path: root/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose')
26 files changed, 1855 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3472151cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY WindowTitle.label "Рэдактар пашыраных уласцівасцяў">
+<!ENTITY AttName.label "Атрыбут:">
+<!ENTITY AttValue.label "Значэнне:">
+<!ENTITY PropertyName.label "Уласцівасць:">
+<!ENTITY currentattributesfor.label "Цяперашні атрыбут для:">
+<!ENTITY tree.attributeHeader.label "Атрыбут">
+<!ENTITY tree.propertyHeader.label "Уласцівасць">
+<!ENTITY tree.valueHeader.label "Значэнне">
+<!ENTITY tabHTML.label "Атрыбуты HTML">
+<!ENTITY tabCSS.label "Убудаваны стыль">
+<!ENTITY tabJSE.label "Падзеі JavaScript">
+<!ENTITY editAttribute.label "Пстрыкніце па адзінцы ўгары, каб рэдагаваць яе значэнне">
+<!ENTITY removeAttribute.label "Выдаліць">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdColorPicker.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdColorPicker.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70ec300584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdColorPicker.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Колер">
+<!ENTITY lastPickedColor.label "Апошні выбраны колер">
+<!ENTITY lastPickedColor.accessKey "А">
+<!ENTITY chooseColor1.label "Выберыце колер:">
+<!ENTITY setColorExample.label "(напрыклад: &quot;#0000ff&quot; або &quot;blue&quot;):">
+<!ENTITY default.label "Змоўчны">
+<!ENTITY default.accessKey "З">
+<!ENTITY palette.label "Палітра:">
+<!ENTITY standardPalette.label "Стандартная">
+<!ENTITY webPalette.label "Усе сеціўныя колеры">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Фон для:">
+<!ENTITY background.accessKey "Ф">
+<!ENTITY table.label "Табліца">
+<!ENTITY table.accessKey "Т">
+<!ENTITY cell.label "Ячэйка(і)">
+<!ENTITY cell.accessKey "Я">
+<!ENTITY chooseColor2.label "Enter an HTML color string">
+<!ENTITY chooseColor2.accessKey "H">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdConvertToTable.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdConvertToTable.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1363c84b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdConvertToTable.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Ператварэнне ў табліцу">
+<!ENTITY instructions1.label "Укладальнік стварае новы шэраг табліцы для кожнага параграфу вылучэння.">
+<!ENTITY instructions2.label "Выбраць знак для раздзялення вылучэння ў слупкі:">
+<!ENTITY commaRadio.label "Коска">
+<!ENTITY spaceRadio.label "Прагал">
+<!ENTITY otherRadio.label "Іншы знак:">
+<!ENTITY deleteCharCheck.label "Выдаліць знак раздзяляльніка">
+<!ENTITY collapseSpaces.label "Ігнараваць дадатковыя прагалы">
+<!ENTITY collapseSpaces.tooltip "Ператварыць сумежныя прагалы ў адзін раздзяляльнік">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdDialogOverlay.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdDialogOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb57e1bc93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdDialogOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.label "Пашыраная праўка…">
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.accessKey "П">
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.tooltip "Дадаць або змяніць атрыбуты HTML, атрыбуты стылю, ці JavaScript">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileButton.label "Выбраць файл...">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileButton.accessKey "ф">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileLinkButton.label "Выбраць файл...">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileLinkButton.accessKey "ы">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.label "URL адносны да месцазнаходжання старонкі">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.accessKey "а">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.tooltip "Выбар паміж адноснага ці безумоўнага URL. Вы мусіце захаваць старонку перад выбарам.">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField2.label "Увядзіце адрас вэб-старонкі, лакальнага файла або вылучыце якар або загаловак з імем з кантэкстнага меню поля:">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField2.accessKey "в">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f153bcf270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Уласцівасці іменаванага якара">
+<!ENTITY anchorNameEditField.label "Назва якара:">
+<!ENTITY anchorNameEditField.accessKey "Н">
+<!ENTITY nameInput.tooltip "Увядзіце адзіную назву для гэтага іменаванага якара (прызначэння)">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorColorProperties.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorColorProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95ba4bcde8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorColorProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Колеры і фон старонкі">
+<!ENTITY pageColors.label "Колеры старонкі">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.label "Змоўчныя колеры чытача (Не прызначаць колеры старонкі)">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.accessKey "З">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.tooltip "Карыстацца толькі наладжваннямі колераў праглядальніка (чытача) азіральніка">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.label "Ужываць выбарачныя колеры:">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.accessKey "ы">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.tooltip "Гэтыя наладжванні колераў пераважваюць наладжванні праглядальніка азіральніка">
+<!ENTITY normalText.label "Звычайны тэкст">
+<!ENTITY normalText.accessKey "ы">
+<!ENTITY linkText.label "Тэкст спасылкі">
+<!ENTITY linkText.accessKey "с">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.label "Тэкст актыўнай спасылкі">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.accessKey "А">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.label "Тэкст наведанай спасылкі">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.accessKey "Н">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Фон:">
+<!ENTITY background.accessKey "Ф">
+<!ENTITY colon.character ":">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.label "Фонавая выява:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.accessKey "я">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.tooltip "Ужываць файл выявы як фон вашай старонкі">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.shortenedDataURI "Скарочаны URI дадзеных (копія змесціць поўны URI ў буфер абмену)">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorHLineProperties.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorHLineProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41a5ff838c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorHLineProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Уласцівасці гарызантальнай рыскі">
+<!ENTITY dimensionsBox.label "Вымярэнні">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.label "Вышыня">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.accessKey "В">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Шырыня:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "Ш">
+<!ENTITY pixelsPopup.value "пікселяў">
+<!ENTITY alignmentBox.label "Выраўноўванне">
+<!ENTITY leftRadio.label "Улева">
+<!ENTITY leftRadio.accessKey "л">
+<!ENTITY centerRadio.label "Пасярэдзіне">
+<!ENTITY centerRadio.accessKey "с">
+<!ENTITY rightRadio.label "Направа">
+<!ENTITY rightRadio.accessKey "п">
+<!ENTITY threeDShading.label "3-М зацяненне">
+<!ENTITY threeDShading.accessKey "ц">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.label "Ужываць як змоўчную">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.accessKey "З">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.tooltip "Захаваць гэтыя наладжванні для ўстаўкі новых гарызантальных рысак">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorImageProperties.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorImageProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54bd3450e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorImageProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These strings are for use specifically in the editor's image and form image dialogs. -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Уласцівасці выявы">
+<!ENTITY pixelsPopup.value "пікселяў">
+<!-- These are in the Location tab panel -->
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.label "Image Location:">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.accessKey "з">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.tooltip "Набярыце назву файла выявы ці яе месцазнаходжанне">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.shortenedDataURI "Скарочаны URI дадзеных (копія змесціць поўны URI ў буфер абмену)">
+<!ENTITY title.label "Падказка:">
+<!ENTITY title.accessKey "П">
+<!ENTITY title.tooltip "Атрыбут html 'title'. які адлюстроўваецца як падказка">
+<!ENTITY altText.label "Дадатковы тэкст:">
+<!ENTITY altText.accessKey "Д">
+<!ENTITY altTextEditField.tooltip "Набярыце тэкст для адлюстравання замест выявы">
+<!ENTITY noAltText.label "Не ўжываць дадатковы тэкст">
+<!ENTITY noAltText.accessKey "Н">
+<!ENTITY previewBox.label "Перадпрагляд выявы">
+<!-- These controls are in the Dimensions tab panel -->
+<!-- actualSize.label should be same as actualSizeRadio.label + ":" -->
+<!ENTITY actualSize.label "Сапраўдны памер:">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.label "Сапраўдны памер">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.accessKey "ў">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.tooltip "Вярнуцца да сапраўднага памеру выявы">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.label "Выбарачны памер">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.accessKey "б">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.tooltip "Змяніць памер выявы на старонцы">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.label "Вышыня:">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.accessKey "В">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Шырыня:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "Ш">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.label "Суадносны">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.accessKey "С">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.tooltip "Захоўваць суадносіны памеру выявы">
+<!-- These controls are in the Image Map box of the expanded area -->
+<!ENTITY imagemapBox.label "Мапа выявы">
+<!ENTITY removeImageMapButton.label "Выдаліць">
+<!ENTITY removeImageMapButton.accessKey "д">
+<!-- These are the options for image alignment -->
+<!ENTITY alignment.label "Выраўноўваць тэкст да выявы">
+<!ENTITY bottomPopup.value "Унізе">
+<!ENTITY topPopup.value "Угары">
+<!ENTITY centerPopup.value "Пасярэдзіне">
+<!ENTITY wrapRightPopup.value "Агортваць справа">
+<!ENTITY wrapLeftPopup.value "Абгортваць злева">
+<!-- These controls are in the Spacing Box -->
+<!ENTITY spacingBox.label "Прагалы">
+<!ENTITY leftRightEditField.label "Злева і справа:">
+<!ENTITY leftRightEditField.accessKey "С">
+<!ENTITY topBottomEditField.label "Угары і ўнізе:">
+<!ENTITY topBottomEditField.accessKey "г">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.label "Суцэльная мяжа:">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.accessKey "М">
+<!-- These controls are in the Link Box -->
+<!ENTITY showImageLinkBorder.label "Паказваць мяжу навокал злучанай выявы">
+<!ENTITY showImageLinkBorder.accessKey "я">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.label "Пашыраная праўка спасылкі…">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.accessKey "с">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.tooltip "Дадаць або змяніць атрыбуты HTML, атрыбуты стылю, ці JavaScript">
+<!-- These tabs are currently used in the image input dialog -->
+<!ENTITY imageInputTab.label "Форма">
+<!ENTITY imageLocationTab.label "Месцазнаходжанне">
+<!ENTITY imageDimensionsTab.label "Вымярэнні">
+<!ENTITY imageAppearanceTab.label "Выгляд">
+<!ENTITY imageLinkTab.label "Спасылка">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertChars.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertChars.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4246920cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertChars.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Устаўка знака">
+<!ENTITY category.label "Катэгорыя">
+<!ENTITY letter.label "Літара:">
+<!ENTITY letter.accessKey "Л">
+<!ENTITY character.label "Знак:">
+<!ENTITY character.accessKey "З">
+<!ENTITY accentUpper.label "Вялікія з націскам">
+<!ENTITY accentLower.label "Малыя з націскам">
+<!ENTITY otherUpper.label "Іншыя вялікія">
+<!ENTITY otherLower.label "Іншыя малыя">
+<!ENTITY commonSymbols.label "Агульныя сімвалы">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.label "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Зачыніць">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertMath.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertMath.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47119aea93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertMath.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Устаўка Math">
+<!ENTITY sourceEditField.label "Увесці зыходны код LaTeX:">
+<!ENTITY options.label "Наладжванні">
+<!ENTITY optionInline.label "Убудаваны рэжым">
+<!ENTITY optionInline.accesskey "б">
+<!ENTITY optionDisplay.label "Адлюстроўны рэжым">
+<!ENTITY optionDisplay.accesskey "А">
+<!ENTITY optionLTR.label "Кірунак злева направа">
+<!ENTITY optionLTR.accesskey "л">
+<!ENTITY optionRTL.label "Кірунак справа налева">
+<!ENTITY optionRTL.accesskey "п">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.label "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.accesskey "У">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertSource.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertSource.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c07090c261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertSource.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Устаўка HTML">
+<!ENTITY sourceEditField.label "Увядзіце меціны HTML і тэкст:">
+<!ENTITY example.label "Прыклад:">
+<!ENTITY exampleOpenTag.label "&lt;i&gt;">
+<!ENTITY exampleCloseTag.label "&lt;/i&gt;">
+<!ENTITY exampleText.label "Прывітанне, Свет!">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.label "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY insertButton.accesskey "У">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertTOC.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertTOC.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66c68a40b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertTOC.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY Window.title "Табліца зместу">
+<!ENTITY buildToc.label "Пабудаваць табліцу зместу з:">
+<!ENTITY tag.label "Меціна:">
+<!ENTITY class.label "Клас:">
+<!ENTITY header1.label "Узровень 1">
+<!ENTITY header2.label "Узровень 2">
+<!ENTITY header3.label "Узровень 3">
+<!ENTITY header4.label "Узровень 4">
+<!ENTITY header5.label "Узровень 5">
+<!ENTITY header6.label "Узровень 6">
+<!ENTITY makeReadOnly.label "Зрабіць табліцу зместу даступнай толькі для чытання">
+<!ENTITY orderedList.label "Пранумараваць усе запісы ў табліцы зместу">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertTable.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertTable.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c66851d40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorInsertTable.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Устаўка табліцы">
+<!ENTITY size.label "Памер">
+<!ENTITY numRowsEditField.label "Шэрагі:">
+<!ENTITY numRowsEditField.accessKey "р">
+<!ENTITY numColumnsEditField.label "Слупкі:">
+<!ENTITY numColumnsEditField.accessKey "С">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Шырыня:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "Ш">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.label "Мяжа:">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.accessKey "М">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.tooltip "Набярыце лік для мяжы табліцы, ці набярыце нуль (0) для табліцы без межаў">
+<!ENTITY pixels.label "пікселяў">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorLinkProperties.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorLinkProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d11955378d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorLinkProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Уласцівасці спасылкі">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLBox.label "Месцазнаходжанне спасылкі">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorListProperties.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorListProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02dafe4202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorListProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Уласцівасці спіса">
+<!ENTITY ListType.label "Тып спіса">
+<!ENTITY bulletStyle.label "Маркаваны стыль:">
+<!ENTITY startingNumber.label "Пачаць з:">
+<!ENTITY startingNumber.accessKey "з">
+<!ENTITY none.value "Няма">
+<!ENTITY bulletList.value "Маркаваны спіс (Ненумараваны)">
+<!ENTITY numberList.value "Пранумараваны спіс">
+<!ENTITY definitionList.value "Спіс азначэнняў">
+<!ENTITY changeEntireListRadio.label "Змяніць увесь спіс">
+<!ENTITY changeEntireListRadio.accessKey "у">
+<!ENTITY changeSelectedRadio.label "Змяніць толькі вылучаныя адзінкі">
+<!ENTITY changeSelectedRadio.accessKey "а">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorPersonalDictionary.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorPersonalDictionary.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83b0006e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorPersonalDictionary.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Асабісты слоўнік">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.label "Новае слова:">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.accessKey "Н">
+<!ENTITY AddButton.label "Дадаць">
+<!ENTITY AddButton.accessKey "Д">
+<!ENTITY DictionaryList.label "Словы ў слоўніку:">
+<!ENTITY DictionaryList.accessKey "С">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.label "Выдаліць">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.accessKey "д">
+<!ENTITY CloseButton.label "Закрыць">
+<!ENTITY CloseButton.accessKey "к">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorReplace.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorReplace.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..299412192c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorReplace.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from EdReplace.xul -->
+<!-- extracted from EdReplace.xhtml -->
+<!ENTITY replaceDialog.title "Знайсці і замяніць">
+<!ENTITY findField.label "Знайсці тэкст:">
+<!ENTITY findField.accesskey "н">
+<!ENTITY replaceField.label "Замяніць (чым):">
+<!ENTITY replaceField.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY caseSensitiveCheckbox.label "Адрозніваць вялікія/малыя літары">
+<!ENTITY caseSensitiveCheckbox.accesskey "р">
+<!ENTITY wrapCheckbox.label "Вакол">
+<!ENTITY wrapCheckbox.accesskey "В">
+<!ENTITY backwardsCheckbox.label "Шукаць назад">
+<!ENTITY backwardsCheckbox.accesskey "н">
+<!ENTITY findNextButton.label "Знайсці наступны">
+<!ENTITY findNextButton.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.label "Замяніць">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.accesskey "я">
+<!ENTITY replaceAndFindButton.label "Замяніць і знайсці">
+<!ENTITY replaceAndFindButton.accesskey "і">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.label "Замяніць усе">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Закрыць">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.accesskey "З">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorSpellCheck.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorSpellCheck.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1be7d2393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorSpellCheck.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Праверка правапісу">
+<!ENTITY misspelledWord.label "Слова з памылкамі:">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.label "Замяніць (чым):">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.accessKey "я">
+<!ENTITY checkwordButton.label "Праверыць слова">
+<!ENTITY checkwordButton.accessKey "л">
+<!ENTITY suggestions.label "Прапановы:">
+<!ENTITY suggestions.accessKey "П">
+<!ENTITY ignoreButton.label "Ігнараваць">
+<!ENTITY ignoreButton.accessKey "І">
+<!ENTITY ignoreAllButton.label "Ігнараваць усе">
+<!ENTITY ignoreAllButton.accessKey "с">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.label "Замяніць">
+<!ENTITY replaceButton.accessKey "З">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.label "Замяніць усе">
+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.accessKey "У">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Спыніць">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.accessKey "С">
+<!ENTITY userDictionary.label "Асабісты слоўнік:">
+<!ENTITY moreDictionaries.label "Загрузіць іншыя слоўнікі…">
+<!ENTITY addToUserDictionaryButton.label "Дадаць слова">
+<!ENTITY addToUserDictionaryButton.accessKey "а">
+<!ENTITY editUserDictionaryButton.label "Рэдагаваць…">
+<!ENTITY editUserDictionaryButton.accessKey "Р">
+<!ENTITY recheckButton2.label "Паўторна праверыць тэкст">
+<!ENTITY recheckButton2.accessKey "П">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Зачыніць">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.accessKey "ч">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.label "Даслаць">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.accessKey "Д">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.label "Мова:">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.accessKey "М">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorTableProperties.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorTableProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e16b323ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/EditorTableProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY tableWindow.title "Уласцівасці табліцы">
+<!ENTITY applyButton.label "Ужыць">
+<!ENTITY applyButton.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Зачыніць">
+<!ENTITY tableTab.label "Табліца">
+<!ENTITY cellTab.label "Ячэйкі">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.label "Шэрагі:">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.accessKey "Ш">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.label "Слупкі:">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.accessKey "С">
+<!ENTITY tableHeight.label "Вышыня:">
+<!ENTITY tableHeight.accessKey "В">
+<!ENTITY tableWidth.label "Шырыня:">
+<!ENTITY tableWidth.accessKey "Ш">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderSpacing.label "Межы і прагалы">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderWidth.label "Мяжа:">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderWidth.accessKey "М">
+<!ENTITY tableSpacing.label "Прагалы:">
+<!ENTITY tableSpacing.accessKey "П">
+<!ENTITY tablePadding.label "Набіўка:">
+<!ENTITY tablePadding.accessKey "Н">
+<!ENTITY tablePxBetwCells.label "пікселяў паміж ячэйкамі">
+<!ENTITY tablePxBetwBrdrCellContent.label "пікселяў паміж мяжой ячэйкі і змесцівам">
+<!ENTITY tableAlignment.label "Выраўноўванне табліцы:">
+<!ENTITY tableAlignment.accessKey "ы">
+<!ENTITY tableCaption.label "Загаловак:">
+<!ENTITY tableCaption.accessKey "З">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionAbove.label "Над табліцаю">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionBelow.label "Пад табліцаю">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionLeft.label "Злева ад табліцы">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionRight.label "Справа ад табліцы">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionNone.label "Няма">
+<!ENTITY tableInheritColor.label "(Няхай колеры старонкі будуць бачны скрозь)">
+<!ENTITY cellSelection.label "Вылучэнне">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectCell.label "Ячэйка">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectRow.label "Шэраг">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectColumn.label "Слупок">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectNext.label "Наступная">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectNext.accessKey "Н">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectPrevious.label "Папярэдні">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectPrevious.accessKey "П">
+<!ENTITY applyBeforeChange.label "Гэтачасовыя змяненні будуць ужытыя перад змяненнем вылучэння.">
+<!ENTITY cellContentAlignment.label "Выраўноўванне змесціва">
+<!ENTITY cellHorizontal.label "Гарызантальнае:">
+<!ENTITY cellHorizontal.accessKey "Г">
+<!ENTITY cellVertical.label "Вертыкальнае:">
+<!ENTITY cellVertical.accessKey "В">
+<!ENTITY cellStyle.label "Стыль ячэйкі:">
+<!ENTITY cellStyle.accessKey "С">
+<!ENTITY cellNormal.label "Звычайны">
+<!ENTITY cellHeader.label "Загаловак">
+<!ENTITY cellTextWrap.label "Загінанне тэксту:">
+<!ENTITY cellTextWrap.accessKey "З">
+<!ENTITY cellWrap.label "Загінаць">
+<!ENTITY cellNoWrap.label "Не загінаць">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignTop.label "Даверху">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignMiddle.label "Пасярэдзіне">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignBottom.label "Данізу">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignJustify.label "Разасяроджана">
+<!ENTITY cellInheritColor.label "(Няхай колеры табліцы будуць бачны скрозь)">
+<!ENTITY cellUseCheckboxHelp.label "Ужывайце скрынкі адзнакаў для вызначэння ўласцівасцяў усіх вылучаных ячэйкаў">
+<!ENTITY size.label "Памер">
+<!ENTITY pixels.label "пікселяў">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.label "Колер фону:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.accessKey "Ф">
+<!ENTITY AlignLeft.label "Улева">
+<!ENTITY AlignCenter.label "Пасярэдзіне">
+<!ENTITY AlignRight.label "Направа">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af593da6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the compose back end
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (unableToOpenFile, unableToOpenTmpFile):
+## %S will be replaced with the name of file that could not be opened
+unableToOpenFile=Немагчыма адкрыць файл %S.
+unableToOpenTmpFile=Немагчыма адкрыць часовы файл %S. Праверце ваша наладжванне 'Часовая дырэкторыя'.
+unableToSaveTemplate=Не атрымалася захаваць ваша паведамленне як шаблон.
+unableToSaveDraft=Не атрымалася захаваць ваша паведамленне як чарнавік.
+couldntOpenFccFolder=Немагчыма адкрыць папку Адпраўленыя. Праверце правільнасць налад уліковага запісу.
+errorWritingFile=Памылка запісу часовага файла.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingFromCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingDataCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingMessage): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorQueuedDeliveryFailed=Памылка пры дастаўцы не адпраўленых паведамленняў.
+sendFailed=Не атрымалася адправіць паведамленне.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendFailedUnexpected): argument %X is a hex error code value
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSecurityIssue): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpServerError): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+unableToSendLater=На жаль, мы не змаглі захаваць ваша паведамленне для далейшай адпраўкі.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (communicationsError): argument %d is the error code
+communicationsError=Адбылася памылка сувязі: %d. Калі ласка, паспрабуйце зноў.
+mimeMpartAttachmentError=Памылка ўкладання.
+failedCopyOperation=Паведамленне было паспяхова адпраўлена, але яго не ўдалося скапіяваць у папку Адпраўленыя.
+nntpNoCrossPosting=Вы можаце дасылаць паведамленні на адзін сервер навін за раз.
+errorReadingFile=Памылка чытання файла.
+followupToSenderMessage=Аўтар гэтага ліста запатрабаваў, каб адказы дасылаліся толькі яму. Калі вы хочаце адказаць і навінакупе, дадайце новы радок у адрасах, выберыце Навінакупа ў спісе атрымальнікаў і ўвядзіце назву навінакупы.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorAttachingFile): argument %S is the file name/URI of the object to be attached
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (incorrectSmtpGreeting): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) greeting
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingRcptCommand): argument %1$S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response, argument %2$S is the intended message recipient.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTlsFailed): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPasswordUndefined): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) account
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendNotAllowed): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpTempSizeExceeded): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpClientid): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpClientidPermission): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded1): argument %d is the Outgoing server (SMTP) size limit
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded2): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownServer): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendRequestRefused): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendInterrupted): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendTimeout): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownReason): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthFailure): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthGssapi): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorIllegalLocalPart2): %s is an email address with an illegal localpart
+## Strings used for the save message dialog shown when the user closes a message compose window
+saveDlogTitle=Захаваць ліст
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveDlogMessages3): Do not translate the words %1$S and \n.
+## %1$S is replaced by the folder name configured for saving drafts (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## Translate "Write" to match the translation of item "windowTitleWrite" below.
+## generics string
+defaultSubject=(без тэмы)
+chooseFileToAttach=Далучыць файл(ы)
+genericFailureExplanation=Праверце, калі ласка, што наладжванні рахунку пошты і навінакупаў правільныя, і паспрабуйце зноў.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (undisclosedRecipients): this string must use only US_ASCII characters
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (chooseFileToAttachViaCloud): %1$S is the cloud
+# provider to save the file to.
+chooseFileToAttachViaCloud=Далучыць файл(ы) з дапамогаю %1$S
+## Window titles
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (windowTitleWrite):
+# %1$S is the message subject.
+# %2$S is the application name.
+# Example: Write: Re: Invitation - Thunderbird
+windowTitleWrite=Стварэнне паведамлення: %1$S - %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (windowTitlePrintPreview):
+# %1$S is the message subject.
+# %2$S is the application name.
+# Example: Print Preview: Re: Invitation - Thunderbird
+windowTitlePrintPreview=Папярэдні прагляд: %1$S - %2$S
+## From field
+msgIdentityPlaceholder=Увядзіце свой адрас адпраўніка замест %S
+customizeFromAddressTitle=Наладзіць адрас адпраўніка
+customizeFromAddressIgnore=Ніколі не паведамляць мне пра гэта зноў
+## Strings used by the empty subject dialog
+subjectEmptyTitle=Напамін пра тэму
+subjectEmptyMessage=Ваш ліст не мае тэмы.
+sendWithEmptySubjectButton=&Даслаць без тэмы
+cancelSendingButton=&Скасаваць дасыланне
+## Strings used by the dialog that informs about the lack of newsgroup support.
+noNewsgroupSupportTitle=Навінакупы не падтрымліваюцца
+recipientDlogMessage=Гэты рахунак падтрымлівае толькі э-паштовых атрымальнікаў. Працяг праігнаруе навінакупы.
+## Strings used by the alert that tells the user that an email address is invalid.
+addressInvalidTitle=Няспраўны адрас атрымальніка
+addressInvalid=%1$S не з'яўляецца дапушчальным э-паштовым адрасам, таму што не адпавядае ўзору карыстальнік@трымальнік. Вы мусіце выправіць яго перад дасыланнем э-ліста.
+## String used by the dialog that asks the user to attach a web page
+attachPageDlogTitle=Вызначце, калі ласка, месца для далучэння
+attachPageDlogMessage=Старонка Сеціва (URL):
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message
+messageAttachmentSafeName=Далучаны ліст
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message part
+partAttachmentSafeName=Далучаная частка ліста
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentBucketAttachFilesTooltip):
+# This tooltip should be same as attachFile.label in messengercompose.dtd,
+# but without ellipsis (…).
+attachmentBucketAttachFilesTooltip=Далучыць файл(ы)
+## String used by the Initialization Error dialog
+initErrorDlogTitle=Укладанне ліста
+initErrorDlgMessage=Здарылася памылка падчас стварэння акна ўкладкі ліста. Паспрабуйце, калі ласка, зноў.
+## String used if a file to attach does not exist when passed as
+## a command line argument
+errorFileAttachTitle=Далучэнне файла
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorFileAttachMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the non-existent file name.
+errorFileAttachMessage=Файл %1$S не існуе і таму не можа быць далучаны да ліста.
+## String used if a file to serve as message body does not exist or cannot be loaded when passed
+## as a command line argument
+errorFileMessageTitle=Файл паведамлення
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorFileMessageMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the non-existent file name.
+errorFileMessageMessage=Файл %1$S не існуе, таму ён не можа быць выкарыстаны ў якасці цела паведамлення.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorLoadFileMessageMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the name of the file that can't be loaded.
+errorLoadFileMessageMessage=Файл %1$S не можа быць загружаны ў якасці цела паведамлення.
+## Strings used by the Save as Draft/Template dialog
+SaveDialogTitle=Захаваць ліст
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveDialogMsg): %1$S is the folder name, %2$S is the host name
+SaveDialogMsg=Ваш ліст захованы ў папцы %1$S на %2$S.
+CheckMsg=Не паказваць мне гэты дыялог зноў.
+## Strings used by the prompt when Quitting while in progress
+quitComposeWindowTitle=Дасыланне ліста
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (quitComposeWindowMessage2): don't translate \n
+quitComposeWindowMessage2=%1$S зараз дасылае ліст.\nВы пачакаеце, пакуль ліст будзе дасланы, або хочаце выйсці зараз?
+quitComposeWindowSaveTitle=Захаванне ліста
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (quitComposeWindowSaveMessage): don't translate \n
+quitComposeWindowSaveMessage=%1$S зараз захоўвае ліст.\nВы хочаце пачакаць, пакуль ліст будзе захованы, або хочаце выйсці зараз?
+## Strings used by the prompt for Ctrl-Enter check before sending message
+sendMessageCheckWindowTitle=Даслаць ліст
+sendMessageCheckLabel=Вы сапраўды жадаеце даслаць гэты ліст?
+assemblingMessageDone=Збіранне ліста…Гатова
+assemblingMessage=Збіранне ліста…
+smtpDeliveringMail=Дастаўка ліста…
+smtpMailSent=Ліст дасланы паспяхова
+assemblingMailInformation=Зборка звестак ліста…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (gatheringAttachment): argument %S is the file name/URI of attachment
+gatheringAttachment=Далучэнне %S…
+creatingMailMessage=Стварэнне паштовага ліста…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyMessageStart): argument %S is the folder name
+copyMessageStart=Падвой ліста ў папку %S…
+copyMessageComplete=Падвой завершаны.
+copyMessageFailed=Няўдача падвоя.
+filterMessageComplete=Прымяненне фільтра завершана.
+filterMessageFailed=Збой прымянення фільтра.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (largeMessageSendWarning):
+## Do not translate %S. It is the size of the message in user-friendly notation.
+largeMessageSendWarning=Увага! Вы збіраецеся даслаць ліст памерам %S. Вы сапраўды хочаце гэта зрабіць?
+sendingMessage=Дасыланне ліста…
+sendMessageErrorTitle=Памылка дасылання ліста
+postingMessage=Дасыланне ліста…
+sendLaterErrorTitle=Памылка адкладу дасылання
+saveDraftErrorTitle=Памылка захавання чарнавіка
+saveTemplateErrorTitle=Памылка захавання ўзору
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving=Здарылася праблема падчас уключэння файла %.200S ў діст. Вы хочаце працягнуць захаванне ліста без гэтага файла?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending=Здарылася праблема падчас уключэння файла %.200S ў діст. Вы хочаце працягнуць дасыланне ліста без гэтага файла?
+returnToComposeWindowQuestion=Вы хочаце вярнуцца ў акно ўкладання?
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle): #1 is the author (name of the person replying to)
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle=#1 напісаў:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote=#2 у #3 #1 напісаў:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate=#1 напісаў #2 у #3:
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.reply_header_originalmessage=-------- Зыходны ліст --------
+## forwarded header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.forward_header_originalmessage=-------- Накіраваны ліст --------
+## Strings used by the rename attachment dialog
+renameAttachmentTitle=Змяніць назву далучэння
+renameAttachmentMessage=Новая назва далучэння:
+## Attachment Reminder
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mail.compose.attachment_reminder_keywords): comma separated
+## words that should trigger an attachment reminder.
+mail.compose.attachment_reminder_keywords=.doc,.pdf,attachment,attach,attached,attaching,enclosed,CV,cover letter,далучэнне,рэзюмэ,сузмесце
+remindLaterButton=Напомніць мне пазней
+disableAttachmentReminderButton=Адключэння нагадвання аб укладанні для гэтага паведамлення
+attachmentReminderTitle=Напамін пра далучэнне
+attachmentReminderMsg=Вы не забылі дадаць далучэнне?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentReminderKeywordsMsgs): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of keywords
+attachmentReminderKeywordsMsgs=Знойдзена #1 ключавое слова далучэння: ;Знойдзены #1 ключавыя словы далучэння: ;Знойдзены #1 ключавых словаў далучэння:\u0020
+attachmentReminderOptionsMsg=Словы напаміну пра далучэнне могуць быць наладжаны ў вашых перавагах
+attachmentReminderYesIForgot=Ай, я забыў!
+attachmentReminderFalseAlarm=Не, даслаць зараз
+# Strings used by the Filelink offer notification bar.
+learnMore.label=Даведацца больш…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bigFileDescription): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of big attached files
+bigFileDescription=Гэта вялікі файл. Магчыма, лепш скарыстацца Filelink замест.;Гэта вялікія файлы. Магчыма, лепш скарыстацца Filelink замест.;Гэта вялікія файлы. Магчыма, лепш скарыстацца Filelink замест.
+bigFileChooseAccount.title=Выбраць рахунак
+bigFileChooseAccount.text=Выбраць воблачны рахунак, каб зацягнуць далучэнне
+bigFileHideNotification.title=Не зацягваць мае файлы
+bigFileHideNotification.text=Вы не будзеце апавяшчацца, калі будзеце далучаць іншыя вялікія файлы да гэтага ліста.
+bigFileHideNotification.check=Ніколі не паведамляць мне пра гэта зноў.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cloudFileUploadingTooltip): Do not translate the string
+# %S. %S is the display name for the cloud account the attachment is being
+# uploaded to.
+cloudFileUploadingTooltip=Зацягванне на %S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cloudFileUploadedTooltip): Do not translate the string
+# %S. %S is the display name for the cloud account the attachment was uploaded
+# to.
+cloudFileUploadedTooltip=Зацягнута на %S
+cloudFileUploadingNotification=Ваш файл спалучаецца. Ён паявіцца ў целе ліста пасля завяршэння.;Вашы файлы спалучаюцца. Яны паявіцца ў целе ліста пасля завяршэння.;Вашы файлы спалучаюцца. Яны паявіцца ў целе ліста пасля завяршэння.
+cloudFilePrivacyNotification=Спасылкаванне скончана. Спасылкаваныя далучэнні будуць даступны толькі тым, хто можа бачыць спасылкі.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the
+## word %S. Place the word %S where the host name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPrompt=Увядзіце ваш пароль для %S:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername): Do not translate the
+## words %1$S and %2$S. Place the word %1$S where the host name should appear,
+## and %2$S where the user name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername=Увядзіце ваш пароль для %2$S на %1$S:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithHostname): Do not translate the
+## word %1$S. Place the word %1$S where the server host name should appear.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeAttachmentMsgs): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+removeAttachmentMsgs=Выдаліць далучэнне;Выдаліць далучэнні;Выдаліць далучэнні
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveSentLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved sent messages (typically the "Sent" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## Translate "Write" to match the translation of item "windowTitleWrite" above.
+errorCloudFileAuth.title=Памылка апазнавання
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveDraftLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved draft messages (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveTemplateLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved templates (typically the "Templates" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(saveToLocalFoldersFailed): Message appears after normal
+## save fails (e.g., to Sent) and save to Local Folders also fails. This could
+## occur if network is down and filesystem problems are present such as disk
+## full, permission issues or hardware failure.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileAuth.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service against which the authentication failed.
+errorCloudFileAuth.message=Не атрымалася выканаць аўтэнтыфікацыю на %1$S.
+errorCloudFileUpload.title=Памылка зацягвання
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileUpload.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service against which the uploading failed.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that failed to upload.
+errorCloudFileUpload.message=Немагчыма зацягнуць %2$S на %1$S.
+errorCloudFileQuota.title=Памылка абмежавання
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileQuota.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service being uploaded to.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that could not be uploaded due to exceeding the storage limit.
+errorCloudFileQuota.message=Зацягванне %2$S на %1$S прывядзе да перавышэння абмежавання на памер даступнай вам прасторы.
+errorCloudFileLimit.title=Памылка памеру файла
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileLimit.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service being uploaded to.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that could not be uploaded due to size restrictions.
+errorCloudFileLimit.message=%2$S перасягае найбольшы памер для %1$S.
+errorCloudFileOther.title=Невядомая памылка
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileOther.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service that cannot be communicated with.
+errorCloudFileOther.message=Здарылася няведамая памылка падчас злучэння з %1$S.
+errorCloudFileDeletion.title=Памылка выдалення
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileDeletion.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service that the file is to be deleted from.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that failed to be deleted.
+errorCloudFileDeletion.message=Праблема выдалення %2$S з %1$S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(stopShowingUploadingNotification): This string is used in the Filelink
+## upload notification bar to allow the user to dismiss the notification permanently.
+stopShowingUploadingNotification.label=Ніколі не паказваць зноў
+replaceButton.tooltip=Паказаць дыялог пошуку і замены
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(blockedAllowResource): %S is the URL to load.
+blockedAllowResource=Разблакаваць %S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentMessage): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## %S will be replaced by brandShortName.
+## Files must be unblocked individually, therefore the plural form reads:
+## Unblocking a file (one of several) will include it (that one file) in your sent message.
+## In other words:
+## Unblocking one/several file(s) will include it/them in your message.
+## Recipient pills fields.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmRemoveRecipientRowTitle2): %S will be replaced with the field name.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmRemoveRecipientRowBody2): %S will be replaced with the field name.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE headersSpaceStyle is for aligning label of a newly create recipient row.
+## It should be larger than the largest Header label and identical to &;
+noSender=No sender was specified. Please add your email address in the account settings.
+noRecipients=No recipients were specified. Please enter a recipient or newsgroup in the addressing area.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingFromCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingFromCommand=An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: %s. Please verify that your email address is correct in your account settings and try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingDataCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingDataCommand=An Outgoing server (SMTP) error occurred while sending mail. The server responded: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingMessage): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingMessage=An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: %s. Please check the message and try again.
+postFailed=The message could not be posted because connecting to the news server failed. The server may be unavailable or is refusing connections. Please verify that your news server settings are correct and try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendFailedUnexpected): argument %X is a hex error code value
+sendFailedUnexpected=Failed due to unexpected error %X. No description is available.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSecurityIssue): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpSecurityIssue=The configuration related to %S must be corrected.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpServerError): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpServerError=An error occurred while sending mail: Outgoing server (SMTP) error. The server responded: %s.
+couldNotGetUsersMailAddress2=An error occurred while sending mail: the sender's address (From:) was invalid. Please verify that this email address is correct and try again.
+couldNotGetSendersIdentity=An error occurred while sending mail: the sender identity was invalid. Please verify the configuration of your identity and try again.
+sendFailedButNntpOk=Your message has been posted to the newsgroup but has not been sent to the other recipient.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorAttachingFile): argument %S is the file name/URI of the object to be attached
+errorAttachingFile=There was an error attaching %S. Please check that you have access to the file.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (incorrectSmtpGreeting): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) greeting
+incorrectSmtpGreeting=An error occurred while sending mail: The mail server sent an incorrect greeting: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingRcptCommand): argument %1$S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response, argument %2$S is the intended message recipient.
+errorSendingRcptCommand=An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded:\n%1$S.\nPlease check the message recipient "%2$S" and try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTlsFailed): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+startTlsFailed=An error occurred while sending mail: Unable to establish a secure link with Outgoing server (SMTP) %S using STARTTLS since it doesn't advertise that feature. Switch off STARTTLS for that server or contact your service provider.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPasswordUndefined): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) account
+smtpPasswordUndefined=An error occurred while sending mail: Could not get password for %S. The message was not sent.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendNotAllowed): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpSendNotAllowed=An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded:\n%s.\nPlease ensure that you are using the correct identity to send and that the used authentication method is correct. Verify that you are allowed to send via this SMTP server with your current credentials from your current network.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpTooManyRecipients): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpTooManyRecipients=The message was not sent due to exceeding the allowed number of recipients. The server responded: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpClientid): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpClientid=The outgoing server (SMTP) detected an error in the CLIENTID command. The message was not sent. The server responded: %s
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpClientidPermission): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpClientidPermission=The outgoing server (SMTP) response to the CLIENTID command indicates that your device is not permitted to send mail. The server responded: %s
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded2): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpPermSizeExceeded2=The size of the message you are trying to send exceeds the global size limit of the server. The message was not sent; reduce the message size and try again. The server responded: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownServer): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendFailedUnknownServer=An error occurred while sending mail: Outgoing server (SMTP) %S is unknown. The server may be incorrectly configured. Please verify that your Outgoing server (SMTP) settings are correct and try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendRequestRefused): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendRequestRefused=The message could not be sent because connecting to Outgoing server (SMTP) %S failed. The server may be unavailable or is refusing SMTP connections. Please verify that your Outgoing server (SMTP) settings are correct and try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendInterrupted): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendInterrupted=The message could not be sent because the connection to Outgoing server (SMTP) %S was lost in the middle of the transaction. Try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendTimeout): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendTimeout=The message could not be sent because the connection to Outgoing server (SMTP) %S timed out. Try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownReason): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendFailedUnknownReason=The message could not be sent using Outgoing server (SMTP) %S for an unknown reason. Please verify that your Outgoing server (SMTP) settings are correct and try again.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl=The Outgoing server (SMTP) %S does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, try changing the 'Authentication method' in 'Account Settings | Outgoing server (SMTP)' to 'Password, transmitted insecurely'. If it used to work but now doesn't, you may be susceptible to getting your password stolen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl=The Outgoing server (SMTP) %S does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, try changing the 'Authentication method' in 'Account settings | Outgoing server (SMTP)' to 'Normal password'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt=The Outgoing server (SMTP) %S does not allow plaintext passwords. Please try changing the 'Authentication method' in 'Account Settings | Outgoing server (SMTP)' to 'Encrypted password'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthFailure): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthFailure=Unable to authenticate to Outgoing server (SMTP) %S. Please check the password and verify the 'Authentication method' in 'Account Settings | Outgoing server (SMTP)'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthGssapi): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthGssapi=The Kerberos/GSSAPI ticket was not accepted by the Outgoing server (SMTP) %S. Please check that you are logged in to the Kerberos/GSSAPI realm.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthMechNotSupported=The Outgoing server (SMTP) %S does not support the selected authentication method. Please change the 'Authentication method' in 'Account Settings | Outgoing Server (SMTP)'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorIllegalLocalPart2): %s is an email address with an illegal localpart
+errorIllegalLocalPart2=There are non-ASCII characters in the local part of the recipient address %s and your server does not support SMTPUTF8. Please change this address and try again.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveDlogMessages3): Do not translate the words %1$S and \n.
+## %1$S is replaced by the folder name configured for saving drafts (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## Translate "Write" to match the translation of item "windowTitleWrite" below.
+saveDlogMessages3=Save this message to your drafts folder (%1$S) and close the Write window?
+discardButtonLabel=&Discard changes
+customizeFromAddressWarning=If your email provider supports it, Customize From Address allows you to make a one-off minor alteration to your From address without having to create a new identity in Account Settings. For example, if your From address is John Doe <> you may want to change it to John Doe <> or John <>.
+attachmentBucketClearSelectionTooltip=Clear Selection
+attachmentBucketHeaderShowTooltip=Show attachment pane
+attachmentBucketHeaderMinimizeTooltip=Minimize attachment pane
+attachmentBucketHeaderRestoreTooltip=Restore attachment pane
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithHostname): Do not translate the
+## word %1$S. Place the word %1$S where the server host name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithHostname=Password Required for Outgoing (SMTP) Server %1$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveSentLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved sent messages (typically the "Sent" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## Translate "Write" to match the translation of item "windowTitleWrite" above.
+promptToSaveSentLocally2=Your message was sent but a copy was not placed in your sent folder (%1$S) due to network or file access errors.\nYou can retry or save the message locally to %3$S/%1$S-%2$S.
+errorFilteringMsg=Your message has been sent and saved, but there was an error while running message filters on it.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveDraftLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved draft messages (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+promptToSaveDraftLocally2=Your draft message was not copied to your drafts folder (%1$S) due to network or file access errors.\nYou can retry or save the draft locally to %3$S/%1$S-%2$S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveTemplateLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved templates (typically the "Templates" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+promptToSaveTemplateLocally2=Your template was not copied to your templates folder (%1$S) due to network or file access errors.\nYou can retry or save the template locally to %3$S/%1$S-%2$S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(saveToLocalFoldersFailed): Message appears after normal
+## save fails (e.g., to Sent) and save to Local Folders also fails. This could
+## occur if network is down and filesystem problems are present such as disk
+## full, permission issues or hardware failure.
+saveToLocalFoldersFailed=Unable to save your message to local folders. Possibly out of file storage space.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentMessage): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## %S will be replaced by brandShortName.
+## Files must be unblocked individually, therefore the plural form reads:
+## Unblocking a file (one of several) will include it (that one file) in your sent message.
+## In other words:
+## Unblocking one/several file(s) will include it/them in your message.
+blockedContentMessage=%S has blocked a file from loading into this message. Unblocking the file will include it in your sent message.;%S has blocked some files from loading into this message. Unblocking a file will include it in your sent message.
+## Recipient pills fields.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmRemoveRecipientRowTitle2): %S will be replaced with the field name.
+confirmRemoveRecipientRowTitle2=Remove %S Addresses
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmRemoveRecipientRowBody2): %S will be replaced with the field name.
+confirmRemoveRecipientRowBody2=Are you sure you want to remove the %S addresses?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE headersSpaceStyle is for aligning label of a newly create recipient row.
+## It should be larger than the largest Header label and identical to &;
+headersSpaceStyle=width: 8em
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f2663279e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE FILE: embedded "\n" represent HTML breaks (<br>)
+# Don't translate embedded "\n".
+# Don't translate strings like this: %variable%
+# as they will be replaced using JavaScript
+MoreProperties=Больш уласцівасцяў
+FewerProperties=Меней уласцівасцяў
+OpenHTMLFile=Адчыніць файл HTML
+OpenTextFile=Адчыніць тэкставы файл
+SelectImageFile=Выберыце файл выявы
+SaveDocument=Захаваць старонку
+SaveDocumentAs=Захаваць старонку як
+SaveTextAs=Захаваць тэкст як
+EditMode=Рэжым праўкі
+PublishPage=Публікаваць старонку
+DontPublish=Не публікаваць
+SavePassword=Скарыстаць кіраўнік паролямі дзеля захавання гэтага пароля
+CorrectSpelling=(слушны правапіс)
+NoSuggestedWords=(няма прапаноў)
+NoMisspelledWord=Няма арфаграфічных памылак
+CheckSpellingDone=Праверка правапісу выканана.
+CheckSpelling=Правяраць правапіс
+CantEditFramesetMsg=Укладальнік не можа рэдагаваць HTML рамкаспалучэнні або старонкі з убудаванымі рамкамі. Дзеля рамкаспалучэнняў паспрабуйце рэдагаваць старонку для кожнай рамкі паасобку. Дзеля старонак з убудаванымі рамкамі захавайце копію старонкі і выдаліце меціны <iframe>.\u0020
+CantEditMimeTypeMsg=Нерэдагавальны тып старонкі.
+CantEditDocumentMsg=Немагчыма рэдагаваць гэтую старонку з-за невядомай прычыны.
+BeforeClosing=перад зачыненнем
+BeforePreview=перад праглядам у азіральніку
+BeforeValidate=перад пацвярджэннем дакумента
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveFilePrompt, PublishPrompt): Don't translate %title% and %reason% (this is the reason for asking user to close, such as "before closing")
+SaveFilePrompt=Захаваць змяненні ў "%title%" %reason%?\u0020
+PublishPrompt=Захаваць змяненні ў "%title%" %reason%?
+SaveFileFailed=Няўдача захавання файла!\n
+# Publishing error strings:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE Don't translate %dir% or %file% in the Publishing error strings:
+FileNotFound=%file% не знойдзены.
+SubdirDoesNotExist=Падкаталог "%dir%" не існуе на гэтай пляцоўцы або імя файла "%file%" ужо выкарыстоўваецца ў іншым падкаталогу.
+FilenameIsSubdir=Назва файла "%file%" ужо выкарыстоўваецца ў іншым падкаталогу.
+ServerNotAvailable=Паслугач недаступны. Праверце ваша злучэнне і пасля паспрабуйце зноў.
+Offline=Вы зараз па-за сеткай. Дзеля ўвахода ў сетку пстрыкніце значок каля ніжняга левага вугла якога-небудзь акна.
+DiskFull=Не хапае месца на дыску даступнага для захавання файла "%file%."
+NameTooLong=Назва файла ці падкаталога задоўгая.
+AccessDenied=Вы не маеце дазволу публікаваць у гэтым месцы.
+UnknownPublishError=Здарылася невядомая памылка падчас публікавання.
+PublishFailed=Няўдача публікавання.
+PublishCompleted=Публікаванне здзейснена.
+AllFilesPublished=Усе файлы апублікованы.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE Don't translate %x% or %total%
+FailedFileMsg=Публікацыя %x% файлаў з %total% скончылася няўдала.
+# End-Publishing error strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (PromptFTPUsernamePassword): Don't translate %host%
+PromptFTPUsernamePassword=Увядзіце імя карыстальніка і пароль для FTP паслугача на %host%
+RevertCaption=Вярнуцца да захаванага апошнім разам
+SendPageReason=перад дасылкай гэтай старонкі
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (PublishProgressCaption, PublishToSite, AbandonChanges): Don't translate %title%
+PublishProgressCaption=Публікаванне: %title%
+PublishToSite=Публікаванне на пляцоўцы: %title%
+AbandonChanges=Пакінуць незахаванымі змяненні ў "%title%" і перазагрузіць старонку?
+DocumentTitle=Загаловак старонкі
+NeedDocTitle=Увядзіце, калі ласка, загаловак для гэтай старонкі.
+DocTitleHelp=Гэта вызначае старонку ў загалоўку акна і закладках.
+CancelPublishTitle=Скасаваць публікаванне?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE: "Continue" in this sentence must match the text for
+## the CancelPublishContinue key below
+CancelPublishMessage=Скасаванне ў час публікавання можа выклікаць няпоўны перанос файлаў. Вы жадаеце Працягваць ці Скасаваць?
+MissingImageError=Увядзіце або выберыце, калі ласка, выяву тыпу gif, jpg ці png.
+EmptyHREFError=Выберыце, калі ласка, месца для стварэння новай спасылкі.
+LinkText=Тэкст спасылкі
+LinkImage=Выява спасылкі
+MixedSelection=[Змешаны выбар]
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NotInstalled): %S is the name of the font
+NotInstalled=%S (не ўсталяваны)
+EnterLinkText=Увядзіце вонкавы тэкст дзеля спасылкі:
+EmptyLinkTextError=Увядзіце, калі ласка, нейкі тэкст для спасылкі.
+EditTextWarning=Гэта заменіць існы змест.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ValidateNumber):Don't translate: %n% %min% %max%
+ValidateRangeMsg=Уведзеная колькасць (%n%) па-за дапушчальным дыяпазонам.
+ValidateNumberMsg=Увядзіце, калі ласка, колькасць паміж %min% і %max%.
+MissingAnchorNameError=Увядзіце, калі ласка, імя гэтага якара.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (DuplicateAnchorNameError): Don't translate %name%
+DuplicateAnchorNameError="%name%" ужо існуе на гэтай старонцы. Увядзіце, калі ласка, іншае імя.
+BulletStyle=Маркаваны стыль
+SolidCircle=Суцэльны круг
+SolidSquare=Суцэльны квадрат
+NumberStyle=Лічбавы стыль
+Style_1=1, 2, 3…
+Style_I=I, II, III…
+Style_i=i, ii, iii…
+Style_A=А, Б, В…
+Style_a=а, б, в…
+PercentOfCell=% ячэек
+PercentOfWindow=% акна
+PercentOfTable=% табліцы
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (untitledTitle): %S is the window #. No plural handling needed.
+untitledTitle=без назвы-%S
+untitledDefaultFilename=без загалоўка
+ShowToolbar=Паказаць паліцу інструментаў
+HideToolbar=Схаваць паліцу інструментаў
+ImapError=Няздатны загрузіць выяву
+ImapCheck=\nВыберыце, калі ласка, новае месцазнаходжанне (URL) і паспрабуйце ізноў.
+SaveToUseRelativeUrl=Злучаныя URL могуць быць выкарыстаны толькі пасля захавання старонак
+NoNamedAnchorsOrHeadings=(Няма іменаваных якараў або загалоўкаў на гэтай старонцы)
+TextColor=Колер тэксту
+HighlightColor=Колер падфарбоўкі
+PageColor=Колер фону старонкі
+BlockColor=Фонавы колер блока
+TableColor=Фонавы колер табліцы
+CellColor=Колер фону клетак
+TableOrCellColor=Колер клеткі або табліцы
+LinkColor=Колер тэксту спасылкі
+ActiveLinkColor=Колер дзейнай спасылкі
+VisitedLinkColor=Колер наведанай спасылкі
+NoColorError=Пстрыкніце на колер або ўвядзіце дапушчальны радок, які вызначае HTML колер\u0020
+TableCell=Клетка табліцы
+NestedTable=Укладзеная табліца\u0020
+HLine=Гарызантальная рыска
+ImageAndLink=Выява і спасылка
+NamedAnchor=Якар з назвай
+ListItem=Адзінка спіса
+InputTag=Поле формы
+InputImage=Формавая выява
+TextArea=Тэкставы абсяг
+Select=Спіс для вылучэння
+FieldSet=Сукупнасць палёў\u0020
+MissingSiteNameError=Увядзіце, калі ласка, назву для гэтай пляцоўкі публікацыі.
+MissingPublishUrlError=Увядзіце, калі ласка, месца публікацыі гэтай старонкі.
+MissingPublishFilename=Увядзіце, калі ласка, імя файла для гэтай старонкі.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (DuplicateSiteNameError): Don't translate %name%
+DuplicateSiteNameError="%name%" ужо існуе. Увядзіце, калі ласка, імя іншай пляцоўкі.
+AdvancedProperties=Пашыраныя ўласцівасці…
+AdvancedEditForCellMsg=Пашыраная праўка недаступна, калі шматлікія клеткі вылучаны
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ObjectProperties):Don't translate "%obj%" it will be replaced with one of above object nouns
+ObjectProperties=Уласцівасці: %obj%…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE This character must be in the above string and not conflict with other accesskeys in Format menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (JoinSelectedCells): This variable should contain the "tableJoinCells.accesskey"
+# letter as defined in editorOverlay.dtd
+JoinSelectedCells=Злучыць вылучаныя клеткі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (JoinCellToRight): This variable should contain the "tableJoinCells.accesskey"
+# letter as defined in editorOverlay.dtd
+JoinCellToRight=Злучыць з клеткай справа
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (TableSelectKey): Ctrl key on a keyboard
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (XulKeyMac): Command key on a Mac keyboard
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Del): Del key on a keyboard
+DeleteCells=Выдаліць клеткі
+DeleteTableTitle=Выдаліць клеткі ці слупкі
+DeleteTableMsg=Скарачэнне колькасці радкоў або слупкоў прывядзе да выдалення клетак табліцы і іх змесціва. Вы сапраўды хочаце зрабіць гэта?\u0020
+#Mouse actions
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE "RemoveTextStylesAccesskey" is used for both
+# menu items: "RemoveTextStyles" and "StopTextStyles"
+RemoveTextStyles=Выдаліць усе тэкставыя стылі
+StopTextStyles=Перарваць тэкставыя стылі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE "RemoveLinksAccesskey" is used for both
+# menu items: "RemoveLinks" and "StopLinks"
+RemoveLinks=Выдаліць спасылкі
+StopLinks=Перарваць спасылку
+NoFormAction=Раіцца ўвядзенне дзеяння гэтай формы. Самападавальныя формы належаць да пашыранай тэхнікі і могуць не працаваць адпаведна ва ўсіх азіральніках.
+NoAltText=Калі выява датычыцца зместу дакумента, вы павінны забяспечыць яе дадатковым тэкстам дзеля адлюстравання ў тэкставых азіральніках, і які таксама павінны з'яўляцца ў іншых азіральніках у час загрузкі выявы або калі яе загрузка забаронена.
+Malformed=Зыходнік немагчыма ператварыць у дакумент, бо ён не з'яўляецца спраўным XHTML.
+NoLinksToCheck=Больш няма частак з спасылкамі для праверкі
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/editorOverlay.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/editorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c67dffe149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/editorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Attn: Localization - some of the menus in this dialog directly affect mail also. -->
+<!-- Edit menu items -->
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.label "Уставіць без фарматавання">
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.accesskey "б">
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.key "V">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.label "Уставіць як вытрымку">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.accesskey "в">
+<!-- Insert menu items -->
+<!ENTITY insertMenu.label "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY insertMenu.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.label "Спасылка…">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.accesskey "С">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.key "K">
+<!ENTITY insertAnchorCmd.label "Іменаваны якар…">
+<!ENTITY insertAnchorCmd.accesskey "я">
+<!ENTITY insertImageCmd.label "Выява…">
+<!ENTITY insertImageCmd.accesskey "В">
+<!ENTITY insertHLineCmd.label "Гарызантальная рыска">
+<!ENTITY insertHLineCmd.accesskey "Г">
+<!ENTITY insertTableCmd.label "Табліца…">
+<!ENTITY insertTableCmd.accesskey "Т">
+<!ENTITY insertHTMLCmd.label "HTML…">
+<!ENTITY insertHTMLCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY insertMathCmd.label "Math…">
+<!ENTITY insertMathCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY insertCharsCmd.label "Знакі і сімвалы…">
+<!ENTITY insertCharsCmd.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY insertBreakAllCmd.label "Разрыў пад выявай(-мі)">
+<!ENTITY insertBreakAllCmd.accesskey "Р">
+<!-- Used just in context popup. -->
+<!ENTITY createLinkCmd.label "Стварыць спасылку…">
+<!ENTITY createLinkCmd.accesskey "ы">
+<!ENTITY editLinkCmd.label "Рэдагаваць спасылку ў новым Укладальніку.">
+<!ENTITY editLinkCmd.accesskey "ў">
+<!-- Font Face SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY FontFaceSelect.tooltip "Выбраць шрыфт">
+<!ENTITY fontfaceMenu.label "Шрыфт">
+<!ENTITY fontfaceMenu.accesskey "Ш">
+<!ENTITY fontVarWidth.label "Зменная шырыня">
+<!ENTITY fontVarWidth.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.label "Нязменная шырыня ">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.accesskey "Н">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.key "T">
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+<!ENTITY fontHelvetica.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY fontTimes.label "Times">
+<!ENTITY fontTimes.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY fontCourier.label "Courier">
+<!ENTITY fontCourier.accesskey "C">
+<!-- Font Size SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY FontSizeSelect.tooltip "Выбраць памер шрыфту">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSize.label "Меншы">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSize.accesskey "е">
+<!ENTITY decrementFontSize.key "&lt;">
+<!ENTITY decrementFontSize.key2 ","> <!-- < is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSize.label "Большы">
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSize.accesskey "Б">
+<!ENTITY incrementFontSize.key "&gt;">
+<!ENTITY incrementFontSize.key2 "."> <!-- > is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY fontSizeMenu.label "Памер">
+<!ENTITY fontSizeMenu.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY size-tinyCmd.label "Драбнюткі">
+<!ENTITY size-tinyCmd.accesskey "Д">
+<!ENTITY size-smallCmd.label "малы">
+<!ENTITY size-smallCmd.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY size-mediumCmd.label "сярэдні">
+<!ENTITY size-mediumCmd.accesskey "с">
+<!ENTITY size-largeCmd.label "вялікі">
+<!ENTITY size-largeCmd.accesskey "в">
+<!ENTITY size-extraLargeCmd.label "Велізарны">
+<!ENTITY size-extraLargeCmd.accesskey "е">
+<!ENTITY size-hugeCmd.label "Гіганцкі">
+<!ENTITY size-hugeCmd.accesskey "Г">
+<!-- Font Style SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY fontStyleMenu.label "Стыль тэксту">
+<!ENTITY fontStyleMenu.accesskey "С">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.label "Выразны">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.accesskey "В">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.key "B">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.label "Рукапісны">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.accesskey "Р">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.key "I">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.label "Падкрэслены">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.key "U">
+<!ENTITY styleStrikeThruCmd.label "Закрэслены">
+<!ENTITY styleStrikeThruCmd.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY styleSuperscriptCmd.label "Надпіс">
+<!ENTITY styleSuperscriptCmd.accesskey "Н">
+<!ENTITY styleSubscriptCmd.label "Подпіс">
+<!ENTITY styleSubscriptCmd.accesskey "о">
+<!ENTITY styleNonbreakingCmd.label "Непарушны">
+<!ENTITY styleNonbreakingCmd.accesskey "е">
+<!ENTITY styleEm.label "Націск">
+<!ENTITY styleEm.accesskey "ц">
+<!ENTITY styleStrong.label "Мацнейшы націск">
+<!ENTITY styleStrong.accesskey "ц">
+<!ENTITY styleCite.label "Цытата">
+<!ENTITY styleCite.accesskey "Ц">
+<!ENTITY styleAbbr.label "Скарачэнне">
+<!ENTITY styleAbbr.accesskey "С">
+<!ENTITY styleAcronym.label "Скарачэнне">
+<!ENTITY styleAcronym.accesskey "к">
+<!ENTITY styleCode.label "Код">
+<!ENTITY styleCode.accesskey "о">
+<!ENTITY styleSamp.label "Узор вываду">
+<!ENTITY styleSamp.accesskey "ы">
+<!ENTITY styleVar.label "Зменная">
+<!ENTITY styleVar.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY formatFontColor.label "Колер тэксту…">
+<!ENTITY formatFontColor.accesskey "К">
+<!ENTITY tableOrCellColor.label "Фонавы колер табліцы або клеткі…">
+<!ENTITY tableOrCellColor.accesskey "Ф">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveStyles.key "Y">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveLinks.key "K">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors.label "Выдаліць іменаваныя якары">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors.accesskey "д">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors2.key "R">
+<!ENTITY paragraphMenu.label "Параграф">
+<!ENTITY paragraphMenu.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY paragraphParagraphCmd.label "Параграф">
+<!ENTITY paragraphParagraphCmd.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY heading1Cmd.label "Загаловак 1">
+<!ENTITY heading1Cmd.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY heading2Cmd.label "Загаловак 2">
+<!ENTITY heading2Cmd.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY heading3Cmd.label "Загаловак 3">
+<!ENTITY heading3Cmd.accesskey "3">
+<!ENTITY heading4Cmd.label "Загаловак 4">
+<!ENTITY heading4Cmd.accesskey "4">
+<!ENTITY heading5Cmd.label "Загаловак 5">
+<!ENTITY heading5Cmd.accesskey "5">
+<!ENTITY heading6Cmd.label "Загаловак 6">
+<!ENTITY heading6Cmd.accesskey "6">
+<!ENTITY paragraphAddressCmd.label "Адрас">
+<!ENTITY paragraphAddressCmd.accesskey "А">
+<!ENTITY paragraphPreformatCmd.label "Адфарматаваны">
+<!ENTITY paragraphPreformatCmd.accesskey "ф">
+<!-- List menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatlistMenu.label "Спіс">
+<!ENTITY formatlistMenu.accesskey "С">
+<!ENTITY noneCmd.label "Няма">
+<!ENTITY noneCmd.accesskey "Н">
+<!ENTITY listBulletCmd.label "Маркаваны">
+<!ENTITY listBulletCmd.accesskey "М">
+<!ENTITY listNumberedCmd.label "Пранумараваны">
+<!ENTITY listNumberedCmd.accesskey "у">
+<!ENTITY listTermCmd.label "Тэрмінаў">
+<!ENTITY listTermCmd.accesskey "Т">
+<!ENTITY listDefinitionCmd.label "Азначэнняў">
+<!ENTITY listDefinitionCmd.accesskey "А">
+<!ENTITY listPropsCmd.label "Уласцівасці спіса…">
+<!ENTITY listPropsCmd.accesskey "с">
+<!ENTITY ParagraphSelect.tooltip "Выбраць фармат параграфа ">
+<!-- Shared in Paragraph, and Toolbar menulist -->
+<!ENTITY bodyTextCmd.label "Тэкст цела">
+<!ENTITY bodyTextCmd.accesskey "Т">
+<!-- Align menu items -->
+<!ENTITY alignMenu.label "Выраўноўванне">
+<!ENTITY alignMenu.accesskey "В">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.label "Левае">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.accesskey "Л">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.tooltip "Выраўноўваць улева">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.label "Пасярэдзіне">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.accesskey "с">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.tooltip "Выраўноўваць пасярэдзіне">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.label "Правае">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.tooltip "Выраўноўваць направа">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.label "Разасяродзіць">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.accesskey "з">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.tooltip "Выраўноўваць разасяроджана">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.label "Павялічыць водступ">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.accesskey "в">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.key "]">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.label "Зменшыць водступ">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.key "[">
+<!ENTITY colorsAndBackground.label "Колеры і фон старонкі…">
+<!ENTITY colorsAndBackground.accesskey "ф">
+<!-- Table Menu -->
+<!ENTITY tableMenu.label "Табліца">
+<!ENTITY tableMenu.accesskey "Т">
+<!-- Select Submenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu.label "Выбраць">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu.accesskey "В">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu2.label "Вылучэнне табліцы">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu2.accesskey "В">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu2.label "Устаўка табліцы">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu2.accesskey "а">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu2.label "Выдаленне табліцы">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu2.accesskey "д">
+<!-- Insert SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu.label "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY tableTable.label "Табліца">
+<!ENTITY tableTable.accesskey "Т">
+<!ENTITY tableRow.label "Радок">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.label "Радок(кі)">
+<!ENTITY tableRow.accesskey "Р">
+<!ENTITY tableRowAbove.label "Радок зверху">
+<!ENTITY tableRowAbove.accesskey "в">
+<!ENTITY tableRowBelow.label "Радок знізу">
+<!ENTITY tableRowBelow.accesskey "н">
+<!ENTITY tableColumn.label "Слупок">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.label "Слупок(кі)">
+<!ENTITY tableColumn.accesskey "л">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnBefore.label "Слупок перад">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnBefore.accesskey "р">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnAfter.label "Слупок пасля">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnAfter.accesskey "а">
+<!ENTITY tableCell.label "Клетка">
+<!ENTITY tableCells.label "Клетка(і)">
+<!ENTITY tableCell.accesskey "К">
+<!ENTITY tableCellContents.label "Змесціва клеткі">
+<!ENTITY tableCellContents.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY tableAllCells.label "Усе клеткі">
+<!ENTITY tableAllCells.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY tableCellBefore.label "Клеткі перад">
+<!ENTITY tableCellBefore.accesskey "р">
+<!ENTITY tableCellAfter.label "Клетка пасля">
+<!ENTITY tableCellAfter.accesskey "а">
+<!-- Delete SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu.label "Выдаліць">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu.accesskey "д">
+<!-- text for "Join Cells" is in
+ ("JoinSelectedCells" and "JoinCellToRight")
+ the access key must exist in both of those strings
+ But value must be set here for accesskey to draw properly
+<!ENTITY tableJoinCells.label "я">
+<!ENTITY tableJoinCells.accesskey "я">
+<!ENTITY tableSplitCell.label "Падзяліць клетку">
+<!ENTITY tableSplitCell.accesskey "к">
+<!ENTITY convertToTable.label "Стварыць табліцу з вылучэння">
+<!ENTITY convertToTable.accesskey "р">
+<!ENTITY tableProperties.label "Уласцівасці табліцы…">
+<!ENTITY tableProperties.accesskey "ц">
+<!ENTITY imageToolbarCmd.label "Выява">
+<!ENTITY imageToolbarCmd.tooltip "Уставіць новую выяву або правіць уласцівасці выбранай">
+<!ENTITY hruleToolbarCmd.label "Г.рыска">
+<!ENTITY hruleToolbarCmd.tooltip "Уставіць гарызантальную рыску або рэдагаваць уласцівасці выбраных рысак">
+<!ENTITY tableToolbarCmd.label "Табліца">
+<!ENTITY tableToolbarCmd.tooltip "Уставіць новую табліцу або рэдагаваць уласцівасці вылучанай табліцы">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarCmd.label "Спасылка">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarCmd.tooltip "Уставіць новую спасылку або рэдагаваць уласцівасці выбранай">
+<!ENTITY anchorToolbarCmd.label "Якар">
+<!ENTITY anchorToolbarCmd.tooltip "Уставіць новы іменаваны якар або рэдагаваць уласцівасці вылучанага якара ">
+<!ENTITY TextColorButton.tooltip "Выбраць колер тэксту">
+<!ENTITY BackgroundColorButton.tooltip "Выбраць колер фону">
+<!-- Editor toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY absoluteFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Ўсталяваць памер шрыфту">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Меншы памер шрыфту">
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Большы памер шрыфту">
+<!ENTITY boldToolbarCmd.tooltip "Выразны">
+<!ENTITY italicToolbarCmd.tooltip "Рукапісны">
+<!ENTITY underlineToolbarCmd.tooltip "Падкрэслены">
+<!ENTITY bulletListToolbarCmd.tooltip "Скарыстаць або выдаліць маркаваны спіс">
+<!ENTITY numberListToolbarCmd.tooltip "Скарыстаць або выдаліць пранумараваны спіс">
+<!ENTITY outdentToolbarCmd.tooltip "Уцягнуць тэкст (змясціць улева)">
+<!ENTITY indentToolbarCmd.tooltip "Адпіхнуць тэкст (змясціць направа)">
+<!ENTITY AlignPopupButton.tooltip "Выбраць выраўноўванне тэксту">
+<!ENTITY InsertPopupButton.tooltip "Уставіць спасылку, якар, выяву, гарызантальную рыску або табліцу">
+<!ENTITY alignLeftButton.tooltip "Выраўноўваць тэкст уздоўж левага прымежку">
+<!ENTITY alignCenterButton.tooltip "Цэнтраванае выраўноўванне тэксту">
+<!ENTITY alignRightButton.tooltip "Выраўноўваць тэкст уздоўж правага прымежку">
+<!ENTITY alignJustifyButton.tooltip "Выраўноваць тэкст да левага і правага прымежкаў">
+<!-- TOC manipulation -->
+<!ENTITY insertTOC.label "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY insertTOC.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY updateTOC.label "Абнавіць">
+<!ENTITY updateTOC.accesskey "н">
+<!ENTITY removeTOC.label "Выдаліць">
+<!ENTITY removeTOC.accesskey "д">
+<!ENTITY tocMenu.label "Табліца зместу…">
+<!ENTITY tocMenu.accesskey "б">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81c3bd3de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY attachImageSource.label "Далучыць гэтую выяву да ліста">
+<!ENTITY attachImageSource.accesskey "Д">
+<!ENTITY attachLinkSource.label "Далучыць крыніцу гэтай спасылкі да ліста">
+<!ENTITY attachLinkSource.accesskey "Д">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41d5684762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/messengercompose.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE messengercompose.dtd Main UI for message composition -->
+<!ENTITY msgComposeWindow.title "Укладанне: (без тэмы)">
+<!-- File Menu -->
+<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "Файл">
+<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "ф">
+<!ENTITY newMenu.label "Новы">
+<!ENTITY newMenu.accesskey "н">
+<!ENTITY newMessage.label "Ліст">
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd2.key "N">
+<!ENTITY newContact.label "Сувязь з адраснай кнігі…">
+<!ENTITY newContact.accesskey "С">
+<!ENTITY attachMenu.label "Далучыць">
+<!ENTITY attachMenu.accesskey "л">
+<!ENTITY attachCloudCmd.label "Filelink">
+<!ENTITY attachCloudCmd.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY attachPageCmd.label "Старонку Сеціва…">
+<!ENTITY attachPageCmd.accesskey "С">
+<!ENTITY remindLater.label "Напомніць мне пазней">
+<!ENTITY remindLater.accesskey "п">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Зачыніць">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "ч">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Захаваць">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.key "S">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.label "Захаваць як">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.accesskey "Я">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.label "Файл…">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.accesskey "Ф">
+<!ENTITY saveAsDraftCmd.label "Чарнавік">
+<!ENTITY saveAsDraftCmd.accesskey "Ч">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.label "Узор">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY sendNowCmd.label "Даслаць зараз">
+<!ENTITY sendCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!ENTITY sendNowCmd.accesskey "Д">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.label "Даслаць пазней">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Друкаваць…">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.key "P">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "Д">
+<!-- Edit Menu -->
+<!ENTITY editMenu.label "Праўка">
+<!ENTITY editMenu.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.label "Адмяніць">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.key "Z">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.accesskey "А">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.label "Вярнуць">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.key "Y">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.accesskey "В">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.key "X">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.key "C">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.key "V">
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormattingCmd.key "V">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.key "o">
+<!ENTITY editRewrapCmd.accesskey "г">
+<!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "Выдаліць">
+<!ENTITY deleteCmd.accesskey "д">
+<!ENTITY editRewrapCmd.label "Перазагінаць">
+<!ENTITY editRewrapCmd.key "R">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachmentCmd.label "Перайменаваць далучэнне…">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachmentCmd.accesskey "й">
+<!ENTITY reorderAttachmentsCmd.label "Перапарадкаваць укладанні…">
+<!ENTITY reorderAttachmentsCmd.accesskey "а">
+<!ENTITY reorderAttachmentsCmd.key "x">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.accesskey "у">
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.label "Знайсці…">
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.key "F">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.label "Знайсці і замяніць…">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.key "H">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.label "Знайсці зноў">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.accesskey "ў">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key "G">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.label "Знайсці папярэдні">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.accesskey "я">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key "G">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!-- Reorder Attachment Panel -->
+<!ENTITY reorderAttachmentsPanel.label "Перапарадкаваць укладанні">
+<!ENTITY moveAttachmentBundleUpPanelBtn.label "Перамясціць разам">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.Sort.AZ.label):
+ Please ensure that this translation matches
+ sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.Sort.ZA.label, except for the sort direction. -->
+<!ENTITY sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.Sort.AZ.label "Сартаваць: А - Я">
+<!ENTITY sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.Sort.ZA.label "Сартаваць: Я - А">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.SortSelection.AZ.label):
+ Please ensure that this translation matches
+ sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.SortSelection.ZA.label, except for the sort direction. -->
+<!ENTITY sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.SortSelection.AZ.label "Сартаваць абранае: А - Я">
+<!ENTITY sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.SortSelection.ZA.label "Сартаваць абранае: Я - А">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "Прагляд">
+<!ENTITY viewMenu.accesskey "г">
+<!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenuNew.label "Паліцы інструментаў">
+<!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenuNew.accesskey "п">
+<!ENTITY menubarCmd.label "Паліца меню">
+<!ENTITY menubarCmd.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY showCompositionToolbarCmd.label "Паліца кампаноўкі">
+<!ENTITY showCompositionToolbarCmd.accesskey "ў">
+<!ENTITY showFormattingBarCmd.label "Паліца фарматавання">
+<!ENTITY showFormattingBarCmd.accesskey "ф">
+<!ENTITY showTaskbarCmd.label "Паліца статуса">
+<!ENTITY showTaskbarCmd.accesskey "с">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.label "Наладзіць…">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.accesskey "Н">
+<!ENTITY addressSidebar.label "Палічка сувязяў">
+<!ENTITY addressSidebar.accesskey "с">
+<!-- Format Menu -->
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.label "Фармат">
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.accesskey "р">
+<!-- Options Menu -->
+<!ENTITY optionsMenu.label "Наладжванні">
+<!ENTITY optionsMenu.accesskey "Н">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.label "Праверыць правапіс…">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.key "p">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.key2 "VK_F7">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.accesskey "р">
+<!ENTITY enableInlineSpellChecker.label "Праверка правапісу падчас набору">
+<!ENTITY enableInlineSpellChecker.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY quoteCmd.label "Працытаваць ліст">
+<!ENTITY quoteCmd.accesskey "ц">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE attachVCard.label Don't translate the term 'vCard' -->
+<!ENTITY attachVCard.label "Далучыць асабістую картку (vCard)">
+<!ENTITY attachVCard.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY returnReceiptMenu.label "Квіток атрымання">
+<!ENTITY returnReceiptMenu.accesskey "т">
+<!ENTITY dsnMenu.label "Пацвярджэнне дастаўкі">
+<!ENTITY dsnMenu.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY priorityMenu.label "Прыярытэт">
+<!ENTITY priorityMenu.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY priorityButton.title "Прыярытэт">
+<!ENTITY priorityButton.tooltiptext "Змена прыярытэту паведамлення">
+<!ENTITY priorityButton.label "Прыярытэт:">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.label "Найніжэйшы">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.accesskey "й">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.label "Нізкі">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.accesskey "Н">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.label "Звычайны">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.label "Высокі">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.accesskey "с">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.label "Найвышэйшы">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.accesskey "в">
+<!ENTITY fileCarbonCopyCmd.label "Змясціць копію ў">
+<!ENTITY fileCarbonCopyCmd.accesskey "ь">
+<!ENTITY fileHereMenu.label "Пакласці тут">
+<!-- Tools Menu -->
+<!ENTITY tasksMenu.label "Прылады">
+<!ENTITY tasksMenu.accesskey "л">
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.label "Пошта і Навінакупы">
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.accesskey "П">
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.commandkey "1">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.label "Адрасная кніга">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.accesskey "а">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.key "B">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd2.label "Наладжванні рахунку">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd2.accesskey "Н">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmdUnix2.accesskey "Н">
+<!-- Mac OS X Window Menu -->
+<!ENTITY minimizeWindow.key "m">
+<!ENTITY minimizeWindow.label "Мінімізаваць">
+<!ENTITY bringAllToFront.label "Выцягнуць усе наперад">
+<!ENTITY zoomWindow.label "Павялічыць">
+<!ENTITY windowMenu.label "Акно">
+<!-- Mail Toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY sendButton.label "Даслаць">
+<!ENTITY quoteButton.label "Вытрымка">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.label "Адрас">
+<!ENTITY spellingButton.label "Праверка правапісу">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.label "Захаваць">
+<!ENTITY printButton.label "Друкаваць">
+<!-- Mail Toolbar Tooltips -->
+<!ENTITY sendButton.tooltip "Даслаць гэты ліст зараз">
+<!ENTITY sendlaterButton.tooltip "Даслаць гэты ліст пазней">
+<!ENTITY quoteButton.tooltip "Працытаваць папярэдні ліст">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.tooltip "Выбраць атрымальніка з адраснай кнігі">
+<!ENTITY spellingButton.tooltip "Праверка правапісу вылучэння або ўсяго ліста">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.tooltip "Захаваць гэты ліст">
+<!ENTITY cutButton.tooltip "Выразаць">
+<!ENTITY copyButton.tooltip "Капіяваць">
+<!ENTITY pasteButton.tooltip "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Надрукаваць гэты ліст">
+<!-- Headers -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE is for aligning the From:, To: and
+ Subject: rows. It should be larger than the largest Header label -->
+<!ENTITY fromAddr.accesskey "А">
+<!ENTITY subject.accesskey "Т">
+<!-- Format Toolbar, imported from editorAppShell.xhtml -->
+<!ENTITY SmileButton.tooltip "Уставіць тварык-усмешку">
+<!ENTITY smiley1Cmd.label "Усмешка">
+<!ENTITY smiley2Cmd.label "Пахмурны">
+<!ENTITY smiley3Cmd.label "Падміргванне">
+<!ENTITY smiley4Cmd.label "З высунутым языком">
+<!ENTITY smiley5Cmd.label "Смех">
+<!ENTITY smiley6Cmd.label "Сарамлівы">
+<!ENTITY smiley7Cmd.label "Няўпэўнены">
+<!ENTITY smiley8Cmd.label "Здзіўленне">
+<!ENTITY smiley9Cmd.label "Пацалунак">
+<!ENTITY smiley10Cmd.label "Роў">
+<!ENTITY smiley11Cmd.label "Файна">
+<!ENTITY smiley12Cmd.label "Карыслівы">
+<!ENTITY smiley13Cmd.label "Ступня ў роце">
+<!ENTITY smiley14Cmd.label "Бязгрэшны">
+<!ENTITY smiley15Cmd.label "Рыданне">
+<!ENTITY smiley16Cmd.label "Надзьмуты">
+<!-- Message Pane Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY spellCheckNoSuggestions.label "Прапановы не знойдзены">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckIgnoreWord.label "Ігнараваць слова">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckIgnoreWord.accesskey "І">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckAddToDictionary.label "Дадаць у слоўнік">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckAddToDictionary.accesskey "с">
+<!ENTITY undo.label "Адмяніць">
+<!ENTITY undo.accesskey "м">
+<!ENTITY cut.label "Выразаць">
+<!ENTITY cut.accesskey "р">
+<!ENTITY copy.label "Капіяваць">
+<!ENTITY copy.accesskey "К">
+<!ENTITY paste.label "Уставіць">
+<!ENTITY paste.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY pasteQuote.label "Уставіць як вытрымку">
+<!ENTITY pasteQuote.accesskey "В">
+<!-- Attachment Item and List Context Menus -->
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.label "Адчыніць">
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.accesskey "А">
+<!ENTITY delete.label "Выдаліць">
+<!ENTITY delete.accesskey "д">
+<!ENTITY removeAttachment.label "Выдаліць далучэнне">
+<!ENTITY removeAttachment.accesskey "д">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachment.label "Змяніць назву…">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachment.accesskey "З">
+<!ENTITY reorderAttachments.label "Перапарадкаваць укладанні…">
+<!ENTITY reorderAttachments.accesskey "а">
+<!ENTITY selectAll.label "Вылучыць усё">
+<!ENTITY selectAll.accesskey "У">
+<!ENTITY attachCloud.label "Filelink…">
+<!ENTITY attachCloud.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY convertCloud.label "Ператварыць у…">
+<!ENTITY convertCloud.accesskey "т">
+<!ENTITY cancelUpload.label "Скасаваць зацягванне">
+<!ENTITY cancelUpload.accesskey "к">
+<!ENTITY convertRegularAttachment.label "Звычайнае далучэнне">
+<!ENTITY convertRegularAttachment.accesskey "д">
+<!ENTITY attachPage.label "Далучыць старонку Сеціва…">
+<!ENTITY attachPage.accesskey "с">
+<!-- Attachment Pane Header Bar Context Menu -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (initiallyShowAttachmentPane.label):
+ Should use the same wording as startExpandedCmd.label
+ in msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd. -->
+<!-- Spell checker context menu items -->
+<!ENTITY spellAddDictionaries.label "Дадаць слоўнікі…">
+<!ENTITY spellAddDictionaries.accesskey "Д">
+<!-- Title for the address picker panel -->
+<!ENTITY addressesSidebarTitle.label "Сувязі">
+<!-- Identity popup customize menuitem -->
+<!ENTITY customizeFromAddress.label "Наладзіць адрас адпраўніка…">
+<!ENTITY customizeFromAddress.accesskey "Н">
+<!-- Accessibility name for the document -->
+<!-- Status Bar -->
+<!ENTITY languageStatusButton.tooltip "Мова праверкі правапісу">
+<!ENTITY encodingStatusPanel.tooltip "Кадаванне тэксту">
+<!ENTITY newMessage.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY sortAttachmentsPanelBtn.key "y">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE is for aligning the From:, To: and
+ Subject: rows. It should be larger than the largest Header label -->
+<!ENTITY "width: 8em;">
+<!ENTITY fromAddr2.label "From">
+<!ENTITY replyAddr2.label "Reply-To">
+<!ENTITY newsgroupsAddr2.label "Newsgroup">
+<!ENTITY followupAddr2.label "Followup-To">
+<!ENTITY subject2.label "Subject">
+<!ENTITY attachmentBucketCloseButton.tooltip "Hide the attachment pane">
+<!ENTITY removeAllAttachments.label "Remove All Attachments">
+<!ENTITY removeAllAttachments.accesskey "v">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (initiallyShowAttachmentPane.label):
+ Should use the same wording as startExpandedCmd.label
+ in msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd. -->
+<!ENTITY initiallyShowAttachmentPane.label "Initially Show Attachment Pane">
+<!ENTITY initiallyShowAttachmentPane.accesskey "S">
+<!-- Accessibility name for the document -->
+<!ENTITY aria.message.bodyName "Message body">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/sendProgress.dtd b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/sendProgress.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ec8ccb57b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/sendProgress.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sendDialog.title "Апрацоўка ліста">
+<!ENTITY status.label "Статус:">
+<!ENTITY progress.label "Развіццё:">
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b645ddc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/be/chrome/be/locale/be/messenger/messengercompose/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+titleSendMsgSubject = Дасыланне ліста - %S
+titleSendMsg = Дасыланне ліста
+titleSaveMsgSubject = Захаванне ліста - %S
+titleSaveMsg = Захаванне ліста
+percentMsg = %S%%
+messageSent = Ваш ліст дасланы.
+messageSaved = Ваш ліст захаваны.