = P
+main-context-menu-media-mute =
+ .label = Mututu
+ .accesskey = M
+main-context-menu-media-unmute =
+ .label = Ez mututu
+ .accesskey = m
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-2 =
+ .label = Abiadura
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-slow-2 =
+ .label = 0.5×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-normal-2 =
+ .label = 1.0×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-fast-2 =
+ .label = 1.25×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-faster-2 =
+ .label = 1.5×
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-fastest-2 =
+ .label = 2×
+main-context-menu-media-loop =
+ .label = Begizta
+ .accesskey = B
+## The access keys for "Show Controls" and "Hide Controls" are the same
+## because the two context-menu items are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-media-show-controls =
+ .label = Erakutsi kontrolak
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-media-hide-controls =
+ .label = Ezkutatu kontrolak
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-media-video-fullscreen =
+ .label = Pantaila osoa
+ .accesskey = P
+main-context-menu-media-video-leave-fullscreen =
+ .label = Irten pantaila osotik
+ .accesskey = s
+# This is used when right-clicking on a video in the
+# content area when the Picture-in-Picture feature is enabled.
+main-context-menu-media-watch-pip =
+ .label = Ikusi bideoa beste leiho batean
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-image-reload =
+ .label = Berritu irudia
+ .accesskey = r
+main-context-menu-image-view-new-tab =
+ .label = Ireki irudia fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-video-view-new-tab =
+ .label = Ireki bideoa fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-image-copy =
+ .label = Kopiatu irudia
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-image-copy-link =
+ .label = Kopiatu irudiaren lotura
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-video-copy-link =
+ .label = Kopiatu bideoaren lotura
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-audio-copy-link =
+ .label = Kopiatu audioaren lotura
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-image-save-as =
+ .label = Gorde irudia honela…
+ .accesskey = G
+main-context-menu-image-email =
+ .label = Bidali irudia postaz…
+ .accesskey = a
+main-context-menu-image-set-image-as-background =
+ .label = Ezarri irudia idazmahaiaren atzeko plano gisa…
+ .accesskey = z
+main-context-menu-image-copy-text =
+ .label = Kopiatu testua iruditik
+ .accesskey = s
+main-context-menu-image-info =
+ .label = Ikusi irudiaren informazioa
+ .accesskey = f
+main-context-menu-image-desc =
+ .label = Ikusi deskribapena
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-video-save-as =
+ .label = Gorde bideoa honela…
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-audio-save-as =
+ .label = Gorde audioa honela…
+ .accesskey = r
+main-context-menu-video-take-snapshot =
+ .label = Hartu argazkia…
+ .accesskey = z
+main-context-menu-video-email =
+ .label = Bidali bideoa postaz…
+ .accesskey = a
+main-context-menu-audio-email =
+ .label = Bidali audioa postaz…
+ .accesskey = a
+main-context-menu-save-to-pocket =
+ .label = Gorde orria { -pocket-brand-name }-en
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-send-to-device =
+ .label = Bidali orria gailura
+ .accesskey = g
+## The access keys for "Use Saved Login" and "Use Saved Password"
+## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items
+## are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-use-saved-login =
+ .label = Erabili gordetako saio-hasiera
+ .accesskey = s
+# Displayed when there are saved passwords and the user clicks inside a username or password field
+main-context-menu-use-saved-password =
+ .label = Erabili gordetako pasahitza
+ .accesskey = h
+main-context-menu-use-relay-mask =
+ .label = Erabili { -relay-brand-short-name } posta-maskara
+ .accesskey = E
+main-context-menu-suggest-strong-password =
+ .label = Gomendatu pasahitz sendoa…
+ .accesskey = n
+main-context-menu-manage-logins2 =
+ .label = Kudeatu saio-hasierak
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-manage-passwords =
+ .label = Kudeatu pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = K
+main-context-menu-keyword =
+ .label = Gehitu bilaketa honentzat gako-hitza…
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-link-send-to-device =
+ .label = Bidali lotura gailura
+ .accesskey = g
+main-context-menu-frame =
+ .label = Marko hau
+ .accesskey = h
+main-context-menu-frame-show-this =
+ .label = Erakutsi marko hau bakarrik
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-frame-open-tab =
+ .label = Ireki markoa fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = t
+main-context-menu-frame-open-window =
+ .label = Ireki markoa leiho berrian
+ .accesskey = m
+main-context-menu-frame-reload =
+ .label = Berritu markoa
+ .accesskey = r
+main-context-menu-frame-add-bookmark =
+ .label = Egin markoaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+main-context-menu-frame-save-as =
+ .label = Gorde markoa honela…
+ .accesskey = m
+main-context-menu-frame-print =
+ .label = Inprimatu markoa…
+ .accesskey = p
+main-context-menu-frame-view-source =
+ .label = Ikusi markoaren iturburua
+ .accesskey = m
+main-context-menu-frame-view-info =
+ .label = Ikusi markoaren informazioa
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-print-selection-2 =
+ .label = Inprimatu hautapena…
+ .accesskey = h
+main-context-menu-view-selection-source =
+ .label = Ikusi aukeraren iturburua
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-take-screenshot =
+ .label = Hartu pantaila-argazkia
+ .accesskey = H
+main-context-menu-take-frame-screenshot =
+ .label = Hartu pantaila-argazkia
+ .accesskey = H
+main-context-menu-view-page-source =
+ .label = Ikusi orriaren iturburua
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-bidi-switch-text =
+ .label = Aldatu testuaren norabidea
+ .accesskey = t
+main-context-menu-bidi-switch-page =
+ .label = Aldatu orriaren norabidea
+ .accesskey = n
+main-context-menu-inspect =
+ .label = Ikuskatu
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-inspect-a11y-properties =
+ .label = Ikuskatu erabilgarritasun-propietateak
+main-context-menu-eme-learn-more =
+ .label = DRMri buruzko argibide gehiago…
+ .accesskey = D
+# Variables
+# $containerName (String): The name of the current container
+main-context-menu-open-link-in-container-tab =
+ .label = Ireki lotura { $containerName } fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-reveal-password =
+ .label = Agerrarazi pasahitza
+ .accesskey = r
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browserSets.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browserSets.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3451572e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/browserSets.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+window-minimize-command =
+ .label = Txikitu
+window-zoom-command =
+ .label = Zooma
+window-new-shortcut =
+ .key = N
+window-minimize-shortcut =
+ .key = m
+close-shortcut =
+ .key = W
+tab-new-shortcut =
+ .key = t
+location-open-shortcut =
+ .key = l
+location-open-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = d
+search-focus-shortcut =
+ .key = k
+# This shortcut is used in two contexts:
+# - web search
+# - find in page
+find-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+search-find-again-shortcut =
+ .key = g
+search-find-again-shortcut-alt =
+ .keycode = VK_F3
+search-find-selection-shortcut =
+ .key = e
+# Verify what shortcut for that operation
+# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
+# of each platform for your locale.
+search-focus-shortcut-alt =
+ .key =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] j
+ *[other] e
+ }
+# Verify what shortcut for that operation
+# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
+# of each platform for your locale.
+downloads-shortcut =
+ .key =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [linux] y
+ *[other] j
+ }
+addons-shortcut =
+ .key = A
+file-open-shortcut =
+ .key = o
+save-page-shortcut =
+ .key = s
+page-source-shortcut =
+ .key = u
+# This should match the Option+Command keyboard shortcut letter that Safari
+# and Chrome use for "View Source" on macOS. `page-source-shortcut` above
+# is Firefox's official keyboard shortcut shown in the GUI.
+# Safari variant is an alias provided for the convenience of Safari and Chrome
+# users on macOS. See bug 1398988.
+page-source-shortcut-safari =
+ .key = u
+page-info-shortcut =
+ .key = i
+print-shortcut =
+ .key = p
+mute-toggle-shortcut =
+ .key = M
+nav-back-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = [
+nav-fwd-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = ]
+nav-reload-shortcut =
+ .key = r
+# Shortcut available only on macOS.
+nav-stop-shortcut =
+ .key = .
+history-show-all-shortcut =
+ .key = H
+history-show-all-shortcut-mac =
+ .key = Y
+history-sidebar-shortcut =
+ .key = h
+full-screen-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+reader-mode-toggle-shortcut-windows =
+ .keycode = VK_F9
+reader-mode-toggle-shortcut-other =
+ .key = R
+picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-mac =
+ .key = ]
+# Pick the key that is commonly present
+# in your locale keyboards above the
+# `picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-mac` key.
+picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-mac-alt =
+ .key = { "}" }
+picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut =
+ .key = ]
+# Pick the key that is commonly present
+# in your locale keyboards above the
+# `picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut` key.
+picture-in-picture-toggle-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = { "}" }
+bookmark-this-page-shortcut =
+ .key = d
+# Verify what shortcut for that operation
+# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
+# of each platform for your locale.
+bookmark-show-library-shortcut =
+ .key = O
+# Verify what shortcut for that operation
+# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
+# of each platform for your locale.
+bookmark-show-sidebar-shortcut =
+ .key = b
+# Verify what shortcut for that operation
+# are recommended by the Human Interface Guidelines
+# of each platform for your locale.
+bookmark-show-toolbar-shortcut =
+ .key = B
+## All `-alt*` messages are alternative acceleration keys for zoom.
+## If shift key is needed with your locale popular keyboard for them,
+## you can use these alternative items. Otherwise, their values should be empty.
+full-zoom-reduce-shortcut =
+ .key = -
+full-zoom-reduce-shortcut-alt-a =
+ .key = _
+full-zoom-reduce-shortcut-alt-b =
+ .key = { "" }
+full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut =
+ .key = +
+full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = =
+full-zoom-enlarge-shortcut-alt2 =
+ .key = { "" }
+full-zoom-reset-shortcut =
+ .key = 0
+full-zoom-reset-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = { "" }
+bidi-switch-direction-shortcut =
+ .key = X
+private-browsing-shortcut =
+ .key = P
+## The shortcuts below are for Mac specific
+## global menu.
+quit-app-shortcut =
+ .key = Q
+help-shortcut =
+ .key = ?
+preferences-shortcut =
+ .key = ,
+hide-app-shortcut =
+ .key = H
+hide-other-apps-shortcut =
+ .key = H
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/colorways.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/colorways.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb07d4a852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/colorways.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Colorway collections
+## Colorway names and descriptions
+playmaker-colorway-name = Sortzailea
+playmaker-colorway-description = Aukerak sortzen dituzu zure ingurukoei beraien maila igotzen laguntzeko.
+expressionist-colorway-name = Espresionista
+expressionist-colorway-description = Mundua beste era batera ikusten duzu eta zure sormenek emozioak eragiten dituzte besteengan.
+visionary-colorway-name = Etorkizun senekoa
+visionary-colorway-description = Zalantzan jartzen duzu gauzak dauden moduan egotea eta etorkizun hobeagoa imajinatzera bultzatzen dituzu besteak.
+activist-colorway-name = Aktibista
+activist-colorway-description = Aurkitutakoa baino toki hobe gisa uzten duzu mundua eta besteak sinistera bultzatzen dituzu.
+dreamer-colorway-name = Ameslaria
+dreamer-colorway-description = Sinisten duzu aberastasunak ausarten alde egiten duela eta besteei adoretsu izatera bultzatzen diela.
+innovator-colorway-name = Berritzailea
+innovator-colorway-description = Aukerak ikusten dituzu edonon eta zure ingurukoen bizitzengan eragiten duzu.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/components/mozSupportLink.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/components/mozSupportLink.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25d87d6a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/components/mozSupportLink.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+moz-support-link-text = Argibide gehiago
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/confirmationHints.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/confirmationHints.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1485f61e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/confirmationHints.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Confirmation hints
+confirmation-hint-breakage-report-sent = Txostena bidalita. Eskerrik asko!
+confirmation-hint-login-removed = Saio-hasiera kenduta!
+confirmation-hint-password-removed = Pasahitza kenduta!
+confirmation-hint-page-bookmarked = Laster-marketan gordeta
+confirmation-hint-password-saved = Pasahitza gordeta!
+confirmation-hint-password-created = Pasahitza gordeta
+confirmation-hint-password-updated = Pasahitza eguneratuta
+confirmation-hint-address-created = Helbidea gordeta
+confirmation-hint-address-updated = Helbidea eguneratuta
+confirmation-hint-credit-card-created = Txartela gordeta
+confirmation-hint-credit-card-updated = Txartela eguneratuta
+confirmation-hint-pin-tab = Ainguratuta!
+confirmation-hint-pin-tab-description = Desainguratzeko, egin eskuin-klika fitxan.
+confirmation-hint-send-to-device = Bidalita!
+confirmation-hint-firefox-relay-mask-created = Maskara berria sortuta!
+confirmation-hint-firefox-relay-mask-reused = Lehendik zegoen maskara berrerabilita!
+confirmation-hint-screenshot-copied = Pantaila-irudia kopiatuta!
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/contentCrash.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/contentCrash.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea0a49481f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/contentCrash.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Subframe crash notification
+crashed-subframe-message = <strong>Orriaren zati batek huts egin du</strong>. Arazoaren berri eman eta ahalik eta azkarren konpontzeko, bidali mesedez txostena { -brand-product-name }(r)i.
+# The string for crashed-subframe-title.title should match crashed-subframe-message,
+# but without any markup.
+crashed-subframe-title =
+ .title = Orriaren zati batek huts egin du. Arazoaren berri eman eta ahalik eta azkarren konpontzeko, bidali mesedez txostena { -brand-product-name }(r)i.
+crashed-subframe-learnmore-link =
+ .value = Argibide gehiago
+crashed-subframe-submit =
+ .label = Bidali txostena
+ .accesskey = B
+## Pending crash reports
+# Variables:
+# $reportCount (Number): the number of pending crash reports
+pending-crash-reports-message =
+ { $reportCount ->
+ [one] Bidali gabeko hutsegite-txosten bat daukazu
+ *[other] Bidali gabeko { $reportCount } hutsegite-txosten dauzkazu
+ }
+pending-crash-reports-view-all =
+ .label = Ikusi
+pending-crash-reports-send =
+ .label = Bidali
+pending-crash-reports-always-send =
+ .label = Bidali beti
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/customizeMode.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/customizeMode.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0435b5ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/customizeMode.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+customize-mode-restore-defaults =
+ .label = Berrezarri lehenetsiak
+customize-mode-menu-and-toolbars-header = Arrastatu zure elementu gogokoenak tresna-barrara edo gainezkatzearen menura.
+customize-mode-overflow-list-title = Gainezkatzearen menua
+customize-mode-uidensity =
+ .label = Dentsitatea
+customize-mode-done =
+ .label = Eginda
+customize-mode-toolbars =
+ .label = Tresna-barrak
+customize-mode-titlebar =
+ .label = Titulu-barra
+customize-mode-uidensity-menu-touch =
+ .label = Ukipenezkoa
+ .accesskey = U
+ .tooltiptext = Ukipenezkoa
+customize-mode-uidensity-auto-touch-mode-checkbox =
+ .label = Erabili ukipenezkoa tabletaren modurako
+customize-mode-overflow-list-description = Elementuak eskura izan baina tresna-barratik kanpo mantentzeko, arrasta eta jaregin itzazu hona…
+customize-mode-uidensity-menu-normal =
+ .label = Arrunta
+ .accesskey = A
+ .tooltiptext = Arrunta
+customize-mode-uidensity-menu-compact-unsupported =
+ .label = Trinkoa (ez dago erabilgarri)
+ .accesskey = T
+ .tooltiptext = Trinkoa (ez dago erabilgarri)
+customize-mode-undo-cmd =
+ .label = Desegin
+customize-mode-lwthemes-link = Kudeatu itxurak
+customize-mode-touchbar-cmd =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu Touch Bar-a…
+customize-mode-downloads-button-autohide =
+ .label = Ezkutatu botoia hutsik dagoenean
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d606c51f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The question portion of the following message should have the <strong> and </strong> tags surrounding it.
+default-browser-notification-message = <strong>Ezarri { -brand-short-name } nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa?</strong> Nabigatu azkar, seguru eta modu pribatuan weba darabilzun une orotan.
+default-browser-notification-button =
+ .label = Ezarri lehenetsi gisa
+ .accesskey = h
+## These strings are used for the default browser prompt. There are 2 variations
+## depending on the operating system (Windows vs other). The checkbox label and
+## secondary button are shared between the variants.
+default-browser-prompt-title-pin = Egin { -brand-short-name } zure nabigatzaile nagusia?
+default-browser-prompt-message-pin = Mantendu { -brand-short-name } esku-eskura — egizu zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia eta aingura ezazu ataza-barran.
+default-browser-prompt-message-pin-mac = Mantendu { -brand-short-name } esku-eskura — egizu zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia eta aingura ezazu Dock-ean.
+default-browser-prompt-button-primary-pin = Egin nabigatzaile nagusia
+default-browser-prompt-title-alt = Egin { -brand-short-name } zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia?
+default-browser-prompt-message-alt = Eskuratu abiadura, segurtasuna eta pribatutasuna nabigatzen duzun aldiro.
+default-browser-prompt-button-primary-alt = Ezarri nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa
+default-browser-prompt-checkbox-not-again-label = Ez erakutsi mezu hau berriro
+default-browser-prompt-button-secondary = Une honetan ez
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/downloads.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/downloads.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f877dd6912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/downloads.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## The title and aria-label attributes are used by screen readers to describe
+## the Downloads Panel.
+downloads-window =
+ .title = Deskargak
+downloads-panel =
+ .aria-label = Deskargak
+# The style attribute has the width of the Downloads Panel expressed using
+# a CSS unit. The longest labels that should fit are usually those of
+# in-progress and blocked downloads.
+downloads-panel-items =
+ .style = width: 35em
+downloads-cmd-pause =
+ .label = Pausatu
+ .accesskey = P
+downloads-cmd-resume =
+ .label = Berrekin
+ .accesskey = r
+downloads-cmd-cancel =
+ .tooltiptext = Utzi
+downloads-cmd-cancel-panel =
+ .aria-label = Utzi
+downloads-cmd-show-menuitem-2 =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Erakutsi Finder-en
+ *[other] Erakutsi karpetan
+ }
+ .accesskey = k
+## Displayed in the downloads context menu for files that can be opened.
+## Variables:
+## $handler (String) - The name of the mime type's default file handler.
+## Example: "Notepad", "Acrobat Reader DC", "7-Zip File Manager"
+downloads-cmd-use-system-default =
+ .label = Ireki sistemaren ikustailean
+ .accesskey = k
+# This version is shown when the download's mime type has a valid file handler.
+downloads-cmd-use-system-default-named =
+ .label = Ireki { $handler } aplikazioan
+ .accesskey = k
+# We can use the same accesskey as downloads-cmd-always-open-similar-files.
+# Both should not be visible in the downloads context menu at the same time.
+downloads-cmd-always-use-system-default =
+ .label = Ireki beti sistemaren ikustailean
+ .accesskey = b
+# We can use the same accesskey as downloads-cmd-always-open-similar-files.
+# Both should not be visible in the downloads context menu at the same time.
+# This version is shown when the download's mime type has a valid file handler.
+downloads-cmd-always-use-system-default-named =
+ .label = Ireki beti { $handler } aplikazioan
+ .accesskey = b
+# We can use the same accesskey as downloads-cmd-always-use-system-default.
+# Both should not be visible in the downloads context menu at the same time.
+downloads-cmd-always-open-similar-files =
+ .label = Ireki beti antzerako fitxategiak
+ .accesskey = b
+downloads-cmd-show-button-2 =
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Erakutsi Finder-en
+ *[other] Erakutsi karpetan
+ }
+downloads-cmd-show-panel-2 =
+ .aria-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Erakutsi Finder-en
+ *[other] Erakutsi karpetan
+ }
+downloads-cmd-show-description-2 =
+ .value =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Erakutsi Finder-en
+ *[other] Erakutsi karpetan
+ }
+downloads-cmd-show-downloads =
+ .label = Erakutsi deskargen karpeta
+downloads-cmd-retry =
+ .tooltiptext = Saiatu berriro
+downloads-cmd-retry-panel =
+ .aria-label = Saiatu berriro
+downloads-cmd-go-to-download-page =
+ .label = Joan deskargaren orrira
+ .accesskey = J
+downloads-cmd-copy-download-link =
+ .label = Kopiatu deskargaren lotura
+ .accesskey = l
+downloads-cmd-remove-from-history =
+ .label = Kendu historiatik
+ .accesskey = K
+downloads-cmd-clear-list =
+ .label = Garbitu aurrebista-panela
+ .accesskey = a
+downloads-cmd-clear-downloads =
+ .label = Garbitu deskargak
+ .accesskey = d
+downloads-cmd-delete-file =
+ .label = Ezabatu
+ .accesskey = E
+# This command is shown in the context menu when downloads are blocked.
+downloads-cmd-unblock =
+ .label = Baimendu deskarga
+ .accesskey = B
+# This is the tooltip of the action button shown when malware is blocked.
+downloads-cmd-remove-file =
+ .tooltiptext = Kendu fitxategia
+downloads-cmd-remove-file-panel =
+ .aria-label = Kendu fitxategia
+# This is the tooltip of the action button shown when potentially unwanted
+# downloads are blocked. This opens a dialog where the user can choose
+# whether to unblock or remove the download. Removing is the default option.
+downloads-cmd-choose-unblock =
+ .tooltiptext = Kendu fitxategia edo baimendu deskarga
+downloads-cmd-choose-unblock-panel =
+ .aria-label = Kendu fitxategia edo baimendu deskarga
+# This is the tooltip of the action button shown when uncommon downloads are
+# blocked.This opens a dialog where the user can choose whether to open the
+# file or remove the download. Opening is the default option.
+downloads-cmd-choose-open =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki edo kendu fitxategia
+downloads-cmd-choose-open-panel =
+ .aria-label = Ireki edo kendu fitxategia
+# Displayed when hovering a blocked download, indicates that it's possible to
+# show more information for user to take the next action.
+downloads-show-more-information =
+ .value = Erakutsi informazio gehiago
+# Displayed when hovering a complete download, indicates that it's possible to
+# open the file using an app available in the system.
+downloads-open-file =
+ .value = Ireki fitxategia
+## Displayed when the user clicked on a download in process. Indicates that the
+## downloading file will be opened after certain amount of time using an app
+## available in the system.
+## Variables:
+## $hours (number) - Amount of hours left till the file opens.
+## $seconds (number) - Amount of seconds left till the file opens.
+## $minutes (number) - Amount of minutes till the file opens.
+downloading-file-opens-in-hours-and-minutes-2 =
+ .value = { $hours }h { $minutes }m barru irekitzen…
+downloading-file-opens-in-minutes-2 =
+ .value = { $minutes }m barru irekitzen…
+downloading-file-opens-in-minutes-and-seconds-2 =
+ .value = { $minutes }m { $seconds }s barru irekitzen…
+downloading-file-opens-in-seconds-2 =
+ .value = { $seconds }s barru irekitzen…
+downloading-file-opens-in-some-time-2 =
+ .value = Burututakoan irekitzen…
+downloading-file-click-to-open =
+ .value = Ireki burututakoan
+# Displayed when hovering a download which is able to be retried by users,
+# indicates that it's possible to download this file again.
+downloads-retry-download =
+ .value = Saiatu berriro deskarga
+# Displayed when hovering a download which is able to be cancelled by users,
+# indicates that it's possible to cancel and stop the download.
+downloads-cancel-download =
+ .value = Utzi deskarga
+# This string is shown at the bottom of the Downloads Panel when all the
+# downloads fit in the available space, or when there are no downloads in
+# the panel at all.
+downloads-history =
+ .label = Erakutsi deskarga guztiak
+ .accesskey = s
+# This string is shown at the top of the Download Details Panel, to indicate
+# that we are showing the details of a single download.
+downloads-details =
+ .title = Deskargaren xehetasunak
+## Displayed when a site attempts to automatically download many files.
+## Variables:
+## $num (number) - Number of blocked downloads.
+## $url (string) - The url of the suspicious site, stripped of http, https and www prefix.
+downloads-files-not-downloaded =
+ { $num ->
+ [one] Fitxategia ez da deskargatu.
+ *[other] { $num } fitxategi ez dira deskargatu.
+ }
+downloads-blocked-from-url = Deskargak blokeatuta { $url } helbidetik.
+downloads-blocked-download-detailed-info = { $url } helbidea hainbat fitxategi automatikoki deskargatzen saiatu da. Gunea hautsita egon liteke edo zure gailuan spam fitxategiak gordetzen saiatzen ari da.
+downloads-clear-downloads-button =
+ .label = Garbitu deskargak
+ .tooltiptext = Burututako, utzitako eta huts egindako deskargak garbitzen ditu
+# This string is shown when there are no items in the Downloads view, when it
+# is displayed inside a browser tab.
+downloads-list-empty =
+ .value = Ez dago deskargarik.
+# This string is shown when there are no items in the Downloads Panel.
+downloads-panel-empty =
+ .value = Deskargarik ez saio honetarako.
+# This is displayed in an item at the bottom of the Downloads Panel when there
+# are more downloads than can fit in the list in the panel.
+# $count (number) - number of files being downloaded that are not shown in the
+# panel list.
+downloads-more-downloading =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Fitxategi { $count } gehiago deskargatzen
+ *[other] { $count } fitxategi gehiago deskargatzen
+ }
+## Download errors
+downloads-error-alert-title = Deskarga-errorea
+# Variables:
+# $extension (String): the name of the blocking extension.
+downloads-error-blocked-by = Ezin da deskarga gorde { $extension } gehigarriak blokeatzen duelako.
+# Used when the name of the blocking extension is unavailable.
+downloads-error-extension = Ezin da deskarga gorde gehigarri batek blokeatzen duelako.
+# Line breaks in this message are meaningful, and should be maintained.
+downloads-error-generic =
+ Deskarga ezin da gorde errore ezezagun bat gertatu delako.
+ Saiatu berriro.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/editBookmarkOverlay.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/editBookmarkOverlay.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94e5ac4188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/editBookmarkOverlay.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+bookmark-overlay-name-2 =
+ .value = Izena
+ .accesskey = n
+bookmark-overlay-url =
+ .value = URLa
+ .accesskey = U
+# Location refers to the position of the bookmark within the browser's
+# bookmarks, not to its URL or address.
+bookmark-overlay-location-2 =
+ .value = Kokalekua
+ .accesskey = K
+bookmark-overlay-choose =
+ .label = Aukeratu…
+bookmark-overlay-folders-expander =
+ .tooltiptext = Ikusi laster-marka karpeta guztiak
+ .tooltiptextdown = { bookmark-overlay-folders-expander.tooltiptext }
+ .tooltiptextup = Ezkutatu
+bookmark-overlay-folders-expander2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Ikusi laster-marka karpeta guztiak
+bookmark-overlay-folders-expander-hide =
+ .tooltiptext = Ezkutatu
+# bookmark-overlay-folders-tree is used to provide an accessible name to the tree view of the Bookmarks directory, when it is expanded
+bookmark-overlay-folders-tree =
+ .aria-label = Karpetak
+bookmark-overlay-new-folder-button =
+ .label = Karpeta berria
+ .accesskey = b
+bookmark-overlay-tags-2 =
+ .value = Etiketak
+ .accesskey = E
+bookmark-overlay-tags-empty-description =
+ .placeholder = Banandu etiketak komaz.
+bookmark-overlay-tags-expander =
+ .tooltiptext = Ikusi etiketa guztiak
+ .tooltiptextdown = { bookmark-overlay-tags-expander.tooltiptext }
+ .tooltiptextup = Ezkutatu
+bookmark-overlay-tags-expander2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Ikusi etiketa guztiak
+bookmark-overlay-tags-expander-hide =
+ .tooltiptext = Ezkutatu
+bookmark-overlay-keyword-2 =
+ .value = Gako-hitza
+ .accesskey = G
+bookmark-overlay-tags-caption-label = Erabili etiketak laster-markak helbide-barratik antolatu eta bilatzeko
+bookmark-overlay-keyword-caption-label-2 = Erabili gako-hitz bat laster-markak helbide-barratik zuzenean irekitzeko
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/extensionsUI.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/extensionsUI.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfaaab7d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/extensionsUI.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+webext-perms-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+# Variables:
+# $addonName (String): localized named of the extension that is asking to change the default search engine.
+# $currentEngine (String): name of the current search engine.
+# $newEngine (String): name of the new search engine.
+webext-default-search-description = { $addonName } hedapenak zure bilaketa-motor lehenetsia { $currentEngine }(e)tik { $newEngine }(e)ra aldatu nahi du. Ados zaude?
+webext-default-search-yes =
+ .label = Bai
+ .accesskey = B
+webext-default-search-no =
+ .label = Ez
+ .accesskey = E
+# Variables:
+# $addonName (String): localized named of the extension that was just installed.
+addon-post-install-message = { $addonName } gehitu egin da.
+## A modal confirmation dialog to allow an extension on quarantined domains.
+# Variables:
+# $addonName (String): localized name of the extension.
+webext-quarantine-confirmation-title = Exekutatu { $addonName } mugatutako guneetan?
+webext-quarantine-confirmation-line-1 = Zure datuak babesteko, hedapen hau ez dago baimenduta gune honetan.
+webext-quarantine-confirmation-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu
+ .accesskey = B
+webext-quarantine-confirmation-deny =
+ .label = Ez baimendu
+ .accesskey = z
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/featureCallout.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/featureCallout.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..139fa33957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/featureCallout.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Callout dialog primary button to advance to next screen
+callout-primary-advance-button-label = Hurrengoa
+# Callout dialog primary button to complete the feature tour
+callout-primary-complete-button-label = Ulertu dut!
+## Firefox View feature tour strings
+# "Tab pickup" refers to the section in Firefox View that displays open
+# tabs from other devices
+callout-firefox-view-tab-pickup-title = Egin salto gailuen artean fitxa-bilketarekin
+callout-firefox-view-tab-pickup-subtitle = Hartu zure telefonoko fitxak di-da batean eta ireki itzazu hemen.
+callout-firefox-view-recently-closed-title = Itzuli itxitako zure fitxetara ziztu bizian
+callout-firefox-view-recently-closed-subtitle = Itxitako zure fitxa guztiak hemen agertuko dira magikoki. Ez kezkatu gehiago nahigabe gune bat ixteaz.
+callout-firefox-view-colorways-title = Gehitu kolore ukitu bat
+# "Shade" refer to different color options in each colorway.
+callout-firefox-view-colorways-subtitle = Aukeratu kolore-konbinazioekin ongien datorkizun ñabardura. { -brand-product-name }(e)n bakarrik.
+callout-firefox-view-colorways-reminder-title = Arakatu gure azken kolore-konbinazioak
+# “Shades” refers to the different color options in each colorways
+callout-firefox-view-colorways-reminder-subtitle = Eman kolorea nabigatzaileari ahots independenteek inspiratutako itzaldura ikoniko hauekin. Soilik { -brand-product-name }(e)n.
+## Continuous Onboarding - Firefox View: Tab pick up
+# “Boost your browsing” refers to the added benefit the user receives from having
+# access to the same browsing experience when moving from one browser to another.
+# Alternative: ”Improve your browsing experience with tab pickup”
+continuous-onboarding-firefox-view-tab-pickup-title = Eman bultzada zure nabigazioari fitxa-bilketarekin
+continuous-onboarding-firefox-view-tab-pickup-subtitle = Izan irekitako zure fitxen sarbidea edozein gailutatik. Gainera sinkronizatu zure laster-markak, pasahitzak eta gehiago.
+continuous-onboarding-firefox-view-tab-pickup-primary-button-label = Hasi erabiltzen
+## PDF.js Feature Tour Strings
+callout-pdfjs-edit-title = Editatu PDFak gure testu-tresna berriarekin
+callout-pdfjs-edit-body-a = Bete inprimakiak, gehitu iruzkinak edo hartu oharrak zuzenean { -brand-short-name }(e)n.
+callout-pdfjs-edit-body-b = Ez ibili lineako editoreen bila. Bete inprimakiak, gehitu iruzkinak edo hartu oharrak zuzenean { -brand-short-name }(e)n.
+callout-pdfjs-edit-button = Hurrengoa
+callout-pdfjs-draw-title = Sinatu dokumentuak gure marrazketa-tresna berriarekin
+# “Mark up” refers to the process of “annotating” or adding free hand text or diagramming to the document.
+callout-pdfjs-draw-body-a = Markatu PDFak eta gorde zure aldaketak.
+# “Mark up” refers to the process of “annotating” or adding free hand text or diagramming to the document.
+callout-pdfjs-draw-body-b = Inprimatze eta eskaneatze gehiagorik ez. Markatu PDFak eta gorde zure aldaketak.
+callout-pdfjs-draw-button = Ulertuta!
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxRelay.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxRelay.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec2b36dc5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxRelay.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Error messages for failed HTTP web requests.
+## Variables:
+## $status (Number) - HTTP status code, for example 403
+firefox-relay-mask-generation-failed = { -relay-brand-name }(e)k ezin du maskara berria sortu. HTTP errore-kodea: { $status }.
+firefox-relay-get-reusable-masks-failed = { -relay-brand-name }(e)k ezin du maskara berrerabilgarririk aurkitu. HTTP errore-kodea: { $status }.
+firefox-relay-must-login-to-fxa = { -relay-brand-name } erabili ahal izateko, saioa hasi behar duzu { -fxaccount-brand-name }(e)n.
+firefox-relay-get-unlimited-masks =
+ .label = Kudeatu maskarak
+ .accesskey = m
+# This is followed, on a new line, by firefox-relay-opt-in-subtitle-1
+firefox-relay-opt-in-title-1 = Babestu zure helbide elektronikoa:
+# This is preceded by firefox-relay-opt-in-title-1 (on a different line), which
+# ends with a colon. You might need to adapt the capitalization of this string.
+firefox-relay-opt-in-subtitle-1 = Erabili { -relay-brand-name } posta-maskara
+firefox-relay-use-mask-title = Erabili { -relay-brand-name } posta-maskara
+firefox-relay-opt-in-confirmation-enable-button =
+ .label = Erabili posta-maskara
+ .accesskey = E
+firefox-relay-opt-in-confirmation-disable =
+ .label = Ez erakutsi hau berriro
+ .accesskey = z
+firefox-relay-opt-in-confirmation-postpone =
+ .label = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = n
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxView.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxView.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a7f273884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxView.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+toolbar-button-firefox-view =
+ .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name }
+ .tooltiptext = { -firefoxview-brand-name }
+toolbar-button-firefox-view-2 =
+ .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name }
+ .tooltiptext = Ikusi azken nabigazioa leiho eta gailuen artean
+menu-tools-firefox-view =
+ .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name }
+ .accesskey = F
+firefoxview-page-title = { -firefoxview-brand-name }
+firefoxview-page-label =
+ .label = { -firefoxview-brand-name }
+firefoxview-close-button =
+ .title = Itxi
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+# Used instead of the localized relative time when a timestamp is within a minute or so of now
+firefoxview-just-now-timestamp = Oraintxe bertan
+# This is a headline for an area in the product where users can resume and re-open tabs they have previously viewed on other devices.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-header = Fitxa-bilketa
+firefoxview-tabpickup-description = Ireki orriak beste gailuetatik.
+# Variables:
+# $percentValue (Number): the percentage value for setup completion
+firefoxview-tabpickup-progress-label = %{ $percentValue } osatuta
+firefoxview-tabpickup-step-signin-header = Aldatu di-da batean gailuen artean
+firefoxview-tabpickup-step-signin-description = Zure telefonoko fitxak hemen izateko, hasi saioa edo sortu kontua lehenik.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-step-signin-primarybutton = Jarraitu
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-signin-header = Hartu fitxak edonondik
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-signin-description = { -brand-product-name } erabiltzen duzun gailu guztietako fitxak ikusteko, hasi saioa zure kontuan. Konturik ez badaukazu, izen-emateko urratsak erakutsiko dizkizugu.
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-signin-primarybutton = Hasi saioa edo eman izena
+firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-header = Sinkronizatu { -brand-product-name } zure telefono edo tabletan
+firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-description = Deskargatu mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name } eta hasi saioa bertan.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-learn-how = Ikasi nola
+firefoxview-tabpickup-adddevice-primarybutton = Eskuratu mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name }
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-adddevice-header = Hasi saioa { -brand-product-name }(e)n zure beste gailuetan
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-adddevice-description = { -brand-product-name } erabiltzen duzun gailu guztietako fitxak ikusteko, hasi saioa gailu guztietan. Ikasi nola <a data-l10n-name="url">konektatu gailu gehiago</a>.
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-adddevice-primarybutton = Probatu mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name }
+firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-header = Gaitu fitxen sinkronizazioa
+firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-description = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i gailuen artean fitxak partekatzea.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-learn-how = Ikasi nola
+firefoxview-tabpickup-synctabs-primarybutton = Sinkronizatu irekitako fitxak
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-synctabs-header = Eguneratu zure sinkronizazio-ezarpenak
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-synctabs-description = Beste gailuetako fitxak ikusteko, irekitako fitxak sinkronizatu behar dituzu.
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-synctabs-checkbox = Baimendu irekitako fitxak sinkronizatzea
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-loading-header = Sinkronizatzen ari da
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-loading-description = Amaitutakoan, beste gailuetan irekita dituzun fitxak ikusiko dituzu. Itzuli geroago.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-fxa-admin-disabled-header = Zure erakundeak sinkronizazioa desgaitu du
+firefoxview-tabpickup-fxa-admin-disabled-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin ditu gailuen arteko fitxak sinkronizatu zure administratzaileak sinkronizazioa desgaitu duelako.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-network-offline-header = Egiaztatu zure Interneterako konexioa
+firefoxview-tabpickup-network-offline-description = Suebaki edo proxy bat erabiltzen baduzu, egiaztatu { -brand-short-name }(e)k weba atzitzeko baimena duela.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-network-offline-primarybutton = Saiatu berriro
+firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-error-header = Sinkronizatzeko arazoak izaten ari gara
+firefoxview-tabpickup-generic-sync-error-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du sinkronizazio-zerbitzura heldu une honetan. Saiatu berriro geroago.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-error-primarybutton = Saiatu berriro
+firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-disconnected-header = Jarraitzeko, aktibatu sinkronizazioa
+firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-disconnected-description = Zure fitxak eskura izateko, sinkronizazioa gaitu behar duzu { -brand-short-name }(e)n.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-sync-disconnected-primarybutton = Aktibatu sinkronizazioa ezarpenetan
+firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-header = Fitxak ikusteko, idatzi zure pasahitz nagusia
+firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-description = Zure fitxak eskura izateko, { -brand-short-name }(e)n pasahitz nagusia idatzi behar duzu.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-link = Argibide gehiago
+firefoxview-tabpickup-password-locked-primarybutton = Idatzi pasahitz nagusia
+firefoxview-syncedtab-password-locked-link = <a data-l10n-name="syncedtab-password-locked-link">Argibide gehiago</a>
+firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-header = Hasi saioa birkonektatzeko
+firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-description = Berriro konektatu eta zure fitxak hartzeko, hasi saioa zure { -fxaccount-brand-name }(e)n.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-description2 = Berriro konektatu eta zure fitxak hartzeko, hasi saioa zure kontuan.
+firefoxview-tabpickup-signed-out-primarybutton = Hasi saioa
+firefoxview-tabpickup-syncing = Itxaron apur bat zure fitxak sinkronizatu bitartean. Une bat izango da soilik.
+firefoxview-mobile-promo-header = Hartu zure telefono edo tabletako fitxak
+firefoxview-mobile-promo-description = Zure mugikorreko azken fitxak ikusteko, hasi saioa iOS edo Androideko { -brand-product-name }(e)n.
+firefoxview-mobile-promo-primarybutton = Eskuratu mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name }
+firefoxview-mobile-confirmation-header = 🎉 Dena prest!
+firefoxview-mobile-confirmation-description = Hemendik aurrera zure tableta edo telefonoko { -brand-product-name }(e)n fitxak hartu ahal izango dituzu.
+firefoxview-closed-tabs-title = Itxitako azkenak
+firefoxview-closed-tabs-description2 = Berrireki leiho honetan itxi dituzun orriak.
+firefoxview-closed-tabs-placeholder-header = Itxitako azken fitxarik ez
+firefoxview-closed-tabs-placeholder-body = Leiho honetan fitxa bat ixtean, hemendik eskura dezakezu.
+firefoxview-closed-tabs-placeholder-body2 = Fitxa bat ixtean, hemendik eskura dezakezu.
+# Variables:
+# $tabTitle (string) - Title of tab being dismissed
+firefoxview-closed-tabs-dismiss-tab =
+ .title = Baztertu { $tabTitle }
+# refers to the last tab that was used
+firefoxview-pickup-tabs-badge = Erabilitako azkena
+# Variables:
+# $targetURI (string) - URL that will be opened in the new tab
+firefoxview-tabs-list-tab-button =
+ .title = Ireki { $targetURI } fitxa berrian
+firefoxview-try-colorways-button = Probatu kolore-konbinazioak
+firefoxview-change-colorway-button = Aldatu kolore-konbinazioa
+# Variables:
+# $intensity (String): Colorway intensity
+# $collection (String): Colorway Collection name
+firefoxview-colorway-description = { $intensity } · { $collection }
+firefoxview-synced-tabs-placeholder-header = Ikusteko ezer ez momentuz
+firefoxview-synced-tabs-placeholder-body = Beste gailu bateko { -brand-product-name }(e)n orri bat irekitzen duzun hurrengo aldian, esku-eskura izango duzu hemen.
+firefoxview-collapse-button-show =
+ .title = Erakutsi zerrenda
+firefoxview-collapse-button-hide =
+ .title = Ezkutatu zerrenda
+firefoxview-overview-nav = Azken historia
+ .title = Azken historia
+firefoxview-overview-header = Azken historia
+ .title = Azken historia
+## History in this context refers to browser history
+firefoxview-history-nav = Historia
+ .title = Historia
+firefoxview-history-header = Historia
+firefoxview-history-context-delete = Ezabatu historiatik
+ .accesskey = z
+## Open Tabs in this context refers to all open tabs in the browser
+firefoxview-opentabs-nav = Irekitako fitxak
+ .title = Irekitako fitxak
+firefoxview-opentabs-header = Irekitako fitxak
+## Recently closed tabs in this context refers to recently closed tabs from all windows
+firefoxview-recently-closed-nav = Itxitako azken fitxak
+ .title = Itxitako azken fitxak
+firefoxview-recently-closed-header = Itxitako azken fitxak
+## Tabs from other devices refers in this context refers to synced tabs from other devices
+firefoxview-synced-tabs-nav = Beste gailuetako fitxak
+ .title = Beste gailuetako fitxak
+firefoxview-synced-tabs-header = Beste gailuetako fitxak
+# Used for a link in collapsible cards, in the ’Recent browsing’ page of Firefox View
+firefoxview-view-all-link = Ikusi dena
+# Variables:
+# $winID (Number) - The index of the owner window for this set of tabs
+firefoxview-opentabs-window-header =
+ .title = { $winID } leihoa
+# Variables:
+# $winID (Number) - The index of the owner window (which is currently focused) for this set of tabs
+firefoxview-opentabs-current-window-header =
+ .title = { $winID } leihoa (unekoa)
+firefoxview-opentabs-focus-tab =
+ .title = Aldatu fitxa honetara
+firefoxview-show-more = Erakutsi gehiago
+firefoxview-show-less = Erakutsi gutxiago
+firefoxview-show-all = Erakutsi denak
+firefoxview-search-text-box-clear-button =
+ .title = Garbitu
+# Placeholder for the input field to search in recent browsing ("search" is a verb).
+firefoxview-search-text-box-recentbrowsing =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu
+# Placeholder for the input field to search in history ("search" is a verb).
+firefoxview-search-text-box-history =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu historia
+# Placeholder for the input field to search in recently closed tabs ("search" is a verb).
+firefoxview-search-text-box-recentlyclosed =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu itxitako azken fitxak
+# Placeholder for the input field to search in tabs from other devices ("search" is a verb).
+firefoxview-search-text-box-syncedtabs =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu sinkronizatutako fitxak
+# Placeholder for the input field to search in open tabs ("search" is a verb).
+firefoxview-search-text-box-opentabs =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu irekitako fitxak
+# "Search" is a noun (as in "Results of the search for")
+# Variables:
+# $query (String) - The search query used for searching through browser history.
+firefoxview-search-results-header = "{ $query }" bilaketaren emaitzak
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of visits matching the search query.
+firefoxview-search-results-count =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Gune { $count }
+ *[other] { $count } gune
+ }
+# Message displayed when a search is performed and no matching results were found.
+# Variables:
+# $query (String) - The search query.
+firefoxview-search-results-empty = Emaitzarik ez "{ $query }" bilaketarako
+firefoxview-sort-history-by-date-label = Ordenatu dataren arabera
+firefoxview-sort-history-by-site-label = Ordenatu gunearen arabera
+# Variables:
+# $url (string) - URL that will be opened in the new tab
+firefoxview-opentabs-tab-row =
+ .title = Aldatu { $url } helbidera
+## Variables:
+## $date (string) - Date to be formatted based on locale
+firefoxview-history-date-today = Gaur - { DATETIME($date, dateStyle: "full") }
+firefoxview-history-date-yesterday = Atzo - { DATETIME($date, dateStyle: "full") }
+firefoxview-history-date-this-month = { DATETIME($date, dateStyle: "full") }
+firefoxview-history-date-prev-month = { DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+# When history is sorted by site, this heading is used in place of a domain, in
+# order to group sites that do not come from an outside host.
+# For example, this would be the heading for all file:/// URLs in history.
+firefoxview-history-site-localhost = (fitxategi lokalak)
+firefoxview-show-all-history = Erakutsi historia guztia
+firefoxview-view-more-browsing-history = Ikusi nabigatze-historia gehiago
+## Message displayed in Firefox View when the user has no history data
+firefoxview-history-empty-header = Itzuli zeuden tokira
+firefoxview-history-empty-description = Nabigatu ahala, bisitatzen dituzun orrian hemen zerrendatuko dira.
+# Button text for choosing a browser within the ’Import history from another browser’ banner
+firefoxview-choose-browser-button = Aukeratu nabigatzailea
+ .title = Aukeratu nabigatzailea
+## Message displayed in Firefox View when the user has chosen to never remember History
+firefoxview-dont-remember-history-empty-header = Erakusteko ezer ez
+# This label is read by screen readers when focusing the close button for the "Import history from another browser" banner in Firefox View
+firefoxview-import-history-close-button =
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+ .title = Itxi
+## Text displayed in a dismissable banner to import bookmarks/history from another browser
+firefoxview-import-history-header = Inportatu historia beste nabigatzaile batetik
+firefoxview-import-history-description = Egizu { -brand-short-name } zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia. Inportatu nabigatze-historia, laster-markak eta gehiago.
+## Message displayed in Firefox View when the user has no recently closed tabs data
+firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-header = Azkarregi itxi duzu fitxa?
+firefoxview-recentlyclosed-empty-description = Itxitako azken fitxak hemen aurkituko dituzu eta hauek berriz irekitzeko aukera duzu.
+## This message is displayed below the name of another connected device when it doesn't have any open tabs.
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-device-notabs = Irekitako fitxarik ez gailu honetan
+firefoxview-syncedtabs-connect-another-device = Konektatu beste gailu bat
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxWebAuthn.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxWebAuthn.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/firefoxWebAuthn.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/fxviewTabList.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/fxviewTabList.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c67ee0982a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/fxviewTabList.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fxviewtabrow-open-menu-button =
+ .title = Ireki menua
+# Variables:
+# $date (string) - Date to be formatted based on locale
+fxviewtabrow-date = { DATETIME($date, dateStyle: "short") }
+# Variables:
+# $time (string) - Time to be formatted based on locale
+fxviewtabrow-time = { DATETIME($time, timeStyle: "short") }
+# Variables:
+# $targetURI (string) - URL of tab that will be opened in the new tab
+fxviewtabrow-tabs-list-tab =
+ .title = Ireki { $targetURI } fitxa berrian
+# Variables:
+# $tabTitle (string) - Title of tab being dismissed
+fxviewtabrow-dismiss-tab-button =
+ .title = Baztertu { $tabTitle }
+# Used instead of the localized relative time when a timestamp is within a minute or so of now
+fxviewtabrow-just-now-timestamp = Oraintxe bertan
+# Strings below are used for context menu options within panel-list.
+# For developers, this duplicates command because the label attribute is required.
+fxviewtabrow-delete = Ezabatu
+ .accesskey = E
+fxviewtabrow-forget-about-this-site = Ahaztu gune honetaz…
+ .accesskey = z
+fxviewtabrow-open-in-window = Ireki leiho berrian
+ .accesskey = b
+fxviewtabrow-open-in-private-window = Ireki leiho pribatu berrian
+ .accesskey = k
+# “Bookmark” is a verb, as in "Bookmark this page" (add to bookmarks).
+fxviewtabrow-add-bookmark = Egin laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+fxviewtabrow-save-to-pocket = Gorde { -pocket-brand-name }-en
+ .accesskey = o
+fxviewtabrow-copy-link = Kopiatu lotura
+ .accesskey = o
+fxviewtabrow-close-tab = Itxi fitxa
+ .accesskey = x
+fxviewtabrow-move-tab = Eraman fitxa
+ .accesskey = M
+fxviewtabrow-move-tab-start = Eraman hasierara
+ .accesskey = h
+fxviewtabrow-move-tab-end = Eraman amaierara
+ .accesskey = a
+fxviewtabrow-move-tab-window = Eraman leiho berrira
+ .accesskey = b
+fxviewtabrow-send-tab = Bidali fitxa gailura
+ .accesskey = B
+# Variables:
+# $tabTitle (string) - Title of the tab to which the context menu is associated
+fxviewtabrow-options-menu-button =
+ .title = { $tabTitle } fitxarako aukerak
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/identityCredentialNotification.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/identityCredentialNotification.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f2e0c738a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/identityCredentialNotification.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Credential panel
+## Identity providers are websites you use to log in to another website, for
+## example: Google when you Log in with Google.
+## Variables:
+## $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+## $provider (String): the hostname of another website you are using to log in to the site being displayed
+identity-credential-header-providers = Hasi saioa saio-hasiera hornitzaile bat erabiliz
+identity-credential-header-accounts = Hasi saioa { $provider } erabiliz
+identity-credential-urlbar-anchor =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki saio-hasiera panela
+identity-credential-cancel-button =
+ .label = Utzi
+ .accesskey = z
+identity-credential-accept-button =
+ .label = Jarraitu
+ .accesskey = r
+identity-credential-sign-in-button =
+ .label = Hasi saioa
+ .accesskey = s
+identity-credential-policy-title = Erabili { $provider } saio-hasiera hornitzaile gisa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/linuxDesktopEntry.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/linuxDesktopEntry.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11244c3b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/linuxDesktopEntry.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These messages are used by the Firefox ".desktop" file on Linux.
+# The entry name is the label on the desktop icon, among other things.
+desktop-entry-name = { -brand-shortcut-name }
+# The comment usually appears as a tooltip when hovering over application menu entry.
+desktop-entry-comment = Arakatu World Wide Web-a
+desktop-entry-generic-name = Web nabigatzailea
+# Combine Name and GenericName. This string is specific to GNOME.
+desktop-entry-x-gnome-full-name = { -brand-shortcut-name } web nabigatzailea
+# Keywords are search terms used to find this application.
+# The string is a list of keywords separated by semicolons:
+# - Do NOT replace semicolons with other punctuation signs.
+# - The list MUST end with a semicolon.
+desktop-entry-keywords = Internet;WWW;Nabigatzailea;Web;Arakatzailea;
+## Actions are visible in a context menu after right clicking the
+## taskbar icon, possibly other places depending on the environment.
+desktop-action-new-window-name = Leiho berria
+desktop-action-new-private-window-name = Leiho pribatu berria
+desktop-action-open-profile-manager = Ireki profilen kudeatzailea
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/menubar.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/menubar.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fe12c50fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/menubar.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# NOTE: For English locales, strings in this file should be in APA-style Title Case.
+# See
+# NOTE: For Engineers, please don't re-use these strings outside of the menubar.
+# NOTE: For English locales, strings in this file should be in APA-style Title Case.
+# See
+# NOTE: For Engineers, please don't reuse these strings outside of the menubar.
+## Application Menu (macOS only)
+menu-application-preferences =
+ .label = Hobespenak
+menu-application-services =
+ .label = Zerbitzuak
+menu-application-hide-this =
+ .label = Ezkutatu { -brand-shorter-name }
+menu-application-hide-other =
+ .label = Ezkutatu besteak
+menu-application-show-all =
+ .label = Erakutsi denak
+menu-application-touch-bar =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu Touch Bar-a…
+# These menu-quit strings are only used on Windows and Linux.
+menu-quit =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Irten
+ *[other] Irten
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] I
+ *[other] I
+ }
+# This menu-quit-mac string is only used on macOS.
+menu-quit-mac =
+ .label = Irten { -brand-shorter-name }(e)tik
+menu-about =
+ .label = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)i buruz
+ .accesskey = b
+## File Menu
+menu-file =
+ .label = Fitxategia
+ .accesskey = F
+menu-file-new-tab =
+ .label = Fitxa berria
+ .accesskey = t
+menu-file-new-container-tab =
+ .label = Edukiontzi-fitxa berria
+ .accesskey = E
+menu-file-new-window =
+ .label = Leiho berria
+ .accesskey = L
+menu-file-new-private-window =
+ .label = Leiho pribatu berria
+ .accesskey = h
+# "Open Location" is only displayed on macOS, and only on windows
+# that aren't main browser windows, or when there are no windows
+# but Firefox is still running.
+menu-file-open-location =
+ .label = Ireki helbidea…
+menu-file-open-file =
+ .label = Ireki fitxategia…
+ .accesskey = f
+# Variables:
+# $tabCount (Number): the number of tabs that are affected by the action.
+menu-file-close-tab =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Itxi fitxa
+ *[other] Itxi { $tabCount } fitxa
+ }
+ .accesskey = x
+menu-file-close-window =
+ .label = Itxi leihoa
+ .accesskey = h
+menu-file-save-page =
+ .label = Gorde orria honela…
+ .accesskey = a
+menu-file-email-link =
+ .label = Bidali lotura postaz…
+ .accesskey = s
+menu-file-share-url =
+ .label = Partekatu
+ .accesskey = P
+menu-file-print-setup =
+ .label = Prestatu orria…
+ .accesskey = u
+menu-file-print =
+ .label = Inprimatu…
+ .accesskey = p
+menu-file-import-from-another-browser =
+ .label = Inportatu beste nabigatzaile batetik…
+ .accesskey = I
+menu-file-go-offline =
+ .label = Lan egin lineaz kanpo
+ .accesskey = o
+## Edit Menu
+menu-edit =
+ .label = Editatu
+ .accesskey = E
+menu-edit-find-in-page =
+ .label = Bilatu orrian…
+ .accesskey = B
+menu-edit-find-again =
+ .label = Bilatu berriro
+ .accesskey = r
+menu-edit-bidi-switch-text-direction =
+ .label = Aldatu testuaren norabidea
+ .accesskey = t
+## View Menu
+menu-view =
+ .label = Ikusi
+ .accesskey = I
+menu-view-toolbars-menu =
+ .label = Tresna-barrak
+ .accesskey = T
+menu-view-customize-toolbar2 =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu tresna-barra…
+ .accesskey = P
+menu-view-sidebar =
+ .label = Alboko barra
+ .accesskey = A
+menu-view-bookmarks =
+ .label = Laster-markak
+menu-view-history-button =
+ .label = Historia
+menu-view-synced-tabs-sidebar =
+ .label = Sinkronizatutako fitxak
+menu-view-full-zoom =
+ .label = Zooma
+ .accesskey = Z
+menu-view-full-zoom-enlarge =
+ .label = Gerturatu
+ .accesskey = G
+menu-view-full-zoom-reduce =
+ .label = Urrundu
+ .accesskey = U
+menu-view-full-zoom-actual-size =
+ .label = Benetako tamaina
+ .accesskey = B
+menu-view-full-zoom-toggle =
+ .label = Testua soilik
+ .accesskey = T
+menu-view-page-style-menu =
+ .label = Orriaren estiloa
+ .accesskey = e
+menu-view-page-style-no-style =
+ .label = Estilorik gabe
+ .accesskey = E
+menu-view-page-basic-style =
+ .label = Oinarrizko orri-estiloa
+ .accesskey = O
+menu-view-repair-text-encoding =
+ .label = Konpondu testu-kodeketa
+ .accesskey = k
+## These should match what Safari and other Apple applications
+## use on macOS.
+menu-view-enter-full-screen =
+ .label = Sartu pantaila osoan
+ .accesskey = o
+menu-view-exit-full-screen =
+ .label = Irten pantaila osotik
+ .accesskey = p
+menu-view-full-screen =
+ .label = Pantaila osoa
+ .accesskey = P
+## These menu items may use the same accesskey.
+# This should match reader-view-enter-button in browser.ftl
+menu-view-enter-readerview =
+ .label = Sartu irakurtzeko ikuspegian
+ .accesskey = i
+# This should match reader-view-close-button in browser.ftl
+menu-view-close-readerview =
+ .label = Irten irakurtzeko ikuspegitik
+ .accesskey = I
+menu-view-show-all-tabs =
+ .label = Erakutsi fitxa guztiak
+ .accesskey = z
+menu-view-bidi-switch-page-direction =
+ .label = Aldatu orriaren norabidea
+ .accesskey = n
+## History Menu
+menu-history =
+ .label = Historia
+ .accesskey = H
+menu-history-show-all-history =
+ .label = Erakutsi historia guztia
+menu-history-clear-recent-history =
+ .label = Garbitu azken historia…
+menu-history-synced-tabs =
+ .label = Sinkronizatutako fitxak
+menu-history-restore-last-session =
+ .label = Berreskuratu aurreko saioa
+menu-history-hidden-tabs =
+ .label = Ezkutatutako fitxak
+menu-history-undo-menu =
+ .label = Itxitako azken fitxak
+menu-history-undo-window-menu =
+ .label = Itxitako azken leihoak
+# "Search" is a verb, as in "Search in History"
+menu-history-search =
+ .label = Bilatu historia
+## Bookmarks Menu
+menu-bookmarks-menu =
+ .label = Laster-markak
+ .accesskey = m
+menu-bookmarks-manage =
+ .label = Kudeatu laster-markak
+menu-bookmark-tab =
+ .label = Egin uneko fitxaren laster-marka…
+menu-edit-bookmark =
+ .label = Editatu laster-marka…
+# "Search" is a verb, as in "Search in bookmarks"
+menu-bookmarks-search =
+ .label = Bilatu laster-markak
+menu-bookmarks-all-tabs =
+ .label = Egin fitxa guztien laster-marka…
+menu-bookmarks-toolbar =
+ .label = Laster-marken tresna-barra
+menu-bookmarks-other =
+ .label = Beste laster-markak
+menu-bookmarks-mobile =
+ .label = Mugikorreko laster-markak
+## Tools Menu
+menu-tools =
+ .label = Tresnak
+ .accesskey = T
+menu-tools-downloads =
+ .label = Deskargak
+ .accesskey = D
+menu-tools-addons-and-themes =
+ .label = Gehigarriak eta itxurak
+ .accesskey = G
+menu-tools-fxa-sign-in2 =
+ .label = Hasi saioa
+ .accesskey = H
+menu-tools-turn-on-sync2 =
+ .label = Gaitu sinkronizazioa…
+ .accesskey = G
+menu-tools-sync-now =
+ .label = Sinkronizatu orain
+ .accesskey = S
+menu-tools-fxa-re-auth =
+ .label = Birkonektatu { -brand-product-name }(e)ra…
+ .accesskey = B
+menu-tools-browser-tools =
+ .label = Nabigatzailearen tresnak
+ .accesskey = b
+menu-tools-task-manager =
+ .label = Ataza-kudeatzailea
+ .accesskey = k
+menu-tools-page-source =
+ .label = Orriaren iturburua
+ .accesskey = O
+menu-tools-page-info =
+ .label = Orriaren informazioa
+ .accesskey = i
+menu-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] E
+ *[other] E
+ }
+menu-tools-layout-debugger =
+ .label = Diseinuaren araztailea
+ .accesskey = D
+## Window Menu
+menu-window-menu =
+ .label = Leihoa
+menu-window-bring-all-to-front =
+ .label = Ekarri dena aurrera
+## Help Menu
+# NOTE: For Engineers, any additions or changes to Help menu strings should
+# also be reflected in the related strings in appmenu.ftl. Those strings, by
+# convention, will have the same ID as these, but prefixed with "app".
+# Example: appmenu-get-help
+# These strings are duplicated to allow for different casing depending on
+# where the strings appear.
+menu-help =
+ .label = Laguntza
+ .accesskey = L
+menu-get-help =
+ .label = Lortu laguntza
+ .accesskey = L
+menu-help-more-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Arazoak konpontzeko informazio gehiago
+ .accesskey = f
+menu-help-report-site-issue =
+ .label = Eman gunearen arazoaren berri…
+menu-help-share-ideas =
+ .label = Partekatu ideiak eta iritzia…
+ .accesskey = P
+menu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode2 =
+ .label = Arazoak konpontzeko modua…
+ .accesskey = m
+menu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = Desaktibatu arazoak konpontzeko modua
+ .accesskey = s
+menu-help-switch-device =
+ .label = Gailu berri batera aldatzea
+ .accesskey = d
+# Label of the Help menu item. Either this or
+# menu-help-notdeceptive is shown.
+menu-help-report-deceptive-site =
+ .label = Eman gune iruzurtiaren berri…
+ .accesskey = i
+menu-help-not-deceptive =
+ .label = Hau ez da gune iruzurtia…
+ .accesskey = i
+menu-report-broken-site =
+ .label = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/migration.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/migration.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40295b9e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/migration.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+migration-wizard =
+ .title = Inportazio-morroia
+import-from =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Laster-markak, historia, pasahitzak eta beste zenbait datu hemendik inportatu:
+ *[other] Hobespenak, laster-markak, historia, pasahitzak eta beste zenbait datu hemendik inportatu:
+ }
+import-from-bookmarks = Laster-markak nondik inportatu:
+import-from-ie =
+ .label = Microsoft Internet Explorer
+ .accesskey = M
+import-from-edge =
+ .label = Microsoft Edge
+ .accesskey = E
+import-from-edge-legacy =
+ .label = Microsoft Edge legatua
+ .accesskey = L
+import-from-edge-beta =
+ .label = Microsoft Edge Beta
+ .accesskey = d
+import-from-nothing =
+ .label = Ezer ez inportatu
+ .accesskey = E
+import-from-safari =
+ .label = Safari
+ .accesskey = S
+import-from-opera =
+ .label = Opera
+ .accesskey = O
+import-from-vivaldi =
+ .label = Vivaldi
+ .accesskey = V
+import-from-brave =
+ .label = Brave
+ .accesskey = r
+import-from-canary =
+ .label = Chrome Canary
+ .accesskey = n
+import-from-chrome =
+ .label = Chrome
+ .accesskey = C
+import-from-chrome-beta =
+ .label = Chrome Beta
+ .accesskey = B
+import-from-chrome-dev =
+ .label = Chrome Dev
+ .accesskey = D
+import-from-chromium =
+ .label = Chromium
+ .accesskey = u
+import-from-firefox =
+ .label = Firefox
+ .accesskey = x
+import-from-360se =
+ .label = 360 Secure Browser
+ .accesskey = 3
+import-from-opera-gx =
+ .label = Opera GX
+ .accesskey = G
+no-migration-sources = Ezin izan da laster-markak, historia edo pasahitz daturik duen programarik aurkitu.
+import-source-page-title = Inportatu ezarpenak eta datuak
+import-items-page-title = Inportatu beharrekoak
+import-items-description = Aukeratu inportatu beharrekoak:
+import-permissions-page-title = Mesedez eman baimenak { -brand-short-name }(r)i
+# Do not translate "Safari" (the name of the browser on Apple devices)
+import-safari-permissions-string = { -brand-short-name }(e)k Safari-ren datuetarako sarbidea izan dezan, macOS-en beharrezkoa da baimenak esplizituki ematea. Egin klik 'Jarraitu' botoian, hautatu "Safari" karpeta Finder elkarrizketa-koadroan eta ondoren egin klik "Ireki" botoian.
+import-migrating-page-title = Inportatzen…
+import-migrating-description = Ondorengo osagaiak inportatzen…
+import-select-profile-page-title = Hautatu profila
+import-select-profile-description = Inportatzeko honako profil hauek daude eskuragarri:
+import-done-page-title = Inportazioa burutu da
+import-done-description = Hurrengo osagaiak ondo inportatu dira:
+import-close-source-browser = Ziurtatu hautatutako nagitzailea itxita dagoela jarraitu aurretik.
+source-name-ie = Internet Explorer
+source-name-edge = Microsoft Edge
+source-name-chrome = Google Chrome
+imported-safari-reading-list = Irakurketa-zerrenda (Safari-tik)
+imported-edge-reading-list = Irakurketa-zerrenda (Edge-tik)
+## Browser data types
+## All of these strings get a $browser variable passed in.
+## You can use the browser variable to differentiate the name of items,
+## which may have different labels in different browsers.
+## The supported values for the $browser variable are:
+## 360se
+## chrome
+## edge
+## firefox
+## ie
+## safari
+## The various beta and development versions of edge and chrome all get
+## normalized to just "edge" and "chrome" for these strings.
+browser-data-cookies-checkbox =
+ .label = Cookieak
+browser-data-cookies-label =
+ .value = Cookieak
+browser-data-history-checkbox =
+ .label =
+ { $browser ->
+ [firefox] Nabigatze-historia eta laster-markak
+ *[other] Nabigatze-historia
+ }
+browser-data-history-label =
+ .value =
+ { $browser ->
+ [firefox] Nabigatze-historia eta laster-markak
+ *[other] Nabigatze-historia
+ }
+browser-data-formdata-checkbox =
+ .label = Gordetako inprimakien historia
+browser-data-formdata-label =
+ .value = Gordetako inprimakien historia
+# This string should use the same phrase for "logins and passwords" as the
+# label in the main hamburger menu that opens about:logins.
+browser-data-passwords-checkbox =
+ .label = Gorde saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+# This string should use the same phrase for "logins and passwords" as the
+# label in the main hamburger menu that opens about:logins.
+browser-data-passwords-label =
+ .value = Gorde saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+browser-data-bookmarks-checkbox =
+ .label =
+ { $browser ->
+ [ie] Gogokoak
+ [edge] Gogokoak
+ *[other] Laster-markak
+ }
+browser-data-bookmarks-label =
+ .value =
+ { $browser ->
+ [ie] Gogokoak
+ [edge] Gogokoak
+ *[other] Laster-markak
+ }
+browser-data-otherdata-checkbox =
+ .label = Bestelako datuak
+browser-data-otherdata-label =
+ .label = Bestelako datuak
+browser-data-session-checkbox =
+ .label = Leihoak eta fitxak
+browser-data-session-label =
+ .value = Leihoak eta fitxak
+browser-data-payment-methods-checkbox =
+ .label = Ordainketa metodoak
+browser-data-payment-methods-label =
+ .value = Ordainketa metodoak
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/migrationWizard.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/migrationWizard.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b103f2e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/migrationWizard.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+migration-wizard-selection-header = Inportatu nabigatzailearen datuak
+migration-wizard-selection-list = Hautatu inportatu nahi dituzun datuak.
+# Shown in the new migration wizard's dropdown selector for choosing the browser
+# to import from. This variant is shown when the selected browser doesn't support
+# user profiles, and so we only show the browser name.
+# Variables:
+# $sourceBrowser (String): the name of the browser to import from.
+migration-wizard-selection-option-without-profile = { $sourceBrowser }
+# Shown in the new migration wizard's dropdown selector for choosing the browser
+# and user profile to import from. This variant is shown when the selected browser
+# supports user profiles.
+# Variables:
+# $sourceBrowser (String): the name of the browser to import from.
+# $profileName (String): the name of the user profile to import from.
+migration-wizard-selection-option-with-profile = { $sourceBrowser } — { $profileName }
+# Each migrator is expected to include a display name string, and that display
+# name string should have a key with "migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-"
+# as a prefix followed by the unique identification key for the migrator.
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-brave = Brave
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-canary = Chrome Canary
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chrome = Chrome
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chrome-beta = Chrome Beta
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chrome-dev = Chrome Dev
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium = Chromium
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-360se = 360 Secure Browser
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-edge = Microsoft Edge
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-edge-beta = Microsoft Edge Beta
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-edge-legacy = Microsoft Edge legatua
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-firefox = Firefox
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-file-password-csv = Pasahitzak CSV fitxategitik
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-file-bookmarks = Laster-markak HTML fitxategitik
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-ie = Microsoft Internet Explorer
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-opera = Opera
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-opera-gx = Opera GX
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-safari = Safari
+migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-vivaldi = Vivaldi
+migration-source-name-ie = Internet Explorer
+migration-source-name-edge = Microsoft Edge
+migration-source-name-chrome = Google Chrome
+migration-imported-safari-reading-list = Irakurketa-zerrenda (Safari-tik)
+migration-imported-edge-reading-list = Irakurketa-zerrenda (Edge-tik)
+## These strings are shown if the selected browser data directory is unreadable.
+## In practice, this tends to only occur on Linux when Firefox
+## is installed as a Snap.
+migration-no-permissions-instructions-step1 = Hautatu "Jarraitu"
+## These strings will be displayed based on how many resources are selected to import
+migration-all-available-data-label = Inportatu erabilgarri dauden datu guztiak
+migration-no-selected-data-label = Ez da inportatzeko daturik hautatu
+migration-selected-data-label = Inportatu hautatutako datuak
+migration-select-all-option-label = Hautatu dena
+migration-bookmarks-option-label = Laster-markak
+# Favorites is used for Bookmarks when importing from Internet Explorer or
+# Edge, as this is the terminology for bookmarks on those browsers.
+migration-favorites-option-label = Gogokoak
+migration-logins-and-passwords-option-label = Gordetako saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+migration-passwords-option-label = Gordetako pasahitzak
+migration-history-option-label = Nabigatze-historia
+migration-extensions-option-label = Hedapenak
+migration-form-autofill-option-label = Inprimakien betetze automatikorako datuak
+migration-payment-methods-option-label = Ordainketa metodoak
+migration-cookies-option-label = Cookieak
+migration-session-option-label = Leihoak eta fitxak
+migration-otherdata-option-label = Bestelako datuak
+migration-passwords-from-file-progress-header = Inportatu pasahitzen fitxategia
+migration-passwords-from-file-success-header = Pasahitzak ondo inportatu dira
+migration-passwords-from-file = Fitxategia pasahitzen bila egiaztatzen
+migration-passwords-new = Pasahitz berriak
+migration-passwords-updated = Lehendik dauden pasahitzak
+migration-passwords-from-file-no-valid-data = Fitxategiak ez du baliozko pasahitz-daturik. Hautatu beste fitxategi bat.
+migration-passwords-from-file-picker-title = Inportatu pasahitzen fitxategia
+# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type
+# filter by the operating system.
+migration-passwords-from-file-csv-filter-title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] CSV dokumentua
+ *[other] CSV fitxategia
+ }
+# A description for the .tsv file format that may be shown as the file type
+# filter by the operating system. TSV is short for 'tab separated values'.
+migration-passwords-from-file-tsv-filter-title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] TSV dokumentua
+ *[other] TSV fitxategia
+ }
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing passwords from a file
+# has completed, if new passwords were added.
+# Variables:
+# $newEntries (Number): the number of new successfully imported passwords
+migration-wizard-progress-success-new-passwords =
+ { $newEntries ->
+ [one] { $newEntries } gehituta
+ *[other] { $newEntries } gehituta
+ }
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing passwords from a file
+# has completed, if existing passwords were updated.
+# Variables:
+# $updatedEntries (Number): the number of updated passwords
+migration-wizard-progress-success-updated-passwords =
+ { $updatedEntries ->
+ [one] { $updatedEntries } eguneratuta
+ *[other] { $updatedEntries } eguneratuta
+ }
+migration-bookmarks-from-file-picker-title = Inportatu laster-marken fitxategia
+migration-bookmarks-from-file-progress-header = Laster-markak inportatzen
+migration-bookmarks-from-file = Laster-markak
+migration-bookmarks-from-file-success-header = Laster-markak ondo inportatu dira
+migration-bookmarks-from-file-no-valid-data = Fitxategiak ez du baliozko laster-marken daturik. Hautatu beste fitxategi bat.
+# A description for the .html file format that may be shown as the file type
+# filter by the operating system.
+migration-bookmarks-from-file-html-filter-title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] HTML dokumentua
+ *[other] HTML fitxategia
+ }
+# A description for the .json file format that may be shown as the file type
+# filter by the operating system.
+migration-bookmarks-from-file-json-filter-title = JSON fitxategia
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing bookmarks from a file
+# has completed.
+# Variables:
+# $newEntries (Number): the number of imported bookmarks.
+migration-wizard-progress-success-new-bookmarks =
+ { $newEntries ->
+ [one] Laster-marka { $newEntries }
+ *[other] { $newEntries } laster-marka
+ }
+migration-import-button-label = Inportatu
+migration-choose-to-import-from-file-button-label = Inportatu fitxategitik
+migration-import-from-file-button-label = Hautatu fitxategia
+migration-cancel-button-label = Utzi
+migration-done-button-label = Eginda
+migration-continue-button-label = Jarraitu
+## These strings will be used to create a dynamic list of items that can be
+## imported. The list will be created using Intl.ListFormat(), so it will
+## follow each locale's rules, and the first item will be capitalized by code.
+## When applicable, the resources should be in their plural form.
+## For example, a possible list could be "Bookmarks, passwords and autofill data".
+migration-list-bookmark-label = laster-markak
+# “favorites” refers to bookmarks in Edge and Internet Explorer. Use the same terminology
+# if the browser is available in your language.
+migration-list-favorites-label = gogokoak
+migration-list-password-label = pasahitzak
+migration-list-history-label = historia
+migration-list-extensions-label = hedapenak
+migration-list-autofill-label = betetze automatikorako datuak
+migration-list-payment-methods-label = ordainketa metodoak
+migration-wizard-progress-header = Datuak inportatzen
+# This header appears in the final page of the migration wizard only if
+# all resources were imported successfully.
+migration-wizard-progress-done-header = Datuak ondo inportatu dira
+# This header appears in the final page of the migration wizard if only
+# some of the resources were imported successfully. This is meant to be
+# distinct from migration-wizard-progress-done-header, which is only shown
+# if all resources were imported successfully.
+migration-wizard-progress-done-with-warnings-header = Datuen inportazioa burututa
+migration-wizard-progress-icon-in-progress =
+ .aria-label = Inportatzen…
+migration-wizard-progress-icon-completed =
+ .aria-label = Burututa
+migration-safari-password-import-header = Inportatu pasahitzak Safaritik
+migration-safari-password-import-steps-header = Safaritik pasahitzak inportatzeko:
+migration-safari-password-import-step1 = Safarin, ireki "Safari" menua eta zoaz Hobespenak > Pasahitzak atalera
+migration-safari-password-import-step2 = Hautatu <img data-l10n-name="safari-icon-3dots"/> botoia eta aukeratu "Esportatu pasahitz guztiak"
+migration-safari-password-import-step3 = Gorde pasahitzen fitxategia
+migration-safari-password-import-step4 = Erabili azpiko "hautatu fitxategia" aukera gorde berri duzun pasahitzen fitxategia aukeratzeko
+migration-safari-password-import-skip-button = Saltatu
+migration-safari-password-import-select-button = Hautatu fitxategia
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing bookmarks from another
+# browser has completed.
+# Variables:
+# $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported bookmarks
+migration-wizard-progress-success-bookmarks =
+ { $quantity ->
+ [one] laster-marka { $quantity }
+ *[other] { $quantity } laster-marka
+ }
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing bookmarks from either
+# Internet Explorer or Edge.
+# Use the same terminology if the browser is available in your language.
+# Variables:
+# $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported bookmarks
+migration-wizard-progress-success-favorites =
+ { $quantity ->
+ [one] gogoko { $quantity }
+ *[other] { $quantity } gogoko
+ }
+## The import process identifies extensions installed in other supported
+## browsers and installs the corresponding (matching) extensions compatible
+## with Firefox, if available.
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing all matched extensions
+# from supported browsers.
+# Variables:
+# $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported extensions
+migration-wizard-progress-success-extensions =
+ { $quantity ->
+ [one] hedapen { $quantity }
+ *[other] { $quantity } hedapen
+ }
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing a partial amount of
+# matched extensions from supported browsers.
+# Variables:
+# $matched (Number): the number of matched imported extensions
+# $quantity (Number): the number of total extensions found during import
+migration-wizard-progress-partial-success-extensions = { $quantity }/{ $matched } hedapen
+# Shown in the migration wizard if there are no matched extensions
+# on import from supported browsers.
+migration-wizard-progress-no-matched-extensions = Bat datorren hedapenik ez
+migration-wizard-progress-extensions-addons-link = Arakatu { -brand-short-name }(e)rako hedapenak
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing passwords from another
+# browser has completed.
+# Variables:
+# $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported passwords
+migration-wizard-progress-success-passwords =
+ { $quantity ->
+ [one] pasahitz { $quantity }
+ *[other] { $quantity } pasahitz
+ }
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing history from another
+# browser has completed.
+# Variables:
+# $maxAgeInDays (Number): the maximum number of days of history that might be imported.
+migration-wizard-progress-success-history =
+ { $maxAgeInDays ->
+ [one] Azken egunetik
+ *[other] Azken { $maxAgeInDays } egunetatik
+ }
+migration-wizard-progress-success-formdata = Inprimakien historia
+# Shown in the migration wizard after importing payment methods from another
+# browser has completed.
+# Variables:
+# $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported payment methods
+migration-wizard-progress-success-payment-methods =
+ { $quantity ->
+ [one] ordainketa metodo { $quantity }
+ *[other] { $quantity } ordainketa metodo
+ }
+migration-wizard-safari-permissions-sub-header = Safariko laster-markak eta nabigatze-historia inportatzeko:
+migration-wizard-safari-instructions-continue = Hautatu "Jarraitu"
+migration-wizard-safari-instructions-folder = Hautatu Safari karpeta zerrendatik eta aukeratu "Ireki"
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79fc7171a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These messages are used as headings in the recommendation doorhanger
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-heading = Gomendatutako hedapena
+cfr-doorhanger-feature-heading = Gomendatutako eginbidea
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-sumo-link =
+ .tooltiptext = Zergatik ari naizen hau ikusten
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-cancel-button = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = n
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-ok-button = Gehitu orain
+ .accesskey = G
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-manage-settings-button = Kudeatu gomendioen ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = K
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-never-show-recommendation = Ez erakutsi gomendio hau
+ .accesskey = z
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+# This string is used on a new line below the add-on name
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Add-on author name
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-author = egilea: { $name }
+# This is a notification displayed in the address bar.
+# When clicked it opens a panel with a message for the user.
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-notification = Gomendioa
+# .a11y-announcement is extracted in JS and announced via A11y.announce.
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-notification2 = Gomendioa
+ .tooltiptext = Hedapenaren gomendioa
+ .a11y-announcement = Hedapenaren gomendioa erabilgarri dago
+# This is a notification displayed in the address bar.
+# When clicked it opens a panel with a message for the user.
+# .a11y-announcement is extracted in JS and announced via A11y.announce.
+cfr-doorhanger-feature-notification = Gomendioa
+ .tooltiptext = Eginbidearen gomendioa
+ .a11y-announcement = Eginbidearen gomendioa erabilgarri dago
+## Add-on statistics
+## These strings are used to display the total number of
+## users and rating for an add-on. They are shown next to each other.
+# Variables:
+# $total (Number) - The rating of the add-on from 1 to 5
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-rating =
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { $total ->
+ [one] izar bat
+ *[other] { $total } izar
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $total (Number) - The total number of users using the add-on
+cfr-doorhanger-extension-total-users =
+ { $total ->
+ [one] erabiltzaile bat
+ *[other] { $total } erabiltzaile
+ }
+## Firefox Accounts Message
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-header = Sinkronizatu laster-markak edonon.
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-body = Ondo ikusia! Orain ez galdu laster-marka hau zure gailu mugikorretan. Hasi { -fxaccount-brand-name } erabiltzen.
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-link-text = Sinkronizatu laster-markak orain…
+cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-close-btn-tooltip =
+ .aria-label = Ixteko botoia
+ .title = Itxi
+## Protections panel
+cfr-protections-panel-header = Nabigatu inor atzetik izan gabe
+cfr-protections-panel-body = Mantendu zure datuak zuretzat. Lineako zure jardueraren jarraipena egiten duten elementu ohikoenetatik babesten zaitu { -brand-short-name }(e)k.
+cfr-protections-panel-link-text = Argibide gehiago
+## What's New toolbar button and panel
+# This string is used by screen readers to offer a text based alternative for
+# the notification icon
+cfr-badge-reader-label-newfeature = Eginbide berria:
+cfr-whatsnew-button =
+ .label = Nobedadeak
+ .tooltiptext = Nobedadeak
+cfr-whatsnew-release-notes-link-text = Irakurri bertsio-oharrak
+## Enhanced Tracking Protection Milestones
+# Variables:
+# $blockedCount (Number) - The total count of blocked trackers. This number will always be greater than 1.
+# $date (Datetime) - The date we began recording the count of blocked trackers
+cfr-doorhanger-milestone-heading2 =
+ { $blockedCount ->
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name }(e)k <b>{ $blockedCount }</b> jarraipen-elementu baino gehiago blokeatu ditu { DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric") }-z geroztik!
+ }
+cfr-doorhanger-milestone-ok-button = Ikusi guztiak
+ .accesskey = I
+cfr-doorhanger-milestone-close-button = Itxi
+ .accesskey = x
+## DOH Message
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-body = Zure pribatutasuna garrantzitsua da. Nabigazioa babesteko, { -brand-short-name }(e)k ahal duen neurrian zure DNS eskaerak bazkide baten zerbitzutik bideratzen ditu modu seguruan.
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-header = DNS-bilaketa zifratu eta seguruagoak
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-primary-button-2 = Ados
+ .accesskey = A
+cfr-doorhanger-doh-secondary-button = Desgaitu
+ .accesskey = D
+## Full Video Support CFR message
+cfr-doorhanger-video-support-body = Gune honetako bideoak agian ez dira ondo erreproduzituko { -brand-short-name } bertsio honetan. Bideo-euskarri osorako, eguneratu { -brand-short-name } orain.
+cfr-doorhanger-video-support-header = Eguneratu { -brand-short-name } bideoa erreproduzitzeko
+cfr-doorhanger-video-support-primary-button = Eguneratu orain
+ .accesskey = E
+## VPN promotion dialog for public Wi-Fi users
+## If a user is detected to be on a public Wi-Fi network, they are given a
+## bit of info about how to improve their privacy and then offered a button
+## to the Mozilla VPN page and a link to dismiss the dialog.
+# This header text can be explicitly wrapped.
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-header = Badirudi Wi-Fi publikoa darabilzula
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-body = Zure kokapena eta nabigazio-jarduera ezkutatzeko, aintzat hartu sare pribatu birtuala (VPN) erabiltzea. Aireportu edo kafetegien tankerako gune publikoetan nabigatzean babestuta mantentzen lagunduko dizu.
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-primary-button = Mantendu pribatu { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name } erabiliz
+ .accesskey = M
+spotlight-public-wifi-vpn-link = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = z
+## Emotive Continuous Onboarding
+spotlight-better-internet-header = Internet hobea zurekin hasten da
+spotlight-better-internet-body = { -brand-short-name } erabiltzean, denontzat hobea den Internet ireki eta atzigarri baten alde egiten duzu bozka.
+spotlight-peace-mind-header = Babesean zaitugu
+spotlight-peace-mind-body = Hilero, { -brand-short-name }(e)k 3000 jarraipen-elementu baino gehiago blokeatzen ditu erabiltzaileko batez bestean. Izan ere ezerk ez bailuke zure eta Internet onaren artean egon behar — bereziki pribatutasunaren oztopo diren jarraipen-elementuak.
+spotlight-pin-primary-button =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Mantendu Dock-ean
+ *[other] Ainguratu ataza-barran
+ }
+spotlight-pin-secondary-button = Une honetan ez
+## MR2022 Background Update Windows native toast notification strings.
+## These strings will be displayed by the Windows operating system in
+## a native toast, like:
+## <b>multi-line title</b>
+## multi-line text
+## <img>
+## [ primary button ] [ secondary button ]
+## The button labels are fitted into narrow fixed-width buttons by
+## Windows and therefore must be as narrow as possible.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-title = { -brand-short-name } berria. Pribatuagoa. Jarraipen-elementu gutxiago. Konpromisorik ez.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-text = Probatu orain { -brand-short-name } berriena, jarraipen-elementuei aurka egiteko inoizko babesik indartsuenarekin eguneratua.
+# This button label will be fitted into a narrow fixed-width button by
+# Windows. Try to not exceed the width of the English text (compare it
+# using a variable font like Arial): the button can only fit 1-2
+# additional characters, exceeding characters will be truncated.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-primary-button-label = Ireki { -brand-shorter-name } orain
+# This button label will be fitted into a narrow fixed-width button by
+# Windows. Try to not exceed the width of the English text (compare it using a
+# variable font like Arial): the button can only fit 1-2 additional characters,
+# exceeding characters will be truncated.
+mr2022-background-update-toast-secondary-button-label = Gogora iezadazu geroago
+## Firefox View CFR
+firefoxview-cfr-primarybutton = Probatu
+ .accesskey = t
+firefoxview-cfr-secondarybutton = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = z
+firefoxview-cfr-header-v2 = Jarraitu utzi zenuen tokitik
+firefoxview-cfr-body-v2 = Berreskuratu itxitako azken fitxak eta aldatu di-da batean gailuen artean { -firefoxview-brand-name } erabiliz.
+## Firefox View Spotlight
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-title = Esan kaixo { -firefoxview-brand-name }ri.
+# “Poof” refers to the expression to convey when something or someone suddenly disappears, or in this case, reappears. For example, “Poof, it’s gone.”
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-subtitle = Telefonoan irekita daukazun fitxa hori nahi duzu? Har ezazu. Oraintxe bisitatu duzun gune hori behar duzu? Lasai, bueltan da { -firefoxview-brand-name }rekin.
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-primarybutton = Ikusi nola dabilen
+firefoxview-spotlight-promo-secondarybutton = Saltatu
+## Colorways expiry reminder CFR
+colorways-cfr-primarybutton = Aukeratu kolore-konbinazioa
+ .accesskey = k
+# "shades" refers to the different color options available to users in colorways.
+colorways-cfr-body = Eman kolorea zure nabigatzaileari { -brand-short-name } kultura aldatu zuten ahotsek inspiratutako itzaldura esklusiboekin.
+colorways-cfr-header-28days = Ahots independenteen kolore-konbinazioak urtarrilaren 16an iraungiko dira
+colorways-cfr-header-14days = Ahots independenteen kolore-konbinazioak bi aste barru iraungiko dira
+colorways-cfr-header-7days = Ahots independenteen kolore-konbinazioak aste honetan iraungiko dira
+colorways-cfr-header-today = Ahots independenteen kolore-konbinazioak gaur iraungiko dira
+## Cookie Banner Handling CFR
+cfr-cbh-header = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i cookie iragarki-bandak ukatzea?
+cfr-cbh-body = { -brand-short-name }(e)k automatikoki uka ditzake cookie iragarki-bandetako eskaerak.
+cfr-cbh-confirm-button = Ukatu cookie iragarki-bandak
+ .accesskey = k
+cfr-cbh-dismiss-button = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = n
+cookie-banner-blocker-cfr-header = { -brand-short-name }(e)k cookieak blokeatu berri ditu
+cookie-banner-blocker-cfr-body = Automatikoki ukatzen ditugu cookie laster-leihoak, guneentzat zailagoa izan dadin zure jarraipena egitea.
+## These strings are used in the Fox doodle Pin/set default spotlights
+july-jam-headline = Babesean zaitugu
+july-jam-body = Hilero, { -brand-short-name }(e)k batez beste 3.000 jarraipen-elementu blokeatzen ditu erabiltzaileko, internet onerako sarbide seguru eta azkarra emanez.
+july-jam-set-default-primary = Ireki nire loturak { -brand-short-name } erabiliz
+fox-doodle-pin-headline = Ongi etorri berriro
+# “indie” is short for the term “independent”.
+# In this instance, free from outside influence or control.
+fox-doodle-pin-body = Hona hemen abisua gogorarazteko zure nabigatzaile independente gogokoena klik bakarrera manten dezakezula.
+fox-doodle-pin-primary = Ireki nire loturak { -brand-short-name } erabiliz
+fox-doodle-pin-secondary = Une honetan ez
+## These strings are used in the Set Firefox as Default PDF Handler for Existing Users experiment
+set-default-pdf-handler-headline = <strong>Zure PDFak orain { -brand-short-name }(e)n irekitzen dira.</strong> Editatu edo sinatu inprimakiak zuzenean nabigatzailetik. Aldatzeko, bilatu "PDF" ezarpenetan.
+set-default-pdf-handler-primary = Ulertuta
+## FxA sync CFR
+fxa-sync-cfr-header = Gailu berririk ba al da zure etorkizunean?
+fxa-sync-cfr-body = Ziurtatu zure azken laster-markak, pasahitzak eta fitxak zurekin daudela { -brand-product-name } nabigatzaile berri bat irekitzen duzun bakoitzean.
+fxa-sync-cfr-primary = Argibide gehiago
+ .accesskey = A
+fxa-sync-cfr-secondary = Gogora iezadazu geroago
+ .accesskey = G
+## Device Migration FxA Spotlight
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-header = Gailu zaharragoa darabilzu?
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-body = Egin zure datuen babeskopia laster-markak, pasahitzak eta bestelako informazio garrantzitsua galtzen ez dituzula ziurtatzeko — batez ere gailu berri batera aldatzen bazara.
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-primary-button = Nola egin nire datuen babeskopia
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-link = Gogora iezadazu geroago
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-heavy-user-header = Ez ahaztu zure datuen babeskopia egitea
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-heavy-user-body = Ziurtatu informazio garrantzitsua — hala nola laster-markak eta pasahitzak — egunean eta babestuta dagoela zure gailu guztien artean.
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-heavy-user-primary-button = Hasi erabiltzen
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-older-device-header = Bakea eta lasaitasuna, { -brand-product-name } bidez
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-older-device-body = Kontuak zure informazio garrantzitsua egunean eta babestuta mantentzen du konektatzen zaren edozein gailutan.
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-older-device-primary-button = Sortu kontua
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-getting-new-device-header-2 = Gailu berririk ba al da zure etorkizunean?
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-getting-new-device-body = Egin orain zure datuen babeskopia, gailu berria heltzen zaizunean dena prest izan dezazun.
+device-migration-fxa-spotlight-getting-new-device-primary-button = Nola egin nire datuen babeskopia
+## Set as Default PDF Reader Infobar
+# The question portion of the following message should have the <strong> and </strong> tags surrounding it.
+pdf-default-notification-message = <strong>Egin { -brand-short-name } zure PDF irakurgailu lehenetsia?</strong> Erabili { -brand-short-name } zure ordenagailuan gordetako PDFak irakurri eta editatzeko.
+pdf-default-notification-set-default-button =
+ .label = Ezarri lehenetsi gisa
+pdf-default-notification-decline-button =
+ .label = Une honetan ez
+## Launch on login infobar notification
+launch-on-login-infobar-message = <strong>Ireki { -brand-short-name } ordenagailua berrabiarazten duzun bakoitzean?</strong> Orain { -brand-short-name } automatikoki irekitzeko ezar dezakezu zure gailua berrabiarazten duzun bakoitzean.
+launch-on-login-learnmore = Argibide gehiago
+launch-on-login-infobar-confirm-button = Bai, ireki { -brand-short-name }
+ .accesskey = B
+launch-on-login-infobar-reject-button = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = z
+## These string variants are used when the “launch on login” infobar
+## notification is displayed for a second time.
+launch-on-login-infobar-final-message = <strong>Ireki { -brand-short-name } ordenagailua berrabiarazten duzun bakoitzean?</strong> Abioko hobespenak kudeatzeko, bilatu "abioa" ezarpenetan.
+launch-on-login-infobar-final-reject-button = Ez, eskerrik asko
+ .accesskey = z
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c5fcb1222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/newtab.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Firefox Home / New Tab strings for about:home / about:newtab.
+newtab-page-title = Fitxa berria
+newtab-settings-button =
+ .title = Pertsonalizatu fitxa berriaren orria
+newtab-personalize-icon-label =
+ .title = Pertsonalizatu fitxa berria
+ .aria-label = Pertsonalizatu fitxa berria
+newtab-personalize-dialog-label =
+ .aria-label = Pertsonalizatu
+## Search box component.
+# "Search" is a verb/action
+newtab-search-box-search-button =
+ .title = Bilatu
+ .aria-label = Bilatu
+# Variables:
+# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
+newtab-search-box-handoff-text = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz edo idatzi helbidea
+newtab-search-box-handoff-text-no-engine = Bilatu edo idatzi helbidea
+# Variables:
+# $engine (string) - The name of the user's default search engine
+newtab-search-box-handoff-input =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz edo idatzi helbidea
+ .title = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz edo idatzi helbidea
+ .aria-label = Bilatu { $engine } erabiliz edo idatzi helbidea
+newtab-search-box-handoff-input-no-engine =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu edo idatzi helbidea
+ .title = Bilatu edo idatzi helbidea
+ .aria-label = Bilatu edo idatzi helbidea
+newtab-search-box-text = Bilatu webean
+newtab-search-box-input =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu webean
+ .aria-label = Bilatu webean
+## Top Sites - General form dialog.
+newtab-topsites-add-search-engine-header = Gehitu bilaketa-motorra
+newtab-topsites-add-shortcut-header = Lasterbide berria
+newtab-topsites-edit-topsites-header = Editatu maiz erabilitako gunea
+newtab-topsites-edit-shortcut-header = Editatu lasterbidea
+newtab-topsites-title-label = Izenburua
+newtab-topsites-title-input =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi izenburua
+newtab-topsites-url-label = URLa
+newtab-topsites-url-input =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi edo itsatsi URLa
+newtab-topsites-url-validation = Baliozko URLa behar da
+newtab-topsites-image-url-label = Irudi pertsonalizatuaren URLa
+newtab-topsites-use-image-link = Erabili irudi pertsonalizatua…
+newtab-topsites-image-validation = Ezin da irudia kargatu. Saiatu beste URL batekin.
+## Top Sites - General form dialog buttons. These are verbs/actions.
+newtab-topsites-cancel-button = Utzi
+newtab-topsites-delete-history-button = Ezabatu historiatik
+newtab-topsites-save-button = Gorde
+newtab-topsites-preview-button = Aurrebista
+newtab-topsites-add-button = Gehitu
+## Top Sites - Delete history confirmation dialog.
+newtab-confirm-delete-history-p1 = Ziur zaude orri honen agerpen guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula historiatik?
+# "This action" refers to deleting a page from history.
+newtab-confirm-delete-history-p2 = Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.
+## Top Sites - Sponsored label
+newtab-topsite-sponsored = Babesleak hornituta
+## Context Menu - Action Tooltips.
+# General tooltip for context menus.
+newtab-menu-section-tooltip =
+ .title = Ireki menua
+ .aria-label = Ireki menua
+# Tooltip for dismiss button
+newtab-dismiss-button-tooltip =
+ .title = Kendu
+ .aria-label = Kendu
+# This tooltip is for the context menu of Pocket cards or Topsites
+# Variables:
+# $title (string) - The label or hostname of the site. This is for screen readers when the context menu button is focused/active.
+newtab-menu-content-tooltip =
+ .title = Ireki menua
+ .aria-label = Ikusi { $title } gunerako testuinguru-menua
+# Tooltip on an empty topsite box to open the New Top Site dialog.
+newtab-menu-topsites-placeholder-tooltip =
+ .title = Editatu gune hau
+ .aria-label = Editatu gune hau
+## Context Menu: These strings are displayed in a context menu and are meant as a call to action for a given page.
+newtab-menu-edit-topsites = Editatu
+newtab-menu-open-new-window = Ireki leiho berri batean
+newtab-menu-open-new-private-window = Ireki leiho pribatu berrian
+newtab-menu-dismiss = Baztertu
+newtab-menu-pin = Ainguratu
+newtab-menu-unpin = Desainguratu
+newtab-menu-delete-history = Ezabatu historiatik
+newtab-menu-save-to-pocket = Gorde { -pocket-brand-name }-en
+newtab-menu-delete-pocket = Ezabatu { -pocket-brand-name }-etik
+newtab-menu-archive-pocket = Artxibatu { -pocket-brand-name }-en
+newtab-menu-show-privacy-info = Gure babesleak eta zure pribatutasuna
+## Message displayed in a modal window to explain privacy and provide context for sponsored content.
+newtab-privacy-modal-button-done = Eginda
+newtab-privacy-modal-button-manage = Kudeatu babesleek ordaindutako edukien ezarpenak
+newtab-privacy-modal-header = Zure pribatutasuna garrantzitsua da.
+newtab-privacy-modal-paragraph-2 =
+ Harrapatuko zaituzten istorioak biltzeaz gain, hautatutako babesleek
+ hornitutako eta aurrez ikuskatutako eduki esanguratsua ere erakusten dizugu.
+ Zaude lasai, <strong>zure nabigatze-datuak inoiz ez dira zure { -brand-product-name }(e)tik irtengo</strong> — ez guk ez eta gure babesleek ez dute halakorik ikusten.
+newtab-privacy-modal-link = Ikasi pribatutasuna nola dabilen fitxa berrian
+# Bookmark is a noun in this case, "Remove bookmark".
+newtab-menu-remove-bookmark = Kendu laster-marka
+# Bookmark is a verb here.
+newtab-menu-bookmark = Egin laster-marka
+## Context Menu - Downloaded Menu. "Download" in these cases is not a verb,
+## it is a noun. As in, "Copy the link that belongs to this downloaded item".
+newtab-menu-copy-download-link = Kopiatu deskargaren lotura
+newtab-menu-go-to-download-page = Joan deskargaren orrira
+newtab-menu-remove-download = Kendu historiatik
+## Context Menu - Download Menu: These are platform specific strings found in the context menu of an item that has
+## been downloaded. The intention behind "this action" is that it will show where the downloaded file exists on the file
+## system for each operating system.
+newtab-menu-show-file =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Erakutsi Finder-en
+ *[other] Ireki dagoen karpeta
+ }
+newtab-menu-open-file = Ireki fitxategia
+## Card Labels: These labels are associated to pages to give
+## context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
+## the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device.
+newtab-label-visited = Bisitatuta
+newtab-label-bookmarked = Laster-marka eginda
+newtab-label-removed-bookmark = Laster-marka kenduta
+newtab-label-recommended = Joerak
+newtab-label-saved = { -pocket-brand-name }-en gordeta
+newtab-label-download = Deskargatuta
+# This string is used in the story cards to indicate sponsored content
+# Variables:
+# $sponsorOrSource (string) - The name of a company or their domain
+newtab-label-sponsored = { $sponsorOrSource }(e)k lagundua
+# This string is used at the bottom of story cards to indicate sponsored content
+# Variables:
+# $sponsor (string) - The name of a sponsor
+newtab-label-sponsored-by = Babeslea: { $sponsor }
+# This string is used under the image of story cards to indicate source and time to read
+# Variables:
+# $source (string) - The name of a company or their domain
+# $timeToRead (number) - The estimated number of minutes to read this story
+newtab-label-source-read-time = { $source } · { $timeToRead } min
+## Section Menu: These strings are displayed in the section context menu and are
+## meant as a call to action for the given section.
+newtab-section-menu-remove-section = Kendu atala
+newtab-section-menu-collapse-section = Tolestu atala
+newtab-section-menu-expand-section = Zabaldu atala
+newtab-section-menu-manage-section = Kudeatu atala
+newtab-section-menu-manage-webext = Kudeatu hedapena
+newtab-section-menu-add-topsite = Gehitu maiz erabilitako gunea
+newtab-section-menu-add-search-engine = Gehitu bilaketa-motorra
+newtab-section-menu-move-up = Eraman gora
+newtab-section-menu-move-down = Eraman behera
+newtab-section-menu-privacy-notice = Pribatutasun-oharra
+## Section aria-labels
+newtab-section-collapse-section-label =
+ .aria-label = Tolestu atala
+newtab-section-expand-section-label =
+ .aria-label = Zabaldu atala
+## Section Headers.
+newtab-section-header-topsites = Gune erabilienak
+newtab-section-header-recent-activity = Azken jarduera
+# Variables:
+# $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider.
+newtab-section-header-pocket = { $provider } hornitzaileak gomendatuta
+## Empty Section States: These show when there are no more items in a section. Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
+newtab-empty-section-highlights = Hasi nabigatzen eta azkenaldian bisitatutako edo laster-marka egindako aparteko artikulu, bideo eta orriak erakutsiko ditugu.
+# Ex. When there are no more Pocket story recommendations, in the space where there would have been stories, this is shown instead.
+# Variables:
+# $provider (string) - Name of the content provider for this section, e.g "Pocket".
+newtab-empty-section-topstories = Egunean zaude jada. Etorri berriro geroago { $provider } hornitzailearen istorio ezagun gehiagorako. Ezin duzu itxaron? Hautatu gai ezagun bat webeko istorio gehiago aurkitzeko.
+## Empty Section (Content Discovery Experience). These show when there are no more stories or when some stories fail to load.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-header = Egunean zaude!
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-content = Itzuli geroago istorio gehiago aurkitzeko.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-try-again-button = Saiatu berriro
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-loading = Kargatzen…
+# Displays when a layout in a section took too long to fetch articles.
+newtab-discovery-empty-section-topstories-timed-out = Kontxo! Atal hau ia-ia kargatu dugu baina ez erabat.
+## Pocket Content Section.
+# This is shown at the bottom of the trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
+newtab-pocket-read-more = Gai ezagunak:
+newtab-pocket-new-topics-title = Istorio gehiago nahi dituzu? Ikusi { -pocket-brand-name }(e)ko gai ezagun hauek
+newtab-pocket-more-recommendations = Gomendio gehiago
+newtab-pocket-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+newtab-pocket-cta-button = Eskuratu { -pocket-brand-name }
+newtab-pocket-cta-text = Gorde gogoko dituzun istorioak { -pocket-brand-name }-en eta piztu zure gogoa irakurgai erakargarriekin.
+newtab-pocket-pocket-firefox-family = { -brand-product-name }(r)en familiakoa da { -pocket-brand-name }
+# A save to Pocket button that shows over the card thumbnail on hover.
+newtab-pocket-save = Gorde
+newtab-pocket-saved = Gordeta
+## Pocket content onboarding experience dialog and modal for new users seeing the Pocket section for the first time, shown as the first item in the Pocket section.
+newtab-pocket-onboarding-discover = Aurkitu webeko onena
+## Error Fallback Content.
+## This message and suggested action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render.
+newtab-error-fallback-info = Kontxo, zerbait gaizki joan da edukia kargatzerakoan.
+newtab-error-fallback-refresh-link = Berritu orria berriro saiatzeko.
+## Customization Menu
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-title = Lasterbideak
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-subtitle = Gordetzen edo bisitatzen dituzun guneak
+newtab-custom-shortcuts-toggle =
+ .label = Lasterbideak
+ .description = Gordetzen edo bisitatzen dituzun guneak
+# Variables
+# $num (number) - Number of rows to display
+newtab-custom-row-selector =
+ { $num ->
+ [one] Errenkada bat
+ *[other] { $num } errenkada
+ }
+newtab-custom-sponsored-sites = Babesleen lasterbideak
+newtab-custom-pocket-title = { -pocket-brand-name }-ek gomendatua
+newtab-custom-pocket-subtitle = { -brand-product-name } familiakide den { -pocket-brand-name }-eko taldeak hautatutako aparteko edukia.
+newtab-custom-pocket-toggle =
+ .label = { -pocket-brand-name }-ek gomendatua
+ .description = { -brand-product-name } familiakide den { -pocket-brand-name }-eko taldeak hautatutako aparteko edukia.
+newtab-custom-pocket-sponsored = Babesleen istorioak
+newtab-custom-pocket-show-recent-saves = Erakutsi gordetako azkenak
+newtab-custom-recent-title = Azken jarduera
+newtab-custom-recent-subtitle = Azken gune eta edukien hautapena
+newtab-custom-recent-toggle =
+ .label = Azken jarduera
+ .description = Azken gune eta edukien hautapena
+newtab-custom-close-button = Itxi
+newtab-custom-settings = Kudeatu ezarpen gehiago
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35a848d7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/newtab/onboarding.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### UI strings for the MR1 onboarding / multistage about:welcome
+### Various strings use a non-breaking space to avoid a single dangling /
+### widowed word, so test on various window sizes if you also want this.
+## Welcome page strings
+onboarding-welcome-header = Ongi etorri { -brand-short-name }(e)ra
+onboarding-start-browsing-button-label = Hasi nabigatzen
+onboarding-not-now-button-label = Orain ez
+mr1-onboarding-get-started-primary-button-label = Hasi erabiltzen
+## Custom Return To AMO onboarding strings
+return-to-amo-subtitle = Oso ondo, { -brand-short-name } darabilzu
+# <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> will be replaced with the icon belonging to the extension
+# Variables:
+# $addon-name (String) - Name of the add-on
+return-to-amo-addon-title = Orain eskura dezagun zuretzat <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <b>{ $addon-name }</b>.
+return-to-amo-add-extension-label = Gehitu hedapena
+return-to-amo-add-theme-label = Gehitu itxura
+## Variables: $addon-name (String) - Name of the add-on to be installed
+mr1-return-to-amo-subtitle = Esan kaixo { -brand-short-name }(r)i
+mr1-return-to-amo-addon-title = Nabigatzaile azkar eta pribatua duzu zure eskumenean. Orain <b>{ $addon-name }</b> gehi dezakezu eta { -brand-short-name }(r)ekin oraindik eta gehiago egin.
+mr1-return-to-amo-add-extension-label = Gehitu { $addon-name }
+## Multistage onboarding strings (about:welcome pages)
+# Aria-label to make the "steps" of multistage onboarding visible to screen readers.
+# Variables:
+# $current (Int) - Number of the current page
+# $total (Int) - Total number of pages
+onboarding-welcome-steps-indicator-label =
+ .aria-label = Aurrerapena: { $total } / { $current }
+# This button will open system settings to turn on prefers-reduced-motion
+mr1-onboarding-reduce-motion-button-label = Desgaitu animazioak
+# String for the Firefox Accounts button
+mr1-onboarding-sign-in-button-label = Hasi saioa
+# The primary import button label will depend on whether we can detect which browser was used to download Firefox.
+# Variables:
+# $previous (Str) - Previous browser name, such as Edge, Chrome
+mr1-onboarding-import-primary-button-label-attribution = Inportatu { $previous } nabigatzailetik
+mr1-onboarding-theme-header = Moldatu zure erara
+mr1-onboarding-theme-subtitle = Pertsonalizatu { -brand-short-name } itxura batekin.
+mr1-onboarding-theme-secondary-button-label = Une honetan ez
+# System theme uses operating system color settings
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-system = Sistemaren itxura
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-light = Argia
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-dark = Iluna
+# "Alpenglow" here is the name of the theme, and should be kept in English.
+mr1-onboarding-theme-label-alpenglow = Alpenglow
+onboarding-theme-primary-button-label = Eginda
+## Please make sure to split the content of the title attribute into lines whose
+## width corresponds to about 40 Latin characters, to ensure that the tooltip
+## doesn't become too long. Line breaks will be preserved when displaying the
+## tooltip.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of system theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-system =
+ .title =
+ Errespetatu sistema eragilearen itxura
+ botoi, menu eta leihoetarako.
+# Input description for system theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-system =
+ .aria-description =
+ Errespetatu sistema eragilearen itxura
+ botoi, menu eta leihoetarako.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of light theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-light =
+ .title =
+ Erabili itxura argia botoi,
+ menu eta leihoentzat.
+# Input description for light theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-light =
+ .aria-description =
+ Erabili itxura argia botoi,
+ menu eta leihoentzat.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of dark theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-dark =
+ .title =
+ Erabili itxura iluna botoi,
+ menu eta leihoentzat.
+# Input description for dark theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-dark =
+ .aria-description =
+ Erabili itxura iluna botoi,
+ menu eta leihoentzat.
+# Tooltip displayed on hover of Alpenglow theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-tooltip-alpenglow =
+ .title =
+ Erabili itxura koloretsu eta dinamikoa botoi,
+ menu eta leihoentzat.
+# Input description for Alpenglow theme
+mr1-onboarding-theme-description-alpenglow =
+ .aria-description =
+ Erabili itxura koloretsu eta dinamikoa botoi,
+ menu eta leihoentzat.
+# Selector description for default themes
+mr2-onboarding-default-theme-label = Arakatu itxura lehenetsiak.
+## Strings for Thank You page
+mr2-onboarding-thank-you-header = Eskerrik asko gu aukeratzeagatik
+mr2-onboarding-thank-you-text = Irabazi-asmorik gabeko erakunde batek babestutako nabigatzaile independentea da { -brand-short-name }. Elkarrekin weba seguruagoa, osasuntsuagoa eta pribatuagoa ari gara egiten.
+mr2-onboarding-start-browsing-button-label = Hasi nabigatzen
+## Multistage live language reloading onboarding strings (about:welcome pages)
+## The following language names are generated by the browser's Intl.DisplayNames API.
+## Variables:
+## $negotiatedLanguage (String) - The name of the langpack's language, e.g. "Español (ES)"
+## $systemLanguage (String) - The name of the system language, e.g "Español (ES)"
+## $appLanguage (String) - The name of the language shipping in the browser build, e.g. "English (EN)"
+onboarding-live-language-header = Aukeratu zure hizkuntza
+mr2022-onboarding-live-language-text = { -brand-short-name }(e)k zure hizkuntza hitz egiten du
+mr2022-language-mismatch-subtitle = Gure komunitateari esker, { -brand-short-name } 90 hizkuntza baino gehiagotara dago itzulita. Badirudi zure sistemak { $systemLanguage } darabilela eta { -brand-short-name } { $appLanguage } ari da erabiltzen.
+onboarding-live-language-button-label-downloading = { $negotiatedLanguage } hizkuntzarako paketea deskargatzen…
+onboarding-live-language-waiting-button = Hizkuntza erabilgarriak eskuratzen…
+onboarding-live-language-installing = { $negotiatedLanguage } hizkuntzarako paketea instalatzen…
+mr2022-onboarding-live-language-switch-to = Aldatu { $negotiatedLanguage } hizkuntzara
+mr2022-onboarding-live-language-continue-in = Jarraitu { $appLanguage } hizkuntzan
+onboarding-live-language-secondary-cancel-download = Utzi
+onboarding-live-language-skip-button-label = Saltatu
+## Firefox 100 Thank You screens
+# "Hero Text" displayed on left side of welcome screen. This text can be
+# formatted to span multiple lines as needed. The <span data-l10n-name="zap">
+# </span> in this string allows a "zap" underline style to be automatically
+# added to the text inside it. "Yous" should stay inside the zap span, but
+# "Thank" can be put inside instead if there's no "you" in the translation.
+# The English text would normally be "100 Thank-Yous" i.e., plural noun, but for
+# aesthetics of splitting it across multiple lines, the hyphen is omitted.
+fx100-thank-you-hero-text =
+ 100
+ bider
+ <span data-l10n-name="zap">eskerrik asko</span>
+fx100-thank-you-subtitle = Gure 100. bertsioa da! Eskerrik asko Internet hobeago eta osasuntsuago bat eraikitzen laguntzeagatik.
+fx100-thank-you-pin-primary-button-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Mantendu { -brand-short-name } Dock-ean
+ *[other] Ainguratu { -brand-short-name } ataza-barran
+ }
+fx100-upgrade-thanks-header = 100 bider eskerrik asko
+# Message shown with a start-browsing button. Emphasis <em> should be for "you"
+# but "Thank" can be used instead if there's no "you" in the translation.
+fx100-upgrade-thank-you-body = { -brand-short-name }(e)n gure 100. bertsioa da! <em>Eskerrik asko</em> Internet hobeago eta osasuntsuago bat eraikitzen laguntzeagatik.
+# Message shown with either a pin-to-taskbar or set-default button.
+fx100-upgrade-thanks-keep-body = Gure 100. bertsioa da! Eskerrik asko gure komunitatearen parte izateagatik. Mantendu { -brand-short-name } klik bakarrera hurrengo 100etan ere bai.
+mr2022-onboarding-secondary-skip-button-label = Saltatu urrats hau
+## MR2022 New User Easy Setup screen strings
+# Primary button string used on new user onboarding first screen showing multiple actions such as Set Default, Import from previous browser.
+mr2022-onboarding-easy-setup-primary-button-label = Gorde eta jarraitu
+# Set Default action checkbox label used on new user onboarding first screen
+mr2022-onboarding-easy-setup-set-default-checkbox-label = Ezarri { -brand-short-name } nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa
+# Import action checkbox label used on new user onboarding first screen
+mr2022-onboarding-easy-setup-import-checkbox-label = Inportatu aurreko nabigatzailetik
+## MR2022 New User Pin Firefox screen strings
+# Title used on about:welcome for new users when Firefox is not pinned.
+# In this context, open up is synonymous with "Discover".
+# The metaphor is that when they open their Firefox browser, it helps them discover an amazing internet.
+# If this translation does not make sense in your language, feel free to use the word "discover."
+mr2022-onboarding-welcome-pin-header = Aurkitu Internet txundigarri bat
+# Subtitle is used on onboarding page for new users page when Firefox is not pinned
+mr2022-onboarding-welcome-pin-subtitle = Abiarazi { -brand-short-name } edozein tokitatik klik bakarrean. Egiten duzun aldi oro, web ireki eta independenteago bat aukeratzen ari zara.
+# Primary button string used on welcome page for when Firefox is not pinned.
+mr2022-onboarding-pin-primary-button-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Mantendu { -brand-short-name } Dock-ean
+ *[other] Ainguratu { -brand-short-name } ataza-barran
+ }
+# Subtitle will be used when user already has Firefox pinned, but
+# has not set it as their default browser.
+# When translating "zip", please feel free to pick a verb that signifies movement and/or exploration
+# and makes sense in the context of navigating the web.
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-only-subtitle = Hasi irabazi-asmorik gabeko batek babesten duen nabigatzaile batekin. Zure pribatutasuna babesten dugu weba arakatzen duzun bitartean.
+## MR2022 Existing User Pin Firefox Screen Strings
+# Title used on multistage onboarding page for existing users when Firefox is not pinned
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-pin-header = Eskerrik asko { -brand-product-name } gustuko izateagatik
+# Subtitle is used on onboarding page for existing users when Firefox is not pinned
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-pin-subtitle = Abiarazi Internet osasuntsuago bat edozein tokitatik klik bakarrean. Azken eguneraketak gure ustez oso gustuko izango dituzun hainbat gauza berri ditu.
+# Subtitle will be used on the welcome screen for existing users
+# when they already have Firefox pinned but not set as default
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-set-default-only-subtitle = Erabili zuk weba arakatu bitartean zure pribatutasuna babesten duen nabigatzaile bat. Azken eguneraketak gure ustez oso gustuko izango dituzun hainbat gauza berri ditu.
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-pin-checkbox-label = Gehitu baita ere { -brand-short-name } nabigatze pribatua
+## MR2022 New User Set Default screen strings
+# This string is the title used when the user already has pinned the browser, but has not set default.
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-title = Egizu { -brand-short-name } zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-primary-button-label = Ezarri { -brand-short-name } nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa
+# When translating "zip", please feel free to pick a verb that signifies movement and/or exploration
+# and makes sense in the context of navigating the web.
+mr2022-onboarding-set-default-subtitle = Erabili irabazi-asmorik gabeko batek babesten duen nabigatzailea. Zure pribatutasuna babesten dugu weba arakatzen duzun bitartean.
+## MR2022 Get Started screen strings.
+## These strings will be used on the welcome page
+## when Firefox is already set to default and pinned.
+# When translating "zip", please feel free to pick a verb that signifies movement and/or exploration
+# and makes sense in the context of navigating the web.
+mr2022-onboarding-get-started-primary-subtitle = Gure azken bertsioa zure inguruan dago eraikia, inoiz baino errazagoa eginez weba arakatzea. Gure ustez oso gustuko izango dituzun hainbat eginbide ditu.
+mr2022-onboarding-get-started-primary-button-label = Konfiguratu segundotan
+## MR2022 Import Settings screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-import-header = Konfigurazio azkarra
+mr2022-onboarding-import-subtitle = Konfiguratu { -brand-short-name } zure gustura. Gehitu zure laster-markak, pasahitzak eta gehiago zure nabigatzaile zaharretik.
+mr2022-onboarding-import-primary-button-label-no-attribution = Inportatu aurreko nabigatzailetik
+## If your language uses grammatical genders, in the description for the
+## colorway feel free to switch from "You are a X. You…" (e.g. "You are a
+## Playmaker. You create…") to "X: you…" ("Playmaker: You create…"). This might
+## help creating a more inclusive translation.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-title = Aukeratu inspiratzen zaituen kolorea
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-subtitle = Ahots independenteek kultura alda dezakete.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-primary-button-label-continue = Ezarri eta jarraitu
+mr2022-onboarding-existing-colorway-checkbox-label = Egizu { -firefox-home-brand-name } zure hasiera-orri koloretsua
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-default = Lehenetsia
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-default2 =
+ .title = Uneko { -brand-short-name } koloreak
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-default = <b>Erabili uneko nire { -brand-short-name } koloreak.</b>
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-playmaker = Sortzailea
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-playmaker2 =
+ .title = Sortzailea (gorria)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-playmaker = <b>Sortzailea zara.</b> Aukerak sortzen dituzu zure ingurukoei beraien maila igotzen laguntzeko.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-expressionist = Espresionista
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-expressionist2 =
+ .title = Espresionista (horia)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-expressionist = <b>Espresionista zara.</b> Mundua beste era batera ikusten duzu eta zure sormenek emozioak eragiten dituzte besteengan.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-visionary = Etorkizun senekoa
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-visionary2 =
+ .title = Etorkizun senekoa (berdea)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-visionary = <b>Etorkizun senekoa zara.</b> Zalantzan jartzen duzu gauzak dauden moduan egotea eta etorkizun hobeagoa imajinatzera bultzatzen dituzu besteak.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-activist = Aktibista
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-activist2 =
+ .title = Aktibista (urdina)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-activist = <b>Aktibista zara.</b> Aurkitutakoa baino toki hobe gisa uzten duzu mundua eta besteak sinistera bultzatzen dituzu.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-dreamer = Ameslaria
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-dreamer2 =
+ .title = Ameslaria (morea)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-dreamer = <b>Ameslaria zara.</b> Sinisten duzu aberastasunak ausarten alde egiten duela eta besteei adoretsu izatera bultzatzen diela.
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-label-innovator = Berritzailea
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-tooltip-innovator2 =
+ .title = Berritzailea (laranja)
+mr2022-onboarding-colorway-description-innovator = <b>Berritzailea zara.</b> Aukerak ikusten dituzu edonon eta zure ingurukoen bizitzengan eragiten duzu.
+## MR2022 Multistage Mobile Download screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-title = Egin salto ordenagailu eramangarritik telefonora eta atzera
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-subtitle = Hartu fitxak gailu batetik eta beste gailu batean jarraitu utzi zenuen tokitik. Gainera, sinkronizatu zure laster-markak eta pasahitzak { -brand-product-name } erabiltzen duzun toki orotan.
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-cta-text = Eskaneatu QR kodea mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name } lortzeko edo <a data-l10n-name="download-label">bidal iezaiozu deskarga-lotura zure buruari.</a>
+mr2022-onboarding-no-mobile-download-cta-text = Eskaneatu QR kodea mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name } lortzeko.
+## MR2022 Upgrade Dialog screens
+## Pin private window screen shown only for users who don't have Firefox private pinned
+mr2022-upgrade-onboarding-pin-private-window-header = Lortu nabigatze pribatuaren askatasuna klik bakarrean
+mr2022-upgrade-onboarding-pin-private-window-subtitle = Gordetako cookie edo historiarik ez. Nabigatu inor begira ez balego bezala.
+mr2022-upgrade-onboarding-pin-private-window-primary-button-label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Mantendu { -brand-short-name } nabigatze pribatua Dock-ean
+ *[other] Ainguratu { -brand-short-name } nabigatze pribatua ataza-barran
+ }
+## MR2022 Privacy Segmentation screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-title = Zure pribatutasuna errespetatzen dugu beti
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-subtitle = Gomendio adimentsuetatik bilaketa azkarrago batera, etengabe { -brand-product-name } hobe eta pertsonalizatuago bat sortzeko lanean ari gara.
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-text-cta = Zer nahi duzu ikusi nabigazioa hobetzeko zure datuak erabiltzen dituzten eginbide berriak eskaintzen ditugunean?
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-button-primary-label = Erabili { -brand-product-name } gomendioak
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-button-secondary-label = Erakutsi informazio xehatua
+## MR2022 Multistage Gratitude screen strings
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-title = Web hobea eraikitzen laguntzen ari zatzaizkigu
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-subtitle = Eskerrik asko Mozillak babesten duen { -brand-short-name } erabiltzeagatik. Zure laguntzarekin Internet denontzat irekiagoa, atzigarriagoa eta hobea egiteko lanean ari gara.
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-primary-button-label = Ikusi nobedadeak
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-secondary-button-label = Hasi nabigatzen
+## Onboarding spotlight for infrequent users
+onboarding-infrequent-import-title = Jar zaitez eroso, etxean bezala
+onboarding-infrequent-import-subtitle = Gelditzeko bazatoz edo besterik gabe bisitan bazaude, gogoratu zure laster-markak, pasahitzak eta gehiago inporta ditzakezula.
+onboarding-infrequent-import-primary-button = Inportatu { -brand-short-name }(e)ra
+## MR2022 Illustration alt tags
+## Descriptive tags for illustrations used by screen readers and other assistive tech
+mr2022-onboarding-pin-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Ordenagailu eramangarrian lanean dabilen pertsona, izar eta loreez inguratua
+mr2022-onboarding-default-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Pertsona bat { -brand-product-name }(e)n logoa besarkatzen
+mr2022-onboarding-import-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Pertsona bat patinetean software-ikonodun kaxa batekin
+mr2022-onboarding-mobile-download-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Igelak saltoka lirioen blokeen aurrean, mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name } deskargatzeko QR kode bat erdian dutela
+mr2022-onboarding-pin-private-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Makila magikoak txapel batetik { -brand-product-name } nabigatze pribatuaren logotipoa agerrarazten du
+mr2022-onboarding-privacy-segmentation-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Azal argi eta iluneko eskuek elkarri bostekoa ematen diote
+mr2022-onboarding-gratitude-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Ilunabarraren ikuspegia leiho-ertzean azeri bat eta etxeko landare bat dituen leihotik barrena
+mr2022-onboarding-colorways-image-alt =
+ .aria-label = Eskuko esprai batek collage koloretsua margotzen du: begi berdea, zapata laranja, saskibaloi gorria, entzungailu moreak, bihotz urdina eta koroa horia
+## Device migration onboarding
+onboarding-device-migration-title = Ongi etorri!
+onboarding-device-migration-primary-button-label = Hasi saioa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/originControls.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/originControls.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b964ae0b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/originControls.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These strings appear in Origin Controls for Extensions. Currently,
+## they are visible in the context menu for extension toolbar buttons,
+## and are used to inform the user how the extension can access their
+## data for the current website, and allow them to control it.
+origin-controls-no-access =
+ .label = Hedapenak ezin ditu datuak irakurri eta aldatu
+origin-controls-quarantined-status =
+ .label = Hedapena ez da onartzen mugatutako guneetan
+origin-controls-quarantined-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu mugatutako guneetan
+origin-controls-options =
+ .label = Hedapenak datuak irakurri eta alda ditzake:
+origin-controls-option-all-domains =
+ .label = Gune guztietan
+origin-controls-option-when-clicked =
+ .label = Klik egindakoan soilik
+# This string denotes an option that grants the extension access to
+# the current site whenever they visit it.
+# Variables:
+# $domain (String) - The domain for which the access is granted.
+origin-controls-option-always-on =
+ .label = Baimendu beti { $domain } domeinuan
+## These strings are used to map Origin Controls states to user-friendly
+## messages. They currently appear in the unified extensions panel.
+origin-controls-state-no-access = Ezin ditu datuak irakurri eta aldatu gune honetan
+origin-controls-state-quarantined = { -vendor-short-name }(e)k ez du onartzen gune honetan
+origin-controls-state-always-on = Beti irakurri eta alda ditzake datuak gune honetan
+origin-controls-state-when-clicked = Baimena behar da datuak irakurri eta aldatzeko
+origin-controls-state-hover-run-visit-only = Exekutatu bisita honetarako soilik
+origin-controls-state-runnable-hover-open = Ireki hedapena
+origin-controls-state-runnable-hover-run = Exekutatu hedapena
+origin-controls-state-temporary-access = Datuak irakurri eta alda ditzake bisita honetarako
+## Extension's toolbar button.
+## Variables:
+## $extensionTitle (String) - Extension name or title message.
+origin-controls-toolbar-button =
+ .label = { $extensionTitle }
+ .tooltiptext = { $extensionTitle }
+# Extension's toolbar button when permission is needed.
+# Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip.
+origin-controls-toolbar-button-permission-needed =
+ .label = { $extensionTitle }
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { $extensionTitle }
+ Baimena behar da
+# Extension's toolbar button when quarantined.
+# Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip.
+origin-controls-toolbar-button-quarantined =
+ .label = { $extensionTitle }
+ .tooltiptext =
+ { $extensionTitle }
+ { -vendor-short-name }(e)k ez du onartzen gune honetan
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/pageInfo.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/pageInfo.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..944b6f58b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/pageInfo.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at --
+page-info-window =
+ .style = width: 600px; min-height: 550px;
+copy =
+ .key = C
+menu-copy =
+ .label = Kopiatu
+ .accesskey = K
+select-all =
+ .key = A
+menu-select-all =
+ .label = Hautatu dena
+ .accesskey = a
+close-dialog =
+ .key = w
+general-tab =
+ .label = Orokorra
+ .accesskey = O
+general-title =
+ .value = Izenburua:
+general-url =
+ .value = Helbidea:
+general-type =
+ .value = Mota:
+general-mode =
+ .value = Errendatzeko modua:
+general-size =
+ .value = Tamaina:
+general-referrer =
+ .value = URL igorlea:
+general-modified =
+ .value = Aldatuta:
+general-encoding =
+ .value = Testuaren kodeketa:
+general-meta-name =
+ .label = Izena
+general-meta-content =
+ .label = Edukia
+media-tab =
+ .label = Multimedia
+ .accesskey = M
+media-location =
+ .value = Helbidea:
+media-text =
+ .value = Lotutako testua:
+media-alt-header =
+ .label = Testu alternatiboa
+media-address =
+ .label = Helbidea
+media-type =
+ .label = Mota
+media-size =
+ .label = Tamaina
+media-count =
+ .label = Kopurua
+media-dimension =
+ .value = Neurriak:
+media-long-desc =
+ .value = Deskribapen luzea:
+media-select-all =
+ .label = Hautatu dena
+ .accesskey = d
+media-save-as =
+ .label = Gorde honela…
+ .accesskey = A
+media-save-image-as =
+ .label = Gorde honela…
+ .accesskey = e
+perm-tab =
+ .label = Baimenak
+ .accesskey = B
+permissions-for =
+ .value = Honen baimenak:
+security-tab =
+ .label = Segurtasuna
+ .accesskey = S
+security-view =
+ .label = Ikusi ziurtagiria
+ .accesskey = I
+security-view-unknown = Ezezaguna
+ .value = Ezezaguna
+security-view-identity =
+ .value = Webgunearen nortasuna
+security-view-identity-owner =
+ .value = Jabea:
+security-view-identity-domain =
+ .value = Webgunea:
+security-view-identity-verifier =
+ .value = Egiaztatzailea:
+security-view-identity-validity =
+ .value = Iraungitze-data:
+security-view-privacy =
+ .value = Pribatutasuna eta historia
+security-view-privacy-history-value = Webgune hau lehenago bisitatu dut?
+security-view-privacy-sitedata-value = Webgune hau informazioa gordetzen ari da nire ordenagailuan?
+security-view-privacy-clearsitedata =
+ .label = Garbitu cookieak eta guneetako datuak
+ .accesskey = G
+security-view-privacy-passwords-value = Webgune honetarako pasahitzik gorde dut?
+security-view-privacy-viewpasswords =
+ .label = Ikusi pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = I
+security-view-technical =
+ .value = Xehetasun teknikoak
+help-button =
+ .label = Laguntza
+## These strings are used to tell the user if the website is storing cookies
+## and data on the users computer in the security tab of pageInfo
+## Variables:
+## $value (number) - Amount of data being stored
+## $unit (string) - The unit of data being stored (Usually KB)
+security-site-data-cookies = Bai, cookieak eta gunearen datuetako { $value } { $unit }
+security-site-data-only = Bai, gunearen datuetako { $value } { $unit }
+security-site-data-cookies-only = Bai, cookieak
+security-site-data-no = Ez
+image-size-unknown = Ezezaguna
+page-info-not-specified =
+ .value = Zehaztu gabea
+not-set-alternative-text = Zehaztu gabea
+not-set-date = Zehaztu gabea
+media-img = Irudia
+media-bg-img = Atzeko planoa
+media-border-img = Ertza
+media-list-img = Buleta
+media-cursor = Kurtsorea
+media-object = Objektua
+media-embed = Kapsulatua
+media-link = Ikonoa
+media-input = Sarrera
+media-video = Bideoa
+media-audio = Audioa
+saved-passwords-yes = Bai
+saved-passwords-no = Ez
+no-page-title =
+ .value = Izenbururik gabeko orria
+general-quirks-mode =
+ .value = Bateragarritasun modua
+general-strict-mode =
+ .value = Estandarrak betetzeko modua
+page-info-security-no-owner =
+ .value = Webguneak ez du jabetzaren inguruko argibiderik hornitzen.
+media-select-folder = Hautatu irudiak gordetzeko karpeta bat
+media-unknown-not-cached =
+ .value = Ezezaguna (ez dago cachean)
+permissions-use-default =
+ .label = Erabili lehenetsia
+security-no-visits = Ez
+# This string is used to display the number of meta tags
+# in the General Tab
+# Variables:
+# $tags (number) - The number of meta tags
+general-meta-tags =
+ .value =
+ { $tags ->
+ [one] Meta (etiketa bat)
+ *[other] Meta ({ $tags } etiketa)
+ }
+# This string is used to display the number of times
+# the user has visited the website prior
+# Variables:
+# $visits (number) - The number of previous visits
+security-visits-number =
+ { $visits ->
+ [0] Ez
+ [one] Bai, behin
+ *[other] Bai, { $visits } aldiz
+ }
+# This string is used to display the size of a media file
+# Variables:
+# $kb (number) - The size of an image in Kilobytes
+# $bytes (number) - The size of an image in Bytes
+properties-general-size =
+ .value =
+ { $bytes ->
+ [one] { $kb } KB (byte bat)
+ *[other] { $kb } KB ({ $bytes } byte)
+ }
+# This string is used to display the type and number
+# of frames of a animated image
+# Variables:
+# $type (string) - The type of a animated image
+# $frames (number) - The number of frames in an animated image
+media-animated-image-type =
+ .value =
+ { $frames ->
+ [one] { $type } irudia (biziduna, marko bat)
+ *[other] { $type } irudia (biziduna, { $frames } marko)
+ }
+# This string is used to display the type of
+# an image
+# Variables:
+# $type (string) - The type of an image
+media-image-type =
+ .value = { $type } irudia
+# This string is used to display the size of a scaled image
+# in both scaled and unscaled pixels
+# Variables:
+# $dimx (number) - The horizontal size of an image
+# $dimy (number) - The vertical size of an image
+# $scaledx (number) - The scaled horizontal size of an image
+# $scaledy (number) - The scaled vertical size of an image
+media-dimensions-scaled =
+ .value = { $dimx }px × { $dimy }px (eskalatua: { $scaledx }px × { $scaledy }px)
+# This string is used to display the size of an image in pixels
+# Variables:
+# $dimx (number) - The horizontal size of an image
+# $dimy (number) - The vertical size of an image
+media-dimensions =
+ .value = { $dimx }px × { $dimy }px
+# This string is used to display the size of a media
+# file in kilobytes
+# Variables:
+# $size (number) - The size of the media file in kilobytes
+media-file-size = { $size } KB
+## Variables:
+## $website (string) — The url of the website pageInfo is getting info for
+# This string is used to display the website name next to the
+# "Block Images" checkbox in the media tab
+# Variables:
+# $website (string) - The website name
+media-block-image =
+ .label = Blokeatu { $website }(e)ko irudiak
+ .accesskey = B
+# This string is used to display the URL of the website on top of the
+# pageInfo dialog box
+# Variables:
+# $website (string) — The url of the website pageInfo is getting info for
+page-info-page =
+ .title = Orriaren informazioa - { $website }
+page-info-frame =
+ .title = Markoaren informazioa - { $website }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/panelUI.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/panelUI.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a943afe2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/panelUI.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Customization Menu
+# The overflow menu is the menu that appears if you click the chevron (>> button) in the location bar.
+customize-menu-unpin-from-overflowmenu =
+ .label = Desainguratu gainezkatzearen menutik
+ .accesskey = D
+customize-menu-add-to-toolbar =
+ .label = Gehitu tresna-barran
+ .accesskey = G
+customize-menu-add-to-overflowmenu =
+ .label = Gehitu gainezkatzearen menuan
+ .accesskey = m
+## Forget Button
+# The forget button can be added to the toolbar or overflow menu via the cutomization menu.
+panic-button-thankyou-msg1 = Azken historia garbitu egin da.
+panic-button-thankyou-msg2 = Nabigatu seguru!
+panic-button-thankyou-button =
+ .label = Eskerrik asko!
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/panicButton.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/panicButton.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d494f39303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/panicButton.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+panic-button-open-new-window = Ireki leiho garbi berria
+panic-button-undo-warning = Aldaketa hau ezin da desegin.
+panic-button-forget-button =
+ .label = Ahaztu!
+## These strings are combined to form a complete sentence starting with
+## panic-main-timeframe-desc. For example: "Forget the last: Five minutes".
+## Please ensure that this remains the case in the translation.
+panic-main-timeframe-desc = Ahaztu azken:
+panic-button-5min =
+ .label = Bost minutuak
+panic-button-2hr =
+ .label = Bi orduak
+panic-button-day =
+ .label = 24 orduak
+## These strings are combined to form a complete sentence starting with
+## panic-button-action-desc. For example: "Proceeding will: Delete Recent Cookies".
+## Please ensure that this remains the case in the translation.
+## Note also that some strings include <strong> tags for emphasis on the
+## words "Cookies", "History", "Tabs" and "Windows". The translation should do the same.
+panic-button-action-desc = Jarraitzearekin bat:
+panic-button-delete-cookies = Azken <strong>cookieak</strong> ezabatu egingo dira
+panic-button-delete-history = Azken <strong>historia</strong> ezabatu egingo da
+panic-button-delete-tabs-and-windows = <strong>Fitxa</strong> eta <strong>leiho</strong> guztiak itxi egingo dira
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/places.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/places.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..966cb7a3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/places.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+places-open =
+ .label = Ireki
+ .accesskey = I
+places-open-in-tab =
+ .label = Ireki fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = b
+places-open-in-container-tab =
+ .label = Ireki edukiontzi-fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = k
+places-open-all-bookmarks =
+ .label = Ireki laster-marka guztiak
+ .accesskey = r
+places-open-all-in-tabs =
+ .label = Ireki guztiak fitxetan
+ .accesskey = I
+places-open-in-window =
+ .label = Ireki leiho berrian
+ .accesskey = b
+places-open-in-private-window =
+ .label = Ireki lotura leiho pribatu berrian
+ .accesskey = t
+places-empty-bookmarks-folder =
+ .label = (Hutsa)
+places-add-bookmark =
+ .label = Gehitu laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = G
+places-add-folder-contextmenu =
+ .label = Gehitu karpeta…
+ .accesskey = k
+places-add-folder =
+ .label = Gehitu karpeta…
+ .accesskey = a
+places-add-separator =
+ .label = Gehitu bereizlea
+ .accesskey = b
+places-view =
+ .label = Ikusi
+ .accesskey = s
+places-by-date =
+ .label = Dataren arabera
+ .accesskey = D
+places-by-site =
+ .label = Gunearen arabera
+ .accesskey = G
+places-by-most-visited =
+ .label = Gehien bisitatuaren arabera
+ .accesskey = b
+places-by-last-visited =
+ .label = Azken bisitaren arabera
+ .accesskey = A
+places-by-day-and-site =
+ .label = Data eta gunearen arabera
+ .accesskey = t
+places-history-search =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu historia
+places-history =
+ .aria-label = Historia
+places-bookmarks-search =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu laster-markak
+places-delete-domain-data =
+ .label = Ahaztu gune honetaz
+ .accesskey = A
+places-forget-domain-data =
+ .label = Ahaztu gune honetaz…
+ .accesskey = h
+places-sortby-name =
+ .label = Sailkatu izenez
+ .accesskey = S
+# places-edit-bookmark and places-edit-generic will show one or the other and can have the same access key.
+places-edit-bookmark =
+ .label = Editatu laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = i
+places-edit-generic =
+ .label = Editatu…
+ .accesskey = i
+places-edit-folder2 =
+ .label = Editatu karpeta…
+ .accesskey = d
+# Variables
+# $count (number) - Number of folders to delete
+places-delete-folder =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Ezabatu karpeta
+ *[other] Ezabatu karpetak
+ }
+ .accesskey = z
+# Variables:
+# $count (number) - The number of pages selected for removal.
+places-delete-page =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Ezabatu orria
+ *[other] Ezabatu orriak
+ }
+ .accesskey = E
+# Managed bookmarks are created by an administrator and cannot be changed by the user.
+managed-bookmarks =
+ .label = Kudeatutako laster-markak
+# This label is used when a managed bookmarks folder doesn't have a name.
+managed-bookmarks-subfolder =
+ .label = Azpikarpeta
+# This label is used for the "Other Bookmarks" folder that appears in the bookmarks toolbar.
+other-bookmarks-folder =
+ .label = Beste laster-markak
+places-show-in-folder =
+ .label = Erakutsi Finder-en
+ .accesskey = F
+# Variables:
+# $count (number) - The number of elements being selected for removal.
+places-delete-bookmark =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Ezabatu laster-marka
+ *[other] Ezabatu-laster-markak
+ }
+ .accesskey = E
+# Variables:
+# $count (number) - The number of bookmarks being added.
+places-create-bookmark =
+ .label =
+ { $count ->
+ [1] Egin orriaren laster-marka…
+ *[other] Egin orrien laster-markak…
+ }
+ .accesskey = m
+places-untag-bookmark =
+ .label = Kendu etiketa
+ .accesskey = K
+places-manage-bookmarks =
+ .label = Kudeatu laster-markak
+ .accesskey = K
+places-forget-about-this-site-confirmation-title = Gune honetaz ahaztea
+# Variables:
+# $hostOrBaseDomain (string) - The base domain (or host in case there is no base domain) for which data is being removed
+places-forget-about-this-site-confirmation-msg = Ekintza honek { $hostOrBaseDomain } ostalariarekin lotutako datuak kenduko ditu, hala nola historia, cookieak, cachea eta edukiaren hobespenak. Erlazionatutako laster-markak eta pasahitzak ez dira kenduko. Ziur zaude jarraitu egin nahi duzula?
+places-forget-about-this-site-forget = Ahaztu
+places-library3 =
+ .title = Biltegia
+places-organize-button =
+ .label = Antolatu
+ .tooltiptext = Antolatu laster-markak
+ .accesskey = o
+places-organize-button-mac =
+ .label = Antolatu
+ .tooltiptext = Antolatu laster-markak
+places-file-close =
+ .label = Itxi
+ .accesskey = I
+places-cmd-close =
+ .key = w
+places-view-button =
+ .label = Ikuspegiak
+ .tooltiptext = Aldatu ikuspegia
+ .accesskey = I
+places-view-button-mac =
+ .label = Ikuspegiak
+ .tooltiptext = Aldatu ikuspegia
+places-view-menu-columns =
+ .label = Erakutsi zutabeak
+ .accesskey = s
+places-view-menu-sort =
+ .label = Ordenatu
+ .accesskey = O
+places-view-sort-unsorted =
+ .label = Ordenatu gabe
+ .accesskey = u
+places-view-sort-ascending =
+ .label = A > Z ordena
+ .accesskey = A
+places-view-sort-descending =
+ .label = Z > A ordena
+ .accesskey = Z
+places-maintenance-button =
+ .label = Inportatze eta babeskopia
+ .tooltiptext = Inportatu laster-markak eta egin hauen babeskopia
+ .accesskey = I
+places-maintenance-button-mac =
+ .label = Inportatze eta babeskopia
+ .tooltiptext = Inportatu laster-markak eta egin hauen babeskopia
+places-cmd-backup =
+ .label = Babeskopia…
+ .accesskey = B
+places-cmd-restore =
+ .label = Berreskuratu
+ .accesskey = r
+places-cmd-restore-from-file =
+ .label = Aukeratu fitxategia…
+ .accesskey = A
+places-import-bookmarks-from-html =
+ .label = Inportatu laster-markak HTMLtik…
+ .accesskey = I
+places-export-bookmarks-to-html =
+ .label = Esportatu laster-markak HTMLra…
+ .accesskey = E
+places-import-other-browser =
+ .label = Inportatu datuak beste nabigatzaile batetik…
+ .accesskey = b
+places-view-sort-col-name =
+ .label = Izena
+places-view-sort-col-tags =
+ .label = Etiketak
+places-view-sort-col-url =
+ .label = Kokalekua
+places-view-sort-col-most-recent-visit =
+ .label = Azken bisita
+places-view-sort-col-visit-count =
+ .label = Bisita kopurua
+places-view-sort-col-date-added =
+ .label = Gehituta
+places-view-sort-col-last-modified =
+ .label = Azken aldaketa
+places-view-sortby-name =
+ .label = Ordenatu izenaren arabera
+ .accesskey = i
+places-view-sortby-url =
+ .label = Ordenatu helbidearen arabera
+ .accesskey = l
+places-view-sortby-date =
+ .label = Ordenatu azken bisitaren arabera
+ .accesskey = b
+places-view-sortby-visit-count =
+ .label = Ordenatu bisita kopuruen arabera
+ .accesskey = k
+places-view-sortby-date-added =
+ .label = Ordenatu gehitutako dataren arabera
+ .accesskey = d
+places-view-sortby-last-modified =
+ .label = Ordenatu azken aldaketa-dataren arabera
+ .accesskey = a
+places-view-sortby-tags =
+ .label = Ordenatu etiketen arabera
+ .accesskey = e
+places-cmd-find-key =
+ .key = f
+places-back-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Joan atzera
+places-forward-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Joan aurrera
+places-details-pane-select-an-item-description = Hautatu elementu bat bere propietateak ikusi eta editatzeko
+places-details-pane-no-items =
+ .value = Elementurik ez
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number): number of items
+places-details-pane-items-count =
+ .value =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Elementu bat
+ *[other] { $count } elementu
+ }
+## Strings used as a placeholder in the Library search field. For example,
+## "Search History" stands for "Search through the browser's history".
+places-search-bookmarks =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu laster-markak
+places-search-history =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu historia
+places-search-downloads =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu deskargak
+places-locked-prompt = Laster-marken eta historiaren sistema ezingo da erabili beste aplikazio bat ari delako erabiltzen { -brand-short-name }(r)en fitxategietako bat. Zenbait segurtasun-softwarek arazo hau sor dezakete.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/placesPrompts.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/placesPrompts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b615332940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/placesPrompts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+places-error-title = { -brand-short-name }
+places-no-title = (izenbururik gabe)
+# Do not translate `javascript:` and `data:`, they refer to the scheme used in URLs
+places-load-js-data-url-error = Segurtasun arrazoiak direla eta, "javascript:" edo "data:" URLak ezin dira kargatu historiako leihotik edo alboko barratik.
+places-bookmarks-backup-title = Laster-marken babeskopiaren fitxategi-izena
+places-bookmarks-restore-alert-title = Leheneratu laster-markak
+places-bookmarks-restore-alert = Unean dituzun laster-marka guztiak babeskopiakoengatik aldatuko ditu. Ziur zaude?
+places-bookmarks-restore-title = Hautatu laster-marken babeskopia bat
+places-bookmarks-restore-filter-name = JSON
+places-bookmarks-restore-format-error = Euskarririk gabeko fitxategi mota.
+places-bookmarks-restore-parse-error = Ezin da babeskopia fitxategia prozesatu.
+places-bookmarks-import = Inportatu laster-marka fitxategia
+places-bookmarks-export = Esportatu laster-marka fitxategia
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14a29db953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/policies/policies-descriptions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## The Enterprise Policies feature is aimed at system administrators
+## who want to deploy these settings across several Firefox installations
+## all at once. This is traditionally done through the Windows Group Policy
+## feature, but the system also supports other forms of deployment.
+## These are short descriptions for individual policies, to be displayed
+## in the documentation section in about:policies.
+policy-3rdparty = Ezarri politikak WebExtension gehigarriek bidez sarbidea izan dezaten.
+policy-AllowedDomainsForApps = Definitu Google Workspace-rako sarbidea izango duten domeinuak.
+policy-AllowFileSelectionDialogs = Baimendu fitxategi-hautapenerako elkarrizketa-koadroak.
+policy-AppAutoUpdate = Gaitu edo desgaitu aplikazioaren eguneraketa automatikoa.
+policy-AppUpdatePin = Eragotzi { -brand-short-name } eguneratzea bertsio zehatz batetik aurrera.
+policy-AppUpdateURL = Ezarri aplikazioa-eguneraketen URL pertsonalizatua
+policy-Authentication = Konfiguratu onartzen duten webguneentzat integratutako autentifikazioa.
+policy-AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins = Definitu erabiltzaileari galdetu gabe jatorri zehatzetatik erabil daitezkeen kanpoko protokoloen zerrenda.
+policy-BackgroundAppUpdate2 = Gaitu edo desgaitu atzeko planoko eguneraketak.
+policy-BlockAboutAddons = Blokeatu gehigarrien kudeatzailerako sarbidea (about:addons).
+policy-BlockAboutConfig = Blokeatu about:config orrirako sarbidea.
+policy-BlockAboutProfiles = Blokeatu about:profiles orrirako sarbidea.
+policy-BlockAboutSupport = Blokeatu about:support orrirako sarbidea.
+policy-Bookmarks = Sortu laster-markak laster-marken tresna-barran, menuan edo hauen barneko karpeta batean.
+policy-CaptivePortal = Gaitu edo desgaitu atari gatibuen euskarria.
+policy-CertificatesDescription = Ziurtagiriak gehitzea edo integratutako ziurtagiriak erabiltzea.
+policy-Cookies = Baimendu edo ukatu webguneei cookieak ezartzea.
+# Containers in this context is referring to container tabs in Firefox.
+policy-Containers = Ezarri edukiontziei lotutako politikak.
+policy-DisableAccounts = Desgaitu kontuetan oinarritutako zerbitzuak, sinkronizazioa barne.
+policy-DisabledCiphers = Desgaitu zifratzeak.
+policy-DefaultDownloadDirectory = Ezarri deskarga-direktorio lehenetsia.
+policy-DisableAppUpdate = Eragotzi nabigatzailea eguneratzea.
+policy-DisableBuiltinPDFViewer = Desgaitu PDF.js, { -brand-short-name }(r)en integratutako PDF ikustailea.
+policy-DisableDefaultBrowserAgent = Eragotzi lehenetsitako nabigatzaile agenteak ekintzarik egitea. Windowsen bakarrik; beste plataformek ez dute agentea.
+policy-DisableDeveloperTools = Blokeatu garatzaile-tresnetarako sarbidea.
+policy-DisableFeedbackCommands = Desgaitu iritzia bidaltzeko komandoak 'Laguntza' menutik ('Bidali iritzia' eta 'Eman gune iruzurtiaren berri').
+policy-DisableFirefoxAccounts = Desgaitu { -fxaccount-brand-name(kasua: "n") } oinarritutako zerbitzuak, sinkronizazioa barne.
+# Firefox Screenshots is the name of the feature, and should not be translated.
+policy-DisableFirefoxScreenshots = Desgaitu Firefoxen pantaila-argazkien eginbidea.
+policy-DisableFirefoxStudies = Eragotzi { -brand-short-name }(r)i esperimentuak exekutatzea.
+policy-DisableForgetButton = Eragotzi 'Ahaztu' botoirako sarbidea.
+policy-DisableFormHistory = Ez gogoratu bilaketen eta inprimakien historia.
+policy-DisablePrimaryPasswordCreation = Ezarrita badago, ezingo da pasahitz nagusia sortu.
+policy-DisablePasswordReveal = Ez baimendu gordetako saio-hasieretan pasahitzak agerraraztea.
+policy-DisablePocket2 = Desgaitu webguneak { -pocket-brand-name } zerbitzura gordetzeko eginbidea.
+policy-DisablePrivateBrowsing = Desgaitu nabigatze pribatua.
+policy-DisableProfileImport = Desgaitu beste nabigatzaile batetik datuak inportatzeko menu-komandoa.
+policy-DisableProfileRefresh = Desgaitu 'Biziberritu { -brand-short-name }' botoia about:support orrian.
+policy-DisableSafeMode = Desgaitu modu seguruan berrabiarazteko eginbidea. Oharra: modu segurura sartzeko shift tekla sakatzea Windowsen desgai daiteke soilik, talde-gidalerroak erabilita.
+policy-DisableSecurityBypass = Eragotzi erabiltzaileak zenbait segurtasun-abisu saihestea.
+policy-DisableSetAsDesktopBackground = Desgaitu irudientzat 'Jarri idazmahaiaren atzeko planoan' menu-komandoa.
+policy-DisableSystemAddonUpdate = Eragotzi nabigatzaileak sistemaren gehigarriak instalatzea eta eguneratzea.
+policy-DisableTelemetry = Desgaitu Telemetry.
+policy-DisableThirdPartyModuleBlocking = Eragotzi erabiltzaileak { -brand-short-name } prozesuan txertatzen diren hirugarrenen moduluak blokeatzea.
+policy-DisplayBookmarksToolbar = Bistaratu lehenespenez laster-marken tresna-barra.
+policy-DisplayMenuBar = Bistaratu lehenespenez menu-barra.
+policy-DNSOverHTTPS = Konfiguratu HTTPS gaineko DNSa.
+policy-DontCheckDefaultBrowser = Desgaitu abioan nabigatzaile lehenetsia egiaztatzea.
+policy-DownloadDirectory = Ezarri eta blokeatu deskarga-direktorioa.
+# “lock” means that the user won’t be able to change this setting
+policy-EnableTrackingProtection = Gaitu edo desgaitu edukia blokeatzea eta blokeatu ezarpen hau.
+# “lock” means that the user won’t be able to change this setting
+policy-EncryptedMediaExtensions = Gaitu edo desgaitu Encrypted Media Extensions eta aukeran blokeatu ezarpen hau.
+policy-ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings = Desgaitu fitxategi-luzapenetan oinarritutako abisuak domeinuetako fitxategi-mota zehatzetarako.
+# A “locked” extension can’t be disabled or removed by the user. This policy
+# takes 3 keys (“Install”, ”Uninstall”, ”Locked”), you can either keep them in
+# English or translate them as verbs.
+policy-Extensions = Instalatu, desinstalatu edo blokeatu hedapenak. Instalatzeko aukerak URLak edo bide-izenak hartzen ditu parametro gisa. Desinstalatzeko eta blokeatzeko aukerek, berriz, hedapen-IDak.
+policy-ExtensionSettings = Kudeatu hedapenen instalazioko arlo guztiak.
+policy-ExtensionUpdate = Gaitu edo desgaitu hedapenen eguneraketa automatikoa.
+policy-FirefoxHome2 = Konfiguratu { -firefox-home-brand-name }.
+policy-FirefoxSuggest = Konfiguratu { -firefox-suggest-brand-name }.
+policy-GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar = Hitz bakarreko sarrerak helbide-barran idaztean, behartu intranet gunerako nabigazio zuzena bilaketa egin ordez.
+policy-Handlers = Konfiguratu aplikazio-maneiatzaile lehenetsiak.
+policy-HardwareAcceleration = Ez badago ezarrita, hardware-azelerazioa desgaituko da.
+# “lock” means that the user won’t be able to change this setting
+policy-Homepage = Hasiera-orria ezarri eta ezarpen bidez aldatzea.
+policy-InstallAddonsPermission = Baimendu zenbait webgunek gehigarriak instalatzea.
+policy-LegacyProfiles = Desgaitu instalazio bakoitzerako profil bereiziak behartzen dituen eginbidea
+## Do not translate "SameSite", it's the name of a cookie attribute.
+policy-LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabled = Gaitu lehenetsitako SameSite cookie portaera zaharraren ezarpena.
+policy-LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList = Leheneratu SameSite portaera zaharrera zehaztutako guneetako cookientzat.
+policy-LocalFileLinks = Baimendu gune zehatzei fitxategi lokalen loturak egitea.
+policy-ManagedBookmarks = Administratzaileak kudeatutako eta erabiltzaileak aldatu ezin duen laster-marken zerrenda konfiguratzen du.
+policy-ManualAppUpdateOnly = Baimendu eskuzko eguneraketak soilik eta ez jakinarazi erabiltzailea eguneratzeei buruz.
+policy-PrimaryPassword = Behartu edo eragotzi pasahitz nagusia erabiltzea.
+policy-PrintingEnabled = Gaitu edo desgaitu inprimatzea.
+policy-NetworkPrediction = Gaitu edo desgaitu sarearen iragarpena (DNS aurre-eskuratzea).
+policy-NewTabPage = Gaitu edo desgaitu fitxa berriaren orria.
+policy-NoDefaultBookmarks = Desgaitu { -brand-short-name }(r)ekin datozen laster-marka lehenetsiak eta dinamikoak sortzea (gehien bisitatutakoak, azken etiketak). Oharra: profila lehenengo aldiz erabili aurretik ezartzen bada bakarrik du eragina politika honek.
+policy-OfferToSaveLogins = Behartu { -brand-short-name }(e)k gordetako saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak gogoratzea eskaintzeko ezarpena. Ezarrita eta ezarri gabeko balioak onartzen dira.
+policy-OfferToSaveLoginsDefault = Ezarri balio lehenetsia { -brand-short-name }(e)k gordetako saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak gogoratzea eskaintzeko. Ezarrita eta ezarri gabeko balioak onartzen dira.
+policy-OverrideFirstRunPage = Gainidatzi lehen abioko orria. Utzi zurian politika hau lehen abioko orria desgaitu nahi baduzu.
+policy-OverridePostUpdatePage = Gainidatzi eguneraketen ondoko "Nobedadeak" orria. Utzi politika hau zurian eguneraketen ondoko orria desgaitu nahi baduzu.
+policy-PasswordManagerEnabled = Gaitu pasahitzak pasahitz-kudeatzailean gordetzea.
+policy-PasswordManagerExceptions = Eragotzi { -brand-short-name }(r)i gune jakinetako pasahitzak gordetzea.
+# PDF.js and PDF should not be translated
+policy-PDFjs = Desgaitu edo konfiguratu PDF.js, { -brand-short-name }(r)en integratutako PDF ikustailea.
+policy-Permissions2 = Konfiguratu kamera, mikrofonoa, kokapena, jakinarazpenak eta erreprodukzio automatikoa erabiltzeko baimenak.
+policy-PictureInPicture = Gaitu edo desgaitu bideo beste leiho batean ikusteko eginbidea.
+policy-PopupBlocking = Baimendu zenbait webguneri lehenespenez popup leihoak bistaratzea.
+policy-Preferences = Ezarri eta blokeatu hobespen-azpimultzo baten balioak.
+policy-PromptForDownloadLocation = Galdetu non gorde deskargatutako fitxategiak.
+policy-Proxy = Konfiguratu proxy-ezarpenak.
+policy-RequestedLocales = Ezarri aplikazioari eskatuko zaizkion hizkuntza-kodeen zerrenda, hobetsitakoen arabera ordenatuta.
+policy-SanitizeOnShutdown2 = Ixtean, garbitu nabigazio-datuak.
+policy-SearchBar = Ezarri bilaketa-barraren kokaleku lehenetsia. Erabiltzaileek oraindik ere pertsonalizatu ahal izango dute.
+policy-SearchEngines = Konfiguratu bilaketa-motorren ezarpenak. Politika hau Extended Support Release (ESR) bertsiorako dago erabilgarri soilik.
+policy-SearchSuggestEnabled = Gaitu edo desgaitu bilaketa-iradokizunak.
+# For more information, see
+policy-SecurityDevices2 = Gehitu edo ezabatu PKCS #11 moduluak.
+policy-ShowHomeButton = Erakutsi hasiera-orriko botoia tresna-barran.
+policy-SSLVersionMax = Ezarri SSL bertsio maximoa.
+policy-SSLVersionMin = Ezarri SSL bertsio minimoa.
+policy-StartDownloadsInTempDirectory = Behartu deskargak aldi baterako kokaleku lokalean hastea deskarga-direktorio lehenetsiaren ordez.
+policy-SupportMenu = Gehitu euskarrirako menu-elementu pertsonalizatua laguntzaren menuan.
+policy-UserMessaging = Ez erakutsi zenbait mezu erabiltzaileari.
+policy-UseSystemPrintDialog = Inprimatu sistemaren inprimatzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa erabiliz…
+# “format” refers to the format used for the value of this policy.
+policy-WebsiteFilter = Blokeatu zenbait webgune bisitatzea. Irakurri dokumentazioa formatuaren gaineko xehetasun gehiagorako.
+policy-Windows10SSO = Baimendu Windows saio-hasiera bakarra (SSO) Microsoft-, laneko eta eskolako kontuentzat.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/addEngine.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/addEngine.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36d5c87e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/addEngine.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+add-engine-window2 =
+ .title = Gehitu bilaketa-motorra
+ .style = min-width: 32em;
+add-engine-button = Gehitu bilaketa-motor pertsonalizatua
+add-engine-name = Bilaketa-motorraren izena
+add-engine-alias = Aliasa
+add-engine-url = Bilaketa-motorraren URLa, erabili %s bilaketa-terminoaren tokian
+add-engine-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Gehitu bilaketa-motorra
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = G
+engine-name-exists = Dagoeneko badago izen hori duen bilaketa-motor bat
+engine-alias-exists = Dagoeneko badago alias hori duen bilaketa-motor bat
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/applicationManager.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/applicationManager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..274d27cb31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/applicationManager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+app-manager-window2 =
+ .title = Aplikazioaren xehetasunak
+ .style = min-width: 30em; min-height: 20em;
+app-manager-remove =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+# Variables:
+# $type (String) - the URI scheme of the link (e.g. mailto:)
+app-manager-handle-protocol = Hurrengo aplikazioak erabil daitezke { $type } loturak kudeatzeko
+# Variables:
+# $type (String) - the MIME type (e.g. application/binary)
+app-manager-handle-file = Hurrengo aplikazioak erabil daitezke { $type } edukia kudeatzeko
+## These strings are followed, on a new line,
+## by the URL or path of the application.
+app-manager-web-app-info = Web aplikazio hau hemen dago ostatua:
+app-manager-local-app-info = Aplikazio hau hemen dago kokatua:
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/blocklists.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/blocklists.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77d55e2510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/blocklists.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+blocklist-window2 =
+ .title = Blokeo-zerrendak
+ .style = min-width: 55em
+blocklist-description = Aukeratu { -brand-short-name }(e)k jarraipen-elementuak blokeatzeko erabiliko duen zerrenda. Zerrenda <a data-l10n-name="disconnect-link" title="Disconnect">Disconnect</a>-ek hornitzen du.
+blocklist-close-key =
+ .key = w
+blocklist-treehead-list =
+ .label = Zerrenda
+blocklist-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Gorde aldaketak
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = G
+# This template constructs the name of the block list in the block lists dialog.
+# It combines the list name and description.
+# e.g. "Standard (Recommended). This list does a pretty good job."
+# Variables:
+# $listName {string, "Standard (Recommended)."} - List name.
+# $description {string, "This list does a pretty good job."} - Description of the list.
+blocklist-item-list-template = { $listName } { $description }
+blocklist-item-moz-std-listName = Lehen mailako blokeo-zerrenda (gomendatua).
+blocklist-item-moz-std-description = Zenbait jarraipen-elementu onartzen ditu beraz webgune gutxiago hautsiko dira.
+blocklist-item-moz-full-listName = Bigarren mailako blokeo-zerrenda.
+blocklist-item-moz-full-description = Antzemandako jarraipen-elementu guztiak blokeatzen ditu. Baliteke zenbait webgune edo eduki ondo ez kargatzea.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/clearSiteData.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/clearSiteData.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f5db9d9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/clearSiteData.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+clear-site-data-window2 =
+ .title = Garbitu datuak
+ .style = min-width: 35em
+clear-site-data-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k biltegiratutako cookie eta guneen datu guztiak garbitzean, webguneetako saioak amaitzea eragin eta lineaz kanpoko web edukia ken lezake. Cachearen datuak garbitzeak ez du zure saio-hasieretan eraginik izango.
+clear-site-data-close-key =
+ .key = w
+# The parameters in parentheses in this string describe disk usage
+# in the format ($amount $unit), e.g. "Cookies and Site Data (24 KB)"
+# Variables:
+# $amount (Number) - Amount of site data currently stored on disk
+# $unit (String) - Abbreviation of the unit that $amount is in, e.g. "MB"
+clear-site-data-cookies-with-data =
+ .label = Cookieak eta guneeen datuak ({ $amount } { $unit })
+ .accesskey = n
+# This string is a placeholder for while the data used to fill
+# clear-site-data-cookies-with-data is loading. This placeholder is usually
+# only shown for a very short time (< 1s), so it should be very similar
+# or the same as clear-site-data-cookies-with-data (except the amount and unit),
+# to avoid flickering.
+clear-site-data-cookies-empty =
+ .label = Cookieak eta guneetako datuak
+ .accesskey = n
+clear-site-data-cookies-info = Garbituz gero, webguneetako saioak amaitzea eragin lezake
+# The parameters in parentheses in this string describe disk usage
+# in the format ($amount $unit), e.g. "Cached Web Content (24 KB)"
+# Variables:
+# $amount (Number) - Amount of cache currently stored on disk
+# $unit (String) - Abbreviation of the unit that $amount is in, e.g. "MB"
+clear-site-data-cache-with-data =
+ .label = Cachean gordetako web edukia ({ $amount } { $unit })
+ .accesskey = w
+# This string is a placeholder for while the data used to fill
+# clear-site-data-cache-with-data is loading. This placeholder is usually
+# only shown for a very short time (< 1s), so it should be very similar
+# or the same as clear-site-data-cache-with-data (except the amount and unit),
+# to avoid flickering.
+clear-site-data-cache-empty =
+ .label = Cachean gordetako web edukia
+ .accesskey = w
+clear-site-data-cache-info = Webguneetako irudi eta datuak berriro kargatzea eskatzen du
+clear-site-data-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Garbitu
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = G
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/colors.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/colors.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b55b4754a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/colors.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colors-dialog2 =
+ .title = Koloreak
+ .style = min-width: 41em;
+colors-close-key =
+ .key = w
+colors-page-override = Gainidatzi orriak zehaztutako koloreak goiko hautapenekin
+ .accesskey = G
+colors-page-override-option-always =
+ .label = Beti
+colors-page-override-option-auto =
+ .label = Kontraste handiko itxurekin soilik
+colors-page-override-option-never =
+ .label = Inoiz ez
+colors-text-and-background = Testua eta atzeko planoa
+colors-text-header = Testua
+ .accesskey = T
+colors-background = Atzeko planoa
+ .accesskey = A
+colors-use-system =
+ .label = Erabili sistemaren koloreak
+ .accesskey = E
+colors-underline-links =
+ .label = Azpimarratu loturak
+ .accesskey = z
+colors-links-header = Loturen koloreak
+colors-unvisited-links = Bisitatu gabeko loturak
+ .accesskey = s
+colors-visited-links = Bisitatutako loturak
+ .accesskey = B
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/connection.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/connection.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..342c89ced7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/connection.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+connection-window2 =
+ .title = Konexio-ezarpenak
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] min-width: 44em
+ *[other] min-width: 49em
+ }
+connection-close-key =
+ .key = w
+connection-disable-extension =
+ .label = Desgaitu hedapena
+connection-proxy-configure = Konfiguratu Internetera sartzeko proxy-a
+connection-proxy-option-no =
+ .label = Proxy-rik ez
+ .accesskey = z
+connection-proxy-option-system =
+ .label = Erabili sistemaren proxy-ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = y
+connection-proxy-option-auto =
+ .label = Automatikoki detektatu sare honetako proxy-ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = s
+connection-proxy-option-manual =
+ .label = Eskuzko proxy-konfigurazioa
+ .accesskey = E
+connection-proxy-http = HTTP proxy-a
+ .accesskey = H
+connection-proxy-http-port = Ataka
+ .accesskey = t
+connection-proxy-https-sharing =
+ .label = Erabili proxy hau HTTPS protokoloarentzat ere bai
+ .accesskey = r
+connection-proxy-https = HTTP proxy-a
+ .accesskey = H
+connection-proxy-ssl-port = Ataka
+ .accesskey = a
+connection-proxy-socks = SOCKS ostalaria
+ .accesskey = C
+connection-proxy-socks-port = Ataka
+ .accesskey = t
+connection-proxy-socks4 =
+ .label = SOCKS v4
+ .accesskey = K
+connection-proxy-socks5 =
+ .label = SOCKS v5
+ .accesskey = v
+connection-proxy-noproxy = Proxy-rik ez hauentzat
+ .accesskey = n
+connection-proxy-noproxy-desc = Adibidez:,,
+# Do not translate "localhost", "" and "::1". (You can translate "and".)
+connection-proxy-noproxy-localhost-desc-2 = localhost, eta ::1 helbideetarako konexioak inoiz ez dira proxy bidez egiten.
+connection-proxy-autotype =
+ .label = Proxy-aren konfigurazio automatikoko URLa
+ .accesskey = a
+connection-proxy-reload =
+ .label = Berritu
+ .accesskey = B
+connection-proxy-autologin =
+ .label = Ez eskatu autentifikaziorik pasahitza gordeta badago
+ .accesskey = i
+ .tooltip = Aukera honek proxy-etarako autentifikazioa isilean burutzen du hauentzat kredentzialak gorde dituzunean. Autentifikazioak huts egiten badu, eskatu egingo zaizu.
+connection-proxy-autologin-checkbox =
+ .label = Ez eskatu autentifikaziorik pasahitza gordeta badago
+ .accesskey = i
+ .tooltiptext = Aukera honek proxy-etarako autentifikazioa isilean burutzen du hauentzat kredentzialak gorde dituzunean. Autentifikazioak huts egiten badu, eskatu egingo zaizu.
+connection-proxy-socks-remote-dns =
+ .label = Bideratu DNSa proxy bidez SOCKS v5 erabiltzean
+ .accesskey = d
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Display name or URL for the DNS over HTTPS provider
+connection-dns-over-https-url-item-default =
+ .label = { $name } (lehenetsia)
+ .tooltiptext = Erabili URL lehenetsia HTTPS gaineko DNSa ebazteko
+connection-dns-over-https-url-custom =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatua
+ .accesskey = P
+ .tooltiptext = Idatzi HTTPS gaineko DNSa ebazteko hobetsitako URLa
+connection-dns-over-https-custom-label = Pertsonalizatua
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/containers.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/containers.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..517c2fdddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/containers.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+containers-window-new2 =
+ .title = Gehitu edukiontzi berria
+ .style = min-width: 45em
+# Variables
+# $name (String) - Name of the container
+containers-window-update-settings2 =
+ .title = { $name } edukiontziaren ezarpenak
+ .style = min-width: 45em
+containers-window-close =
+ .key = w
+# This is a term to store style to be applied
+# on the three labels in the containers add/edit dialog:
+# - name
+# - icon
+# - color
+# Using this term and referencing it in the `.style` attribute
+# of the three messages ensures that all three labels
+# will be aligned correctly.
+-containers-labels-style = min-width: 4rem
+containers-name-label = Izena
+ .accesskey = I
+ .style = { -containers-labels-style }
+containers-name-text =
+ .placeholder = Idatzi edukiontziaren izena
+containers-icon-label = Ikonoa
+ .accesskey = k
+ .style = { -containers-labels-style }
+containers-color-label = Kolorea
+ .accesskey = o
+ .style = { -containers-labels-style }
+containers-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Eginda
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = E
+containers-color-blue =
+ .label = Urdina
+containers-color-turquoise =
+ .label = Turkesa
+containers-color-green =
+ .label = Berdea
+containers-color-yellow =
+ .label = Horia
+containers-color-orange =
+ .label = Laranja
+containers-color-red =
+ .label = Gorria
+containers-color-pink =
+ .label = Arrosa
+containers-color-purple =
+ .label = Morea
+containers-color-toolbar =
+ .label = Bat etorrarazi tresna-barra
+containers-icon-fence =
+ .label = Hesia
+containers-icon-fingerprint =
+ .label = Hatz-marka
+containers-icon-briefcase =
+ .label = Maletatxoa
+# String represents a money sign but currently uses a dollar sign
+# so don't change to local currency. See Bug 1291672.
+containers-icon-dollar =
+ .label = Dolarraren ikurra
+containers-icon-cart =
+ .label = Erosketa-orga
+containers-icon-circle =
+ .label = Puntua
+containers-icon-vacation =
+ .label = Oporrak
+containers-icon-gift =
+ .label = Opariak
+containers-icon-food =
+ .label = Janaria
+containers-icon-fruit =
+ .label = Fruta
+containers-icon-pet =
+ .label = Maskota
+containers-icon-tree =
+ .label = Zuhaitza
+containers-icon-chill =
+ .label = Lasaitasuna
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/fonts.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/fonts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5f5909f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/fonts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fonts-window =
+ .title = Letra-tipoak
+fonts-window-close =
+ .key = w
+## Font groups by language
+fonts-langgroup-header = Letra-tipoa
+ .accesskey = r
+fonts-langgroup-arabic =
+ .label = Arabiera
+fonts-langgroup-armenian =
+ .label = Armeniera
+fonts-langgroup-bengali =
+ .label = Bengaliera
+fonts-langgroup-simpl-chinese =
+ .label = Txinatar soildua
+fonts-langgroup-trad-chinese-hk =
+ .label = Txinatar arrunta (Honk Kong)
+fonts-langgroup-trad-chinese =
+ .label = Txinatar arrunta (Taiwan)
+fonts-langgroup-cyrillic =
+ .label = Zirilikoa
+fonts-langgroup-devanagari =
+ .label = Devanagariarra
+fonts-langgroup-ethiopic =
+ .label = Ethiopiera
+fonts-langgroup-georgian =
+ .label = Georgiera
+fonts-langgroup-el =
+ .label = Grekoa
+fonts-langgroup-gujarati =
+ .label = Gujaratiera
+fonts-langgroup-gurmukhi =
+ .label = Gurmukhiera
+fonts-langgroup-japanese =
+ .label = Japoniera
+fonts-langgroup-hebrew =
+ .label = Hebreera
+fonts-langgroup-kannada =
+ .label = Kannada
+fonts-langgroup-khmer =
+ .label = Khmerera
+fonts-langgroup-korean =
+ .label = Koreera
+# Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of the Latin language.
+fonts-langgroup-latin =
+ .label = Latina
+fonts-langgroup-malayalam =
+ .label = Malayera
+fonts-langgroup-math =
+ .label = Matematikak
+fonts-langgroup-odia =
+ .label = Odia
+fonts-langgroup-sinhala =
+ .label = Sinhala
+fonts-langgroup-tamil =
+ .label = Tamilera
+fonts-langgroup-telugu =
+ .label = Telugu
+fonts-langgroup-thai =
+ .label = Thailandiera
+fonts-langgroup-tibetan =
+ .label = Tibetera
+fonts-langgroup-canadian =
+ .label = Kanadiar Syllabary Batua
+fonts-langgroup-other =
+ .label = Beste idazketa-sistemak
+## Default fonts and their sizes
+fonts-proportional-header = Proportzionala
+ .accesskey = P
+fonts-default-serif =
+ .label = Serif
+fonts-default-sans-serif =
+ .label = Sans-serif
+fonts-proportional-size = Tamaina
+ .accesskey = T
+fonts-serif = Serif
+ .accesskey = S
+fonts-sans-serif = Sans-serif
+ .accesskey = n
+fonts-monospace = Tarte bakarrekoa
+ .accesskey = e
+fonts-monospace-size = Tamaina
+ .accesskey = a
+fonts-minsize = Gutxieneko letra tamaina
+ .accesskey = x
+fonts-minsize-none =
+ .label = Ezer ez
+fonts-allow-own =
+ .label = Baimendu orriak beraien letra-tipoak aukeratzea goiko nire aukeren ordez
+ .accesskey = B
+## Text Encodings
+## Translate the encoding names as adjectives for an encoding, not as the name
+## of the language.
+# Variables:
+# $name {string, "Arial"} - Name of the default font
+fonts-label-default =
+ .label = Lehenetsia ({ $name })
+fonts-label-default-unnamed =
+ .label = Lehenetsia
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dcb4ce8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/formAutofill.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## The address and credit card autofill management dialog in browser preferences
+autofill-manage-addresses-title = Gordetako helbideak
+autofill-manage-addresses-list-header = Helbideak
+autofill-manage-credit-cards-title = Gordetako kreditu-txartelak
+autofill-manage-credit-cards-list-header = Kreditu-txartelak
+autofill-manage-payment-methods-title = Gordetako ordainketa metodoak
+autofill-manage-cards-list-header = Txartelak
+autofill-manage-dialog =
+ .style = min-width: 560px
+autofill-manage-remove-button = Kendu
+autofill-manage-add-button = Gehitu…
+autofill-manage-edit-button = Editatu…
+## The address capture doorhanger
+address-capture-save-doorhanger-header = Helbidea gorde?
+address-capture-save-doorhanger-description = Gorde informazioa { -brand-short-name }(e)n inprimakiak di-da batean betetzeko.
+address-capture-update-doorhanger-header = Helbidea eguneratu?
+address-capture-edit-doorhanger-header = Editatu helbidea
+address-capture-save-button =
+ .label = Gorde
+ .accessKey = G
+address-capture-not-now-button =
+ .label = Une honetan ez
+ .accessKey = z
+address-capture-cancel-button =
+ .label = Utzi
+ .accessKey = U
+address-capture-update-button =
+ .label = Eguneratu
+ .accessKey = E
+address-capture-manage-address-button =
+ .label = Helbidearen ezarpenak
+address-capture-learn-more-button =
+ .label = Argibide gehiago
+# The dialog title for creating addresses in browser preferences.
+autofill-add-new-address-title = Gehitu helbide berria
+address-capture-open-menu-button =
+ .aria-label = Ireki menua
+address-capture-edit-address-button =
+ .aria-label = Editatu helbidea
+# The dialog title for creating addresses in browser preferences.
+autofill-add-address-title = Gehitu helbidea
+# The dialog title for editing addresses in browser preferences.
+autofill-edit-address-title = Editatu helbidea
+autofill-address-name = Izena
+autofill-address-given-name = Izena
+autofill-address-additional-name = Bigarren izena
+autofill-address-family-name = Abizenak
+autofill-address-organization = Erakundea
+autofill-address-street-address = Helbidea
+autofill-address-street = Helbidea
+## address-level-3 (Sublocality) names
+# Used in IR, MX
+autofill-address-neighborhood = Auzoa
+# Used in MY
+autofill-address-village-township = Herria
+autofill-address-island = Irla
+# Used in IE
+autofill-address-townland = Herria
+## address-level-2 names
+autofill-address-city = Hiria
+# Used in HK, SD, SY, TR as Address Level-2 and used in KR as Sublocality.
+autofill-address-district = Eskualdea
+# Used in GB, NO, SE
+autofill-address-post-town = Posta-herria
+# Used in AU as Address Level-2 and used in ZZ as Sublocality.
+autofill-address-suburb = Auzoa
+## address-level-1 names
+autofill-address-province = Probintzia
+autofill-address-state = Estatua
+autofill-address-county = Konderria
+# Used in BB, JM
+autofill-address-parish = Parrokia
+# Used in JP
+autofill-address-prefecture = Prefektura
+# Used in HK
+autofill-address-area = Eremua
+# Used in KR
+autofill-address-do-si = Do/Si
+# Used in NI, CO
+autofill-address-department = Saila
+# Used in AE
+autofill-address-emirate = Emiratua
+# Used in RU and UA
+autofill-address-oblast = Oblast
+## Postal code name types
+# Used in IN
+autofill-address-pin = Posta-kodea
+autofill-address-postal-code = Posta-kodea
+autofill-address-zip = Posta-kodea
+# Used in IE
+autofill-address-eircode = Eircode
+autofill-address-country = Herrialdea edo eskualdea
+autofill-address-country-only = Herrialdea
+autofill-address-tel = Telefonoa
+autofill-address-email = Helbide elektronikoa
+autofill-cancel-button = Utzi
+autofill-save-button = Gorde
+autofill-country-warning-message = Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzea momentuz zenbait herrialdetan dago erabilgarri soilik.
+# The dialog title for creating credit cards in browser preferences.
+autofill-add-new-card-title = Gehitu kreditu-txartel berria
+# The dialog title for editing credit cards in browser preferences.
+autofill-edit-card-title = Editatu kreditu-txartela
+# In macOS, this string is preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to ",
+# and has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale.
+autofill-edit-card-password-prompt =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] erakutsi kreditu txartelaren informazioa
+ [windows] Kreditu-txartelen informazioa erakusten saiatzen ari da { -brand-short-name }. Berretsi azpian Windows kontu honetarako sarbidea.
+ *[other] Kreditu-txartelen informazioa erakusten saiatzen ari da { -brand-short-name }.
+ }
+autofill-message-tooltip = Ikusi betetze automatikoaren mezua
+# The dialog title for creating credit cards in browser preferences.
+autofill-add-card-title = Gehitu txartela
+# The dialog title for editing credit cards in browser preferences.
+autofill-edit-card-title2 = Editatu txartela
+autofill-card-number = Txartelaren zenbakia
+autofill-card-invalid-number = Idatzi baliozko txartel-zenbakia
+autofill-card-name-on-card = Txarteleko izena
+autofill-card-expires-month = Am. hilabetea
+autofill-card-expires-year = Am. urtea
+autofill-card-billing-address = Fakturazio-helbidea
+autofill-card-network = Txartel mota
+## These are brand names and should only be translated when a locale-specific name for that brand is in common use
+autofill-card-network-amex = American Express
+autofill-card-network-cartebancaire = Carte Bancaire
+autofill-card-network-diners = Diners Club
+autofill-card-network-discover = Discover
+autofill-card-network-jcb = JCB
+autofill-card-network-mastercard = MasterCard
+autofill-card-network-mir = MIR
+autofill-card-network-unionpay = Union Pay
+autofill-card-network-visa = Visa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/fxaPairDevice.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/fxaPairDevice.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4acf5ddf88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/fxaPairDevice.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fxa-pair-device-dialog-sync2 =
+ .style = min-width: 32em;
+fxa-qrcode-pair-title = Sinkronizatu { -brand-product-name } zure telefono edo tabletan
+fxa-qrcode-pair-step1 = 1. Ireki { -brand-product-name } zure gailu mugikorrean.
+fxa-qrcode-pair-step2-signin = 2. Joan menura (<img data-l10n-name="ios-menu-icon"/> iOSen edo <img data-l10n-name="android-menu-icon"/> Android-en) eta sakatu <strong>Sinkronizatu eta gorde datuak</strong>
+fxa-qrcode-pair-step3 = 3. Sakatu <strong>Eskaneatzeko prest</strong> eta jarri telefonoa kode honen gainean
+fxa-qrcode-error-title = Parekatzeak kale egin du.
+fxa-qrcode-error-body = Saiatu berriro.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/languages.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/languages.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8711f62881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/languages.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+webpage-languages-window2 =
+ .title = Webgunearen hizkuntza-ezarpenak
+ .style = min-width: 40em
+languages-close-key =
+ .key = w
+languages-description = Web orriak hainbat hizkuntzatan eskaintzen dira batzuetan. Aukeratu orri hauek bistaratzeko hizkuntzak, hobespenaren arabera ordenatuta
+languages-customize-spoof-english =
+ .label = Eskatu web orrien ingelesezko bertsioak pribatutasuna areagotzeko
+languages-customize-moveup =
+ .label = Eraman gora
+ .accesskey = o
+languages-customize-movedown =
+ .label = Eraman behera
+ .accesskey = b
+languages-customize-remove =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+languages-customize-select-language =
+ .placeholder = Hautatu gehitu nahi duzun hizkuntza…
+languages-customize-add =
+ .label = Gehitu
+ .accesskey = G
+# The pattern used to generate strings presented to the user in the
+# locale selection list.
+# Example:
+# Icelandic [is]
+# Spanish (Chile) [es-CL]
+# Variables:
+# $locale (String) - A name of the locale (for example: "Icelandic", "Spanish (Chile)")
+# $code (String) - Locale code of the locale (for example: "is", "es-CL")
+languages-code-format =
+ .label = { $locale } [{ $code }]
+languages-active-code-format =
+ .value = { languages-code-format.label }
+browser-languages-window2 =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } hizkuntza-ezarpenak
+ .style = min-width: 40em
+browser-languages-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k lehen hizkuntza erakutsiko dizu lehenetsita eta ordezkoak zerrendako ordenan erakutsiko dizkizu behar izanez gero.
+browser-languages-search = Bilatu hizkuntza gehiago…
+browser-languages-searching =
+ .label = Hizkuntzak bilatzen…
+browser-languages-downloading =
+ .label = Deskargatzen…
+browser-languages-select-language =
+ .label = Hautatu gehitu beharreko hizkuntza…
+ .placeholder = Hautatu gehitu beharreko hizkuntza…
+browser-languages-installed-label = Instalatutako hizkuntzak
+browser-languages-available-label = Hizkuntza erabilgarriak
+browser-languages-error = Une honetan { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin ditu zure hizkuntzak eguneratu. Egiaztatu internetera konektatuta zaudela edo saiatu berriro.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/moreFromMozilla.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/moreFromMozilla.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..607b2cd959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/moreFromMozilla.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These strings are used in the about:preferences moreFromMozilla page
+more-from-moz-title = { -vendor-short-name }-k egindako gehiago
+more-from-moz-category =
+ .tooltiptext = { -vendor-short-name }-k egindako gehiago
+more-from-moz-subtitle = Kontsulta itzazu Internet osasuntsuago bat babesteko { -vendor-short-name }-k egindako bestelako produktuak.
+more-from-moz-firefox-mobile-title = Mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name }
+more-from-moz-firefox-mobile-description = Zure pribatutasunari lehentasuna ematen dion mugikorrerako nabigatzailea.
+more-from-moz-mozilla-vpn-title = { -mozilla-vpn-brand-name }
+more-from-moz-mozilla-vpn-description = Aurkitu aparteko babesa eta nabigatze anonimoa.
+more-from-moz-qr-code-box-firefox-mobile-title = Deskargatu zure gailu mugikorrarekin. Apuntatu kamera QR kodera. Lotura agertzean, sakatu.
+more-from-moz-qr-code-box-firefox-mobile-button = Honen ordez, bidali mezu elektronikoa zure telefonora
+more-from-moz-qr-code-firefox-mobile-img =
+ .alt = Mugikorrerako { -brand-product-name } deskargatzeko QR kodea
+more-from-moz-button-mozilla-vpn-2 = Lortu VPNa
+more-from-moz-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+## These strings are for the Firefox Relay card in about:preferences moreFromMozilla page
+more-from-moz-firefox-relay-title = { -relay-brand-name }
+more-from-moz-firefox-relay-description = Babestu zure sarrerako ontzia eta nortasuna helbide elektronikoaren doako maskaratzearekin.
+more-from-moz-firefox-relay-button = Eskuratu { -relay-brand-short-name }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/permissions.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/permissions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a3a4a80a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/permissions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+permissions-window2 =
+ .title = Salbuespenak
+ .style = min-width: 45em
+permissions-close-key =
+ .key = w
+permissions-address = Webgunearen helbidea
+ .accesskey = h
+permissions-block =
+ .label = Blokeatu
+ .accesskey = B
+permissions-disable-etp =
+ .label = Gehitu salbuespena
+ .accesskey = G
+permissions-session =
+ .label = Baimendu saiorako
+ .accesskey = s
+permissions-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu
+ .accesskey = B
+permissions-button-off =
+ .label = Desaktibatu
+ .accesskey = D
+permissions-button-off-temporarily =
+ .label = Desaktibatu behin-behinean
+ .accesskey = b
+permissions-site-name =
+ .label = Webgunea
+permissions-status =
+ .label = Egoera
+permissions-remove =
+ .label = Kendu webgunea
+ .accesskey = K
+permissions-remove-all =
+ .label = Kendu webgune guztiak
+ .accesskey = e
+permission-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Gorde aldaketak
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = G
+permissions-autoplay-menu = Webgune guztietarako lehenetsia:
+permissions-searchbox =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu webgunea
+permissions-capabilities-autoplay-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu audioa eta bideoa
+permissions-capabilities-autoplay-block =
+ .label = Blokeatu audioa
+permissions-capabilities-autoplay-blockall =
+ .label = Blokeatu audioa eta bideoa
+permissions-capabilities-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu
+permissions-capabilities-block =
+ .label = Blokeatu
+permissions-capabilities-prompt =
+ .label = Galdetu beti
+permissions-capabilities-listitem-allow =
+ .value = Baimendu
+permissions-capabilities-listitem-block =
+ .value = Blokeatu
+permissions-capabilities-listitem-allow-session =
+ .value = Baimendu saiorako
+permissions-capabilities-listitem-off =
+ .value = Desaktibatuta
+permissions-capabilities-listitem-off-temporarily =
+ .value = Behin-behinean desaktibatuta
+## Invalid Hostname Dialog
+permissions-invalid-uri-title = Idatzitako ostalari-izena baliogabea da
+permissions-invalid-uri-label = Idatzi baliozko zerbitzari-izena
+## Exceptions - Tracking Protection
+permissions-exceptions-etp-window2 =
+ .title = Jarraipenaren babes hobeturako salbuespenak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-exceptions-manage-etp-desc = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua desaktibatuta izango duten webguneak ezar ditzakezu. Idatzi kudeatu beharreko gunearen helbide zehatza eta egin klik 'Gehitu salbuespena' botoian.
+## Exceptions - Cookies
+permissions-exceptions-cookie-window2 =
+ .title = Salbuespenak - Cookieak eta guneen datuak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-exceptions-cookie-desc = Cookieak eta gunearen datuak beti edo inoiz ez erabiltzeko baimena duten webguneak zehatz ditzakezu. Idatzi kudeatu nahi duzun gunearen helbide zehatza eta egin klik 'Blokeatu', 'Baimendu saiorako' edo 'Baimendu' botoian.
+## Exceptions - HTTPS-Only Mode
+permissions-exceptions-https-only-window2 =
+ .title = Salbuespenak - HTTPS-Only modua
+ .style = { }
+permissions-exceptions-https-only-desc = HTTPS-Only modua desgai dezakezu gune zehatzetarako. { -brand-short-name } ez da saiatuko konexioa HTTPS segurura bihurtzen gune horietarako. Salbuespenek ez dute eraginik leiho pribatuetan.
+permissions-exceptions-https-only-desc2 = HTTPS-Only modua desgai dezakezu gune zehatzetarako. { -brand-short-name } ez da saiatuko konexioa HTTPS segurura bihurtzen gune horietarako.
+## Exceptions - Pop-ups
+permissions-exceptions-popup-window2 =
+ .title = Baimendutako webguneak - Popup-ak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-exceptions-popup-desc = Popup leihoak irekitzeko baimena duten webguneak ezar daitezke hemen. Idatzi baimendu behar duzun webgunearen helbide zehatza eta egin klik 'Baimendu' botoian.
+## Exceptions - Saved Logins
+permissions-exceptions-saved-logins-window2 =
+ .title = Salbuespenak - Gordetako saio-hasierak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-exceptions-saved-logins-desc = Ondorengo webguneetako saio-hasierak ez dira gordeko
+## Exceptions - Saved Passwords
+permissions-exceptions-saved-passwords-window =
+ .title = Salbuespenak - Gordetako pasahitzak
+ .style = { }
+## Exceptions - Add-ons
+permissions-exceptions-addons-window2 =
+ .title = Baimendutako webguneak - Gehigarrien instalazioa
+ .style = { }
+permissions-exceptions-addons-desc = Gehigarriak instalatzeko baimena duten webguneak ezar ditzakezu. Idatzi gunearen helbide zehatza eta egin klik 'Baimendu' botoian baimena emateko.
+## Site Permissions - Autoplay
+permissions-site-autoplay-window2 =
+ .title = Ezarpenak - Erreprodukzio automatikoa
+ .style = { }
+permissions-site-autoplay-desc = Erreprodukzio automatikoko ezarpen lehenetsiak jarraitzen ez dituzten guneak hemen kudea ditzakezu.
+## Site Permissions - Notifications
+permissions-site-notification-window2 =
+ .title = Ezarpenak - Jakinarazpenen baimenak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-site-notification-desc = Ondorengo webguneek zuri jakinarazpenak bidaltzea eskatu dute. Jakinarazpenak bidal ditzaketen webguneak zehatz ditzakezu. Jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko eskaerak ere blokea ditzakezu.
+permissions-site-notification-disable-label =
+ .label = Blokeatu jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko eskaera berriak
+permissions-site-notification-disable-desc = Aukera honekin, jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko baimenak eskatzea galaraziko zaie goian zerrendatzen ez diren webguneei. Jakinarazpenak blokeatzeak webguneen zenbait eginbide hauts litzake.
+## Site Permissions - Location
+permissions-site-location-window2 =
+ .title = Ezarpenak - Kokapenaren baimenak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-site-location-desc = Ondorengo webguneek zure kokalekua ezagutzea eskatu dute. Kokalekua ezagut dezaketen webguneak zehatz ditzakezu. Kokalekua ezagutzeko eskaerak ere blokea ditzakezu.
+permissions-site-location-disable-label =
+ .label = Blokeatu zure kokalekua ezagutzeko eskaera berriak
+permissions-site-location-disable-desc = Aukera honekin, kokalekua ezagutzeko baimenak eskatzea galaraziko zaie goian zerrendatzen ez diren webguneei. Kokalekuaren ezagutza blokeatzeak webguneen zenbait eginbide hauts litzake.
+## Site Permissions - Virtual Reality
+permissions-site-xr-window2 =
+ .title = Ezarpenak - Errealitate birtualaren baimenak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-site-xr-desc = Ondorengo webguneek zure errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbidea eskatu dute. Errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbidea duten webguneak zehatz ditzakezu. Errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbide-eskaerak ere blokea ditzakezu.
+permissions-site-xr-disable-label =
+ .label = Blokeatu errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbide-eskaera berriak
+permissions-site-xr-disable-desc = Aukera honekin, errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbidearen baimen-eskaerak galaraziko dira goian zerrendatzen ez diren webguneetan. Errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbidea blokeatzeak webguneen zenbait eginbide hauts litzake.
+## Site Permissions - Camera
+permissions-site-camera-window2 =
+ .title = Ezarpenak - Kameraren baimenak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-site-camera-desc = Ondorengo webguneek zure kamera erabiltzea eskatu dute. Kamera erabil dezaketen webguneak zehatz ditzakezu. Kamera erabiltzeko eskaerak ere blokea ditzakezu.
+permissions-site-camera-disable-label =
+ .label = Blokeatu zure kamera erabiltzeko eskaera berriak
+permissions-site-camera-disable-desc = Aukera honekin, kamera erabiltzeko baimenak eskatzea galaraziko zaie goian zerrendatzen ez diren webguneei. Kamerarako sarbidea blokeatzeak webguneen zenbait eginbide hauts litzake.
+## Site Permissions - Microphone
+permissions-site-microphone-window2 =
+ .title = Ezarpenak - Mikrofonoaren baimenak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-site-microphone-desc = Ondorengo webguneek zure mikrofonoa erabiltzea eskatu dute. Mikrofonoa erabil ditzaketen webguneak zehatz ditzakezu. Mikrofonoa erabiltzeko eskaerak ere blokea ditzakezu.
+permissions-site-microphone-disable-label =
+ .label = Blokeatu zure mikrofonoa erabiltzeko eskaera berriak
+permissions-site-microphone-disable-desc = Aukera honekin, mikrofonoa erabiltzeko baimenak eskatzea galaraziko zaie goian zerrendatzen ez diren webguneei. Mikrofonorako sarbidea blokeatzeak webguneen zenbait eginbide hauts litzake.
+## Site Permissions - Speaker
+## "Speaker" refers to an audio output device.
+permissions-site-speaker-window =
+ .title = Ezarpenak - Bozgorailuen baimenak
+ .style = { }
+permissions-site-speaker-desc = Ondorengo webguneek audio irteera-gailu bat hautatzea eskatu dute. Audio irteera-gailua hautatzeko baimenduta dauden webguneak zehatz ditzakezu.
+permissions-exceptions-doh-window =
+ .title = Webguneen salbuespenak HTTPS gaineko DNSrako
+ .style = { }
+permissions-exceptions-manage-doh-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ez du DNS segurua erabiliko gune hauetan eta beraien azpidomeinuetan.
+permissions-doh-entry-field = Idatzi webgunearen domeinu-izena
+ .accesskey = d
+permissions-doh-add-exception =
+ .label = Gehitu
+ .accesskey = G
+permissions-doh-col =
+ .label = Domeinua
+permissions-doh-remove =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+permissions-doh-remove-all =
+ .label = Kendu denak
+ .accesskey = d
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39cc7f9dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,1354 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+do-not-track-description = Bidali webguneei "Do Not Track" seinalea zure jarraipena ez egitea adierazteko
+do-not-track-description2 =
+ .label = Bidali webguneei "Do Not Track" eskaera
+ .accesskey = D
+do-not-track-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+do-not-track-option-default-content-blocking-known =
+ .label = Bakarrik { -brand-short-name } jarraipen-elementu ezagunak blokeatzeko ezarrita dagoenean
+do-not-track-option-always =
+ .label = Beti
+global-privacy-control-description =
+ .label = Esan webguneei nire datuak ez saltzeko edo partekatzeko
+ .accesskey = s
+non-technical-privacy-header = Webgunearen pribatutasun-hobespenak
+# Do not translate.
+# "Global Privacy Control" or "GPC" are a web platform feature name and abbreviation
+# included to facilitate power-user search of the about:preferences page.
+global-privacy-control-search = Global Privacy Control (GPC)
+settings-page-title = Ezarpenak
+# This is used to determine the width of the search field in about:preferences,
+# in order to make the entire placeholder string visible
+# Please keep the placeholder string short to avoid truncation.
+# Notice: The value of the `.style` attribute is a CSS string, and the `width`
+# is the name of the CSS property. It is intended only to adjust the element's width.
+# Do not translate.
+search-input-box2 =
+ .style = width: 15.4em
+ .placeholder = Bilatu ezarpenetan
+managed-notice = Nabigatzailea zure erakundeak kudeatzen du.
+category-list =
+ .aria-label = Kategoriak
+pane-general-title = Orokorra
+category-general =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title }
+pane-home-title = Hasiera-orria
+category-home =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-home-title }
+pane-search-title = Bilaketa
+category-search =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-search-title }
+pane-privacy-title = Pribatutasuna eta segurtasuna
+category-privacy =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-privacy-title }
+pane-sync-title3 = Sinkronizazioa
+category-sync3 =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-sync-title3 }
+pane-experimental-title = { -brand-short-name } esperimentuak
+category-experimental =
+ .tooltiptext = { -brand-short-name } esperimentuak
+pane-experimental-subtitle = Kontuz jarraitu
+pane-experimental-search-results-header = { -brand-short-name } esperimentuak: kontuz jarraitu
+pane-experimental-description2 = Konfigurazio-hobespen aurreratuak aldatzeak { -brand-short-name }(r)en errendimendu edo segurtasunean eragin lezake.
+pane-experimental-reset =
+ .label = Berrezarri lehenespenak
+ .accesskey = h
+help-button-label = { -brand-short-name } laguntza
+addons-button-label = Hedapenak eta itxurak
+focus-search =
+ .key = f
+close-button =
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+## Browser Restart Dialog
+feature-enable-requires-restart = { -brand-short-name } berrabiarazi behar da eginbide hau gaitzeko.
+feature-disable-requires-restart = { -brand-short-name } berrabiarazi behar da eginbide hau desgaitzeko.
+should-restart-title = Berrabiarazi { -brand-short-name }
+should-restart-ok = Berrabiarazi { -brand-short-name } orain
+cancel-no-restart-button = Utzi
+restart-later = Berrabiarazi geroago
+## Extension Control Notifications
+## These strings are used to inform the user
+## about changes made by extensions to browser settings.
+## <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> is going to be replaced by the extension icon.
+## Variables:
+## $name (string) - Name of the extension
+# This string is shown to notify the user that the password manager setting
+# is being controlled by an extension
+extension-controlling-password-saving = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> hedapenak kontrolatzen du ezarpen hau.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that their notifications permission
+# is being controlled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-web-notifications = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> hedapenak kontrolatzen du ezarpen hau.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that Container Tabs
+# are being enabled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-privacy-containers = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> hedapenak edukiontzi-fitxak behar ditu.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that their content blocking "All Detected Trackers"
+# preferences are being controlled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-websites-content-blocking-all-trackers = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> hedapenak kontrolatzen du ezarpen hau.
+# This string is shown to notify the user that their proxy configuration preferences
+# are being controlled by an extension.
+extension-controlling-proxy-config = <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> <strong>{ $name }</strong> hedapenak { -brand-short-name } Internetera nola konektatzen den kontrolatzen du.
+# This string is shown after the user disables an extension to notify the user
+# how to enable an extension that they disabled.
+# <img data-l10n-name="addons-icon"/> will be replaced with Add-ons icon
+# <img data-l10n-name="menu-icon"/> will be replaced with Menu icon
+extension-controlled-enable = Hedapena gaitzeko, zoaz <img data-l10n-name="addons-icon"/> Gehigarriak aukerara <img data-l10n-name="menu-icon"/> menuan.
+## Preferences UI Search Results
+search-results-header = Bilaketaren emaitzak
+# `<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>` will be replaced by the search term.
+search-results-empty-message2 = Barkatu! Ezarpenetan ez dago "<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>" bilaketarako emaitzarik.
+search-results-help-link = Laguntza behar duzu? Bisitatu <a data-l10n-name="url">{ -brand-short-name }(r)en laguntza</a>
+## General Section
+startup-header = Abioa
+always-check-default =
+ .label = Egiaztatu beti ea { -brand-short-name } nabigatzaile lehenetsia den
+ .accesskey = E
+is-default = { -brand-short-name } nabigatzaile lehenetsia da une honetan
+is-not-default = { -brand-short-name } ez da zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia
+set-as-my-default-browser =
+ .label = Lehenetsi…
+ .accesskey = L
+startup-restore-windows-and-tabs =
+ .label = Ireki aurreko leiho eta fitxak
+ .accesskey = a
+windows-launch-on-login =
+ .label = Ireki { -brand-short-name } automatikoki ordenagailuaren abioan
+ .accesskey = r
+windows-launch-on-login-disabled = Hobespen hau Windowsen desgaitu da. Aldatzeko, bisitatu <a data-l10n-name="startup-link">Abioko aplikazioak</a> sistemaren ezarpenetan.
+startup-restore-warn-on-quit =
+ .label = Abisatu nabigatzailetik irtetean
+disable-extension =
+ .label = Desgaitu hedapena
+preferences-data-migration-header = Inportatu nabigatzailearen datuak
+preferences-data-migration-description = Inportatu laster-markak, pasahitzak, historia eta osatze automatikoko datuak { -brand-short-name }(e)n.
+preferences-data-migration-button =
+ .label = Inportatu datuak
+ .accesskey = n
+tabs-group-header = Fitxak
+ctrl-tab-recently-used-order =
+ .label = Ktrl+Tab konbinazioak fitxaz aldatzen du azkenekoz erabilitako ordenan
+ .accesskey = T
+open-new-link-as-tabs =
+ .label = Ireki loturak fitxetan eta ez leiho berrietan
+ .accesskey = x
+confirm-on-close-multiple-tabs =
+ .label = Berretsi hainbat fitxa itxi aurretik
+ .accesskey = B
+# This string is used for the confirm before quitting preference.
+# Variables:
+# $quitKey (string) - the quit keyboard shortcut, and formatted
+# in the same manner as it would appear,
+# for example, in the File menu.
+confirm-on-quit-with-key =
+ .label = Berretsi irten aurretik { $quitKey } erabiltzean
+ .accesskey = B
+warn-on-open-many-tabs =
+ .label = Abisatu hainbat fitxa irekitzean honek { -brand-short-name } moteldu balezake
+ .accesskey = A
+switch-to-new-tabs =
+ .label = Aldatu berehala fitxa berrira lotura, irudia edo multimedia fitxa berrian irekitzean
+ .accesskey = b
+show-tabs-in-taskbar =
+ .label = Erakutsi fitxen aurrebistak Windowseko ataza-barran
+ .accesskey = z
+browser-containers-enabled =
+ .label = Gaitu edukiontzi-fitxak
+ .accesskey = G
+browser-containers-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+browser-containers-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = r
+containers-disable-alert-title = Itxi edukiontzi-fitxa gutziak?
+## Variables:
+## $tabCount (number) - Number of tabs
+containers-disable-alert-desc =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Edukiontzi-fitxak orain desgaituz gero, edukiontzi-fitxa bat itxi egingo da. Ziur zaude edukiontzi-fitxak desgaitu nahi dituzula?
+ *[other] Edukiontzi-fitxak orain desgaituz gero, { $tabCount } edukiontzi-fitxa itxi egingo dira. Ziur zaude edukiontzi-fitxak desgaitu nahi dituzula?
+ }
+containers-disable-alert-ok-button =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Itxi edukiontzi-fitxa bat
+ *[other] Itxi { $tabCount } edukiontzi-fitxa
+ }
+containers-disable-alert-cancel-button = Mantendu gaituta
+containers-remove-alert-title = Edukiontzi hau kendu?
+# Variables:
+# $count (number) - Number of tabs that will be closed.
+containers-remove-alert-msg =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Edukiontzi hau orain kenduz gero, edukiontzi-fitxa bat itxi egingo da. Ziur zaude edukiontzi hau kendu nahi duzula?
+ *[other] Edukiontzi hau orain kenduz gero, { $count } edukiontzi-fitxa itxi egingo dira. Ziur zaude edukiontzi hau kendu nahi dituzula?
+ }
+containers-remove-ok-button = Kendu edukiontzia
+containers-remove-cancel-button = Ez kendu edukiontzia
+## General Section - Language & Appearance
+language-and-appearance-header = Hizkuntza eta itxura
+preferences-web-appearance-header = Webgunearen itxura
+preferences-web-appearance-description = Zenbait webgunek beraiek kolore-eskema zure hobespenetara moldatzen dute. Aukeratu gune horietarako zein kolore-eskema erabili nahi duzun.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-auto = Automatikoa
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-light = Argia
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-dark = Iluna
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-auto =
+ .title = Aldatu automatikoki webguneen atzeko planoak eta edukia zure sistemaren ezarpenetan eta { -brand-short-name }(r)en itxuran oinarrituta.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-light =
+ .title = Erabili itxura argia webguneen atzeko plano eta edukiarentzat.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-dark =
+ .title = Erabili itxura iluna webguneen atzeko plano eta edukiarentzat.
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-input-auto =
+ .aria-description = { preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-auto.title }
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-input-light =
+ .aria-description = { preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-light.title }
+preferences-web-appearance-choice-input-dark =
+ .aria-description = { preferences-web-appearance-choice-tooltip-dark.title }
+# This can appear when using windows HCM or "Override colors: always" without
+# system colors.
+preferences-web-appearance-override-warning = Zure kolore-hautapenek webgunearen itxura baliogabetzen dute. <a data-l10n-name="colors-link">Kudeatu koloreak</a>
+# This can appear when using windows HCM or "Override colors: always" without
+# system colors.
+preferences-web-appearance-override-warning2 =
+ .message = Zure kolore-hautapenek webgunearen itxura baliogabetzen dute.
+# This message contains one link. It can be moved within the sentence as needed
+# to adapt to your language, but should not be changed.
+preferences-web-appearance-footer = Kudeatu { -brand-short-name }(r)en itxurak <a data-l10n-name="themes-link">Hedapenak eta itxura</a> atalean
+preferences-colors-header = Koloreak
+preferences-colors-description = Baliogabetu { -brand-short-name }(r)en kolore lehenetsiak testu, webguneen atzeko plano eta loturentzat.
+preferences-colors-manage-button =
+ .label = Kudeatu koloreak…
+ .accesskey = k
+preferences-fonts-header = Letra-tipoak
+default-font = Letra-tipo lehenetsia
+ .accesskey = n
+default-font-size = Tamaina
+ .accesskey = T
+advanced-fonts =
+ .label = Aurreratua…
+ .accesskey = u
+# Zoom is a noun, and the message is used as header for a group of options
+preferences-zoom-header = Zooma
+preferences-default-zoom = Zoom lehenetsia
+ .accesskey = Z
+# Variables:
+# $percentage (number) - Zoom percentage value
+preferences-default-zoom-value =
+ .label = %{ $percentage }
+preferences-zoom-text-only =
+ .label = Zooma testuan soilik
+ .accesskey = t
+language-header = Hizkuntza
+choose-language-description = Aukeratu orriak bistaratzeko hizkuntza hobetsia
+choose-button =
+ .label = Aukeratu…
+ .accesskey = A
+choose-browser-language-description = Aukeratu { -brand-short-name }(r)en menuak, mezuak eta jakinarazpenak bistaratzeko hizkuntzak.
+manage-browser-languages-button =
+ .label = Ezarri ordezkoak…
+ .accesskey = d
+confirm-browser-language-change-description = Berrabiarazi { -brand-short-name } aldaketa hauek aplikatzeko
+confirm-browser-language-change-button = Aplikatu eta berrabiarazi
+translate-web-pages =
+ .label = Itzuli webeko edukia
+ .accesskey = I
+fx-translate-web-pages = { -translations-brand-name }
+# The <img> element is replaced by the logo of the provider
+# used to provide machine translations for web pages.
+translate-attribution = Itzulpenak: <img data-l10n-name="logo"/>
+translate-exceptions =
+ .label = Salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = S
+# Variables:
+# $localeName (string) - Localized name of the locale to be used.
+use-system-locale =
+ .label = Erabili zure sitema eragilearen "{ $localeName }" hizkuntzaren ezarpenak datak, orduak, zenbakiak eta neurriak formateatzeko.
+check-user-spelling =
+ .label = Egiaztatu ortografia idatzi ahala
+ .accesskey = z
+## General Section - Files and Applications
+files-and-applications-title = Fitxategiak eta aplikazioak
+download-header = Deskargak
+download-save-where = Gorde fitxategiak hemen:
+ .accesskey = G
+download-choose-folder =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Aukeratu…
+ *[other] Arakatu…
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] e
+ *[other] A
+ }
+download-always-ask-where =
+ .label = Galdetu beti non gorde fitxategiak
+ .accesskey = n
+applications-header = Aplikazioak
+applications-description = Aukeratu { -brand-short-name }(e)k nola maneiatzen dituen webetik edo erabiltzen dituzun aplikazioetatik deskargatzen dituzun fitxategiak.
+applications-filter =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu fitxategi motak edo aplikazioak
+applications-type-column =
+ .label = Eduki mota
+ .accesskey = t
+applications-action-column =
+ .label = Ekintza
+ .accesskey = E
+# Variables:
+# $extension (String) - file extension (e.g .TXT)
+applications-file-ending = { $extension } fitxategia
+applications-action-save =
+ .label = Gorde fitxategia
+# Variables:
+# $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat)
+applications-use-app =
+ .label = Erabili { $app-name }
+# Variables:
+# $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat)
+applications-use-app-default =
+ .label = { $app-name } erabili (lehenetsia)
+applications-use-os-default =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Erabili macOS aplikazio lehenetsia
+ [windows] Erabili Windows aplikazio lehenetsia
+ *[other] Erabili sistemaren aplikazio lehenetsia
+ }
+applications-use-other =
+ .label = Beste bat…
+applications-select-helper = Hautatu laguntza-aplikazioa
+applications-manage-app =
+ .label = Aplikazioaren xehetasunak…
+applications-always-ask =
+ .label = Galdetu beti
+# Variables:
+# $type-description (string) - Description of the type (e.g "Portable Document Format")
+# $type (string) - The MIME type (e.g application/binary)
+applications-type-description-with-type = { $type-description } ({ $type })
+# Variables:
+# $extension (string) - File extension (e.g .TXT)
+# $type (string) - The MIME type (e.g application/binary)
+applications-file-ending-with-type = { applications-file-ending } ({ $type })
+# Variables:
+# $plugin-name (string) - Name of a plugin (e.g Adobe Flash)
+applications-use-plugin-in =
+ .label = Erabili { $plugin-name } ({ -brand-short-name }(e)n)
+applications-open-inapp =
+ .label = Ireki { -brand-short-name }(e)n
+## The strings in this group are used to populate
+## selected label element based on the string from
+## the selected menu item.
+applications-use-plugin-in-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-plugin-in.label }
+applications-action-save-label =
+ .value = { applications-action-save.label }
+applications-use-app-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-app.label }
+applications-open-inapp-label =
+ .value = { applications-open-inapp.label }
+applications-always-ask-label =
+ .value = { applications-always-ask.label }
+applications-use-app-default-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-app-default.label }
+applications-use-other-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-other.label }
+applications-use-os-default-label =
+ .value = { applications-use-os-default.label }
+applications-handle-new-file-types-description = Zer egin behar du { -brand-short-name }(e)k beste fitxategiekin?
+applications-save-for-new-types =
+ .label = Gorde fitxategiak
+ .accesskey = G
+applications-ask-before-handling =
+ .label = Galdetu fitxategiak irekitzea edo gordetzea
+ .accesskey = a
+drm-content-header = DRM edukia
+play-drm-content =
+ .label = Erreproduzitu DRM bidez kontrolatutako edukia
+ .accesskey = E
+play-drm-content-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+update-application-title = { -brand-short-name } eguneraketak
+update-application-description = Mantendu { -brand-short-name } eguneratuta errendimendu, egonkortasun eta segurtasun onena bermatzeko.
+# Variables:
+# $version (string) - Firefox version
+update-application-version = { $version }bertsioa <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Nobedadeak</a>
+update-history =
+ .label = Erakutsi eguneraketen historia…
+ .accesskey = E
+update-application-allow-description = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i
+update-application-auto =
+ .label = Eguneraketak automatikoki instalatzen (gomendatua)
+ .accesskey = a
+update-application-check-choose =
+ .label = Eguneraketak bilatzen baina utzi aukeratzen instalatuko diren edo ez
+ .accesskey = b
+update-application-manual =
+ .label = Ez egiaztatu inoiz eguneraketarik dagoen (ez gomendatua)
+ .accesskey = n
+update-application-background-enabled =
+ .label = { -brand-short-name } ez denean exekutatzen ari
+ .accesskey = z
+update-application-warning-cross-user-setting = Ezarpen honek Windows kontu guztiei eta { -brand-short-name }(r)en instalazio hau darabilten profilei eragingo die.
+update-application-use-service =
+ .label = Erabili atzeko planoko zerbitzua eguneraketak instalatzeko
+ .accesskey = z
+update-application-suppress-prompts =
+ .label = Erakutsi eguneraketen jakinarazpen-gonbit gutxiago
+ .accesskey = x
+update-setting-write-failure-title2 = Errorea eguneraketa-ezarpenak gordetzean
+# Variables:
+# $path (string) - Path to the configuration file
+# The newlines between the main text and the line containing the path is
+# intentional so the path is easier to identify.
+update-setting-write-failure-message2 =
+ { -brand-short-name }(e)k errore bat aurkitu du eta ez du aldaketa hau gorde. Kontuan izan eguneraketen ezarpen hau aldatzeak azpiko fitxategia idazteko baimenak behar dituela. Zu edo sistema-kudeatzaile bat errorea konpontzeko moduan izan zaitezkete erabiltzaileen taldeari fitxategi honetarako kontrol osoa emanez.
+ Ezin da fitxategira idatzi: { $path }
+update-in-progress-title = Eguneraketa burutzen ari da
+update-in-progress-message = { -brand-short-name }(e)k eguneraketa honekin jarraitzea nahi duzu?
+update-in-progress-ok-button = &Baztertu
+# Continue is the cancel button so pressing escape or using a platform standard
+# method of closing the UI will not discard the update.
+update-in-progress-cancel-button = &Jarraitu
+## General Section - Performance
+performance-title = Errendimendua
+performance-use-recommended-settings-checkbox =
+ .label = Erabili gomendatutako errendimendu-ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = E
+performance-use-recommended-settings-desc = Ezarpen hauek zure ordenagailuaren hardwareari eta sistema eragileari egokituta daude.
+performance-settings-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+performance-allow-hw-accel =
+ .label = Erabili hardware-azelerazioa erabilgarri dagoenean
+ .accesskey = h
+performance-limit-content-process-option = Eduki-prozesuen muga
+ .accesskey = m
+performance-limit-content-process-enabled-desc = Eduki-prozesu gehigarriek errendimendua hobe dezakete hainbat fitxa erabiltzean baina memoria gehiago ere erabiliko du.
+performance-limit-content-process-blocked-desc = Edukien prozesu kopurua multiprozesu moduko { -brand-short-name }(r)ekin alda daiteke soilik. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more">Argibide gehiago multiprozesu modua gaituta dagoen egiaztatzeko</a>
+# Variables:
+# $num (number) - Default value of the `dom.ipc.processCount` pref.
+performance-default-content-process-count =
+ .label = { $num } (lehenetsia)
+## General Section - Browsing
+browsing-title = Nabigatzea
+browsing-use-autoscroll =
+ .label = Erabili korritze automatikoa
+ .accesskey = a
+browsing-use-smooth-scrolling =
+ .label = Erabili korritze leuna
+ .accesskey = u
+browsing-gtk-use-non-overlay-scrollbars =
+ .label = Erakutsi beti korritze-barrak
+ .accesskey = b
+browsing-always-underline-links =
+ .label = Beti azpimarratu loturak
+ .accesskey = a
+browsing-use-onscreen-keyboard =
+ .label = Beharrezkoa denean, erakutsi ukipen-teklatua
+ .accesskey = k
+browsing-use-cursor-navigation =
+ .label = Erabili beti kurtsore-teklak orriak nabigatzeko
+ .accesskey = k
+browsing-use-full-keyboard-navigation =
+ .label = Erabili tabulazio-tekla fokua aldatzeko inprimakien kontrolen eta loturen artean
+ .accesskey = t
+browsing-search-on-start-typing =
+ .label = Bilatu testua idazten hasi bezain laster
+ .accesskey = B
+browsing-picture-in-picture-toggle-enabled =
+ .label = Gaitu bideoa beste leiho batean ikusteko kontrolak
+ .accesskey = G
+browsing-picture-in-picture-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+browsing-media-control =
+ .label = Kontrolatu multimedia teklatuaren, kaskoen edo interfaze birtualaren bidez
+ .accesskey = m
+browsing-media-control-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+browsing-cfr-recommendations =
+ .label = Gomendatu hedapenak nabigatu ahala
+ .accesskey = G
+browsing-cfr-features =
+ .label = Gomendatu eginbideak nabigatu ahala
+ .accesskey = G
+browsing-cfr-recommendations-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+## General Section - Proxy
+network-settings-title = Sareko ezarpenak
+network-proxy-connection-description = Konfiguratu { -brand-short-name } nola konektatzen den Internetera.
+network-proxy-connection-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+network-proxy-connection-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = E
+## Home Section
+home-new-windows-tabs-header = Leiho eta fitxa berriak
+home-new-windows-tabs-description2 = Aukeratu zer ikusi nahi duzun zure hasiera-orria, leiho berriak eta fitxa berriak irekitzean.
+## Home Section - Home Page Customization
+home-homepage-mode-label = Hasiera-orria eta leiho berriak
+home-newtabs-mode-label = Fitxa berriak
+home-restore-defaults =
+ .label = Berrezarri lehenetsiak
+ .accesskey = B
+home-mode-choice-default-fx =
+ .label = { -firefox-home-brand-name } (Lehenetsia)
+home-mode-choice-custom =
+ .label = URL pertsonalizatuak…
+home-mode-choice-blank =
+ .label = Orri zuria
+home-homepage-custom-url =
+ .placeholder = Itsatsi URLa…
+# This string has a special case for '1' and [other] (default). If necessary for
+# your language, you can add {$tabCount} to your translations and use the
+# standard CLDR forms, or only use the form for [other] if both strings should
+# be identical.
+use-current-pages =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Erabili uneko orria
+ *[other] Erabili uneko orriak
+ }
+ .accesskey = u
+choose-bookmark =
+ .label = Erabili laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = b
+## Home Section - Firefox Home Content Customization
+home-prefs-content-header2 = { -firefox-home-brand-name } edukia
+home-prefs-content-description2 = Aukeratu zer eduki ikusi nahi duzun zure { -firefox-home-brand-name } pantailan.
+home-prefs-search-header =
+ .label = Web bilaketa
+home-prefs-shortcuts-header =
+ .label = Lasterbideak
+home-prefs-shortcuts-description = Gordetzen edo bisitatzen dituzun guneak
+home-prefs-shortcuts-by-option-sponsored =
+ .label = Babesleen lasterbideak
+## Variables:
+## $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket".
+home-prefs-recommended-by-header =
+ .label = { $provider } hornitzaileak gomendatuta
+home-prefs-recommended-by-description-new = { -brand-product-name } familiakide den { $provider }-eko taldeak hautatutako aparteko edukia.
+home-prefs-recommended-by-learn-more = Nola dabilen
+home-prefs-recommended-by-option-sponsored-stories =
+ .label = Babesleen istorioak
+home-prefs-recommended-by-option-recent-saves =
+ .label = Erakutsi gordetako azkenak
+home-prefs-highlights-option-visited-pages =
+ .label = Bisitatutako orriak
+home-prefs-highlights-options-bookmarks =
+ .label = Laster-markak
+home-prefs-highlights-option-most-recent-download =
+ .label = Azken deskarga
+home-prefs-highlights-option-saved-to-pocket =
+ .label = { -pocket-brand-name }-en gordetako orriak
+home-prefs-recent-activity-header =
+ .label = Azken jarduera
+home-prefs-recent-activity-description = Azken gune eta edukien hautapena
+# For the "Snippets" feature traditionally on about:home.
+# Alternative translation options: "Small Note" or something that
+# expresses the idea of "a small message, shortened from something else,
+# and non-essential but also not entirely trivial and useless.
+home-prefs-snippets-header =
+ .label = Mezu-zatiak
+home-prefs-snippets-description-new = { -vendor-short-name } eta { -brand-product-name }(r)en aholku eta albisteak
+# Variables:
+# $num (number) - Number of rows displayed
+home-prefs-sections-rows-option =
+ .label =
+ { $num ->
+ [one] Errenkada bat
+ *[other] { $num } errenkada
+ }
+## Search Section
+search-bar-header = Bilaketa-barra
+search-bar-hidden =
+ .label = Erabili helbide-barra bilaketarako eta nabigaziorako
+search-bar-shown =
+ .label = Gehitu bilaketa-barra tresna-barran
+search-engine-default-header = Bilaketa-motor lehenetsia
+search-engine-default-desc-2 = Zure bilaketa-motor lehenetsia da hau, bai helbide- nahiz bilaketa-barran. Edozein unetan alda dezakezu.
+search-engine-default-private-desc-2 = Aukeratu leiho pribatuetarako beste bilaketa-motor lehenetsi bat
+search-separate-default-engine =
+ .label = Erabili bilaketa-motor hau leiho pribatuetan
+ .accesskey = r
+search-suggestions-header = Bilaketa-iradokizunak
+search-suggestions-desc = Aukeratu nola agertzen diren bilaketa-motorren iradokizunak.
+search-suggestions-option =
+ .label = Hornitu bilaketa-iradokizunak
+ .accesskey = b
+search-show-suggestions-option =
+ .label = Erakutsi bilaketa-iradokizunak
+ .accesskey = E
+search-show-suggestions-url-bar-option =
+ .label = Erakutsi bilaketa-iradokizunak helbide-barrako emaitzetan
+ .accesskey = h
+# With this option enabled, on the search results page
+# the URL will be replaced by the search terms in the address bar
+# when using the current default search engine.
+search-show-search-term-option =
+ .label = Erakutsi bilaketa-terminoak URLaren ordez bilaketa-motor lehenetsiaren emaitzen orrian
+# This string describes what the user will observe when the system
+# prioritizes search suggestions over browsing history in the results
+# that extend down from the address bar. In the original English string,
+# "ahead" refers to location (appearing most proximate to), not time
+# (appearing before).
+search-show-suggestions-above-history-option =
+ .label = Helbide-barrako emaitzetan, erakutsi bilaketa-gomendioak nabigatze-historiaren aurretik
+search-show-suggestions-private-windows =
+ .label = Erakutsi bilaketa-iradokizunak leiho pribatuetan
+suggestions-addressbar-settings-generic2 = Aldatu ezarpenak bilaketa-motorren bestelako iradokizunetarako
+search-suggestions-cant-show = Bilaketa-iradokizunak ez dira helbide-barran erakutsiko { -brand-short-name }(e)k historia inoiz ez gogoratzeko konfiguratu duzulako.
+search-one-click-header2 = Bilaketa-lasterbideak
+search-one-click-desc = Aukeratu gako-hitz bat idazten hasi ahala helbide- eta bilaketa-barren azpian agertuko diren ordezko bilaketa-motorrak.
+search-choose-engine-column =
+ .label = Bilaketa-motorra
+search-choose-keyword-column =
+ .label = Gako-hitza
+search-restore-default =
+ .label = Berrezarri bilaketa-motor lehenetsiak
+ .accesskey = h
+search-remove-engine =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+search-add-engine =
+ .label = Gehitu
+ .accesskey = G
+search-find-more-link = Bilatu bilaketa-motor gehiago
+# This warning is displayed when the chosen keyword is already in use
+# ('Duplicate' is an adjective)
+search-keyword-warning-title = Bikoiztutako gako-hitza
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - Name of a search engine.
+search-keyword-warning-engine = Aukeratu duzun gako-hitza dagoeneko "{ $name }"(e)k erabiltzen du. Aukeratu beste bat.
+search-keyword-warning-bookmark = Aukeratu duzun gako-hitza dagoeneko laster-marka batek erabiltzen du. Aukeratu beste bat.
+## Containers Section
+containers-back-button2 =
+ .aria-label = Itzuli ezarpenetara
+containers-header = Edukiontzi-fitxak
+containers-add-button =
+ .label = Gehitu edukiontzi berria
+ .accesskey = G
+containers-new-tab-check =
+ .label = Hautatu edukiontzi bat fitxa berri bakoitzeko
+ .accesskey = H
+containers-settings-button =
+ .label = Ezarpenak
+containers-remove-button =
+ .label = Kendu
+## Firefox account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox account" are now
+## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected").
+sync-signedout-caption = Eraman ezazu weba zurekin
+sync-signedout-description2 = Sinkronizatu laster-markak, historia, fitxak, pasahitzak, gehigarriak eta ezarpenak zure gailu guztien artean.
+sync-signedout-account-signin3 =
+ .label = Hasi saioa sinkronizatzeko…
+ .accesskey = s
+# This message contains two links and two icon images.
+# `<img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/>` - Android logo icon
+# `<a data-l10n-name="android-link">` - Link to Android Download
+# `<img data-l10n-name="ios-icon">` - iOS logo icon
+# `<a data-l10n-name="ios-link">` - Link to iOS Download
+# They can be moved within the sentence as needed to adapt
+# to your language, but should not be changed or translated.
+sync-mobile-promo = Deskargatu <img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="android-link">Android</a> edo <img data-l10n-name="ios-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="ios-link">iOS</a>erako Firefox zure gailu mugikorrarekin sinkronizatzeko.
+## Firefox account - Signed in
+sync-profile-picture =
+ .tooltiptext = Aldatu profileko argazkia
+sync-sign-out =
+ .label = Amaitu saioa…
+ .accesskey = A
+sync-manage-account = Kudeatu kontua
+ .accesskey = o
+## Variables
+## $email (string) - Email used for Firefox account
+sync-signedin-unverified = { $email } ez dago egiaztatuta.
+sync-signedin-login-failure = Hasi saioa berriro konektatzeko { $email }
+sync-resend-verification =
+ .label = Birbidali egiaztapena
+ .accesskey = B
+sync-verify-account =
+ .label = Egiaztatu kontua
+ .accesskey = E
+sync-remove-account =
+ .label = Kendu kontua
+ .accesskey = K
+sync-sign-in =
+ .label = Hasi saioa
+ .accesskey = H
+## Sync section - enabling or disabling sync.
+prefs-syncing-on = Sinkronizazioa: aktibo
+prefs-syncing-off = Sinkronizazioa: inaktibo
+prefs-sync-turn-on-syncing =
+ .label = Gaitu sinkronizazioa…
+ .accesskey = s
+prefs-sync-offer-setup-label2 = Sinkronizatu laster-markak, historia, fitxak, pasahitzak, gehigarriak eta ezarpenak zure gailu guztien artean.
+prefs-sync-now =
+ .labelnotsyncing = Sinkronizatu orain
+ .accesskeynotsyncing = S
+ .labelsyncing = Sinkronizatzen…
+prefs-sync-now-button =
+ .label = Sinkronizatu orain
+ .accesskey = S
+prefs-syncing-button =
+ .label = Sinkronizatzen…
+## The list of things currently syncing.
+sync-syncing-across-devices-heading = Elementu hauek konektatutako zure gailu guztien artean ari zara sinkronizatzen:
+sync-currently-syncing-bookmarks = Laster-markak
+sync-currently-syncing-history = Historia
+sync-currently-syncing-tabs = Irekitako fitxak
+sync-currently-syncing-logins-passwords = Saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+sync-currently-syncing-passwords = Pasahitzak
+sync-currently-syncing-addresses = Helbideak
+sync-currently-syncing-creditcards = Kreditu-txartelak
+sync-currently-syncing-payment-methods = Ordainketa metodoak
+sync-currently-syncing-addons = Gehigarriak
+sync-currently-syncing-settings = Ezarpenak
+sync-change-options =
+ .label = Aldatu…
+ .accesskey = A
+## The "Choose what to sync" dialog.
+sync-choose-what-to-sync-dialog3 =
+ .title = Aukeratu zer sinkronizatu
+ .style = min-width: 36em;
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Gorde aldaketak
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = G
+ .buttonlabelextra2 = Deskonektatu…
+ .buttonaccesskeyextra2 = D
+sync-choose-dialog-subtitle = Sinkronizatu beharreko elementuen zerrendari egindako aldaketak konektatutako zure gailu guztietan islatuko dira.
+sync-engine-bookmarks =
+ .label = Laster-markak
+ .accesskey = m
+sync-engine-history =
+ .label = Historia
+ .accesskey = H
+sync-engine-tabs =
+ .label = Irekitako fitxak
+ .tooltiptext = Sinkronizatutako gailu guztietan irekita dagoenaren zerrenda
+ .accesskey = t
+sync-engine-logins-passwords =
+ .label = Saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+ .tooltiptext = Gorde dituzun saio-hasiera eta pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = S
+sync-engine-passwords =
+ .label = Pasahitzak
+ .tooltiptext = Gorde dituzun pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = P
+sync-engine-addresses =
+ .label = Helbideak
+ .tooltiptext = Gorde dituzun helbide postalak (mahaigainerako soilik)
+ .accesskey = e
+sync-engine-creditcards =
+ .label = Kreditu-txartelak
+ .tooltiptext = Izenak, zenbakiak eta iraungitze-datak (mahaigainerako soilik)
+ .accesskey = K
+sync-engine-payment-methods2 =
+ .label = Ordainketa metodoak
+ .tooltiptext = Izenak, txartel zenbakiak eta iraungitze-datak
+ .accesskey = n
+sync-engine-addons =
+ .label = Gehigarriak
+ .tooltiptext = Mahaigaineko Firefoxerako hedapenak eta itxurak
+ .accesskey = G
+sync-engine-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak
+ .tooltiptext = Aldatu dituzun 'Orokorra', 'Pribatutasuna' eta 'Segurtasuna' ataletako ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = z
+## The device name controls.
+sync-device-name-header = Gailuaren izena
+sync-device-name-change =
+ .label = Aldatu gailuaren izena…
+ .accesskey = d
+sync-device-name-cancel =
+ .label = Utzi
+ .accesskey = U
+sync-device-name-save =
+ .label = Gorde
+ .accesskey = G
+sync-connect-another-device = Konektatu beste gailu bat
+## These strings are shown in a desktop notification after the
+## user requests we resend a verification email.
+sync-verification-sent-title = Egiaztapena bidali da
+# Variables:
+# $email (String): Email address of user's Firefox account.
+sync-verification-sent-body = Egiaztapen-lotura { $email } helbidera bidali da.
+sync-verification-not-sent-title = Ezin da egiaztapena bidali
+sync-verification-not-sent-body = Ezin dugu egiaztapen-mezua bidali une honetan, saiatu berriro geroago.
+## Privacy Section
+privacy-header = Nabigatzailearen pribatutasuna
+## Privacy Section - Logins and Passwords
+# The search keyword isn't shown to users but is used to find relevant settings in about:preferences.
+pane-privacy-logins-and-passwords-header = Saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak
+ .searchkeywords = { -lockwise-brand-short-name }
+# Checkbox to control whether UI is shown to users to save or fill logins/passwords.
+forms-ask-to-save-logins =
+ .label = Galdetu webguneetako saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak gordetzeko
+ .accesskey = G
+## Privacy Section - Passwords
+# "Logins" is the former term for "Passwords". Users should find password settings
+# by searching for the former term "logins". It's not displayed in the UI.
+pane-privacy-passwords-header = Pasahitzak
+ .searchkeywords = saio-hasierak
+# Checkbox to control whether UI is shown to users to save or fill logins/passwords.
+forms-ask-to-save-passwords =
+ .label = Galdetu pasahitzak gordetzea
+ .accesskey = G
+forms-exceptions =
+ .label = Salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = n
+forms-generate-passwords =
+ .label = Iradoki eta sortu pasahitz sendoak
+ .accesskey = d
+forms-suggest-passwords =
+ .label = Gomendatu pasahitz sendoak
+ .accesskey = G
+forms-breach-alerts =
+ .label = Erakutsi datu-urratzeak izan dituzten webguneetako pasahitzei buruzko abisuak
+ .accesskey = E
+forms-breach-alerts-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+preferences-relay-integration-checkbox =
+ .label = Gomendatu { -relay-brand-name } helbide-maskarak zure helbide elektronikoa babesteko
+preferences-relay-integration-checkbox2 =
+ .label = Gomendatu { -relay-brand-name } helbide-maskarak zure helbide elektronikoa babesteko
+ .accesskey = r
+relay-integration-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+# Checkbox which controls filling saved logins into fields automatically when they appear, in some cases without user interaction.
+forms-fill-logins-and-passwords =
+ .label = Automatikoki bete erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = A
+forms-saved-logins =
+ .label = Gordetako saio-hasierak…
+ .accesskey = s
+# Checkbox which controls filling saved logins into fields automatically when they appear, in some cases without user interaction.
+forms-fill-usernames-and-passwords =
+ .label = Bete automatikoki erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = B
+forms-saved-passwords =
+ .label = Gordetako pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = d
+forms-primary-pw-use =
+ .label = Erabili pasahitz nagusia
+ .accesskey = n
+forms-primary-pw-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+# This string uses the former name of the Primary Password feature
+# ("Master Password" in English) so that the preferences can be found
+# when searching for the old name. The accesskey is unused.
+forms-master-pw-change =
+ .label = Aldatu pasahitz nagusia…
+ .accesskey = A
+forms-primary-pw-change =
+ .label = Aldatu pasahitz nagusia…
+ .accesskey = d
+# Leave this message empty if the translation for "Primary Password" matches
+# "Master Password" in your language. If you're editing the FTL file directly,
+# use { "" } as the value.
+forms-primary-pw-former-name = { "" }
+forms-primary-pw-fips-title = Une honetan FIPS moduan zaude. FIPS moduak pasahitz nagusia ezartzea eskatzen du.
+forms-master-pw-fips-desc = Pasahitz aldaketak huts egin du
+forms-windows-sso =
+ .label = Baimendu Windows saio-hasiera bakarra (SSO) Microsoft-, laneko eta eskolako kontuentzat
+forms-windows-sso-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+forms-windows-sso-desc = Kudeatu kontuak zure gailuaren ezarpenetan
+## OS Authentication dialog
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Pasahitz nagusi bat sortzeko, sartu zure Windows kredentzialak. Honek zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du.
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to "
+# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+# notes are only valid for English. Please test in your locale.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = Sortu pasahitz nagusia
+master-password-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
+## Privacy section - Autofill
+pane-privacy-autofill-header = Betetze automatikoa
+autofill-addresses-checkbox = Gorde eta osatu helbideak
+ .accesskey = o
+autofill-saved-addresses-button = Gordetako helbideak
+ .accesskey = G
+autofill-payment-methods-checkbox-message = Gorde eta bete ordainketa metodoak
+ .accesskey = k
+autofill-payment-methods-checkbox-submessage = Kreditu eta zordunketa txartelak barne
+ .accesskey = b
+autofill-saved-payment-methods-button = Gordetako ordainketa metodoak
+ .accesskey = d
+## Privacy Section - History
+history-header = Historia
+# This label is followed, on the same line, by a dropdown list of options
+# (Remember history, etc.).
+# In English it visually creates a full sentence, e.g.
+# "Firefox will" + "Remember history".
+# If this doesn't work for your language, you can translate this message:
+# - Simply as "Firefox", moving the verb into each option.
+# This will result in "Firefox" + "Will remember history", etc.
+# - As a stand-alone message, for example "Firefox history settings:".
+history-remember-label = { -brand-short-name }(e)k
+ .accesskey = k
+history-remember-option-all =
+ .label = Historia gogoratuko du
+history-remember-option-never =
+ .label = Ez du historia gogoratuko inoiz
+history-remember-option-custom =
+ .label = Ezarpen pertsonalizatuak erabiliko ditu historiarako
+history-remember-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k zure nabigazio-, deskarga-, inprimaki- eta bilaketa-historia gogoratuko ditu.
+history-dontremember-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k nabigatze pribatuaren ezarpen berak erabiliko ditu, eta ez du gogoratuko historia webean nabigatzen ari zarenean.
+history-private-browsing-permanent =
+ .label = Erabili beti nabigatze pribatuko modua
+ .accesskey = a
+history-remember-browser-option =
+ .label = Gogoratu nabigazioaren eta deskargen historia
+ .accesskey = n
+history-remember-search-option =
+ .label = Gogoratu bilaketen eta inprimakien historia
+ .accesskey = n
+history-clear-on-close-option =
+ .label = Garbitu historia { -brand-short-name } ixtean
+ .accesskey = x
+history-clear-on-close-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = r
+history-clear-button =
+ .label = Garbitu historia…
+ .accesskey = s
+## Privacy Section - Site Data
+sitedata-header = Cookieak eta guneetako datuak
+sitedata-total-size-calculating = Gunearen datuen eta cachearen tamaina kalkulatzen…
+# Variables:
+# $value (number) - Value of the unit (for example: 4.6, 500)
+# $unit (string) - Name of the unit (for example: "bytes", "KB")
+sitedata-total-size = Gordetako cookiek, gunearen datuek eta cacheak une honetan { $value } { $unit } hartzen dute diskoan.
+sitedata-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+sitedata-delete-on-close =
+ .label = Ezabatu cookieak eta guneetako datuak { -brand-short-name } ixtean
+ .accesskey = c
+sitedata-delete-on-close-private-browsing = Nabigatze pribatu modu iraunkorrean cookieak eta guneetako datuak beti garbituko dira { -brand-short-name } ixtean.
+sitedata-allow-cookies-option =
+ .label = Onartu cookieak eta guneetako datuak
+ .accesskey = O
+sitedata-disallow-cookies-option =
+ .label = Blokeatu cookieak eta guneetako datuak
+ .accesskey = B
+# This label means 'type of content that is blocked', and is followed by a drop-down list with content types below.
+# The list items are the strings named sitedata-block-*-option*.
+sitedata-block-desc = Mota blokeatuta
+ .accesskey = M
+sitedata-option-block-cross-site-trackers =
+ .label = Guneen arteko jarraipen-elementuak
+sitedata-option-block-cross-site-tracking-cookies =
+ .label = Guneen arteko jarraipen cookieak
+sitedata-option-block-cross-site-cookies =
+ .label = Guneen arteko jarraipen cookieak; bakartu guneen arteko beste cookieak
+sitedata-option-block-unvisited =
+ .label = Bisitatu gabeko guneetako cookieak
+sitedata-option-block-all-cross-site-cookies =
+ .label = Guneen arteko cookie guztiak (webguneak apur litzake)
+sitedata-option-block-all =
+ .label = Cookie guztiak (webguneak haustea eragingo du)
+sitedata-clear =
+ .label = Garbitu datuak…
+ .accesskey = G
+sitedata-settings =
+ .label = Kudeatu datuak…
+ .accesskey = K
+sitedata-cookies-exceptions =
+ .label = Kudeatu salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = s
+## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Handling
+cookie-banner-handling-header = Cookie iragarki-banden murrizpena
+cookie-banner-handling-description = Cookie iragarki-bandetako eskaerak automatikoki ukatzen saiatzen da { -brand-short-name }.
+## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Blocking
+cookie-banner-blocker-header = Cookie iragarki-banden blokeatzailea
+cookie-banner-blocker-description = Gune batek cookieak erabiltzeko baimena eskatzen badu nabigatze pribatuko moduan zaudela, { -brand-short-name }(e)k automatikoki ukatuko du eskaera. Euskarria duten guneetan soilik.
+cookie-banner-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+forms-handle-cookie-banners =
+ .label = Murriztu cookie iragarki-bandak
+cookie-banner-blocker-checkbox-label =
+ .label = Automatikoki ukatu cookie iragarki-bandak
+## Privacy Section - Address Bar
+addressbar-header = Helbide-barra
+addressbar-suggest = Helbide-barra erabiltzean, gomendatu
+addressbar-locbar-history-option =
+ .label = Nabigatze-historia
+ .accesskey = h
+addressbar-locbar-bookmarks-option =
+ .label = Laster-markak
+ .accesskey = L
+addressbar-locbar-clipboard-option =
+ .label = Arbela
+ .accesskey = A
+addressbar-locbar-openpage-option =
+ .label = Irekitako fitxak
+ .accesskey = I
+# Shortcuts refers to the shortcut tiles on the new tab page, previously known as top sites. Translation should be consistent.
+addressbar-locbar-shortcuts-option =
+ .label = Lasterbideak
+ .accesskey = s
+addressbar-locbar-topsites-option =
+ .label = Gune erabilienak
+ .accesskey = r
+addressbar-locbar-engines-option =
+ .label = Bilaketa-motorrak
+ .accesskey = k
+addressbar-locbar-quickactions-option =
+ .label = Ekintza bizkorrak
+ .accesskey = b
+addressbar-suggestions-settings = Aldatu bilaketa-motorren iradokizunetarako hobespenak
+addressbar-locbar-showrecentsearches-option =
+ .label = Erakutsi azken bilaketak
+ .accesskey = r
+addressbar-quickactions-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+## Privacy Section - Content Blocking
+content-blocking-enhanced-tracking-protection = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua
+content-blocking-section-top-level-description = Jarraipen-elementuek zure lineako jarraipena egiten dute zure nabigatze-ohitura eta -interesei buruzko informazioa biltzeko. Jarraipen-elementu eta bestelako script maltzurretako asko blokeatzen ditu { -brand-short-name }(e)k.
+content-blocking-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+content-blocking-fpi-incompatibility-warning = Lehenengoen isolazioa (FPI, First Party Isolation) ari zara erabiltzen, zeinak { -brand-short-name }(r)en cookie-ezarpenak gainidazten dituen.
+## These strings are used to define the different levels of
+## Enhanced Tracking Protection.
+# "Standard" in this case is an adjective, meaning "default" or "normal".
+enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-standard =
+ .label = Oinarrizkoa
+ .accesskey = O
+enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-strict =
+ .label = Zorrotza
+ .accesskey = r
+enhanced-tracking-protection-setting-custom =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatua
+ .accesskey = s
+content-blocking-etp-standard-desc = Babeserako eta errendimendurako orekatua. Orriak ohi bezala kargatuko dira.
+content-blocking-etp-strict-desc = Babes sendoagoa baina zenbait gune edo eduki apurtzea eragin lezake.
+content-blocking-etp-custom-desc = Aukeratu blokeatu beharreko jarraipen-elementu eta scriptak.
+content-blocking-etp-blocking-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ondorengoa blokeatzen du:
+content-blocking-private-windows = Edukiaren jarraipena leiho pribatuetan
+content-blocking-cross-site-cookies-in-all-windows2 = Guneen arteko cookieak leiho guztietan
+content-blocking-cross-site-tracking-cookies = Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak
+content-blocking-all-cross-site-cookies-private-windows = Guneen arteko cookieak leiho pribatuetan
+content-blocking-cross-site-tracking-cookies-plus-isolate = Guneen arteko jarraipen cookieak; bakartu gainerako cookieak
+content-blocking-social-media-trackers = Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak
+content-blocking-all-cookies = Cookie guztiak
+content-blocking-unvisited-cookies = Bisitatu gabeko guneetako cookieak
+content-blocking-all-windows-tracking-content = Edukiaren jarraipena leiho guztietan
+content-blocking-all-cross-site-cookies = Guneen arteko cookie guztiak
+content-blocking-cryptominers = Kriptomeatzariak
+content-blocking-fingerprinters = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena egiten duten elementuak
+# The tcp-rollout strings are no longer used for the rollout but for tcp-by-default in the standard section
+# "Contains" here means "isolates", "limits".
+content-blocking-etp-standard-tcp-rollout-description = Cookien erabateko babesak zauden guneko cookieak ditu soilik, hortaz jarraipen-elementuek ezin dituzte erabili guneen arteko zure jarraipena egiteko.
+content-blocking-etp-standard-tcp-rollout-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+content-blocking-etp-standard-tcp-title = Cookien erabateko babesa dauka, orain arteko pribatutasun-eginbiderik sendoena
+content-blocking-warning-title = Argi!
+content-blocking-and-isolating-etp-warning-description-2 = Hainbat webgunek edukiak ondo ez bistaratzea edo ondo ez ibiltzea eragin lezake ezarpen honek. Gune batek hondatua badirudi, gune horretarako jarraipenaren babesa desgaitu nahiko duzu eduki guztia karga dadin.
+content-blocking-warning-learn-how = Ikasi nola
+content-blocking-reload-description = Zure fitxak berritu beharko dituzu aldaketa hauek eragina izan dezaten.
+content-blocking-reload-tabs-button =
+ .label = Berritu fitxa guztiak
+ .accesskey = B
+content-blocking-tracking-content-label =
+ .label = Edukiaren jarraipena
+ .accesskey = E
+content-blocking-tracking-protection-option-all-windows =
+ .label = Leiho guztietan
+ .accesskey = z
+content-blocking-option-private =
+ .label = Leiho pribatuetan soilik
+ .accesskey = r
+content-blocking-tracking-protection-change-block-list = Aldatu blokeo-zerrenda
+content-blocking-cookies-label =
+ .label = Cookieak
+ .accesskey = C
+content-blocking-expand-section =
+ .tooltiptext = Informazio gehiago
+# Cryptomining refers to using scripts on websites that can use a computer’s resources to mine cryptocurrency without a user’s knowledge.
+content-blocking-cryptominers-label =
+ .label = Kriptomeatzariak
+ .accesskey = K
+# Browser fingerprinting is a method of tracking users by the configuration and settings information (their "digital fingerprint")
+# that is visible to websites they browse, rather than traditional tracking methods such as IP addresses and unique cookies.
+content-blocking-fingerprinters-label =
+ .label = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena
+ .accesskey = H
+## Privacy Section - Tracking
+tracking-manage-exceptions =
+ .label = Kudeatu salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = s
+## Privacy Section - Permissions
+permissions-header = Baimenak
+permissions-location = Kokapena
+permissions-location-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = n
+permissions-xr = Errealitate birtuala
+permissions-xr-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = E
+permissions-camera = Kamera
+permissions-camera-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = k
+permissions-microphone = Mikrofonoa
+permissions-microphone-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = E
+# Short form for "the act of choosing sound output devices and redirecting audio to the chosen devices".
+permissions-speaker = Bozgorailuaren hautapena
+permissions-speaker-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = z
+permissions-notification = Jakinarazpenak
+permissions-notification-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = n
+permissions-notification-link = Argibide gehiago
+permissions-notification-pause =
+ .label = Pausatu jakinarazpenak { -brand-short-name } berrabiarazi arte
+ .accesskey = n
+permissions-autoplay = Erreprodukzio automatikoa
+permissions-autoplay-settings =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = E
+permissions-block-popups =
+ .label = Blokeatu pop-up leihoak
+ .accesskey = B
+# "popup" is a misspelling that is more popular than the correct spelling of
+# "pop-up" so it's included as a search keyword, not displayed in the UI.
+permissions-block-popups-exceptions-button =
+ .label = Salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = S
+ .searchkeywords = popup
+permissions-addon-install-warning =
+ .label = Abisatu webgune bat gehigarriak instalatzen saiatzen bada
+ .accesskey = A
+permissions-addon-exceptions =
+ .label = Salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = S
+## Privacy Section - Data Collection
+collection-header = { -brand-short-name } datuen bilketa eta erabilera
+collection-description = Aukerak ematen ahalegintzen gara { -brand-short-name } denontzat hobetzeko behar ditugun datuak soilik biltzeko. Informazio pertsonala jaso aurretik zure baimena eskatzen dugu beti.
+collection-privacy-notice = Pribatutasun-oharra
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled = Jada ez duzu baimentzen { -vendor-short-name }(e)k datu tekniko eta interakziozkoak kapturatzea. Iraganeko datu guztiak 30 egunen buruan ezabatuko dira.
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled-link = Argibide gehiago
+collection-health-report =
+ .label = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i datu tekniko eta interakziozkoak { -vendor-short-name }ra bidaltzea
+ .accesskey = r
+collection-health-report-link = Argibide gehiago
+collection-studies =
+ .label = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(e)k esperimentuak instalatu eta exekutatzea
+collection-studies-link = Ikusi { -brand-short-name } esperimentuak
+addon-recommendations =
+ .label = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i hedapenen gomendio pertsonalizatuak egitea
+addon-recommendations-link = Argibide gehiago
+# This message is displayed above disabled data sharing options in developer builds
+# or builds with no Telemetry support available.
+collection-health-report-disabled = Datuen berri ematea desgaituta dago eraikitze-konfigurazio honetarako
+collection-backlogged-crash-reports-with-link = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i zure izenean hutsegite-txostenak atzeko planoan bidaltzea <a data-l10n-name="crash-reports-link">Argibide gehiago</a>
+ .accesskey = h
+privacy-segmentation-section-header = Zure nabigazioa hobetzen duten eginbide berriak
+privacy-segmentation-section-description = Noiz eskaintzen ditugun esperientzia pertsonalizatuagoa emateko zure datuak erabiltzen dituzten eginbideak:
+privacy-segmentation-radio-off =
+ .label = Erabili { -brand-product-name } gomendioak
+privacy-segmentation-radio-on =
+ .label = Erakutsi informazio xehatua
+## Privacy Section - Security
+## It is important that wording follows the guidelines outlined on this page:
+security-header = Segurtasuna
+security-browsing-protection = Eduki iruzurgilearen eta software arriskutsuaren babesa
+security-enable-safe-browsing =
+ .label = Blokeatu eduki arriskutsu eta iruzurtia
+ .accesskey = B
+security-enable-safe-browsing-link = Argibide gehiago
+security-block-downloads =
+ .label = Blokeatu deskarga arriskutsuak
+ .accesskey = s
+security-block-uncommon-software =
+ .label = Abisatu nahi ez den eta ezohikoa den softwareari buruz
+ .accesskey = o
+## Privacy Section - Certificates
+certs-header = Ziurtagiriak
+certs-enable-ocsp =
+ .label = Galdetu OCSP erantzule-zerbitzariei ziurtagiriak baliozkoak diren egiaztatzeko
+ .accesskey = G
+certs-view =
+ .label = Ikusi ziurtagiriak…
+ .accesskey = k
+certs-devices =
+ .label = Segurtasun-gailuak…
+ .accesskey = S
+space-alert-over-5gb-settings-button =
+ .label = Ireki ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = k
+space-alert-over-5gb-message2 = <strong>{ -brand-short-name } leku erabilgarririk gabe gelditzen ari da diskoan.</strong> Webgunearen edukiak agian ez dira ondo bistaratuko. Biltegiratutako datuak Ezarpenak > Pribatutasuna eta segurtasuna > Cookieak eta guneetako datuak atalean garbi ditzakezu.
+space-alert-under-5gb-message2 = <strong>{ -brand-short-name } leku erabilgarririk gabe gelditzen ari da diskoan.</strong> Webgunearen edukiak agian ez dira ondo bistaratuko. Bisitatu "Argibide gehiago" diskoaren erabilpena optimizatu eta nabigatze-esperientzia hobetzeko.
+## Privacy Section - HTTPS-Only
+httpsonly-header = HTTPS-Only modua
+httpsonly-description = HTTPSk konexio seguru eta zifratua eskaintzen du { -brand-short-name } eta bisitatzen dituzun webguneen artean. Webgune gehienek HTTPS onartzen dute eta HTTPS-Only modua gaituta badago, orduan { -brand-short-name }(e)k konexio guztiak HTTPSra bihurtuko ditu.
+httpsonly-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+httpsonly-radio-enabled =
+ .label = Gaitu HTTPS-Only modua leiho guztietan
+httpsonly-radio-enabled-pbm =
+ .label = Gaitu HTTPS-Only modua leiho pribatuetan soilik
+httpsonly-radio-disabled =
+ .label = Ez gaitu HTTPS-Only modua
+## DoH Section
+preferences-doh-header = HTTPS gaineko DNSa
+preferences-doh-description = HTTPS gaineko DNSak domeinu-izenerako zure eskaera zifratutako konexio bidez bidaltzen du, DNSa seguru bilakatuz eta zailagoa eginez beste inork jakitea zein den bisitatu behar duzun webgunea.
+# Variables:
+# $status (string) - The status of the DoH connection
+preferences-doh-status = Egoera: { $status }
+# Variables:
+# $name (string) - The name of the DNS over HTTPS resolver. If a custom resolver is used, the name will be the domain of the URL.
+preferences-doh-resolver = Hornitzailea: { $name }
+# This is displayed instead of $name in preferences-doh-resolver
+# when the DoH URL is not a valid URL
+preferences-doh-bad-url = URL baliogabea
+preferences-doh-steering-status = Hornitzaile lokala erabiltzen
+preferences-doh-status-active = Aktibo
+preferences-doh-status-disabled = Desaktibatuta
+# Variables:
+# $reason (string) - A string representation of the reason DoH is not active. For example NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST or TRR_RCODE_FAIL.
+preferences-doh-status-not-active = Inaktibo ({ $reason })
+preferences-doh-group-message = Gaitu DNS segurua ondorengoa erabiliz:
+preferences-doh-expand-section =
+ .tooltiptext = Informazio gehiago
+preferences-doh-setting-default =
+ .label = Babes lehenetsia
+ .accesskey = h
+preferences-doh-default-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k erabakitzen du noiz erabili DNS segurua zure pribatutasuna babesteko.
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-1 = Erabili DNS segurua erabilgarri dagoen eskualdeetan
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-2 = Erabili zure DNS ebazle lehenetsia DNS seguruaren hornitzailearekin arazorik balego
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-3 = Erabili hornitzaile lokala, ahal bada
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-4 = Desaktibatu VPNa, gurasoen kontrola edo enpresako politikak aktibo daudenean
+preferences-doh-default-detailed-desc-5 = Desaktibatu sareek { -brand-short-name }(r)i esaten diotenean ez lukeela DNS segurua erabili behar
+preferences-doh-setting-enabled =
+ .label = Areagotutako babesa
+ .accesskey = A
+preferences-doh-enabled-desc = Zuk kontrolatzen duzu noiz erabili DNS segurua bai eta hornitzailea ere.
+preferences-doh-enabled-detailed-desc-1 = Erabili hautatzen duzun hornitzailea
+preferences-doh-enabled-detailed-desc-2 = Erabili zure DNS ebazle lehenetsia soilik DNS seguruarekin arazorik balego
+preferences-doh-setting-strict =
+ .label = Babes maximoa
+ .accesskey = m
+preferences-doh-strict-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k DNS segurua erabiliko du beti. Segurtasun arriskuaren abisua ikusiko duzu zure sistemaren DNSa erabili aurretik.
+preferences-doh-strict-detailed-desc-1 = Erabili soilik hautatzen duzun hornitzailea
+preferences-doh-strict-detailed-desc-2 = Abisatu beti DNS segurua ez badago erabilgarri
+preferences-doh-strict-detailed-desc-3 = DNS segurua ez badago erabilgarri guneak ez dira kargatuko edo ez dira ondo ibiliko
+preferences-doh-setting-off =
+ .label = Desaktibatuta
+ .accesskey = D
+preferences-doh-off-desc = Erabili zure DNS ebazle lehenetsia
+preferences-doh-checkbox-warn =
+ .label = Abisatu hirugarren batek DNS segurua aktiboki eragozten badu
+ .accesskey = b
+preferences-doh-select-resolver = Aukeratu hornitzailea:
+preferences-doh-exceptions-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ez du DNS segurua erabiliko gune hauetan
+preferences-doh-manage-exceptions =
+ .label = Kudeatu salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = d
+## The following strings are used in the Download section of settings
+desktop-folder-name = Mahaigaina
+downloads-folder-name = Deskargak
+choose-download-folder-title = Aukeratu deskarga-karpeta:
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/selectBookmark.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/selectBookmark.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dffe2bb1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/selectBookmark.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+select-bookmark-window2 =
+ .title = Ezarri etxe orria
+ .style = min-width: 32em;
+select-bookmark-desc = Hautatu zure etxe orria izango den laster-marka. Karpeta bat hautatu ezkero, honen barneko laster-markak fitxetan irekiko dira.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/siteDataSettings.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/siteDataSettings.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdf2d09c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/siteDataSettings.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Settings
+site-data-settings-window =
+ .title = Kudeatu cookieak eta guneetako datuak
+site-data-settings-description = Ondorengo webguneek cookieak eta guneen datuak biltegiratzen dituzte zure ordenagailuan. Biltegiratze iraunkorra duten webguneetako datuak zuk ezabatu arte mantentzen ditu { -brand-short-name }(e)k, eta biltegiratze ez-iraunkorra duten webguneetako datuak tokia behar ahala ezabatzen ditu.
+site-data-search-textbox =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu webguneak
+ .accesskey = B
+site-data-column-host =
+ .label = Gunea
+site-data-column-cookies =
+ .label = Cookieak
+site-data-column-storage =
+ .label = Biltegiratzea
+site-data-column-last-used =
+ .label = Azkenekoz erabilia
+# This label is used in the "Host" column for local files, which have no host.
+site-data-local-file-host = (fitxategi lokala)
+site-data-remove-selected =
+ .label = Kendu hautatutakoak
+ .accesskey = K
+site-data-settings-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Gorde aldaketak
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = G
+# Variables:
+# $value (Number) - Value of the unit (for example: 4.6, 500)
+# $unit (String) - Name of the unit (for example: "bytes", "KB")
+site-storage-usage =
+ .value = { $value } { $unit }
+site-storage-persistent =
+ .value = { site-storage-usage.value } (Iraunkorra)
+site-data-remove-all =
+ .label = Kendu denak
+ .accesskey = e
+site-data-remove-shown =
+ .label = Kendu erakutsitako denak
+ .accesskey = e
+## Removing
+site-data-removing-dialog =
+ .title = { site-data-removing-header }
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Kendu
+site-data-removing-header = Cookieak eta guneetako datuak kentzea
+site-data-removing-desc = Cookieak eta guneetako datuak kentzeak webguneetako saioak amaitzea eragin lezake. Ziur zaude aldaketak burutu nahi dituzula?
+# Variables:
+# $baseDomain (String) - The single domain for which data is being removed
+site-data-removing-single-desc = Cookieak eta guneetako datuak ezabatzeak webguneetako zure saioak amai litzake. Ziur zaude cookieak eta guneetako datuak ezabatu nahi dituzula <strong>{ $baseDomain }</strong> domeinurako?
+site-data-removing-table = Ondorengo webguneetako cookieak eta datuak kendu egingo dira
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/translation.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/translation.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f45ebb1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/preferences/translation.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+translation-window2 =
+ .title = Salbuespenak - Itzulpena
+ .style = min-width: 36em
+translation-close-key =
+ .key = w
+translation-languages-disabled-desc = Ez da itzulpenik eskainiko ondorengo hizkuntzetarako
+translation-languages-column =
+ .label = Hizkuntzak
+translation-languages-button-remove =
+ .label = Kendu hizkuntza
+ .accesskey = K
+translation-languages-button-remove-all =
+ .label = Kendu hizkuntza guztiak
+ .accesskey = e
+translation-sites-disabled-desc = Ez da itzulpenik eskainiko ondorengo guneetarako
+translation-sites-column =
+ .label = Webguneak
+translation-sites-button-remove =
+ .label = Kendu gunea
+ .accesskey = n
+translation-sites-button-remove-all =
+ .label = Kendu gune guztiak
+ .accesskey = g
+translation-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Itxi
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = I
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/profile/default-bookmarks.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/profile/default-bookmarks.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42e75befd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/profile/default-bookmarks.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file intentionally uses hard-coded brand names instead of Fluent terms.
+# This approach minimizes issues across multiple release channels and rebranded
+# versions.
+default-bookmarks-title = Laster-markak
+default-bookmarks-heading = Laster-markak
+default-bookmarks-toolbarfolder = Laster-marken tresna-barraren karpeta
+default-bookmarks-toolbarfolder-description = Gehitu laster-markak karpeta honetara laster-marken tresna-barran bistara daitezen
+# link title for
+default-bookmarks-getting-started = Nola hasi
+# Firefox links folder name
+default-bookmarks-firefox-heading = Mozilla Firefox
+# link title for
+default-bookmarks-firefox-get-help = Lortu laguntza
+# link title for
+default-bookmarks-firefox-customize = Pertsonalizatu Firefox
+# link title for
+default-bookmarks-firefox-community = Parte hartu
+# link title for
+default-bookmarks-firefox-about = Guri buruz
+# Firefox Nightly links folder name
+default-bookmarks-nightly-heading = Firefox Nightly baliabideak
+# Nightly builds only, link title for
+default-bookmarks-nightly-blog = Firefox Nightly bloga
+# Nightly builds only, link title for
+default-bookmarks-bugzilla = Mozilla akatsen biltegia
+# Nightly builds only, link title for
+default-bookmarks-mdn = Mozillako garatzaileen sarea
+# Nightly builds only, link title for
+default-bookmarks-nightly-tester-tools = Nightly probatzailearen tresnak
+# Nightly builds only, link title for about:crashes
+default-bookmarks-crashes = Zure hutsegite guztiak
+# Nightly builds only, link title for
+default-bookmarks-planet = Planet Mozilla
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/protections.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/protections.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bdd3e5360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/protections.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of tracking events blocked.
+graph-week-summary =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name }(e)k jarraipen-elementu bat blokeatu du azken astean
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name }(e)k { $count } jarraipen-elementu blokeatu ditu azken astean
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of tracking events blocked.
+# $earliestDate (Number) - Unix timestamp in ms, representing a date. The
+# earliest date recorded in the database.
+graph-total-tracker-summary =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] <b>{ $count }</b> jarraipen-elementu blokeatuta data honetatik: { DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ *[other] <b>{ $count }</b> jarraipen-elementu blokeatuta data honetatik: { DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ }
+# Text displayed instead of the graph when in Private Mode
+graph-private-window = { -brand-short-name }(e)k jarraipen-elementuak blokeatzen jarraitzen du leiho pribatuetan baina ez du blokeatu denaren erregistrorik gordetzen.
+# Weekly summary of the graph when the graph is empty in Private Mode
+graph-week-summary-private-window = { -brand-short-name }(e)k aste honetan blokeatu dituen jarraipen-elementuak
+protection-report-webpage-title = Babesen arbela
+protection-report-page-content-title = Babesen arbela
+# This message shows when all privacy protections are turned off, which is why we use the word "can", Firefox is able to protect your privacy, but it is currently not.
+protection-report-page-summary = { -brand-short-name }(e)k zure pribatutasuna babestu dezake bigarren planoan nabigatzen duzun bitartean. Hau babes horien laburpen pertsonalizatu bat da, zure lineako segurtasunaren kontrola hartzeko tresnak barne.
+# This message shows when at least some protections are turned on, we are more assertive compared to the message above, Firefox is actively protecting you.
+protection-report-page-summary-default = Nabigatu ahala zure pribatutasuna babesten du { -brand-short-name }(e)k. Babesen laburpen pertsonalizatua da hau eta lineako segurtasunaren kontrola hartzeko tresnak ere baditu.
+protection-report-settings-link = Kudeatu zure pribatutasun- eta segurtasun-ezarpenak
+etp-card-title-always = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua: Beti aktibo
+etp-card-title-custom-not-blocking = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua: Itzalita
+etp-card-content-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k automatikoki eragozten du konpainiek sekretuki zu webean zehar jarraitzea.
+protection-report-etp-card-content-custom-not-blocking = Une honetan babes guztiak desgaituta daude. Aukeratu zein jarraipen-elementu blokeatu zure { -brand-short-name } babes-ezarpenak kudeatuz.
+protection-report-manage-protections = Kudeatu ezarpenak
+# This string is used to label the X axis of a graph. Other days of the week are generated via Intl.DateTimeFormat,
+# capitalization for this string should match the output for your locale.
+graph-today = Gaur
+# This string is used to describe the graph for screenreader users.
+graph-legend-description = Aste honetan blokeatutako jarraipen-elementu mota bakoitzeko guztirako kopurua duen grafikoa.
+social-tab-title = Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak
+social-tab-contant = Egiten eta ikusten duzunaren jarraipena egin ahal izateko, jarraipen-elementuak ipintzen dituzte sare sozialek beste webguneetan. Honen bitartez sare sozialetako enpresek zuri buruz dagoeneko dakitena baino gehiago jakin dezakete. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Argibide gehiago</a>
+cookie-tab-title = Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak
+cookie-tab-content = Cookie hauek guneen artean jarraitzen zaituzte zure lineako jarduerari buruzko datuak biltzeko. Hirugarrenek ezartzen dituzte hauek, adibidez iragarleen eta estatistiken enpresek. Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak blokeatzeak zure jarraipena egiten duten iragarkien kopurua murrizten du. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Argibide gehiago</a>
+tracker-tab-title = Edukiaren jarraipena
+tracker-tab-description = Webguneek kanpoko iragarkiak, bideoak eta jarraipen-kodea izan lezaketen bestelako edukiak karga ditzakete. Edukiaren jarraipena blokeatzeak guneak azkarrago kargatzen lagun dezake baina zenbait botoi, inprimaki eta saio-hasierako eremu ez ibiltzea eragin lezake. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Argibide gehiago</a>
+fingerprinter-tab-title = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena
+fingerprinter-tab-content = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipenak zuri buruzko profil bat osatzen du zure nabigatzailetik eta ordenagailutik ezarpenak bilduz. Hatz-marka digital hau erabiliz, hainbat webgunetan zehar zure jarraipena egin dezakete. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Argibide gehiago</a>
+cryptominer-tab-title = Kriptomeatzariak
+cryptominer-tab-content = Kriptomeatzariek zure sistemaren konputazio-ahalmena erabiltzen dute diru digitala ustiatzeko. Script kriptomeatzariek zure bateria agortzen dute, zure ordenagailua makaltzen dute eta zure elektrizitate-faktura igo dezakete. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Argibide gehiago</a>
+protections-close-button2 =
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+ .title = Itxi
+mobile-app-title = Blokeatu publizitatearen jarraipen-elementuak gailu gehiagotan
+mobile-app-card-content = Erabili mugikorreko nabigatzailea publizitatearen jarraipen-elementuen babesarekin
+mobile-app-links = { -brand-product-name } nabigatzailea <a data-l10n-name="android-mobile-inline-link">Android</a> eta <a data-l10n-name="ios-mobile-inline-link">iOS</a> plataformetarako
+lockwise-title = Ez ahaztu sekula pasahitzik berriro
+passwords-title-logged-in = Kudeatu zure pasahitzak
+passwords-header-content = { -brand-product-name }(e)k zure pasahitzak nabigatzailean gordetzen ditu modu seguruan.
+lockwise-header-content-logged-in = Gorde eta sinkronizatu zure pasahitzak modu seguruan zure gailu guztietara.
+protection-report-passwords-save-passwords-button = Gorde pasahitzak
+ .title = Gorde pasahitzak
+protection-report-passwords-manage-passwords-button = Kudeatu pasahitzak
+ .title = Kudeatu pasahitzak
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of passwords exposed in data breaches.
+lockwise-scanned-text-breached-logins =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Pasahitz bat datu-urratze batean agerian utzi da agian.
+ *[other] { $count } pasahitz datu-urratze batean agerian utzi dira agian.
+ }
+# While English doesn't use the number in the plural form, you can add $count to your language
+# if needed for grammatical reasons.
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of passwords stored in Lockwise.
+lockwise-scanned-text-no-breached-logins =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Pasahitza modu seguruan gorde da.
+ *[other] Zure pasahitzak modu seguruan gorde dira.
+ }
+lockwise-how-it-works-link = Nola dabilen
+monitor-title = Erne ibili datuen inguruko urratzeekin
+monitor-link = Nola dabilen
+monitor-header-content-no-account = Egiaztatu { -monitor-brand-name } ezaguna den datu-urratze batekin zerikusirik izan duzun ikusteko eta urratze berriei buruzko abisuak jasotzeko.
+monitor-header-content-signed-in = { -monitor-brand-name } tresnak abisatu egiten zaitu zure informazioa datuen inguruko urratze ezagunen batean azaldu bada.
+monitor-sign-up-link = Eman izena datuen inguruko urratzeen abisuetara
+ .title = Eman izena datuen inguruko urratzeen abisuetara { -monitor-brand-name }(e)n
+auto-scan = Automatikoki eskaneatuta gaur
+monitor-emails-tooltip =
+ .title = Ikusi monitorizatutako e-mail helbideak hemen { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+monitor-breaches-tooltip =
+ .title = Ikusi datu-urratze ezagunak hemen: { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+monitor-passwords-tooltip =
+ .title = Ikusi agerian utzitako pasahitzak hemen: { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of email addresses being monitored. Don’t add $count to
+# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-monitored-emails =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Helbide elektroniko monitorizatzen ari da.
+ *[other] Helbide elektroniko monitorizatzen ari dira.
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of known data breaches. Don’t add $count to
+# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-known-breaches-found =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Datuen inguruko urratzek zure informazioa agerian utzi du
+ *[other] Datuen inguruko urratzek zure informazioa agerian utzi dute
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of known data breaches that are marked as resolved by the user. Don’t add $count
+# to your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-known-breaches-resolved =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Urratze ezaguna ebatzitako gisa markatu da
+ *[other] Urratze ezagunak ebatzitako gisa markatu dira
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of exposed passwords. Don’t add $count to
+# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-exposed-passwords-found =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Pasahitz agerian utzi da datuen inguruko urratze guztien artean
+ *[other] Pasahitz agerian utzi dira datuen inguruko urratze guztien artean
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of exposed passwords that are marked as resolved by the user. Don’t add $count
+# to your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-exposed-passwords-resolved =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Pasahitza ebatzi gabeko urratzeetan agerian utzi da
+ *[other] Pasahitzak ebatzi gabeko urratzeetan agerian utzi dira
+ }
+monitor-no-breaches-title = Berri onak!
+monitor-no-breaches-description = Ez zaude datu-urratze ezagunetan. Hau aldatuko balitz, jakinarazi egingo dizugu.
+monitor-view-report-link = Ikusi txostena
+ .title = Argitu urratzeak { -monitor-brand-short-name }(e)n
+monitor-breaches-unresolved-title = Ebatzi zure datu-urratzeak
+monitor-breaches-unresolved-description = Urratzearen xehetasunak berrikusi eta zure informazioa babesteko urratsak hartu ondoren, urratzeak ebatzitako gisa marka ditzakezu.
+monitor-manage-breaches-link = Kudeatu datu-urratzeak
+ .title = Kudeatu datu-urratzeak { -monitor-brand-short-name }(e)n
+monitor-breaches-resolved-title = Zoragarri! Ezagutzen diren datu-urratze guztiak ebatzi dituzu.
+monitor-breaches-resolved-description = Zure helbide elektronikoa datu-urratze berriren batean agertuko balitz, jakinarazi egingo dizugu.
+# Variables:
+# $numBreachesResolved (Number) - Number of breaches marked as resolved by the user on Monitor.
+# $numBreaches (Number) - Number of breaches in which a user's data was involved, detected by Monitor.
+monitor-partial-breaches-title =
+ { $numBreaches ->
+ *[other] { $numBreaches } / { $numBreachesResolved } datu-urratze ebatzitako gisa markatu dira
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $percentageResolved (Number) - Percentage of breaches marked as resolved by a user on Monitor.
+monitor-partial-breaches-percentage = %{ $percentageResolved } osatuta
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-title-start = Hasiera ona!
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-title-middle = Eutsi horri!
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-title-end = Ia eginda! Eutsi horri.
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-description = Ebatzi { -monitor-brand-short-name }(e)n gelditzen zaizkizun datu-urratzeak.
+monitor-resolve-breaches-link = Ebatzi datu-urratzeak
+ .title = Ebatzi { -monitor-brand-short-name }-eko datu-urratzeak
+## The title attribute is used to display the type of protection.
+## The aria-label is spoken by screen readers to make the visual graph accessible to blind users.
+## Variables:
+## $count (Number) - Number of specific trackers
+## $percentage (Number) - Percentage this type of tracker contributes to the whole graph
+bar-tooltip-social =
+ .title = Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementu bat (%{ $percentage })
+ *[other] Sare sozialetako { $count } jarraipen-elementu (%{ $percentage })
+ }
+bar-tooltip-cookie =
+ .title = Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egile bat (%{ $percentage })
+ *[other] Guneen arteko { $count } cookie jarraipen-egile (%{ $percentage })
+ }
+bar-tooltip-tracker =
+ .title = Edukiaren jarraipena
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Edukiaren jarraipen bat (%{ $percentage })
+ *[other] Edukiaren { $count } jarraipen (%{ $percentage })
+ }
+bar-tooltip-fingerprinter =
+ .title = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipen bat (%{ $percentage })
+ *[other] Hatz-marka bidezko { $count } jarraipen (%{ $percentage })
+ }
+bar-tooltip-cryptominer =
+ .title = Kriptomeatzariak
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kriptomeatzari bat (%{ $percentage })
+ *[other] { $count } kriptomeatzari (%{ $percentage })
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff21383a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/protectionsPanel.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+protections-panel-sendreportview-error = Errorea gertatu da txostena bidaltzean. Saiatu berriro geroago.
+# A link shown when ETP is disabled for a site. Opens the breakage report subview when clicked.
+protections-panel-sitefixedsendreport-label = Gunea konponduta dago? Bidali txostena
+## These strings are used to define the different levels of
+## Enhanced Tracking Protection.
+protections-popup-footer-protection-label-strict = Zorrotza
+ .label = Zorrotza
+protections-popup-footer-protection-label-custom = Pertsonalizatua
+ .label = Pertsonalizatua
+protections-popup-footer-protection-label-standard = Oinarrizkoa
+ .label = Oinarrizkoa
+# The text a screen reader speaks when focused on the info button.
+protections-panel-etp-more-info =
+ .aria-label = Jarraipenaren babes hobetuari buruzko informazio gehiago
+protections-panel-etp-on-header = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua gaituta dago gune honetarako
+protections-panel-etp-off-header = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua desgaituta dago gune honetarako
+## Text for the toggles shown when ETP is enabled/disabled for a given site.
+## .description is transferred into a separate paragraph by the moz-toggle
+## custom element code.
+## $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+protections-panel-etp-toggle-on =
+ .label = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua
+ .description = Gaituta gune honetarako
+ .aria-label = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua: Gaituta { $host } ostalarirako
+protections-panel-etp-toggle-off =
+ .label = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua
+ .description = Desgaituta gune honetarako
+ .aria-label = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua: Desgaituta { $host } ostalarirako
+# The link to be clicked to open the sub-panel view
+protections-panel-site-not-working = Gunea ez dabil?
+# The heading/title of the sub-panel view
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view =
+ .title = Gunea ez dabil?
+## The "Allowed" header also includes a "Why?" link that, when hovered, shows
+## a tooltip explaining why these items were not blocked in the page.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-label = Zergatik?
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-on-tooltip = Hauek blokeatuz gero, zenbait webgunetako elementuak apur litezke. Jarraipen-elementurik gabe, baliteke zenbait botoi, inprimaki eta saio-hasiera eremu ez ibiltzea.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-off-tooltip = Babesa desgaituta dagoenez, gune honetako jarraipen-elementu guztiak kargatu dira.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-on-tooltip-label =
+ .label = Hauek blokeatuz gero, zenbait webgunetako elementuak apur litezke. Jarraipen-elementurik gabe, baliteke zenbait botoi, inprimaki eta saio-hasiera eremu ez ibiltzea.
+protections-panel-not-blocking-why-etp-off-tooltip-label =
+ .label = Babesa desgaituta dagoenez, gune honetako jarraipen-elementu guztiak kargatu dira.
+protections-panel-no-trackers-found = { -brand-short-name }(r)i ezagunak zaizkion jarraipen-elementurik ez da aurkitu orri honetan.
+protections-panel-content-blocking-tracking-protection = Edukiaren jarraipena
+protections-panel-content-blocking-socialblock = Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak
+protections-panel-content-blocking-cryptominers-label = Kriptomeatzariak
+protections-panel-content-blocking-fingerprinters-label = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena
+## In the protections panel, Content Blocking category items are in three sections:
+## "Blocked" for categories being blocked in the current page,
+## "Allowed" for categories detected but not blocked in the current page, and
+## "None Detected" for categories not detected in the current page.
+## These strings are used in the header labels of each of these sections.
+protections-panel-blocking-label = Blokeatuta
+protections-panel-not-blocking-label = Baimenduta
+protections-panel-not-found-label = Ez da bat ere antzeman
+protections-panel-settings-label = Babesaren ezarpenak
+protections-panel-protectionsdashboard-label = Babesen arbela
+## In the Site Not Working? view, we suggest turning off protections if
+## the user is experiencing issues with any of a variety of functionality.
+# The header of the list
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-header = Desaktibatu babesak ondorengoekin arazoak badituzu:
+# The list items, shown in a <ul>
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-login-fields = Saio-hasierako eremuak
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-forms = Inprimakiak
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-payments = Ordainketak
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-comments = Iruzkinak
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-videos = Bideoak
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-issue-list-fonts = Letra-tipoak
+protections-panel-site-not-working-view-send-report = Bidali txostena
+protections-panel-cross-site-tracking-cookies = Cookie hauek guneen artean jarraitzen zaituzte zure lineako jarduerari buruzko datuak biltzeko. Hirugarrenek ezartzen dituzte hauek, adibidez iragarleen eta estatistiken enpresek.
+protections-panel-cryptominers = Kriptomeatzariek zure sistemaren konputazio-ahalmena erabiltzen dute diru digitala ustiatzeko. Script kriptomeatzariek zure bateria agortzen dute, zure ordenagailua makaltzen dute eta zure elektrizitate-faktura igo dezakete.
+protections-panel-fingerprinters = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipenak zuri buruzko profil bat osatzen du zure nabigatzailetik eta ordenagailutik ezarpenak bilduz. Hatz-marka digital hau erabiliz, hainbat webgunetan zehar zure jarraipena egin dezakete.
+protections-panel-tracking-content = Webguneek kanpoko iragarkiak, bideoak eta jarraipen-kodea izan lezaketen bestelako edukiak karga ditzakete. Edukiaren jarraipena blokeatzeak guneak azkarrago kargatzen lagun dezake baina zenbait botoi, inprimaki eta saio-hasierako eremu ez ibiltzea eragin lezake.
+protections-panel-social-media-trackers = Egiten eta ikusten duzunaren jarraipena egin ahal izateko, jarraipen-elementuak ipintzen dituzte sare sozialek beste webguneetan. Honen bitartez sare sozialetako enpresek zuri buruz dagoeneko dakitena baino gehiago jakin dezakete.
+protections-panel-description-shim-allowed = Behean markatutako zenbait jarraipen-elementu erdizka desblokeatu dira orri honetan beraiekin elkarreragin duzulako.
+protections-panel-description-shim-allowed-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+protections-panel-shim-allowed-indicator =
+ .tooltiptext = Jarraipen-elementua erdizka desblokeatuta
+protections-panel-content-blocking-manage-settings =
+ .label = Kudeatu babesaren ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = M
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view =
+ .title = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-description = Edukia blokeatzeak arazoak sor ditzake zenbait webgunerekin. Arazoen berri ematen duzunean, { -brand-short-name } guztiontzat hobetzen laguntzen duzu. Honekin batera URL bat eta zure nabigatzaile-ezarpenei buruzko informazioa bidaliko da Mozillara. <label data-l10n-name="learn-more">Argibide gehiago</label>
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-description2 = Edukia blokeatzeak arazoak sor ditzake zenbait webgunerekin. Arazoen berri ematen duzunean, { -brand-short-name } guztiontzat hobetzen laguntzen duzu. Honekin batera URL bat eta zure nabigatzaile-ezarpenei buruzko informazioa bidaliko da { -vendor-short-name }ra.
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-url = URLa
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-url-label =
+ .aria-label = URLa
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-comments = Aukerakoa: azaldu arazoa
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-collection-comments-label =
+ .aria-label = Aukerakoa: azaldu arazoa
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-cancel =
+ .label = Utzi
+protections-panel-content-blocking-breakage-report-view-send-report =
+ .label = Bidali txostena
+# Cookie Banner Handling
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-header = Cookie iragarki-banden murrizpena
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-header = Cookie iragarki-banden blokeatzailea
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-enabled = Aktibatuta gune honetarako
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-disabled = Desaktibatuta gune honetarako
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-handling-undetected = Une honetan gune honetarako euskarririk ez
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-title =
+ .title = Cookie iragarki-banden murrizpena
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-off-for-site = Desaktibatu cookie iragarki-banden murrizpena { $host } gunerako?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on-for-site = Aktibatu cookie iragarki-banden murrizpena gune honetarako?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-view-title =
+ .title = Cookie iragarki-banden blokeatzailea
+# Variables
+# $host (String): the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-view-turn-off-for-site = Desaktibatu cookie iragarki-banden blokeatzailea { $host } gunerako?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-blocker-view-turn-on-for-site = Aktibatu cookie iragarki-banden blokeatzailea gune honetarako?
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-cookie-clear-warning = { -brand-short-name }(e)k gune honetako cookieak garbitu eta orria berrituko du. Cookie guztiak garbitzean, saioak amaitu edo erosketa-orgak hustu litezke.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on-description = Cookie eskaerak automatikoki ukatzen saiatzen da { -brand-short-name }.
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-cancel = Utzi
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-off = Desaktibatu
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on = Aktibatu
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-cancel-label =
+ .label = Utzi
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-off-label =
+ .label = Desaktibatu
+protections-panel-cookie-banner-view-turn-on-label =
+ .label = Aktibatu
+protections-panel-report-broken-site =
+ .label = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
+ .title = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
+## Protections panel info message
+cfr-protections-panel-header = Nabigatu inor atzetik izan gabe
+cfr-protections-panel-body = Mantendu zure datuak zuretzat. Lineako zure jardueraren jarraipena egiten duten elementu ohikoenetatik babesten zaitu { -brand-short-name }(e)k.
+cfr-protections-panel-link-text = Argibide gehiago
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/recentlyClosed.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/recentlyClosed.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bd67a0b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/recentlyClosed.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These strings are used in the main menu,
+## and should follow the same capitalization (title case for English).
+## Check menubar.ftl for reference.
+recently-closed-menu-reopen-all-tabs = Ireki berriro fitxa guztiak
+recently-closed-menu-reopen-all-windows = Ireki berriro leiho guztiak
+## These strings are used in the app menu,
+## and should follow the same capitalization (sentence case for English).
+## Check appmenu.ftl for reference.
+recently-closed-panel-reopen-all-tabs = Ireki berriro fitxa guztiak
+recently-closed-panel-reopen-all-windows = Ireki berriro leiho guztiak
+# Variables:
+# $tabCount (Number): Number of other tabs
+# $winTitle (String): Window title
+recently-closed-undo-close-window-label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [0] { $winTitle }
+ [one] { $winTitle } (eta beste fitxa bat)
+ *[other] { $winTitle } (eta beste { $tabCount } fitxa)
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/reportBrokenSite.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/reportBrokenSite.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe3b65fa1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/reportBrokenSite.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+report-broken-site-mainview-title = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
+report-broken-site-panel-header =
+ .label = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
+ .title = Eman hondatutako gunearen berri
+report-broken-site-panel-url = URLa
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-label = Zer dago hondatuta?
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-optional-label = Zer dago hondatuta? (aukerakoa)
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-choose =
+ .label = Aukeratu arrazoia
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-slow =
+ .label = Gunea makal dabil edo ez dabil
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-media =
+ .label = Irudiak edo bideoak
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-content =
+ .label = Botoiak, loturak eta bestelako edukia
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-account =
+ .label = Saioa hastea edo bukatzea
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-adblockers =
+ .label = Iragarki blokeatzaileak
+report-broken-site-panel-reason-other =
+ .label = Beste zerbait
+report-broken-site-panel-description-label = Azaldu arazoa
+report-broken-site-panel-description-optional-label = Azaldu arazoa (aukerakoa)
+report-broken-site-panel-send-more-info-link = Bidali informazio gehiago
+report-broken-site-panel-button-cancel =
+ .label = Utzi
+report-broken-site-panel-button-okay =
+ .label = Ados
+report-broken-site-panel-button-send =
+ .label = Bidali
+report-broken-site-panel-unspecified = Zehaztugabea
+report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-label = Zure txostena bidali da
+report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-header =
+ .label = Zure txostena bidali da
+ .title = Zure txostena bidali da
+report-broken-site-panel-invalid-url-label = Idatzi baliozko URLa
+report-broken-site-panel-missing-reason-label = Aukeratu arrazoia
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/safeMode.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/safeMode.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3204c1c7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/safeMode.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+troubleshoot-mode-window =
+ .title = Ireki { -brand-short-name } arazoak konpontzeko moduan?
+ .style = max-width: 400px
+start-troubleshoot-mode =
+ .label = Ireki
+refresh-profile =
+ .label = Biziberritu { -brand-short-name }
+troubleshoot-mode-description = Erabili { -brand-short-name }(r)en modu berezi hau arazoak diagnostikatzeko. Zure hedapen eta pertsonalizazioak behin-behinean desgaitu egingo dira.
+skip-troubleshoot-refresh-profile = Arazoak konpontzeko modua alboratu eta { -brand-short-name } biziberritzen ere saia zaitezke.
+# Shown on the safe mode dialog after multiple startup crashes.
+auto-safe-mode-description = { -brand-short-name } espero gabe itxi da abiaraztean. Gehigarriek edo bestelako arazoek eragina izan daiteke hau. Arazoa konpontzen saia zaitezke modu seguruan abiatuta arazoaren jatorria bilatuz.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/safebrowsing/blockedSite.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/safebrowsing/blockedSite.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35bde44a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/safebrowsing/blockedSite.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+safeb-blocked-phishing-page-title = Gune iruzurtia
+safeb-blocked-malware-page-title = Webgune hau bisitatzeak zure ordenagailua kalte lezake
+safeb-blocked-unwanted-page-title = Hurrengo webguneak programa kaltegarriak izan litzake
+safeb-blocked-harmful-page-title = Hurrengo webguneak malwarea izan lezake
+safeb-blocked-phishing-page-short-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k orri hau blokeatu du softwarea instalatzera edo pasahitz edo kreditu-txartelen tankerako informazio pertsonala argitara ematera bultza liezazukeelako.
+safeb-blocked-malware-page-short-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k orri hau blokeatu du zure ordenagailuko informazio pertsonala lapur edo ezaba lezakeen software maltzurra instalatzen saia litekeelako.
+safeb-blocked-unwanted-page-short-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k orri hau blokeatu du zure nabigatzaile-esperientzia kalte lezaketen programak instalatzera bultza baitiezazuke (adibidez, zure hasiera-orria aldatuz edo bisitatzen dituzun guneetan aparteko iragarkiak erakutsiz).
+safeb-blocked-harmful-page-short-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k orri hau blokeatu du zure informazio pertsonala lapurtzen edo ezabatzen duten aplikazioak instalatzen saia daitekeelako (adibidez argazkiak, mezuak edo kreditu-txartelak).
+safeb-palm-advisory-desc = Aholkularitza <a data-l10n-name='advisory_provider'>{ $advisoryname }</a> zerbitzuak eskainia.
+safeb-palm-accept-label = Joan atzera
+safeb-palm-see-details-label = Ikusi xehetasunak
+## Variables
+## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page
+safeb-blocked-phishing-page-error-desc-override = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>iruzurgilea izateagatik salatuta dago</a>. <a data-l10n-name='report_detection'>Atzemate-arazo baten berri eman</a> edo <a data-l10n-name='ignore_warning_link'>arriskua ezikusi</a> eta gune ez-segurura joan zaitezke.
+safeb-blocked-phishing-page-error-desc-no-override = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>gune iruzurti gisa salatuta dago</a>. <a data-l10n-name='report_detection'>Atzemate-arazo baten berri eman</a> dezakezu.
+safeb-blocked-phishing-page-learn-more = <a data-l10n-name='learn_more_link'></a> gunean phishing-a eta iruzurra egiten duten guneei buruzko argibide gehiago dituzu. <a data-l10n-name='firefox_support'></a> gunean { -brand-short-name }(r)en phishing eta malware babesari buruzko argibide gehiago dituzu.
+## Variables
+## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page
+safeb-blocked-malware-page-error-desc-override-sumo = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>asmo txarreko softwarea izateagatik salatuta dago</a>. <a data-l10n-name='ignore_warning_link'>Arriskua ezikusi</a> eta gune ez-segurura joan zaitezke.
+safeb-blocked-malware-page-error-desc-no-override-sumo = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>asmo txarreko softwarea izateagatik salatuta dago</a>.
+safeb-blocked-malware-page-learn-more-sumo = <a data-l10n-name='firefox_support'></a> gunean { -brand-short-name }(r)en phishing eta malware babesari buruzko argibide gehiago dituzu.
+## Variables
+## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page
+safeb-blocked-unwanted-page-error-desc-override = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>software kaltegarria izateagatik salatuta dago</a>. <a data-l10n-name='ignore_warning_link'>Arriskua ezikusi</a> eta gune ez-segurura joan zaitezke.
+safeb-blocked-unwanted-page-error-desc-no-override = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>software kaltegarria izateagatik salatuta dago</a>.
+safeb-blocked-unwanted-page-learn-more = <a data-l10n-name='learn_more_link'>Eskatu gabeko softwarearen politika</a>n kaltegarria den eta nahi ez den softwareari buruzko argibide gehiago dituzu. <a data-l10n-name='firefox_support'></a> gunean { -brand-short-name }(r)en phishing eta malware babesari buruzko argibide gehiago dituzu.
+## Variables
+## $sitename (string) - Domain name for the blocked page
+safeb-blocked-harmful-page-error-desc-override = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>balizko aplikazio kaltegarri bat izateagatik salatuta dago</a>. <a data-l10n-name='ignore_warning_link'>Arriskua ezikusi</a> eta gune ez-segurura joan zaitezke.
+safeb-blocked-harmful-page-error-desc-no-override = <span data-l10n-name='sitename'>{ $sitename }</span> gunea <a data-l10n-name='error_desc_link'>balizko aplikazio kaltegarri bat izateagatik salatuta dago</a>.
+safeb-blocked-harmful-page-learn-more = <a data-l10n-name='firefox_support'></a> gunean { -brand-short-name }(r)en phishing eta malware babesari buruzko argibide gehiago dituzu.
+safeb-palm-notdeceptive =
+ .label = Hau ez da gune iruzurtia…
+ .accesskey = i
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sanitize.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sanitize.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..584397395a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sanitize.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+sanitize-prefs2 =
+ .title = Historia garbitzeko ezarpenak
+ .style = min-width: 34em
+sanitize-prefs-style =
+ .style = width: 17em
+sanitize-dialog-title2 =
+ .title = Garbitu nabigatze-datuak eta cookieak
+ .style = min-width: 34em
+sanitize-dialog-title =
+ .title = Garbitu azken historia
+ .style = min-width: 34em
+# When "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything", this message is used for the
+# title instead of dialog-title.
+sanitize-dialog-title-everything =
+ .title = Garbitu historia osoa
+ .style = min-width: 34em
+clear-data-settings-label = { -brand-short-name } ixtean, garbitu automatikoki
+## clear-time-duration-prefix is followed by a dropdown list, with
+## values localized using clear-time-duration-value-* messages.
+## clear-time-duration-suffix is left empty in English, but can be
+## used in other languages to change the structure of the message.
+## This results in English:
+## Time range to clear: (Last Hour, Today, etc.)
+clear-time-duration-prefix =
+ .value = Garbituko den denbora-tartea:{ " " }
+ .accesskey = t
+clear-time-duration-prefix2 =
+ .value = Noiz:
+ .accesskey = N
+clear-time-duration-value-last-hour =
+ .label = Azken ordua
+clear-time-duration-value-last-2-hours =
+ .label = Azken bi orduak
+clear-time-duration-value-last-4-hours =
+ .label = Azken lau orduak
+clear-time-duration-value-today =
+ .label = Gaur
+clear-time-duration-value-everything =
+ .label = Dena
+clear-time-duration-suffix =
+ .value = { "" }
+## These strings are used as section comments and checkboxes
+## to select the items to remove
+history-section-label = Historia
+item-history-and-downloads =
+ .label = Nabigatze- eta deskarga-historia
+ .accesskey = b
+item-browsing-and-search =
+ .label = Bisitatutako guneak, gordetako inprimaki-datuak eta bilaketak
+ .accesskey = B
+item-cookies =
+ .label = Cookieak
+ .accesskey = C
+item-cookies-site-data =
+ .label = Cookieak eta guneetako datuak
+ .accesskey = e
+item-active-logins =
+ .label = Saio-hasiera aktiboak
+ .accesskey = S
+item-cache =
+ .label = Cachea
+ .accesskey = a
+item-form-search-history =
+ .label = Inprimaki- eta bilaketa-historia
+ .accesskey = n
+item-site-prefs =
+ .label = Gunearen ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = u
+item-site-prefs-description = Zure baimenak eta gunearen hobespenak jatorrizko ezarpenetara berrezartzen ditu
+item-download-history =
+ .label = Deskargatutako fitxategien zerrenda
+ .accesskey = D
+data-section-label = Datuak
+item-site-settings =
+ .label = Gunearen ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = G
+item-offline-apps =
+ .label = Lineaz kanpoko webguneen datuak
+ .accesskey = L
+sanitize-everything-undo-warning = Aldaketa hau ezin da desegin.
+window-close =
+ .key = w
+sanitize-button-ok =
+ .label = Garbitu orain
+sanitize-button-ok2 =
+ .label = Garbitu
+# The label for the default button between the user clicking it and the window
+# closing. Indicates the items are being cleared.
+sanitize-button-clearing =
+ .label = Garbitzen
+# Warning that appears when "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear
+# Recent History dialog, provided that the user has not modified the default set
+# of history items to clear.
+sanitize-everything-warning = Historia guztia garbituko da.
+# Warning that appears when "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear
+# Recent History dialog, provided that the user has modified the default set of
+# history items to clear.
+sanitize-selected-warning = Hautatutako elementu guztiak garbituko dira.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/screenshots.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/screenshots.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab26ae50e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/screenshots.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+screenshot-toolbarbutton =
+ .label = Pantaila-argazkia
+ .tooltiptext = Hartu pantaila-argazkia
+screenshot-shortcut =
+ .key = S
+screenshots-instructions = Eremu bat hautatzeko, arrastatu edo egin klik orrian. Uzteko, sakatu ESK.
+screenshots-cancel-button = Utzi
+screenshots-save-visible-button = Gorde ikusgai dagoena
+screenshots-save-page-button = Gorde orri osoa
+screenshots-download-button = Deskargatu
+screenshots-download-button-tooltip = Deskargatu pantaila-argazkia
+screenshots-copy-button = Kopiatu
+screenshots-copy-button-tooltip = Kopiatu pantaila-argazkia arbelera
+screenshots-download-button-title =
+ .title = Deskargatu pantaila-argazkia
+screenshots-copy-button-title =
+ .title = Kopiatu pantaila-argazkia arbelera
+screenshots-cancel-button-title =
+ .title = Utzi
+screenshots-retry-button-title =
+ .title = Saiatu berriro pantaila-argazkia ateratzen
+screenshots-meta-key =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⌘
+ *[other] Ctrl
+ }
+screenshots-notification-link-copied-title = Lotura kopiatuta
+screenshots-notification-link-copied-details = Zure argazkirako lotura arbelean kopiatu da. Itsasteko, sakatu { screenshots-meta-key }-V.
+screenshots-notification-image-copied-title = Argazkia kopiatua
+screenshots-notification-image-copied-details = Zure argazkia arbelean kopiatu da. Sakatu { screenshots-meta-key }-V itsasteko.
+screenshots-request-error-title = Zerbitzuz kanpo.
+screenshots-request-error-details = Barkatu! Ezin izan dugu zure argazkia gorde. Saiatu berriro geroago.
+screenshots-connection-error-title = Ezin gara zure pantaila-argazkietara konektatu.
+screenshots-connection-error-details = Egiaztatu zure Internet-konexioa. Internetera konekta bazaitezke, aldi baterako arazo bat egon liteke { -screenshots-brand-name } zerbitzuarekin.
+screenshots-login-error-details = Ezin izan dugu zure argazkia gorde { -screenshots-brand-name } zerbitzuarekin arazo bat dagoelako. Saiatu berriro geroago mesedez.
+screenshots-unshootable-page-error-title = Ezin dugu orri honen pantaila-argazkia hartu.
+screenshots-unshootable-page-error-details = Hau ez da web orri arrunt bat eta beraz, ezin duzu bere pantaila-argazkirik hartu.
+screenshots-empty-selection-error-title = Zure hautapena txikiegia da
+screenshots-private-window-error-title = { -screenshots-brand-name } desgaituta dago nabigatze pribatuko moduan
+screenshots-private-window-error-details = Barkatu eragozpenak. Eginbide honetan lanean ari gara etorkizuneko bertsio baterako.
+screenshots-generic-error-title = Kontxo! { -screenshots-brand-name } zerbitzua pikutara joan da.
+screenshots-generic-error-details = Ez gaude ziur zer gertatu den. Axola dizu berriro saiatzea edo beste orri baten argazkia hartzea?
+screenshots-too-large-error-title = Zure pantaila-argazkia moztu egin da handiegia zelako
+screenshots-too-large-error-details = Saiatu bere alderik luzeenean 32.700 pixel baino txikiagoa den edo gehienez 124.900.00 pixeleko azalera duen eremu bat hautatzen.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/screenshotsOverlay.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/screenshotsOverlay.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4579c7211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/screenshotsOverlay.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+screenshots-overlay-cancel-button = Utzi
+screenshots-overlay-instructions = Eremu bat hautatzeko, arrastatu edo egin klik orrian. Uzteko, sakatu ESK.
+screenshots-overlay-download-button = Deskargatu
+screenshots-overlay-copy-button = Kopiatu
+# This string represents the selection size area
+# "x" here represents "by" (i.e 123 by 456)
+# Variables:
+# $width (Number) - The width of the selection region in pixels
+# $height (Number) - The height of the selection region in pixels
+screenshots-overlay-selection-region-size = { $width } x { $height }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/search.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/search.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04e1b7be5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/search.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## These strings are used for errors when installing OpenSearch engines, e.g.
+## via "Add Search Engine" on the address bar or search bar.
+## Variables
+## $location-url (String) - the URL of the OpenSearch engine that was attempted to be installed.
+opensearch-error-duplicate-title = Instalazio errorea
+opensearch-error-duplicate-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin izan du bilaketa-plugina instalatu "{ $location-url }"(e)tik, izen bereko beste motor bat badagoelako.
+opensearch-error-format-title = Formatu baliogabea
+opensearch-error-format-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du instalatu bilaketa-motorra { $location-url } helbidetik
+opensearch-error-download-title = Deskarga errorea
+opensearch-error-download-desc = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin izan du bilaketa-plugina hemendik deskargatu: { $location-url }
+searchbar-submit =
+ .tooltiptext = Bidali bilaketa
+# This string is displayed in the search box when the input field is empty
+searchbar-input =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu
+searchbar-icon =
+ .tooltiptext = Bilatu
+## Infobar shown when search engine is removed and replaced.
+## Variables
+## $oldEngine (String) - the search engine to be removed.
+## $newEngine (String) - the search engine to replace the removed search engine.
+removed-search-engine-message = <strong>Zure bilaketa-motor lehenetsia aldatu egin da.</strong> Hemendik aurrera { $oldEngine } ez dago erabilgarri { -brand-short-name }(r)en bilaketa-motor lehenetsi gisa. { $newEngine } da zure bilaketa-motor lehenetsia orain. Beste bilaketa-motor lehenetsi batera aldatzeko, zoaz ezarpenetara. <label data-l10n-name="remove-search-engine-article">Argibide gehiago</label>
+removed-search-engine-message2 = <strong>Zure bilaketa-motor lehenetsia aldatu egin da.</strong> Hemendik aurrera { $oldEngine } ez dago erabilgarri { -brand-short-name }(r)en bilaketa-motor lehenetsi gisa. { $newEngine } da zure bilaketa-motor lehenetsia orain. Beste bilaketa-motor lehenetsi batera aldatzeko, zoaz ezarpenetara.
+remove-search-engine-button = Ados
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/setDesktopBackground.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/setDesktopBackground.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d229782ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/setDesktopBackground.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+set-desktop-background-window =
+ .title = Ezarri mahaigaineko atzeko planoa
+set-desktop-background-accept =
+ .label = Ezarri mahaigaineko atzeko planoa
+open-desktop-prefs =
+ .label = Ireki mahaigaineko hobespenak
+set-background-preview-unavailable = Aurrebista ez dago erabilgarri
+# This refers to the wallpaper "spanning" multiple monitors when the
+# user has more than one. Only some of the entire image will be on
+# each monitor. This should ideally match the wording in Windows' own
+# Desktop Background settings page.
+set-background-span =
+ .label = Hedadura
+set-background-color = Kolorea:
+set-background-position = Kokalekua:
+set-background-tile =
+ .label = Mosaikoa
+set-background-center =
+ .label = Erdiratua
+set-background-stretch =
+ .label = Zabaldu
+set-background-fill =
+ .label = Bete
+set-background-fit =
+ .label = Doitu
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/shopping.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/shopping.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da4c582deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/shopping.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+shopping-page-title = { -brand-product-name } erosketak
+# Title for page showing where a user can check the
+# review quality of online shopping product reviews
+shopping-main-container-title = Balorazioen egiaztatzailea
+shopping-beta-marker = Beta
+# This string is for ensuring that screen reader technology
+# can read out the "Beta" part of the shopping sidebar header.
+# Any changes to shopping-main-container-title and
+# shopping-beta-marker should also be reflected here.
+shopping-a11y-header =
+ .aria-label = Balorazioen egiaztatzailea - beta
+shopping-close-button =
+ .title = Itxi
+# This string is for notifying screen reader users that the
+# sidebar is still loading data.
+shopping-a11y-loading =
+ .aria-label = Kargatzen…
+## Strings for the letter grade component.
+## For now, we only support letter grades A, B, C, D and F.
+## Letter A indicates the highest grade, and F indicates the lowest grade.
+## Letters are hardcoded and cannot be localized.
+shopping-letter-grade-description-ab = Balorazio fidagarriak
+shopping-letter-grade-description-c = Balorazio fidagarri eta fidagaitzen nahasketa
+shopping-letter-grade-description-df = Balorazio fidagaitzak
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers
+# over the letter grade component without a visible description.
+# It is also used for screen readers.
+# $letter (String) - The letter grade as A, B, C, D or F (hardcoded).
+# $description (String) - The localized letter grade description. See shopping-letter-grade-description-* strings above.
+shopping-letter-grade-tooltip =
+ .title = { $letter } - { $description }
+## Strings for the shopping message-bar
+shopping-message-bar-warning-stale-analysis-message-2 = Egiaztatu beharreko informazio berria
+shopping-message-bar-warning-stale-analysis-button = Egiaztatu orain
+shopping-message-bar-generic-error-title2 = Ez dago informaziorik erabilgarri
+shopping-message-bar-generic-error-message = Arazoa konpontzen saiatzen ari gara. Itzuli geroago mesedez.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-not-enough-reviews-title = Balorazio nahikorik ez oraindik
+shopping-message-bar-warning-not-enough-reviews-message2 = Produktu honek balorazio gehiago dituenean, hauen kalitatea egiaztatu ahal izango dugu.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-title = Produktua ez dago erabilgarri
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-message2 = Produktua berriz ere erabilgarri dagoela ikusten baduzu, jakinaraz iezaguzu eta balorazioak egiaztatzeari ekingo diogu.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-button = Jakinarazi produktu hau berriz ere erabilgarri dagoela
+shopping-message-bar-thanks-for-reporting-title = Eskerrik asko jakinarazpenagatik!
+shopping-message-bar-thanks-for-reporting-message2 = Produktu honen balorazioei buruzko informazioa 24 ordu barru izan behar genuke. Itzuli geroago mesedez.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-reported-title2 = Informazioa laster egongo da erabilgarri
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-reported-message2 = Produktu honen balorazioei buruzko informazioa 24 ordu barru izan behar genuke. Itzuli geroago mesedez.
+shopping-message-bar-generic-error =
+ .heading = Ez dago informaziorik erabilgarri
+ .message = Arazoa konpontzen saiatzen ari gara. Itzuli geroago mesedez.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-not-enough-reviews =
+ .heading = Balorazio nahikorik ez oraindik
+ .message = Produktu honek balorazio gehiago dituenean, hauen kalitatea egiaztatu ahal izango dugu.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available =
+ .heading = Produktua ez dago erabilgarri
+ .message = Produktua berriz ere erabilgarri dagoela ikusten baduzu, jakinaraz iezaguzu eta balorazioak egiaztatzeari ekingo diogu.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-button2 = Jakinarazi produktua berriz ere erabilgarri dagoela
+shopping-message-bar-thanks-for-reporting =
+ .heading = Eskerrik asko jakinarazpenagatik!
+ .message = Produktu honen balorazioei buruzko informazioa 24 ordu barru izan behar genuke. Itzuli geroago mesedez.
+shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-reported =
+ .heading = Informazioa laster egongo da erabilgarri
+ .message = Produktu honen balorazioei buruzko informazioa 24 ordu barru izan behar genuke. Itzuli geroago mesedez.
+shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-title2 = Balorazioaren kalitatea egiaztatzen
+shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-message2 = 60 bat segundo har litzake honek.
+shopping-message-bar-page-not-supported-title = Ezin ditugu balorazio hauek egiaztatu
+shopping-message-bar-page-not-supported-message = Tamalez ezin dugu zenbait produktu moten balorazioen kalitatea egiaztatu. Adibidez, opari-txartelenak eta streaming bideo, musika eta bideoenak.
+shopping-message-bar-page-not-supported =
+ .heading = Ezin ditugu balorazio hauek egiaztatu
+ .message = Tamalez ezin dugu zenbait produktu moten balorazioen kalitatea egiaztatu. Adibidez, opari-txartelenak eta streaming bideo, musika eta bideoenak.
+## Strings for the product review snippets card
+shopping-highlights-label =
+ .label = Azken balorazioetan nabarmentzekoak
+shopping-highlight-price = Prezioa
+shopping-highlight-quality = Kalitatea
+shopping-highlight-shipping = Bidalketa
+shopping-highlight-competitiveness = Lehiakortasuna
+shopping-highlight-packaging = Paketatzea
+## Strings for show more card
+shopping-show-more-button = Erakutsi gehiago
+shopping-show-less-button = Erakutsi gutxiago
+## Strings for the settings card
+shopping-settings-label =
+ .label = Ezarpenak
+shopping-settings-recommendations-toggle =
+ .label = Erakutsi iragarkiak balorazioen egiaztatzailean
+shopping-settings-opt-out-button = Desgaitu balorazioen egiaztatzailea
+## Strings for the adjusted rating component
+# "Adjusted rating" means a star rating that has been adjusted to include only
+# reliable reviews.
+shopping-adjusted-rating-label =
+ .label = Egokitutako balorazioa
+shopping-adjusted-rating-unreliable-reviews = Balorazio fidagaitzak kenduta
+## Strings for the review reliability component
+shopping-review-reliability-label =
+ .label = Zenbateraino dira fidagarriak balorazio hauek?
+## Strings for the analysis explainer component
+shopping-analysis-explainer-label =
+ .label = Nola antzematen dugun balorazioen kalitatea
+shopping-analysis-explainer-intro2 = { -fakespot-brand-full-name }(r)en Adimen Artifizial (AA) teknologia erabiltzen dugu produktuen balorazioen fidagarritasuna egiaztatzeko. Honek balorazioen kalitatea neurtzen lagunduko dizu, ez produktuen kalitatea.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-grades-intro = Produktuen balorazioei A eta F arteko <strong>letra maila</strong> bat esleitzen diegu.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-adjusted-rating-description = <strong>Egokitutako balorazioa</strong> fidagarriak direla uste ditugun balorazioetan dago oinarrituta soilik.
+# This string includes the short brand name of one of the three supported
+# websites, which will be inserted without being translated.
+# $retailer (String) - capitalized name of the shopping website, for example, "Amazon".
+shopping-analysis-explainer-highlights-description = <strong>Nabarmentzekoak</strong> { $retailer }(e)ko azken 80 egunetan fidagarriak direla uste ditugun balorazioak dira.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-reliable = Balorazio fidagarriak. Uste dugu balorazioak benetako bezeroenak direla eta zintzo eta aurreiritzirik gabe utzi dituztela.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-mixed = Uste dugu balorazio fidagarri eta fidagaitzen arteko nahasketa bat dagoela.
+shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-unreliable = Balorazio fidagaitzak. Uste dugu balorazioak ziurrenik faltsuak direla edo kritika aurreiritzidunak dituztela.
+## Strings for UrlBar button
+shopping-sidebar-open-button2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Ireki balorazioen egiaztatzailea
+shopping-sidebar-close-button2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Itxi balorazioen egiaztatzailea
+## Strings for the unanalyzed product card.
+## The word 'analyzer' when used here reflects what this tool is called on
+## If possible, a different word should be used for the Fakespot
+## tool (the Fakespot by Mozilla 'analyzer') other than 'checker', which is
+## used in the name of the Firefox feature ('Review checker'). If that is not
+## possible - if these terms are not meaningfully different - that is OK.
+## Strings for the unanalyzed product card.
+## The word 'analyzer' when used here reflects what this tool is called on
+## If possible, a different word should be used for the Fakespot
+## tool (the Fakespot by Mozilla 'analyzer') other than 'checker', which is
+## used in the name of the Firefox feature ('Review Checker'). If that is not
+## possible - if these terms are not meaningfully different - that is OK.
+shopping-unanalyzed-product-header-2 = Balorazio hauei buruzko informaziorik ez oraindik
+shopping-unanalyzed-product-message-2 = Produktu hauen balorazioak fidatzekoak diren jakiteko, egiaztatu balorazioen kalitatea. 60 bat segundo hartzen ditu soilik.
+shopping-unanalyzed-product-analyze-button = Egiaztatu balorazioaren kalitatea
+## Strings for the advertisement
+more-to-consider-ad-label =
+ .label = Kontuan hartzeko gehiago
+ad-by-fakespot = { -fakespot-brand-name }(r)en iragarkia
+## Shopping survey strings.
+shopping-survey-headline = Lagundu { -brand-product-name } hobetzen
+shopping-survey-question-one = Zenbateraino zaude gustura balorazioen egiaztatzailearen esperientziarekin { -brand-product-name }(e)n?
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-1-label = Oso kontent
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-2-label = Kontent
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-3-label = Neutrala
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-4-label = Kontentagaitz
+shopping-survey-q1-radio-5-label = Oso kontentagaitz
+shopping-survey-question-two = Balorazioen egiaztatzaileak erosketa-erabakiak egiten laguntzen dizu?
+shopping-survey-q2-radio-1-label = Bai
+shopping-survey-q2-radio-2-label = Ez
+shopping-survey-q2-radio-3-label = Ez dakit
+shopping-survey-next-button-label = Hurrengoa
+shopping-survey-submit-button-label = Bidali
+shopping-survey-terms-link = Erabilera-baldintzak
+shopping-survey-thanks-message = Eskerrik asko zure iritziagatik!
+shopping-survey-thanks =
+ .heading = Eskerrik asko zure iritziagatik!
+## Shopping Feature Callout strings.
+## "price tag" refers to the price tag icon displayed in the address bar to
+## access the feature.
+shopping-callout-closed-opted-in-subtitle = Itzuli <strong>balorazioen egiaztatzaile</strong>ra prezioen ikonoa ikusten duzun aldiro.
+shopping-callout-pdp-opted-in-title = Balorazio hauek fidatzekoak dira? Ikusi di-da batean.
+## Onboarding message strings.
+shopping-onboarding-headline = Probatu produktuen balorazioetarako gure fidatzeko gida
+shopping-onboarding-opt-in-button = Bai, probatu
+shopping-onboarding-not-now-button = Une honetan ez
+shopping-onboarding-dialog-close-button =
+ .title = Itxi
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+# Aria-label to make the "steps" of the shopping onboarding container visible to screen readers.
+# Variables:
+# $current (Int) - Number of the current page
+# $total (Int) - Total number of pages
+shopping-onboarding-welcome-steps-indicator-label =
+ .aria-label = Aurrerapena: { $total } / { $current }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sidebarMenu.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sidebarMenu.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb931411f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sidebarMenu.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+sidebar-menu-bookmarks =
+ .label = Laster-markak
+sidebar-menu-history =
+ .label = Historia
+sidebar-menu-synced-tabs =
+ .label = Sinkronizatutako fitxak
+sidebar-menu-close =
+ .label = Itxi alboko barra
+sidebar-close-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Itxi alboko barra
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sitePermissions.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sitePermissions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f62ec35a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sitePermissions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This string is used to display the option to open blocked popup(s) in site permission management panels.
+# Variables:
+# $count (String) - Number of blocked pop-ups
+site-permissions-open-blocked-popups =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Ireki blokeatutako popup leihoa…
+ *[other] Ireki blokeatutako { $count } popup leiho…
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/siteProtections.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/siteProtections.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ba80c8e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/siteProtections.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+content-blocking-trackers-view-empty = Ez da bat ere atzeman gune honetan
+content-blocking-cookies-blocking-trackers-label = Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak
+content-blocking-cookies-blocking-third-party-label = Hirugarrenen cookieak
+content-blocking-cookies-blocking-unvisited-label = Bisitatu gabeko guneetako cookieak
+content-blocking-cookies-blocking-all-label = Cookie guztiak
+content-blocking-cookies-view-first-party-label = Gune honetatik
+content-blocking-cookies-view-trackers-label = Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak
+content-blocking-cookies-view-third-party-label = Hirugarrenen cookieak
+# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Allowed"
+content-blocking-cookies-view-allowed-label =
+ .value = Baimenduta
+# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+content-blocking-cookies-view-blocked-label =
+ .value = Blokeatuta
+# Variables:
+# $domain (String): the domain of the site.
+content-blocking-cookies-view-remove-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Garbitu cookie salbuespena { $domain } gunerako
+tracking-protection-icon-active = Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak, guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak eta hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena blokeatzen.
+tracking-protection-icon-active-container =
+ .aria-label = { tracking-protection-icon-active }
+tracking-protection-icon-disabled = Jarraipenaren babes hobetua desgaituta dago gune honetarako.
+tracking-protection-icon-disabled-container =
+ .aria-label = { tracking-protection-icon-disabled }
+tracking-protection-icon-no-trackers-detected = Ez da aurkitu { -brand-short-name }(r)i ezagunak zaizkion jarraipen-elementurik orri honetan.
+tracking-protection-icon-no-trackers-detected-container =
+ .aria-label = { tracking-protection-icon-no-trackers-detected }
+## Variables:
+## $host (String): the site's hostname
+# Header of the Protections Panel.
+protections-header = { $host } ostalarirako babesak
+## Blocking and Not Blocking sub-views in the Protections Panel
+protections-blocking-fingerprinters =
+ .title = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena blokeatuta
+protections-blocking-cryptominers =
+ .title = Kriptomeatzariak blokeatuta
+protections-blocking-cookies-trackers =
+ .title = Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak blokeatuta
+protections-blocking-cookies-third-party =
+ .title = Hirugarrenen cookieak blokeatuta
+protections-blocking-cookies-all =
+ .title = Cookie guztiak blokeatuta
+protections-blocking-cookies-unvisited =
+ .title = Bisitatu gabeko guneetako cookieak blokeatuta
+protections-blocking-tracking-content =
+ .title = Edukiaren jarraipena blokeatuta
+protections-blocking-social-media-trackers =
+ .title = Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak blokeatuta
+protections-not-blocking-fingerprinters =
+ .title = Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena ez dago blokeatuta
+protections-not-blocking-cryptominers =
+ .title = Kriptomeatzariak ez daude blokeatuta
+protections-not-blocking-cookies-third-party =
+ .title = Ez dira hirugarrenen cookieak blokeatzen
+protections-not-blocking-cookies-all =
+ .title = Ez dira cookieak blokeatzen
+protections-not-blocking-cross-site-tracking-cookies =
+ .title = Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak ez daude blokeatuta
+protections-not-blocking-tracking-content =
+ .title = Edukiaren jarraipena ez dago blokeatuta
+protections-not-blocking-social-media-trackers =
+ .title = Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak ez daude blokeatuta
+## Footer and Milestones sections in the Protections Panel
+## Variables:
+## $trackerCount (Number): number of trackers blocked
+## $date (Date): the date on which we started counting
+# This text indicates the total number of trackers blocked on all sites.
+# In its tooltip, we show the date when we started counting this number.
+protections-footer-blocked-tracker-counter =
+ { $trackerCount ->
+ [one] { $trackerCount } blokeatuta
+ *[other] { $trackerCount } blokeatuta
+ }
+ .tooltiptext = Noiztik: { DATETIME($date, year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric") }
+# This text indicates the total number of trackers blocked on all sites.
+# It should be the same as protections-footer-blocked-tracker-counter;
+# this message is used to leave out the tooltip when the date is not available.
+protections-footer-blocked-tracker-counter-no-tooltip =
+ { $trackerCount ->
+ [one] { $trackerCount } blokeatuta
+ *[other] { $trackerCount } blokeatuta
+ }
+# In English this looks like "Firefox blocked over 10,000 trackers since October 2019"
+protections-milestone =
+ { $trackerCount ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name }(e)k jarraipen-elementu bat blokeatu du data honetatik: { DATETIME($date, year: "numeric", month: "long") }
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name }(e)k { $trackerCount } jarraipen-elementu baino gehiago blokeatu ditu data honetatik: { DATETIME($date, year: "numeric", month: "long") }
+ }
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/speechDispatcher.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/speechDispatcher.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd7db6a3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/speechDispatcher.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Speech Dispatches is the name of a speech synthesis tool and shouldn’t be
+### localized (
+speech-dispatcher-lib-missing = Ezin duzu hizketaren sintesia erabili Speech Dispatcher liburutegia falta delako.
+speech-dispatcher-lib-too-old = Ezin duzu hizketaren sintesia erabili Speech Dispatcher liburutegia eguneratu egin behar delako.
+speech-dispatcher-missing-symbol = Ezin duzu hizketaren sintesia erabili Speech Dispatcher liburutegia hautsita dagoelako.
+speech-dispatcher-open-fail = Ezin duzu hizketaren sintesia erabili Speech Dispatcher liburutegia ezin delako ireki.
+speech-dispatcher-no-voices = Ezin duzu hizketaren sintesia erabili Speech Dispatcher liburutegian ahots erabilgarriak falta direlako.
+speech-dispatcher-dismiss-button =
+ .label = Ez erakutsi berriro
+ .accesskey = D
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/spotlight.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/spotlight.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73cbe269a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/spotlight.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Dialog close button
+spotlight-dialog-close-button =
+ .title = Itxi
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+## Mobile download button strings
+spotlight-android-marketplace-button =
+ .title = Eskuratu Google Play-n
+spotlight-ios-marketplace-button =
+ .title = Deskargatu App Store-tik
+## Firefox Focus promo message strings
+spotlight-focus-promo-title = Eskuratu { -focus-brand-name }
+spotlight-focus-promo-subtitle = Deskargatzeko, eskaneatu QR kodea.
+spotlight-focus-promo-qr-code =
+ .alt = Eskaneatu QR kodea { -focus-brand-name } lortzeko.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sync.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sync.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a6e99634c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/sync.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fxa-toolbar-sync-syncing2 = Sinkronizatzen…
+sync-disconnect-dialog-title2 = Deskonektatu?
+sync-disconnect-dialog-body = { -brand-product-name }(e)k zure kontuarekin sinkronizatzeari utziko dio baina ez du gailu honetako zure nabigatze-daturik ezabatuko.
+sync-disconnect-dialog-button = Deskonektatu
+fxa-signout-dialog2-title = Amaitu { -fxaccount-brand-name(kasua: "ko") } saioa?
+fxa-signout-dialog-title2 = Zure kontuko saioa amaitu?
+fxa-signout-dialog-body = Sinkronizatutako datuek zure kontuan jarraituko dute.
+fxa-signout-dialog2-button = Amaitu saioa
+fxa-signout-dialog2-checkbox = Ezabatu gailu honetako datuak (pasahitzak, historia, laster-markak, etab.).
+fxa-menu-sync-settings =
+ .label = Sinkronizazio-ezarpenak
+fxa-menu-turn-on-sync =
+ .value = Gaitu sinkronizazioa
+fxa-menu-turn-on-sync-default = Gaitu sinkronizazioa
+fxa-menu-connect-another-device =
+ .label = Konektatu beste gailu bat…
+# Variables:
+# $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs sent to the device.
+fxa-menu-send-tab-to-device =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Bidali fitxa gailura
+ *[other] Bidali { $tabCount } fitxa gailura
+ }
+# This is shown dynamically within "Send tab to device" in fxa menu.
+fxa-menu-send-tab-to-device-syncnotready =
+ .label = Gailuak sinkronizatzen…
+# This is shown within "Send tab to device" in fxa menu if account is not configured.
+fxa-menu-send-tab-to-device-description = Bidali fitxa bat berehala saioa hasita duzun edozein gailutara.
+fxa-menu-sign-out =
+ .label = Amaitu saioa…
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/syncedTabs.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/syncedTabs.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92f5b72cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/syncedTabs.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+synced-tabs-sidebar-title = Sinkronizatutako fitxak
+synced-tabs-sidebar-noclients-subtitle = Beste gailuetako zure fitxak hemen ikusi nahi dituzu?
+synced-tabs-sidebar-intro = Ikusi zure beste gailuetako fitxen zerrenda.
+synced-tabs-sidebar-unverified = Zure kontua egiaztatu egin behar da.
+synced-tabs-sidebar-notabs = Irekitako fitxarik ez
+synced-tabs-sidebar-open-settings = Ireki sinkronizazio-ezarpenak
+synced-tabs-sidebar-tabsnotsyncing = Aktibatu fitxak sinkronizatzea zure beste gailuetako fitxen zerrenda ikusteko.
+synced-tabs-sidebar-connect-another-device = Konektatu beste gailu bat
+synced-tabs-sidebar-search =
+ .placeholder = Bilatu sinkronizatutako fitxak
+## Displayed in the Synced Tabs sidebar's context menu when right-clicking tabs
+## and/or devices in the list. The "Open" strings below should be translated
+## consistently with the equivalent strings for the bookmarks manager's context
+## menu. That menu is activated by right-clicking a bookmark in the Library
+## window. The bookmarks manager context's strings are located in places.ftl.
+synced-tabs-context-open =
+ .label = Ireki
+ .accesskey = r
+synced-tabs-context-open-in-tab =
+ .label = Ireki fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = b
+synced-tabs-context-open-in-container-tab =
+ .label = Ireki edukiontzi-fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = d
+synced-tabs-context-open-in-window =
+ .label = Ireki leiho berrian
+ .accesskey = h
+synced-tabs-context-open-in-private-window =
+ .label = Ireki leiho pribatu berrian
+ .accesskey = r
+# Displayed in the Synced Tabs sidebar's context menu when right-clicking tabs
+# and/or devices in the list. This string is for a menuitem equivalent to one in
+# the tab context menu (activated by right-clicking a tab in the tabstrip). That
+# string is located in tabContextMenu.ftl. So, this string should be translated
+# consistently with the "Bookmark Tab…" string there.
+synced-tabs-context-bookmark =
+ .label = Egin fitxaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+synced-tabs-context-copy =
+ .label = Kopiatu
+ .accesskey = K
+synced-tabs-context-open-all-in-tabs =
+ .label = Ireki guztiak fitxetan
+ .accesskey = I
+synced-tabs-context-manage-devices =
+ .label = Kudeatu gailuak…
+ .accesskey = g
+synced-tabs-context-sync-now =
+ .label = Sinkronizatu orain
+ .accesskey = S
+synced-tabs-fxa-sign-in = Hasi saioa sinkronizatzeko
+synced-tabs-turn-on-sync = Gaitu sinkronizazioa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/tabContextMenu.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/tabContextMenu.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f85631c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/tabContextMenu.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tab-context-new-tab =
+ .label = Fitxa berria
+ .accesskey = b
+reload-tab =
+ .label = Berritu fitxa
+ .accesskey = r
+select-all-tabs =
+ .label = Hautatu fitxa guztiak
+ .accesskey = z
+tab-context-play-tab =
+ .label = Erreproduzitu fitxa
+ .accesskey = E
+tab-context-play-tabs =
+ .label = Erreproduzitu fitxak
+ .accesskey = r
+duplicate-tab =
+ .label = Bikoiztu fitxa
+ .accesskey = B
+duplicate-tabs =
+ .label = Bikoiztu fitxak
+ .accesskey = B
+# The following string is displayed on a menuitem that will close the tabs from the start of the tabstrip to the currently targeted tab (excluding the currently targeted and any other selected tabs).
+# In left-to-right languages this should use "Left" and in right-to-left languages this should use "Right".
+close-tabs-to-the-start =
+ .label = Itxi ezkerrera dauden fitxak
+ .accesskey = x
+# The following string is displayed on a menuitem that will close the tabs from the end of the tabstrip to the currently targeted tab (excluding the currently targeted and any other selected tabs).
+# In left-to-right languages this should use "Right" and in right-to-left languages this should use "Left".
+close-tabs-to-the-end =
+ .label = Itxi eskuinera dauden fitxak
+ .accesskey = s
+close-other-tabs =
+ .label = Itxi beste fitxak
+ .accesskey = t
+reload-tabs =
+ .label = Berritu fitxak
+ .accesskey = r
+pin-tab =
+ .label = Ainguratu fitxa
+ .accesskey = A
+unpin-tab =
+ .label = Desainguratu fitxa
+ .accesskey = a
+pin-selected-tabs =
+ .label = Ainguratu fitxak
+ .accesskey = A
+unpin-selected-tabs =
+ .label = Desainguratu fitxak
+ .accesskey = D
+bookmark-selected-tabs =
+ .label = Egin fitxen laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = s
+tab-context-bookmark-tab =
+ .label = Egin fitxaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = m
+tab-context-open-in-new-container-tab =
+ .label = Ireki edukiontzi-fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = e
+move-to-start =
+ .label = Mugitu hasierara
+ .accesskey = h
+move-to-end =
+ .label = Mugitu amaierara
+ .accesskey = m
+move-to-new-window =
+ .label = Eraman leiho berrira
+ .accesskey = h
+tab-context-close-multiple-tabs =
+ .label = Itxi hainbat fitxa
+ .accesskey = h
+tab-context-share-url =
+ .label = Partekatu
+ .accesskey = a
+## Variables:
+## $tabCount (Number): the number of tabs that are affected by the action.
+tab-context-reopen-closed-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Ireki berriro itxitako fitxa
+ *[other] Ireki berriro itxitako fitxak
+ }
+ .accesskey = k
+tab-context-close-n-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Itxi fitxa
+ *[other] Itxi { $tabCount } fitxa
+ }
+ .accesskey = x
+tab-context-move-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Mugitu fitxa
+ [one] Mugitu fitxa
+ *[other] Mugitu fitxak
+ }
+ .accesskey = M
+tab-context-send-tabs-to-device =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Bidali fitxa gailura
+ *[other] Bidali { $tabCount } fitxa gailura
+ }
+ .accesskey = d
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/tabbrowser.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/tabbrowser.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67a1cf7749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/tabbrowser.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tabbrowser-empty-tab-title = Fitxa berria
+tabbrowser-empty-private-tab-title = Fitxa pribatu berria
+tabbrowser-menuitem-close-tab =
+ .label = Itxi fitxa
+tabbrowser-menuitem-close =
+ .label = Itxi
+# Displayed as a tooltip on container tabs
+# Variables:
+# $title (String): the title of the current tab.
+# $containerName (String): the name of the current container.
+tabbrowser-container-tab-title = { $title } - { $containerName }
+# Variables:
+# $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs that will be closed.
+tabbrowser-close-tabs-tooltip =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Itxi fitxa
+ *[other] Itxi { $tabCount } fitxa
+ }
+## Tooltips for tab audio control
+## Variables:
+## $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs that will be affected.
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): The keyboard shortcut for "Mute tab".
+tabbrowser-mute-tab-audio-tooltip =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Mututu fitxa ({ $shortcut })
+ *[other] Mututu { $tabCount } fitxa ({ $shortcut })
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $shortcut (String): The keyboard shortcut for "Unmute tab".
+tabbrowser-unmute-tab-audio-tooltip =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Ez mututu fitxa ({ $shortcut })
+ *[other] Ez mututu { $tabCount } fitxa ({ $shortcut })
+ }
+tabbrowser-mute-tab-audio-background-tooltip =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Mututu fitxa
+ *[other] Mututu { $tabCount } fitxa
+ }
+tabbrowser-unmute-tab-audio-background-tooltip =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Ez mututu fitxa
+ *[other] Ez mututu { $tabCount } fitxa
+ }
+tabbrowser-unblock-tab-audio-tooltip =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Erreproduzitu fitxa
+ *[other] Erreproduzitu { $tabCount } fitxa
+ }
+## Confirmation dialog when closing a window with more than one tab open,
+## or when quitting when only one window is open.
+# The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for multiple tabs.
+# Variables:
+# $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs that will be closed.
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-tabs-title = Itxi { $tabCount } fitxa?
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-tabs-button = Itxi fitxak
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-tabs-checkbox = Berretsi hainbat fitxa itxi aurretik
+## Confirmation dialog when quitting using the menu and multiple windows are open.
+# The forms for 0 or 1 items are not considered since this string is used only for
+# multiple windows.
+# Variables:
+# $windowCount (Number): The number of windows that will be closed.
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-windows-title = Itxi { $windowCount } leiho?
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-windows-button =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Itxi eta irten
+ *[other] Itxi eta irten
+ }
+## Confirmation dialog when quitting using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd+Q)
+## Windows does not show a prompt on quit when using the keyboard shortcut by default.
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-tabs-with-key-title = Itxi leihoa eta { -brand-short-name }(e)tik irten?
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-tabs-with-key-button = Irten { -brand-short-name }(e)tik
+# Variables:
+# $quitKey (String): the text of the keyboard shortcut for quitting.
+tabbrowser-confirm-close-tabs-with-key-checkbox = Berretsi irten aurretik { $quitKey } erabiltzean
+## Confirmation dialog when opening multiple tabs simultaneously
+tabbrowser-confirm-open-multiple-tabs-title = Berretsi irekitzea
+# Variables:
+# $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs that will be opened.
+tabbrowser-confirm-open-multiple-tabs-message =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ *[other] { $tabCount } fitxa irekitzera zoaz. Honek { -brand-short-name } motel dezake orriak kargatzen diren bitartean. Ziur zaude jarraitu egin nahi duzula?
+ }
+tabbrowser-confirm-open-multiple-tabs-button = Ireki fitxak
+tabbrowser-confirm-open-multiple-tabs-checkbox = Abisatu hainbat fitxa aldi berean irekitzeak { -brand-short-name } motel balezake
+## Confirmation dialog for enabling caret browsing
+tabbrowser-confirm-caretbrowsing-title = Kurtsore bidezko nabigazioa
+tabbrowser-confirm-caretbrowsing-message = F7 zapaltzeak kurtsore bidezko nabigazioa gaitzen edo desgaitzen du. Eginbide honek web orrietan kurtsore bat ezartzen du testua teklatuarekin aukeratzea baimenduz. Kurtsore bidezko nabigazioa gaitu nahi duzu?
+tabbrowser-confirm-caretbrowsing-checkbox = Ez erakutsi berriro elkarrizketa-koadro hau.
+# Variables:
+# $domain (String): URL of the page that is trying to steal focus.
+tabbrowser-allow-dialogs-to-get-focus =
+ .label = Baimendu { $domain } helbideko gisa honetako jakinarazpenek bere fitxara aldaraztea
+tabbrowser-customizemode-tab-title = Pertsonalizatu { -brand-short-name }
+## Context menu buttons, of which only one will be visible at a time
+tabbrowser-context-mute-tab =
+ .label = Mututu fitxa
+ .accesskey = M
+tabbrowser-context-unmute-tab =
+ .label = Ez mututu fitxa
+ .accesskey = m
+# The accesskey should match the accesskey for tabbrowser-context-mute-tab
+tabbrowser-context-mute-selected-tabs =
+ .label = Mututu fitxak
+ .accesskey = M
+# The accesskey should match the accesskey for tabbrowser-context-unmute-tab
+tabbrowser-context-unmute-selected-tabs =
+ .label = Ez mututu fitxak
+ .accesskey = z
+# This string is used as an additional tooltip and accessibility description for tabs playing audio
+tabbrowser-tab-audio-playing-description = Audioa erreproduzitzen
+## Ctrl-Tab dialog
+# Variables:
+# $tabCount (Number): The number of tabs in the current browser window. It will always be 2 at least.
+tabbrowser-ctrl-tab-list-all-tabs =
+ .label = Zerrendatu fitxa guztiak ({ $tabCount })
+## Tab manager menu buttons
+tabbrowser-manager-mute-tab =
+ .tooltiptext = Mututu fitxa
+tabbrowser-manager-unmute-tab =
+ .tooltiptext = Ez mututu fitxa
+tabbrowser-manager-close-tab =
+ .tooltiptext = Itxi fitxa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/textRecognition.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/textRecognition.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4de6e238a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/textRecognition.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Text recognition works through a modal that presents the text that is found
+## in an image, and copies the results to the clipboard.
+text-recognition-modal-searching-title = Irudian testua bilatzen…
+text-recognition-modal-results-title = Testua kopiatu da iruditik
+text-recognition-modal-no-results-title = Sentitzen dugu, ezin izan dugu testurik erauzi. Probatu beste irudi batekin. <a data-l10n-name="error-link">Argibide gehiago</a>.
+text-recognition-modal-close-button = Itxi
+# The title of the the modal is only available to screen readers.
+text-recognition-modal-accessible-modal-title = Testu-erauzpenaren emaitzak
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/toolbarContextMenu.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/toolbarContextMenu.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3824afe48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/toolbarContextMenu.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+toolbar-context-menu-new-tab =
+ .label = Fitxa berria
+ .accesskey = b
+toolbar-context-menu-reload-selected-tab =
+ .label = Berritu hautatutako fitxa
+ .accesskey = B
+toolbar-context-menu-reload-selected-tabs =
+ .label = Berritu hautatutako fitxak
+ .accesskey = B
+toolbar-context-menu-bookmark-selected-tab =
+ .label = Egin hautatutako fitxaren laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = h
+toolbar-context-menu-bookmark-selected-tabs =
+ .label = Egin hautatutako fitxen laster-marka…
+ .accesskey = h
+toolbar-context-menu-select-all-tabs =
+ .label = Hautatu fitxa guztiak
+ .accesskey = z
+toolbar-context-menu-reopen-closed-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [1] Ireki berriro itxitako fitxa
+ *[other] Ireki berriro itxitako fitxak
+ }
+ .accesskey = k
+toolbar-context-menu-manage-extension =
+ .label = Kudeatu hedapena
+ .accesskey = h
+toolbar-context-menu-remove-extension =
+ .label = Kendu hedapena
+ .accesskey = K
+# This label is used in the extensions toolbar buttons context menus,
+# a user can use this command to submit to Mozilla an abuse report
+# related to that extension. "Report" is a verb.
+toolbar-context-menu-report-extension =
+ .label = Eman hedapenaren berri
+ .accesskey = E
+# Can appear on the same context menu as toolbar-context-menu-menu-bar-cmd
+# ("Menu Bar") and personalbarCmd ("Bookmarks Toolbar"), so they should
+# have different access keys.
+toolbar-context-menu-pin-to-overflow-menu =
+ .label = Ainguratu gainezkatzearen menuan
+ .accesskey = A
+toolbar-context-menu-auto-hide-downloads-button-2 =
+ .label = Ezkutatu botoia hutsik dagoenean
+ .accesskey = E
+toolbar-context-menu-always-open-downloads-panel =
+ .label = Erakutsi panela deskarga hastean
+ .accesskey = s
+toolbar-context-menu-remove-from-toolbar =
+ .label = Kendu tresna-barratik
+ .accesskey = K
+toolbar-context-menu-view-customize-toolbar =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu…
+ .accesskey = P
+toolbar-context-menu-view-customize-toolbar-2 =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu tresna-barra…
+ .accesskey = P
+# This is only ever shown when toolbar-context-menu-pin-to-overflow-menu
+# is hidden, so they can share access keys.
+toolbar-context-menu-pin-to-toolbar =
+ .label = Ainguratu tresna-barran
+ .accesskey = A
+toolbar-context-menu-bookmarks-toolbar-always-show-2 =
+ .label = Erakutsi beti
+ .accesskey = b
+toolbar-context-menu-bookmarks-toolbar-never-show-2 =
+ .label = Inoiz ez erakutsi
+ .accesskey = n
+toolbar-context-menu-bookmarks-toolbar-on-new-tab-2 =
+ .label = Erakutsi fitxa berrian soilik
+ .accesskey = E
+toolbar-context-menu-bookmarks-show-other-bookmarks =
+ .label = Erakutsi beste laster-markak
+ .accesskey = b
+toolbar-context-menu-menu-bar-cmd =
+ .toolbarname = Menu-barra
+ .accesskey = M
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/touchbar/touchbar.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/touchbar/touchbar.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7f4f0d365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/touchbar/touchbar.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Strings in this file are used to localize button titles displayed on the
+# MacBook Touch Bar.
+back = Atzera
+forward = Aurrera
+reload = Berritu
+home = Hasiera
+fullscreen = Pantaila osoa
+touchbar-fullscreen-exit = Irten pantaila osotik
+find = Bilatu
+new-tab = Fitxa berria
+add-bookmark = Gehitu laster-marka
+reader-view = Irakurtzeko ikuspegia
+# Meant to match the string displayed in an empty URL bar.
+open-location = Bilatu edo idatzi helbidea
+share = Partekatu
+close-window = Itxi leihoa
+open-sidebar = Alboko barrak
+# This string describes shortcuts for search.
+search-popover = Bilatu lasterbideak
+# Describes searches limited to a specific scope
+# (e.g. searching only in history).
+search-search-in = Bilatu hemen:
+## Various categories of shortcuts for search.
+search-bookmarks = Laster-markak
+search-history = Historia
+search-opentabs = Irekitako fitxak
+search-tags = Etiketak
+search-titles = Izenburuak
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/translations.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/translations.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba7f43efb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/translations.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The button for "Firefox Translations" in the url bar.
+urlbar-translations-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Itzuli orri hau
+# The button for "Firefox Translations" in the url bar. Note that here "Beta" should
+# not be translated, as it is a reflection of the un-localized BETA icon that is in the
+# panel.
+urlbar-translations-button2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Itzuli orri hau - Beta
+# Note that here "Beta" should not be translated, as it is a reflection of the
+# un-localized BETA icon that is in the panel.
+urlbar-translations-button-intro =
+ .tooltiptext = Probatu itzulpen pribatuak { -brand-shorter-name }(e)n - Beta
+# If your language requires declining the language name, a possible solution
+# is to adapt the structure of the phrase, or use a support noun, e.g.
+# `Page translated from: { $fromLanguage }. Current target language: { $toLanguage }`
+# Variables:
+# $fromLanguage (string) - The original language of the document.
+# $toLanguage (string) - The target language of the translation.
+urlbar-translations-button-translated =
+ .tooltiptext = Orri { $fromLanguage } hizkuntzatik { $toLanguage } hizkuntzara itzuli da
+urlbar-translations-button-loading =
+ .tooltiptext = Itzulpena burutzen
+translations-panel-settings-button =
+ .aria-label = Kudeatu itzulpenen ezarpenak
+# Text displayed on a language dropdown when the language is in beta
+# Variables:
+# $language (string) - The localized display name of the detected language
+translations-panel-displayname-beta =
+ .label = { $language } BETA
+## Options in the Firefox Translations settings.
+translations-panel-settings-manage-languages =
+ .label = Kudeatu hizkuntzak
+translations-panel-settings-about = { -brand-shorter-name }(e)ko itzulpenei buruz
+translations-panel-settings-about2 =
+ .label = { -brand-shorter-name }(e)ko itzulpenei buruz
+# Text displayed for the option to always translate a given language
+# Variables:
+# $language (string) - The localized display name of the detected language
+translations-panel-settings-always-translate-language =
+ .label = Beti itzuli { $language }
+translations-panel-settings-always-translate-unknown-language =
+ .label = Beti itzuli hizkuntza hau
+translations-panel-settings-always-offer-translation =
+ .label = Eskaini beti itzultzea
+# Text displayed for the option to never translate a given language
+# Variables:
+# $language (string) - The localized display name of the detected language
+translations-panel-settings-never-translate-language =
+ .label = Ez itzuli inoiz { $language }
+translations-panel-settings-never-translate-unknown-language =
+ .label = Ez itzuli inoiz hizkuntza hau
+# Text displayed for the option to never translate this website
+translations-panel-settings-never-translate-site =
+ .label = Ez itzuli inoiz gune hau
+## The translation panel appears from the url bar, and this view is the default
+## translation view.
+translations-panel-header = Itzuli orria?
+translations-panel-translate-button =
+ .label = Itzuli
+translations-panel-translate-button-loading =
+ .label = Itxaron mesedez…
+translations-panel-translate-cancel =
+ .label = Utzi
+translations-panel-learn-more-link = Argibide gehiago
+translations-panel-intro-header = Probatu itzulpen pribatuak { -brand-shorter-name }(e)n
+translations-panel-intro-description = Zure pribatutasunerako, itzulpenek inoiz ez dute zure gailua uzten. Hizkuntza berriak eta hobekuntzak laster datoz!
+translations-panel-error-translating = Arazo bat gertatu da itzultzean. Saiatu berriro mesedez.
+translations-panel-error-load-languages = Ezin dira hizkuntzak kargatu
+translations-panel-error-load-languages-hint = Egiaztatu interneterako zure konexioa eta saiatu berriro.
+translations-panel-error-load-languages-hint-button =
+ .label = Saiatu berriro
+translations-panel-error-unsupported = Itzulpena ez dago erabilgarri orri honentzat
+translations-panel-error-dismiss-button =
+ .label = Ulertuta
+translations-panel-error-change-button =
+ .label = Aldatu iturburu-hizkuntza
+# If your language requires declining the language name, a possible solution
+# is to adapt the structure of the phrase, or use a support noun, e.g.
+# `Sorry, we don't support the language yet: { $language }
+# Variables:
+# $language (string) - The language of the document.
+translations-panel-error-unsupported-hint-known = Sentitzen dugu, oraindik ez dugu { $language } onartzen.
+translations-panel-error-unsupported-hint-unknown = Sentitzen dugu, oraindik ez dugu hizkuntza hau onartzen.
+## Each label is followed, on a new line, by a dropdown list of language names.
+## If this structure is problematic for your locale, an alternative way is to
+## translate them as `Source language:` and `Target language:`
+translations-panel-from-label = Itzuli hemendik
+translations-panel-to-label = Itzuli hona
+## The translation panel appears from the url bar, and this view is the "restore" view
+## that lets a user restore a page to the original language, or translate into another
+## language.
+# If your language requires declining the language name, a possible solution
+# is to adapt the structure of the phrase, or use a support noun, e.g.
+# `The page is translated from: { $fromLanguage }. Current target language: { $toLanguage }`
+# Variables:
+# $fromLanguage (string) - The original language of the document.
+# $toLanguage (string) - The target language of the translation.
+translations-panel-revisit-header = Orri hau { $fromLanguage } hizkuntzatik { $toLanguage } hizkuntzara itzulita dago
+translations-panel-choose-language =
+ .label = Aukeratu hizkuntza
+translations-panel-restore-button =
+ .label = Erakutsi jatorrizkoa
+## Firefox Translations language management in about:preferences.
+translations-manage-header = Itzulpenak
+translations-manage-settings-button =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = z
+translations-manage-description = Deskargatu hizkuntzak lineaz kanpoko itzulpenerako.
+translations-manage-all-language = Hizkuntza guztiak
+translations-manage-download-button = Deskargatu
+translations-manage-delete-button = Ezabatu
+translations-manage-error-download = Arazo bat gertatu da hizkuntza-fitxategiak deskargatzean. Saiatu berriro mesedez.
+translations-manage-error-delete = Arazo bat gertatu da hizkuntza-fitxategiak ezabatzean. Saiatu berriro mesedez.
+translations-manage-intro = Ezarri zure hizkuntza eta guneen itzulpenerako hobespenak eta kudeatu lineaz kanpoko itzulpenerako instalatuta dauden hizkuntzak.
+translations-manage-install-description = Instalatu hizkuntzak lineaz kanpoko itzulpenerako
+translations-manage-language-install-button =
+ .label = Instalatu
+translations-manage-language-install-all-button =
+ .label = Instalatu denak
+ .accesskey = d
+translations-manage-language-remove-button =
+ .label = Kendu
+translations-manage-language-remove-all-button =
+ .label = Kendu denak
+ .accesskey = d
+translations-manage-error-install = Arazo bat gertatu da hizkuntza-fitxategiak instalatzean. Saiatu berriro mesedez.
+translations-manage-error-remove = Errore bat gertatu da hizkuntza-fitxategiak kentzean. Saiatu berriro mesedez.
+translations-manage-error-list = Huts egin du itzultzeko erabilgarri dauden hizkuntzen zerrenda eskuratzean. Berritu orria eta saiatu berriro.
+translations-settings-title =
+ .title = Itzulpenen ezarpenak
+ .style = min-width: 36em
+translations-settings-close-key =
+ .key = w
+translations-settings-always-translate-langs-description = Itzulpena automatikoki egingo da ondorengo hizkuntzetarako
+translations-settings-never-translate-langs-description = Ez da itzulpenik eskainiko ondorengo hizkuntzetarako
+translations-settings-never-translate-sites-description = Ez da itzulpenik eskainiko ondorengo guneetarako
+translations-settings-languages-column =
+ .label = Hizkuntzak
+translations-settings-remove-language-button =
+ .label = Kendu hizkuntza
+ .accesskey = K
+translations-settings-remove-all-languages-button =
+ .label = Kendu hizkuntza guztiak
+ .accesskey = n
+translations-settings-sites-column =
+ .label = Webguneak
+translations-settings-remove-site-button =
+ .label = Kendu gunea
+ .accesskey = d
+translations-settings-remove-all-sites-button =
+ .label = Kendu gune guztiak
+ .accesskey = z
+translations-settings-close-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Itxi
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = x
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/unifiedExtensions.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/unifiedExtensions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f583ecee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/unifiedExtensions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings appear in the Unified Extensions panel.
+## Panel
+unified-extensions-header-title = Hedapenak
+unified-extensions-manage-extensions =
+ .label = Kudeatu hedapenak
+## An extension in the main list
+# Each extension in the unified extensions panel (list) has a secondary button
+# to open a context menu. This string is used for each of these buttons.
+# Variables:
+# $extensionName (String) - Name of the extension
+unified-extensions-item-open-menu =
+ .aria-label = Ireki menua { $extensionName } hedapenerako
+unified-extensions-item-message-manage = Kudeatu hedapena
+## Extension's context menu
+unified-extensions-context-menu-pin-to-toolbar =
+ .label = Ainguratu tresna-barran
+unified-extensions-context-menu-manage-extension =
+ .label = Kudeatu hedapena
+unified-extensions-context-menu-remove-extension =
+ .label = Kendu hedapena
+unified-extensions-context-menu-report-extension =
+ .label = Eman hedapenaren berri
+unified-extensions-context-menu-move-widget-up =
+ .label = Eraman gora
+unified-extensions-context-menu-move-widget-down =
+ .label = Eraman behera
+## Notifications
+unified-extensions-mb-quarantined-domain-title = Zenbait hedapen ez dira onartzen
+unified-extensions-mb-quarantined-domain-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+ .aria-label = Argibide gehiago: zenbait hedapen ez dira onartzen
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webProtocolHandler.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webProtocolHandler.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4f663fd76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webProtocolHandler.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+protocolhandler-mailto-os-handler-notificationbox = Erabili beti { -brand-short-name } posta elektronikoa bidaltzen duten loturak irekitzeko?
+protocolhandler-mailto-os-handler-yes-confirm = { -brand-short-name } zure aplikazio lehenetsia da orain posta elektronikoa bidaltzen duten loturak irekitzeko.
+protocolhandler-mailto-os-handler-yes-button = Ezarri lehenetsi gisa
+protocolhandler-mailto-os-handler-no-button = Une honetan ez
+## Variables:
+## $url (String): The url of a webmailer, but only its full domain name.
+protocolhandler-mailto-handler-notificationbox-always = Ireki beti posta elektronikoko loturak { $url } erabiliz?
+protocolhandler-mailto-handler-yes-confirm = { $url } zure gune lehenetsia da orain posta elektronikoa bidaltzen duten loturak irekitzeko.
+protocolhandler-mailto-handler-yes-button = Ezarri lehenetsi gisa
+protocolhandler-mailto-handler-no-button = Une honetan ez
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webauthnDialog.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webauthnDialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b6a728b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webauthnDialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Variables:
+# $retriesLeft (Number): number of tries left
+webauthn-pin-invalid-long-prompt =
+ { $retriesLeft ->
+ [one] PIN okerra. Saiakera { $retriesLeft } duzu gailu honetako kredentzialetarako sarbidea betirako galdu aurretik.
+ *[other] PIN okerra. { $retriesLeft } saiakera dituzu gailu honetako kredentzialetarako sarbidea betirako galdu aurretik.
+ }
+webauthn-pin-invalid-short-prompt = PIN okerra. Saiatu berriro.
+webauthn-pin-required-prompt = Idatzi zure gailuaren PINa mesedez.
+webauthn-select-sign-result-unknown-account = Kontu ezezaguna
+webauthn-a-passkey-label = Erabili sarbide-gakoa
+webauthn-another-passkey-label = Erabili beste sarbide-gako bat
+# Variables:
+# $domain (String): the domain of the site.
+webauthn-specific-passkey-label = { $domain } domeinurako sarbide-gakoa
+# Variables:
+# $retriesLeft (Number): number of tries left
+webauthn-uv-invalid-long-prompt =
+ { $retriesLeft ->
+ [one] Erabiltzailearen egiaztapenak huts egin du. Saiakera { $retriesLeft } gelditzen da. Saiatu berriro.
+ *[other] Erabiltzailearen egiaztapenak huts egin du. { $retriesLeft } saiakera gelditzen dira. Saiatu berriro.
+ }
+webauthn-uv-invalid-short-prompt = Erabiltzailearen egiaztapenak huts egin du. Saiatu berriro.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webrtcIndicator.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webrtcIndicator.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82bfe42706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/browser/webrtcIndicator.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Note: This is currently placed under browser/base/content so that we can
+# get the strings to appear without having our localization community need
+# to go through and translate everything. Once these strings are ready for
+# translation, we'll move it to the locales folder.
+## These strings are used so that the window has a title in tools that
+## enumerate/look for window titles. It is not normally visible anywhere.
+webrtc-indicator-title = { -brand-short-name } - Partekatzearen adierazlea
+webrtc-indicator-window =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } - Partekatzearen adierazlea
+## Used as list items in sharing menu
+webrtc-item-camera = kamera
+webrtc-item-microphone = mikrofonoa
+webrtc-item-audio-capture = fitxaren audioa
+webrtc-item-application = aplikazioa
+webrtc-item-screen = pantaila
+webrtc-item-window = leihoa
+webrtc-item-browser = fitxa
+# This is used for the website origin for the sharing menu if no readable origin could be deduced from the URL.
+webrtc-sharing-menuitem-unknown-host = Jatorri ezezaguna
+# Variables:
+# $origin (String): The website origin (e.g.
+# $itemList (String): A formatted list of items (e.g. "camera, microphone and tab audio")
+webrtc-sharing-menuitem =
+ .label = { $origin } ({ $itemList })
+webrtc-sharing-menu =
+ .label = Gailuak partekatzen dituzten fitxak
+ .accesskey = G
+webrtc-sharing-window = Beste aplikazio baten leihoa ari zara partekatzen.
+webrtc-sharing-browser-window = { -brand-short-name } ari zara partekatzen.
+webrtc-sharing-screen = Pantaila osoa ari zara partekatzen.
+webrtc-stop-sharing-button = Gelditu partekatzen
+webrtc-microphone-unmuted =
+ .title = Itzali mikrofonoa
+webrtc-microphone-muted =
+ .title = Piztu mikrofonoa
+webrtc-camera-unmuted =
+ .title = Itzali kamera
+webrtc-camera-muted =
+ .title = Piztu kamera
+webrtc-minimize =
+ .title = Minimizatu adierazlea
+## These strings will display as a tooltip on supported systems where we show
+## device sharing state in the OS notification area. We do not use these strings
+## on macOS, as global menu bar items do not have native tooltips.
+webrtc-camera-system-menu =
+ .label = Kamera partekatzen ari zara. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-microphone-system-menu =
+ .label = Mikrofonoa partekatzen ari zara. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-screen-system-menu =
+ .label = Leiho edo pantaila bat partekatzen ari zara. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+## Tooltips used by the legacy global sharing indicator
+webrtc-indicator-sharing-camera-and-microphone =
+ .tooltiptext = Zure kamera eta mikrofonoa partekatuta daude. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-indicator-sharing-camera =
+ .tooltiptext = Zure kamera partekatuta dago. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-indicator-sharing-microphone =
+ .tooltiptext = Zure mikrofonoa partekatuta dago. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-indicator-sharing-application =
+ .tooltiptext = Aplikazio bat partekatuta dago. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-indicator-sharing-screen =
+ .tooltiptext = Zure pantaila partekatuta dago. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-indicator-sharing-window =
+ .tooltiptext = Leiho bat partekatuta dago. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+webrtc-indicator-sharing-browser =
+ .tooltiptext = Fitxa bat partekatuta dago. Egin klik partekatzea kontrolatzeko.
+## These strings are only used on Mac for menus attached to icons
+## near the clock on the mac menubar.
+## Variables:
+## $streamTitle (String): the title of the tab using the share.
+## $tabCount (Number): the title of the tab using the share.
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-control-sharing =
+ .label = Kontrolatu partekatzea
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-control-sharing-on =
+ .label = Kontrolatu partekatzea "{ $streamTitle }" fitxan
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-camera-with =
+ .label = Kamera partekatzen "{ $streamTitle }" fitxarekin
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-camera-with-n-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Kamera fitxa batekin partekatzen
+ *[other] Kamera { $tabCount } fitxekin partekatzen
+ }
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-microphone-with =
+ .label = Mikrofonoa partekatzen "{ $streamTitle }" fitxarekin
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-microphone-with-n-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Mikrofonoa fitxa batekin partekatzen
+ *[other] Mikrofonoa { $tabCount } fitxekin partekatzen
+ }
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-application-with =
+ .label = Aplikazio bat partekatzen "{ $streamTitle }"(r)ekin
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-application-with-n-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Fitxa batekin aplikazio bat partekatzen
+ *[other] { $tabCount } fitxekin aplikazioak partekatzen
+ }
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-screen-with =
+ .label = Pantaila partekatzen "{ $streamTitle }" fitxarekin
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-screen-with-n-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Pantaila fitxa batekin partekatzen
+ *[other] Pantaila { $tabCount } fitxekin partekatzen
+ }
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-window-with =
+ .label = Leihoa partekatzen "{ $streamTitle }" fitxarekin
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-window-with-n-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Leihoa fitxa batekin partekatzen
+ *[other] Leihoa { $tabCount } fitxekin partekatzen
+ }
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-browser-with =
+ .label = Fitxa partekatzen "{ $streamTitle }" fitxarekin
+# This message is shown when the contents of a tab is shared during a WebRTC
+# session, which currently is only possible with Loop/Hello.
+webrtc-indicator-menuitem-sharing-browser-with-n-tabs =
+ .label =
+ { $tabCount ->
+ [one] Fitxa beste fitxa batekin partekatzen
+ *[other] Fitxa beste { $tabCount } fitxekin partekatzen
+ }
+## Variables:
+## $origin (String): the website origin (e.g.
+webrtc-allow-share-audio-capture = Baimendu { $origin } guneak fitxa honetako audioa entzutea?
+webrtc-allow-share-camera = Baimendu { $origin } guneak zure kamera erabiltzea?
+webrtc-allow-share-microphone = Baimendu { $origin } guneak zure mikrofonoa erabiltzea?
+webrtc-allow-share-screen = Baimendu { $origin } guneak zure pantaila ikustea?
+# "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or
+# another audio output connection.
+webrtc-allow-share-speaker = Baimendu { $origin } guneak beste bozgorailuak erabiltzea?
+webrtc-allow-share-camera-and-microphone = Baimendu { $origin } guneak zure kamera eta mikrofonoa erabiltzea?
+webrtc-allow-share-camera-and-audio-capture = Baimendu { $origin } guneak zure kamera erabili eta fitxa honetako audioa entzutea?
+webrtc-allow-share-screen-and-microphone = Baimendu { $origin } guneak zure kamera erabili eta zure pantaila ikustea?
+webrtc-allow-share-screen-and-audio-capture = Baimendu { $origin } guneak fitxa honetako audioa entzun eta zure pantaila ikustea?
+## Variables:
+## $origin (String): the first party origin.
+## $thirdParty (String): the third party origin.
+webrtc-allow-share-audio-capture-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari fitxa honen audioa entzuteko baimena ematea?
+webrtc-allow-share-camera-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari zure kamerarako sarbidea ematea?
+webrtc-allow-share-microphone-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari zure mikrofonorako sarbidea ematea?
+webrtc-allow-share-screen-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari zure pantaila ikusteko baimena ematea?
+# "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or
+# another audio output connection.
+webrtc-allow-share-speaker-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari beste bozgorailuetarako sarbidea ematea?
+webrtc-allow-share-camera-and-microphone-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari zure kamera eta mikrofonorako sarbidea ematea?
+webrtc-allow-share-camera-and-audio-capture-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari zure kamerarako eta fitxa honetako audioa entzuteko sarbidea ematea?
+webrtc-allow-share-screen-and-microphone-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari zure mikrofonorako eta zure pantaila ikusteko sarbidea ematea?
+webrtc-allow-share-screen-and-audio-capture-unsafe-delegation = Baimendu { $origin } guneak { $thirdParty } guneari fitxa honetako audioa entzun eta zure pantaila ikusteko baimena ematea?
+webrtc-share-screen-warning = Partekatu pantailak soilik zuretzat fidagarriak diren guneekin. Partekatuz gero, gune iruzurtiek zu bazina bezala guneak nabigatu eta zure datu pribatuak lapurtzea baimen lezake.
+webrtc-share-browser-warning = Partekatu { -brand-short-name } soilik zuretzat fidagarriak diren guneekin. Partekatuz gero, gune iruzurtiek zu bazina bezala guneak nabigatu eta zure datu pribatuak lapurtzea baimen lezake.
+webrtc-share-screen-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+webrtc-pick-window-or-screen = Hautatu leihoa edo pantaila
+webrtc-share-entire-screen = Pantaila osoa
+webrtc-share-pipe-wire-portal = Erabili sistema eragilearen ezarpenak
+# Variables:
+# $monitorIndex (String): screen number (digits 1, 2, etc).
+webrtc-share-monitor = { $monitorIndex }. pantaila
+# Variables:
+# $windowCount (Number): the number of windows currently displayed by the application.
+# $appName (String): the name of the application.
+webrtc-share-application =
+ { $windowCount ->
+ [one] { $appName } (leiho bat)
+ *[other] { $appName } ({ $windowCount } leiho)
+ }
+## These buttons are the possible answers to the various prompts in the "webrtc-allow-share-*" strings.
+webrtc-action-allow =
+ .label = Baimendu
+ .accesskey = B
+webrtc-action-block =
+ .label = Blokeatu
+ .accesskey = B
+webrtc-action-always-block =
+ .label = Blokeatu beti
+ .accesskey = k
+webrtc-action-not-now =
+ .label = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = z
+webrtc-remember-allow-checkbox = Gogoratu erabakia
+webrtc-mute-notifications-checkbox = Mututu webgunearen jakinarazpenak partekatzea aktibo dagoenean
+webrtc-reason-for-no-permanent-allow-screen = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du zure pantailarako sarbide iraunkorra baimendu.
+webrtc-reason-for-no-permanent-allow-audio = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du zure fitxaren audiorako sarbide iraunkorra baimendu zein fitxa partekatu galdetu gabe.
+webrtc-reason-for-no-permanent-allow-insecure = Gune honetarako zure konexioa ez da segurua. Zure babeserako, saio honetarako bakarrik baimenduko du sarbidea { -brand-short-name }(e)k.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbd8194f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+nv_timeout=Denbora-muga gaindituta
+openFile=Ireki fitxategia
+droponhometitle=Ezarri hasiera-orria
+droponhomemsg=Dokumentu hau zure hasiera-orri berria izatea nahi duzu?
+droponhomemsgMultiple=Dokumentu hauek zure hasiera-orri berriak izatea nahi duzu?
+# context menu strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuSearch): %1$S is the search engine,
+# %2$S is the selection string.
+contextMenuSearch=Bilatu "%2$S" %1$S(e)n
+contextMenuPrivateSearch=Bilatu leiho pribatuan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuPrivateSearchOtherEngine): %S is the search
+# engine name as set for Private Browsing mode. This label is only used when
+# this engine is different from the default engine name used in normal mode.
+contextMenuPrivateSearchOtherEngine=Bilatu leiho pribatuan %S erabiliz
+# bookmark dialog strings
+bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Karpetaren izena]
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.message=Instalatutako gehigarri bat edo gehiago ezin dira egiaztatu eta desgaitu egin dira.
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.label=Argibide gehiago
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText): %S is the relative time of the most recent geolocation access (e.g. 5 min. ago)
+geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText=Azken atzipena: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openProtocolHandlerPermissionEntryLabel): %S is the scheme of the protocol the site may open an application for. For example: mailto
+openProtocolHandlerPermissionEntryLabel=%S:// loturak
+crashedpluginsMessage.title=%S pluginak huts egin du.
+crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=Berritu orria
+crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=Bidali hutsegite-txostena
+crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=Argibide gehiago…
+# Keyword fixup messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (keywordURIFixup.message): Used when the user tries to visit
+# a local host page, by the time the DNS request recognizes it, we have already
+# loaded a search page for the given word. An infobar then asks to the user
+# whether he rather wanted to visit the host. %S is the recognized host.
+keywordURIFixup.message=%S ostalarira nahi zenuen joan?
+keywordURIFixup.goTo=Bai, eraman nazazu %S ostalarira
+# Sanitize
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (update.downloadAndInstallButton.label): %S is replaced by the
+# version of the update: "Update to 28.0".
+update.downloadAndInstallButton.label=Eguneratu %S bertsiora
+menuOpenAllInTabs.label=Ireki guztiak fitxetan
+# Unified Back-/Forward Popup
+tabHistory.reloadCurrent=Berritu orri hau
+tabHistory.goBack=Joan atzera orri honetara
+tabHistory.goForward=Joan aurrera orri honetara
+# URL Bar
+pasteAndGo.label=Itsatsi eta joan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reloadButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for reloading the current page
+reloadButton.tooltip=Berritu uneko orria (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stopButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for stopping loading the page
+stopButton.tooltip=Utzi orria kargatzeari (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for resetting the zoom level to 100%
+urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip=Berrezarri zoomaren maila (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reader-mode-button.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for entering/exiting reader view
+reader-mode-button.tooltip=Txandakatu irakurtzeko ikuspegia (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-button.label): %S is the current page zoom level,
+# %% will be displayed as a single % character (% is commonly used to define
+# format specifiers, so it needs to be escaped).
+zoom-button.label = %%%S
+# General bookmarks button
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Show All Bookmarks"
+bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip=Erakutsi laster-markak (%S)
+# Downloads button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloads.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Downloads"
+downloads.tooltip=Bistaratu abiarazitako deskargen aurrerapena (%S)
+# New Window button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newWindowButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Window"
+newWindowButton.tooltip=Ireki leiho berria (%S)
+# New Tab button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newTabButton.tooltip):
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Tab"
+newTabButton.tooltip=Ireki fitxa berria (%S)
+newTabContainer.tooltip=Ireki fitxa berria (%S)\nSakatu eta mantendu edukiontzi-fitxa berri bat irekitzeko
+newTabAlwaysContainer.tooltip=Hautatu fitxa berria irekitzeko edukiontzia
+# Canvas permission prompt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (canvas.siteprompt2): %S is hostname
+canvas.siteprompt2=Baimendu %S guneak zure HTML5 canvas-eko irudi-datuak erabiltzea?
+canvas.siteprompt2.warning=Zure ordenagailua modu esklusiboan identifikatzeko erabil liteke hau.
+canvas.remember2=Gogoratu erabakia
+# WebAuthn prompts
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.userPresence): %S is hostname
+webauthn.userPresencePrompt=Ukitu zure segurtasun-giltza %S ostalariarekin jarraitzeko.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerDirectPrompt3):
+# %S is hostname.
+# The website is asking for extended information about your
+# hardware authenticator that shouldn't be generally necessary. Permitting
+# this is safe if you only use one account at this website. If you have
+# multiple accounts at this website, and you use the same hardware
+# authenticator, then the website could link those accounts together.
+# And this is true even if you use a different profile / browser (or even Tor
+# Browser). To avoid this, you should use different hardware authenticators
+# for different accounts on this website.
+webauthn.registerDirectPrompt3=Zure segurtasun-gakoari buruzko informazio gehigarria ari da eskatzen %S, eta eragina izan lezake zure pribatutasunean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerDirectPromptHint):
+# %S is brandShortName
+webauthn.registerDirectPromptHint=%S(e)k hau zuretzat anonimo egin dezake baina webguneak gakoa uka lezake. Ukatuz gero, berriro saia zaitezke.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectSignResultPrompt): %S is hostname
+webauthn.selectSignResultPrompt=Hainbat kontu aurkitu dira %S ostalarirako. Hautatu zein erabili behar den edo utzi.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectDevicePrompt): %S is hostname
+webauthn.selectDevicePrompt=Hainbat gailu aurkitu dira %S ostalarirako. Hautatu bat mesedez.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.deviceBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
+webauthn.deviceBlockedPrompt=Erabiltzailearen egiaztapenak huts egin du %S ostalarian. Saiakerarik ez da gelditzen eta zure gailua blokeatu egin da, PIN okerra gehiegitan eman delako. Gailuak berrezartzea eskatzen du.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.pinAuthBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
+webauthn.pinAuthBlockedPrompt=Erabiltzailearen egiaztapenak huts egin du %S ostalarian. Saiakera oker gehiegi egon dira segidan eta PIN bidezko egiaztapena blokeatu egin da behin-behinean. Zure gailuak piztea/itzaltze zikloa eskatzen du (desentxufatzea eta berriro entxufatzea).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.pinNotSetPrompt): %S is hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.uvBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname
+webauthn.alreadyRegisteredPrompt=Gailu hau erregistratuta dago jada. Probatu beste gailu batekin.
+webauthn.anonymize=Egin anonimo halere
+# Spoof Accept-Language prompt
+privacy.spoof_english=Zure hizkuntza-ezarpenak ingelesera aldatuz gero zailagoa izango da zu identifikatzea eta pribatutasuna areagotzen du. Web orrien ingelesezko bertsioak eskatu nahi dituzu?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.identified.verifier, identity.identified.state_and_country, identity.ev.contentOwner2):
+# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+identity.identified.verifier=Egiaztapena: %S
+identity.identified.verified_by_you=Segurtasun salbuespen bat gehitu duzu gune honentzat.
+identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S
+identity.ev.contentOwner2=Ziurtagiria honi jaulkia: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.notSecure.label):
+# Keep this string as short as possible, this is displayed in the URL bar
+# use a synonym for "safe" or "private" if "secure" is too long.
+identity.notSecure.tooltip=Konexioa ez da segurua
+identity.extension.label=Hedapena (%S)
+identity.extension.tooltip=Luzapen bidez kargatua: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.trackersView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a tracker in the trackers subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+contentBlocking.trackersView.empty.label=Ez da bat ere atzeman gune honetan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookies.blockingTrackers.label, contentBlocking.cookies.blocking3rdParty.label,
+# contentBlocking.cookies.blockingUnvisited.label,contentBlocking.cookies.blockingAll.label):
+contentBlocking.cookies.blockingTrackers3.label=Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak
+contentBlocking.cookies.blocking3rdParty2.label=Hirugarrenen cookieak
+contentBlocking.cookies.blockingUnvisited2.label=Bisitatu gabeko guneetako cookieak
+contentBlocking.cookies.blockingAll2.label=Cookie guztiak
+contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.label=Gune honetatik
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.empty.label):
+# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.label:
+# "[Cookies] From This Site: None detected on this site".
+contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.empty.label=Ez da bat ere atzeman gune honetan
+contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers2.label=Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.empty.label):
+# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.label:
+# "Tracking Cookies: None detected on this site".
+contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.empty.label=Ez da bat ere atzeman gune honetan
+contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.label=Hirugarrenen cookieak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.empty.label):
+# This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.label:
+# "Third-Party Cookies: None detected on this site".
+contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.empty.label=Ez da bat ere atzeman gune honetan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.allowed.label):
+# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Allowed"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.removeButton.tooltip): %S is the domain of the site.
+contentBlocking.cookiesView.removeButton.tooltip=Garbitu cookie salbuespena %S gunerako
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.fingerprintersView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a fingerprinter in the fingerprinters subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cryptominersView.blocked.label):
+# This label is shown next to a cryptominer in the cryptominers subview.
+# It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence " [was] Blocked"
+trackingProtection.icon.activeTooltip2=Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak, guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak eta hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena blokeatzen.
+trackingProtection.icon.disabledTooltip2=Jarraipenaren babes hobetua desgaituta dago gune honetarako.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (trackingProtection.icon.noTrackersDetectedTooltip): %S is brandShortName.
+trackingProtection.icon.noTrackersDetectedTooltip=Ez da aurkitu %S(r)i ezagunak zaizkion jarraipen-elementurik orri honetan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.header):
+# Header of the Protections Panel. %S is replaced with the site's hostname.
+protections.header=%S ostalarirako babesak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.disableAriaLabel):
+# Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will disable protections.
+# %s is the site's hostname.
+protections.disableAriaLabel=Desgaitu babesak %S ostalarirako
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.enableAriaLabel):
+# Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will enable protections.
+# %s is the site's hostname.
+protections.enableAriaLabel=Gaitu babesak %S ostalarirako
+# Blocking and Not Blocking sub-views in the Protections Panel
+protections.blocking.fingerprinters.title=Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena blokeatuta
+protections.blocking.cryptominers.title=Kriptomeatzariak blokeatuta
+protections.blocking.cookies.trackers.title=Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak blokeatuta
+protections.blocking.cookies.3rdParty.title=Hirugarrenen cookieak blokeatuta
+protections.blocking.cookies.all.title=Cookie guztiak blokeatuta
+protections.blocking.cookies.unvisited.title=Bisitatu gabeko guneetako cookieak blokeatuta
+protections.blocking.trackingContent.title=Edukiaren jarraipena blokeatuta
+protections.blocking.socialMediaTrackers.title=Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak blokeatuta
+protections.notBlocking.fingerprinters.title=Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena ez dago blokeatuta
+protections.notBlocking.cryptominers.title=Kriptomeatzariak ez daude blokeatuta
+protections.notBlocking.cookies.3rdParty.title=Ez dira hirugarrenen cookieak blokeatzen
+protections.notBlocking.cookies.all.title=Ez dira cookieak blokeatzen
+protections.notBlocking.crossSiteTrackingCookies.title=Guneen arteko cookie jarraipen-egileak ez daude blokeatuta
+protections.notBlocking.trackingContent.title=Edukiaren jarraipena ez dago blokeatuta
+protections.notBlocking.socialMediaTrackers.title=Sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak ez daude blokeatuta
+# Footer section in the Protections Panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description,
+# protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip):
+# This text indicates the total number of trackers blocked on all sites. In
+# its tooltip, we show the date when we started counting this number.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# Replacement for #1 is a locale-string converted positive integer.
+protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description=#1 blokeatuta;#1 blokeatuta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip):
+# %S is the date on which we started counting (e.g., July 17, 2019).
+protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip=Noiztik: %S
+# Milestones section in the Protections Panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.milestone.description):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is replaced with brandShortName.
+# #2 is replaced with the (locale-formatted) number of trackers blocked
+# #3 is replaced by a locale-formatted date with short month and numeric year.
+# In English this looks like "Firefox blocked over 10,000 trackers since Oct 2019"
+protections.milestone.description=#1(e)k jarraipen-elementu bat blokeatu du data honetatik: #3; #1(e)k #2 jarraipen-elementu baino gehiago blokeatu ditu data honetatik: #3
+# Application menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReduce-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoomReduce-button.tooltip = Urrundu zooma (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReset-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoomReset-button.tooltip = Berrezarri zoomaren maila (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip = Gerturatu zooma (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cut-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+cut-button.tooltip = Ebaki (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copy-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+copy-button.tooltip = Kopiatu (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paste-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+paste-button.tooltip = Itsatsi (%S)
+# Geolocation UI
+geolocation.shareWithSite4=Baimendu %S guneak zure kokapena erabiltzea?
+geolocation.shareWithFile4=Baimendu fitxategi lokal honi zure kokapena erabiltzea?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(geolocation.shareWithSiteUnsafeDelegation2):
+# %1$S is the first party origin, %2$S is the third party origin.
+geolocation.shareWithSiteUnsafeDelegation2=Baimendu %1$S guneak %2$S guneari zure kokapenaren sarbidea izateko baimena ematea?
+geolocation.remember=Gogoratu erabakia
+# Virtual Reality Device UI
+xr.shareWithSite4=Baimendu %S guneak errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbidea izatea? Honek kontuzko informazioa argitara eman lezake.
+xr.shareWithFile4=Baimendu fitxategi lokal honek errealitate birtualeko gailuetarako sarbidea izatea? Honek kontuzko informazioa argitara eman lezake.
+xr.remember=Gogoratu erabaki hau
+# Persistent storage UI
+persistentStorage.allowWithSite2=Baimendu %S guneak datuak biltegiratze iraunkorrean gordetzea?
+# Web notifications UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysBlock, block)
+# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
+# it's okay for them to have the same access key
+webNotifications.notNow=Une honetan ez
+webNotifications.never=Inoiz ez baimendu
+webNotifications.alwaysBlock=Blokeatu beti
+webNotifications.receiveFromSite3=Baimendu %S guneari jakinarazpenak bidaltzea?
+# Phishing/Malware Notification Bar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notADeceptiveSite, notAnAttack)
+# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
+# it's okay for them to have the same access key
+safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=Eraman nazazu hemendik at!
+safebrowsing.deceptiveSite=Gune iruzurtia!
+safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.label=Hau ez da gune iruzurtia…
+safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=Ustezko web erasoa!
+safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=Hau ez da gune erasotzailea…
+safebrowsing.reportedUnwantedSite=Salatutako nahi ez den softwarearen gunea!
+safebrowsing.reportedHarmfulSite=Gune erasotzaile gisa markatuta!
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title
+# Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field.
+addKeywordTitleAutoFill=Search %S
+# troubleshootModeRestart
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (troubleshootModeRestartPromptTitle): %S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+troubleshootModeRestartPromptTitle=Berrabiarazi %S arazoak konpontzeko moduan?
+troubleshootModeRestartPromptMessage=Zure hedapenak, itxurak eta ezarpen pertsonalizatuak behin-behinean desgaitu egingo dira.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Set to the string
+# "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Text
+# Encoding" menu in the main Firefox button on Windows. Any other value will
+# hide it. Regardless of the value of this setting, the "Text Encoding"
+# menu will always be accessible via the "Browser Tools" menu.
+# This is not a string to translate; it just controls whether the menu shows
+# up in the Firefox button. If users frequently use the "Text Encoding"
+# menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false".
+# Process hang reporter
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.selected_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+processHang.selected_tab.label = Orri hau %1$S mantsotzen ari da. Zure nabigatzailea bizkortzeko, gelditu orri hau.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.nonspecific_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+processHang.nonspecific_tab.label = Webgune bat %1$S mantsotzen ari da. Zure nabigatzailea bizkortzeko, gelditu orri hori.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.specific_tab.label): %1$S is the title of the tab.
+# %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+processHang.specific_tab.label = "%1$S" fitxa %2$S mantsotzen ari da. Zure nabigatzailea bizkortzeko, gelditu orri hori.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.add-on.label2): %1$S is the name of the
+# extension. %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox)
+processHang.add-on.label2 = "%1$S" hedapena %2$S mantsotzen ari da. Zure nabigatzailea bizkortzeko, gelditu hedapen hori.
+processHang.add-on.learn-more.text = Argibide gehiago
+processHang.button_stop2.label = Gelditu
+processHang.button_stop2.accessKey = G
+processHang.button_debug.label = Araztu scripta
+processHang.button_debug.accessKey = A
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullscreenButton.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut for full screen
+fullscreenButton.tooltip=Bistaratu leihoa pantaila osoan (%S)
+# These are visible when opening the popup inside the bookmarks sidebar
+sidebar.moveToLeft=Aldatu lekuz alboko barra ezkerrera
+sidebar.moveToRight=Aldatu lekuz alboko barra eskuinera
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S will be the 'learn more' link
+emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.message2 = DRMa gaitu behar duzu orri honetako zenbait audio edo bideo erreproduzitzeko.
+emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.label = Gaitu DRMa
+emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.accesskey = G
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S is brandShortName
+emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message = Orri honetako audioa edo bideoa erreproduzitzeko behar diren osagaiak instalatzen ari da %S. Saiatu berriro geroago mesedez.
+emeNotifications.unknownDRMSoftware = Ezezaguna
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (customizeMode.tabTitle): %S is brandShortName
+customizeMode.tabTitle = Pertsonalizatu %S
+e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.label = Ados
+e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.accesskey = A
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage): %S is brandShortName
+e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage = Fitxaren edukia bistaratzea desgaituta dago %S(r)en eta zure erabilgarritasun-softwarearen arteko bateraezintasuna dela eta. Eguneratu zure pantailaren irakurlea edo aldatu Firefox Extended Support Release bertsiora.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (userContextPersonal.label,
+# userContextWork.label,
+# userContextShopping.label,
+# userContextBanking.label,
+# userContextNone.label):
+# These strings specify the four predefined contexts included in support of the
+# Contextual Identity / Containers project. Each context is meant to represent
+# the context that the user is in when interacting with the site. Different
+# contexts will store cookies and other information from those sites in
+# different, isolated locations. You can enable the feature by typing
+# about:config in the URL bar and changing privacy.userContext.enabled to true.
+# Once enabled, you can open a new tab in a specific context by clicking
+# File > New Container Tab > (1 of 4 contexts). Once opened, you will see these
+# strings on the right-hand side of the URL bar.
+userContextPersonal.label = Pertsonala
+userContextWork.label = Lanekoa
+userContextBanking.label = Banka
+userContextShopping.label = Erosketak
+userContextNone.label = Edukiontzirik ez
+userContextPersonal.accesskey = P
+userContextWork.accesskey = L
+userContextBanking.accesskey = B
+userContextShopping.accesskey = E
+userContextNone.accesskey = E
+userContext.aboutPage.label = Kudeatu edukiontziak
+userContext.aboutPage.accesskey = o
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendTabsToDevice.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of tabs sent to the device.
+sendTabsToDevice.label = Bidali fitxa gailura;Bidali #1 fitxa gailura
+sendTabsToDevice.accesskey = d
+decoder.noCodecs.button = Ikasi nola
+decoder.noCodecs.accesskey = I
+decoder.noCodecsLinux.message = Bideoa erreproduzitzeko, baliteke beharrezko bideo-kodekak instalatu behar izatea.
+decoder.noHWAcceleration.message = Bideoaren kalitatea hobetzeko, baliteke Microsoft-en Media Feature Pack-a instalatu behar izatea.
+decoder.noPulseAudio.message = Bideoa erreproduzitzeko, baliteke PulseAudio softwarea instalatu behar izatea.
+decoder.unsupportedLibavcodec.message = libavcodec babesik edo euskarririk gabe egon liteke eta eguneratu egin behar da bideoa erreproduzitzeko.
+decoder.decodeError.message = Errorea gertatu da multimedia-baliabide bat deskodetzean.
+decoder.decodeError.button = Eman gunearen arazoaren berri
+decoder.decodeError.accesskey = E
+decoder.decodeWarning.message = Berreskuragarria den errore bat gertatu da multimedia-baliabide bat deskodetzean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.infoMessage3):
+# Shown in a notification bar when we detect a captive portal is blocking network access
+# and requires the user to log in before browsing.
+captivePortal.infoMessage3 = Internetera sartu ahal izateko saioa hasi behar duzu sare honetan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.showLoginPage2):
+# The label for a button shown in the info bar in all tabs except the login page tab.
+# The button shows the portal login page tab when clicked.
+captivePortal.showLoginPage2 = Ireki sarearen saio-hasiera orria
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (permissions.header):
+# %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed.
+permissions.header = %S ostalariaren baimenak
+permissions.remove.tooltip = Garbitu baimen hau eta galdetu berriro
+permissions.fullscreen.promptCanceled = Bertan behera utzi dira baimenen eskaerak: eskaerak ez dira egin behar DOMeko pantaila osoan sartu aurretik.
+permissions.fullscreen.fullScreenCanceled = DOMeko pantaila osoa irten da: baimenen eskaerak ez dira egin behar pantaila osoan egon bitartean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDialog.architecture.*):
+# The sixtyFourBit and thirtyTwoBit strings describe the architecture of the
+# current Firefox build: 32-bit or 64-bit. These strings are used in parentheses
+# between the Firefox version and the "What's new" link in the About dialog,
+# e.g.: "48.0.2 (32-bit) <What's new>" or "51.0a1 (2016-09-05) (64-bit)".
+aboutDialog.architecture.sixtyFourBit = 64 bit
+aboutDialog.architecture.thirtyTwoBit = 32 bit
+midi.allow.label = Baimendu
+midi.allow.accesskey = a
+midi.block.label = Blokeatu
+midi.block.accesskey = B
+midi.remember=Gogoratu erabakia
+midi.shareWithFile = Baimendu fitxategi lokal honi zure MIDI gailuak atzitzea?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access
+midi.shareWithSite = Baimendu %S guneari zure MIDI gailuak atzitzea?
+midi.shareSysexWithFile = Baimendu fitxategi lokal honi zure MIDI gailuak atzitu eta SysEx mezuak bidali eta jasotzea?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareSysexWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access
+midi.shareSysexWithSite = Baimendu %S guneari zure MIDI gailuak atzitu eta SysEx mezuak bidali eta jasotzea?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (panel.back):
+# This is used by screen readers to label the "back" button in various browser
+# popup panels, including the sliding subviews of the main menu.
+panel.back = Atzera
+storageAccess1.Allow.label = Baimendu
+storageAccess1.Allow.accesskey = B
+storageAccess1.DontAllow.label = Blokeatu
+storageAccess1.DontAllow.accesskey = B
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storageAccess4.message, storageAccess1.hintText):
+# %1$S is the name of the site URL (www.site1.example) trying to track the user's activity.
+# %2$S is the name of the site URL (www.site2.example) that the user is visiting. This is the same domain name displayed in the address bar.
+storageAccess4.message = Baimendu %1$S guneari bere cookieak %2$S gunean erabiltzea?
+storageAccess1.hintText = Sarbidea blokeatu nahiko duzu ez badago garbi zergatik behar dituen datu hauek %1$S guneak.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gnomeSearchProviderSearchWeb):
+# Used for search by Gnome Shell activity screen, %S is a searched string.
+gnomeSearchProviderSearchWeb=Bilatu “%S” webean
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/customizableui/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+history-panelmenu.label = Historia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(history-panelmenu.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut
+history-panelmenu.tooltiptext2 = Erakutsi historia (%S)
+find-button.label = Bilatu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(find-button.tooltiptext3): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+find-button.tooltiptext3 = Bilatu orri honetan (%S)
+developer-button.label = Garatzailea
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(developer-button.tooltiptext): %S is the keyboard shortcut
+developer-button.tooltiptext2 = Ireki web garapenerako tresnak (%S)
+sidebar-button.label = Alboko barrak
+sidebar-button.tooltiptext2 = Erakutsi alboko barrak
+zoom-controls.label = Zoomaren kontrolak
+zoom-controls.tooltiptext2 = Zoomaren kontrolak
+zoom-out-button.label = Urrundu zooma
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-out-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoom-out-button.tooltiptext2 = Urrundu zooma (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-reset-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoom-reset-button.tooltiptext2 = Berrezarri zoomaren maila (%S)
+zoom-in-button.label = Gerturatu zooma
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-in-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+zoom-in-button.tooltiptext2 = Gerturatu zooma (%S)
+edit-controls.label = Editatu kontrolak
+edit-controls.tooltiptext2 = Editatu kontrolak
+cut-button.label = Ebaki
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cut-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+cut-button.tooltiptext2 = Ebaki (%S)
+copy-button.label = Kopiatu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(copy-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+copy-button.tooltiptext2 = Kopiatu (%S)
+paste-button.label = Itsatsi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(paste-button.tooltiptext2): %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+paste-button.tooltiptext2 = Itsatsi (%S)
+panic-button.label = Ahaztu
+panic-button.tooltiptext = Ahaztu nabigatze-historiaren zati bat
+toolbarspring.label = Zuriune malgua
+toolbarseparator.label = Bereizlea
+toolbarspacer.label = Zuriunea
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db5ca86500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/downloads/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateStarting):
+# Indicates that the download is starting.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateFailed):
+# Indicates that the download failed because of an error.
+stateFailed=Huts egin du
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statePaused):
+# Indicates that the download was paused by the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCanceled):
+# Indicates that the download was canceled by the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateCompleted):
+# Indicates that the download was completed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateBlockedParentalControls):
+# Indicates that the download was blocked by the Parental Controls feature of
+# Windows. "Parental Controls" should be consistently named and capitalized
+# with the display of this feature in Windows. The following article can
+# provide a reference for the translation of "Parental Controls" in various
+# languages:
+stateBlockedParentalControls=Guraso-kontrolek blokeatua
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedMalware, blockedPotentiallyUnwanted,
+# blockedUncommon2):
+# These strings are shown in the panel for some types of blocked downloads. You
+# may need to adjust "downloads.width" in "downloads.dtd" if this turns out to
+# be longer than the other existing status strings.
+blockedMalware=Fitxategi honek birusa edo malwarea dauka.
+blockedPotentiallyUnwanted=Fitxategi honek zure ordenagailua kalte lezake.
+blockedPotentiallyInsecure=Ez da fitxategia deskargatu: balizko segurtasun-arriskua.
+blockedUncommon2=Fitxategi hau ez da sarri deskargatzen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fileMovedOrMissing):
+# Displayed when a complete download which is not at the original folder.
+fileMovedOrMissing=Fitxategia lekuz aldatu da edo ez dago
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fileDeleted):
+# Displayed when a downloaded file has been deleted by Firefox, e.g. by the
+# "Delete File" context menu item.
+fileDeleted=Fitxategia ezabatuta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unblockHeaderUnblock, unblockHeaderOpen,
+# unblockTypeMalware, unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2,
+# unblockTypeUncommon2, unblockTip2, unblockButtonOpen,
+# unblockButtonUnblock, unblockButtonConfirmBlock, unblockInsecure2):
+# These strings are displayed in the dialog shown when the user asks a blocked
+# download to be unblocked. The severity of the threat is expressed in
+# descending order by the unblockType strings, it is higher for files detected
+# as malware and lower for uncommon downloads.
+unblockHeaderUnblock=Ziur zaude deskarga hau baimendu nahi duzula?
+unblockHeaderOpen=Ziur zaude fitxategi hau ireki nahi duzula?
+unblockTypeMalware=Fitxategi honek zure ordenagailua kaltetuko duen birusa edo bestelako malwarea dauka.
+unblockTypePotentiallyUnwanted2=Fitxategi hau deskarga lagungarri gisa mozorrotuta dago baina espero gabeko aldaketak egin liezazkie zure programei eta ezarpenei.
+unblockTypeUncommon2=Fitxategi hau ez da sarri deskargatzen eta irekitzeko ez-segurua izan liteke. Birusen bat izan edo espero gabeko aldaketak eragin litzake zure programa eta ezarpenetan.
+unblockInsecure2=Deskarga HTTP bidez eskaintzen da nahiz eta uneko dokumentua HTTPS konexio seguru bidez banatu den. Jarraitzen baduzu, deskarga-prozesuan hondatua edo manipulatua izan liteke.
+unblockTip2=Deskargatzeko beste iturri bat bila dezakezu edo saiatu berriro geroago.
+unblockButtonUnblock=Baimendu deskarga
+unblockButtonConfirmBlock=Kendu fitxategia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sizeWithUnits):
+# %1$S is replaced with the size number, and %2$S with the measurement unit.
+sizeWithUnits=%1$S %2$S
+sizeUnknown=Tamaina ezezaguna
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statusSeparator, statusSeparatorBeforeNumber):
+# These strings define templates for the separation of different elements in the
+# status line of a download item. As a separator, by default we use the Unicode
+# character U+2014 'EM DASH' (long dash). Examples of status lines include
+# "Canceled -", "1.1 MB -", or "Paused - 1.1 MB". Note
+# that we use a wider space after the separator when it is followed by a number,
+# just to avoid visually confusing it with with a minus sign with some fonts.
+# If you use a different separator, this might not be necessary. However, there
+# is usually no need to change the separator or the order of the substitutions,
+# even for right-to-left languages, unless the defaults are not suitable.
+statusSeparator=%1$S — %2$S
+statusSeparatorBeforeNumber=%1$S — %2$S
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d10eb04b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/feeds/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addProtocolHandlerMessage):
+# Message displayed when adding a protocol handler:
+# %1$S is the application's domain, %2$S is the type of protocol
+addProtocolHandlerMessage=Gehitu "%1$S" %2$S loturentzako aplikazioa bezala?
+addProtocolHandlerAddButton=Gehitu aplikazioa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/places/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/places/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30b1bc224b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/places/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dialogAcceptLabelAddMulti=Gehitu laster-markak
+dialogAcceptLabelEdit=Gorde aldaketak
+dialogTitleAddBookmark=Gehitu laster-marka
+dialogTitleAddFolder=Gehitu karpeta
+dialogTitleAddMulti=Egin fitxa guztien laster-marka
+dialogTitleEdit="%S"(r)en propietateak
+dialogTitleAddNewBookmark2=Gehitu laster-marka
+dialogTitleEditBookmark=Editatu "%S"
+dialogTitleEditBookmark2=Editatu laster-marka
+dialogTitleAddBookmarksFolder=Gehitu laster-marken karpeta
+dialogTitleAddBookmarkFolder=Gehitu laster-marken karpeta
+dialogTitleEditBookmarksFolder=Editatu laster-marken karpeta
+dialogTitleEditBookmarkFolder=Editatu laster-marken karpeta
+bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Karpeta izena]
+newFolderDefault=Karpeta berria
+newBookmarkDefault=Laster-marka berria
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f310b1b1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/safebrowsing/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+errorReportFalseDeceptiveTitle=Hau ez da gune iruzurtia
+errorReportFalseDeceptiveMessage=Une honetan ezin da errore honen berri eman.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcd79020d0
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+searchtip=Bilatu %S erabiliz
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchHeader): this is displayed at the top of the panel
+# showing search suggestions.
+# %S is replaced with the name of the current default search engine.
+searchHeader=%S bilaketa
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd_pasteAndSearch): "Search" is a verb, this is the
+# search bar equivalent to the url bar's "Paste & Go"
+cmd_pasteAndSearch=Itsatsi eta bilatu
+cmd_clearHistory=Garbitu bilaketa-historia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchForSomethingWith2):
+# This string is used to build the header above the list of one-click
+# search providers: "Search for <user-typed string> with:"
+searchForSomethingWith2=Bilatu %S hau erabiliz:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchWithHeader):
+# The wording of this string should be as close as possible to
+# searchForSomethingWith2. This string will be used when the user
+# has not typed anything.
+searchWithHeader=Bilatu honekin:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchSettings):
+# This is the label for the button that opens Search preferences.
+searchSettings=Aldatu bilaketa-ezarpenak
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c14bdbfbff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (setDefaultBrowserTitle, setDefaultBrowserMessage, setDefaultBrowserDontAsk, setDefaultBrowserAlertConfirm.label, setDefaultBrowserAlertNotNow.label):
+# These strings are used as an alternative to the ones above, in a modal dialog.
+# %S will be replaced by brandShortName
+setDefaultBrowserTitle=Nabigatzaile lehenetsia
+setDefaultBrowserMessage=%S ez da zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia. Nabigatzaile lehenetsia izatea nahi duzu?
+setDefaultBrowserDontAsk=Egiaztatu beti %S abiaraztean.
+setDefaultBrowserAlertConfirm.label=Erabili %S nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa
+setDefaultBrowserAlertNotNow.label=Une honetan ez
+desktopBackgroundLeafNameWin=Idazmahaiaren atzeko planoa.bmp
+DesktopBackgroundDownloading=Irudia gordetzen…
+DesktopBackgroundSet=Ezarri idazmahaiaren atzeko planoa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44cd19e6d6
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+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+clearSiteDataPromptTitle=Garbitu cookie eta guneen datu guztiak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearSiteDataPromptText): %S = brandShortName
+clearSiteDataPromptText='Garbitu orain' hautatuz gero, %S(e)k biltegiratutako cookieak eta guneen datu guztiak garbituko dira. Honek webguneetako saioa amaitzea eta lineaz kanpoko web edukia kentzea eragin lezake.
+clearSiteDataNow=Garbitu orain
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4aaa680c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (state.current.allowed,
+# state.current.allowedForSession,
+# state.current.allowedTemporarily,
+# state.current.blockedTemporarily,
+# state.current.blocked,
+# state.current.hide):
+# This label is used to display active permission states in the site
+# identity popup (which does not have a lot of screen space).
+state.current.allowed = Baimenduta
+state.current.allowedForSession = Saiorako baimenduta
+state.current.allowedTemporarily = Behin-behinean baimenduta
+state.current.blockedTemporarily = Behin-behinean blokeatuta
+state.current.blocked = Blokeatuta
+state.current.prompt = Galdetu beti
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (state.multichoice.alwaysAsk,
+# state.multichoice.allow,
+# state.multichoice.allowForSession,
+# state.multichoice.block):
+# Used to label permission state checkboxes in the page info dialog.
+state.multichoice.alwaysAsk = Galdetu beti
+state.multichoice.allow = Baimendu
+state.multichoice.allowForSession = Baimendu saio honetarako
+state.multichoice.block = Blokeatu
+state.multichoice.autoplayblock = Blokeatu audioa
+state.multichoice.autoplayblockall = Blokeatu audioa eta bideoa
+state.multichoice.autoplayallow = Baimendu audioa eta bideoa
+permission.autoplay.label = Erreprodukzio automatikoa
+permission.cookie.label = Cookieak ezartzea
+permission.desktop-notification3.label = Jakinarazpenak bidaltzea = Kamera erabiltzea
+permission.microphone.label = Mikrofonoa erabiltzea
+permission.screen.label = Pantaila partekatzea
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (permission.speaker.label):
+# Short form for (permission to) "Choose and change audio output devices".
+permission.speaker.label = Hautatu bozgorailuak
+permission.install.label = Gehigarriak instalatzea
+permission.popup.label = Popup leihoak irekitzea
+permission.geo.label = Zure kokapena atzitzea
+permission.xr.label = Errealitate birtualeko gailuen sarbidea
+permission.shortcuts.label = Teklatuaren lasterbideak gainidaztea
+permission.focus-tab-by-prompt.label = Fitxa honetara aldatzea
+permission.persistent-storage.label = Datuak biltegiratze iraunkorrean gordetzea
+permission.canvas.label = Canvas-etik datuak erauztea
+permission.midi.label = MIDI gailuak atzitzea
+permission.midi-sysex.label = SysEx euskarridun MIDI gailuak atzitzea
+# Open as a verb. "This site may open applications". = Aplikazioak irekitzea
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ff7860b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Several other strings are used (via Weave.Status.login), but they come from
+# /services/sync
+# Firefox Accounts based setup.
+continue.label = Jarraitu
+relinkVerify.title = Elkartzeko abisua
+relinkVerify.heading = Ziur zaude Syncen saioa hasi nahi duzula?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (relinkVerify.description): Email address of a user previously signed into sync.
+relinkVerify.description = Beste erabiltzaile batek Syncen saioa hasita zeukan ordenagailu honetan. Saioa hasiz gero, nabigatzaile honen laster-markak, pasahitzak eta bestelako ezarpenak %S kontuarekin elkartuko dira.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3dbedd740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.label=Ireki fitxa berria
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.description=Ireki nabigatzaile-fitxa berria.
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.label=Ireki leiho berria
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.description=Ireki nabigatzaile-leiho berria.
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivateWindow.label=Leiho pribatu berria
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivateWindow.description=Ireki leiho berria nabigatze pribatuko moduan.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfd9a163dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+uiDensity.menuitem-touch.acceltext=Tabletaren modua gaituta
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/overrides/ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/overrides/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8b2216447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/chrome/overrides/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+malformedURI2=Egiaztatu URLa zuzena dela eta saiatu berriro.
+fileNotFound=Firefoxek ezin du fitxategia aurkitu %S helbidean.
+fileAccessDenied=Ezin da %S fitxategia irakurri.
+dnsNotFound2=Ezin dugu %S helbideko zerbitzarira konektatu.
+unknownProtocolFound=Firefoxek ez daki nola ireki helbide hau, ondorengo protokoloetako bat (%S) ez dagoelako inongo programarekin lotuta edo ez dagoelako testuinguru honetan baimenduta.
+connectionFailure=Firefoxek ezin du konexioa sortu %S helbideko zerbitzariarekin.
+netInterrupt=Orria kargatzerakoan %S helbidearekin konexioa eten egin da.
+netTimeout=%S helbideko zerbitzariak denbora gehiegi darama erantzun gabe.
+redirectLoop=Firefoxek zerbitzaria helbide honetako eskaera modu okerrean birbideratzen ari dela antzeman du.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmRepostPrompt): In this item, don’t translate "%S"
+confirmRepostPrompt=Orria bistaratzeko, %S(e)k aurretik bidalitako informazioa birbidali behar da. Honek aurretik eginiko edozein ekintza (bilaketak edo eskaeren berrespenak, adibidez) berriz egitea eragingo du.
+unknownSocketType=Firefoxek ez daki nola komunikatu zerbitzariarekin.
+netReset=Orria kargatzerakoan zerbitzariarekin konexioa berrabiarazi egin da.
+notCached=Dokumentua ez dago eskuragarri jada.
+netOffline=Firefox lineaz kanpo dago eta ezin du weba nabigatu.
+isprinting=Dokumentua ezin da aldatu inprimatzen edo inprimatzeko aurrebistan dagoela.
+deniedPortAccess=Helbide honek weba nabigatzeko ez den ataka bat erabiltzen du. Firefoxek bertan behera utzi du eskaera zure babeserako.
+proxyResolveFailure=Aurkitu ezin den proxy-zerbitzari bat erabiltzeko dago konfiguratuta Firefox.
+proxyConnectFailure=Firefoxek konfiguratuta daukan proxy-zerbitzaria konexioak ukatzen ari da.
+contentEncodingError=Ikusten saiatzen ari zaren orria ezin da ikusi baliogabeko edo onartzen ez den konpresio mota bat erabiltzen duelako. Mesedez harremanetan jarri webgune arduradunarekin honen berri emateko.
+unsafeContentType=Ikusten saiatzen ari zaren orria ezin da erakutsi irekitzea segurua ez den fitxategi mota baten barnean dagoelako. Jar zaitez harremanetan webgunearen jabeekin arazoaren berri emateko.
+externalProtocolTitle=Kanpoko protokolo-eskaria
+externalProtocolPrompt=Kanpoko aplikazio bat exekutatu behar da %1$S: loturak erabiltzeko.\n\n\nEskatutako lotura:\n\n%2$S\n\nAplikazioa: %3$S\n\n\nEskaera ez bazenu espero, kanpoko programa horren ahultasun bati probetxu txarra ateratzeko saiakera izan daiteke. Onerako edo txarrerako den ziur ez bazaude, bota ezazu atzera eskaera.\n
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (externalProtocolUnknown): The following string is shown if the application name can't be determined
+externalProtocolChkMsg=Gogoratu nire aukera mota honetako lotura guztientzako.
+externalProtocolLaunchBtn=Exekutatu aplikazioa
+malwareBlocked=%S gunea gune erasotzaile bezala salatua dago eta blokeatu egin da zure segurtasun-ezarpenetan oinarrituta.
+harmfulBlocked=%S gunea balizko gune arriskutsu bezala salatua dago eta blokeatu egin da zure segurtasun-ezarpenetan oinarrituta.
+unwantedBlocked=%S gunea nahi ez den softwarearen zerbitzari bezala salatua dago eta blokeatu egin da zure segurtasun-ezarpenetan oinarrituta.
+deceptiveBlocked=%S gunea gune iruzurti gisa dago salatuta eta blokeatu egin da zure segurtasun-ezarpenetan oinarrituta.
+cspBlocked=Modu honetan kargatzea eragozten duen edukien segurtasun-politika du orri honek.
+xfoBlocked=Testuinguru honetan kargatzea eragozten duen X-Frame-Options politika du orri honek.
+corruptedContentErrorv2=%S helbideko guneak sare-protokoloaren bortxaketa izan du eta ezin da konpondu.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (sslv3Used) - Do not translate "%S".
+sslv3Used=Firefoxek ezin du %S gunean zure datuen segurtasuna bermatu SSLv3 erabiltzen duelako, segurtasun-protokolo hautsi bat.
+inadequateSecurityError=Segurtasun-maila desegokia negoziatzen saiatu da webgunea.
+blockedByPolicy=Zure erakundeak blokeatu egin du orri edo gune honetarako sarbidea.
+networkProtocolError=Firefoxek sare-protokoloaren bortxaketa izan du eta ezin da konpondu.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini b/l10n-eu/browser/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd645aeace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+; file, You can obtain one at
+; This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
+; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterProductErrorText2): The %s is replaced with a string containing detailed information.
+CrashReporterProductErrorText2=Firefoxek arazo bat izan du eta huts egin du. Zure fitxa eta leihoak berreskuratzen saiatuko gara berrabiaraztean\n\nTamalez, hutsegiteen berriemailea ez da gai hutsegite honen txostena bidaltzeko.\n\nXehetasunak: %s
+CrashReporterDescriptionText2=Firefoxek arazo bat izan du eta huts egin du. Zure fitxa eta leihoak berreskuratzen saiatuko gara berrabiaraztean\n\nArazo hau aztertu eta konpontzen laguntzeko, hutsegitearen txostena bidal diezagukezu.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/defaultagent/defaultagent_localized.ini b/l10n-eu/browser/defaultagent/defaultagent_localized.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31aea4033b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/defaultagent/defaultagent_localized.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
+DefaultBrowserAgentTaskDescription=Nabigatzaile lehenetsiaren agentearen atazak egiaztatzen du noiz aldatzen den nabigatzaile lehenetsia %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME%-etik beste batera. Aldaketa baldintza susmagarrien pean gertatuko balitz, erabiltzaileei %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME%-era bueltatzeko eskatuko zaie, ez birritan baino gehiagotan. Ataza hau automatikoki instalatzen du %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME%-ek eta berriro instalatzen da %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% eguneratzean. Ataza hau desgaitzeko, eguneratu "default-browser-agent.enabled" hobespena about:config orrian edo %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% enpresa-politikaren "DisableDefaultBrowserAgent" ezarpena.
+DefaultBrowserNotificationHeaderText=Jarraitu %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% erabiltzen?
+DefaultBrowserNotificationBodyText=Zure nabigatzaile lehenetsia aldatu egin zen duela gutxi. Sakatu %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% lehenetsi gisa berrezartzeko.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/extensions/formautofill/ b/l10n-eu/browser/extensions/formautofill/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a392eb064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/extensions/formautofill/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillOptionsLink, autofillOptionsLinkOSX): These strings are used in the doorhanger for
+# updating addresses. The link leads users to Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autofillOptionsLink = Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko aukerak
+autofillOptionsLinkOSX = Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko hobespenak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changeAutofillOptions, changeAutofillOptionsOSX): These strings are used on the doorhanger
+# that notifies users that addresses are saved. The button leads users to Form Autofill browser preferences.
+changeAutofillOptions = Aldatu inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko aukerak
+changeAutofillOptionsOSX = Aldatu inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko hobespenak
+changeAutofillOptionsAccessKey = d
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressesSyncCheckbox): If Sync is enabled, this checkbox is displayed on the doorhanger
+# shown when saving addresses.
+addressesSyncCheckbox = Partekatu helbideak sinkronizatutako gailuekin
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (creditCardsSyncCheckbox): If Sync is enabled and credit card sync is available,
+# this checkbox is displayed on the doorhanger shown when saving credit card.
+creditCardsSyncCheckbox = Partekatu kreditu-txartelak sinkronizatutako gailuekin
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveAddressesMessage): %S is brandShortName. This string is used on the doorhanger to
+# notify users that addresses are saved.
+saveAddressesMessage = %S(e)k orain helbideak gordetzen dituzun inprimakiak azkarrago bete ditzazun.
+saveAddressDescriptionLabel = Gorde beharreko helbidea:
+saveAddressLabel = Gorde helbidea
+saveAddressAccessKey = G
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateAddressMessage, updateAddressDescriptionLabel, createAddressLabel, updateAddressLabel):
+# Used on the doorhanger when an address change is detected.
+updateAddressMessage = Zure helbidea informazio berri honekin eguneratu nahi duzu?
+updateAddressOldDescriptionLabel = Helbide zaharra:
+updateAddressNewDescriptionLabel = Helbide berria:
+createAddressLabel = Sortu helbide berria
+createAddressAccessKey = S
+createAddressDescriptionLabel = Sortu beharreko helbidea:
+cancelAddressLabel = Ez gorde
+cancelAddressAccessKey = z
+updateAddressLabel = Eguneratu helbidea
+updateAddressAccessKey = E
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveCreditCardMessage, saveCreditCardDescriptionLabel, saveCreditCardLabel, cancelCreditCardLabel, neverSaveCreditCardLabel):
+# Used on the doorhanger when users submit payment with credit card.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveCreditCardMessage): %S is brandShortName.
+saveCreditCardMessage = %S(e)k kreditu-txartel hau gordetzea nahi duzu? (Segurtasun-kodea ez da gordeko)
+saveCreditCardDescriptionLabel = Gorde beharreko kreditu-txartela:
+saveCreditCardLabel = Gorde kreditu-txartela
+saveCreditCardAccessKey = G
+cancelCreditCardLabel = Ez gorde
+cancelCreditCardAccessKey = E
+neverSaveCreditCardLabel = Inoiz ez gorde kreditu-txartelak
+neverSaveCreditCardAccessKey = n
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateCreditCardMessage, updateCreditCardDescriptionLabel, createCreditCardLabel, updateCreditCardLabel):
+# Used on the doorhanger when an credit card change is detected.
+updateCreditCardMessage = Zure kreditu-txartela informazio berri honekin eguneratu nahi duzu?
+updateCreditCardDescriptionLabel = Eguneratu beharreko kreditu-txartela:
+createCreditCardLabel = Sortu kreditu-txartel berria
+createCreditCardAccessKey = S
+updateCreditCardLabel = Eguneratu kreditu-txartela
+updateCreditCardAccessKey = E
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openAutofillMessagePanel): Tooltip label for Form Autofill doorhanger icon on address bar.
+openAutofillMessagePanel = Ireki inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko mezuen panela
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOption2):
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autocompleteFooterOption2 = Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko aukerak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOptionOSX2):
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autocompleteFooterOptionOSX2 = Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko hobespenak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOptionShort2):
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+# The short version is used for inputs below a certain width (e.g. 150px).
+autocompleteFooterOptionShort2 = Automatikoki betetzeko aukerak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteFooterOptionOSXShort2):
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+# The short version is used for inputs below a certain width (e.g. 150px).
+autocompleteFooterOptionOSXShort2 = Automatikoki betetzeko hobespenak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteManageCreditCards):
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autocompleteManageCreditCards = Kudeatu kreditu-txartelak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompleteManageAddresses):
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autocompleteManageAddresses = Kudeatu helbideak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (category.address,, category.organization2,,
+# Used in autofill drop down suggestion to indicate what other categories Form Autofill will attempt to fill.
+category.address = helbidea = izena
+category.organization2 = erakundea = telefonoa = helbide elektronikoa
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fieldNameSeparator): This is used as a separator between categories.
+fieldNameSeparator = ,\u0020
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (phishingWarningMessage, phishingWarningMessage2): The warning
+# text that is displayed for informing users what categories are about to be filled.
+# "%S" will be replaced with a list generated from the pre-defined categories.
+# The text would be e.g. Also autofills organization, phone, email.
+phishingWarningMessage = Automatikoki ere bete %S
+phishingWarningMessage2 = Automatikoki bete %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (insecureFieldWarningDescription): %S is brandShortName. This string is used in drop down
+# suggestion when users try to autofill credit card on an insecure website (without https).
+insecureFieldWarningDescription = %S(e)k gune ez-segurua antzeman du. Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzea desgaituta dago behin-behinean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearFormBtnLabel2): Label for the button in the dropdown menu that used to clear the populated
+# form.
+clearFormBtnLabel2 = Garbitu automatikoki betetako inprimakia
+autofillHeader = Inprimakiak eta automatikoki betetzea
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillAddressesCheckbox): Label for the checkbox that enables autofilling addresses.
+autofillAddressesCheckbox = Automatikoki bete helbideak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (learnMoreLabel): Label for the link that leads users to the Form Autofill SUMO page.
+learnMoreLabel = Argibide gehiago
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (savedAddressesBtnLabel): Label for the button that opens a dialog that shows the
+# list of saved addresses.
+savedAddressesBtnLabel = Gordetako helbideak…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillCreditCardsCheckbox): Label for the checkbox that enables autofilling credit cards.
+autofillCreditCardsCheckbox = Automatikoki bete kreditu-txartelak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (savedCreditCardsBtnLabel): Label for the button that opens a dialog that shows the list
+# of saved credit cards.
+savedCreditCardsBtnLabel = Gordetako kreditu-txartelak…
+autofillReauthCheckboxMac = Eskatu macOS autentifikazioa gordetako kreditu-txartelak automatikoki bete, ikusi edo editatzeko.
+autofillReauthCheckboxWin = Eskatu Windows autentifikazioa gordetako kreditu-txartelak automatikoki bete, ikusi edo editatzeko.
+autofillReauthCheckboxLin = Eskatu Linux autentifikazioa gordetako kreditu-txartelak automatikoki bete, ikusi edo editatzeko.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillReauthOSDialogMac): This string is
+# preceded by the operating system (macOS) with "Firefox is trying to ", and
+# has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale.
+autofillReauthOSDialogMac = aldatu autentifikazio-ezarpenak
+autofillReauthOSDialogWin = Autentifikazio-ezarpenak aldatzeko, sartu zure Windows saio-hasierako kredentzialak.
+autofillReauthOSDialogLin = Autentifikazio-ezarpenak aldatzeko, sartu zure Linux saio-hasierako kredentzialak.
+ = Kreditu-txartelen gordetako informazioa erabiltzen saiatzen ari da %S. Berretsi azpian Windows kontu honetarako sarbidea.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (useCreditCardPasswordPrompt.macos): This string is
+# preceded by the operating system (macOS) with "Firefox is trying to ", and
+# has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale.
+useCreditCardPasswordPrompt.macos = erabili gordetako kreditu txartelaren informazioa
+useCreditCardPasswordPrompt.linux = Kreditu-txartelen gordetako informazioa erabiltzen saiatzen ari da %S.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/ b/l10n-eu/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01d61425fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(wc-reporter.label2): This string will be used in the
+# Firefox page actions menu. Localized length should be considered.
+wc-reporter.label2=Eman gunearen arazoaren berri…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(wc-reporter.tooltip): A site compatibility issue is
+# a website bug that exists in one browser (Firefox), but not another.
+wc-reporter.tooltip=Eman gunearen bateragarritasun-arazo baten berri
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/firefox-l10n.js b/l10n-eu/browser/firefox-l10n.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b410ad9aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/firefox-l10n.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#filter substitution
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/installer/ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f1ca3d5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+REG_APP_DESC=$BrandShortName(e)k nabigatze seguru eta erraza ematen du. Erabiltzaile interfaze ezaguna, segurtasun ezaugarri hobetuekin, hala nola lineako identitateen lapurretarekiko babesa eta integratutako bilatzailea webari ahalik eta zuku gehien ateratzeko.
+PRIVATE_BROWSING_SHORTCUT_TITLE=$BrandShortName Nabigatze pribatua
+CONTEXT_OPTIONS=$BrandShortName &aukerak
+CONTEXT_SAFE_MODE=$BrandShortName modu &segurua
+OPTIONS_PAGE_TITLE=Instalazio mota
+OPTIONS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Aukeratu instalatzeko aukerak
+SHORTCUTS_PAGE_TITLE=Ezarri lasterbideak
+SHORTCUTS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Sortu programa-ikonoak
+COMPONENTS_PAGE_TITLE=Konfiguratu aukerazko osagaiak
+COMPONENTS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Gomendatutako aukerazko osagaiak
+OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS_DESC=Mantentze-zerbitzuarekin $BrandShortName modu isilean eguneratu ahal izango duzu atzeko planoan.
+MAINTENANCE_SERVICE_CHECKBOX_DESC=Instalatu &mantentze-zerbitzua
+SUMMARY_PAGE_SUBTITLE=$BrandShortName instalatzen hasteko prest
+SUMMARY_INSTALLED_TO=$BrandShortName ondorengo kokalekuan instalatuko da:
+SUMMARY_REBOOT_REQUIRED_INSTALL=Beharrezkoa izan daiteke zure ordenagailua berrabiaraztea instalazioa burutzeko.
+SUMMARY_REBOOT_REQUIRED_UNINSTALL=Beharrezkoa izan daiteke zure ordenagailua berrabiaraztea desinstalazioa burutzeko.
+SUMMARY_TAKE_DEFAULTS=&Erabili $BrandShortName nabigatzaile lehenetsi gisa
+SUMMARY_INSTALL_CLICK=Jarraitzeko, egin klik 'Instalatu' botoian.
+SUMMARY_UPGRADE_CLICK=Click Upgrade to continue.
+SURVEY_TEXT=&Emaiguzu $BrandShortName(r)i buruz duzun iritzia
+LAUNCH_TEXT=&Abiarazi $BrandShortName orain
+CREATE_ICONS_DESC=Sortu $BrandShortName(r)entzako ikonoak:
+ICONS_STARTMENU=Ha&si menuko Programak karpetan
+ICONS_TASKBAR=Nire &zeregin-barran
+WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_INSTALL=Beharrezkoa da $BrandShortName ixtea instalazioari ekiteko.\n\nJarraitzeko, itxi $BrandShortName.
+WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_UNINSTALL=Beharrezkoa da $BrandShortName ixtea desinstalazioari ekiteko.\n\nJarraitzeko, itxi $BrandShortName.
+WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_REFRESH=Beharrezkoa da $BrandShortName ixtea bizi-berritzeari ekiteko.\n\nJarraitzeko, itxi $BrandShortName.
+WARN_WRITE_ACCESS=Ez duzu instalazio-direktorioan idazteko baimenik.\n\nEgin klik 'Ados' botoian beste direktorio bat hautatzeko.
+WARN_DISK_SPACE=Ez duzu kokapen honetan idazteko behar adina leku.\n\nEgin klik 'Ados' botoian beste kokapen bat hautatzeko.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_MSG=Ezin da $BrandShortName instalatu. $BrandShortName bertsio honek ${MinSupportedVer} edo berriagoa behar du. Informazio gehiago jasotzeko, egin klik 'Ados' botoian.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_CPU_MSG=Ezin da $BrandShortName instalatu. $BrandShortName bertsio honek ${MinSupportedCPU} euskarria duen prozesadorea behar du. Informazio gehiago jasotzeko, egin klik 'Ados' botoian.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_CPU_MSG=Ezin da $BrandShortName instalatu. $BrandShortName bertsio honek ${MinSupportedVer} edo berriagoa eta ${MinSupportedCPU} euskarria duen prozesadorea behar ditu. Informazio gehiago jasotzeko, egin klik 'Ados' botoian.
+WARN_RESTART_REQUIRED_UNINSTALL=Ordenagailua berrabiarazi behar da $BrandShortName(r)en aurreko desinstalazio bat burutzeko. Orain berrabiarazi nahi duzu?
+WARN_RESTART_REQUIRED_UPGRADE=Ordenagailua berrabiarazi behar da $BrandShortName(r)en aurreko bertsio-berritze bat burutzeko. Orain berrabiarazi nahi duzu?
+ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY_PREFIX=Errorea direktorioa sortzean:
+ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY_SUFFIX=Egin klik 'Utzi' botoian instalazioa uzteko edo\n'Saiatu berriro' botoian berriro saiatzeko.
+UN_CONFIRM_PAGE_TITLE=Desinstalatu $BrandFullName
+UN_CONFIRM_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Ezabatu $BrandFullName ordenagailutik.
+UN_CONFIRM_UNINSTALLED_FROM=$BrandShortName ondorengo kokapenetik ezabatuko da:
+UN_CONFIRM_CLICK=Jarraitzeko, egin klik 'Desinstalatu' botoian.
+UN_REFRESH_PAGE_TITLE=Biziberritu $BrandShortName, bestela?
+UN_REFRESH_PAGE_EXPLANATION=$BrandShortName(r)ekin arazoak badituzu, biziberritzeak lagun lezake.\n\nHonek ezarpen lehenetsia leheneratu eta gehigarriak kenduko ditu. Hasi hutsetik errendimendu egokienerako.
+UN_REFRESH_LEARN_MORE=&Argibide gehiago
+UN_REFRESH_BUTTON=&Biziberritu $BrandShortName
+BANNER_CHECK_EXISTING=Dagoen instalazioa egiaztatzen…
+STATUS_INSTALL_APP=$BrandShortName instalatzen…
+STATUS_INSTALL_LANG=Hizkuntza-fitxategiak instalatzen (${AB_CD})…
+STATUS_UNINSTALL_MAIN=$BrandShortName desinstalatzen…
+STATUS_CLEANUP=Etxekolan batzuk egiten…
+UN_SURVEY_CHECKBOX_LABEL=Esaiozu Mozillari zergatik desinstalatu duzun $BrandShortName
+# _DESC strings support approximately 65 characters per line.
+# One line
+OPTIONS_SUMMARY=Aukeratu gogokoen duzun instalazio mota eta egin klik 'Hurrengoa' botoian.
+# One line
+OPTION_STANDARD_DESC=$BrandShortName osagai arruntenekin instalatuko da.
+# Two lines
+OPTION_CUSTOM_DESC=Instalatu nahi dituzun osagaiak banan-banan aukeratzeko. Erabiltzaile aurreratuentzat gomendatuta.
+# The following text replaces the Install button text on the summary page.
+# Verify that the access key for InstallBtn (in and
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/installer/ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..288b028b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# To make the l10n tinderboxen see changes to this file you can change a value
+# name by adding - to the end of the name followed by chars (e.g. Branding-2).
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE=Ongi etorri $BrandFullNameDA instalatzeko morroira
+MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT=Morroiak $BrandFullNameDA(r)en instalazioan zehar gidatuko zaitu.\n\nInstalatzen hasi aurretik gainontzeko aplikazioak ixtea gomendatzen da. Honela sistemako fitxategi garrantzitsuak egunera daitezke konputagailua berrabiarazi gabe.\n\n$_CLICK
+MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE=Aukeratu $BrandFullNameDA(r)en zein osagai instalatu nahi dituzun.
+MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO=Pasa sagua osagai baten gainetik haren azalpena ikusteko.
+MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_TITLE=Aukeratu instalatzeko kokalekua
+MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_SUBTITLE=Aukeratu $BrandFullNameDA zein karpetatan instalatu nahi duzun.
+MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_SUBTITLE=Itxaron $BrandFullNameDA instalatu artean.
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_TITLE=Instalazioa burutu da
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE=Instalazioa ongi burutu da.
+MUI_TEXT_ABORT_TITLE=Instalazioa abortatu da
+MUI_TEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE=Instalazioa ez da ongi burutu.
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE=$BrandFullNameDA instalatzeko morroia amaitzen
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT=$BrandFullNameDA zure ordenagailuan instalatu da.\n\nEgin klik 'Amaitu' botoian morroi hau ixteko.
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT=$BrandFullNameDA(r)en instalazioa amaitzeko ordenagailua berrabiarazi behar da. Orain berrabiarazi nahi duzu?
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_REBOOTLATER=Eskuz berrabiaraziko dut geroago
+MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_TITLE=Aukeratu Hasi menuko karpeta
+MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_SUBTITLE=Aukeratu Hasi menuko karpeta bat $BrandFullNameDA(r)en lasterbideentzat.
+MUI_INNERTEXT_STARTMENU_TOP=Hautatu Hasi menuko zein karpetatan sortu nahi dituzun programaren lasterbideak. Karpeta berri bat sortzeko izena ere sar dezakezu.
+MUI_TEXT_ABORTWARNING=Ziur zaude $BrandFullName(r)en instalaziotik irten nahi duzula?
+MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE=Ongi etorri $BrandFullNameDA desinstalatzeko morroira
+MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT=Morroi honek $BrandFullNameDA(r)en desinstalazioan zehar gidatuko zaitu.\n\nDesinstalazioa hasi aurretik, ziurtatu $BrandFullNameDA ez dagoela irekita.\n\n$_CLICK
+MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_TITLE=Desinstalatu $BrandFullNameDA
+MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_SUBTITLE=Ezabatu $BrandFullNameDA ordenagailutik.
+MUI_UNTEXT_UNINSTALLING_SUBTITLE=Itxaron $BrandFullNameDA desinstalatu artean.
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_TITLE=Desinstalazioa burutu da
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE=Desinstalazioa ongi burutu da.
+MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_TITLE=Desinstalazioa abortatu egin da
+MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE=Desinstalazioa ez da ongi burutu.
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE=$BrandFullNameDA desinstalazio morroia amaitzen
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT=$BrandFullNameDA zure ordenagailutik desinstalatu da.\n\nEgin klik 'Amaitu' botoian morroi hau ixteko.
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT=$BrandFullNameDA(r)en desinstalazioa amaitzeko ordenagailua berrabiarazi behar da. Orain berrabiarazi nahi duzu?
+MUI_UNTEXT_ABORTWARNING=Ziur zaude $BrandFullName(r)en desinstalaziotik irten nahi duzula?
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/installer/ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..594dee3f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandProductName, $BrandFullName,
+# or $BrandFullNameDA with a custom string and always use the same one as used
+# by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+INSTALLER_WIN_CAPTION=$BrandShortName instalatzailea
+STUB_CLEANUP_PAVEOVER_HEADER2=$BrandShortName lehendik ere instalatuta dago. Egunera dezagun.
+STUB_CLEANUP_REINSTALL_HEADER2=$BrandShortName aurretik instalatuta egon da. Eskura dezagun kopia berri bat.
+STUB_CLEANUP_CHECKBOX_LABEL2=Berrezarri ezarpen lehenetsiak eta kendu gehigarri zaharrak errendimendu optimorako
+STUB_INSTALLING_LABEL2=Orain instalatzen…
+STUB_INSTALLING_HEADLINE2=Zure ezarpenak abiadura, pribatutasun eta segurtasunerako optimizatzen.
+STUB_INSTALLING_BODY2=$BrandShortName une batetik bestera prest egongo da.
+STUB_BLURB_FIRST1=Inoizko $BrandShortName azkar eta berehalakoena
+STUB_BLURB_SECOND1=Orrien kargatze eta fitxen arteko aldatze azkarragoa
+STUB_BLURB_THIRD1=Nabigatze pribatu boteretsua
+STUB_BLURB_FOOTER2=Jendearentzat egina, ez irabazi ekonomikoentzat
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_MSG=Ezin da $BrandShortName instalatu. $BrandShortName bertsio honek ${MinSupportedVer} edo berriagoa behar du. Informazio gehiago jasotzeko, egin klik 'Ados' botoian.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_CPU_MSG=Ezin da $BrandShortName instalatu. $BrandShortName bertsio honek ${MinSupportedCPU} euskarria duen prozesadorea behar du. Informazio gehiago jasotzeko, egin klik 'Ados' botoian.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_CPU_MSG=Ezin da $BrandShortName instalatu. $BrandShortName bertsio honek ${MinSupportedVer} edo berriagoa eta ${MinSupportedCPU} euskarria duen prozesadorea behar ditu. Informazio gehiago jasotzeko, egin klik 'Ados' botoian.
+WARN_WRITE_ACCESS_QUIT=Ez daukazu instalazio-direktorioan idazteko baimenik
+WARN_DISK_SPACE_QUIT=Ez daukazu instalatzeko toki libre nahikorik diskoan.
+ERROR_DOWNLOAD_CONT=Kontxo. Arrazoiren batengatik ezin izan dugu $BrandShortName instalatu.\nBerriz hasteko, aukeratu 'Ados'.
+STUB_CANCEL_PROMPT_HEADING=$BrandShortName instalatu nahi duzu?
+STUB_CANCEL_PROMPT_MESSAGE=Utziz gero, $BrandShortName ez da instalatuko.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/installer/ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a30b4eb56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/installer/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+# Strings that require a space at the end should be enclosed with double
+# quotes and the double quotes will be removed. To add quotes to the beginning
+# and end of a strong enclose the add and additional double quote to the
+# beginning and end of the string (e.g. ""This will include quotes"").
+SetupCaption=$BrandFullName(r)en instalatzailea
+UninstallCaption=$BrandFullName(r)en desinstalatzailea
+BackBtn=< &Atzera
+NextBtn=&Hurrengoa >
+AcceptBtn=Lizentzia-kontratuko baldintzak on&artzen ditut
+DontAcceptBtn=E&z ditut onartzen lizentzia-kontratuko baldintzak
+ShowDetailsBtn=Erakutsi &xehetasunak
+ClickNext=Jarraitzeko, egin klik 'Hurrengoa' botoian.
+ClickInstall=Instalazioa hasteko, egin klik 'Instalatu' botoian.
+ClickUninstall=Desinstalazioa hasteko, egin klik 'Desinstalatu' botoian.
+LicenseTextRB=Mesedez gainbegiratu lizentzia-kontratuaren baldintzak $BrandFullNameDA instalatu aurretik. Lizentziaren baldintza guztiak onartzen badituzu, aukeratu azpiko lehen aukera. $_CLICK
+ComponentsText=Markatu instalatu nahi dituzun osagaiak eta desmarkatu nahi ez dituzunak. $_CLICK
+ComponentsSubText2_NoInstTypes=Hautatu instalatu beharreko osagaiak:
+DirText=Instalatzaileak $BrandFullNameDA ondorengo karpetan instalatuko du. Karpeta ezberdin batean instalatzeko, egin klik 'Arakatu' botoian eta aukeratu beste karpeta bat. $_CLICK
+DirBrowseText=Hautatu $BrandFullNameDA zein karpetatan instalatu:
+SpaceAvailable="Leku librea: "
+SpaceRequired="Beharrezko lekua: "
+UninstallingText=$BrandFullNameDA ondorengo karpetatik desinstalatuko da. $_CLICK
+UninstallingSubText=Hemendik desinstalatzen:
+FileError=Errorea fitxategia idazketarako irekitzean: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nEgin klik 'Abortatu' botoian instalazioa gelditzeko,\r\n'Saiatu berriro' botoian berriro saiatzeko edo\r\n'Ezikusi' botoian fitxategi hau saltatzeko.
+FileError_NoIgnore=Errorea fitxategia idazketarako irekitzean: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nEgin klik 'Saiatu berriro' botoian berriro saiatzeko edo\r\n'Utzi' botoian instalazioa gelditzeko.
+CantWrite="Ezin da idatzi: "
+CopyFailed=Kopiatzeak huts egin du
+CopyTo="Kopiatu hona: "
+Registering="Erregistratzen: "
+Unregistering="Erregistroa kentzen: "
+SymbolNotFound="Ezin izan da sinboloa aurkitu: "
+CouldNotLoad="Ezin izan da kargatu: "
+CreateFolder="Sortu karpeta: "
+CreateShortcut="Sortu lasterbidea: "
+CreatedUninstaller="Sortutako desinstalatzailea: "
+Delete="Ezabatu fitxategia: "
+DeleteOnReboot="Ezabatu berrabiaraztean: "
+ErrorCreatingShortcut="Errorea lasterbidea sortzean: "
+ErrorCreating="Errorea sortzean: "
+ErrorDecompressing=Errorea datuak deskonprimitzean! Instalatzailea hondatuta dago?
+ErrorRegistering=Errorea DLLa erregistratzean
+ExecShell="ExecShell: "
+Exec="Exekutatu: "
+Extract="Erauzi: "
+ErrorWriting="Erauzi: errorea fitxategira idaztean "
+InvalidOpcode=Instalatzailea hondatuta: opcode baliogabea
+NoOLE="Ez dago OLErik honentzat: "
+OutputFolder="Irteera-karpeta: "
+RemoveFolder="Ezabatu karpeta: "
+RenameOnReboot="Aldatu izena berrabiaraztean: "
+Rename="Aldatu izena: "
+Skipped="Saltatuta: "
+CopyDetails=Kopiatu xehetasunak arbelera
+LogInstall=Gorde instalazio prozesuaren erregistroa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/langpack-metadata.ftl b/l10n-eu/browser/langpack-metadata.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c4aa18d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/langpack-metadata.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Strings used to define the metadata of langpacks published on
+## Only text elements and literals are supported for these strings.
+langpack-creator =
+# To credit multiple contributors, use a comma-delimited list.
+# Example: Joe Solon, Suzy Solon
+langpack-contributors =
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/pdfviewer/ b/l10n-eu/browser/pdfviewer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e87c7486c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/pdfviewer/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Chrome notification bar messages and buttons
+unsupported_feature=PDF dokumentu hau agian ezin da ondo bistaratu.
+unsupported_feature_forms=PDF dokumentu honek inprimakiak ditu. Inprimakiko eremuak betetzea ez da onartzen.
+unsupported_feature_signatures=PDF dokumentu honek sinadura digitalak ditu. Ez dago euskarririk sinaduren balidazioa egiteko.
+open_with_different_viewer=Ireki beste ikustaile batekin
diff --git a/l10n-eu/browser/pdfviewer/ b/l10n-eu/browser/pdfviewer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1de495213f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/browser/pdfviewer/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Main toolbar buttons (tooltips and alt text for images)
+previous.title=Aurreko orria
+next.title=Hurrengo orria
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page.title): The tooltip for the pageNumber input.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (of_pages): "{{pagesCount}}" will be replaced by a number
+# representing the total number of pages in the document.
+of_pages=/ {{pagesCount}}
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_of_pages): "{{pageNumber}}" and "{{pagesCount}}"
+# will be replaced by a number representing the currently visible page,
+# respectively a number representing the total number of pages in the document.
+zoom_out.title=Urrundu zooma
+zoom_out_label=Urrundu zooma
+zoom_in.title=Gerturatu zooma
+zoom_in_label=Gerturatu zooma
+presentation_mode.title=Aldatu aurkezpen modura
+presentation_mode_label=Arkezpen modua
+open_file.title=Ireki fitxategia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (download_button.title): used in Firefox for Android as a tooltip for the download button (“download” is a verb).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (download_button_label): used in Firefox for Android as a label for the download button (“download” is a verb).
+# Length of the translation matters since we are in a mobile context, with limited screen estate.
+bookmark1.title=Uneko orria (ikusi uneko orriaren URLa)
+bookmark1_label=Uneko orria
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (open_in_app.title): This string is used in Firefox for Android.
+open_in_app.title=Ireki aplikazioan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (open_in_app_label): This string is used in Firefox for Android. Length of the translation matters since we are in a mobile context, with limited screen estate.
+open_in_app_label=Ireki aplikazioan
+# Secondary toolbar and context menu
+first_page.title=Joan lehen orrira
+first_page_label=Joan lehen orrira
+last_page.title=Joan azken orrira
+last_page_label=Joan azken orrira
+page_rotate_cw.title=Biratu erlojuaren norantzan
+page_rotate_cw_label=Biratu erlojuaren norantzan
+page_rotate_ccw.title=Biratu erlojuaren aurkako norantzan
+page_rotate_ccw_label=Biratu erlojuaren aurkako norantzan
+cursor_text_select_tool.title=Gaitu testuaren hautapen tresna
+cursor_text_select_tool_label=Testuaren hautapen tresna
+cursor_hand_tool.title=Gaitu eskuaren tresna
+cursor_hand_tool_label=Eskuaren tresna
+scroll_page.title=Erabili orriaren korritzea
+scroll_page_label=Orriaren korritzea
+scroll_vertical.title=Erabili korritze bertikala
+scroll_vertical_label=Korritze bertikala
+scroll_horizontal.title=Erabili korritze horizontala
+scroll_horizontal_label=Korritze horizontala
+scroll_wrapped.title=Erabili korritze egokitua
+scroll_wrapped_label=Korritze egokitua
+spread_none.title=Ez elkartu barreiatutako orriak
+spread_none_label=Barreiatzerik ez
+spread_odd.title=Elkartu barreiatutako orriak bakoiti zenbakidunekin hasita
+spread_odd_label=Barreiatze bakoitia
+spread_even.title=Elkartu barreiatutako orriak bikoiti zenbakidunekin hasita
+spread_even_label=Barreiatze bikoitia
+# Document properties dialog box
+document_properties.title=Dokumentuaren propietateak…
+document_properties_label=Dokumentuaren propietateak…
+document_properties_file_size=Fitxategiaren tamaina:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_kb): "{{size_kb}}" and "{{size_b}}"
+# will be replaced by the PDF file size in kilobytes, respectively in bytes.
+document_properties_kb={{size_kb}} KB ({{size_b}} byte)
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+# will be replaced by the creation/modification date, and time, of the PDF file.
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+# the size, respectively their unit of measurement, name, and orientation, of the (current) page.
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+# the document; usually called "Fast Web View" in English locales of Adobe software.
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+# a numerical per cent value.
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+# (the _label strings are alt text for the buttons, the .title strings are
+# tooltips)
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+# number.
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+# number.
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+# [one|two|few|many|other], with [other] as the default value.
+# "{{current}}" and "{{total}}" will be replaced by a number representing the
+# index of the currently active find result, respectively a number representing
+# the total number of matches in the document.
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+find_match_count[many]={{total}}/{{current}}. bat etortzea
+find_match_count[other]={{total}}/{{current}}. bat etortzea
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (find_match_count_limit): The supported plural forms are
+# [zero|one|two|few|many|other], with [other] as the default value.
+# "{{limit}}" will be replaced by a numerical value.
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+# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
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+# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
+# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
+# Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note"
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+# Editor
+editor_stamp1.title=Gehitu edo editatu irudiak
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+free_text2_default_content=Hasi idazten…
+# Editor Parameters
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+editor_stamp_add_image.title=Gehitu irudia
+# Editor aria
+editor_ink_canvas_aria_label=Erabiltzaileak sortutako irudia
+# Alt-text dialog
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_alt_text_button_label): Alternative text (alt text) helps
+# when people can't see the image.
+editor_alt_text_button_label=Testu alternatiboa
+editor_alt_text_edit_button_label=Editatu testu alternatiboa
+editor_alt_text_dialog_label=Aukeratu aukera
+editor_alt_text_dialog_description=Testu alternatiboak laguntzen du jendeak ezin duenean irudia ikusi edo ez denean kargatzen.
+editor_alt_text_add_description_label=Gehitu azalpena
+editor_alt_text_add_description_description=Saiatu idazten gaia, ezarpena edo ekintzak deskribatzen dituen esaldi 1 edo 2.
+editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_label=Markatu apaingarri gisa
+editor_alt_text_mark_decorative_description=Irudiak apaingarrientzat erabiltzen da, adibidez ertz edo ur-marketarako.
+editor_alt_text_decorative_tooltip=Apaingarri gisa markatuta
+# This is a placeholder for the alt text input area
+editor_alt_text_textarea.placeholder=Adibidez, "gizon gaztea mahaian eserita dago bazkaltzeko"
+# Editor resizers
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_topLeft): This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer.
+editor_resizer_label_topLeft=Goiko ezkerreko izkina — aldatu tamaina
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_topMiddle): This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer.
+editor_resizer_label_topMiddle=Goian erdian — aldatu tamaina
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+editor_resizer_label_topRight=Goiko eskuineko izkina — aldatu tamaina
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_middleRight): This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer.
+editor_resizer_label_middleRight=Erdian eskuinean — aldatu tamaina
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_bottomRight): This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer.
+editor_resizer_label_bottomRight=Beheko eskuineko izkina — aldatu tamaina
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_bottomMiddle): This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer.
+editor_resizer_label_bottomMiddle=Behean erdian — aldatu tamaina
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_bottomLeft): This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer.
+editor_resizer_label_bottomLeft=Beheko ezkerreko izkina — aldatu tamaina
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor_resizer_label_middleLeft): This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer.
+editor_resizer_label_middleLeft=Erdian ezkerrean — aldatu tamaina
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97f9410dd5
--- /dev/null
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+; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+; file, You can obtain one at
+; This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
+; All strings must be less than 600 chars.
+TitleText=%MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% eguneraketa
+InfoText=%MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% eguneraketak instalatzen ari da eta laster abiatuko da…
+MozillaMaintenanceDescription=Mozillaren mantenu-zerbitzuak ordenagailuan Firefoxen bertsiorik berriena eta seguruena daukazula ziurtatzen du. Zure lineako segurtasunarentzat oso garrantzitsua da Firefox egunean mantentzea eta Mozillak biziki gomendatzen du zerbitzu hau gaituta mantentzea.