path: root/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
commit6bf0a5cb5034a7e684dcc3500e841785237ce2dd (patch)
treea68f146d7fa01f0134297619fbe7e33db084e0aa /thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:115.7.0.upstream/1%115.7.0upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences')
19 files changed, 1479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/am-copies.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/am-copies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7de697b4f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/am-copies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-prefs-show-address-row-description = Utzi helbide eremuak zuri betik ikusteko helbide errenkada mezu berri bat hastean.
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea125710e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-settings-title = Autentifikazio ezarpenak
+account-channel-title = Kanal lehenetsiak
+chat-autologin =
+ .label = Hasi saioa abioan
+chat-encryption-generic = Orokorra
+chat-encryption-log =
+ .label = Gehitu muturretik muturrera zifratutako mezuak elkarrizketen egunkarian
+chat-encryption-label = Berezko muturretik muturrerako zifratzea
+chat-encryption-description = { $protocol }muturretik muturrerako zifratzea ahalbidetzen du txat mezuentzat. Honek hirugarren batzuk entzuten egotea ekiditen du. Ezarpen gehigarriak eskatu daitezke behean zifratzea operazionala izateko.
+chat-encryption-status = Zifratze egoera
+chat-encryption-placeholder = Zifratzea ez da abiarazi.
+chat-encryption-sessions = Saioak
+chat-encryption-sessions-description = Muturretik muturrerako zifratzeak ondo lan egiteko, zure kontuan une honetan saioa hasita dagoen beste sesioa egiaztatu behar duzu. Beste bezeroarekin harremana beharrezkoa da sesioa egiaztatzeko. Sesioa egiaztatzean, sesio horren konfiantzazko dituen sesio guztiak konfiantzazko bilakatzea { -brand-short-name }(e)rako.
+chat-encryption-session-verify = Egiaztatu
+ .title = Egiaztatu saio honen indentitatea
+chat-encryption-session-trusted = Fidagarria
+ .title = Saio honen identitatea egiaztatu da.
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8979cdab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+app-manager-window-dialog2 =
+ .title = Aplikazio xehetasunak
+app-manager-dialog-title = Aplikazio xehetasunak
+remove-app-button =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54f7dff050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+attachment-reminder-window =
+ .title = Eranskinak gogoratzeko gako-hitzak
+attachment-reminder-dialog-title = Eranskinak gogoratzeko gako-hitzak
+attachment-reminder-label = { -brand-short-name }(e)k eranskinak falta direla jakinaraziko dizu gako-hitz hauetakoren bat duen mezuren bat bidaltzear bazaude.
+keyword-new-button =
+ .label = Berria…
+ .accesskey = B
+keyword-edit-button =
+ .label = Editatu…
+ .accesskey = E
+keyword-remove-button =
+ .label = Ezabatu
+ .accesskey = z
+new-keyword-title = Gako-hitz berria
+new-keyword-label = Gako-hitza:
+edit-keyword-title = Editatu gako-hitza
+edit-keyword-label = Gako-hitza:
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ef2ff8fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colors-dialog-window2 =
+ .title = Koloreak
+colors-dialog-title = Koloreak
+colors-dialog-legend = Testua eta atzeko planoa
+text-color-label =
+ .value = Testua:
+ .accesskey = T
+background-color-label =
+ .value = Atzeko planoa:
+ .accesskey = A
+use-system-colors =
+ .label = Erabili sistemaren koloreak
+ .accesskey = E
+colors-link-legend = Loturen koloreak
+link-color-label =
+ .value = Bisitatu gabeko loturak:
+ .accesskey = s
+visited-link-color-label =
+ .value = Bisitatutako loturak:
+ .accesskey = B
+underline-link-checkbox =
+ .label = Azpimarratu loturak
+ .accesskey = z
+override-color-label =
+ .value = Gainidatzi edukiak zehaztutako koloreak nire aukerekin:
+ .accesskey = G
+override-color-always =
+ .label = Beti
+override-color-auto =
+ .label = Kontraste handiko itxurekin bakarrik
+override-color-never =
+ .label = Inoiz ez
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..274d14f4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+connection-dns-over-https-url-resolver = Erabili hornitzailea
+ .accesskey = h
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Display name or URL for the DNS over HTTPS provider
+connection-dns-over-https-url-item-default =
+ .label = { $name }(lehenetsia)
+ .tooltiptext = Erabili URL lehenetsia HTTPSn DNSak ebazteko
+connection-dns-over-https-url-custom =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatua
+ .accesskey = P
+ .tooltiptext = Sartu zure gogoko URL HTTPSn DNSak ebazteko
+connection-dns-over-https-custom-label = Pertsonalizatua
+connection-dialog-window2 =
+ .title = Konexio-ezarpenak
+connection-dialog-title = Konexio-ezarpenak
+disable-extension-button = Desgaitu hedapena
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - The extension that is controlling the proxy settings.
+# The extension-icon is the extension's icon, or a fallback image. It should be
+# purely decoration for the actual extension name, with alt="".
+proxy-settings-controlled-by-extension = <img data-l10n-name="extension-icon" alt="" />{ $name } hedapenak, kontrolatzen du { -brand-short-name } internetera nola konektatzen den.
+connection-proxy-legend = Konfiguratu Internet atzitzeko proxy-ak
+proxy-type-no =
+ .label = Proxy-rik ez
+ .accesskey = y
+proxy-type-wpad =
+ .label = Automatikoki detektatu sare honetako proxy-ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = s
+proxy-type-system =
+ .label = Erabili sistemaren proxy-ezarpenak
+ .accesskey = E
+proxy-type-manual =
+ .label = Eskuzko proxy-konfigurazioa:
+ .accesskey = s
+proxy-http-label =
+ .value = HTTP proxy-a:
+ .accesskey = H
+http-port-label =
+ .value = Ataka:
+ .accesskey = k
+proxy-http-sharing =
+ .label = Erabili proxy hau HTTPS protokoloarentzat ere bai
+ .accesskey = x
+proxy-https-label =
+ .value = HTTP proxy-a:
+ .accesskey = S
+ssl-port-label =
+ .value = Ataka:
+ .accesskey = A
+proxy-socks-label =
+ .value = SOCKS ostalaria:
+ .accesskey = C
+socks-port-label =
+ .value = Ataka:
+ .accesskey = t
+proxy-socks4-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v4
+ .accesskey = K
+proxy-socks5-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v5
+ .accesskey = v
+proxy-type-auto =
+ .label = Proxy-aren konfigurazio automatikoko URLa:
+ .accesskey = a
+proxy-reload-label =
+ .label = Berritu
+ .accesskey = B
+no-proxy-label =
+ .value = Proxy-rik ez hauentzat:
+ .accesskey = n
+no-proxy-example = Adibidez:,,
+# Do not translate "localhost", "" and "::1". (You can translate "and".)
+connection-proxy-noproxy-localhost-desc-2 = localhost, eta ::1 helbideetarako konexioak inoiz ez dira proxy bidez egiten.
+proxy-password-prompt =
+ .label = Ez eskatu autentifikaziorik pasahitza gordeta badago
+ .accesskey = i
+ .tooltiptext = Aukera honek proxietarako autentifikazioa isilean burutzen du hauentzat kredentzialak gorde dituzunean. Autentifikazioak huts egiten badu, eskatu egingo zaizu.
+proxy-remote-dns =
+ .label = Bideratu DNSa proxy bidez SOCKS v5 erabiltzean
+ .accesskey = d
+proxy-enable-doh =
+ .label = Gaitu HTTPS gaineko DNSa
+ .accesskey = b
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2deb54349d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+cookies-window-dialog2 =
+ .title = Cookieak
+window-close-key =
+ .key = w
+window-focus-search-key =
+ .key = f
+window-focus-search-alt-key =
+ .key = k
+filter-search-label =
+ .value = Bilatu:
+ .accesskey = B
+cookies-on-system-label = Honako cookie hauek daude gorderik zure ordenagailuan:
+treecol-site-header =
+ .label = Gunea
+treecol-name-header =
+ .label = Cookiearen izena
+props-name-label =
+ .value = Izena:
+props-value-label =
+ .value = Edukia:
+props-domain-label =
+ .value = Ostalaria:
+props-path-label =
+ .value = Bidea:
+props-secure-label =
+ .value = Norentzat bidali:
+props-expires-label =
+ .value = Iraungitze-data:
+props-container-label =
+ .value = Edukiontzia:
+remove-cookie-button =
+ .label = Kendu cookiea
+ .accesskey = K
+remove-all-cookies-button =
+ .label = Kendu cookie guztiak
+ .accesskey = g
+cookie-close-button =
+ .label = Itxi
+ .accesskey = I
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2f2f5419a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dock-options-window-dialog2 =
+ .title = Aplikazio-ikonoaren aukerak
+dock-options-dialog-title = Aplikazio-ikonoaren aukerak
+dock-options-show-badge =
+ .label = Erakutsi bereizgarriaren ikonoa
+ .accesskey = E
+bounce-system-dock-icon =
+ .label = Animatu aplikazio-ikonoa mezu berria jasotzean
+ .accesskey = i
+dock-icon-legend = Aplikazio-ikonoaren bereizgarria
+dock-icon-show-label =
+ .value = Bereizi aplikazio-ikonoa honekin:
+count-unread-messages-radio =
+ .label = Irakurri gabeko mezuen kopurua
+ .accesskey = o
+count-new-messages-radio =
+ .label = Mezu berrien kopurua
+ .accesskey = k
+notification-settings-info2 = Jakinarazpen paneleko etiketa ezgaitu dezakezu sistemaren ezarpenetan.
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f39e47e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fonts-dialog-title = Letra-tipoak
+fonts-window-close =
+ .key = w
+# Variables:
+# $name {string, "Arial"} - Name of the default font
+fonts-label-default =
+ .label = Lehenetsia ({ $name })
+fonts-label-default-unnamed =
+ .label = Lehenetsia
+fonts-encoding-dialog-title =
+ .title = Letra-tipoak eta kodeketak
+fonts-language-legend =
+ .value = Letra-tipoa:
+ .accesskey = t
+fonts-proportional-label =
+ .value = Proportzionala:
+ .accesskey = P
+## Languages
+# Note: Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of the Latin language.
+font-language-group-latin =
+ .label = Latina
+font-language-group-japanese =
+ .label = Japoniarra
+font-language-group-trad-chinese =
+ .label = Txinatar arrunta (Taiwan)
+font-language-group-simpl-chinese =
+ .label = Txinatar soildua
+font-language-group-trad-chinese-hk =
+ .label = Txinatar arrunta (Hong Kong)
+font-language-group-korean =
+ .label = Koreera
+font-language-group-cyrillic =
+ .label = Zirilikoa
+font-language-group-el =
+ .label = Grekoa
+font-language-group-other =
+ .label = Bestelako idazketa sistemak
+font-language-group-thai =
+ .label = Thailandiera
+font-language-group-hebrew =
+ .label = Hebreera
+font-language-group-arabic =
+ .label = Arabiera
+font-language-group-devanagari =
+ .label = Devanagariarra
+font-language-group-tamil =
+ .label = Tamilera
+font-language-group-armenian =
+ .label = Armeniera
+font-language-group-bengali =
+ .label = Bengaliera
+font-language-group-canadian =
+ .label = Kanadar Syllabary Batua
+font-language-group-ethiopic =
+ .label = Etiopiera
+font-language-group-georgian =
+ .label = Georgiera
+font-language-group-gujarati =
+ .label = Gujaratiera
+font-language-group-gurmukhi =
+ .label = Gurmukhiera
+font-language-group-khmer =
+ .label = Khmerera
+font-language-group-malayalam =
+ .label = Malayalera
+font-language-group-math =
+ .label = Matematikak
+font-language-group-odia =
+ .label = Odia
+font-language-group-telugu =
+ .label = Telugu
+font-language-group-kannada =
+ .label = Kannada
+font-language-group-sinhala =
+ .label = Sinhala
+font-language-group-tibetan =
+ .label = Tibetera
+## Default font type
+default-font-serif =
+ .label = Serif
+default-font-sans-serif =
+ .label = Sans Serif
+font-size-proportional-label =
+ .value = Tamaina:
+ .accesskey = T
+font-size-monospace-label =
+ .value = Tamaina:
+ .accesskey = i
+font-serif-label =
+ .value = Serif:
+ .accesskey = S
+font-sans-serif-label =
+ .value = Sans-serif:
+ .accesskey = n
+font-monospace-label =
+ .value = Tarte bakarrekoa:
+ .accesskey = T
+font-min-size-label =
+ .value = Gutxieneko letra-tamaina:
+ .accesskey = x
+min-size-none =
+ .label = Bat ere ez
+## Fonts in message
+font-control-legend = Letra-tipoaren kontrola
+use-document-fonts-checkbox =
+ .label = Baimendu mezuak beste letra-tipo batzuk erabiltzea
+ .accesskey = o
+use-fixed-width-plain-checkbox =
+ .label = Erabili zabalera finkoko letra-tipoa testu-arrunteko mezuentzat
+ .accesskey = f
+## Language settings
+text-encoding-legend = Testuaren kodeketa
+text-encoding-description = Ezarri posta bidali eta jasotzeko karaktere-kodeketa lehenetsiak
+font-outgoing-email-label =
+ .value = Irteerako posta:
+ .accesskey = r
+font-incoming-email-label =
+ .value = Sarrerakoa posta:
+ .accesskey = S
+default-font-reply-checkbox =
+ .label = Ahal bada, erabili erantzunetan karaktere-kodeketa lehenetsia
+ .accesskey = h
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..014001feb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+languages-customize-moveup =
+ .label = Eraman gora
+ .accesskey = g
+languages-customize-movedown =
+ .label = Eraman behera
+ .accesskey = b
+languages-customize-remove =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+languages-customize-select-language =
+ .placeholder = Hautatu gehitu nahi duzun hizkuntza…
+languages-customize-add =
+ .label = Gehitu
+ .accesskey = G
+messenger-languages-window2 =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } hizkuntza-ezarpenak
+messenger-languages-dialog-title = { -brand-short-name } hizkuntza-ezarpenak
+messenger-languages-description = { -brand-short-name } lehen hizkuntza erakutsiko dizu lehenetsita eta ordezkoak zerrendako ordenan erakutsiko dizkizu behar izanez gero.
+messenger-languages-search = Bilatu hizkuntza gehiago...
+messenger-languages-searching =
+ .label = Hizkuntza gehiago bilatzen...
+messenger-languages-downloading =
+ .label = Deskargatzen...
+messenger-languages-select-language =
+ .label = Aukeratu hizkuntza gehitzeko...
+ .placeholder = Aukeratu hizkuntza gehitzeko...
+messenger-languages-installed-label = Instalatutako hizkuntzak
+messenger-languages-available-label = Hizkuntza erabilgarriak
+messenger-languages-error = Une honetan { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin ditu zure hizkuntzak eguneratu. Egiaztatu internetera konektatuta zaudela edo saiatu berriro.
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c65295d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tag-dialog-window =
+ .title = Etiketa berria
+tag-dialog-title = Etiketa berria
+tag-name-label =
+ .value = Etiketaren izena:
+ .accesskey = E
+tag-color-label =
+ .value = Kolorea:
+ .accesskey = K
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..950fd98fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+notifications-dialog-window =
+ .title = Pertsonalizatu posta berriaren alerta
+notifications-dialog-title = Pertsonalizatu posta berriaren alerta
+customize-alert-description = Aukeratu zein eremu nahi duzun erakustea jakinarazpen-alertan:
+preview-text-checkbox =
+ .label = Mezuaren aurreikuspen-testua
+ .accesskey = M
+subject-checkbox =
+ .label = Gaia
+ .accesskey = G
+sender-checkbox =
+ .label = Bidaltzailea
+ .accesskey = e
+## Note: open-time-label-before is displayed first, then there's a field where
+## the user can enter a number, and open-time-label-after is displayed at the end
+## of the line. The translations of the open-time-label-before and open-time-label-after
+## parts don't have to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead
+## to translate the whole sentence.
+open-time-label-before =
+ .value = Erakutsi posta berriaren alerta
+ .accesskey = b
+open-time-label-after =
+ .value = segundoz
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd764db220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+offline-dialog-window =
+ .title = Lineaz kanpoko ezarpenak
+offline-dialog-title = Lineaz kanpoko ezarpenak
+autodetect-online-label =
+ .label = Automatikoki jarraitu atzemandako lineako egoera
+ .accesskey = a
+offline-preference-startup-label = Eskuzko egoera abiatzean:
+status-radio-remember =
+ .label = Gogoratu aurreko lineako egoera
+ .accesskey = r
+status-radio-ask =
+ .label = Niri galdetu lineako egoera
+ .accesskey = g
+status-radio-always-online =
+ .label = Lineaz kanpo
+ .accesskey = L
+status-radio-always-offline =
+ .label = Lineaz kanpo
+ .accesskey = k
+going-online-label = Bidali bidali gabeko mezuak linean jartzean?
+going-online-auto =
+ .label = Bai
+ .accesskey = B
+going-online-not =
+ .label = Ez
+ .accesskey = E
+going-online-ask =
+ .label = Galdetu niri
+ .accesskey = d
+going-offline-label = Deskargatu mezuak lineaz kanpo erabiltzeko lineaz kanpo jartzean?
+going-offline-auto =
+ .label = Bai
+ .accesskey = a
+going-offline-not =
+ .label = Ez
+ .accesskey = z
+going-offline-ask =
+ .label = Galdetu niri
+ .accesskey = G
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb7d45e1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+saved-logins =
+ .title = Gordetako saio-hasierak
+saved-logins-title = Gordetako saio-hasierak
+window-close =
+ .key = i
+focus-search-primary-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+focus-search-alt-shortcut =
+ .key = k
+copy-provider-url-cmd =
+ .label = Kopiatu URLa
+ .accesskey = U
+copy-username-cmd =
+ .label = Kopiatu erabiltzaile-izena
+ .accesskey = K
+edit-username-cmd =
+ .label = Editatu erabiltzaile-izena
+ .accesskey = d
+copy-password-cmd =
+ .label = Kopiatu pasahitza
+ .accesskey = p
+edit-password-cmd =
+ .label = Editatu pasahitza
+ .accesskey = E
+search-filter =
+ .accesskey = B
+ .placeholder = Bilatu
+column-heading-provider =
+ .label = Hornitzailea
+column-heading-username =
+ .label = Erabiltzaile-izena
+column-heading-password =
+ .label = Pasahitza
+column-heading-time-created =
+ .label = Lehenengoz erabilia
+column-heading-time-last-used =
+ .label = Azkenekoz erabilia
+column-heading-time-password-changed =
+ .label = Azken aldaketa
+column-heading-times-used =
+ .label = Erabilitako aldiak
+remove =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+import =
+ .label = Inportatu…
+ .accesskey = I
+password-close-button =
+ .label = Itxi
+ .accesskey = I
+show-passwords =
+ .label = Erakutsi pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = p
+hide-passwords =
+ .label = Ezkutatu pasahitzak
+ .accesskey = z
+logins-description-all = Ondorengo hornitzaileen saio-hasierak daude gordeta
+logins-description-filtered = Ondorengo saio-hasierak bat datoz zure bilaketarekin:
+remove-all =
+ .label = Kendu denak
+ .accesskey = K
+remove-all-shown =
+ .label = Kendu erakutsitako denak
+ .accesskey = e
+remove-all-passwords-prompt = Ziur zaude pasahitz guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?
+remove-all-passwords-title = Ezabatu pasahitz guztiak
+no-master-password-prompt = Ziur zaude pasahitzak erakutsi nahi dituzula?
+## OS Authentication dialog
+# This message can be seen by trying to show or copy the passwords.
+password-os-auth-dialog-message = Egiaztatu zure identitatea gordetako pasahitza agerrarazteko.
+# This message can be seen by trying to show or copy the passwords.
+# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Thunderbird is trying to "
+# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+# notes are only valid for English. Please test in your locale.
+password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = agerrarazi gordetako pasahitza
+# Don't change this label.
+password-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6332b5bc65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+permissions-reminder-window2 =
+ .title = Salbuespenak
+permissions-dialog-title = Salbuespenak
+permission-preferences-close-window =
+ .key = w
+website-address-label =
+ .value = Webgunearen helbidea:
+ .accesskey = h
+block-button =
+ .label = Blokeatu
+ .accesskey = B
+allow-session-button =
+ .label = Baimendu saiorako
+ .accesskey = s
+allow-button =
+ .label = Baimendu
+ .accesskey = B
+treehead-sitename-label =
+ .label = Gunea
+treehead-status-label =
+ .label = Egoera
+remove-site-button =
+ .label = Ezabatu gunea
+ .accesskey = E
+remove-all-site-button =
+ .label = Kendu gune guztiak
+ .accesskey = e
+cancel-button =
+ .label = Utzi
+ .accesskey = U
+save-button =
+ .label = Gorde aldaketak
+ .accesskey = G
+permission-can-label = Baimendu
+permission-can-access-first-party-label = Debekatu hirugarrenenak
+permission-can-session-label = Baimendu saio honetarako
+permission-cannot-label = Blokeatu
+invalid-uri-message = Sartu baliozko ostalari-izena
+invalid-uri-title = Sartutako ostalari-izena okerra da
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0caa5aec0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+close-button =
+ .aria-label = Itxi
+preferences-doc-title2 = Ezarpenak
+category-list =
+ .aria-label = Kategoriak
+pane-general-title = Orokorra
+category-general =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title }
+pane-compose-title = Mezu-prestatzea
+category-compose =
+ .tooltiptext = Mezu-prestatzea
+pane-privacy-title = Pribatutasuna eta segurtasuna
+category-privacy =
+ .tooltiptext = Pribatutasuna eta segurtasuna
+pane-chat-title = Txata
+category-chat =
+ .tooltiptext = Txata
+pane-calendar-title = Calendar
+category-calendar =
+ .tooltiptext = Calendar
+pane-sync-title = Sync
+category-sync =
+ .tooltiptext = Sinkronizatu
+general-language-and-appearance-header = Hizkuntza eta itxura
+general-incoming-mail-header = Sarrerako postak
+general-files-and-attachment-header = Fitxategi eta eranskinak
+general-tags-header = Etiketak
+general-reading-and-display-header = Irakurtze eta bistaratzea
+general-updates-header = Eguneraketak
+general-network-and-diskspace-header = Sarea eta diskoko lekua
+general-indexing-label = Indexatzen
+composition-category-header = Mezu-prestatzea
+composition-attachments-header = Eranskinak
+composition-spelling-title = Ortografia
+compose-html-style-title = HTML estiloa
+composition-addressing-header = Helbideratzea
+privacy-main-header = Pribatutasuna
+privacy-passwords-header = Pasahitzak
+privacy-junk-header = Zaborra
+collection-header = { -brand-short-name } datuen bilketa eta erabilera
+collection-description = Aukerak ematen ahalegintzen gara { -brand-short-name } denontzat hobetzeko behar ditugun datuak soilik biltzeko. Informazio pertsonala jaso aurretik zure baimena eskatzen dugu beti.
+collection-privacy-notice = Pribatutasun-oharra
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled = Jada ez duzu baimentzen { -vendor-short-name }(e)k datu tekniko eta interakziozkoak kapturatzea. Iraganeko datu guztiak 30 egunen buruan ezabatuko dira.
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled-link = Argibide gehiago
+collection-health-report =
+ .label = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i datu tekniko eta interakziozkoak { -vendor-short-name }ra bidaltzea
+ .accesskey = B
+collection-health-report-link = Argibide gehiago
+# This message is displayed above disabled data sharing options in developer builds
+# or builds with no Telemetry support available.
+collection-health-report-disabled = Datuen berri ematea desgaituta dago eraikitze-konfigurazio honetarako
+collection-backlogged-crash-reports =
+ .label = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i atzeratutako hutsegite-txostenak zuregatik bidaltzea
+ .accesskey = B
+collection-backlogged-crash-reports-link = Argibide gehiago
+privacy-security-header = Segurtasuna
+privacy-scam-detection-title = Iruzur detekzioa
+privacy-anti-virus-title = Antibirusa
+privacy-certificates-title = Ziurtagiriak
+chat-pane-header = Txata
+chat-status-title = Egoera
+chat-notifications-title = Jakinarazpenak
+chat-pane-styling-header = Diseinua
+choose-messenger-language-description = Aukeratu { -brand-short-name }(e)k menuak, mezuak eta jakinarazpenak erakusteko erabiliko dituen hizkuntzak.
+manage-messenger-languages-button =
+ .label = Ezarri ordezkoak
+ .accesskey = i
+confirm-messenger-language-change-description = Barrabiarazi { -brand-short-name } aldaketa hauek aplikatzeko
+confirm-messenger-language-change-button = Aplikatu eta berrabiarazi
+update-setting-write-failure-title = Errorea eguneratze hobespenak gordetzean
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - Path to the configuration file
+# The newlines between the main text and the line containing the path is
+# intentional so the path is easier to identify.
+update-setting-write-failure-message =
+ { -brand-short-name }(e)k errore bat aurkitu du eta ez du aldaketa hau gorde. Kontuan izan eguneraketen hobespen hau ezartzeak azpiko fitxategia idazteko baimenak behar dituela. Zu edo sistema-kudeatzaile bat errorea konpontzeko moduan izan zaitezkete erabiltzaileen taldeari fitxategi honetarako kontrol osoa emanez.
+ Ezin da fitxategira idatzi: { $path }
+update-in-progress-title = Eguneratzea egiten
+update-in-progress-message = { -brand-short-name } eguneratze honekin jarraitzea nahi duzu?
+update-in-progress-ok-button = &Baztertu
+# Continue is the cancel button so pressing escape or using a platform standard
+# method of closing the UI will not discard the update.
+update-in-progress-cancel-button = &Jarraitu
+account-button = Kontu-ezarpenak
+open-addons-sidebar-button = Gehigarriak eta itxurak
+## OS Authentication dialog
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Pasahitz nagusi bat sortzeko, sartu zure Windows kredentzialak. Honek zure kontuen segurtasuna babesten laguntzen du.
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Thunderbird is trying to "
+# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+# notes are only valid for English. Please test in your locale.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = Sortu pasahitz nagusia
+# Don't change this label.
+master-password-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
+## General Tab
+focus-search-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+focus-search-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = k
+general-legend = { -brand-short-name } hasiera-orria
+start-page-label =
+ .label = { -brand-short-name } abiaraztean, erakutsi hasiera-orria mezuaren eremuan
+ .accesskey = b
+location-label =
+ .value = Kokalekua:
+ .accesskey = o
+restore-default-label =
+ .label = Berrezarri lehenetsia
+ .accesskey = r
+default-search-engine = Bilatzaile lehenetsia
+add-web-search-engine =
+ .label = Gehitu…
+ .accesskey = G
+remove-search-engine =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+add-opensearch-provider-title = Gehitu OpenSearch hornitzailea
+add-opensearch-provider-text = Sart URLa OpenSearch hornitzailea gehitzeko. Bestela erabili OpenSearch deskripzio fitxategiko URL zuzena, edo auto-aurkitu daitekeen URL bat.
+adding-opensearch-provider-failed-title = OpenSearch hornitzailea gehitzean huts egin du
+# Variables:
+# $url (String) - URL an OpenSearch provider was requested for.
+adding-opensearch-provider-failed-text = Ezin da gehitu OpenSearch hornitzailea { $url } honekin.
+minimize-to-tray-label =
+ .label = { -brand-short-name } txikitzen denean, mugitu erretilura
+ .accesskey = t
+new-message-arrival = Mezu berri bat iristerakoan:
+mail-play-sound-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Erabili hurrengo soinu-fitxategia:
+ *[other] Erreproduzitu soinua
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] E
+ *[other] E
+ }
+mail-play-button =
+ .label = Erreproduzitu
+ .accesskey = p
+change-dock-icon = Aldatu aplikazio-ikonoaren hobespenak
+app-icon-options =
+ .label = Aplikazio-ikonoaren aukerak…
+ .accesskey = n
+notification-settings2 = Alertak eta soinu lehenetsiak desgaitu dezakezu jakinarazpen paneleko sistemaren ezarpenetan.
+animated-alert-label =
+ .label = Erakutsi abisua
+ .accesskey = s
+customize-alert-label =
+ .label = Pertsonalizatu…
+ .accesskey = P
+biff-use-system-alert =
+ .label = Erabili sistema jakinarazpenak
+tray-icon-unread-label =
+ .label = Erakutsi erretiluko ikonoa mezu irakurri gabeentzat
+ .accesskey = E
+tray-icon-unread-description = Gomendagarria zeregin-barra botoi txikiak erabiltzean
+mail-system-sound-label =
+ .label = Lehenetsitako sistema-soinua posta berriarentzat
+ .accesskey = s
+mail-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Erabili hurrengo soinu-fitxategia
+ .accesskey = u
+mail-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Arakatu…
+ .accesskey = A
+enable-gloda-search-label =
+ .label = Gaitu bilaketa orokorra eta indexatzailea
+ .accesskey = i
+datetime-formatting-legend = Data eta denboraren formatua
+language-selector-legend = Hizkuntza
+allow-hw-accel =
+ .label = Erabili hardware azelerazioa erabilgarri dagoenean
+ .accesskey = h
+store-type-label =
+ .value = Mezuen biltegiratze mota kontu berrientzako:
+ .accesskey = m
+mbox-store-label =
+ .label = Karpeta bakoitzeko fitxategi bat (mbox)
+maildir-store-label =
+ .label = Fitxategia mezuko (maildir)
+scrolling-legend = Korritzea
+autoscroll-label =
+ .label = Erabili korritze automatikoa
+ .accesskey = a
+smooth-scrolling-label =
+ .label = Erabili korritze leuna
+ .accesskey = u
+browsing-gtk-use-non-overlay-scrollbars =
+ .label = Erakutsi beti korritze-barrak
+ .accesskey = E
+window-layout-legend = Leiho diseinua
+draw-in-titlebar-label =
+ .label = Ezkutatu sistemako leiho titulu-barra
+ .accesskey = E
+auto-hide-tabbar-label =
+ .label = Automatikoki ezkutatu fitxa barra
+ .accesskey = A
+auto-hide-tabbar-description = Ezkutatu fitxa barra fitxa bakarra dagoenean irekita
+system-integration-legend = Sistemaren integrazioa
+always-check-default =
+ .label = Egiaztatu beti { -brand-short-name } posta-bezero lehenetsia dela abiaraztean
+ .accesskey = g
+check-default-button =
+ .label = Egiaztatu orain…
+ .accesskey = o
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Windows bilaketa
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+search-integration-label =
+ .label = Baimendu { search-engine-name }(r)i mezuak bilatzea
+ .accesskey = B
+config-editor-button =
+ .label = Konfigurazio-editorea…
+ .accesskey = g
+return-receipts-description = Zehaztu hartu-agiriak nola kudeatzen dituen { -brand-short-name }(e)k
+return-receipts-button =
+ .label = Hartu-agiriak…
+ .accesskey = r
+update-app-legend = { -brand-short-name } eguneraketak
+# Variables:
+# $version (String): version of Thunderbird, e.g. 68.0.1
+update-app-version = Bertsioa { $version }
+allow-description = Baimendu { -brand-short-name }(r)i
+automatic-updates-label =
+ .label = Instalatu eguneraketak automatikoki (gomendatua: hobetutako segurtasuna)
+ .accesskey = a
+check-updates-label =
+ .label = Egiaztatu eguneraketarik dagoen baina galdetu instalatu nahi ditudan
+ .accesskey = E
+update-history-button =
+ .label = Erakutsi eguneraketen historia
+ .accesskey = n
+use-service =
+ .label = Erabili atzeko planoko zerbitzua eguneraketak instalatzeko
+ .accesskey = z
+cross-user-udpate-warning = Ezarpenak leiho guztiei aplikatuko zaizkie eta { -brand-short-name } profil guztiei, { -brand-short-name } instalazio hau erabiliz.
+networking-legend = Konexioa
+proxy-config-description = Konfiguratu { -brand-short-name } Internetera nola konektatzen den
+network-settings-button =
+ .label = Ezarpenak…
+ .accesskey = n
+offline-legend = Lineaz kanpo
+offline-settings = Konfiguratu lineaz kanpoko ezarpenak
+offline-settings-button =
+ .label = Lineaz kanpo…
+ .accesskey = o
+diskspace-legend = Diskoko lekua
+offline-compact-folder =
+ .label = Trinkotu karpeta guztiak hau baino gehiago aurrezten denean:
+ .accesskey = k
+offline-compact-folder-automatically =
+ .label = Galdetu beti trinkotu aurretik
+ .accesskey = t
+compact-folder-size =
+ .value = MB guztira
+## Note: The entities use-cache-before and use-cache-after appear on a single
+## line in preferences as follows:
+## use-cache-before [ textbox for cache size in MB ] use-cache-after
+use-cache-before =
+ .value = Erabili gehienez
+ .accesskey = E
+use-cache-after = MB cachearentzat
+smart-cache-label =
+ .label = Gainidatzi automatikoki cachearen kudeaketa
+ .accesskey = a
+clear-cache-button =
+ .label = Garbitu orain
+ .accesskey = G
+clear-cache-shutdown-label =
+ .label = Garbitu katxea itzaltzean
+ .accesskey = G
+fonts-legend = Letra-tipoak eta koloreak
+default-font-label =
+ .value = Letra-tipo lehenetsia:
+ .accesskey = L
+default-size-label =
+ .value = Tamaina:
+ .accesskey = T
+font-options-button =
+ .label = Letra-tipoak…
+ .accesskey = L
+color-options-button =
+ .label = Koloreak…
+ .accesskey = K
+display-width-legend = Testu-arrunteko mezuak
+# Note : convert-emoticons-label 'Emoticons' are also known as 'Smileys', e.g. :-)
+convert-emoticons-label =
+ .label = Bistaratu aurpegierak eta grafikoak
+ .accesskey = a
+display-text-label = Zitatutako testu-arrunteko mezuak bistaratzean:
+style-label =
+ .value = Estiloa:
+ .accesskey = i
+regular-style-item =
+ .label = Arrunta
+bold-style-item =
+ .label = Lodia
+italic-style-item =
+ .label = Etzana
+bold-italic-style-item =
+ .label = Lodi etzana
+size-label =
+ .value = Tamaina:
+ .accesskey = T
+regular-size-item =
+ .label = Arrunta
+bigger-size-item =
+ .label = Handiagoa
+smaller-size-item =
+ .label = Txikiagoa
+quoted-text-color =
+ .label = Kolorea:
+ .accesskey = o
+search-handler-table =
+ .placeholder = Iragazi eduki mota eta ekintzak
+type-column-header = Eduki mota
+action-column-header = Ekintza
+save-to-label =
+ .label = Gorde fitxategiak hemen:
+ .accesskey = G
+choose-folder-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Aukeratu…
+ *[other] Arakatu…
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] A
+ *[other] A
+ }
+always-ask-label =
+ .label = Beti galdetu niri fitxategiak non gorde
+ .accesskey = B
+display-tags-text = Mezuak sailkatu eta lehentasunak zehazteko erabil daitezke etiketak.
+new-tag-button =
+ .label = Berria…
+ .accesskey = B
+edit-tag-button =
+ .label = Editatu…
+ .accesskey = E
+delete-tag-button =
+ .label = Ezabatu
+ .accesskey = z
+auto-mark-as-read =
+ .label = Markatu automatikoki mezuak irakurrita gisa
+ .accesskey = a
+mark-read-no-delay =
+ .label = Bistaratu bezain laster
+ .accesskey = B
+view-attachments-inline =
+ .label = Ikusi eranskinak lerroan
+ .accesskey = I
+## Note: This will concatenate to "After displaying for [___] seconds",
+## using (mark-read-delay) and a number (seconds-label).
+mark-read-delay =
+ .label = Denbora batez bistaratu eta gero:
+ .accesskey = e
+seconds-label = segundoz
+open-msg-label =
+ .value = Ireki mezuak:
+open-msg-tab =
+ .label = Fitxa berrian
+ .accesskey = t
+open-msg-window =
+ .label = Mezu-leiho berrian
+ .accesskey = h
+open-msg-ex-window =
+ .label = Dagoen mezu-leihoan
+ .accesskey = D
+close-move-delete =
+ .label = Itxi mezu-leihoa/fitxa lekuz aldatzean edo ezabatzean
+ .accesskey = I
+display-name-label =
+ .value = Bistaratzeko izena:
+condensed-addresses-label =
+ .label = Erakutsi nire helbide-liburuko pertsonen bistarazte-izena bakarrik
+ .accesskey = p
+## Compose Tab
+forward-label =
+ .value = Birbidali mezuak:
+ .accesskey = B
+inline-label =
+ .label = Barnean
+as-attachment-label =
+ .label = Eranskin gisa
+extension-label =
+ .label = gehitu luzapena fitxategi-izenari
+ .accesskey = f
+## Note: This will concatenate to "Auto Save every [___] minutes",
+## using (auto-save-label) and a number (auto-save-end).
+auto-save-label =
+ .label = Gorde automatikoki
+ .accesskey = u
+auto-save-end = minutuan behin
+warn-on-send-accel-key =
+ .label = Eskatu berrespena mezua bidaltzeko laster-tekla erabiltzean
+ .accesskey = i
+add-link-previews =
+ .label = Gehitu esteka aurrebistak URLk Itsastean
+ .accesskey = a
+spellcheck-label =
+ .label = Egiaztatu ortografia bidali aurretik
+ .accesskey = g
+spellcheck-inline-label =
+ .label = Gaitu ortografia egiaztatzea idatzi ahala
+ .accesskey = r
+language-popup-label =
+ .value = Hizkuntza:
+ .accesskey = z
+download-dictionaries-link = Deskargatu hiztegi gehiago
+font-label =
+ .value = Letra-tipoa:
+ .accesskey = r
+font-size-label =
+ .value = Tamaina:
+ .accesskey = t
+default-colors-label =
+ .label = Erabili irakurlearen kolore lehenetsiak
+ .accesskey = l
+font-color-label =
+ .value = Testuaren kolorea:
+ .accesskey = s
+bg-color-label =
+ .value = Atzeko planoko kolorea:
+ .accesskey = A
+restore-html-label =
+ .label = Berrezarri lehenetsiak
+ .accesskey = r
+default-format-label =
+ .label = Erabili paragrafo formatua testu gorputzaren ordez lehenetsirik
+ .accesskey = p
+compose-send-format-title = Formatua bidaltzen
+compose-send-automatic-option =
+ .label = Automatikoa
+compose-send-automatic-description = Mezuan ez bada estilorik erabiltzen, bidali testu laua. Bestela bidali HTML eran testu lau ordezkoaz.
+compose-send-both-option =
+ .label = Biak HTML eta testu laua
+compose-send-both-description = Hartzailearen posta elektroniko aplikazioak erabakiko du zein bertsio erakutsi.
+compose-send-html-option =
+ .label = HTML bakarrik
+compose-send-html-description = Hartzaile batzuk ez dira gai izango mezua irakurtzeko testu lau ordezko gabe.
+compose-send-plain-option =
+ .label = Testu laua bakarrik
+compose-send-plain-description = Estilo batzuk ordezko testu laura bihurtuko dira, eta beste konposizio-ezaugarri batzuk, berriz, desaktibatu egingo dira.
+autocomplete-description = Bilatu bat datozen sarrerak mezuak helbideratzean:
+ab-label =
+ .label = Helbide-liburu lokaletan
+ .accesskey = a
+directories-label =
+ .label = Direktorio-zerbitzarian:
+ .accesskey = D
+directories-none-label =
+ .none = Bat ere ez
+edit-directories-label =
+ .label = Editatu direktorioak…
+ .accesskey = E
+email-picker-label =
+ .label = Gehitu hemen automatikoki bidalitako posta-helbideak:
+ .accesskey = t
+default-directory-label =
+ .value = Helbide liburu leihoko abioko direktorio lehenetsia:
+ .accesskey = H
+default-last-label =
+ .none = Azken direktorio erabilia
+attachment-label =
+ .label = Egiaztatu eranskinak falta diren
+ .accesskey = f
+attachment-options-label =
+ .label = Gako-hitzak…
+ .accesskey = k
+enable-cloud-share =
+ .label = Eskaini partekatzea hau baino handiagoak diren fitxategientzat:
+cloud-share-size =
+ .value = MB
+add-cloud-account =
+ .label = Gehitu…
+ .accesskey = G
+ .defaultlabel = Gehitu…
+remove-cloud-account =
+ .label = Kendu
+ .accesskey = K
+find-cloud-providers =
+ .value = Bilatu hornitzaile gehiago…
+cloud-account-description = Gehitu Filelink biltegiratze-zerbitzu berri bat
+## Privacy Tab
+mail-content = Postaren edukia
+remote-content-label =
+ .label = Baimendu urruneko edukia mezuetan
+ .accesskey = B
+exceptions-button =
+ .label = Salbuespenak…
+ .accesskey = e
+remote-content-info =
+ .value = Urruneko edukiaren pribatutasun-arazoei buruzko argibide gehiago
+web-content = Web edukia
+history-label =
+ .label = Gogoratu bisitatu ditudan webgune eta loturak
+ .accesskey = G
+cookies-label =
+ .label = Onartu guneetako cookieak
+ .accesskey = O
+third-party-label =
+ .value = Onartu hirugarrenen cookieak:
+ .accesskey = n
+third-party-always =
+ .label = Beti
+third-party-never =
+ .label = Inoiz ez
+third-party-visited =
+ .label = Bisitatutakoetatik
+cookies-button =
+ .label = Erakutsi cookieak…
+ .accesskey = E
+do-not-track-label =
+ .label = Bidali webguneei "Do Not Track" seinalea zure jarraipena ez egitea adierazteko
+ .accesskey = n
+dnt-learn-more-button =
+ .value = Argibide gehiago
+passwords-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k pasahitzen informazioa gogora dezake zure kontu guztientzat.
+passwords-button =
+ .label = Gordetako pasahitzak…
+ .accesskey = G
+primary-password-description = Pasahitz nagusiak zure pasahitz guztiak babesten ditu, baina saio bakoitzeko behin sartu behar duzu.
+primary-password-label =
+ .label = Erabili pasahitz nagusia
+ .accesskey = E
+primary-password-button =
+ .label = Aldatu pasahitz nagusia…
+ .accesskey = A
+forms-primary-pw-fips-title = Une honetan FIPS moduan zaude. FIPS moduak pasahitz nagusia ezartzea eskatzen du.
+forms-master-pw-fips-desc = Pasahitz aldaketak huts egin du
+junk-description = Ezarri zabor-postaren ezarpen lehenetsiak. Kontu bakoitzari lotutako zabor-postaren ezarpenak kontu-ezarpenetan konfiguratu daitezke.
+junk-label =
+ .label = Mezuak zabor gisa markatzen ditudanean:
+ .accesskey = z
+junk-move-label =
+ .label = Aldatu lekuz kontuaren "Zaborra" karpetara
+ .accesskey = d
+junk-delete-label =
+ .label = Ezabatu
+ .accesskey = E
+junk-read-label =
+ .label = Markatu zabor-mezuak irakurrita gisa
+ .accesskey = M
+junk-log-label =
+ .label = Gaitu zabor-iragazki moldakorraren loga
+ .accesskey = G
+junk-log-button =
+ .label = Erakutsi loga
+ .accesskey = s
+reset-junk-button =
+ .label = Berrezarri trebatze-datuak
+ .accesskey = r
+phishing-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k mezuak azter ditzake posta-iruzurrak bilatzeko, iruzur egiteko erabil daitezkeen oinarrizko teknikak begiratuz.
+phishing-label =
+ .label = Esaidazu irakurtzen ari naizen mezua posta-iruzurra izan daitekeen
+ .accesskey = E
+antivirus-description = { -brand-short-name } erraztuko du antibirus softwareak datozen mezuak aztertu ditzan lokalki gorde aurretik.
+antivirus-label =
+ .label = Baimendu antibirus bezeroari mezuak koarentenan jartzea
+ .accesskey = k
+certificate-description = Webgune batek nire ziurtagiri pertsonala eskatzen duenean:
+certificate-auto =
+ .label = Hautatu bat automatikoki
+ .accesskey = S
+certificate-ask =
+ .label = Galdetu beti
+ .accesskey = G
+ocsp-label =
+ .label = Galdetu OCSP erantzule-zerbitzariei ziurtagiriak baliozkoak diren egiaztatzeko
+ .accesskey = G
+certificate-button =
+ .label = Kudeatu ziurtagiriak…
+ .accesskey = K
+security-devices-button =
+ .label = Segurtasun-gailuak…
+ .accesskey = S
+account-settings = Kontu-ezarpenak
+## Chat Tab
+startup-label =
+ .value = { -brand-short-name } abiatzean:
+ .accesskey = a
+offline-label =
+ .label = Mantendu txat-kontuak deskonektatuta
+auto-connect-label =
+ .label = Konektatu txat-kontuak automatikoki
+## Note: idle-label is displayed first, then there's a field where the user
+## can enter a number, and itemTime is displayed at the end of the line.
+## The translations of the idle-label and idle-time-label parts don't have
+## to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead to
+## translate the whole sentence.
+idle-label =
+ .label = Jakinarazi nire kontaktuei inaktibo nagoela
+ .accesskey = i
+idle-time-label = minutu ondoren
+away-message-label =
+ .label = eta ezarri nire egoera Kanpoan egoera-mezu honekin:
+ .accesskey = K
+send-typing-label =
+ .label = Bidali idazketa-jakinarazpenak berriketetan
+ .accesskey = d
+notification-label = Zuri zuzendutako mezuak iristean:
+show-notification-label =
+ .label = Erakutsi jakinarazpena:
+ .accesskey = n
+notification-all =
+ .label = bidaltzailearen izenarekin eta mezuaren aurrebistarekin
+notification-name =
+ .label = bidaltzailearen izenarekin soilik
+notification-empty =
+ .label = inolako informaziorik gabe
+notification-type-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Atrakeko ikonoak animatu
+ *[other] Keinuka ataza-barrako elementua
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] A
+ *[other] K
+ }
+chat-play-sound-label =
+ .label = Erreproduzitu soinua
+ .accesskey = d
+chat-play-button =
+ .label = Erreproduzitu
+ .accesskey = p
+chat-system-sound-label =
+ .label = Lehenetsitako sistema-soinua posta berriarentzat
+ .accesskey = i
+chat-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Erabili hurrengo soinu-fitxategia
+ .accesskey = u
+chat-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Arakatu…
+ .accesskey = A
+theme-label =
+ .value = Gaia:
+ .accesskey = G
+style-mail =
+ .label = { -brand-short-name }
+style-bubbles =
+ .label = Burbuilak
+style-dark =
+ .label = Iluna
+style-paper =
+ .label = Papera orriak
+style-simple =
+ .label = Sinplea
+preview-label = Aurrebista:
+no-preview-label = Aurrebista ez dago erabilgarri
+no-preview-description = Gai hau ez da baliokoa edo une honetan ez dago erabilgarri (desgaitu gehigarria, modu-segurua, …).
+chat-variant-label =
+ .value = Aldaerak:
+ .accesskey = A
+# This is used to determine the width of the search field in about:preferences,
+# in order to make the entire placeholder string visible
+# Please keep the placeholder string short to avoid truncation.
+# Notice: The value of the `.style` attribute is a CSS string, and the `width`
+# is the name of the CSS property. It is intended only to adjust the element's width.
+# Do not translate.
+search-preferences-input2 =
+ .style = width: 15.4em
+ .placeholder = Bilatu ezarpenetan
+## Settings UI Search Results
+search-results-header = Bilaketaren emaitzak
+# `<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>` will be replaced by the search term.
+search-results-empty-message2 =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Barkatu! Aukeretan ez dago "<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>" bilaketarako emaitzarik.
+ *[other] Barkatu! Ezarpenetan ez dago "<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>" bilaketarako emaitzarik.
+ }
+search-results-help-link = Laguntza behar duzu? Bisitatu <a data-l10n-name="url">{ -brand-short-name }(r)en laguntza</a>
+## Sync Tab
+sync-signedout-caption = Eraman ezazu weba zurekin
+sync-signedout-description = Sinkronizatu zure kontuak, helbide liburuak, egutegiak, gehigarriak eta ezarpenak zure gailu guztietan.
+# Note: "Sync" represents the Firefox Sync product so it shouldn't be translated.
+sync-signedout-account-signin-btn = Hasi saioa sinkronizatzeko…
+sync-pane-header = Sync
+# Variables:
+# $userEmail (String) - The email logged into Sync.
+sync-pane-email-not-verified = “{ $userEmail }” ez dago egiaztatuta.
+# Variables:
+# $userEmail (String) - The email logged into Sync.
+sync-signedin-login-failure = Hasi saioa berriro konektatzeko “{ $userEmail }”
+sync-pane-resend-verification = Birbidali egiaztapena
+sync-pane-sign-in = Hasi saioa
+sync-pane-remove-account = Kendu kontua
+sync-pane-edit-photo =
+ .title = Aldatu profileko argazkia
+sync-pane-manage-account = Kudeatu kontua
+sync-pane-sign-out = Amaitu saioa…
+sync-pane-device-name-title = Gailuaren izena
+sync-pane-change-device-name = Aldatu gailuaren izena
+sync-pane-cancel = Utzi
+sync-pane-save = Gorde
+sync-pane-show-synced-header-on = Sinkronizazioa: aktibo
+sync-pane-show-synced-header-off = Sinkronizazioa: inaktibo
+sync-pane-sync-now = Sinkronizatu orain
+sync-panel-sync-now-syncing = Sinkronizatzen…
+show-synced-list-heading = Une honetan ondorengo elementuak sinkronizatzen dira:
+show-synced-learn-more = Argibide gehiago…
+show-synced-item-account = Posta elektroniko kontuak
+show-synced-item-address = Helbide-liburuak
+show-synced-item-calendar = Egutegiak
+show-synced-item-identity = Identitateak
+show-synced-item-passwords = Pasahitzak
+show-synced-change = Aldatu…
+synced-acount-item-server-config = zerbitzari konfigurazioa
+synced-acount-item-filters = Iragazkiak
+synced-acount-item-keys = OpenPGP - S/MIME
+sync-disconnected-text = Sinkronizatu zure posta elektroniko kontuak, helbide liburuak, egutegiak eta identitateak zure gailu guztietan.
+sync-disconnected-turn-on-sync = Gaitu sinkronizazioa…
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b241ab8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+receipts-dialog-window =
+ .title = Hartu-agiriak
+receipts-dialog-title = Hartu-agiriak
+return-receipt-checkbox-control =
+ .label = Eskatu beti hartu-agiria mezuak bidaltzean
+ .accesskey = E
+receipt-arrive-label = Hartu-agiri bat iristean:
+receipt-leave-radio-control =
+ .label = Utzi nire sarrera-ontzian
+ .accesskey = s
+receipt-move-radio-control =
+ .label = Aldatu lekuz "Bidalitakoak" karpetara
+ .accesskey = l
+receipt-request-label = Hartu-agiri baten eskaera jasotzen dudanean:
+receipt-return-never-radio-control =
+ .label = Ez bidali inoiz hartu-agiria
+ .accesskey = h
+receipt-return-some-radio-control =
+ .label = Baimendu hartu-agiriak mezu batzuentzat
+ .accesskey = m
+receipt-not-to-cc-label =
+ .value = Ez banago mezuaren Nori edo Cc eremuetan:
+ .accesskey = e
+receipt-send-never-label =
+ .label = Inoiz ez bidali
+receipt-send-always-label =
+ .label = Bidali beti
+receipt-send-ask-label =
+ .label = Galdetu niri
+sender-outside-domain-label =
+ .value = Bidaltzailea nire domeinutik kanpo badago:
+ .accesskey = k
+other-cases-text-label =
+ .value = Beste kasu guztietan:
+ .accesskey = b
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/sync-dialog.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/sync-dialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9da93b65d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/sync-dialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+config-sync-dailog-title =
+ .title = Aukeratu zer sinkronizatu
+sync-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Gorde aldaketak
+ .buttonaccesskeyaccept = G
+ .buttonlabelextra2 = Deskonektatu
+ .buttonaccesskeyextra2 = D
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b6f6e82a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+system-integration-title =
+ .title = Sistemaren integrazioa
+system-integration-dialog-title = Sistemaren integrazioa
+system-integration-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Ezarri lehenetsi gisa
+ .buttonlabelcancel = Saltatu integrazioa
+ .buttonlabelcancel2 = Utzi
+default-client-intro = Erabili { -brand-short-name } bezero lehenetsi gisa honentzat:
+unset-default-tooltip = Ezin da { -brand-short-name } barruan { -brand-short-name } bezero lehenetsi gisa desezarri. Beste aplikazio bat lehenesteko, erabili bere 'Ezarri lehenetsitako gisa' elkarrizketa-koadroa.
+checkbox-email-label =
+ .label = E-posta
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-newsgroups-label =
+ .label = Berri-taldeak
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-feeds-label =
+ .label = Jarioak
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-calendar-label =
+ .label = Egutegia
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+system-search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Windows bilaketa
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+system-search-integration-label =
+ .label = Baimendu { system-search-engine-name }(r)i mezuak bilatzea
+ .accesskey = B
+check-on-startup-label =
+ .label = Egiaztatu beti { -brand-short-name } abiaraztean
+ .accesskey = a