path: root/l10n-bs/suite
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-bs/suite')
317 files changed, 12200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/branding/aboutRights.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/branding/aboutRights.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59b6a31087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/branding/aboutRights.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE This file is very similar to the one in Firefox from browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/aboutRights.dtd so you can use that file as a starting point -->
+<!-- rights.locale-direction instead of the usual local.dir entity, so RTL can skip translating page. -->
+<!ENTITY rights.locale-direction "ltr">
+<!ENTITY rights.pagetitle "about:rights">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-header "O vašim pravima">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro "&brandFullName; je besplatan softver i otvorenog koda, izgrađen od zajednice hiljada ljudi iz cijelog svijeta. Evo nekoliko stvari koje trebate znati:">
+<!-- Note on pointa / pointb / pointc form:
+ These points each have an embedded link in the HTML, so each point is
+ split into chunks for text before the link, the link text, and the text
+ after the link. If a localized grammar doesn't need the before or after
+ chunk, it can be left blank.
+ Also note the leading/trailing whitespace in strings here, which is
+ deliberate for formatting around the embedded links. -->
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point1a "&brandShortName; vam je dostupan pod uslovima ">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point1b "Mozilla Public License">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point1c ". Ovo znači da možete koristiti, kopirati i distribuirati &brandShortName; drugima. Takođe možete izmijeniti &brandShortName; kako vi želite da upotpunite vaše potrebe. Mozilla Public Licence vam daje prava da distribuirate vašu izmjenjenu verziju.">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point2a "Mozilla vam ne daje nikakva prava na zaštitne znakove ili logotipe Mozille i SeaMonkey-a. Mogu se naći dodatne informacije o žigovima ">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point2b "ovdje">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point2c ".">
+<!-- point 2d is technically point 3. in the list -->
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point2d "Neke funkcije u &brandShortName; kao što je izvještavanje o greškama, daje vam opciju pružanja povratne informacije za &vendorShortName;. Odabirom potvrde povratne informacije, dajete &vendorShortName; i Mozilli dozvolu da koriste povratnu informaciju da unaprijede svoje aplikacije, da objave povratnu informaciju na svoje web stranice i da distribuišu povratnu informaciju.">
+<!-- point 3 text for official branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point3a "Police privatnosti za &vendorShortName; proizvode mogu se naći ">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point3b "ovdje">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point3c ".">
+<!-- point 4 text for official branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights2.intro-point4a "&brandShortName; nudi opcione usluge informacija web stranice, kao što je dodatak ili usluge sigurnog pretraživanja; međutim, ne možemo garantovati da su one 100&#37; tačne ili bez grešaka. Više detalja, uključujući informacije kako onemogućiti usluge, može se pronaći u ">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point4b "uslovima usluga">
+<!ENTITY rights.intro-point4c ".">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-header "&brandFullName; usluge web stranice">
+<!-- Note that this paragraph references entities from extensions.dtd,
+ preferences.dtd, pref-smartupdate.dtd, and pref-security.dtd,
+ so that we can refer to text the user sees in the UI, without
+ this page being forgotten every time those strings are updated. -->
+<!-- intro paragraph for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights3.webservices-a "&brandFullName; nudi opcione usluge bazirane na webu (&quot;Usluge&quot;) koje su dostupne za vaše korištenje u ovoj binarnoj verziji od &brandShortName; kao što je opisano ispod. Neke od ovih usluga (kao što je dodaj prijedlog i usluge ažuriranja, usluga sigurnog pretraživanja ili funkcija obavijesti Navigacija s poznavanjem lokacije) su izvorno omogućene. Ako ne želite koristiti ni jedanu od ovih Usluga ili su uslovi ispod neprihvatljivi, uputstva kako onemogućiti neku od funkcija ili Usluga može se pronaći ">
+<!ENTITY rights3.webservices-b "ovdje">
+<!ENTITY rights3.webservices-c ". Druge funkcije ili Usluge mogu se omogućiti ili onemogućiti u postavkama aplikacije.">
+<!-- add-on related points for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-a "Usluge dodatka: ">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-b "Izvorno &brandShortName; će predložiti dodatke na &; stranici i provjeriti ažuriranja u uobičajenim intervalima. Ako želite onemogućiti ove funkcije da izbjegnete komunikaciju informacija od instaliranih dodataka sa serverom, pratite sljedeće korake:">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term1 "Otvorite postavke aplikacije">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term2 "Izaberite &smart.label; panel u &advance.label; kategoriji">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term3 "Odznačite opcije za &quot;&autoAddOnsUpdates.label;&quot; i &quot;&enablePersonalized.label;&quot;">
+<!ENTITY rights.addons-term4 "Usluge dodataka su sada onemogućene">
+<!-- safe browsing points for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-a "Sigurno pretraživanje: ">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-b "Onemogućavanje funkcije sigurnog pretraživanja nije preporučljivo jer može rezultovati da odete u nesigurne stranice. Ako želite da onemogućite ovu funkciju u potpunosti, pratite ove korake:">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term1 "Otvorite postavke aplikacije">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term2 "Izaberite glavni panel &security.label;">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term3 "Odznačite opcije za &quot;&blockAttackSites.label;&quot; i &quot;&blockWebForgeries.label;&quot;">
+<!ENTITY rights.safebrowsing-term4 "Sigurno pretraživanje je sada onemogućeno">
+<!-- location aware browsing points for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-a "Navigacija s poznavanjem lokacije: ">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-b "je uvijek opciono. Nijedna informacija se neće poslati bez vaše dozvole. Ako želite onemogućiti ovu funkciju u potpunosti, pratite ove korake:">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term1 "Otvorite postavke aplikacije">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term2 "Izaberite glavni panel &security.label;">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term3 "Izaberite opciju za &quot;&geoDisabled.label;&quot;">
+<!ENTITY rights.locationawarebrowsing-term4 "Geografska lokacija je sada onemogućena">
+<!-- points 0-6 text for branded builds -->
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term0 "&vendorShortName; i Mozilla zajedno sa njihovim saradnicima, davaocima licenci i partnerima rade na pružanju najtačnijih i najsavremenijih Usluga. Međutim, ne možemo garantovati da ove informacije sveobuhvatne i bez grešaka. Na primjer, usluga sigurnog pretraživanja možda neće identifikovati neke rizične stranice i možda će identifikovati neke sigurne stranice sa greškom, a usluga geografske lokacije, sve lokacije koje vraćaju naši davaoci usluga samo su procjene. Ni mi ni naši davaoci usluga ne garantujemo tačnost raspoloživih lokacija.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term1 "&vendorShortName; može prekinuti ili promijeniti Usluge po svom nahođenju.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term2 "Dobrodošli ste koristiti ove usluge koje dolaze sa verzijom &brandShortName; i imate sva prava potrebna za to. &vendorShortName; i njegovi davaoci licenci rezervišu sva ostala prava u Uslugama. Ovi uslovi su namijenjeni ograničenju bilo kakvih prava dodjeljenih licencama otvorenog koda koji se primjenjuju na &brandShortName; i odgovarajuće verzije otvorenog koda &brandShortName;.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term3 "Usluge se pružaju &quot;takve kakve jesu.&quot; &vendorShortName;, njegovi saradnici, davaoci licenci i distributeri, odriču se svih garancija, bilo da su izričite ili implicitne, uključujući one bez ograničenja, garancije da su Usluge komercijalne i odgovaraju vašim posebnim namjenama. Vi snosite cijeli rizik izbora Usluga za vaše potrebe, kao i za kvalitet i performanse Usluga. Neke jurisdikcije ne dozvoljavaju isključivanje ili ograničenje implicitnih garancija, tako da ovo obavještenje možda nije prikladno za vas.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term4 "Osim ako to zahtjeva zakon, &vendorShortName;, njegovi saradnici, davaoci licenci i distributeri neće biti odgovorini za bilo kakvu indirektnu, posebnu, slučajnu, posljedičnu, kaznenu, uzbudljivu ili posljedičnu štetu nastalu korištenjem &brandShortName; i njegovih usluga. Kolektivna odgovornost prema ovim uslovima nesmije preći $500 (petsto dolara). Neke jurisdikcije ne dozvoljavaju isključivanje ili ograničenje određenih šteta, tako da se ovo isključivanje i ograničenje možda ne odnose na vas.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term5 "&vendorShortName; može ažurirati ove uslove po potrebi s vremena na vrijeme. Ovi uslovi se ne mogu modifikovati ili otkazivati bez &vendorShortName; pismenog sporazuma.">
+<!ENTITY rights.webservices-term6 "Ovi uslovi su uređeni zakonima države Kalifornije, SAD, isključujući odredbe o sukobima zakona. Ako se neki od ovih uslova identifikuju kao nevažeći ili bez zakonske vrijednosti, ostali dijelovi će zadržati snagu i učinak. U slučaju sukoba između prevedene verzije ovih uslova i engleske verzije, prevladava engleska verzija.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/branding/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/branding/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a19b1102ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/branding/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+buttonLabel = Znajte vaša prava
+buttonAccessKey = Z
+notifyRightsText = %S je besplatan i softver otvorenog koda od Mozilla Foundation neprofitne organizacije.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/linkToolbar.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/linkToolbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ffd53b26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/linkToolbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Link Toolbar Title -->
+<!ENTITY linkToolbar.label "Navigaciona traka web stranice">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbar.tooltip "Navigaciona traka web stranice">
+<!-- Link Toolbar visibility options -->
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarAlways.label "Uvijek prikaži">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarAsNeeded.label "Prikaži samo po potrebi">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarNever.label "Uvijek sakrij">
+<!-- Toolbar buttons, menus, and menuitems -->
+<!ENTITY topButton.label "Vrh">
+<!ENTITY upButton.label "Gore">
+<!ENTITY firstButton.label "Prvo">
+<!ENTITY prevButton.label "Prethodno">
+<!ENTITY nextButton.label "Sljedeće">
+<!ENTITY lastButton.label "Posljednje">
+<!ENTITY documentButton.label "Dokument">
+<!ENTITY tocButton.label "Tabela sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY chapterButton.label "Poglavlja">
+<!ENTITY sectionButton.label "Sekcije">
+<!ENTITY subSectionButton.label "Podsekcije">
+<!ENTITY appendixButton.label "Prilozi">
+<!ENTITY glossaryButton.label "Rječnik">
+<!ENTITY indexButton.label "Indeks">
+<!ENTITY moreButton.label "Više">
+<!ENTITY helpButton.label "Pomoć">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.label "Traži">
+<!ENTITY authorButton.label "Autor(i)">
+<!ENTITY copyrightButton.label "Autorska prava">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkButton.label "Zabilješke">
+<!ENTITY alternateButton.label "Ostale verzije">
+<!ENTITY feedButton.label "Pretplatite se">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/mac/platformNavigationBindings.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/mac/platformNavigationBindings.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b97bbfcde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/mac/platformNavigationBindings.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: RTL languages may wish to switch these -->
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.keyCode "VK_LEFT">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.keyCode "VK_RIGHT">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.commandKey "[">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.commandKey "]">
+<!ENTITY fullScreenCmd.commandKey "f">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/mailNavigatorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/mailNavigatorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9d438a0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/mailNavigatorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.label "Poruka">
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.key "M">
+<!ENTITY newContactCmd.label "Kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY newContactCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY sendPage.label "Pošalji stranicu…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendThisPage.label "Pošalji ovu stranicu…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendThisLink.label "Pošalji ovu vezu…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendImage.label "Pošalji sliku…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendVideo.label "Pošalji video…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendAudio.label "Pošalji audio…">
+<!ENTITY contextSendFrame.label "Pošalji okvir…">
+<!ENTITY sendLinkCmd.label "Pošalji vezu…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/metadata.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/metadata.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1244d99ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/metadata.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY no-properties.label "Nema postavljenih osobina.">
+<!ENTITY caption.label "Osobine elementa">
+<!ENTITY image-sec.label "Osobine slike">
+<!ENTITY image-url.label "Lokacija:">
+<!ENTITY image-desc.label "Opis:">
+<!ENTITY image-alt.label "Alternativni tekst:">
+<!ENTITY image-width.label "Širina:">
+<!ENTITY image-height.label "Visina:">
+<!ENTITY image-filesize.label "Veličina datoteke:">
+<!ENTITY image-filesize.value "Nepoznato">
+<!ENTITY insdel-sec.label "Ubacite/izbrišite osobine">
+<!ENTITY insdel-cite.label "Informacije:">
+<!ENTITY insdel-date.label "Datum:">
+<!ENTITY link-sec.label "Osobine veze">
+<!ENTITY link-url.label "Adresa:">
+<!ENTITY link-target.label "Otvorit će se u:">
+<!ENTITY link-type.label "Vrsta odredišta:">
+<!ENTITY link-lang.label "Jezik odredišta:">
+<!ENTITY link-rel.label "Relacija:">
+<!ENTITY link-rev.label "Rezervisana relacija:">
+<!ENTITY misc-sec.label "Razne osobine">
+<!ENTITY misc-lang.label "Jezik teksta:">
+<!ENTITY misc-title.label "Naslov:">
+<!ENTITY misc-tblsummary.label "Sažetak tabele:">
+<!ENTITY quote-sec.label "Svojstva citata">
+<!ENTITY quote-cite.label "Informacije:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..976348946e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+sameWindowText=Isti prozor
+newWindowText=Novi prozor
+parentFrameText=Matični okvir
+sameFrameText=Isti okvir
+unableToShowProps=Nema dostupnih svojstava.
+imageSize=%S KB (%S bajtova)
+imageSizeUnknown=Nepoznato (nije keširano)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Next two strings are for language name representations
+# %1$S = language name, %2$S = region name
+languageRegionFormat=%1$S (%2$S)
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/navigator.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/navigator.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cbbd42d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/navigator.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/navigator.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the browser main menu items -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Do not translate commandkeys -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainWindow.title): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.title "&brandShortName;">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainWindow.titlemodifier) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.titlemodifier "&brandShortName;">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator " - ">
+<!ENTITY mainWindow.titleprivate "Privatno pretraživanje">
+<!ENTITY editPageCmd.label "Uredi stranicu">
+<!ENTITY editPageCmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY editPageCmd.commandkey "e">
+<!ENTITY navbarCmd.label "Traka za navigaciju">
+<!ENTITY navbarCmd.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarCmd.label "Traka sa zabilješkama">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarCmd.accesskey "z">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.label "Zatvori prozor">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY minimizeButton.tooltip "Minimiziraj">
+<!ENTITY restoreButton.tooltip "Povrati">
+<!ENTITY feedsMenu.label "Pretplati me na ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY feedsMenu.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Traka menija">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbar.tooltip "Traka sa zabilješkama">
+<!ENTITY navigationToolbar.tooltip "Alatna traka za navigaciju">
+<!ENTITY editBookmark.done.label "Gotovo">
+<!ENTITY editBookmark.cancel.label "Otkaži">
+<!-- Toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY backButton.label "Nazad">
+<!ENTITY backButton.tooltip "Idi nazad jednu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.label "Naprijed">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.tooltip "Idi naprijed jednu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY reloadButton.label "Učitaj ponovo">
+<!ENTITY reloadButton.tooltip "Ponovo učitaj trenutnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.tooltip "Zaustavi učitavanje ove stranice">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.label "Traži">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.tooltip "Upišite riječ u lijevo polje, zatim kliknite Traži">
+<!ENTITY goButton.label "Idi">
+<!ENTITY goButton.tooltip "Upišite riječ u lijevo polje, zatim kliknite Idi">
+<!ENTITY printButton.label "Štampaj">
+<!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Štampaj ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY throbber.tooltip "Idite na &vendorShortName; početnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY locationBar.tooltip "Unesite traženi pojam, ključnu riječ ili web adresu">
+<!ENTITY locationBar.title "Lokacija">
+<!ENTITY proxyIcon.tooltip "Povucite i ispustite ovu ikonu za stvaranje veze za ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY searchItem.title "Traži">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksButton.label "Zabilješke">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksButton.tooltip "Lista zabilješki">
+<!ENTITY homeButton.label "Početna">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarItem.label "Stavke trake sa zabilješkama">
+<!ENTITY bookmarksToolbarChevron.tooltip "Prikaži više zabilješki">
+<!-- Statusbar -->
+<!ENTITY statusText.label "Gotovo">
+<!ENTITY popupIcon.tooltiptext "Odblokirajte iskočne prozore ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY viewSecurityInfo.label "Prikaži sigurnosne informacije">
+<!ENTITY viewCertificate.label "Prikaži certifikat">
+<!ENTITY viewCertManager.label "Otvori menadžera certifikata">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd9e554758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+nv_timeout=Vrijeme isteklo
+openFile=Otvori datoteku
+uploadFile=Prenesi datoteku
+droponhomebutton=Ispustite vezu ili datoteku da biste postavili vašu početnu stranicu
+droponhometitle=Postavi početnu stranicu
+droponhomemsg=Da li želite da ovaj dokument postane vaša početna stranica?
+droponhomeokbutton=Postavi početnu stranicu
+jserror=Dogodila se greška na ovoj stranici. Za detalje kliknite ovdje dva puta.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the security certifiate issuer
+securityButtonTooltipSecure=Potpisano od strane %S
+securityButtonTooltipMixedContent=Upozorenje: Sadrži neprovjereni sadržaj
+securityButtonTooltipInsecure=Prikazuje sigurnosne informacije o trenutnoj stranici
+# menu_close labels
+tabs.closeTab.label=Zatvori tab
+tabs.recentlyClosed.format=%1$S %2$S
+windows.recentlyClosed.format=%1$S %2$S
+tabs.closeWarningTitle=Potvrdi zatvaranje
+tabs.closeWarning=U ovom prozoru otvoreno je nekoliko tabova (%S). Želite li ga zatvoriti i sve njegove tabove?
+tabs.closeButton=Zatvori sve tabove
+tabs.closeWarningPromptMe=Upozori me prilikom zatvaranja većeg broja tabova
+tabs.historyItem=Grupa tabova
+menuOpenAllInTabs.label=Otvori sve u tabovima
+# urlbarBindings.xml
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This is for the location bar drop-down string:
+# "Search " + search_engine_name + " for " + user_input
+# e.g. "Search Google for abc"
+# DO NOT change the %S order when translate, the first %S must be the search engine name.
+searchFor=Traži %S za "%S"
+# Star button
+starButtonOn.tooltip=Uredi ovu zabilješku
+starButtonOff.tooltip=Zabilježi ovu stranicu
+# Edit Bookmark UI
+editBookmarkPanel.pageBookmarkedTitle=Stranica zabilježena
+editBookmarkPanel.pageBookmarkedDescription=%S će uvijek pamtiti ovu stranicu za vas.
+editBookmarkPanel.bookmarkedRemovedTitle=Zabilješka uklonjena
+editBookmarkPanel.editBookmarkTitle=Uredi ovu zabilješku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editBookmark.removeBookmarks.label)
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. Replacement for #1 is
+# the number of bookmarks to be removed.
+# If this causes problems with localization you can also do "Remove Bookmarks (#1)"
+# instead of "Remove #1 Bookmarks".
+editBookmark.removeBookmarks.label=Ukloni zabilješku; Ukloni zabilješke (#1)
+# bookmark dialog strings
+bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Naziv direktorija]
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title
+# Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field.
+addKeywordTitleAutoFill=Traži %S
+extensions.{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}.name=SeaMonkey izvorna tema
+extensions.{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}.description=Ova tema koristi stilove i boje iz sistema da se uklopi sa ostalim aplikacijama.
+ savremena tema tema za sve komponente.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/navigatorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/navigatorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62fbf1ab20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/navigatorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- File Menu -->
+<!ENTITY tabCmd.label "Tab pretraživača">
+<!ENTITY tabCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY tabCmd.commandkey "t">
+<!ENTITY openCmd.label "Otvori web lokaciju…">
+<!ENTITY openCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY openCmd.commandkey "l">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.label "Otvori datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.commandkey "o">
+<!ENTITY closeOtherTabs.label "Zatvori ostale tabove">
+<!ENTITY closeOtherTabs.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY uploadFile.label "Prenesi datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY uploadFile.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.label "Postavljanje stranice…">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!-- Edit Menu -->
+<!ENTITY findOnCmd.label "Pronađi na ovoj stranici…">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY toolbarsCmd.label "Prikaži/sakrij">
+<!ENTITY toolbarsCmd.accesskey "w">
+<!ENTITY tabbarCmd.label "Tab traka">
+<!ENTITY tabbarCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY taskbarCmd.label "Statusna traka">
+<!ENTITY taskbarCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY componentbarCmd.label "Komponentna traka">
+<!ENTITY componentbarCmd.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY fullScreenCmd.label "Prikaz na cijelom ekranu">
+<!ENTITY fullScreenCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetMenu.label "Koristite stil">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetMenu.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetNone.label "Nijedan">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetNone.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY useStyleSheetPersistentOnly.label "Izvorni stil">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.label "Promijeni smjer stranice">
+<!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.label "Izvorni kod stranice">
+<!ENTITY pageInfoCmd.label "Informacije o stranici">
+<!-- Go Menu -->
+<!ENTITY goMenu.label "Idi">
+<!ENTITY goHomeCmd.label "Početna">
+<!ENTITY historyCmd.label "Historija">
+<!ENTITY recentTabs.label "Nedavno zatvoreni tabovi">
+<!ENTITY recentWindows.label "Nedavno zatvoreni prozori">
+<!ENTITY historyRestoreLastSession.label "Povrati prethodnu sesiju">
+<!ENTITY syncTabsMenu.label "Tabovi sa drugih računara">
+<!-- Bookmarks Menu -->
+<!ENTITY bookmarksMenu.label "Zabilješke">
+<!ENTITY addCurPageCmd.label "Zabilježi ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY addCurTabsAsCmd.label "Zabilježi ovu grupu tabova…">
+<!ENTITY manBookmarksCmd.label "Upravljaj zabilješkama…">
+<!-- Tools Menu -->
+<!ENTITY searchInternetCmd.label "Pretraži web">
+<!ENTITY translateMenu.label "Prevedi stranicu">
+<!ENTITY cookieMessageTitle.label "Dozvole kolačića su promijenjene">
+<!ENTITY cookieDisplayCookiesCmd.label "Upravljaj sa spremljenim kolačićima">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowCookiesCmd.label "Dozvoli kolačiće sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowCookiesMsg.label "Kolačići sa ove web stranice će uvijek biti dozvoljeni.">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowSessionCookiesCmd.label "Dozvoli kolačiće sesije sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowSessionCookiesMsg.label "Ova web stranica će biti u mogućnosti postaviti kolačiće samo da trenutnu sesiju.">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookiesDefaultCmd.label "Koristite izvorne dozvole za kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookiesDefaultMsg.label "Kolačići sa ove web stranice će biti prihvaćeni ili odbaćeni na osnovu izvornih postavki.">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockCookiesCmd.label "Blokiraj kolačiće sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockCookiesMsg.label "Kolačići sa ove web stranice će uvijek biti odbaćeni.">
+<!ENTITY cookieImageMessageTitle.label "Dozvole za slike su promijenjene">
+<!ENTITY cookieDisplayImagesCmd.label "Upravljaj dozvolama za slike">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowImagesCmd.label "Dozvoli slike sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY cookieAllowImagesMsg.label "Slike sa ove web stranice će uvijek biti preuzete.">
+<!ENTITY cookieImagesDefaultCmd.label "Koristite izvorne dozvole za slike">
+<!ENTITY cookieImagesDefaultMsg.label "Slike sa ove web stranice će biti preuzete na osnovu izvornih postavki.">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockImagesCmd.label "Blokiraj slike sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY cookieBlockImagesMsg.label "Slike sa ove web stranice neće nikad biti preuzete.">
+<!ENTITY popupsMessageChangeTitle.label "Dozvole za iskočne prozore su promijenjene">
+<!ENTITY popupAllowCmd.label "Dozvoli iskočne prozore za ovu web stranicu">
+<!ENTITY popupAllowMsg.label "Iskočni prozori sa ove web stranice će uvijek biti prikazani.">
+<!ENTITY popupDefaultCmd.label "Koristite izvorne dozvole za iskočne prozore">
+<!ENTITY popupDefaultMsg.label "Iskočni prozori sa ove web stranice će biti prikazani na osnovu izvornih postavki.">
+<!ENTITY popupBlockCmd.label "Blokiraj iskočne prozore sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY popupBlockMsg.label "Iskočni prozori sa ove web stranice neće biti prikazani.">
+<!ENTITY popupsManage.label "Upravljaj iskočnim prozorima">
+<!ENTITY cookieCookieManager.label "Menadžer kolačića">
+<!ENTITY cookieImageManager.label "Menadžer slika">
+<!ENTITY popupsManager.label "Menadžer iskočnih prozora">
+<!ENTITY clearPrivateDataCmd.label "Očisti privatne podatke…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/pageInfo.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/pageInfo.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9db0d319ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/pageInfo.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+<!-- Note to localizers, don't localize the strings 'width' or 'height' -->
+<!ENTITY pageInfoWindow.dimensions "width: 100ch; height: 38em;">
+<!ENTITY copy.key "C">
+<!ENTITY copy.label "Kopiraj">
+<!ENTITY copy.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY selectall.key "A">
+<!ENTITY selectall.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY openHelpMac.key "?">
+<!ENTITY closeWindow.key "w">
+<!ENTITY copyLinks.label "Kopiraj link(ove)">
+<!ENTITY openInNewTab.label "Otvori u novom tabu">
+<!ENTITY openInNewWindow.label "Otvori u novom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY generalTab "Opće">
+<!ENTITY generalURL "Adresa:">
+<!ENTITY generalType "Tip:">
+<!ENTITY generalMode "Vrsta vizualizacije:">
+<!ENTITY generalSize "Veličina:">
+<!ENTITY generalReferrer "Referirajući URL:">
+<!ENTITY generalSource "Izvor predmemorije:">
+<!ENTITY generalModified "Izmijenjeno:">
+<!ENTITY generalEncoding2 "Kodiranje teksta:">
+<!ENTITY generalMetaName "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY generalMetaContent "Sadržaj">
+<!ENTITY generalSecurityDetails "Detalji">
+<!ENTITY generalSecurityDetails.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY formsTab "Obrasci">
+<!ENTITY formsTab.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY formAction "Obrazac akcije">
+<!ENTITY formMethod "Način">
+<!ENTITY formName "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY formEncoding "Kodiranje:">
+<!ENTITY formTarget "Cilj:">
+<!ENTITY formFields "Polja:">
+<!ENTITY formLabel "Oznaka">
+<!ENTITY formFName "Naziv polja">
+<!ENTITY formType "Tip">
+<!ENTITY formCValue "Trenutna vrijednost">
+<!ENTITY linksTab "Linkovi">
+<!ENTITY linksTab.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY linkName "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY linkAddress "Adresa">
+<!ENTITY linkType "Tip">
+<!ENTITY linkTarget "Cilj">
+<!ENTITY linkAccessKey "Pristupni ključ">
+<!ENTITY mediaTab "Mediji">
+<!ENTITY mediaTab.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY mediaURL "Adresa:">
+<!ENTITY mediaAlt "Alternativni tekst:">
+<!ENTITY mediaAltHeader "Alternativni tekst">
+<!ENTITY mediaAddress "Adresa">
+<!ENTITY mediaType "Tip">
+<!ENTITY mediaSize "Veličina">
+<!ENTITY mediaCount "Broj">
+<!ENTITY mediaDimensions "Specifične dimenzije:">
+<!ENTITY mediaPhysDimensions "Stvarne dimenzije:">
+<!ENTITY mediaTitle "Naslov:">
+<!ENTITY mediaLongdesc "Dugi opis:">
+<!ENTITY mediaSaveAs "Sačuvaj kao…">
+<!ENTITY mediaPreview "Pregled medija:">
+<!ENTITY feedTab "Kanali">
+<!ENTITY feedSubscribe "Preplati se">
+<!ENTITY permTab "Dozvole">
+<!ENTITY permUseDefault "Koristi izvorno">
+<!ENTITY permAskAlways "Uvijek pitaj">
+<!ENTITY permAllow "Dozvoli">
+<!ENTITY permAllowSession "Dozvoli za sesiju">
+<!ENTITY permBlock "Blokiraj">
+<!ENTITY permissionsFor "Dozvole za:">
+<!ENTITY permImage "Učitaj slike">
+<!ENTITY permPopup "Otvori iskočne prozore">
+<!ENTITY permCookie "Postavi kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY permNotifications "Prikaži obavještenja">
+<!ENTITY permInstall "Instaliraj proširenja ili teme">
+<!ENTITY permGeo "Dijeli lokaciju">
+<!ENTITY securityTab "Sigurnost">
+<!ENTITY securityTab.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY securityHeader "Sigurnosne informacije za ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY securityView.certView "Prikaži certifikat">
+<!ENTITY securityView.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY securityView.unknown "Nepoznato">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.header "Identitet web stranice">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.owner "Vlasnik:">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.domain "Web stranica:">
+<!ENTITY securityView.identity.verifier "Verifikovao:">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.header "Privatnost i historija">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.history "Jesam li posjetio ovu web stranicu danas?">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.cookies "Da li ova stranica čuva podatke (kolačiće) na moj računar?">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.viewCookies "Prikaži kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.passwords "Jesam li sačuvao neke lozinke za ovu web stranicu?">
+<!ENTITY securityView.privacy.viewPasswords "Prikaži sačuvane lozinke">
+<!ENTITY securityView.technical.header "Tehnički detalji">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46a0be4813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+ o stranici - %S
+pageInfo.frame.title=Informacije o okviru - %S
+noPageTitle=Stranica bez naslova:
+notSet=Nije definisano
+mediaFileSize=%S KB
+mediaSize=%Spx \u00D7 %Spx
+mediaSelectFolder=Odaberite direktorij da sačuvate slike
+mediaBlockImage=Blokiraj slike od %S
+mediaImageType=Slika %S
+mediaAnimatedType=Animirana slika %S
+generalQuirksMode=Quirks režim
+generalStrictMode=Režim usklađenosti standarda
+generalNotCached=Nije keširano
+generalDiskCache=Keš diska
+generalMemoryCache=Memorijski keš
+generalSize=%S KB (%S bajtova)
+generalMetaTag=Meta (1 oznaka)
+generalMetaTags=Meta (%S oznaka)
+generalSiteIdentity=Ova web stranica je vlasništvo %S\nProvjereno od strane %S
+formTitle=Obrazac %S:
+formUntitled=Neimenovani obrazac:
+linkSubmission=Slanje obrasca
+linkSubmit=Proslijedi upit
+linkRel=Srodne stavke
+linkStylesheet=List stilova
+linkRev=Povratna veza
+linkX=Jednostavan XLink
+linkScriptInline=u ravni
+securityNoOwner=Ova web stranica ne pruža informacije o vlasništvu.
+securityOneVisit=Da, jednom
+securityNVisits=Da, %S puta
+securityNoEncryption=Konekcija nije šifrovana
+securityNone1=Web stranica %S ne podržava šifrovanje za stranicu koju gledate.
+securityNone2=Informacija poslana putem interneta bez šifrovanja može biti viđena od drugih ljudi dok je u tranzitu.
+securityNone3=Stranica koju gledate nije šifrovana.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (securityEncryptionWithBits): %1$S is the name of the encryption standard,
+# %2$S is the key size of the cipher.
+securityEncryptionWithBits=Šifrovana veza (%1$S, %2$S bitni ključevi)
+securityEncryption1=Stranica koju gledate je šifrovana prije slanja putem interneta.
+securityEncryption2=Šifrovanje otežava neovlaštenim ljudima da vide informacije koje putuju između računara. Zbog toga je vrlo malo vjerovatno da bilo ko pročita ovu stranicu dok putuje putem interneta.
+securityMixedContent=Veza je djelimično šifrovana
+securityMixed1=Dijelovi stranice koju pregledavate nisu šifrovani prije slanja putem interneta.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/tabbrowser.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/tabbrowser.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d888fddf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/tabbrowser.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY untitledTab "(Bez naslova)">
+<!ENTITY newTab.label "Novi tab">
+<!ENTITY newTab.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY closeTab.label "Zatvori tab">
+<!ENTITY closeTab.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY closeOtherTabs.label "Zatvori ostale tabove">
+<!ENTITY reloadAllTabs.label "Ponovo učitaj sve tabove">
+<!ENTITY reloadTab.label "Ponovo učitaj tab">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkGroup.label "Zabilježi ovu grupu tabova">
+<!ENTITY closeTabButton.tooltip "Zatvori trenutni tab">
+<!ENTITY newTabButton.tooltip "Otvori novi tab">
+<!ENTITY listAllTabs.tooltip "Izlistaj sve tabove">
+<!ENTITY undoCloseTab.label "Vrati zatvoreni tab">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4f717a7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tabs.untitled=Bez naslova
+tabs.closeWarningTitle=Potvrdi zatvaranje drugih tabova
+tabs.closeWarning=Zatvorit ćete nekoliko (%S) otvorenih tabova. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti?
+tabs.closeButton=Zatvori ostale tabove
+tabs.closeWarningPromptMe=Upozori me kada pokušam zatvoriti više tabova
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75ae53a011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.label=Otvori novi tab
+taskbar.tasks.newTab.description=Otvori novi tab pretraživača.
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.label=Otvori novi prozor
+taskbar.tasks.newWindow.description=Otvori novi prozor pretraživača.
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivate.label=Otvori privatni prozor
+taskbar.tasks.newPrivate.description=Otvori novi prozor privatnog pretraživanja.
+taskbar.tasks.mailWindow.label=Otvori poštu i interesne grupe
+taskbar.tasks.mailWindow.description=Otvori prozor pošte i interesnih grupa.
+taskbar.tasks.composeMessage.label=Piši novu poruku
+taskbar.tasks.composeMessage.description=Piši novu poruku.
+taskbar.tasks.openAddressBook.label=Otvori adresar
+taskbar.tasks.openAddressBook.description=Otvorite vaš adresar.
+taskbar.tasks.openEditor.label=Otvori novu stranicu kompozitora
+taskbar.tasks.openEditor.description=Otvori novu stranicu kompozitora.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/unix/platformNavigationBindings.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/unix/platformNavigationBindings.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f0871f517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/unix/platformNavigationBindings.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: RTL languages may wish to switch these -->
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.keyCode "VK_LEFT">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.keyCode "VK_RIGHT">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.commandKey "[">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.commandKey "]">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/webDeveloper.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/webDeveloper.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06458f9228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/webDeveloper.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY validatePage.label "Provjeri ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY validatePage.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY allowRemoteDebugging.label "Dozvoli daljinsko otklanjanje greške">
+<!ENTITY devToolsCmd.keycode "VK_F12">
+<!ENTITY devToolsCmd.keytext "F12">
+<!ENTITY devtoolsConnect.label "Poveži…">
+<!ENTITY browserConsoleCmd.label "Konzola pretraživača">
+<!ENTITY responsiveDesignTool.label "Responzivni pregled dizajna">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (scratchpad.label): This menu item label appears
+ - in the Tools menu. See bug 653093.
+ - The Scratchpad is intended to provide a simple text editor for creating
+ - and evaluating bits of JavaScript code for the purposes of function
+ - prototyping, experimentation and convenient scripting.
+ -
+ - It's quite possible that you won't have a good analogue for the word
+ - "Scratchpad" in your locale. You should feel free to find a close
+ - approximation to it or choose a word (or words) that means
+ - "simple discardable text editor". -->
+<!ENTITY scratchpad.label "Bilježnica">
+<!ENTITY scratchpad.keycode "VK_F4">
+<!ENTITY scratchpad.keytext "F4">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserToolboxMenu.label): This is the label for the
+ - application menu item that opens the browser toolbox UI in the Tools menu. -->
+<!ENTITY browserToolboxMenu.label "Alatna kutija pretraživača">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserContentToolboxMenu.label): This is the label for the
+ - application menu item that opens the browser content toolbox UI in the Tools menu.
+ - This toolbox allows to debug the chrome of the content process in multiprocess builds. -->
+<!ENTITY browserContentToolboxMenu.label "Alatna kutija sadržaja pretraživača">
+<!ENTITY devToolbarCloseButton.tooltiptext "Zatvori alatrnu traku programera">
+<!ENTITY devToolbarMenu.label "Alatna traka programera">
+<!ENTITY webide.label "WebIDE">
+<!ENTITY webide.keycode "VK_F8">
+<!ENTITY webide.keytext "F8">
+<!ENTITY devToolbar.keycode "VK_F2">
+<!ENTITY devToolbar.keytext "F2">
+<!ENTITY devToolboxMenuItem.label "Uključivanje/isključivanje alata">
+<!ENTITY devToolbarToolsButton.tooltip "Uključivanje/isključivanje razvojnih alata">
+<!ENTITY getMoreDevtoolsCmd.label "Nabavite više alata">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/win/platformNavigationBindings.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/win/platformNavigationBindings.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcabc0a024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/browser/win/platformNavigationBindings.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: RTL languages may wish to switch these -->
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.keyCode "VK_LEFT">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.keyCode "VK_RIGHT">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/about.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/about.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85d65cb35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/about.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE the following declarations were copied from
+ mozilla/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/about.dtd which was removed
+ by bug 1408044. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.credits.beforeLink): note that there is no space
+ between this phrase and the linked about.credits.linkTitle phrase, so if
+ your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this
+ entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.credits.afterLink): note that there is no space
+ between the linked about.credits.linkTitle phrase and this phrase, so if
+ your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of this
+ entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.license.beforeTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between this phrase and the linked about.license.linkTitle phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this
+ entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.license.afterTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between the linked about.license.linkTitle phrase and this phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of
+ this entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.relnotes.beforeTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between this phrase and the linked about.relnotes.linkTitle phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end of this
+ entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.relnotes.afterTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between the linked about.relnotes.linkTitle phrase and this phrase,
+ so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the start of
+ this entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.buildconfig.beforeTheLink): note that there is
+ no space between this phrase and the linked about.buildconfig.linkTitle
+ phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the end
+ of this entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (about.buildconfig.afterTheLink): note that there is no
+ space between the linked about.buildconfig.linkTitle phrase and this
+ phrase, so if your locale needs a space between words, add it at the
+ start of this entity. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE end of declarations that were copied from
+ mozilla/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/about.dtd -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (channel.description.start,channel.description.end):
+ channel.description.start and channel.description.end create one sentence,
+ with the current channel label inserted in between.
+ example: You are currently on the _Stable_ update channel. -->
+<!ENTITY channel.description.start "Vi ste trenutno na ">
+<!ENTITY channel.description.end " kanalu za ažuriranje.">
+<!ENTITY about.userAgent "Korisnički agent: ">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..657321b296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: where ".private" and ".normal" variants exist,
+ - the former is shown in a private browsing window and the latter in
+ - a regular (non-private) browsing window. -->
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.title.private "Vi ste u prozoru privatnog pretraživanja">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.title.normal "Želite li pokrenuti privatno pretraživanje?">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.status.private "&brandShortName; neće pamtiti nikakvu historiju za ovaj prozor.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.status.normal "Trenutno niste u privatnom prozoru.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.common.description "U prozoru privatnog pretraživanja, &brandShortName; neće čuvati nikakvu historiju pretraživača, historiju pretrage, historiju preuzimanja, historiju web forme, kolačiće ili privremene internet datoteke. Međutim, napravljene zabilješke i preuzete datoteke će se čuvati.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.track.warn "Iako ovaj računar neće evidentirati historiju pretraživanja, vaši zaposlenici ili pružaoci internet usluga će možda i dalje moći pratiti stranice koje posjećujete.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.learnmore.label "Saznajte više">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.learnmore.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY "Po završetku, zatvorite prozor da obustavite privatno pretraživanje.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.close.label "Zatvori ovaj prozor sad">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.close.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY "Da započnete privatno pretraživanje, kliknite dugme ispod ili odaberite datoteku ▶ Novi ▶ Privatni prozor iz menija.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.private.label "Otvorite novi privatni prozor">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.private.accesskey "O">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutSessionRestore.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutSessionRestore.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a580cb62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutSessionRestore.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY restorepage.tabtitle "Obnovi sesiju">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.pagetitle "Želite li obnoviti vašu sesiju?">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: If "closed unexpectedly" sounds too awkward in the translation,
+ you may translate "crash" instead (even though it's IT-speak) -->
+<!ENTITY restorepage.issueDesc "Vaša prethodna &brandShortName; sesija je zatvorena neočekivano. Iskreno se ispričavamo zbog neugodnosti. Možete vratiti tabove i prozore za prethodnu sesiju ili započeti novu sesiju ako prethodnu više ne trebate.">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.remedies "Ako se &brandShortName; zatvara uzastopno:">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.dueToChrome "Pokušajte onemogućiti neka nedavno dodana proširenja u Menadžeru dodataka.">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.dueToContent "Pokušajte da obnovite svoju sesiju bez bilo koje web stranice za koju sumnjate da je izazvala grešku:">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.restoreButton "Obnovite prethodnu sesiju">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.restore.access "O">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.cancelButton "Započnite novu sesiju">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.cancel.access "Z">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.restoreHeader "Obnovi">
+<!ENTITY restorepage.listHeader "Prozori i tabovi">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: &#37;S will be replaced with a number. -->
+<!ENTITY restorepage.windowLabel "Prozor &#37;S">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutSyncTabs.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutSyncTabs.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34a3da8fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/aboutSyncTabs.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.otherComputers.label): Keep this in sync with syncTabsMenu.label from navigator.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY tabs.otherComputers.label "Tabovi s drugih računara">
+<!ENTITY tabs.searchText.label "Pišite ovdje da nađete tabove…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabs.context.openTab.accesskey, tabs.context.openMultipleTabs.accesskey;
+ tabs.context.bookmarkSingleTab.accesskey, tabs.context.bookmarkMultipleTabs.accesskey):
+ Only one of each of these pairs will show at a time (based on selection), so reusing accesskey is ok. -->
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openTab.label "Otvori ovaj tab">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openTab.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openMultipleTabs.label "Otvori odabrane tabove">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.openMultipleTabs.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.bookmarkSingleTab.label "Zabilježi ovaj tab…">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.bookmarkSingleTab.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.bookmarkMultipleTabs.label "Zabilježi odabrane tabove…">
+<!ENTITY tabs.context.refreshList.label "Osvježi listu">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/askViewZoom.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/askViewZoom.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdeb9f6a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/askViewZoom.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY askViewZoom.title "Uvećaj">
+<!ENTITY selectZoom.label "Odaberite uvećanje (&#37;):">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/certError.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/certError.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1179284ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/certError.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These strings are used by SeaMonkey's custom about:certerror page,
+a replacement for the standard security certificate errors produced
+by NSS/PSM via netError.xhtml. -->
+<!ENTITY certerror.pagetitle "Nepouzdana veza">
+<!ENTITY certerror.longpagetitle "Ova veza je nepouzdana">
+<!-- Localization note (certerror.introPara1) - The string "#1" will
+be replaced at runtime with the name of the server to which the user
+was trying to connect. -->
+<!ENTITY certerror.introPara1 "Tražili ste da se &brandShortName; poveže
+sigurno na <b>#1</b>, ali ne možemo potvrditi da je vaša veza sigurna.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.introPara2 "Obično, kada pokušate da se povežete sigurno,
+web stranice će prikazati povjerljivu identifikaciju da dokažu da
+idete na pravo mjesto. Međutim, ovaj identitet web stranice se ne može verifikovati.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatShouldIDo.heading "Šta bih trebao uraditi?">
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatShouldIDo.content "Ako se obično povezujete na
+ovu web stranicu bez problema, ova greška može značiti da neko drugi
+pokušava da oponaša web stranicu i ne biste trebali nastaviti dalje.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatShouldIDo.badStsCertExplanation "Ova stranica koristi HTTP
+Strict Transport Security (HSTS) da odredi da &brandShortName; se može povezati
+samo sigurno. Kao rezultat toga, nije moguće dodati izuzetak za ovaj
+<!ENTITY certerror.getMeOutOfHere.label "Ovo zvuči loše, bolje me vodi na moju početnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY "Svjestan sam rizika">
+<!ENTITY "Ako razumijete šta se dešava, možete
+reči &brandShortName; počne vjerovati ovoj identifikaciji web stranice.
+<b>Čak i ako vjerujete web stranici, ova greška može značiti da neko drugi
+nepravilno povezuje vašu vezu.</b>">
+<!ENTITY "Nemojte dodavati izuzetke osim
+ako znate da postoji dobar razlog zbog kojeg ova stranica ne koristi povjerljivu identifikaciju.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.addException.label "Dodaj izuzetak…">
+<!ENTITY certerror.technical.heading "Tehnički detalji">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/console/console.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/console/console.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39f2608e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/console/console.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY errorConsole.title "Konzola greške">
+<!ENTITY errFile.label "Izvorna datoteka:">
+<!ENTITY errLine.label "Linija:">
+<!ENTITY errColumn.label "Kolona:">
+<!ENTITY all.label "Sve">
+<!ENTITY errors.label "Greške">
+<!ENTITY warnings.label "Upozorenja">
+<!ENTITY messages.label "Poruke">
+<!ENTITY clear.label "Očisti">
+<!ENTITY codeEval.label "Kod:">
+<!ENTITY evaluate.label "Procijeni">
+<!ENTITY filter2.label "Filter:">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Kopiraj">
+<!ENTITY sortFirst.label "Sortiranje po rastućem redoslijedu">
+<!ENTITY sortLast.label "Sortiranje po opadajućem redoslijedu">
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Traka menija">
+<!ENTITY modeToolbar.tooltip "Alatna traka načina rada">
+<!ENTITY entryToolbar.tooltip "Alatna traka za Javascript unos">
+<!ENTITY toolbarsCmd.label "Prikaži/sakrij">
+<!ENTITY toolbarMode.label "Način rada">
+<!ENTITY toolbarEval.label "JavaScript unos">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/console/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/console/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d868facb51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/console/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+errFile=Izvorna datoteka: %S
+errLine=Linija: %S
+errLineCol=Linija: %S, Kolona: %S
+errCode=Izvorni kod:
+errTime=Vremenska oznaka: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (evaluationContextChanged): The message displayed when the
+# browser console's evaluation context (window against which input is evaluated)
+# changes.
+evaluationContextChanged=Kontekst evaluacije konzole se promijenio, vjerovatno zato što je ciljni prozor zatvoren ili zato što ste otvorili glavni prozor iz prozora konzole browsera.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/contentAreaCommands.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/contentAreaCommands.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c49b57a474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/contentAreaCommands.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY popupWindowRejectCmd.label "Odbacite iskočne prozore sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY popupWindowAllowCmd.label "Dozvolite iskočne prozore sa ove web stranice">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmdInTab.label "Otvori link u novom tabu">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmd.label "Otvori link u novom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY openLinkCmdInPrivateWindow.label "Otvori link u privatnom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY openLinkInWindowCmd.label "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY openFrameCmd.label "Otvori okvir u novom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY openFrameCmdInTab.label "Otvori okvir u novom tabu">
+<!ENTITY keywordfield.label "Dodaj ključnu riječ za ovu pretragu…">
+<!ENTITY showOnlyThisFrameCmd.label "Prikaži samo ovaj okvir">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.label "Nazad">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.label "Naprijed">
+<!ENTITY goUpCmd.label "Gore">
+<!ENTITY reloadCmd.label "Učitaj ponovo">
+<!ENTITY stopCmd.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY reloadFrameCmd.label "Ponovo učitaj okvir">
+<!ENTITY viewPartialSourceForSelectionCmd.label "Pregled izvornog koda selekcije">
+<!ENTITY viewPartialSourceForMathMLCmd.label "Pregled MathML izvornog koda">
+<!ENTITY viewPageSourceCmd.label "Pregled izvornog koda stranice">
+<!ENTITY viewFrameSourceCmd.label "Pregled izvornog koda okvira">
+<!ENTITY viewPageInfoCmd.label "Pogledajte informacije o stranici">
+<!ENTITY viewFrameInfoCmd.label "Pogledajte informacije o okviru">
+<!ENTITY fitImageCmd.label "Prilagodi veličinu slike prozoru">
+<!ENTITY reloadImageCmd.label "Ponovo učitaj sliku">
+<!ENTITY viewImageCmd.label "Pogledaj sliku">
+<!ENTITY viewVideoCmd.label "Pogledaj video">
+<!ENTITY viewBGImageCmd.label "Pogledaj sliku pozadine">
+<!ENTITY setDesktopBackgroundCmd.label "Postavi pozadinu desktopa…">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkPageCmd.label "Zabilježi ovu stranicu…">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkLinkCmd.label "Zabilježi ovaj link…">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkFrameCmd.label "Zabilježi ovaj okvir…">
+<!ENTITY savePageAsCmd.label "Sačuvaj stranicu kao…">
+<!ENTITY savePageCmd.label "Sačuvaj stranicu">
+<!ENTITY saveFrameAsCmd.label "Sačuvaj okvir kao…">
+<!ENTITY saveFrameCmd.label "Sačuvaj okvir">
+<!ENTITY printFrameCmd.label "Štampaj okvir…">
+<!ENTITY saveLinkAsCmd.label "Sačuvaj link cilja kao…">
+<!ENTITY saveLinkCmd.label "Sačuvaj link cilja">
+<!ENTITY saveImageAsCmd.label "Sačuvaj sliku kao…">
+<!ENTITY saveImageCmd.label "Sačuvaj sliku">
+<!ENTITY saveVideoCmd.label "Sačuvaj video kao…">
+<!ENTITY saveAudioCmd.label "Sačuvaj audio kao…">
+<!ENTITY copyLinkCmd.label "Kopiraj lokaciju linka">
+<!ENTITY copyImageCmd.label "Kopiraj sliku">
+<!ENTITY copyVideoURLCmd.label "Kopiraj lokaciju videa">
+<!ENTITY copyAudioURLCmd.label "Kopiraj lokaciju audia">
+<!ENTITY metadataCmd.label "Svojstva">
+<!ENTITY copyEmailCmd.label "Kopiraj adresu e-pošte">
+<!ENTITY thisFrameMenu.label "Ovaj okvir">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlay.label "Reproduciraj">
+<!ENTITY mediaPause.label "Pauziraj">
+<!ENTITY mediaMute.label "Isključi zvuk">
+<!ENTITY mediaUnmute.label "Uključi zvuk">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate.label "Brzina reprodukcije">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate050.label "Usporeno (½ x)">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate100.label "Normalna brzina">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate125.label "Ubrzano (1¼×)">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate150.label "Visoka brzina (1½ ×)">
+<!ENTITY mediaPlaybackRate200.label "Dvostruka brzina">
+<!ENTITY mediaLoop.label "Ponavljaj">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: The access keys for "Show Controls" and
+"Hide Controls" are the same because the two context-menu
+items are mutually exclusive. -->
+<!ENTITY mediaShowControls.label "Pokaži kontrole medija">
+<!ENTITY mediaHideControls.label "Sakrij kontrole medija">
+<!ENTITY videoFullScreen.label "Prikaz preko cijelog ekrana">
+<!ENTITY videoSaveImage.label "Sačuvaj Snapshot kao…">
+<!ENTITY videoShowStats.label "Prikaži statistiku">
+<!ENTITY videoHideStats.label "Sakrij statistiku">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchPageDirectionItem.label "Promijeni smjer stranice">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.label "Promijeni smjer teksta">
+<!ENTITY spellAddToDictionary.label "Dodaj u rječnik">
+<!ENTITY spellUndoAddToDictionary.label "Poništi dodavanje u rječnik">
+<!ENTITY spellIgnoreWord.label "Ignoriši riječ">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckEnable.label "Provjeri pravopis">
+<!ENTITY spellNoSuggestions.label "(Nema pravopisnih prijedloga)">
+<!ENTITY spellDictionaries.label "Jezici">
+<!ENTITY spellAddDictionaries.label "Preuzmite više rječnika…">
+<!-- Developer Tools -->
+<!ENTITY devtoolsInspect.label "Inspekcija elementa">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..470d527630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# context menu strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchSelected): %1$S is the search engine,
+# %2$S is the selection string.
+searchSelected=Pretraži %1$S za "%2$S"
+blockImage=Blokiraj slike od %S
+unblockImage=Odblokiraj slike od %S
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/customizeToolbar.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/customizeToolbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5a45dc6b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/customizeToolbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: Strings below used to be in mozilla-central's
+ toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/customizeToolbar.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY dialog.title "Prilagodi alatnu traku">
+<!ENTITY dialog.dimensions "width: 92ch; height: 36em;">
+<!ENTITY instructions.description "Možete dodati ili ukloniti stavke dovlačeći ih na ili sklanjajući sa alatnih traka.">
+<!ENTITY show.label "Prikaži:">
+<!ENTITY iconsAndText.label "Ikone i tekst">
+<!ENTITY icons.label "Ikone">
+<!ENTITY text.label "Tekst">
+<!ENTITY useSmallIcons.label "Koristi male ikone">
+<!ENTITY restoreDefaultSet.label "Vrati na izvorne vrijednosti">
+<!ENTITY addNewToolbar.label "Dodaj novu alatnu traku">
+<!ENTITY saveChanges.label "Gotovo">
+<!ENTITY undoChanges.label "Poništi promjene">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b69f686929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Strings below used to be in mozilla-central's
+# toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/
+enterToolbarTitle=Nova alatna traka
+enterToolbarName=Unesite ime za ovu alatnu traku:
+enterToolbarDup=Već postoji alatna traka čije je ime “%S”. Molimo vas da odabere drugačije ime.
+enterToolbarBlank=Morate unijeti ime da biste napravili novu alatnu traku.
+springTitle=Fleksibilni razmak
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/dataman/dataman.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/dataman/dataman.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b79cbdcbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/dataman/dataman.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY dataman.windowTitle "Menadžer podataka">
+<!ENTITY select.all.label "Sve vrste podataka">
+<!ENTITY select.cookies.label "Samo kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY select.permissions.label "Samo dozvole">
+<!ENTITY select.preferences.label "Samo preferencije">
+<!ENTITY select.passwords.label "Samo lozinke">
+<!ENTITY "Samo skladišta">
+<!ENTITY "Traži domene">
+<!ENTITY domain.tree.domain.label "Domena">
+<!ENTITY domain.ctx.forgetdomain.label "Zaboravi na ovu domenu">
+<!ENTITY domain.ctx.forgetglobal.label "Zaboravi globalne podatke">
+<!ENTITY tab.cookies.label "Kolačići">
+<!ENTITY tab.permissions.label "Dozvole">
+<!ENTITY tab.preferences.label "Preferencije">
+<!ENTITY tab.passwords.label "Lozinke">
+<!ENTITY "Skladište">
+<!ENTITY tab.formdata.label "Oblik podataka">
+<!ENTITY tab.forget.label "Zaboravi">
+<!-- cookies -->
+<!ENTITY cookies.description "Ova domena skladišti sljedeće kolačiće na vaš računar:">
+<!ENTITY "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv kolačića">
+<!ENTITY cookies.tree.expires.label "Ističe">
+<!ENTITY cookies.infobox.label "Informacije o odabranom kolačiću">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY "Sadržaj:">
+<!ENTITY "Host:">
+<!ENTITY "Domena:">
+<!ENTITY "Putanja:">
+<!ENTITY "Pošalji za:">
+<!ENTITY "Ističe:">
+<!ENTITY cookies.ctx.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY cookies.ctx.selectAll.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY cookies.button.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY cookies.blockOnRemove.label "Prilikom uklanjanja, blokirajte navedene web stranice od postavljanja budućih kolačića">
+<!-- permissions -->
+<!ENTITY perm.UseDefault "Koristi izvorno">
+<!ENTITY perm.AskAlways "Uvijek pitaj">
+<!ENTITY perm.NeverSave "Nikad ne spašavaj">
+<!ENTITY perm.Allow "Dozvoli">
+<!ENTITY perm.AllowSameDomain "Dozvoli za istu domenu">
+<!ENTITY perm.AllowSession "Dozvoli za sesiju">
+<!ENTITY perm.Block "Blokiraj">
+<!ENTITY "Unesite naziv hosta">
+<!ENTITY perm.button.add.label "Dodaj">
+<!-- preferences -->
+<!ENTITY prefs.description "Preferencije sadržaja su način za &brandShortName; da sačuva postavke, kao što su nivo uvečanja, posebno za web stranice.">
+<!ENTITY "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv preferencije">
+<!ENTITY prefs.tree.value.label "Vrijednost">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ctx.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ctx.selectAll.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY prefs.button.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!-- passwords -->
+<!ENTITY pwd.description "Imate sljedeće lozinke pohranjene za ovu domenu:">
+<!ENTITY "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY pwd.tree.username.label "Korisničko ime">
+<!ENTITY pwd.tree.password.label "Lozinka">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.copyPasswordCmd.label "Kopiraj lozinku">
+<!ENTITY pwd.ctx.selectAll.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY pwd.button.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!-- storage -->
+<!ENTITY storage.description "Ova domena koristi sljedeća web skladišta na vašem računaru:">
+<!ENTITY "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY storage.tree.type.label "Tip">
+<!ENTITY storage.tree.size.label "Veličina">
+<!ENTITY storage.ctx.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY storage.ctx.selectAll.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY storage.button.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!-- form data -->
+<!ENTITY "Pretraživanje polja podataka">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.fieldname.label "Naziv polja">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.value.label "Unešena vrijednost">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.usecount.label "Broj pretraživanja">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.firstused.label "Prvi put korišteno">
+<!ENTITY fdata.tree.lastused.label "Zadnji put korišteno">
+<!ENTITY fdata.ctx.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY fdata.ctx.selectAll.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY fdata.button.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!-- forget -->
+<!ENTITY forget.cookies.label "Kolačići">
+<!ENTITY forget.permissions.label "Dozvole">
+<!ENTITY forget.preferences.label "Preferencije sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY forget.passwords.label "Lozinke">
+<!ENTITY "Skladište">
+<!ENTITY forget.formdata.label "Oblik podataka">
+<!ENTITY forget.button.label "Zaboravi ove podatke">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/dataman/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/dataman/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9d2167a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/dataman/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# cookies
+cookies.expireAtEndOfSession=Na kraju sesije
+cookies.secureOnly.httponly=Samo šifrovane veze i bez pristupa skriptama
+cookies.secureOnly.all=Samo šifrovane veze
+cookies.anyConnection.httponly=Bilo koji tip veze, bez pristupa skriptama
+cookies.anyConnection.all=Bilo koji tip veze
+cookies.deleteSelected=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati odabrane kolačiće?
+cookies.deleteSelectedTitle=Ukloni odabrane kolačiće
+# permissions
+perm.allowXULXBL.label=Koristite XUL/XBL označavanje
+perm.cookie.label=Postavi kolačiće
+perm.falsestart-rc4.label=TLS False Start koristi RC4
+perm.falsestart-rsa.label=TLS False Start koristi RSA
+perm.geo.label=Dijelite lokaciju
+perm.image.label=Učitaj slike
+perm.indexedDB.label=Pohranite lokalne baze podataka
+perm.install.label=Instalirajte dodatke
+perm.offline-app.label=Van mrežne web aplikacije
+perm.object.label=Pokreni priključke
+perm.login-saving.label=Sačuvaj lozinke
+perm.plugins.label=Aktiviraj priključke
+perm.popup.label=Otvori iskočne prozore
+perm.script.label=Pokreni skripte
+perm.stylesheet.label=Učitaj listove stilova
+perm.sts/use.label=Koristite Strict Transport Security
+perm.sts/subd.label=Primjenite Strict Transport Security na poddomene
+perm.trackingprotection.label=Praćenje aktivnosti
+perm.type.default=Izaberite tip
+perm.validation.invalidurl=Unešeni url nije validan
+# passwords
+pwd.hidePasswords=Sakrij lozinke
+pwd.showPasswords=Prikaži lozinke
+pwd.noMasterPasswordPrompt=Jeste li sigurni da želite prikazati vaše lozinke?
+pwd.deleteSelected=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati odabrane lozinke?
+pwd.deleteSelectedTitle=Ukloni odabrane lozinke
+# preferences
+prefs.deleteSelected=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati odabrane preferencije?
+prefs.deleteSelectedTitle=Ukloni odabrane preferencije
+# storage
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for disk usage of any storage
+# e.g. storageUsage: "50.23 MB"
+# %1$S = size (in bytes or megabytes, ...)
+# %2$S = unit of measure (bytes, KB, MB, ...)
+storageUsage=%1$S %2$S
+storage.deleteSelected=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati odabrana web skladišta?
+storage.deleteSelectedTitle=Ukloni odabrana skladišta
+# form data
+fdata.deleteSelected=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati odabrane unose iz historije?
+fdata.deleteSelectedTitle=Ukloni odabrane oblike podataka
+# forget
+forget.desc.domain.pre=Zaboravi na sve podatke sljedećih vrsta povezanih sa domenom "%S": podaci povezani sa domenom "%S" sljedećih vrsta su izbrisani: na sve globalne podatke sljedećih vrsta: globalni podaci sljedećih vrsta su izbrisani:
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/defaultClientDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/defaultClientDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c9181ea1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/defaultClientDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY defaultClient.title "Izvorni klijent">
+<!ENTITY defaultClient.intro "Koristite &brandShortName; kao glavnog klijenta za:">
+<!ENTITY browser.label "Browser">
+<!ENTITY email.label "E-pošta">
+<!ENTITY newsgroups.label "Interesne grupe">
+<!ENTITY feeds.label "Kanali">
+<!ENTITY checkOnStartup.label "Uvijek provjeri prilikom pokretanja &brandShortName;">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/downloadmanager.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/downloadmanager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92a6433ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/downloadmanager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY downloadManager.title "Menadžer preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Traka menija">
+<!ENTITY searchBar.tooltip "Traka za pretragu">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Pretraži preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY search.label "Pretraži preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.label "Očisti listu">
+<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.tooltip "Uklanja završena, otkazana i neuspješna preuzimanja sa liste">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv datoteke">
+<!ENTITY col.status.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY col.status.tooltip "Status">
+<!ENTITY col.actionPlay.label "Pauziraj/Nastavi/Ponovi">
+<!ENTITY col.actionPlay.tooltip "Pauziraj/Nastavi/Ponovi">
+<!ENTITY col.actionStop.label "Otkaži/Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY col.actionStop.tooltip "Otkaži/Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY col.progress.label "Napredak">
+<!ENTITY col.progress.tooltip "Napredak">
+<!ENTITY col.timeremaining.label "Preostalo vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.timeremaining.tooltip "Preostalo vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.transferred.label "Prenešeno">
+<!ENTITY col.transferred.tooltip "Prenešeno">
+<!ENTITY col.transferrate.label "Brzina">
+<!ENTITY col.transferrate.tooltip "Brzina">
+<!ENTITY col.timeelapsed.label "Proteklo vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.timeelapsed.tooltip "Proteklo vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.starttime.label "Početno vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.starttime.tooltip "Početno vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.endtime.label "Završno vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.endtime.tooltip "Završno vrijeme">
+<!ENTITY col.progresstext.label "&#37;">
+<!ENTITY col.progresstext.accesskey "&#37;">
+<!ENTITY col.progresstext.tooltip "Napredak (&#37;)">
+<!ENTITY col.source.label "Izvor">
+<!ENTITY col.source.tooltip "Izvor">
+<!ENTITY view.columns.label "Prikaži kolone">
+<!ENTITY view.sortBy.label "Sortiraj po">
+<!ENTITY view.unsorted.label "Nesortirano">
+<!ENTITY view.sortAscending.label "A > Z Redoslijed">
+<!ENTITY view.sortDescending.label "Z > A Redoslijed">
+<!ENTITY cmd.pause.label "Pauza">
+<!ENTITY cmd.resume.label "Nastavi">
+<!ENTITY cmd.retry.label "Ponovi">
+<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.label "Otkaži">
+<!ENTITY cmd.remove.label "Ukloni sa liste">
+<!ENTITY "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY "Otvori sadržaj direktorija">
+<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.label "Idi na stranicu za preuzimanje">
+<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.label "Kopiraj link za preuzimanje">
+<!ENTITY "Svojstva…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d1f1178e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+notStarted=Bez zvjezdice
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloadsTitleFiles, downloadsTitlePercent): Semi-colon list of
+# plural forms. See:
+# %1$S number of files; %2$S overall download percent (only for downloadsTitlePercent)
+# %% will appear as a single % sign, so %2$S%% is the percent number plus the % sign
+# examples: 2% of 1 file - Download Manager; 22% of 11 files - Download Manager
+downloadsTitleFiles=%1$S datoteka - Menažder preuzimanja;%1$S datoteka - Menadžer preuzimanja
+downloadsTitlePercent=%2$S%% od %1$S datoteka - Menadžer preuzimanja;%2$S%% od %1$S datoteka - Menadžer preuzimanja
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (progressTitle):
+# %1$S is the file name, %2$S is the download state
+# examples: coolvideo.ogg - Finished; - Paused
+progressTitle=%1$S - %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (progressTitlePercent):
+# %1$S is download percent, %2$S is the file name, %3$S is the download state
+# %% will appear as a single % sign, so %1$S%% is the percent number plus the % sign
+# examples: 42% of coolvideo.ogg - Paused; 98% of - Downloading
+progressTitlePercent=%1$S%% od %2$S - %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (percentFormat): %1$S is download percent
+# %% will appear as a single % sign, so %1$S%% is the percent number plus the % sign
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (speedFormat):
+# %1$S rate number; %2$S rate unit
+# units are taken from toolkit's
+# example: 2.2 MB/sec
+speedFormat=%1$S %2$S/sek
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeSingle): %1$S time number; %2$S time unit
+# example: 1 minute; 11 hours
+timeSingle=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeDouble):
+# %1$S time number; %2$S time unit; %3$S time sub number; %4$S time sub unit
+# example: 11 hours, 2 minutes; 1 day, 22 hours
+timeDouble=%1$S %2$S, %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeElapsedSingle): %1$S time number; %2$S time unit
+# example: 1 minute elapsed; 11 hours elapsed
+timeElapsedSingle=%1$S %2$S proteklo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeElapsedDouble):
+# %1$S time number; %2$S time unit; %3$S time sub number; %4$S time sub unit
+# example: 11 hours, 2 minutes elapsed; 1 day, 22 hours elapsed
+timeElapsedDouble=%1$S %2$S, %3$S %4$S proteklo
+# %1$S is transfer progress; %2$S download speed
+# example: 1.1 of 11.1 GB (2.2 MB/sec)
+sizeSpeed=%1$S (%2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (statusActive): — is the "em dash" (long dash)
+# %1$S download status; %2$S time remaining
+# example: Paused — 11 hours, 2 minutes remaining
+statusActive=%1$S — %2$S
+fromSource=Od %S
+toTarget=Do %S
+fileExecutableSecurityWarning="%S" je izvršna datoteka. Izvršne datoteke mogu sadržati viruse ili drugi zlonamjerni kod koji mogu nanijeti štetu vašem računaru. Budite pažljivi prilikom otvaranja ove datoteke. Da li ste sigurni da želite pokrenuti "%S"?
+fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle=Otvoriti izvršnu datoteku?
+fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk=Nemoj me ovo ponovo pitati
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/progressDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/progressDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adb03f8585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/downloads/progressDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY progress.title "Preuzimanje u toku…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.pause.tooltip "Pauza">
+<!ENTITY cmd.resume.tooltip "Nastavi">
+<!ENTITY cmd.retry.tooltip "Ponovi">
+<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.tooltip "Otkaži">
+<!ENTITY "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY "O">
+<!ENTITY "Otvori sadržaj direktorija">
+<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.label "Idi na stranicu za preuzimanje">
+<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.label "Kopiraj link za preuzimanje">
+<!ENTITY closeWhenDone.label "Zatvori ovaj prozor kada se preuzimanje završi.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/feeds/subscribe.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/feeds/subscribe.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2936b220fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/feeds/subscribe.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY feedPage.title "Pregled Feeda">
+<!ENTITY feedSubscribeNow "Pretplatite se sada">
+<!ENTITY feedMessenger "Vijesti i blogovi">
+<!ENTITY feedLiveBookmarks "Live zabilješke">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/feeds/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/feeds/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..434f0ead1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/feeds/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+linkTitleTextFormat=Idi na %S
+addHandler=Dodaj "%S" (%S) kao čitač feedova?
+addHandlerAddButton=Dodaj čitač feedova
+handlerRegistered="%S" je već registrovan kao čitač feedova
+subscribeNow=Pretrplatite se sada
+chooseApplicationMenuItem=Izaberi aplikaciju…
+chooseApplicationDialogTitle=Izaberi aplikaciju
+alwaysUse=Uvijek koristi %S za pretplatu na feedove
+mediaLabel=Medijske datoteke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the size of the enclosed media.
+# e.g. enclosureSizeText : "50.23 MB"
+# %1$S = size (in bytes or megabytes, ...)
+# %2$S = unit of measure (bytes, KB, MB, ...)
+enclosureSizeText=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next three strings explains to the user what they're
+# doing.
+# e.g. alwaysUseForVideoPodcasts : "Always use Miro to subscribe to video podcasts."
+# %S = application to use (Miro, iTunes, ...)
+alwaysUseForFeeds=Uvijek koristi %S za pretplatu na feedove.
+alwaysUseForAudioPodcasts=Uvijek koristi %S za pretplatu na podcaste.
+alwaysUseForVideoPodcasts=Uvijek koristi %S za pretplatu na video podcaste.
+subscribeFeedUsing=Pretplati se na ovaj feed pomoću
+subscribeAudioPodcastUsing=Pretplata na ovaj podcast pomoću
+subscribeVideoPodcastUsing=Pretplata na ovaj video podcast pomoću
+feedSubscriptionFeed1=Ovo je "feed" često promjenjivog sadržaja na ovoj stranici.
+feedSubscriptionAudioPodcast1=Ovo je "podcast" sadržaja koji se često mijenja na ovoj stranici.
+feedSubscriptionVideoPodcast1=Ovo je "video podcast" sadržaja koji se često mijenja na ovoj stranici.
+feedSubscriptionFeed2=Možete da se pretplatite na ovaj feed kako biste dobijali obavještenja o izmjenama sadržaja.
+feedSubscriptionAudioPodcast2=Možete da se pretplatite na ovaj podcast kako biste dobijali obavještenja o izmjenama sadržaja.
+feedSubscriptionVideoPodcast2=Možete da se pretplatite na ovaj video podcast kako biste dobijali obavještenja o izmjenama sadržaja.
+# Protocol Handling
+# "Add %appName (%appDomain) as an application for %protocolType links?"
+addProtocolHandler=Dodaj %S (%S) kao aplikaciju za %S linkove?
+addProtocolHandlerAddButton=Dodaj aplikaciju
+# "%appName has already been added as an application for %protocolType links."
+protocolHandlerRegistered=%S je već dodana kao aplikacija za %S linkove.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/gopherAddon.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/gopherAddon.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96382ec407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/gopherAddon.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY loadError.label "Greška pri učitavanju stranice">
+<!ENTITY gopherAddon.title "Gopher protokol">
+<!ENTITY gopherAddon.shortDesc "gopher nije registrovan protokol.">
+<!ENTITY gopherAddon.longDesc "Adresa određuje gopher protokol koji više nije podržan, tako da browser ne može da se poveže sa stranicom. Možete dobiti kompatibilni dodatak za pristup ovom serveru iz Mozilla dodataka.">
+<!ENTITY goToAddOn.label "Idite na stranicu dodatka">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/help.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/help.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a99dad5b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/help.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.commandkey2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY backButton.label "Nazad">
+<!ENTITY backButton.tooltip "Idi nazad jednu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.label "Naprijed">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.tooltip "Idi naprijed jednu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Kopiraj">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.commandkey "[">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.commandkey "]">
+<!ENTITY homeButton.label "Početna">
+<!ENTITY homeButton.tooltip "Idite na početnu stranicu Pomoći">
+<!ENTITY printButton.label "Štampaj">
+<!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Štampaj ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY search.emptytext "Traži">
+<!ENTITY searchHeader.label "Rezultati pretrage">
+<!ENTITY toctab.label "Sadržaji">
+fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey3, fullZoomReduceCmd.commandkey2 and
+fullZoomResetCmd.commandkey2 are alternative acceleration keys for zoom.
+If shift key is needed with your locale popular keyboard for them,
+you can use these alternative items. Otherwise, their values should be empty. -->
+<!ENTITY fullZoomReduceCmd.commandkey "-">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomReduceCmd.commandkey2 "">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey "+">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey2 "="> <!-- + is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey3 "">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomResetCmd.commandkey "0">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomResetCmd.commandkey2 "">
+<!ENTITY zLevel.label "Uvijek na vrhu">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomReduceBtn.label "Umanji">
+<!ENTITY fullZoomEnlargeBtn.label "Uvećaj">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0eac51e322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/helpviewer/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+emptySearchText=Nema pronađenih stavki.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/mac/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/mac/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ca3f8a050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/mac/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- mac -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: FILE Do not translate all the entities ending with
+ Cmd.key. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (.modifiers): The following entites are for the
+ application menu. Never change the modifiers unless you are 100% sure that
+ they are different on your locale (should be very rare). -->
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Postavke…">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.key ",">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.modifiers "accel">
+<!ENTITY servicesMenu.label "Usluge">
+<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmd.label "Sakrij &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmd.key "S">
+<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmd.modifiers "accel">
+<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmd.label "Sakrij ostale">
+<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmd.modifiers "accel,alt">
+<!ENTITY showAllAppsCmd.label "Prikaži sve">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.label "Zatvori &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.modifiers "accel">
+<!-- End of Application menu -->
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Zatvori">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.label "Postavljanje stranice…">
+<!-- Keys for toggling Sidebar, Folder Pane in mailNews and Directory Pane in
+ Address Book -->
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.key "">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.key "">
+<!ENTITY accel.emacs_conflict "accel">
+<!ENTITY minimizeWindowCmd.label "Minimiziraj">
+<!ENTITY zoomWindowCmd.label "Uvećaj">
+<!-- Help menu -->
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.label "&brandShortName; pomoć">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.key "?">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.modifiers "accel">
+<!-- Key labels, for mousewheel prefs -->
+<!ENTITY ctrlKey.label "Ctrl">
+<!ENTITY altKey.label "Opcija">
+<!ENTITY shiftKey.label "Shift">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/migration/migration.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/migration/migration.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..356d121572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/migration/migration.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY migrationWizard.title "Čarobnjak za uvoz">
+<!ENTITY importAllFrom.label "Uvezi sve stavke iz:">
+<!ENTITY importBookmarksFrom.label "Uvezi zabilješke iz:">
+<!ENTITY importFromThunderbird.label "Thunderbird">
+<!ENTITY importFromThunderbird.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY importFromFile.label "Datoteka">
+<!ENTITY importFromFile.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY importFromNothing.label "Ne uvozi ništa">
+<!ENTITY importSource.title "Uvezi postavke i podatke">
+<!ENTITY importItems.title "Stavke za uvoz">
+<!ENTITY importItems.label "Izaberite stavke za uvoz:">
+<!ENTITY selectProfile.title "Izaberite profil">
+<!ENTITY selectProfile.label "Sljedeći profili su dostupni za uvoz iz:">
+<!ENTITY migrating.title "Uvozim…">
+<!ENTITY migrating.label "Sljedeće stavke se trenutno uvoze…">
+<!ENTITY done.title "Uvoz završen">
+<!ENTITY done.label "Sljedeće stavke su uspješno uvezene:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/migration/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/migration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7b20495f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/migration/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# the following section is used in the first-time migration wizard
+# new and scary, however if these strings are not present, we will simply
+# skip this wizard page
+homePageStartDefault=Zadana SeaMonkey početna stranica
+homePageStartCurrent=Trenutna SeaMonkey početna stranica
+homePageImport=Uvezite svoju početnu stranicu iz %S
+homePageMigrationPageTitle=Izbor početne stranice
+homePageMigrationDescription=Molimo da izaberete početnu stranicu koju želite koristiti:
+# end safe-to-not-have section
+# note that the names of apps are in lower case to fit in with the
+# protocol specifications.
+importedBookmarksFolder=Iz %S
+importedSeamonkeyBookmarksTitle=SeaMonkey 1.x, Netscape 6/7 ili Mozilla 1.x
+# Import Sources
+# These are the string names for the values given in nsISuiteProfileMigrator.idl
+# _generic will apply to all import sources unless specifically overriden by another
+# item.
+# e.g. 1_ie=Internet Options will display "Internet Options" rather than "Preferences" when
+# importing from Internet Explorer.
+4_generic=Historija pretraživanja
+8_generic=Početna stranica
+16_generic=Sačuvane lozinke
+64_generic=Ostali podaci
+128_generic=Postavke računa
+512_generic=Trening za neželjenu poštu
+1024_generic=Direktoriji newsgrupa
+2048_generic=Direktoriji pošte
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/notification.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/notification.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b10462c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/notification.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY closeNotification.tooltip "Zatvorite ovu poruku">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (closeNotificationItem.label): This entity is used
+ to replace the Toolkit default closeNotificationItem.label ("Not Now")
+ which is ambiguous in some cases. Thus, make sure to select a phrase
+ that clearly relates to closing the current doorhanger. -->
+<!ENTITY closeNotificationItem.label "Odbacite obavijest">
+<!ENTITY checkForUpdates "Provjera ažuriranja…">
+<!ENTITY learnMore "Saznajte više…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9bf4f7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+outdatedpluginsMessage.title=Neki priključci korišteni na ovoj stranici su zastarjeli.
+outdatedpluginsMessage.button.label=Ažuriraj priključke…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (carbonfailurepluginsMessage.title):
+# The English form of this string used to use the word "requires" but it was
+# later thought that this word felt too aggressive and we now use "requests".
+# Localizers can use use a word corresponding to "requests" or "requires"
+# or both, depending on what matches the language best.
+carbonfailurepluginsMessage.title=Ova stranica zahtjeva priključak koji se može pokretati samo u 32-bitnom načinu.
+carbonfailurepluginsMessage.button.label=Ponovo pokreni u 32-bitnom načinu
+missingpluginsMessage.title=Dodatni priključci su neophodni za prikaz svih medija na ovoj stranici.
+blockedpluginsMessage.title=Neki od traženih priključaka na ovoj stranici su blokirani radi vaše sigurnosti.
+crashedpluginsMessage.title=Priključak %S se srušio.
+crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=Ponovo učitaj stranicu
+crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=Pošalji izvještaj o rušenju
+crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=Saznajte više…
+activatepluginsMessage.title=Želite li aktivirati priključke na ovoj stranici?
+activatepluginsMessage.activate.label=Aktiviraj priključke
+activatepluginsMessage.dismiss.label=Nemoj aktivirati
+activatepluginsMessage.remember=Zapamti za ovu web stranicu
+activatepluginsMessage.always.label=Uvijek aktivirajte priključke za ovu stranicu
+activatepluginsMessage.never.label=Nikad ne aktiviraj priključke za ovu stranicu
+PluginClickToActivate=Aktiviraj %S.
+PluginVulnerableUpdatable=Ovaj priključak je ranjiv i treba ga ažurirati.
+PluginVulnerableNoUpdate=Ovaj priključak ima sigurnosne ranjivosti.
+vulnerableUpdatablePluginWarning=Zastarjela verzija!
+vulnerableNoUpdatePluginWarning=Ranjivi priključak!
+vulnerablePluginsMessage=Neki priključci su deaktivirani radi vaše sigurnosti.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (popupWarning.message): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is brandShortName and #2 is the number of popups blocked.
+popupWarning.message=#1 je spriječio ovu stranicu da otvori iskočni prozor.;#1 je spriječio ovu stranicu da otvori #2 iskočnih prozora.
+xpinstallHostNotAvailable=nepoznat host
+xpinstallPromptWarning=%S je spriječio ovu web stranicu (%S) da vas pita za instalaciju softvera na vaš računar.
+xpinstallPromptInstallButton=Instalirajte softver…
+xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Instalacija softvera je onemogućena od strane vašeg sistem administratora.
+xpinstallDisabledMessage=Instalacija softvera je trenutno onemogućena. Pritisnite Dozvoli i pokušajte ponovo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDownloading, addonDownloadCancelled):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# The number of add-ons is not itself substituted in the string.
+addonDownloading=Preuzimanje dodatka:;Preuzimanje dodataka:
+addonDownloadCancelled=Preuzimanje dodatka otkazano.;Preuzimanja dodataka otkazana.
+addonDownloadRestartButton=Ponovo pokreni
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsInstalled, addonsInstalledNeedsRestart):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 first add-on's name, #2 number of add-ons, #3 application name
+addonsInstalled=#1 uspješno instaliran.;#2 dodataka su uspješno instalirani.
+addonsInstalledNeedsRestart=#1 će biti instaliran nakon što ponovo pokrenete #3.;#2 dodataka će biti instalirano nakon što ponovo pokrenete #3.
+addonInstallRestartButton=Ponovo pokreni sada
+addonInstallManageButton=Otvori menadžera dodataka
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonError-1, addonError-2, addonError-3, addonError-4, addonErrorIncompatible, addonErrorBlocklisted):
+# #1 is the add-on name, #2 is the host name, #3 is the application name
+# #4 is the application version
+addonError-1=Dodatak nije bilo moguće preuzeti zbog greške u vezi s #2.
+addonError-2=Dodatak sa #2 nije instaliran jer se ne podudara sa očekivanim dodatkom #3.
+addonError-3=Dodatak preuzet s #2 nije bilo moguće instalirati jer je neispravan.
+addonError-4=#1 nije instaliran pošto #3 ne može izmijeniti potrebnu datoteku.
+addonErrorBlocklisted=#1 nije instaliran zbog visokog rizika da će prouzrokovati probleme vezane za stabilnost ili sigurnost.
+addonErrorIncompatible=#1 nije instaliran pošto nije kompatibilan sa #3 #4.
+# Light Weight Themes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lwthemeInstallRequest.message): %S will be replaced with
+# the host name of the site.
+lwthemeInstallRequest.message=Ovaj site (%S) nastoji instalirati temu. Kliknite Dopusti da nastavi.
+lwthemeInstallNotification.message=Nova tema je instalirana.
+lwthemeInstallNotification.manageButton=Upravljanje temama…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lwthemeNeedsRestart.message):
+# %S will be replaced with the new theme name.
+lwthemeNeedsRestart.message=%S će se instalirati nakon ponovnog pokretanja.
+lwthemeNeedsRestart.restartButton=Ponovo pokreni sada
+# Geolocation UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocation.shareLocation geolocation.dontShareThisRequest geolocation.alwaysShareForSite geolocation.neverShareForSite):
+#shareLocation is always visible, other entries are contextually relative to it
+#if this doesn't work for your language, use explicit Share or Allow/Block.
+geolocation.shareLocation=Dijeli lokaciju
+geolocation.dontShareThisRequest=Ne za ovaj zahtjev
+geolocation.alwaysShareForSite=Uvijek za ovu stranicu
+geolocation.neverShareForSite=Nikada za ovu stranicu
+geolocation.siteWantsToKnow=Ova web stranica (%S) želi znati vašu lokaciju.
+geolocation.fileWantsToKnow=Datoteka %S želi znati vašu lokaciju.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocation.learnMore): Use the unicode ellipsis char, \u2026,
+# or use "..." unless \u2026 doesn't suit traditions in your locale.
+geolocation.learnMore=Saznajte više…
+geolocation.remember=Zapamti za ovu web stranicu
+# Desktop Notifications
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webnotifications.showForSession webnotifications.dontShowThisSession webnotifications.alwaysShowForSite webnotifications.neverShowForSite):
+#showForSession is always visible, other entries are contextually relative to it
+#if this doesn't work for your language, use explicit Show or Allow/Block.
+webNotifications.showForSession=Prikaži obavještenja
+webNotifications.dontShowThisSession=Ne za ovu sesiju
+webNotifications.alwaysShowForSite=Uvijek za ovu stranicu
+webNotifications.neverShowForSite=Nikada za ovu stranicu
+webNotifications.showFromSite=Želite li pokazati obavijesti iz %S?
+webNotifications.remember=Zapamti za ovu web stranicu
+# IndexedDB
+offlineApps.permissions=Ova web stranica (%S) traži da pohrani podatke na vaš računar za van mrežno korištenje.
+offlineApps.private=Vi ste u privatnom prozoru. Ova web stranica (%S) nije bila omogućena da pohrani podatke na vaš računar za van mrežno korištenje.
+offlineApps.quota=Ova web stranica (%1$S) pokušava pohraniti više od %2$SMB podataka na vaš računar za van mrežno korištenje.
+offlineApps.always=Uvijek dopusti
+offlineApps.later=Ne sada
+offlineApps.never=Nikada za ovu stranicu
+# Block autorefresh
+refreshBlocked.refreshLabel=%S je spriječio ovu stranicu da se automatski osvježi.
+refreshBlocked.redirectLabel=%S je spriječio ovu stranicu da automatski preusmjeri na drugu stranicu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lockPrompt.text)
+# %S will be replaced with the application name.
+lockPrompt.text=Sistem zabilješki i historije neće funkcionisati zato što jedna od %S datoteka koristi druga aplikacija. Neki sigurnosni softveri mogu uzrokovati ovakve probleme.
+lockPromptInfoButton.label=Saznajte više
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updatePrompt.text)
+# %S will be replaced with the application name.
+updatePrompt.text=Vaša kopija %S je stara i vjerovatno ima poznate sigurnosne mane, ali ste isključili automatske provjere ažuriranja. Ažurirajte na noviju verziju.
+updatePromptCheckButton.label=Provjeri ažuriranja
+SecurityTitle=Sigurnosno upozorenje
+MixedContentMessage=Tražili ste šifrovanu stranicu koja sadrži neke nešifrovane informacije. Informacije koje ste vidjeli ili unijeli na ovu stranicu mogu jednostavno biti pročitane od trećih strana.
+MixedActiveContentMessage=Tražili ste šifrovanu stranicu koja sadrži nesigurne informacije. Informacije koje vidite ili unesete na ovu stranicu mogu jednostavno biti pročitane od trećih strana.
+TrackingContentMessage=Dijelovi ove stranice mogu pratiti vašu aktivnost na mreži.
+MixedDisplayContentMessage=Tražili ste stranicu koja je samo djelimično šifrovana i ne sprječava prisluškivanje.
+BlockedActiveContentMessage=Nesigurne informacije na ovoj stranici su blokirane.
+BlockedTrackingContentMessage=Dijelovi ove stranice koji prate vašu aktivnost na mreži su blokirani.
+BlockedDisplayContentMessage=Nešifrovane informacije na ovoj stranici su blokirane.
+EnterInsecureMessage=Napustili ste šifrovanu stranicu. Informacije koje šaljete ili primate od sada mogu biti pročitane od trećih strana.
+EnterSecureMessage=Tražili ste šifrovanu stranicu. Web stranica se identifikovala pravilno i informacije koje vidite ili nesete na ovoj stranici ne mogu jednostavno biti pročitane od trećih strana.
+SecurityKeepBlocking.label=Nastavi blokirati
+PostToInsecureFromInsecureMessage=Informacija koju ste unijeli će biti poslana putem nešifrovane veze i može biti pročitana od strane trećih lica.\nJeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti slanje ove informacije?
+PostToInsecureFromInsecureShowAgain=Upozorite me kad pošaljem informacije koje nisu šifrovane.
+# Phishing/Malware Notification Bar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notADeceptiveSite, notAnAttack)
+# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
+# it's okay for them to have the same access key.
+safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=Vodi me odavde!
+safebrowsing.deceptiveSite=Obmanjujuća stranica!
+safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.label=Ovo nije obmanjujuća stranica…
+safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=Prijavljena napadačka stranica!
+safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=Ovo nije napadačka stranica…
+safebrowsing.reportedUnwantedSite=Prijavljena stranica sa neželjenim softverom!
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/openLocation.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/openLocation.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5d085d40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/openLocation.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/openLocation.xul -->
+<!ENTITY enter.label "Unesite web lokaciju (URL) ili navedite lokalnu datoteku koju želite otvoriti:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (enter.accesskey): should be present in both enter.label
+ as defined above and attachEnterLabel as defined in
+ -->
+<!ENTITY chooseFile.label "Izaberite datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY newPrivate.label "Novi privatni prozor">
+<!ENTITY newWindow.label "Novi prozor browsera">
+<!ENTITY newTab.label "Novi tab browsera">
+<!ENTITY currentTab.label "Trenutni tab browsera">
+<!ENTITY editNewWindow.label "Novi prozor Composera">
+<!ENTITY open.label "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY caption.label "Otvori web lokaciju">
+<!ENTITY openWhere.label "Otvori u:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25eb8d170b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+attachTitle=Priloži web stranicu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachEnterLabel): should contain "enter.accesskey"
+# as defined in openLocation.dtd
+attachEnterLabel=Unesite web lokaciju (URL) ili navedite lokalnu datoteku koju želite priložiti:
+chooseFileDialogTitle=Izaberite datoteku
+existingNavigatorWindow=Postojeći prozor browsera
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/cookieViewer.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/cookieViewer.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1a84ed92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/cookieViewer.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY tab.cookiesonsystem.label "Pohranjeni kolačići">
+<!ENTITY tab.bannedservers.label "Web stranice kolačića">
+<!ENTITY div.bannedservers.label "Upravljajte web stranicama koje mogu i ne mogu spremati kolačiće na vaš računar.">
+<!ENTITY div.cookiesonsystem.label "Pogledajte i uklonite kolačiće koji su pohranjeni na vaš računar.">
+<!ENTITY treehead.cookiename.label "Naziv kolačića">
+<!ENTITY treehead.cookiedomain.label "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY treehead.cookieexpires.label "Ističe">
+<!ENTITY treehead.infoselected.label "Informacije o odabranom kolačiću">
+<!ENTITY button.removecookie.label "Ukloni kolačić">
+<!ENTITY button.removeallcookies.label "Ukloni sve kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Traži kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY props.value.label "Sadržaj:">
+<!ENTITY props.domain.label "Host:">
+<!ENTITY props.path.label "Putanja:">
+<!ENTITY "Pošalji za:">
+<!ENTITY props.expires.label "Ističe:">
+<!ENTITY treehead.sitename.label "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY treehead.scheme.label "Šema">
+<!ENTITY treehead.status.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY windowtitle.label "Menadžer kolačića">
+<!ENTITY blockSite.label "Blokiraj">
+<!ENTITY allowSite.label "Dozvoli">
+<!ENTITY allowSiteSession.label "Sesija">
+<!ENTITY removepermission.label "Ukloni web stranicu">
+<!ENTITY removeallpermissions.label "Ukloni sve web stranice">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..533d532775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# note this section of the code may require some tinkering in other languages =(
+# format in dialog: site [can/cannot] set cookies
+can=web stranica može postaviti kolačiće
+cannot=web stranica ne može postaviti kolačiće
+canSession=web stranica može postaviti kolačiće sesije
+domain=Domena za koju se primjenjuje ovaj kolačić:
+host=Server koji je postavio kolačić:
+forSecureOnly=Samo šifrovane veze
+forAnyConnection=Bilo koji tip veze
+expireAtEndOfSession=Na kraju sesije
+allowedURLSchemes=Provjerite uneseni url. Također, možete dodati dozvole samo za http ili https šeme
+errorAddPermission=Dozvole za stranicu ne mogu biti dodate
+deleteAllCookies=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati sve kolačiće?
+deleteAllCookiesTitle=Ukloni sve kolačiće
+deleteAllCookiesSites=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati sve kolačiće web stranica?
+deleteAllSitesTitle=Ukloni sve web stranice
+deleteSelectedCookies=Jeste li sigruni da želite izbrisati odabrane kolačiće?
+deleteSelectedCookiesTitle=Ukloni odabrane kolačiće
+deleteSelectedCookiesSites=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati odabrane web stranice kolačića?
+deleteSelectedSitesTitle=Ukloni odabrane web stranice
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/permissionsManager.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/permissionsManager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5daa32e787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/permissionsManager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowtitle.label "Izuzeci">
+<!ENTITY treehead.sitename.label "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY treehead.status.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY remove.label "Ukloni web stranicu">
+<!ENTITY removeall.label "Ukloni sve web stranice">
+<!ENTITY address.label "Adresa web stranice:">
+<!ENTITY block.label "Blokiraj">
+<!ENTITY session.label "Dozvoli za sesiju">
+<!ENTITY allow.label "Dozvoli">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfda111869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/permissions/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+installpermissionstext=Možete odrediti koje web stranice imaju dozvolu da instaliraju proširenja i ažuriranja. Unesite tačnu adresu web stranice kojoj želite dozvoliti i kliknite Dozvoli.
+installpermissionstitle=Dozvoljene web stranice - Instalacija softvera
+popuppermissionstext=Možete odrediti kojim web stranicama je dopušteno da otvore iskočne prozore. Unesite tačnu adresu web stranice kojoj želite dozvoliti i kliknite Dozvoli.
+popuppermissionstitle=Dozvoljene web stranice - Iskočni prozori
+imagepermissionstext=Možete odrediti kojim web stranicama je dozvoljeno da učitavaju slike. Unesite tačnu adresu web stranice kojom želite upravljati i zatim kliknite Blokiraj ili Dozvoli.
+imagepermissionstitle=Izuzeci - Slike
+offline-apppermissionstext=Možete odredit kojim web stranicama je dozvoljeno da pohranjuju podatke za van mrežno korištenje. Unesite tačnu adresu web stranice kojom želite upravljati i zatim kliknite Blokiraj ili Dozvoli.
+offline-apppermissionstitle=Van mrežni podaci
+canSession=Dozvoli za sesiju
+alertInvalidTitle=Unešena je nevažeća web stranica
+alertInvalid=Web stranica %S je nevažeća.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fc3d2f626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dialogAcceptLabelAddLivemark=Pretplatite se
+dialogAcceptLabelAddMulti=Dodaj zabilješke
+dialogTitleAddBookmark=Nova zabilješka
+dialogTitleAddLivemark=Pretplatite se na Live Bookmark
+dialogTitleAddFolder=Novi direktorij
+dialogTitleAddMulti=Nove zabilješke
+dialogTitleEdit=Svojstva za “%S”
+bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Naziv direktorija]
+newFolderDefault=Novi direktorij
+newBookmarkDefault=Nova zabilješka
+newLivemarkDefault=Nova Live Bookmark
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/editBookmarkOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/editBookmarkOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9879d968e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/editBookmarkOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.location.label "Lokacija:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.location.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.feedLocation.label "Lokacija feeda:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.siteLocation.label "Lokacija stranice:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.folder.label "Direktorij:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.foldersExpanderDown.tooltip "Prikaži sve direktorije sa zabilješkama">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.expanderUp.tooltip "Sakrij">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.tags.label "Oznake:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.tagsEmptyDesc.label "Odvojite oznake zarezima">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.description.label "Opis:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.keyword.label "Ključna riječ:">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.keyword.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.tagsExpanderDown.tooltip "Prikaži sve oznake">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.loadInSidebar.label "Učitaj ovu zabilješku u bočnoj traci">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.choose.label "Izaberi…">
+<!ENTITY editBookmarkOverlay.newFolderButton.label "Novi direktorij">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/places.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/places.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48e14642dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/places.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (places.library.title): use "Library", "Archive" or "Repository" -->
+<!ENTITY places.library.title "Biblioteka">
+<!ENTITY places.library.width "700">
+<!ENTITY places.library.height "500">
+<!ENTITY organize.label "Organizuj">
+<!ENTITY organize.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY organize.tooltip "Organizujte vaše zabilješke">
+<!ENTITY file.close.label "Zatvori">
+<!ENTITY file.close.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY views.label "Prikazi">
+<!ENTITY views.tooltip "Promijenite vaš prikaz">
+<!ENTITY view.columns.label "Prikaži kolone">
+<!ENTITY view.sort.label "Sortiraj">
+<!ENTITY view.unsorted.label "Nesortirano">
+<!ENTITY view.sortAscending.label "A > Z Redoslijed">
+<!ENTITY view.sortAscending.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY view.sortDescending.label "Z > A Redoslijed">
+<!ENTITY view.sortDescending.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY importBookmarksFromHTML.label "Uvoz zabilješki iz HTML-a…">
+<!ENTITY importBookmarksFromHTML.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY exportBookmarksToHTML.label "Izvoz zabilješki u HTML…">
+<!ENTITY exportBookmarksToHTML.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY importOtherBrowser.label "Uvoz podataka iz drugog browsera…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.restore2.label "Vrati">
+<!ENTITY cmd.restoreFromFile.label "Izaberite datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.restoreFromFile.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY cmd.deleteDomainData.label "Zaboravi na ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY cmd.deleteDomainData.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY "O">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_window.label "Otvori u novom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_private_window.label "Otvori link u novom privatnom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_tab.label "Otvori u novom tabu">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_all_in_tabs.label "Otvori sve u tabovima">
+<!ENTITY cmd.open_all_in_tabs.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY "Svojstva">
+<!ENTITY cmd.sortby_name.label "Sortiraj po imenu">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_bookmark.label "Nova zabilješka…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_folder.label "Novi direktorij…">
+<!ENTITY cmd.new_separator.label "Novi separator">
+<!ENTITY cmd.reloadLivebookmark.label "Ponovo učitaj Live Bookmark">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY col.tags.label "Oznake">
+<!ENTITY col.url.label "Lokacija">
+<!ENTITY col.mostrecentvisit.label "Posljednja posjeta">
+<!ENTITY col.visitcount.label "Broj posjeta">
+<!ENTITY col.description.label "Opis">
+<!ENTITY col.dateadded.label "Dodano">
+<!ENTITY col.lastmodified.label "Zadnja izmjena">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Traži">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.more.label "Više">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.less.label "Manje">
+<!ENTITY detailsPane.selectAnItemText.description "Izaberite stavku za prikaz i uređivanje njezinih svojstava">
+<!ENTITY view.label "Prikaz">
+<!ENTITY byDate.label "Po datumu">
+<!ENTITY bySite.label "Po stranici">
+<!ENTITY byMostVisited.label "Po posjećenosti">
+<!ENTITY byLastVisited.label "Po datumu posjete">
+<!ENTITY byDayAndSite.label "Po datumu i stranici">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..970a70084e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/places/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+delete.hostname.true=Izbrišite historiju za %S
+delete.hostname.false=Izbrišite historiju za web stranicu
+delete.domain.true=Izbrišite historiju za *.%S
+delete.domain.false=Izbrišite historiju za domenu
+load-js-data-url-error=Iz sigurnosnih razloga, javascript ili url podaci se ne mogu učitati iz prozora historije ili bočne trake.
+noTitle=(bez naslova)
+bookmarksBackupTitle=Naziv datoteke sigurnosne kopije zabilješki
+bookmarksRestoreAlertTitle=Vratiti zabilješke
+bookmarksRestoreAlert=Ovo će zamijeniti sve vaše trenutne zabilješke sa sigurnosnom kopijom. Jeste li sigurni?
+bookmarksRestoreTitle=Izaberite sigurnosnu kopiju zabilješki
+bookmarksRestoreFormatError=Nepodržani tip datoteke.
+bookmarksRestoreParseError=Nije moguće obraditi datoteku sigurnosne kopije.
+bookmarksLivemarkLoading=Učitavanje Live zabilješke…
+bookmarksLivemarkFailed=Učitavanje kanala Live zabilješke nije uspjelo.
+menuOpenLivemarkOrigin.label=Otvori "%S"
+view.sortBy.title.label=Sortiraj po nazivu
+view.sortBy.url.label=Sortiraj po lokaciji po datumu posjete
+view.sortBy.visitCount.label=Sortiraj po broju posjeta
+view.sortBy.keyword.label=Sortiraj po ključnoj riječi
+view.sortBy.description.label=Sortiraj po opisu
+view.sortBy.dateAdded.label=Sortiraj prema dodanom
+view.sortBy.lastModified.label=Sortiraj po zadnje uređenom
+view.sortBy.tags.label=Sortiraj po oznakama
+sortByName=Sortiraj ‘%S’ po nazivu
+sortByNameGeneric=Sortiraj po nazivu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( sortBy properties are versioned.
+# When any of these changes, all of the properties must be bumped, and the
+# change must be annotated here. Both label and accesskey must be updated.
+# - version 1: changed po nazivu
+view.sortBy.1.url.label=Sortiraj po lokaciji po posljednjim posjetama
+view.sortBy.1.visitCount.label=Sortiraj po broju posjeta
+view.sortBy.1.description.label=Sortiraj po opisu
+view.sortBy.1.dateAdded.label=Sortiraj prema dodanom
+view.sortBy.1.lastModified.label=Sortiraj po zadnje uređenom
+view.sortBy.1.tags.label=Sortiraj po oznakama
+searchBookmarks=Pretraži zabilješke
+searchCurrentDefault=Traži u '%S'
+findInPrefix=Nađi u '%S'…
+searchHistory=Pretraži historiju
+tabs.openWarningTitle=Potvrdi otvaranje
+tabs.openWarningMultipleBranded=Spremate se otvoriti %S tabova. Ovo može usporiti %S dok se stranice učitavaju. Da li želite nastaviti?
+tabs.openButtonMultiple=Otvori tabove
+tabs.openWarningPromptMeBranded=Upozori me kada otvaranje više tabova može da uspori %S
+SelectImport=Uvoz datoteke sa zabilješkama
+EnterExport=Izvoz datoteke sa zabilješkama
+saveSearch.title=Sačuvaj pretragu
+saveSearch.inputDefaultText=Nova pretraga
+detailsPane.noItems=Nema stavki
+detailsPane.oneItem=Jedna stavka
+detailsPane.multipleItems=%S stavke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (detailsPane.itemsCountLabel): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of items
+# example: 111 items
+detailsPane.itemsCountLabel=Jedna stavka;#1 stavki
+recentlyBookmarkedTitle=Nedavno zabilježeno
+recentTagsTitle=Nedavne oznake
+OrganizerQueryAllBookmarks=Sve zabilješke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tagResultLabel, bookmarkResultLabel, switchtabResultLabel,
+# keywordResultLabel, searchengineResultLabel)
+# Noun used to describe the location bar autocomplete result type
+# to users with screen readers
+# See createResultLabel() in urlbarBindings.xml
+keywordResultLabel=Ključna riječ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lockPrompt.text)
+# %S will be replaced with the application name.
+lockPrompt.text=Sistem zabilješki i historije neće funkcionisati zato što jedna od %S datoteka koristi druga aplikacija. Neki sigurnosni softveri mogu uzrokovati ovakve probleme.
+lockPromptInfoButton.label=Saznajte više
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (deletePagesLabel): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+cmd.deletePages.label=Izbriši stranicu;Izbriši stranice
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarkPagesLabel): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+cmd.bookmarkPages.label=Zabilježi stranicu;Zabilježi stranice
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/mac/platformPrefOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/mac/platformPrefOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e9f9e7baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/mac/platformPrefOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : this is part of an inline-style attribute on the
+ preference dialog's <window> node, which specifies the width and height
+ in em units of the dialog. Localizers ONLY can increase these widths
+ if they are having difficulty getting panel content to fit. 1em = the
+ width of the letter 'm' in the selected font.
+ XUL/FE DEVELOPERS: DO NOT MODIFY THIS VALUE. It represents the correct
+ size of this window for en-US. -->
+<!ENTITY prefWindow.size "width: 62em; height: 41em;">
+<!-- pref-tabs.xul -->
+<!ENTITY urlbar.label "&#8984;+Return u adresnoj traci">
+<!ENTITY middleClick.label "Srednji klik, &#8984;+klik ili &#8984;+Return na linkove na web stranici">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-advanced.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff4386b91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Advanced' prefs settings -->
+<!ENTITY pref.advanced.title "Napredno">
+<!ENTITY systemPref.caption "Postavke sistema">
+<!ENTITY systemPrefCheck.label "Koristite postavke iz sistema">
+<!ENTITY systemPref.desc "Sa ovom opcijom, &brandShortName; nasljeđuje postavke iz sistema. Ove postavke sistema poništavaju &brandShortName; postavke.">
+<!ENTITY prefCheckDefault.caption "Sistemska integracija">
+<!ENTITY prefCheckDefaultClient.label "Provjerite izvorne postavke aplikacija pri pokretanju">
+<!ENTITY crashReports.caption "Izvještavač o rušenju">
+<!ENTITY submitCrashes.label "Pošalji izvještaje o rušenju">
+<!ENTITY devTools.caption "Razvojni alati">
+<!ENTITY allowDebugger.label "Dozvolite otklanjaču grešaka da se poveže na &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY allowRemoteConnections.label "Dozvoli veze s drugih računara">
+<!ENTITY connectionPrompt.label "Upitaj za dolazne veze">
+<!ENTITY remoteDebuggerPort.label "Broj priključaka za vezu:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-appearance.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-appearance.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98b7157bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-appearance.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Appearance prefs dialog. -->
+<!ENTITY pref.appearance.title "Izgled">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (onStartLegend.label): Don't translate "&brandShortName;".
+ Place &brandShortName; in the phrase where the name of the application should appear
+<!ENTITY onStartLegend.label "Kada se &brandShortName; pokrene, otvori">
+<!ENTITY navCheck.label "Browser">
+<!ENTITY showToolsLegend.label "Prikaži alatne trake kao">
+<!ENTITY picsNtextRadio.label "Slike i tekst">
+<!ENTITY picsOnlyRadio.label "Samo slike">
+<!ENTITY textonlyRadio.label "Samo tekst">
+<!ENTITY showHideTooltips.label "Prikaži opcije alatki">
+<!ENTITY pref.locales.title "Jezik korisničkog interfejsa">
+<!ENTITY selectLocale.label "Izaberite jezik za tekst koji se pojavljuje u dijaloškim okvirima, menijima, alatnim trakama i oznakama tipki:">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (restartOnLangChange.label): Don't translate "&brandShortName;".
+ Place &brandShortName; in the phrase where the name of the application should appear
+<!ENTITY restartOnLangChange.label "Postavke jezika će imati efekta nakon što ponovo pokrenete &brandShortName;.">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (dateTimeFormatting.label): labels/accesskeys for
+ radiobuttons are set dynamically from
+<!ENTITY dateTimeFormatting.label "Oblikovanje datuma i vremena">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (restartOnLocaleChange.label): Don't translate "&brandShortName;".
+ Place &brandShortName; in the phrase where the name of the application should appear
+<!ENTITY restartOnLocaleChange.label "Postavke jezika i oblikovanja će imati efekta nakon što ponovo pokrenete &brandShortName;.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applicationManager.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applicationManager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bebd782253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applicationManager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY appManager.title "Detalji o aplikaciji">
+<!ENTITY "width: 40ch; min-height: 20em;">
+<!ENTITY remove.label "Ukloni">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ef8c21de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+descriptionHandleProtocol=Sljedeće aplikacije se mogu koristiti za rukovanje %S linkova
+descriptionHandleWebFeeds=Sljedeće aplikacije se mogu koristiti za rukovanje web kanalima
+descriptionHandleFile=Sljedeće aplikacije se mogu koristiti za rukovanje %S sadržajem
+descriptionWebApp=Ova web aplikacija se nalazi na:
+descriptionLocalApp=Ova aplikacija se nalazi na:
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applications.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applications.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8602c9132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-applications.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Applications prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.applications.title "Pomoćne aplikacije">
+<!ENTITY typeColumn.label "Vrsta sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY actionColumn2.label "Akcija">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Vrste pretrage i akcije">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecd41a4104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#### Applications
+fileEnding=%S datoteka
+saveFile=Sačuvaj datoteku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (useApp, useDefault): %S = Application name
+useApp=Koristi %S
+useDefault=Koristi %S (izvorno)
+useOtherApp=Koristi drugo…
+fpTitleChooseApp=Izaberite pomoćnu aplikaciju
+manageApp=Detalji aplikacije…
+webFeed=Web kanal
+videoPodcastFeed=Video podcast
+alwaysAsk=Uvijek pitaj
+# %1$S = plugin name (for example "QuickTime Plugin-in 7.2")
+# %2$S = brandShortName from (for example "Minefield")
+usePluginIn=Koristi %S (u %Su)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (previewInApp, addNewsBlogsInApp): %S = brandShortName
+previewInApp=Pregled u %Su
+addNewsBlogsInApp=Pretplatite se na %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (typeDescriptionWithType):
+# %1$S = type description (for example "Portable Document Format")
+# %2$S = type (for example "application/pdf")
+typeDescriptionWithType=%S (%S)
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cache.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cache.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52dbf914c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cache.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-cache.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Cache prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.cache.title "Predmemorija">
+<!ENTITY pref.cache.caption "Podešavanja predmemorije">
+<!ENTITY cachePara "Keš čuva kopije od nedavno posjećenih web stranica na vaš disk. (Klikanjem Učitaj ponovo pokazuje vam najnoviju verziju stranice.)">
+<!ENTITY cacheCheck.label "Neka &brandShortName; upravlja veličinom moje predmemorije">
+<!ENTITY diskCacheUpTo.label "Koristi do">
+<!ENTITY spaceMbytes "MB prostora za predmemoriju">
+<!ENTITY diskCacheFolder.label "Lokacija direktorija predmemorije:">
+<!ENTITY clearDiskCache.label "Očisti predmemoriju">
+<!ENTITY chooseDiskCacheFolder.label "Izaberite direktorij…">
+<!ENTITY diskCacheFolderExplanation "Fajlovi predmemorije će biti spremljeni u poddirektorij nazvan &quot;Predmemorija&quot; direktorija kojeg vi navedete. Pokrenite ponovo &brandShortName; da promjene imaju efekta.">
+<!ENTITY docCache.label "Uporedite stranicu u predmemoriji sa stranicom na mreži:">
+<!ENTITY checkOncePerSession.label "Jednom po sesiji">
+<!ENTITY checkEveryTime.label "Svaki put kad pogledam stranicu">
+<!ENTITY checkNever.label "Nikad">
+<!ENTITY checkAutomatically.label "Kada je stranica istekla">
+<!ENTITY prefetchTitle.label "Prihvatite veze unaprijed">
+<!ENTITY enablePrefetch.label "Učitajte web stranice kada su na čekanju, tako da se veze na unaprijed učitanim web stranicama mogu brže učitati">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-certs.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-certs.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..486bd0e3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-certs.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY managecerts.caption "Upravljanje certifikatima">
+<!ENTITY managecerts.text "Koristite Menadžera certifikata da upravljate vašim ličnim certifikatima, kao i onima od drugih ljudi i certifikatima autoriteta.">
+<!ENTITY managecerts.button "Upravljanje certifikatima…">
+<!ENTITY managedevices.caption "Upravljanje sigurnosnim uređajima">
+<!ENTITY managedevices.text "Koristite ovo dugme da upravljate vašim sigurnosnim uređajima, kao što su pametne kartice.">
+<!ENTITY managedevices.button "Upravljanje sigurnosnim uređajima…">
+<!ENTITY ssl.label "SSL">
+<!ENTITY pref.certs.title "Certifikati">
+<!ENTITY certs.label "Certifikati">
+<!ENTITY validation.ocsp.caption "OCSP">
+<!ENTITY enableOCSP.label "Koristite Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) da potvrdite trenutnu validnost certifikata">
+<!ENTITY validation.requireOCSP.description "Kada veza OCSP servera ne uspije, tretirajte certifikat kao nevažećim">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e08fc89844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-colors.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-colors.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Color management prefs -->
+<!ENTITY pref.colors.title "Boje">
+<!ENTITY color "Tekst i pozadina">
+<!ENTITY textColor.label "Tekst:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.label "Pozadina:">
+<!ENTITY useSystemColors.label "Koristi sistemske boje">
+<!ENTITY underlineLinks.label "Podvuci linkove">
+<!ENTITY links "Boje linkova">
+<!ENTITY linkColor.label "Neposjećeni linkovi:">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkColor.label "Aktivni linkovi:">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkColor.label "Posjećeni linkovi:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (someProvColors): This is the start of a sentence and will be followed by the following radio buttons. -->
+<!ENTITY someProvColors "Kada web stranica pruža svoje boje i pozadine">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysUseDocColors.label): This is option one, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+<!ENTITY alwaysUseDocumentColors.label "Uvijek koristite boje i pozadine određene od web stranice">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreDocColors.label): This is option two, and it appends to 'someProvColors' above. -->
+<!ENTITY useMyColors.label "Koristite moje izabrane boje, ignorišući određene boje i pozadinske slike">
+<!ENTITY automaticColors.label "Ignoriši boje stranice samo kada koristi temu visokog kontrasta">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-content.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-content.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..692cb91be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-content.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Appearance > Content prefs dialog. -->
+<!ENTITY pref.content.title "Sadržaj">
+<!ENTITY pref.content.description "Ove postavke utiču kako se web stranica i sadržaj poruke pojavljuju u &brandShortName;.">
+<!ENTITY siteIcons.label "Ikone web stranice">
+<!ENTITY useSiteIcons.label "Prikaži ikone web stranice">
+<!ENTITY useFavIcons2.label "Pokušajte da koristite ikonu servera ako stranica ne određuje sopstvenu">
+<!ENTITY scrolling.label "Skrolanje">
+<!ENTITY useAutoScroll.label "Koristi automatsko skrolanje">
+<!ENTITY useSmoothScroll.label "Koristi glatko skrolanje">
+<!ENTITY zoomPrefs.label "Opcije uvećanja">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (minZoom.label, maxZoom.label, percent.label):
+ single hbox with minZoom.label preceding the minZoom control and
+ maxZoom.label preceding the maxZoom control; percent.label shows
+ the ASCII '%' character at the end of that string -->
+<!ENTITY minZoom.label "U rasponu od">
+<!ENTITY maxZoom.label "do">
+<!ENTITY percent.label "&#37;">
+<!ENTITY siteSpecific.label "Zapamtite nivo uvećanja na osnovu stranice">
+<!ENTITY textZoomOnly.label "Uvećajte samo tekst umjesto cijelih stranica">
+<!ENTITY enableAutomaticImageResizing.label "Promijenite veličinu slika da odgovaraju prozoru browsera">
+<!ENTITY allowHWAccel.label "Koristite hardversko ubrzanje kada je dostupno">
+<!ENTITY blockAutoRefresh.label "Upozori me kada se web stranica pokuša preusmjeriti ili ponovo učitati">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cookies.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cookies.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9752a0eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-cookies.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.cookies.title "Kolačići">
+<!-- cookies -->
+<!ENTITY cookiePolicy.label "Pravila prihvatanja kolačića">
+<!ENTITY disableCookies.label "Blokiraj kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY accNo3rdPartyCookies.label "Dozvolite kolačiće samo s originalne web stranice (ne kolačiće trećih strana)">
+<!ENTITY acc3rdPartyVisited.label "Dozvolite kolačiće trećih strana samo za prethodno posjećene web stranice">
+<!ENTITY accAllCookies.label "Dozvolite sve kolačiće">
+<!ENTITY cookieRetentionPolicy.label "Pravila zadržavanja kolačića">
+<!ENTITY acceptNormally.label "Prihvati kolačiće normalno">
+<!ENTITY acceptForSession.label "Prihvati samo za trenutnu sesiju">
+<!ENTITY acceptforNDays.label "Prihvati kolačiće za">
+<!ENTITY days.label "dana">
+<!ENTITY manageCookies.label "Upravljanje kolačićima i stranicama">
+<!ENTITY manageCookiesDescription.label "Dozvoljava vam da vidite i upravljate pohranjenim kolačićima i postavkama po web stranici za prihvatanje i odbacivanje kolačića. Postavke po web stranici će nadjačati postavke iznad.">
+<!ENTITY viewCookies.label "Menadžer kolačića">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-download.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-download.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d8ba6f60c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-download.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY downloadBehavior.label "Kada preuzimanje započne">
+<!ENTITY doNothing.label "Ne otvaraj ništa">
+<!ENTITY openProgressDialog.label "Otvori dijalog napretka">
+<!ENTITY openDM.label "Otvori menaždera preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY flashWhenOpen.label "Samo flešajte menadžera preuzimanja ako je već otvoren">
+<!ENTITY downloadLocation.label "Pri spremanju datoteke">
+<!ENTITY saveTo.label "Sačuvaj datoteke u">
+<!ENTITY chooseDownloadFolder.label "Izaberite direktorij…">
+<!ENTITY alwaysAsk.label "Uvijek me pitaj gdje sačuvati datoteke">
+<!ENTITY downloadHistory.label "Historija preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY removeEntries.label "Ukloni unose preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY whenCompleted.label "Kada su završeni">
+<!ENTITY whenQuittingApp.label "Pri zatvaranju &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY neverRemove.label "Nikad">
+<!ENTITY finishedBehavior.label "Kada preuzimanje završi">
+<!ENTITY playSound.label "Pusti zvuk">
+<!ENTITY showAlert.label "Prikaži upozorenje">
+<!ENTITY browse.label "Pretražite…">
+<!ENTITY playButton.label "Pusti">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-findasyoutype.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-findasyoutype.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0e8511731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-findasyoutype.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.findAsYouType.title "Nađi tokom kucanja">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeBehavior.label "Nađi tokom kucanja">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeTip.label "Savjet: Da biste ručno pokrenuli Nađi tokom kucanja, ukucajte / da nađete tekst ili ' da nađete linkove, praćeno tekstom koji želite naći.">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeTimeout.label "Očisti trenutnu pretragu nakon nekoliko sekundi neaktivnosti">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeSound.label "Pusti zvuk kada ukucani tekst nije pronađen">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeEnableAuto.label "Nađi automatski pri kucanju na web stranici:">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeAutoText.label "Bilo koji tekst na stranici">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeAutoLinks.label "Samo linkove">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeFindbarEnable.label "Prikaži alatnu traku za traženje tokom traženja dok kucate">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouTypeFindbarEnableTip.label "Napomena: Nađi tokom kucanja bez pokazivanja trake za traženje ne dozvoljava unos međunarodnog teskta.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-fonts.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-fonts.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cdb497e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-fonts.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-fonts.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Fonts' prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.fonts.title "Fontovi">
+<!ENTITY language.label "Fontovi za:">
+<!ENTITY typefaces.label "Vrsta fonta">
+<!ENTITY sizes.label "Veličina (u pikselima)">
+<!ENTITY proportional.label "Proporcionalno:">
+<!ENTITY serif.label "Serif:">
+<!ENTITY sans-serif.label "Sans-serif:">
+<!ENTITY monospace.label "Fiksna širina:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (fantasy.label): 'Fantasy' means 'Ornate' -->
+<!ENTITY fantasy.label "Dekoracija:">
+<!ENTITY cursive.label "Kurziv:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (font.langGroup.latin) :
+ Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of
+ the Latin language. -->
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.latin "Latinski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.japanese "Japanski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.trad-chinese "Tradicionalni kineski (Tajvan)">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.simpl-chinese "Pojednostavljeni kineski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.trad-chinese-hk "Tradicionalni kineski (Hong Kong)">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.korean "Korejski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.cyrillic "Ćirilica">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.el "Grčki">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.thai "Tajlandski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.hebrew "Hebrejski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.arabic "Arapski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.devanagari "Devanagari">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.tamil "Tamilski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.armenian "Armenski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.bengali "Bengalski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.canadian "Objedinjeni kanadski slogovni">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.ethiopic "Etiopski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.georgian "Gruzijski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.gujarati "Gujarati">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.gurmukhi "Gurmukhi">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.khmer "Kmerski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.malayalam "Malezijski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.math "Matematički">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.odia "Odia">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.telugu "Telugu">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.kannada "Kannada">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.sinhala "Sinhala">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.tibetan "Tibetanski">
+<!ENTITY font.langGroup.other "Ostali sistemi pisanja">
+<!-- Minimum font size -->
+<!ENTITY minSize.label "Minimalna veličina fonta:">
+<!ENTITY minSize.none "Nijedna">
+<!-- default font type -->
+<!ENTITY useDefaultFontSerif.label "Serif">
+<!ENTITY useDefaultFontSansSerif.label "Sans Serif">
+<!ENTITY useDocumentFonts.label "Dozvoli dokumentima da koriste druge fontove">
+<!-- leaving this stuff in for now -->
+<!ENTITY header2 "Kada web stranica odabire vlastite fontove">
+<!ENTITY useDefaultFont.label "Koristi moje izvorne fontove, ignorišući fontove koje je stranica odabrala">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-history.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-history.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a189135e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-history.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.history.title "Historija">
+<!ENTITY pref.history.caption "Historija pretraživanja">
+<!ENTITY historyPages.label "Historija je lista prethodno posjećenih stranica.">
+<!ENTITY enableHistory.label "Zapamti posjećene stranice">
+<!ENTITY clearHistory.label "Očisti historiju">
+<!ENTITY locationBarHistory.caption "Historija adresne trake">
+<!ENTITY urlBarHistoryEnabled.caption "Omogući historiju adresne trake">
+<!ENTITY clearLocationBar.label "Očisti listu web stranica u meniju adresne trake.">
+<!ENTITY clearLocationBarButton.label "Očisti adresnu traku">
+<!ENTITY formfillHistory.caption "Historija obazaca i pretrage">
+<!ENTITY enableFormfill.label "Omogući historiju obrazaca i pretrage">
+<!ENTITY formfillExpire.label "Zapamti historiju obrazaca i pretrage do">
+<!ENTITY formfillDays.label "dana">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-http.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-http.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f16a22255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-http.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.http.title "HTTP umrežavanje">
+<!-- Network-->
+<!ENTITY prefDirect.label "Opcije direktne veze">
+<!ENTITY prefProxy.label "Opcije proxy veze">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP10.label "Koristite HTTP 1.0">
+<!ENTITY prefEnableHTTP11.label "Koristite HTTP 1.1">
+<!ENTITY prefPara "HTTP veze mogu biti fino podešene koristeći ove opcije kako bi se poboljšale performanse ili kompatibilnost. Na primjer, za neke proxy servere je potrebno HTTP/1.0 (pogledajte bilješke o izdanju za detalje).">
+<!ENTITY prefFirefoxCompat.label "Reklamirajte kompatibilnost Firefoxa">
+<!ENTITY prefLightningShow.label "Reklamirajte instalaciju Lightening-a">
+<!ENTITY prefCompatWarning "UPOZORENJE: onemogućavanje ovih postavki može rezultirati da web stranice ili servisi ne rade kako treba.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-images.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-images.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d630b4abc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-images.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.images.title "Slike">
+<!ENTITY imageBlocking.label "Pravila prihvatanja slika">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (onStartLegend.label): Don't translate "&brandShortName;".
+ Place "&brandShortName;" in the phrase where the name of the application should
+ appear
+<!ENTITY imageDetails "Odredite kako &brandShortName; rukuje slikama.">
+<!ENTITY loadAllImagesRadio.label "Učitaj sve slike">
+<!ENTITY loadOrgImagesRadio.label "Učitaj slike koje dolaze samo iz originalnog servera">
+<!ENTITY loadNoImagesRadio.label "Ne učitavaj nikakve slike">
+<!ENTITY viewPermissions.label "Upravljanje dozvolama">
+<!ENTITY animLoopingTitle.label "Animirane slike trebaju da kruže">
+<!ENTITY animLoopAsSpecified.label "Koliko god puta slika određuje">
+<!ENTITY animLoopOnce.label "Jednom">
+<!ENTITY animLoopNever.label "Nikad">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-keynav.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-keynav.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d698300d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-keynav.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.keyNav.title "Navigacija pomoću tastature">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationBehavior.label "Navigacija pomoću tab tipke">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationLinks.label "Linkovi">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationForms.label "Tipke, radio tipke, polja potvrde i liste izbora">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationTextboxes.label "Napomena: polja za tekst i regije s mogućnošću skrolanja su uvijek dio redoslijeda tabiranja.">
+<!ENTITY tabNavigationDesc.label "Kada pritisnete Tab ili Shift + Tab, pomjerite se između:">
+<!ENTITY accessibilityBrowseWithCaret.label "Pretražite sa Caret">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretDesc.label "Caret pretraživanje omogućuje vam navigaciju o izbor unutar stranica koristeći kursor da pomjerite vidljivu sliku.">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretUse.label "Koristite caret pretraživanje">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretShortCut.label "Koristite F7 prečicu da se prebacite na caret pretraživanje">
+<!ENTITY browseWithCaretWarn.label "Upozori me prije uključivanja caret pretraživanja">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-languages.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-languages.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd4825f806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-languages.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Languages' preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.prefLangDescript "Web stranice su ponekad dostupne na više jezika. Izaberite jezike za prikaz tih web stranica prema preferiranom redoslijedu.">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.title "Jezici">
+<!ENTITY langtitle.label "Jezici za web stranice">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.prefAddLangDescript "Izaberite jezik(e) koje biste željeli dodati.">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.addButton.label "Dodaj…">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.deleteButton.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.add.title.label "Dodaj jezike">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.available.label "Jezici:">
+<!ENTITY "Jerizi po redosljedu prioriteta:">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.others.label "Ostalo:">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.Fallback2.grouplabel "Kodiranje teksta za zastarjeli sadržaj">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.Fallback2.label "Kodiranje teksta sa rezervnim kopijama:">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.Fallback2.desc "Koristi se za zastarjeli sadržaj koji ne deklariše kodiranje.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE Character Encoding Preferences Dialog: Do NOT localize the terms "en-bz, ar-jo" -->
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.others.examples "npr.: en-bz, ar-jo">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.moveUp.label "Pomjeri gore">
+<!ENTITY languages.customize.moveDown.label "Pomjeri dole">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eae43ac261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+illegalOtherLanguage=Sljedeći unosi nisu važeći jezički kodovi:
+illegalOtherLanguageTitle=Nevažeći jezički kod(ovi)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Next two strings are for language name representations with
+# and without the region.
+# e.g. languageRegionCodeFormat : "French/Canada [fr-ca]" languageCodeFormat : "French [fr]"
+# %1$S = language name, %2$S = region name, %3$S = language-region code
+languageRegionCodeFormat=%1$S/%2$S [%3$S]
+# %1$S = language name, %2$S = language-region code
+languageCodeFormat=%1$S [%2$S]
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-links.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-links.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a2a5c29c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-links.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY linksHeader.label "Ponašanje linka">
+<!ENTITY newWindow.label "Ponašanje pri otvaranju linka">
+<!ENTITY newWindowDescription.label "Otvorite linkove koji žele da otvore novi prozor u:">
+<!ENTITY newWindowRestriction.label "Kada skripte žele otvoriti novi prozor:">
+<!ENTITY external.label "Linkovi iz drugih aplikacija">
+<!ENTITY externalDescription.label "Otvorite linkove prenesene iz drugih aplikacija u:">
+<!ENTITY openCurrent.label "Trenutni tab/prozor">
+<!ENTITY openTab.label "Novi tab u trenutnom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY openWindow.label "Novi prozor">
+<!ENTITY divertAll.label "Uvijek preusmjeravaj prozore u tabove">
+<!ENTITY divertNoFeatures.label "Ne preusmjeravaj prilagođene prozore u tabove">
+<!ENTITY dontDivert.label "Uvijek otvori novi prozor">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-locationbar.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-locationbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..899f5ebb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-locationbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Location Bar prefs panel -->
+<!ENTITY pref.locationBar.title "Adresna traka">
+<!ENTITY autoComplete.label "Automatsko završavanje">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchHistory.label "Automatski predloži web stranice iz historije">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchBookmarks.label "Automatski predloži web stranice iz zabilješki">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteAutoFill.label "Automatski završi s najboljom opcijom">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteShowPopup.label "Prikaži listu odgovarajućih rezultata">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchOnlyTyped.label "Pokazuje samo web stranice koje ste ranije kucali">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoCompleteMatch.label): This is the common leading
+ part of the menulist items listed below, mainly to make the control available
+ via the accesskey
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatch.label "Podudaranje">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchAnywhere "Bilo gdje u adresi ili naslovu stranice">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchWordsFirst "Bilo gdje, ali poželjno u granicama riječi">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchWords "Samo u granicama riječi">
+<!ENTITY autoCompleteMatchStart "Samo na početku adrese ili naslova">
+<!ENTITY showInternetSearch.label "Prikaži izvorni internet pretraživač">
+<!ENTITY formatting.label "Formatiranje">
+<!ENTITY domainFormatting.label "Istakni učinkovite domene za web stranice i FTP servere">
+<!ENTITY highlightSecure.label "Istakni web stranice s visokim nivoom sigurnosnog povezivanja">
+<!ENTITY unknownLocations.label "Nepoznate lokacije">
+<!ENTITY domainGuessing.label "Dodajte &quot;www.&quot; i &quot;.com&quot; u adresu ako web stranica nije pronađena">
+<!ENTITY keywords.label "Izvršite web pretragu kada uneseni tekst nije web lokacija">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-masterpass.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-masterpass.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a11beda4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-masterpass.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.masterpass.title "Glavna lozinka">
+<!ENTITY managepassword.caption "Glavna lozinka istekla">
+<!ENTITY managepassword.text "&brandShortName; će pitati za vašu glavnu lozinku:">
+<!ENTITY managepassword.askfirsttime "Prvi put kad je to potrebno">
+<!ENTITY managepassword.askeverytime "Svaki put kad je to potrebno">
+<!ENTITY managepassword.asktimeout "Ako nije bilo korišteno ">
+<!ENTITY managepassword.timeout.unit "minuta ili duže">
+<!ENTITY changepassword.caption "Promijeni glavnu lozinku">
+<!ENTITY changepassword.text "Vaša glavna lozinka štiti osjetljive informacije kao što su web lozinke i certifikati.">
+<!ENTITY changepassword.button "Promijeni lozinku…">
+<!ENTITY resetpassword.caption "Resetuj glavnu lozinku">
+<!ENTITY resetpassword.text "Ako resetujete glavu lozinku, sve vaše pohranjene web i e-mail lozinke, podaci obrazaca, lični certifikati i privatni ključevi će biti izgubljeni.">
+<!ENTITY resetpassword.button "Resetuj lozinku">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-media.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-media.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0258ec67c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-media.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-media.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Media management prefs -->
+<!ENTITY "Mediji">
+<!ENTITY mediaHTML5Preferences.label "Audio/Video">
+<!ENTITY allowMediaAutoplay.label "Omogući automatko pokretanje HTML5 medijskog sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY enableDrmMedia.label "Omogućite Digital Rights Management za">
+<!ENTITY enableEmeForSuite.label "Module za dešifrovanje sadržaja trećih strana">
+<!ENTITY animLoopingTitle.label "Animirane slike trebaju da kruže">
+<!ENTITY animLoopAsSpecified.label "Koliko god puta slika određuje">
+<!ENTITY animLoopOnce.label "Jednom">
+<!ENTITY animLoopNever.label "Nikad">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-mousewheel.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-mousewheel.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3233ac2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-mousewheel.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Mouse-wheel management prefs, for those lucky OSes that support mouse wheels -->
+<!ENTITY pref.mouseWheel.title "Kotačić miša">
+<!ENTITY mouseWheelPanel.label "Odredite ponašanje koračića miša kada se koristi sa ovom tipkom za mijenjanje: ">
+<!ENTITY usingJustTheWheel.label "Bez modifikatora ključa">
+<!ENTITY usingWheelAndAlt.label "&altKey.label;">
+<!ENTITY usingWheelAndCtrl.label "&ctrlKey.label;">
+<!ENTITY usingWheelAndShft.label "&shiftKey.label;">
+<!ENTITY mouseWheelGroup.label "Vertikalnim skrolanjem">
+<!ENTITY mouseWheelHorizGroup.label "Horizontalnim skrolanjem">
+<!ENTITY sameAsVertical.label "Isto kao s vertikalnim skrolanjem">
+<!ENTITY doNothing.label "Ne radi ništa">
+<!ENTITY scrollDocument.label "Skroluj dokument">
+<!ENTITY history.label "Pomakni nazad i naprijed u historiji pretraživanja">
+<!ENTITY zoom.label "Uvećajte ili smanjite stranicu">
+<!ENTITY wheelSpeed.label "Przina kotačića miša:">
+<!ENTITY reverseDirection.label "Obrnuti smjer">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-navigator.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-navigator.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b8e431629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-navigator.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.navigator.title "Browser">
+<!ENTITY navRadio.label "Prikaži">
+<!ENTITY navStartPageMenu.label "Pokretanje browsera">
+<!ENTITY newWinPageMenu.label "Novi prozor">
+<!ENTITY newTabPageMenu.label "Novi tab">
+<!ENTITY blankPageRadio.label "Prazna stranica">
+<!ENTITY homePageRadio.label "Početna stranica">
+<!ENTITY lastPageRadio.label "Zadnje posjećena stranica">
+<!ENTITY restoreSessionRadio.label "Vrati prethodnu sesiju">
+<!ENTITY restoreSessionIntro.label "Pri vraćanju sesija i prozora">
+<!ENTITY restoreImmediately.label "Vrati sve tabove odmah">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (restoreTabs.label): This will concatenate to
+ "Restore [___] tab(s) at a time",
+ using (restoreTabs.label) and a number (restoreTabsAtATime.label). -->
+<!ENTITY restoreTabs.label "Vrati">
+<!ENTITY restoreTabsAtATime.label "tab(ova) istovremeno">
+<!ENTITY restoreDeferred.label "Vrati tabove samo kad ih trebam">
+<!ENTITY homePageIntro.label "Klikom na dugme « Početna stranica » vodi vas na grupu ovih stranica:">
+<!ENTITY useCurrent.label "Koristi trenutnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY useCurrentGroup.label "Koristi trenutnu grupu">
+<!ENTITY browseFile.label "Izaberite datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY useDefault.label "Vrati na izvorne vrijednosti">
+<!ENTITY defaultBrowserGroup.label "Glavni browser">
+<!ENTITY defaultBrowserButton.label "Postavite glavni browser">
+<!ENTITY alreadyDefaultText "&brandShortName; je već vaš glavni browser.">
+<!ENTITY defaultPendingText "&brandShortName; će biti postavljen kao vaš glavni browser kada kliknete OK.">
+<!ENTITY wasMadeDefaultText "&brandShortName; je postavljen kao vaš glavni browser.">
+<!ENTITY makeDefaultText "Postavite &brandShortName; kao vaš glavni browser.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-offlineapps.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-offlineapps.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c11728b5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-offlineapps.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-offlineapps.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Offline Apps prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.offlineapps.title "Van mrežne web aplikacije">
+<!ENTITY pref.offlineCache.caption "Van mrežni web sadržaj i podaci korisnika">
+<!ENTITY clearOfflineAppCache.label "Očisti">
+<!ENTITY offlineAlwaysAllow.label "Dozvolite svim web stranicama da pohranjuju podatke za van mrežno korištenje">
+<!ENTITY offlineExplicit.label "Dozvolite samo web stranicama s eksplicitnim dozvolama">
+<!ENTITY offlineNotifyAsk.label "Obavijesti me kada web stranica želi pohraniti podatke za van mrežno korištenje">
+<!ENTITY offlineNotifyPermissions.label "Upravljajte dozvolama">
+<!ENTITY offlineAppsUsage.label "Sljedeće web stranice koriste van mrežna spremišta:">
+<!ENTITY offlineAppsListRemove.label "Očisti podatke…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-passwords.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-passwords.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..616cd837c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-passwords.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.passwords.title "Lozinke">
+<!ENTITY signonHeader.caption "Menadžer lozinki">
+<!ENTITY signonDescription.label "Menadžer lozinki pohranjuje vaše informacije o prijavama za web stranice zaštićene lozinkom, servere pošte, servere vijesti i unosi informacije automatski kada je potrebno.">
+<!ENTITY signonEnabled.label "Zapamti lozinke">
+<!ENTITY viewSignons.label "Upravljajte pohranjenim lozinkama">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-popups.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-popups.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e1520888b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-popups.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.popups.title "Iskočni prozori">
+<!ENTITY pref.popups.caption "Iskočni prozori">
+<!ENTITY popupBlock.label "Blokiraj nezahtjevane iskočne prozore">
+<!ENTITY viewPermissions.label "Upravljanje dozvolama">
+<!ENTITY whenBlock.description "Kada je iskočni prozor blokiran:">
+<!ENTITY playSound.label "Pusti zvuk:">
+<!ENTITY systemSound.label "Zvuk sistema">
+<!ENTITY customSound.label "Prilagođenu zvučnu datoteku">
+<!ENTITY selectSound.label "Odaberi…">
+<!ENTITY playSoundButton.label "Pokreni">
+<!ENTITY displayIcon.label "Prikaži ikonu u statusnoj traci browsera">
+<!ENTITY displayNotification.label "Prikaži traku obavijesti na vehu područja sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY popupNote.description "Napomena: Blokiranje svih iskočnih prozora može spriječiti važne mogućnosti nekih web stranica od rada, kao što su prozori za prijavu za banke i web stranice za kupovinu. Za detalje kako dozvoliti određenim web stranicama da koriste iskočne prozore dok su druge blokirane, kliknite na Pomoć. Iako blokirane, web stranice mogu koristiti druge metode da prikažu iskočne prozore.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-privatedata.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-privatedata.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd4724b899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-privatedata.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Private Data' prefs settings
+ These entities go on top of the sanitize.dtd definitions
+<!ENTITY pref.privatedata.title "Privatni podaci">
+<!ENTITY clearPrivateData.label "Očisti privatne podatke">
+<!ENTITY alwaysClear.label "Uvijek očisti moje privatne podatke kada zatvorim &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY askBeforeClear.label "Pitaj me prije čišćenja privatnih podataka">
+<!ENTITY clearDataSettings.label "Kada tražim da &brandShortName; očisti moje privatne podatke, treba izbrisati:">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearDataDialog.label, clearDataSilent.label, clearDataDialog.accesskey):
+ The only difference bettween the two labels is that one calls a dialog, the other doesn't.
+ The same accesskey is used for both labels.
+<!ENTITY clearDataDialog.label "Očisti odmah…">
+<!ENTITY clearDataSilent.label "Očisti odmah">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies-advanced.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..febbe723b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Advanced Proxy Preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.proxies.advanced.title "Napredne proxy postavke">
+<!ENTITY protocols.caption "Proxi serveri za protokole">
+<!ENTITY protocols.description "Obično isti proxy može da obradi sve protokole navedene ovde.">
+<!ENTITY http.label "HTTP proxy:">
+<!ENTITY ssl.label "SSL proxy:">
+<!ENTITY ftp.label "FTP proxy:">
+<!ENTITY reuseProxy.label "Koristite HTTP proxy postavke za sve protokole">
+<!ENTITY port.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY socks.caption "Generički proxy">
+<!ENTITY socks.description "SOCKS proxy je generički proxy ponekad korišten u korporativnim ili sličnim okruženjima.">
+<!ENTITY socks.label "SOCKS proxy:">
+<!ENTITY socks4.label "SOCKS v4">
+<!ENTITY socks5.label "SOCKS v5">
+<!ENTITY socksRemoteDNS.label "Koristite za rješavanje imena hosta (preporučeno za SOCKS v5)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ddb858fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-proxies.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-proxies.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Proxies preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.proxies.title "Proxy serveri">
+<!ENTITY pref.proxies.desc "Proxy je mreža servisa koja može filtrirati i ubrzati vašu internet vezu.">
+<!ENTITY proxyTitle.label "Konfigurišite Proxy za pristup internetu">
+<!ENTITY directTypeRadio.label "Direktna veza sa internetom">
+<!ENTITY systemTypeRadio.label "Koristi sistemske proxy postavke">
+<!ENTITY manualTypeRadio.label "Ručne proxy postavke:">
+<!ENTITY wpadTypeRadio.label "Automatski otkrij proxy konfiguraciju">
+<!ENTITY autoTypeRadio.label "URL za automatsko konfigurisanje proxyja:">
+<!ENTITY reload.label "Učitaj ponovo">
+<!ENTITY http.label "Proxy:">
+<!ENTITY port.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY advanced.label "Napredno…">
+<!ENTITY noproxy.label "Nema proxyja za:">
+<!ENTITY noproxyExplain.label "Primjer:,,">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-scripts.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-scripts.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab5c9c3451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-scripts.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-scripts.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The 'Scripts & Plugins' preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY pref.scripts.title "Skripte i priključci">
+<!ENTITY navigator.label "Browser">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (enableJavaScript.label): 'JavaScript' should never be translated -->
+<!ENTITY enableJavaScript.label "Omogućite JavaScript za">
+<!ENTITY allowScripts.label "Dozvolite skripti:">
+<!ENTITY allowWindowMoveResize.label "Premještanje ili promjenu veličine postojećih prozora">
+<!ENTITY allowWindowFlip.label "Prikažite ili sakrijte prozore">
+<!ENTITY allowWindowStatusChange.label "Promijenite tekst statusne trake">
+<!ENTITY allowContextmenuDisable.label "Onemogućite ili zamijenite menije konteksta">
+<!ENTITY allowHideStatusBar.label "Sakrij statusnu traku">
+<!ENTITY enableDrmMedia.label "Omogućite Digital Rights Management za">
+<!ENTITY enableEmeForSuite.label "Module za dešifrovanje sadržaja trećih strana">
+<!ENTITY enablePlugins.label "Omogućite priključke za">
+<!ENTITY enablePluginForSuite.label "Seamonkey">
+<!ENTITY whenPageRequiresPlugins.label "Kada stranica zahtjeva priključke">
+<!ENTITY activateAllPlugins.label "Aktiviraj sve priključke po izvornom">
+<!ENTITY warnPluginsRequired.label "Upozori me ako treba instalirati dodatni priključak">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-search.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-search.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19cf0d721f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-search.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-search.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The Search prefs dialog -->
+<!ENTITY "Pretraživanje interneta">
+<!ENTITY legendHeader "Glavni pretraživač">
+<!ENTITY defaultSearchEngine.label "Traži pomoću:">
+<!ENTITY engineManager.label "Upravljanje pretraživačima…">
+<!ENTITY searchResults.label "Rezultati pretrage">
+<!ENTITY openInTab.label "Otvorite nove tabove za rezultate bočne trake">
+<!ENTITY openContextSearchTab.label "Otvorite tab umjesto prozora za web pretraživanje u kontekstnom meniju">
+<!ENTITY openSidebarSearchPanel.label "Kada pokrenete pretragu, otvorite tab za pretragu u bočnoj traci">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-security.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-security.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd202cee46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-security.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Privacy and Security' prefs settings -->
+<!ENTITY "Privatnost i sigurnost">
+<!ENTITY tracking.label "Praćenje korisnika">
+<!ENTITY trackingIntro.label "Web stranice mogu pratiti kako ih koristite, čime utiču na vašu privatnost.">
+<!ENTITY doNotTrack.label "Reci web stranicama da ne želim biti praćen">
+<!ENTITY trackProtect.label "Spriječite praćenje aktivnosti od poznatih stranica">
+<!ENTITY warnTrackContent.label "Upozori me kada su otkrivene poznate aktivnosti praćenja">
+<!ENTITY geoLocation.label "Lokacijski-svjesno pretraživanje">
+<!ENTITY geoIntro.label "Web stranice mogu zahtijevati više informacija o vašoj trenutnoj lokaciji.">
+<!ENTITY geoEnabled.label "Pitaj me za dozvolu ako je zahtjev napravljen">
+<!ENTITY geoDisabled.label "Onemogući ovu funkciju i odbij sve zahtjeve">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (safeBrowsing.label, blockWebForgeries.label, blockAttackSites.label):
+ The methods by which forged (phished) and attack sites will be detected by
+ phishing providers will vary from human review to machine-based heuristics
+ to a combination of both, so it's important that these strings convey the
+ meaning "reported" (and not something like "known").
+<!ENTITY safeBrowsing.label "Sigurno pretraživanje">
+<!ENTITY safeBrowsingIntro.label "&brandShortName; može blokirati web stranice koje su prijavljene da imaju zlonamjerni sadržaj.">
+<!ENTITY blockAttackSites.label "Blokiraj prijavljene napadačke stranice (zlonamjerni softver, virusi)">
+<!ENTITY blockWebForgeries.label "Blokiraj prijavljene web falsifikate (Phishing)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-smartupdate.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-smartupdate.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..122c125943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-smartupdate.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE UI for Software Updates prefs -->
+<!ENTITY pref.smartUpdate.title "Instalacija softvera">
+<!ENTITY addOnsTitle.label "Dodaci">
+<!ENTITY addOnsAllow.label "Omogući web stranicama da instaliraju dodatke i ažuriranja">
+<!ENTITY allowedSitesLink.label "Dopuštene web stranice">
+<!ENTITY autoAddOnsUpdates.label "Automatski provjeri ažuriranja">
+<!ENTITY daily.label "dnevno">
+<!ENTITY weekly.label "sedmično">
+<!ENTITY addOnsModeAutomatic.label "Automatski preuzmi i instaliraj ažuriranja">
+<!ENTITY enablePersonalized.label "Prilagodite preporuke dodatka">
+<!ENTITY addonManagerLink.label "Upravljajte dodacima">
+<!ENTITY appUpdates.caption "&brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY autoAppUpdates.label "Automatski provjeri ažuriranja">
+<!ENTITY appModeAutomatic.label "Automatski preuzmi i instaliraj ažuriranja">
+<!ENTITY updateHistoryButton.label "Prikaži historiju ažuriranja…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-spelling.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-spelling.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f4e49d8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-spelling.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ - You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY prefSpelling.title "Pravopis">
+<!ENTITY generalSpelling.label "Opće">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingWhenTyping.label "Pri kucanju, provjeri moj pravopis:">
+<!ENTITY dontCheckSpelling.label "Nikad">
+<!ENTITY multilineCheckSpelling.label "U okvire s više redova">
+<!ENTITY alwaysCheckSpelling.label "Sve okvire">
+<!ENTITY spellForMailAndNews.label "Pošta i novinske grupe">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingBeforeSend.label "Provjeri pravopis prije slanja">
+<!ENTITY spellCheckInline.label "Provjeravaj pravopis dok kucam">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.label "Jezik:">
+<!ENTITY moreDictionaries.label "Preuzmi više rječnika&#x2026;">
+<!ENTITY noSpellCheckAvailable.label "Nema dostupnih rječnika.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-ssl.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-ssl.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52bcb0f97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-ssl.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY SSLTLSProtocolVersions.caption "SSL/TLS verzije protokola">
+<!ENTITY SSLTLSWarnings.caption "SSL/TLS upozorenja">
+<!ENTITY SSLMixedContent.caption "Miješani sadržaj">
+<!ENTITY SSLClientAuthMethod.caption "Odabir certifikata klijenta">
+<!ENTITY pref.ssltls.title "Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS)">
+<!ENTITY limit.description "Možete ograničiti koje protokole šifriranja koristiti za sigurne veze. Izaberite jednu verziju ili kontinuirani raspon verzija.">
+<!ENTITY limit.enable.label "Omogući:">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls10.label "TLS 1.0">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls11.label "TLS 1.1">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls11.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls12.label "TLS 1.2">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls12.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls13.label "TLS 1.3">
+<!ENTITY limit.tls13.accesskey "3">
+<!ENTITY warn.description2 "&brandShortName; vas može upozoriti na sigurnosni status web stranice koju pregledate. Postavite da &brandShortName; prikaže upozorenje kada:">
+<!ENTITY warn.enteringsecure "Učitava stranicu koja podržava šifriranje">
+<!ENTITY warn.insecurepost "Šalje oblike podataka iz nešifrovane stranice prema nešifrovanoj stranici">
+<!ENTITY warn.leavingsecure "Napušta stranicu koja podržava šifrovanje">
+<!ENTITY mixed.description "Šifrovane stranice mogu sadržavati nešifrovani sadržaj koji je ranjiv na prisluškivanje ili falsifikat. &brandShortName; može to otkriti i blokirati:">
+<!ENTITY warn.mixedactivecontent "Upozori me kada šifrovana stranica sadrži nesiguran sadržaj">
+<!ENTITY block.activecontent "Ne učitavaj nesiguran sadržaj na šifrovanim stranicama">
+<!ENTITY warn.mixeddisplaycontent "Upozori me kada šifrovane stranice sadrže druge oblike miješanog sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY block.displaycontent "Ne učitavaj druge oblike miješanog sadržaja na šifrovanim stranicama">
+<!ENTITY certselect.description "Odlučite kako &brandShortName; odabire sigurnosne certifikate za predstavljanje web stranicama koje zahtjevaju jedan:">
+<!ENTITY "Odaberi automatski">
+<!ENTITY certselect.ask "Pitaj svaki put">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-sync.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-sync.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d77306dbe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-sync.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- The page shown when not logged in... -->
+<!ENTITY setupButton.label "Postavite &syncBrand.fullName.label;">
+<!ENTITY weaveDesc.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label; vam dopušta pristup vašoj historiji, zabilješkama, lozinkama i otvorenim tabovima putem svih vaših uređaja.">
+<!-- The page shown when logged in... -->
+<!ENTITY accountGroupboxCaption.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label; račun">
+<!ENTITY accountName.label "Naziv računa:">
+<!-- Login error feedback -->
+<!ENTITY updatePass.label "Ažuriraj">
+<!ENTITY resetPass.label "Resetuj">
+<!-- Manage Account -->
+<!ENTITY manageAccount.label "Upravljanje računom">
+<!ENTITY viewQuota.label "Pregled kvote">
+<!ENTITY changePassword.label "Promijeni lozinku">
+<!ENTITY myRecoveryKey.label "Moj ključ za oporavak">
+<!ENTITY resetSync.label "Resetuj Sync">
+<!ENTITY unlinkDevice.label "Poništavanje veze ovog uređaja">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.label "Dodaj uređaj">
+<!-- Sync Settings -->
+<!ENTITY syncComputerName.label "Naziv računara:">
+<!ENTITY syncMy2.label "Sync moj:">
+<!ENTITY engine.addons.label "Dodaci">
+<!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.label "Zabilješke">
+<!ENTITY engine.tabs.label "Tabovi">
+<!ENTITY engine.history.label "Historija">
+<!ENTITY engine.passwords.label "Lozinke">
+<!ENTITY engine.prefs.label "Postavke">
+<!-- Footer stuff -->
+<!ENTITY prefs.tosLink.label "Uslovi korištenja">
+<!ENTITY prefs.ppLink.label "Polica privatnosti">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-tabs.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-tabs.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bf68c12aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/pref-tabs.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY tabHeader.label "Pretraživanje po tabovima">
+<!ENTITY tabDisplay.label "Prikaz taba">
+<!ENTITY autoHide.label "Sakrij traku taba kada je samo jedan tab otvoren">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Prebaci na nove tabove otvorene iz linkova">
+<!ENTITY warnOnClose.label "Upozori me prilikom zatvaranja prozora s većim brojem tabova">
+<!ENTITY relatedAfterCurrent.label "Otvori povezane tabove nakon trenutnog taba">
+<!ENTITY loadGroup.label "Pri otvaranju grupe zabilješki">
+<!ENTITY loadGroupAppend.label "Dodaj tabove">
+<!ENTITY loadGroupReplace.label "Zamijeni postojeće tabove">
+<!ENTITY openTabs.label "Otvori tabove umjesto prozora za">
+<!ENTITY openManagers.label "Otvori u novom tabu umjesto samostalnog prozora">
+<!ENTITY openDataManager.label "Menadžer podataka">
+<!ENTITY openAddOnsManager.label "Menadžer dodataka">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/preferences.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/preferences.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c8d1675a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/preferences.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY preferencesDefaultTitleMac.title "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY preferencesDefaultTitleWin.title "Opcije">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCloseButton.label "Zatvori">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (.label): Preferences categories that appear on the left of the preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY prefWindow.title "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY categoryHeader "Kategorija">
+<!ENTITY appear.label "Izgled">
+<!ENTITY content.label "Sadržaj">
+<!ENTITY fonts.label "Fontovi">
+<!ENTITY colors.label "Boje">
+<!ENTITY media.label "Mediji">
+<!ENTITY spellingPane.label "Pravopis">
+<!ENTITY navigator.label "Browser">
+<!ENTITY history.label "Historija">
+<!ENTITY languages.label "Jezici">
+<!ENTITY applications.label "Pomoćne aplikacije">
+<!ENTITY locationBar.label "Adresna traka">
+<!ENTITY search.label "Pretraživanje interneta">
+<!ENTITY tabWindows.label "Pretraživanje po tabovima">
+<!ENTITY links.label "Ponašanje linka">
+<!ENTITY download.label "Preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY security.label "Privatnost i sigurnost">
+<!ENTITY privatedata.label "Privatni podaci">
+<!ENTITY cookies.label "Kolačići">
+<!ENTITY images.label "Slike">
+<!ENTITY popups.label "Iskočni prozori">
+<!ENTITY passwords.label "Lozinke">
+<!ENTITY masterpass.label "Glavna lozinka">
+<!ENTITY ssltls.label "SSL/TLS">
+<!ENTITY certs.label "Certifikati">
+<!ENTITY sync.label "Sync">
+<!ENTITY advance.label "Napredno">
+<!ENTITY scriptsAndWindows.label "Skripte i priključci">
+<!ENTITY keynav.label "Navigacija pomoću tastature">
+<!ENTITY findAsYouType.label "Nađi tokom kucanja">
+<!ENTITY cache.label "Predmemorija">
+<!ENTITY offlineApps.label "Van mrežne aplikacije">
+<!ENTITY proxies.label "Proxy serveri">
+<!ENTITY httpnetworking.label "HTTP umrežavanje">
+<!ENTITY smart.label "Instalacija softvera">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/prefutilities.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/prefutilities.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..523199008e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/prefutilities.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Izvorno za trenutni jezik">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.arabic):
+ Translate "Arabic" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.arabic "Arapski">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.baltic "Baltički">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.ceiso "Centralno-evropski, ISO">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.cewindows "Centralno-evropski, Microsoft">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.simplified):
+ Translate "Chinese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.simplified "Pojednostavljeni kineski">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.traditional):
+ Translate "Chinese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.traditional "Kineski tradicionalni">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.cyrillic "Ćirilica">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.greek):
+ Translate "Greek" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.greek "Grčki">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.hebrew):
+ Translate "Hebrew" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.hebrew "Hebrejski">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.japanese):
+ Translate "Japanese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.japanese "Japanski">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.korean):
+ Translate "Korean" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.korean "Korejski">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.thai):
+ Translate "Thai" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.thai "Tajlandski">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.turkish):
+ Translate "Turkish" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.turkish "Turski">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (FallbackCharset.vietnamese):
+ Translate "Vietnamese" as an adjective for an encoding, not as the name of the language. -->
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.vietnamese "Vijetnamski">
+<!ENTITY FallbackCharset.other "Ostali (uključujući zapadni evropski)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17cdd7c526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+cachefolder=Odaberite direktorij keša
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (%1$S) is the size and (%2$S) is the unit of disk space.
+cacheSizeInfo=Vaša keš memorija trenutno koristi %1$S %2$S prostora diska.
+# Offline apps
+offlineAppSizeInfo=Vaši van mrežni podaci trenutno koriste %1$S %2$S prostora diska.
+offlineAppRemoveTitle=Uklonite van mrežne podatke web stranice
+offlineAppRemovePrompt=Nakon uklanjanja ovih podataka, %S neće biti dostupan van mreže. Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti ovu van mrežnu stranicu?
+offlineAppRemoveConfirm=Uklonite van mrežne podatke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the disk usage of the
+# offline application
+# e.g. offlineAppUsage : "50.23 MB"
+# %1$S = size (in bytes or megabytes, ...)
+# %2$S = unit of measure (bytes, KB, MB, ...)
+offlineAppUsage=%1$S %2$S
+choosehomepage=Odaberite početnu stranicu
+downloadfolder=Odaberite direktorij za preuzimanje
+choosesound=Odaberi zvuk
+labelDefaultFont=Izvorno (%font_family%)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (labelDefaultFont2): %S = font name
+labelDefaultFont2=Izvorno (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (appLocale.label): %S = Name of the application locale,
+# e.g. English (United States)
+appLocale.label=Jezik aplikacije: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rsLocale.label): %S = Name of the locale chosen in regional settings,
+# e.g. German (Germany)
+rsLocale.label=Regionalne postavke jezika: %S
+syncUnlink.title=Da li želite da odspojite uređaj?
+syncUnlink.label=Ovaj uređaj neće više biti povezan s vašim Sync računom. Svi vaši lični podaci, i na ovom uređaju i na Sync računu, će ostati netaknuti.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/unix/platformPrefOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/unix/platformPrefOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0000d7feaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/unix/platformPrefOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : this is part of an inline-style attribute on the
+ preference dialog's <window> node, which specifies the width and height
+ in em units of the dialog. Localizers ONLY can increase these widths
+ if they are having difficulty getting panel content to fit. 1em = the
+ width of the letter 'm' in the selected font.
+ XUL/FE DEVELOPERS: DO NOT MODIFY THIS VALUE. It represents the correct
+ size of this window for en-US. -->
+<!ENTITY prefWindow.size "width: 102ch; height: 44em;">
+<!-- pref-tabs.xul -->
+<!ENTITY urlbar.label "Ctrl+Enter u adresnoj traci">
+<!ENTITY middleClick.label "Srednji klik, Ctrl+klik ili Ctrl+Enter na linkove na web stranici">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/win/platformPrefOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/win/platformPrefOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4690bade7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/pref/win/platformPrefOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : this is part of an inline-style attribute on the
+ preference dialog's <window> node, which specifies the width and height
+ in em units of the dialog. Localizers ONLY can increase these widths
+ if they are having difficulty getting panel content to fit. 1em = the
+ width of the letter 'm' in the selected font.
+ XUL/FE DEVELOPERS: DO NOT MODIFY THIS VALUE. It represents the correct
+ size of this window for en-US. -->
+<!ENTITY prefWindow.size "width: 115ch; height: 43em;">
+<!-- pref-tabs.xul -->
+<!ENTITY urlbar.label "Ctrl+Enter u adresnoj traci">
+<!ENTITY middleClick.label "Srednji klik, Ctrl+klik ili Ctrl+Enter na linkove na web stranici">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/printPreview.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/printPreview.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05f8e43532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/printPreview.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY print.label "Štampaj…">
+<!ENTITY pageSetup.label "Postavljanje stranice…">
+<!ENTITY page.label "Stranica:">
+<!ENTITY of.label "od">
+<!ENTITY scale.label "Razmjera:">
+<!ENTITY portrait.label "Uspravno">
+<!ENTITY landscape.label "Položeno">
+<!ENTITY close.label "Zatvori">
+<!ENTITY p30.label "30&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p40.label "40&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p50.label "50&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p60.label "60&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p70.label "70&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p80.label "80&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p90.label "90&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p100.label "100&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p125.label "125&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p150.label "150&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p175.label "175&#037;">
+<!ENTITY p200.label "200&#037;">
+<!ENTITY Custom.label "Prilagodi…">
+<!ENTITY ShrinkToFit.label "Smanji da stane">
+<!ENTITY customPrompt.title "Prilagođena veličina…">
+<!ENTITY homearrow.tooltip "Prva stranica">
+<!ENTITY endarrow.tooltip "Zadnja stranica">
+<!ENTITY rightarrow.tooltip "Sljedeća stranica">
+<!ENTITY leftarrow.tooltip "Prethodna stranica">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/profile/profileSelection.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/profile/profileSelection.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e5c49a195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/profile/profileSelection.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- -*- Mode: SGML; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- -->
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Izaberite korisnički profil">
+<!ENTITY profileManager.title "&brandShortName; menadžer profila">
+<!ENTITY manage.label "Upravljanje profilima…">
+<!ENTITY select.label "Koristite profil">
+<!ENTITY availableProfiles.label "Dostupni profili">
+<!ENTITY introStart.label "Da pristupite vašem profilu, koji sadrži pohranjene poruke, postavke i druge prilagođene informacije, molimo odaberite vaš profil sa liste i kliknite &start.label; da započnete sesiju.">
+<!ENTITY introSwitch.label "Da se prebacite na drugi profil, koji sadrži pohranjene poruke, postavke i druge prilagođene informacije, molimo odaberite taj profil sa liste i kliknite &select.label; da ga počnete koristiti.">
+<!ENTITY profileManagerText.label "&brandShortName; pohranjuje informacije o vašim postavkama, preferencijama, zabilješkama, pohranjenim porukama i drugim korisničkim stavkama u vaš profil.">
+<!ENTITY autoSelect.label "Koristite ovaj profil kao glavni">
+<!ENTITY start.label "Pokrenite &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY exit.label "Izađi">
+<!ENTITY newButton.label "Napravi profil…">
+<!ENTITY renameButton.label "Promijeni ime profila…">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Izbriši profil…">
+<!ENTITY offlineState.label "Rad van mreže">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/profile/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/profile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c360738cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/profile/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+deleteLocked=%S ne može izbrisati profil "%S" jer je u upotrebi.
+deleteProfile=Brisanje profila će ukloniti profil sa liste dostupnih profila i ne može se poništiti.\n\nTakođer, možete odabrati da izbrišete podatke profila, uključujući sačuvanu poštu, postavke i certifikate. Ova opcija će izbrisati direktorij "%S" i ne može se poništiti.\n\nŽelite li izbrisati podatke profila?\n\n
+manageTitle=Upravljanje korisničkim profilima
+selectTitle=Izaberite korisnički profil
+dirLocked=%S ne može koristiti profil "%S". Možda je u upotrebi, nedostupan ili oštećen.\n\nMolimo odaberite drugi profil ili napravite novi.
+renameProfileTitle=Preimenuj profil
+renameProfilePrompt=Promijeni ime profila "%S" u:
+profileNameInvalidTitle=Neispravno ime profila
+profileNameEmpty=Prazno ime profila nije dozvoljeno.
+invalidChar=Znak "%S" nije dozvoljen u imenima profila. Molimo izaberite drugačije ime.
+deleteTitle=Izbriši profil
+deleteFiles=Izbriši datoteke
+dontDeleteFiles=Nemoj brisati datoteke
+profileExists=Profil sa ovim imenom već postoji. Molimo izaberite drugačije ime.
+profileExistsTitle=Profil postoji
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..370cc22963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Strings for the Quit, Restart, and Close-browser dialogs
+# used by _onQuitRequest() in nsSuiteGlue.js
+# %S (also in the messages further down)
+# is the application's short name (e.g. SeaMonkey)
+# from the file
+quitDialogTitle=Zatvori %S
+lastwindowDialogTitle=Zatvori %S browser
+restartDialogTitle=Restartuj %S
+restartNowTitle=&Restartuj odmah
+restartLaterTitle=Restartuj &kasnije
+lastwindowTitle=Zatvori &browser
+# The following two strings are labels for the same button, depending on
+# whether we are quitting the whole Suite, or only the Browser
+saveTitle=6Sačuvaj i izađi
+savelastwindowTitle=&Sačuvaj i zatvori
+neverAsk=&Nemoj pitati sljedeći put
+message=Da li želite da %S sačuva vaše tabove i prozore za naredno pokretanje?
+messageNoWindows=Da li želite da %S sačuva vaše tabove za naredno pokretanje?
+messageRestart=%S će pokušati vratiti vaše tabove i prozore kada se restartuje.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/safeBrowsing.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/safeBrowsing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e39d90263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/safeBrowsing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.accept.label "Vodi me odavde!">
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.decline.label "Ignoriši ovo upozorenje">
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.reportPage.label "Zašto je ova stranica blokirana?">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.malwarePage.title "Prijavljena napadačka stranica!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.malwarePage.shortDesc) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="malware_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.malwarePage.shortDesc "Ova web stranica na <span id='malware_sitename'/> je prijavljena da sadrži napadačku stranicu i blokirana je na osnovu vaših sigurnosnih preferenci.">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.malwarePage.longDesc "<p>Napadačke stranice pokušavaju instalirati programe koji kradu privatne informacije, koriste vaš računar za napade drugih ili oštećuju vaš sistem.</p><p>Neke napadačke stranice namjerno distribuiraju štetne softvere, ali mnogi su ugroženi bez njihovog znanja ili dozvole njihovih vlasnika.</p>">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.title "Prijavljena stranica sa neželjenim sotverom!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.shortDesc) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="unwanted_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.shortDesc "Ova web stranica na <span id='unwanted_sitename'/> je prijavljena da sadrži neželjeni softver i blokirana je na osnovu vaših sigurnosnih preferenci.">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.longDesc "<p>Stranice sa neželjenim softverom pokušavaju instalirati softver koji može biti obmanjujući i može uticati na vaš sistem na neočekivane načine.</p>">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.phishingPage.title2 "Obmanjujuća stranica!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc2) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="phishing_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc2 "Ova web stranica na <span id='phishing_sitename'/> je prijavljena kao obmanjujuća i blokirana je na osnovu vaših sigurnosnih postavki.">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.phishingPage.longDesc2 "<p>Obmanjujuće stranice su dizajnirane da vas natjeraju da uradite nešto opasno, kao što je instaliranje softvera ili otkrivate vaše lične informacije, kao što su lozinke, telefonski brojevi ili kreditne kartice.</p><p>Unošenjem bilo koje informacije na ovu web stranicu može rezultovati krađom identiteta ili drugih prevara.</p>">
+<!-- Localization note (reportDeceptiveSite, notADeceptiveSite) - The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so it's okay for them to have the same access key. -->
+<!ENTITY reportDeceptiveSite.label "Prijavi obmanjujuću stranicu…">
+<!ENTITY notADeceptiveSite.label "Ovo nije obmanjujuća stranica…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/safeMode.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/safeMode.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8056fa39c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/safeMode.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY safeModeDialog.title "&brandShortName; sigurni režim">
+<!ENTITY window.width "37em">
+<!ENTITY safeModeDescription.label "&brandShortName; je pokrenut u sigurnom režimu, koji privremeno onemogućava vaše prilagođene postavke, teme i proširenja.">
+<!ENTITY safeModeDescription2.label "Neke od ovih promjena ili sve možete učiniti trajnim:">
+<!ENTITY disableAddons.label "Onemogući sve dodatke">
+<!ENTITY resetToolbars.label "Resetuj alatne trake i veličine prozora">
+<!ENTITY deleteBookmarks.label "Izbriši sve zabilješke osim onih za sigurnosnu kopiju">
+<!ENTITY resetUserPrefs.label "Resetuj sve korisničke postavke za &brandShortName; na izvorno">
+<!ENTITY restoreSearch.label "Vrati izvorne pretraživače">
+<!ENTITY changeAndRestartButton.label "Napravi promjene i restartuj">
+<!ENTITY continueButton.label "Nastavi u sigurnom režimu">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sanitize.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sanitize.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c29ef9cbb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sanitize.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sanitizeDialog.title "Očisti privatne podatke">
+<!ENTITY sanitizeItems.label "Očisti sljedeće stavke sada:">
+<!ENTITY itemHistory.label "Historija pretraživanja">
+<!ENTITY itemUrlBar.label "Historija adresne trake">
+<!ENTITY itemDownloads.label "Historija preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY itemFormSearchHistory.label "Sačuvani obrasci i historija pretrage">
+<!ENTITY itemCache.label "Keš">
+<!ENTITY itemCookies.label "Kolačići">
+<!ENTITY itemOfflineApps.label "Van mrežni podaci web stranice">
+<!ENTITY itemPasswords.label "Sačuvane lozinke">
+<!ENTITY itemSessions.label "Potvrđene sesije">
+<!ENTITY sanitizeButton.label "Očisti privatne podatke sada">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/engineManager.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/engineManager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f3f22529b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/engineManager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY engineManager.title "Upravljanje listom pretraživača">
+<!ENTITY "min-width: 35em;">
+<!ENTITY engineManager.intro "Imate instalirane sljedeće pretraživače:">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY columnLabel.keyword "Ključna riječ">
+<!-- Buttons -->
+<!ENTITY up.label "Pomjeri gore">
+<!ENTITY dn.label "Pomjeri dole">
+<!ENTITY remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY edit.label "Uredi ključnu riječ…">
+<!ENTITY addEngine.label "Dodaj još pretraživača…">
+<!ENTITY enableSuggest.label "Prikaži prijedloge pretraživanja">
+<!ENTITY restoreDefaults.label "Vrati na izvorne vrijednosti">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dccb6aedeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+editTitle=Uredi ključnu riječ
+editMsg=Unesite novu ključnu riječ za "%S":
+duplicateTitle=Duplirana ključna riječ
+duplicateEngineMsg=Izabrali ste ključnu riječ koju trenutno koristi "%S". Molimo izaberite drugu.
+duplicateBookmarkMsg=Izabrali ste ključnu riječ koju trenutno koristi zabilješka. Molimo izaberite drugu.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/search-panel.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/search-panel.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5350dbded4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/search-panel.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY search.button.label "Traži">
+<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Unesite tekst za pretragu">
+<!ENTITY search.engineManager.label "Upravljajte pretraživačima…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d24f7680f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+searchtip=Tražite pomoću %S
+cmd_addFoundEngine=Dodajte "%S"
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/searchbar.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/searchbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edb9a196e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/search/searchbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY cmd_engineManager.label "Upravljajte pretraživačima…">
+<!ENTITY searchEndCap.label "Traži">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/setDesktopBackground.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/setDesktopBackground.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38c55153e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/setDesktopBackground.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY setDesktopBackground.title "Postavi pozadinu desktopa">
+<!ENTITY position.label "Pozicija:">
+<!ENTITY position.tile.label "Mozaik">
+<!ENTITY position.stretch.label "Razvučeno">
+<!ENTITY "Sredina">
+<!ENTITY position.fill.label "Popuni">
+<!ENTITY "Uklopi">
+<!ENTITY picker.label "Boja:">
+<!ENTITY preview.caption "Pregled">
+<!ENTITY apply.label "Primijeni">
+<!ENTITY close.label "Zatvori">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22d8f26a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+preferencesLabel=%S &postavke
+safeModeLabel=%S &Sigurni režim
+desktopBackgroundLeafNameWin=Desktop pozadina.bmp
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/customize.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/customize.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b5b6031f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/customize.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from ./customize.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE sidebar.customize.title.label: Do NOT localize the term "&sidebarName;" -->
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.title.label "Prilagodi &sidebarName;">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE sidebar.customize.current.label: Do NOT localize the term "&sidebarName;" -->
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.current.label "Tabovi u &sidebarName;:">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.customize.label "Prilagodi tab…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.remove.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.additional.label "Dostupni tabovi:">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.add.label "Dodaj">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.preview.label "Pregled…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.up.label "Pomjeri gore">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.down.label "Pomjeri dole">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.more.label "Nađi više tabova…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/preview.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/preview.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86fd8b48f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/preview.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sidebar.preview.title.label "Pregled taba">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b81859b7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addPanelConfirmTitle=Dodajte tab na bočnu traku
+addPanelConfirmMessage=Dodajte tab „%title%” na %name%?##Izvor: %url%
+persistentPanelWarning=Tab bočne trake kojeg dodajete može prenositi podatke putem interneta i pokrenuti JavaScript čak i dok je %name% zatvoren.
+dupePanelAlertTitle=Bočna traka
+dupePanelAlertMessage=%url% već postoji u %name%.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8e9fb6a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sidebar.panels.label "Bočna traka">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.reload.label "Obnovi">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.picker.label "Tabovi">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.customize.label "Prilagodi bočnu traku…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.hide.label "Sakrij tab">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.switch.label "Prebaci na tab">
+<!ENTITY sidebarCmd.label "Bočna traka">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.loading.label "Učitavanje…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.loadstopped.label "Učitavanje zaustavljeno">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.loading.stop.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY "Bočna traka je trenutno prazna.">
+<!ENTITY 'Možete dodati tabove klikom na dugme "Tabovi" iznad.'>
+<!ENTITY 'Ako želite da kompletno sakrijete bočnu traku, kliknite na meni "Pregled" iznad i izaberite "Bočna traka" iz "Prikaži/sakrij" podmenija.'>
+<!ENTITY sidebar.sbDirectory.label "Adresar bočne trake…">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.pagenotfound.label "Ovaj tab trenutno nije dostupan.">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.close.tooltip "Zatvori bočnu traku">
+<!ENTITY "Otvori bočnu traku">
+<!ENTITY "Traži">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.client-bookmarks.label "Zabilješke">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.client-history.label "Historija">
+<!ENTITY sidebar.client-addressbook.label "Adresar">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncBrand.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncBrand.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71955e69ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncBrand.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY syncBrand.shortName.label "Sync">
+<!ENTITY syncBrand.fullName.label "SeaMonkey Sync">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f5b9a0ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (whole file) "Sync" should match &syncBrand.shortName.label; from syncBrand.dtd
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (change.password.title): This (and associated change.password/passphrase) are used when the user elects to change their password.
+change.password.title = Promijenite vašu lozinku
+change.password.acceptButton = Promijeni lozinku = Promjena vaše lozinke…
+change.password.status.success = Vaša lozinka je promijenjena.
+change.password.status.error = Dogodila se greška pri promjeni vaše lozinke.
+change.password3.introText = Vaša lozinka mora biti duga najmanje 8 znakova. I ne može biti ista kao vaše korisničko ime ili ključ za popravak.
+change.password.warningText = Napomena: Svi vaši drugi uređaji neće biti u mogućnosti da se povežu na vaš račun jednom kada promijenite ovu lozinku.
+change.recoverykey.title = Promijenite vaš ključ za oporavak
+change.recoverykey.acceptButton = Promijenite ključ za oporavak
+change.recoverykey.label = Promjena ključa za oporavak i otpremanje lokalnih podataka, molimo pričekajte…
+change.recoverykey.error = Dogodila se greška pri promjeni vašeg ključa za oporavak!
+change.recoverykey.success = Vaš ključ za oporavak je uspješno promijenjen!
+change.recoverykey.introText2 = Da osiguramo vašu potpunu privatnost, svi vaši podaci su šifrovani prije otpremanja. Ključ za dešifrovanje vaših podataka nije otpemljen.
+change.recoverykey.warningText = Napomena: Mijenjanjem ovoga će izbrisati sve podatke pohranjene na Sync serveru i otpremit će nove podatke osigurane s ovim ključem za oporavak. Vaši drugi uređaji neće biti sinhronizovani dok ne unesete novi ključ za oporavak u uređaj.
+new.recoverykey.label = Vaš ključ za oporavak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (new.password.title): This (and associated new.password/passphrase) are used on a second computer when it detects that your password or passphrase has been changed on a different device.
+new.password.title = Ažuriraj lozinku
+new.password.introText = Vaša lozinka je odbačena od servera, molimo ažurirajte lozinku.
+new.password.label = Unesite vašu novu lozinku
+new.password.confirm = Potvrdite vašu novu lozinku
+new.password.acceptButton = Ažuriraj lozinku
+new.password.status.incorrect = Netačna lozinka, molimo pokušajte ponovo.
+new.recoverykey.title = Ažurirajte ključ za oporavak
+new.recoverykey.introText = Promijenili ste vaš ključ za oporavak iz drugog uređaja, molimo unesite vaš ažurirani ključ za oporavak.
+new.recoverykey.acceptButton = Ažurirajte ključ za oporavak
+new.recoverykey.status.incorrect = Netačan ključ za oporavak, molimo pokušajte ponovo.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncKey.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncKey.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..774940a003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncKey.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Vaš &syncBrand.fullName.label; ključ">
+<!ENTITY "Vaš ključ je korišten da dekodira podatke u vašem &syncBrand.fullName.label; računu. Morat ćete unijeti ključ svaki puta kada konfigurišete &syncBrand.fullName.label; na novom računaru ili uređaju.">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.keepItSecret.heading "Čuvajte ga u tajnosti">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.keepItSecret.description "Vaš &syncBrand.fullName.label; račun je šifrovan da zaštiti vašu privatnost. Bez ovog ključa, to bi moglo potrajati godinama za nekoga da dekodira vaše lične informacije. Vi ste jedina osoba koja čuva ovaj ključ. To znači da jedino vi možete pristupiti vašim &syncBrand.fullName.label; podacima.">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.keepItSafe.heading "Čuvajte ga na sigurnom">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.keepItSafe1.description "Nemojte izgubiti ovaj ključ.">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.keepItSafe2.description " Ne čuvamo kopiju vašeg ključa (to bi značilo da više nije u tajnosti!) tako da ">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.keepItSafe3.description "vam ne možemo pomoći oporaviti ga">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.keepItSafe4.description " ako ga izgubite. Morat ćete koristiti ovaj ključ svaki put kada povezujete novi računar ili uređaj na &syncBrand.fullName.label;.">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.findOutMore1.label "Saznajte više o &syncBrand.fullName.label; i vašoj privatnosti na ">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.findOutMore2.label ".">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.footer1.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label; Uslovi servisa dostupni su na ">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.footer2.label ". Polica privatnosti dostupna je na ">
+<!ENTITY syncKey.footer3.label ".">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncQuota.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncQuota.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbc837546c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncQuota.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY quota.dialogTitle.label "Kvota servera">
+<!ENTITY quota.retrievingInfo.label "Preuzimanje informacija o kvoti…">
+<!ENTITY quota.typeColumn.label "Tip">
+<!ENTITY quota.sizeColumn.label "Veličina">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0b0f28324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+collection.addons.label = Dodaci
+collection.bookmarks.label = Zabilješke
+collection.history.label = Historija
+collection.passwords.label = Lozinke
+collection.prefs.label = Postavke
+collection.tabs.label = Tabovi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.usageNoQuota.label): %1$S and %2$S are numeric value
+# and unit (as defined in the download manager) of the amount of space occupied
+# on the server
+quota.usageNoQuota.label = Trenutno koristite %1$S %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.usagePercentage.label):
+# %1$S is the percentage of space used,
+# %2$S and %3$S numeric value and unit (as defined in the download manager)
+# of the amount of space used,
+# %3$S and %4$S numeric value and unit (as defined in the download manager)
+# of the total space available.
+quota.usagePercentage.label = Koristite %1$S%% (%2$S %3$S) od dozvoljenih %4$S %5$S.
+quota.usageError.label = Ne možemo preuzeti informacije o kvoti.
+quota.retrieving.label = Preuzimanje…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.sizeValueUnit.label): %1$S is the amount of space
+# occupied by the engine, %2$K the corresponding unit (e.g. kB) as defined in
+# the download manager.
+quota.sizeValueUnit.label = %1$S %2$S
+quota.remove.label = Ukloni
+quota.treeCaption.label = Odznači stavke da zaustavite sinhronizaciju za njih i oslobodite prostor na serveru.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.removal.label): %S is a list of engines that will be
+# disabled and whose data will be removed once the user confirms.
+quota.removal.label = SeaMonkey Sync će ukloniti sljedeće podatke: %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.list.separator): This is the separator string used
+# for the list of engines (incl. spaces where appropriate)
+quota.list.separator = ,\u0020
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (quota.freeup.label): %1$S and %2$S are numeric value
+# and unit (as defined in the download manager) of the amount of space freed
+# up by disabling the unchecked engines. If displayed this string is
+# concatenated directly to quota.removal.label and may need to start off with
+# whitespace.
+quota.freeup.label = \u0020Će osloboditi do %1$S %2$S.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncSetup.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncSetup.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9d40000ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/syncSetup.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY accountSetupTitle.label "Postavljanje &syncBrand.fullName.label; ">
+<!-- First page of the wizard -->
+<!ENTITY setup.pickSetupType.description "Dobrodošli, ako nikad prije niste koristili &syncBrand.fullName.label; trebate napraviti novi račun.">
+<!ENTITY button.createNewAccount.label "Napravite novi račun">
+<!ENTITY setup.haveAccount.label "Već imam &syncBrand.fullName.label; račun.">
+<!ENTITY button.connect.label "Poveži">
+<!ENTITY setup.choicePage.title.label "Jeste li prije koristili &syncBrand.fullName.label;?">
+<!ENTITY "Nikad prije nisam koristio &syncBrand.shortName.label;">
+<!ENTITY setup.choicePage.existing.label "Već koristim &syncBrand.shortName.label; na drugom računaru">
+<!-- New Account AND Existing Account -->
+<!ENTITY server.label "Server">
+<!ENTITY serverType.main.label "Server &syncBrand.fullName.label;">
+<!ENTITY serverType.custom2.label "Koristite prilagođeni server…">
+<!ENTITY signIn.account2.label "Račun">
+<!ENTITY signIn.password.label "Lozinka">
+<!ENTITY signIn.recoveryKey.label "Ključ za oporavak">
+<!-- New Account Page 1: Basic Account Info -->
+<!ENTITY setup.newAccountDetailsPage.title.label "Detalji računa">
+<!ENTITY setup.confirmPassword.label "Potvrdite lozinku">
+<!ENTITY setup.emailAddress.label "Email adresa">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: tosAgree1, tosLink, tosAgree2, ppLink, tosAgree3 are
+ joined with implicit white space, so spaces in the strings aren't necessary -->
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree1.label "Slažem se s">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosLink.label "Uslovima servisa">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree2.label "i">
+<!ENTITY setup.ppLink.label "Policom privatnosti">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree3.label "">
+<!ENTITY setup.tosAgree2.accesskey "">
+<!-- New Account Page 2: Recovery Key -->
+<!ENTITY setup.newRecoveryKeyPage.title.label "&brandShortName; brine o vašoj privatnosti">
+<!ENTITY setup.newRecoveryKeyPage.description.label "Da osiguramo vašu potpunu privatnost, svi vaši podaci su šifrovani prije otpremanja. Ključ za oporavak potreban za dešifrovanje vaših podataka nije otpemljen.">
+<!ENTITY recoveryKeyEntry.label "Vaš ključ za oporavak">
+<!ENTITY recoveryGenerateNewKey.label "Generišite novi ključ">
+<!ENTITY recoveryKeyBackup.description "Vaš ključ za oporavak je potreban da pristupite &syncBrand.fullName.label; na drugim uređajima. Molimo napravite sigurnosnu kopiju. Ne možemo vam pomoći da dobijete natrag vaš ključ za oporavak.">
+<!ENTITY button.syncKeyBackup.print.label "Štampaj…">
+<!ENTITY "Sačuvaj…">
+<!-- New Account Page 3: Captcha -->
+<!ENTITY setup.captchaPage2.title.label "Molimo potvrdite da niste robot">
+<!-- Existing Account Page 1: Add Device (incl. Add a Device dialog strings) -->
+<!ENTITY addDevice.title.label "Dodajte uređaj">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.showMeHow.label "Pokaži mi kako.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dontHaveDevice.label "Nemam uređaj sa sobom">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.setup.description.label "Da aktivirate, idite na &syncBrand.shortName.label; Postavke/Opcije na vašem drugom uređaju i izaberite &#x0022;Dodatj uređaj&#x0022;.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.setup.enterCode.label "Zatim, unesite ovaj kod:">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.description.label "Da aktivirate vaš novi uređaj, idite na &syncBrand.shortName.label; Postavke/Opcije na uređaju i izaberite &#x0022;Poveži.&#x0022;">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.enterCode.label "Unesite kod koji uređaj obezbjeđuje:">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.tryAgain.label "Molimo pokušajte ponovo.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.successful.label "Uređaj je uspješno dodan. Početna sinhronizacija može potrajati nekoliko minuta i završit će se u pozadini.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.recoveryKey.label "Da aktivirate vaš uređaj morat ćete unijeti vaš ključ za oporavak. Molimo da odštampate ili sačuvate ovaj ključ i nosite ga sa sobom.">
+<!ENTITY addDevice.dialog.connected.label "Uređaj povezan">
+<!-- Existing Account Page 2: Manual Login -->
+<!ENTITY setup.signInPage.title.label "Prijavite se">
+<!ENTITY existingRecoveryKey.description "Možete dobiti kopiju vašeg ključa za oporavak ako odete na &syncBrand.shortName.label; Postavke/Opcije na vašem drugom uređaju, i izaberete &#x0022;Moj ključ za oporavak&#x0022; ispod &#x0022;Upravljanje računom&#x0022;.">
+<!ENTITY verifying.label "Provjera…">
+<!ENTITY resetPassword.label "Resetuj lozinku">
+<!ENTITY resetSyncKey.label "Izgubio sam svoj drugi uređaj.">
+<!-- Sync Options -->
+<!ENTITY setup.optionsPage.title "Sync opcije">
+<!ENTITY syncComputerName.label "Naziv računara:">
+<!ENTITY syncMy.label "Sync moje">
+<!ENTITY engine.addons.label "Dodatke">
+<!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.label "Zabilješke">
+<!ENTITY engine.tabs.label "Tabove">
+<!ENTITY engine.history.label "Historiju">
+<!ENTITY engine.passwords.label "Lozinke">
+<!ENTITY engine.prefs.label "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY choice2.merge.main.label "Spoji podatke ovog računara s mojim &syncBrand.shortName.label; podacima">
+<!ENTITY choice2.merge.recommended.label "(preporučeno)">
+<!ENTITY choice2.client.main.label "Zamijenite sve podatke na ovom računaru s mojim &syncBrand.shortName.label; podacima">
+<!ENTITY choice2.server.main.label "Zamijenite podatke svih drugih uređaja s podacima ovog računara">
+<!-- Confirm Merge Options -->
+<!ENTITY setup.optionsConfirmPage.title "Potvrdi">
+<!ENTITY confirm.merge.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label; će sada spojiti sve podatke browsera ovog računara u vaš Sync račun.">
+<!ENTITY confirm.client2.label "Upozorenje: Sljedeći &brandShortName; podaci na ovom računaru će biti izbrisani:">
+<!ENTITY confirm.client.moreinfo.label "&brandShortName; će potom kopirati vaše &syncBrand.fullName.label; podatke na ovaj računar.">
+<!ENTITY confirm.server2.label "Upozorenje: Podaci na sljedećim uređajima će biti prepisani s lokalnim podacima:">
+<!-- New & Existing Account: Setup Complete -->
+<!ENTITY setup.successPage.title "Postavke završene">
+<!ENTITY changeOptions.label "Možete promijeniti ove postavke odabirom Sync opcija ispod.">
+<!ENTITY continueUsing.label "Sada možete nastaviti koristiti &brandShortName;.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87ef187cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+button.syncOptions.label = Sync opcije
+button.syncOptionsDone.label = Gotovo
+button.syncOptionsCancel.label = Otkaži
+invalidEmail.label = Neispravna email adresa
+serverInvalid.label = Molimo da unesete ispravan server URL
+usernameNotAvailable.label = Već se koristi
+verifying.label = Provjera…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (additionalClientCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of additional clients (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of bookmarks (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (historyDaysCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of days (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (passwordsCount.label):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the number of passwords (was %S for a short while, use #1 instead, even if both work)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsCount.label):
+# #1 is the number of add-ons, see the link above for forms
+save.recoverykey.title = Sačuvajte ključ za oporavak
+save.recoverykey.defaultfilename = SeaMonkey Recovery Key.html
+newAccount.action.label = SeaMonkey Sync je sada postavljen da automatski sinhronizuje sve podatke browsera.
+newAccount.change.label = Možete odabrati šta tačno sinhronizovati odabirom Sync opcija ispod.
+resetClient.change.label = SeaMonkey Sync će sada spojiti sve podatke browsera ovog računara s vašim Sync računom.
+wipeClient.change.label = SeaMonkey Sync će sada zamijeniti sve podatke browsera na ovom računaru s podacima vašeg Sync računa.
+wipeRemote.change.label = SeaMonkey Sync će sada zamijeniti sve podatke browsera u vašem Sync računu s podacima na ovom računaru.
+existingAccount.change.label = Možete promijeniti ove postavke odabirom Sync opcija ispod.
+# Several other strings are used (via Weave.Status.login), but they come from
+# /services/sync
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/tasksOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/tasksOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9489a62099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/tasksOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from tasksOverlay.xul -->
+<!ENTITY navigatorCmd.label "Browser">
+<!ENTITY navigatorCmd.commandkey "1">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorCmd.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY editorCmd.label "Composer">
+<!ENTITY editorCmd.commandkey "4">
+<!ENTITY errorConsoleCmd.label "Konzola za greške">
+<!ENTITY taskNavigator.tooltip "Browser">
+<!ENTITY taskComposer.tooltip "Composer">
+<!ENTITY webDevelopment.label "Web programiranje">
+<!ENTITY windowMenu.label "Prozor">
+<!ENTITY tasksMenu.label "Alati">
+<!ENTITY datamanCmd.label "Menadžer podataka">
+<!ENTITY passwordManagerCmd.label "Menadžer lozinki">
+<!ENTITY passwordDisplayCmd.label "Upravljajte pohranjenim lozinkama">
+<!ENTITY passwordExpireCmd.label "Odjavite se">
+<!ENTITY downloadManagerCmd.label "Menadžer preuzimanja">
+<!ENTITY addOnsManagerCmd.label "Menadžer dodataka">
+<!ENTITY switchProfileCmd.label "Promijenite profil…">
+<!ENTITY syncBrand.shortName.label "Sync">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (syncSetup.accesskey, syncSyncNowItem.accesskey):
+ Only one of these will show at a time (based on setup state),
+ so reusing accesskey is ok. -->
+<!ENTITY syncSetup.label "Postavite Sync…">
+<!ENTITY syncSyncNowItem.label "Sinhronizujte sada">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d290f9cebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+openparen = (
+closeparen = )
+textfound = Pronađen tekst: "
+textnotfound = Tekst nije pronađen: "
+linkfound = Pronađen link: "
+linknotfound = Link nije pronađen: "
+closequote = "
+stopfind = Pretraživanje zaustavljeno.
+starttextfind = Početak -- nađite tekst dok kucate
+startlinkfind = Početak -- nađite linkove dok kucate
+repeated = ponovljeno
+nextmatch = - sljedeći rezultat
+prevmatch = - prethodni rezultat
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/unix/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/unix/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..946c7a62c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/unix/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- unix -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Do not translate all the Cmd.key and accesskey -->
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Zatvori">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.label "Izlaz">
+<!ENTITY findCmd.key2 "VK_F19">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.key "/">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.key "'">
+<!ENTITY accel.emacs_conflict "accel,shift">
+<!-- Help viewer -->
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.label "Sadržaj pomoći">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.key "VK_F1">
+<!-- Key labels, for mousewheel prefs -->
+<!ENTITY ctrlKey.label "Ctrl">
+<!ENTITY altKey.label "Alt">
+<!ENTITY shiftKey.label "Shift">
+<!ENTITY menubarCmd.label "Traka menija">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91e46921bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- these things need to move into utilityOverlay.xul -->
+<!ENTITY offlineGoOfflineCmd.label "Rad van mreže">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the global menu items -->
+<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "Datoteka">
+<!ENTITY newMenu.label "Novi">
+<!ENTITY newBlankPageCmd.label "Stranica sastavljača">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromTemplateCmd.label "Stranica pomoću šablona">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromDraftCmd.label "Stranica pomoću nacrta">
+<!ENTITY newNavigatorCmd.label "Prozor browsera">
+<!ENTITY newPrivateWindowCmd.label "Privatni prozor">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.label "Podešavanje stranice…">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.label "Pregled prije štampanja">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Štampaj…">
+<!ENTITY editMenu.label "Uredi">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.label "Poništi">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.label "Ponovi">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.label "Isjeci">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Kopiraj">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.label "Zalijepi">
+<!ENTITY pasteGoCmd.label "Zalijepi i idi">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteSearchCmd): "Search" is a verb, this is the
+ search bar equivalent to the url bar's "Paste & Go" -->
+<!ENTITY pasteSearchCmd.label "Zalijepi i traži">
+<!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Označi sve">
+<!ENTITY clearHistoryCmd.label "Očisti historiju pretrage">
+<!ENTITY showSuggestionsCmd.label "Prikaži prijedloge">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Postavke…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (findBarCmd.accesskey): This accesskey should be within
+ findBarCmd.label found in editorOverlay.dtd, findCmd.label in messenger.dtd
+ and messengercompose.dtd and findOnCmd.label found in navigatorOverlay.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.label "Pronađi ponovo">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.label "Pronađi prethodno">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.label "Pronađite tekst dok kucate">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.label "Pronađite linkove dok kucate">
+<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "Prikaz">
+<!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenu.label "Prikaži/sakrij">
+<!ENTITY showTaskbarCmd.label "Statusna traka">
+<!ENTITY helpMenu.label "Pomoć">
+<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Informacije za rješavanje problema">
+<!ENTITY releaseCmd.label "Napomene o izdanju">
+<!ENTITY helpSafeMode.label "Restartuj sa onemogućenim dodacima">
+<!ENTITY updateCmd.label "Provjera ažuriranja…">
+<!ENTITY aboutCmd.label "O &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY aboutCommPluginsCmd.label "O priključcima">
+<!ENTITY direct.label "Na mreži (Proxy: Nijedan)">
+<!ENTITY manual.label "Na mreži (Proxy: Ručno)">
+<!ENTITY pac.label "Na mreži (Proxy: Automatski URL)">
+<!ENTITY wpad.label "Na mreži (Proxy: Automatsko otkrivanje)">
+<!ENTITY system.label "Na mreži (Proxy: Sistemski proxy)">
+<!ENTITY proxy.label "Proxy konfiguracija…">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.label "Promijeni smjer teksta">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbarContext.label "Prilagodi…">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.toolbarmode.label "Postavke za ovu alatnu traku">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.iconsAndText.label "Ikone i tekst">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.icons.label "Ikone">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.text.label "Tekst">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useSmallIcons.label "Koristi male ikone">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.labelAlignEnd.label "Prikaži tekst pored ikone">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useDefault.label "Vrati početne postavke">
+<!-- Popup Blocked notification menu -->
+<!ENTITY showPopupManager.label "Upravljanje iskočnim prozorima">
+<!ENTITY dontShowMessage.label "Ne prikazuj ovu poruku kada su iskočni prozori blokirani">
+<!ENTITY syncToolbarButton.label "Sync">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a60d6cfa6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Online/offline tooltips
+onlineTooltip0=Na mreži ste (proxy: nijedan). Kliknite ikonu da odete van mreže.
+onlineTooltip1=Na mreži ste (proxy: ručno). Kliknite ikonu da odete van mreže.
+onlineTooltip2=Na mreži ste (proxy: automatski URL). Kliknite ikonu da odete van mreže.
+onlineTooltip4=Na mreži ste (proxy: automatsko otkrivanje). Kliknite ikonu da odete van mreže.
+onlineTooltip5=Na mreži ste (proxy: koristi sistemski proxy). Kliknite ikonu da odete van mreže.
+offlineTooltip=Van mreže ste. Kliknite ikonu da idete na mrežu.
+# Popup menus
+popupMenuShow=Prikaži %S
+popupAllow=Dozvolite iskočne prozore za %S
+# Check for Updates
+updatesItem_default=Provjera ažuriranja…
+updatesItem_defaultFallback=Provjera ažuriranja…
+updatesItem_downloading=Preuzimanje %S…
+updatesItem_downloadingFallback=Preuzimanje ažuriranja…
+updatesItem_resume=Nastavite preuzimanje %S…
+updatesItem_resumeFallback=Nastavite preuzimanje ažuriranja…
+updatesItem_pending=Primjenite preuzeto ažuriranje sada…
+updatesItem_pendingFallback=Primjenite preuzeto ažuriranje sada…
+# safeModeRestart
+safeModeRestartPromptTitle=Restartuj sa onemogućenim dodacima
+safeModeRestartPromptMessage=Jeste li sigurni da želite onemogućiti sve dodatke i restartovati?
+safeModeRestartCheckbox=Restartuj sa onemogućenim dodacima
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/viewApplyThemeOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/viewApplyThemeOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c46cffe15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/viewApplyThemeOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY applyTheme.label "Primijenite temu">
+<!ENTITY getMoreThemesCmd.label "Preuzmite više tema">
+<!ENTITY getBackgroundsCmd.label "Preuzmite pozadine">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04d85439d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+switchskins=Promjena teme će imati efekta kada restartujete %S.
+switchskinstitle=Primijenite temu
+switchskinsnow=Restartujte odmah
+switchskinslater=Restartujte kasnije
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/viewZoomOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/viewZoomOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b1a0b1ea6
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not use digits "0"-"9" as accesskeys -->
+<!ENTITY zoomEnlargeCmd.label "Veće">
+<!ENTITY zoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey "+">
+<!ENTITY zoomEnlargeCmd.commandkey2 "="> <!-- + is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY zoomReduceCmd.label "Manje">
+<!ENTITY zoomReduceCmd.commandkey "-">
+<!ENTITY zoomResetCmd.commandkey "0">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c602990a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# zoom submenu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: don't translate %zoom% in any property
+# don't use digits "0"-"9" for accesskeys
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullZoom,textZoom): are never available at the same time
+fullZoom.label=Uvećaj (%zoom% %)
+textZoom.label=Uvećaj tekst (%zoom% %)
+# labels and accesskeys to emphasize the 100 % and 200 % entries
+zoom.100.label=100 % (Originalna veličina)
+zoom.200.label=200 % (Dupla veličina)
+# labels and accesskeys to emphasize the minimum and maximum boundaries
+zoom.min.label=%zoom% % (Minimum)
+zoom.max.label=%zoom% % (Maksimum)
+# label pattern for remaining values, accesskeys are assigned dynamically
+zoom.value.label=%zoom% %
+zoom.other.label=Ostalo (%zoom% %) …
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/win/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/common/win/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ef45c70da
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- win -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Do not translate "accel" or "shift",
+ You may want to translate the Cmd.key and accesskey -->
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Zatvori">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.label "Izađi">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.key "/">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.key "'">
+<!ENTITY accel.emacs_conflict "accel">
+<!-- Help viewer -->
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.label "Sadržaj pomoći">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.key "VK_F1">
+<!ENTITY helpForIEUsers.label "Za korisnike Internet Explorera">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE some localizations need to change the
+ "Help" menu label on Windows -->
+<!ENTITY helpMenu.label "Pomoć">
+<!-- Key labels, for mousewheel prefs -->
+<!ENTITY ctrlKey.label "Ctrl">
+<!ENTITY altKey.label "Alt">
+<!ENTITY shiftKey.label "Shift">
+<!ENTITY menubarCmd.label "Traka menija">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28186a38dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdAdvancedEdit.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY WindowTitle.label "Editor naprednih svojstava">
+<!ENTITY AttName.label "Atribut:">
+<!ENTITY AttValue.label "Vrijednost: ">
+<!ENTITY PropertyName.label "Svojstvo: ">
+<!ENTITY currentattributesfor.label "Trenutni atributi za: ">
+<!ENTITY tree.attributeHeader.label "Atribut">
+<!ENTITY tree.propertyHeader.label "Svojstvo">
+<!ENTITY tree.valueHeader.label "Vrijednost">
+<!ENTITY tabHTML.label "HTML atributi">
+<!ENTITY tabCSS.label "Inline stil">
+<!ENTITY tabJSE.label "JavaScript događaji">
+<!ENTITY editAttribute.label "Kliknite na stavku iznad da uredite njenu vrijednost">
+<!ENTITY removeAttribute.label "Ukloni">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdColorPicker.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdColorPicker.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74b858ccec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdColorPicker.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Boja">
+<!ENTITY lastPickedColor.label "Posljednja izabrana boja">
+<!ENTITY lastPickedColor.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY setColor1.label "Kliknite na boju ili">
+<!ENTITY setColor2.label "upišite HTML string boje">
+<!ENTITY setColor2.accessKey "H">
+<!ENTITY setColorExample.label "(npr. &quot;#0000ff&quot; ili &quot;blue&quot;):">
+<!ENTITY default.label "Izvorno">
+<!ENTITY default.accessKey "I">
+<!ENTITY palette.label "Paleta:">
+<!ENTITY standardPalette.label "Standardno">
+<!ENTITY webPalette.label "Sve web boje">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Pozadina za:">
+<!ENTITY background.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY table.label "Tabela">
+<!ENTITY table.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY cell.label "Ćelije">
+<!ENTITY cell.accessKey "Ć">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdConvertToTable.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdConvertToTable.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a9fff0012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdConvertToTable.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Pretvori u tabelu">
+<!ENTITY instructions1.label "Composer kreira novi red tabele za svaki paragraf iz selekcije.">
+<!ENTITY instructions2.label "Izaberite znak koji će se koristiti za odvajanje selekcija u kolone:">
+<!ENTITY commaRadio.label "Zarez">
+<!ENTITY spaceRadio.label "Razmak">
+<!ENTITY otherRadio.label "Ostali znakovi:">
+<!ENTITY deleteCharCheck.label "Obriši separator znakova">
+<!ENTITY collapseSpaces.label "Zanemari dodatne razmake">
+<!ENTITY collapseSpaces.tooltip "Pretvori uzastopne razmake u jedan separator">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdDialogOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdDialogOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..815b3b22ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdDialogOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.label "Napredno uređivanje…">
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.accessKey "u">
+<!ENTITY AdvancedEditButton.tooltip "Dodaj ili uredi HTML atribute, atribute stila i JavaScript">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileButton.label "Izaberi fajl...">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileButton.accessKey "f">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileLinkButton.label "Izaberi fajl...">
+<!ENTITY chooseFileLinkButton.accessKey "a">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.label "URL je relativan u odnosu na lokaciju stranice">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY makeUrlRelative.tooltip "Promijenite između relativnog i apsolutnog URL-a. Da biste promijenili, najprije morate spasiti stranicu.">
+<!-- Shared by Link and Image dialogs -->
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField.label "Upišite lokaciju web stranice, lokalnog fajla ili izaberite imenovani anchor, odnosno naslov iz popup liste:">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField.accessKey "l">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField2.label "Unesite lokaciju web stranice, lokalnu datoteku ili izaberite sidro ili zaglavlje iz kontekst menija polja:">
+<!ENTITY LinkURLEditField2.accessKey "w">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f34601b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EdNamedAnchorProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke imenovanog anchora">
+<!ENTITY anchorNameEditField.label "Naziv anchora:">
+<!ENTITY anchorNameEditField.accessKey "N">
+<!ENTITY nameInput.tooltip "Unesite jedinstveni naziv za ovaj anchor (cilj)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditConflict.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditConflict.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d519ec588a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditConflict.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Izaberite promjene">
+<!ENTITY conflictWarning.label "Ova stranica je modificirana drugim programom, a vi također imate nespašene promjene u Composeru.">
+<!ENTITY conflictResolve.label "Izaberite koju verziju zadržati:">
+<!ENTITY keepCurrentPageButton.label "Zadrži trenutne promjene na stranici">
+<!ENTITY useOtherPageButton.label "Zamijeni trenutne promjene na stranici s drugim promjenama">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorButtonProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorButtonProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..155b4d1b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorButtonProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke dugmeta">
+<!ENTITY Settings.label "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY ButtonType.label "Tip">
+<!ENTITY ButtonType.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY submit.value "Pošalji">
+<!ENTITY reset.value "Resetuj">
+<!ENTITY button.value "Dugme">
+<!ENTITY ButtonName.label "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY ButtonName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY ButtonValue.label "Vrijednost:">
+<!ENTITY ButtonValue.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.label "Indeks taba:">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY ButtonDisabled.label "Onemogućeno">
+<!ENTITY ButtonDisabled.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.label "Tipka pristupa:">
+<!ENTITY AccessKey.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.label "Ukloni dugme">
+<!ENTITY RemoveButton.accesskey "U">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorColorProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorColorProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28c7fb9332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorColorProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Boje i pozadina stranice">
+<!ENTITY pageColors.label "Boje stranice">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.label "Izvorne boje čitača (ne postavljaj boje na stranici)">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.accessKey "n">
+<!ENTITY defaultColorsRadio.tooltip "Koristi samo postavke boja iz browsera posjetioca (čitaoca)">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.label "Koristi vlastite boje:">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.accessKey "v">
+<!ENTITY customColorsRadio.tooltip "Ove postavke boja će prepisati postavke browsera čitaoca">
+<!ENTITY normalText.label "Obični tekst">
+<!ENTITY normalText.accessKey "n">
+<!ENTITY linkText.label "Tekst linka">
+<!ENTITY linkText.accessKey "l">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.label "Tekst aktivnog linka">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.accessKey "a">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.label "Tekst posjećenog linka">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.accessKey "p">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Pozadina:">
+<!ENTITY background.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY colon.character ":">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.label "Pozadinska slika:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.accessKey "s">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.tooltip "Koristi fajl sa slikom kao pozadinu stranice">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.shortenedDataURI "Skraćen URI podataka (kada se kopira, cijeli URI će biti sačuvan u međuspremniku)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFieldSetProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFieldSetProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b04fba5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFieldSetProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke skupa polja">
+<!ENTITY Legend.label "Legenda">
+<!ENTITY Legend.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY EditLegendText.label "Uredi legendu:">
+<!ENTITY EditLegendText.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY LegendAlign.label "Poravnaj legendu:">
+<!ENTITY LegendAlign.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY AlignDefault.label "Izvorno">
+<!ENTITY AlignLeft.label "Lijevo">
+<!ENTITY AlignCenter.label "Centriraj">
+<!ENTITY AlignRight.label "Desno">
+<!ENTITY RemoveFieldSet.label "Ukloni skup polja">
+<!ENTITY RemoveFieldSet.accesskey "k">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFormProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFormProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e1621929a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorFormProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke obrasca">
+<!ENTITY Settings.label "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY FormName.label "Naziv obrasca:">
+<!ENTITY FormName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY FormAction.label "URL radnje:">
+<!ENTITY FormAction.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY FormMethod.label "Metoda:">
+<!ENTITY FormMethod.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY FormEncType.label "Kodiranje:">
+<!ENTITY FormEncType.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY FormTarget.label "Ciljni okvir:">
+<!ENTITY FormTarget.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY RemoveForm.label "Ukloni obrazac">
+<!ENTITY RemoveForm.accesskey "U">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorHLineProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorHLineProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d30dfde10c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorHLineProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke horizontalne linije">
+<!ENTITY dimensionsBox.label "Dimenzije">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.label "Visina:">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Širina:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "Š">
+<!ENTITY pixelsPopup.value "piksela">
+<!ENTITY alignmentBox.label "Poravnanje">
+<!ENTITY leftRadio.label "Lijevo">
+<!ENTITY leftRadio.accessKey "L">
+<!ENTITY centerRadio.label "Sredina">
+<!ENTITY centerRadio.accessKey "S">
+<!ENTITY rightRadio.label "Desno">
+<!ENTITY rightRadio.accessKey "D">
+<!ENTITY threeDShading.label "3-D sjenčenje">
+<!ENTITY threeDShading.accessKey "j">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.label "Koristi kao glavno">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY saveSettings.tooltip "Spasi ove postavke za korištenje prilikom umetanja novih vodoravnih linija">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorImageProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorImageProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f01dadfde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorImageProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These strings are for use specifically in the editor's image and form image dialogs. -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke slike">
+<!ENTITY pixelsPopup.value "piksela">
+<!-- These are in the Location tab panel -->
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.label "Lokacija slike:">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.accessKey "L">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.tooltip "Upišite naziv fajla ili lokaciju">
+<!ENTITY locationEditField.shortenedDataURI "Skraćeni URI podataka (kopiranje će staviti cijeli URI na clipboard)">
+<!ENTITY title.label "Tooltip:">
+<!ENTITY title.accessKey "T">
+<!ENTITY title.tooltip "Html 'title' atribut koji se prikazuje kao tooltip">
+<!ENTITY altText.label "Alternativni tekst:">
+<!ENTITY altText.accessKey "A">
+<!ENTITY altTextEditField.tooltip "Upišite tekst koji će se prikazati na mjestu slike">
+<!ENTITY noAltText.label "Ne koristi alternativni tekst">
+<!ENTITY noAltText.accessKey "N">
+<!ENTITY previewBox.label "Pregled slike">
+<!-- These controls are in the Dimensions tab panel -->
+<!-- actualSize.label should be same as actualSizeRadio.label + ":" -->
+<!ENTITY actualSize.label "Stvarna veličina:">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.label "Stvarna veličina">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.accessKey "a">
+<!ENTITY actualSizeRadio.tooltip "Vrati sliku na stvarnu veličinu">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.label "Prilagođena veličina">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY customSizeRadio.tooltip "Promijeni veličinu slike na onnu prikazanu na stranici">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.label "Visina:">
+<!ENTITY heightEditField.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.label "Širina:">
+<!ENTITY widthEditField.accessKey "Š">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.label "Ograniči">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.accessKey "O">
+<!ENTITY constrainCheckbox.tooltip "Zadrži omjer slike">
+<!-- These controls are in the Image Map box of the expanded area -->
+<!ENTITY imagemapBox.label "Mapa slike">
+<!ENTITY removeImageMapButton.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY removeImageMapButton.accessKey "U">
+<!-- These are the options for image alignment -->
+<!ENTITY alignment.label "Poravnaj tekst uz sliku">
+<!ENTITY bottomPopup.value "Na dno">
+<!ENTITY topPopup.value "Na vrh">
+<!ENTITY centerPopup.value "U sredinu">
+<!ENTITY wrapRightPopup.value "Omotaj na desno">
+<!ENTITY wrapLeftPopup.value "Omotaj na lijevo">
+<!-- These controls are in the Spacing Box -->
+<!ENTITY spacingBox.label "Razmak">
+<!ENTITY leftRightEditField.label "Lijevo i desno:">
+<!ENTITY leftRightEditField.accessKey "L">
+<!ENTITY topBottomEditField.label "Vrh i dno:">
+<!ENTITY topBottomEditField.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.label "Puni okvir:">
+<!ENTITY borderEditField.accessKey "o">
+<!-- These controls are in the Link Box -->
+<!ENTITY showImageLinkBorder.label "Prikaži okvir oko povezane slike s linkom">
+<!ENTITY showImageLinkBorder.accessKey "o">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.label "Napredno uređivanje linka…">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.accessKey "l">
+<!ENTITY LinkAdvancedEditButton.tooltip "Dodaj ili uredi HTML atribute, atribute stila i JavaScript">
+<!-- These tabs are currently used in the image input dialog -->
+<!ENTITY imageInputTab.label "Obrazac">
+<!ENTITY imageLocationTab.label "Lokacija">
+<!ENTITY imageDimensionsTab.label "Dimenzije">
+<!ENTITY imageAppearanceTab.label "Izgled">
+<!ENTITY imageLinkTab.label "Link">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorInputProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorInputProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faf3280e31
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke polja obrasca">
+<!ENTITY windowTitleImage.label "Postavke slike obrasca">
+<!ENTITY InputType.label "Tip polja">
+<!ENTITY InputType.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY text.value "Tekst">
+<!ENTITY password.value "Lozinka">
+<!ENTITY checkbox.value "Kućica">
+<!ENTITY radio.value "Radio dugme">
+<!ENTITY submit.value "Dugme za slanje">
+<!ENTITY reset.value "Dugme za resetovanje">
+<!ENTITY file.value "Fajl">
+<!ENTITY hidden.value "Skriveno">
+<!ENTITY image.value "Slika">
+<!ENTITY button.value "Dugme">
+<!ENTITY InputSettings.label "Postavke polja">
+<!ENTITY InputName.label "Naziv polja:">
+<!ENTITY InputName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY GroupName.label "Naziv grupe:">
+<!ENTITY GroupName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY InputValue.label "Vrijednost polja:">
+<!ENTITY InputValue.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY InitialValue.label "Inicijalna vrijednost:">
+<!ENTITY InitialValue.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY InputChecked.label "Inicijalno izabrano">
+<!ENTITY InputChecked.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY InputSelected.label "Inicijalno označeno">
+<!ENTITY InputSelected.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY InputReadOnly.label "Samo za čitanje">
+<!ENTITY InputReadOnly.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY InputDisabled.label "Onemogućeno">
+<!ENTITY InputDisabled.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.label "Indeks taba:">
+<!ENTITY tabIndex.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY TextSize.label "Veličina polja:">
+<!ENTITY TextSize.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY TextLength.label "Maksimalna dužina:">
+<!ENTITY TextLength.accesskey "d">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
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+<!-- Publish Tab Panel -->
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+<!ENTITY docDirList.tooltip "Izaberite ili upišite naziv udaljenog poddirektorija za ovu stranicu">
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+<!ENTITY publishImgCheckbox.tooltip "Objavi slike i druge fajlove referencirane na ovoj stranici">
+<!ENTITY sameLocationRadio.label "Koristi istu lokaciju kao i stranica">
+<!ENTITY sameLocationRadio.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY sameLocationRadio.tooltip "Objavi fajlove na istu lokaciju na kojoj je stranica">
+<!ENTITY useSubdirRadio.label "Koristi poddirektorij ove stranice:">
+<!ENTITY useSubdirRadio.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY useSubdirRadio.tooltip "Objavi fajlove u izabrani udaljeni poddirektorij">
+<!ENTITY otherDirList.tooltip "Izaberite ili upišite naziv udaljenog poddirektorija gdje će biti objavljeni fajlovi">
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+<!ENTITY pageTitle.tooltip "Upišite naslov kako bi stranica bila prepoznatljiva u prozoru i zabilješkama">
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+<!ENTITY filename.tooltip "Upišite naziv za ovaj fajl, uključujući '.html' za web stranicu">
+<!ENTITY filenameExample.label "npr.: &quot;mojastranica.html&quot;">
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+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Ukloni stranicu">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.accesskey "r">
+<!-- Settings Tab Panel -->
+<!ENTITY publishSites.label "Objavljujem stranice">
+<!ENTITY serverInfo.label "Podaci o serveru">
+<!ENTITY loginInfo.label "Informacije za prijavu">
+<!ENTITY siteName.label "Naziv stranice:">
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+<!ENTITY siteName.tooltip "Nadimak koji identificira ovu stranicu za objavljivanje (npr.: 'MojaStranica')">
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.label "Adresa objavljivanja (npr.: ''):">
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.tooltip "FTP:// ili HTTP:// adresa koju ste dobili od vašeg ISP-a ili web hosting servisa">
+<!ENTITY browseUrl.label "HTTP adresa vaše početne stranice (npr.: ''):">
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+<!ENTITY browseUrl.tooltip "HTTP:// adresa vašeg početnog direktorija (ne upisujte naziv fajla)">
+<!ENTITY username.label "Korisničko ime:">
+<!ENTITY username.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY username.tooltip "Korisničko ime koje koristite za prijavu na vaš ISP ili web hosting servis">
+<!ENTITY password.label "Lozinka:">
+<!ENTITY password.accesskey "z">
+<!ENTITY password.tooltip "Lozinka za vaše korisničko ime">
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+<!ENTITY savePassword.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY savePassword.tooltip "Izaberite ovo kako bi sigurno spasili vašu lozinku koristeći Upravitelja lozinkama">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY siteUrl.label "URL stranice:">
+<!ENTITY docSubdir.label "Poddirektorij stranice:">
+<!ENTITY otherSubdir.label "Poddirektorij slike:">
+<!ENTITY status.label "Objavljivanje…">
+<!ENTITY fileList.label "Status objavljivanja">
+<!ENTITY succeeded.label "Uspješno">
+<!ENTITY failed.label "Neuspješno">
+<!ENTITY keepOpen "Zadrži ovaj prozor otvoren nakon što se objavljivanje završi.">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Zatvori">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from EdReplace.xul -->
+<!ENTITY replaceDialog.title "Pronađi i zamijeni">
+<!ENTITY findField.label "Pronađi tekst:">
+<!ENTITY findField.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY replaceField.label "Zamijeni sa:">
+<!ENTITY replaceField.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY caseSensitiveCheckbox.label "Pazi na velika/mala slova">
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+<!ENTITY wrapCheckbox.accesskey "O">
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+<!ENTITY backwardsCheckbox.accesskey "u">
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+<!ENTITY findNextButton.accesskey "P">
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+<!ENTITY replaceButton.accesskey "Z">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These strings are generic to all or most of the editor's dialogs. -->
+<!-- This button is for the progressive disclosure of additional editing functionality -->
+<!-- These strings are for use specifically in the editor's link dialog. -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle2.label "Spasi i promijeni enkodiranje teksta">
+<!ENTITY documentTitleTitle.label "Naslov stranice">
+<!ENTITY documentCharsetTitle2.label "Enkodiranje teksta">
+<!ENTITY documentCharsetDesc2.label "Izaberite enkodiranje teksta u kojem želite snimiti dokument:">
+<!ENTITY documentExportToText.label "Izvezi u tekst">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke liste za izbor">
+<!ENTITY Select.label "Lista za izbor">
+<!ENTITY SelectName.label "Naziv liste:">
+<!ENTITY SelectName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY SelectSize.label "Visina:">
+<!ENTITY SelectSize.accesskey "V">
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+<!ENTITY SelectMultiple.accesskey "V">
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+<!ENTITY SelectTabIndex.accesskey "I">
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+<!ENTITY OptGroupLabel.label "Oznaka:">
+<!ENTITY OptGroupLabel.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY OptGroupDisabled.label "Onemogućeno">
+<!ENTITY OptGroupDisabled.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY Option.label "Opcija">
+<!ENTITY OptionText.label "Tekst:">
+<!ENTITY OptionText.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY OptionValue.label "Vrijednost:">
+<!ENTITY OptionValue.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY OptionSelected.label "Prvobitno izabrano">
+<!ENTITY OptionSelected.accesskey "z">
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+<!ENTITY OptionDisabled.accesskey "O">
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+<!ENTITY MoveElementDown.label "Pomjeri dolje">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Uklapaj uz mrežu">
+<!ENTITY enableSnapToGrid.label "omogući uklapanje uz mrežu">
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+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Provjeri pravopis">
+<!ENTITY misspelledWord.label "Pogrešno napisana riječ:">
+<!ENTITY wordEditField.label "Zamijeni sa:">
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+<!ENTITY checkwordButton.accessKey "j">
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+<!ENTITY suggestions.accessKey "r">
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+<!ENTITY ignoreButton.accessKey "I">
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+<!ENTITY replaceAllButton.accessKey "a">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.accessKey "Z">
+<!ENTITY userDictionary.label "Lični rječnik:">
+<!ENTITY moreDictionaries.label "Preuzmi više rječnika…">
+<!ENTITY addToUserDictionaryButton.label "Dodaj riječ">
+<!ENTITY addToUserDictionaryButton.accessKey "d">
+<!ENTITY editUserDictionaryButton.label "&amp;Uredi…">
+<!ENTITY editUserDictionaryButton.accessKey "e">
+<!ENTITY recheckButton2.label "Ponovo provjeri tekst">
+<!ENTITY recheckButton2.accessKey "t">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Zatvori">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.accessKey "Z">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.label "Pošalji">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.label "Jezik:">
+<!ENTITY languagePopup.accessKey "J">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTableProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTableProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1989e7388e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTableProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY tableWindow.title "Postavke tabele">
+<!ENTITY applyButton.label "Primijeni">
+<!ENTITY applyButton.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY closeButton.label "Zatvori">
+<!ENTITY tableTab.label "Tabela">
+<!ENTITY cellTab.label "Ćelije">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.label "Redovi:">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.label "Kolone:">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY tableHeight.label "Visina:">
+<!ENTITY tableHeight.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY tableWidth.label "Širina:">
+<!ENTITY tableWidth.accessKey "Š">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderSpacing.label "Okviri i razmaci">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderWidth.label "Okvir:">
+<!ENTITY tableBorderWidth.accessKey "k">
+<!ENTITY tableSpacing.label "Razmak:">
+<!ENTITY tableSpacing.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY tablePadding.label "Padding:">
+<!ENTITY tablePadding.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY tablePxBetwCells.label "piksela između ćelija">
+<!ENTITY tablePxBetwBrdrCellContent.label "piksela između ivice ćelija i sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY tableAlignment.label "Poravnanje tabele:">
+<!ENTITY tableAlignment.accessKey "t">
+<!ENTITY tableCaption.label "Opis:">
+<!ENTITY tableCaption.accessKey "O">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionAbove.label "Iznad tabele">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionBelow.label "Ispod tabele">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionLeft.label "Lijevo od tabele">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionRight.label "Desno od tabele">
+<!ENTITY tableCaptionNone.label "Nema">
+<!ENTITY tableInheritColor.label "(Dozvoli da se boje stranice vide kroz)">
+<!ENTITY cellSelection.label "Izbor">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectCell.label "Ćelija">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectRow.label "Red">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectColumn.label "Kolona">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectNext.label "Sljedeći">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectNext.accessKey "S">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectPrevious.label "Prethodni">
+<!ENTITY cellSelectPrevious.accessKey "P">
+<!ENTITY applyBeforeChange.label "Trenutne promjene će biti primijenjene prije promjene izbora.">
+<!ENTITY cellContentAlignment.label "Poravnanje sadržaja">
+<!ENTITY cellHorizontal.label "Horizontalno:">
+<!ENTITY cellHorizontal.accessKey "z">
+<!ENTITY cellVertical.label "Vertikalno:">
+<!ENTITY cellVertical.accessKey "V">
+<!ENTITY cellStyle.label "Stil ćelije:">
+<!ENTITY cellStyle.accessKey "ć">
+<!ENTITY cellNormal.label "Normalno">
+<!ENTITY cellHeader.label "Zaglavlje">
+<!ENTITY cellTextWrap.label "Omotavanje teksta:">
+<!ENTITY cellTextWrap.accessKey "t">
+<!ENTITY cellWrap.label "Omotaj">
+<!ENTITY cellNoWrap.label "Nemoj omotati">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignTop.label "Vrh">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignMiddle.label "Sredina">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignBottom.label "Dno">
+<!ENTITY cellAlignJustify.label "Obostrano">
+<!ENTITY cellInheritColor.label "(Dozvoli da se boje tablice vide kroz)">
+<!ENTITY cellUseCheckboxHelp.label "Koristite polja za potvrdu da oktrijete koje postavke su primijenjene na izabrane ćelije">
+<!-- Used in both Table and Cell panels -->
+<!ENTITY size.label "Veličina">
+<!ENTITY pixels.label "piksela">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.label "Boja pozadine:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundColor.accessKey "B">
+<!ENTITY AlignLeft.label "Lijevo">
+<!ENTITY AlignCenter.label "Sredina">
+<!ENTITY AlignRight.label "Desno">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTextAreaProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTextAreaProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..914f7a2dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/dialogs/EditorTextAreaProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Postavke tekstualnog polja">
+<!ENTITY Settings.label "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaName.label "Naziv polja:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaName.accessKey "N">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaRows.label "Redovi:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaRows.accessKey "R">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaCols.label "Kolone:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaCols.accessKey "K">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaReadOnly.label "Samo za čitanje">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaReadOnly.accessKey "o">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaDisabled.label "Onemogućeno">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaDisabled.accessKey "e">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaTabIndex.label "Indeks taba:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaTabIndex.accessKey "I">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaAccessKey.label "Tipka pristupa:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaAccessKey.accessKey "k">
+<!ENTITY InitialText.label "Inicijalni tekst:">
+<!ENTITY InitialText.accessKey "t">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaWrap.label "Način prijeloma:">
+<!ENTITY TextAreaWrap.accessKey "N">
+<!ENTITY WrapDefault.value "Izvorno">
+<!ENTITY WrapOff.value "Isključeno">
+<!ENTITY WrapHard.value "Tvrdo">
+<!ENTITY WrapSoft.value "Mehko">
+<!ENTITY WrapPhysical.value "Fizički">
+<!ENTITY WrapVirtual.value "Virtuelno">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editingOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editingOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6e8207b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editingOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.label "Otvori fajl…">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openFileCmd.key "O">
+<!ENTITY openRemoteCmd.label "Otvori web lokaciju…">
+<!ENTITY openRemoteCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY openRemoteCmd.key "l">
+<!ENTITY fileRecentMenu.label "Nedavne stranice">
+<!ENTITY fileRecentMenu.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Spasi">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.label "Spremi kao…">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY saveAsChangeEncodingCmd2.label "Spremi i promijeni kodnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY saveAsChangeEncodingCmd2.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY publishCmd.label "Objavi">
+<!ENTITY publishCmd.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY publishCmd.key "S">
+<!ENTITY publishAsCmd.label "Objavi kao…">
+<!ENTITY publishAsCmd.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY fileRevert.label "Vrati u prethodno stanje">
+<!ENTITY fileRevert.accesskey "i">
+<!-- Edit menu items -->
+<!ENTITY publishSettings.label "Postavke objavljivanja stranice…">
+<!ENTITY publishSettings.accesskey "b">
+<!-- Toolbar buttons/items -->
+<!ENTITY newToolbarCmd.label "Novo">
+<!ENTITY newToolbarCmd.tooltip "Kreiraj novu Composer stranicu">
+<!ENTITY openToolbarCmd.label "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY openToolbarCmd.tooltip "Otvori lokalni fajl">
+<!ENTITY saveToolbarCmd.tooltip "Spasi fajl na lokalnu lokaciju">
+<!ENTITY publishToolbarCmd.tooltip "Uploaduj fajl na udaljenu lokaciju">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editor.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editor.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5366a54e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editor.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Window title -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWindow.titlemodifier): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY editorWindow.titlemodifier "Composer">
+<!ENTITY editorWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator " - ">
+<!-- Menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- Toolbar-only items -->
+<!ENTITY compositionToolbar.tooltip "Alatna traka sastavljanja">
+<!ENTITY previewToolbarCmd.label "Pregled">
+<!ENTITY previewToolbarCmd.tooltip "Učitaj ovu stranicu u browseru">
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY exportToTextCmd.label "Izvoz u tekst…">
+<!ENTITY exportToTextCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY previewCmd.label "Pregledaj stranu">
+<!ENTITY previewCmd.accesskey "g">
+<!ENTITY sendPageCmd.label "Pošalji stranu…">
+<!ENTITY sendPageCmd.accesskey "a">
+<!-- View menu items -->
+<!ENTITY compositionToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka sastavljanja">
+<!ENTITY compositionToolbarCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY formattingToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka formatiranja">
+<!ENTITY formattingToolbarCmd.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY editmodeToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka režima uređivanja">
+<!ENTITY editmodeToolbarCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!-- Format menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.label "Format">
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY grid.label "Mreža pozicioniranja">
+<!ENTITY grid.accesskey "z">
+<!ENTITY pageProperties.label "Naslov stranice i postavke…">
+<!ENTITY pageProperties.accesskey "N">
+<!-- Tools menu items -->
+<!ENTITY validateCmd.label "Validacija HTML-a">
+<!ENTITY validateCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!-- Display Mode toolbar and View menu items -->
+<!ENTITY NormalModeTab.label "Normalno">
+<!ENTITY NormalMode.label "Normalni režim uređivanja">
+<!ENTITY NormalMode.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY NormalMode.tooltip "Prikaži okvir tabele i imenovane anchor-e">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsModeTab.label "HTML tagovi">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsMode.label "HTML Oznake">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsMode.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY AllTagsMode.tooltip "Prikaži ikone za sve HTML oznake">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: (HTMLSourceModeTab.dir, HTMLSourceModeTab.label)
+ Do NOT translate text for 'HTMLSourceModeTab.dir', use latin "ltr" if
+ you want the <html> image to left of the 'HTMLSourceModeTab.label' text,
+ or use latin "rtl" if you want this image to the right of text. You do
+ not need to include HTML in the label 'HTMLSourceModeTab.label' -->
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceModeTab.dir "ltr">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceModeTab.label "Izvorni kod">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceMode.label "HTML izvorni kod">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceMode.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY HTMLSourceMode.tooltip "Uredi HTML izvorni kod">
+<!ENTITY PreviewModeTab.label "Pregled">
+<!ENTITY PreviewMode.label "Pregled">
+<!ENTITY PreviewMode.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY PreviewMode.tooltip "Prikaži kao WYSIWYG (kao što je u browseru)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5afd80fb40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE FILE: embedded "\n" represent HTML breaks (<br>)
+# Don't translate embedded "\n".
+# Don't translate strings like this: %variable%
+# as they will be replaced using JavaScript
+MoreProperties=Više postavki
+FewerProperties=Manje postavki
+OpenHTMLFile=Otvori HTML fajl
+OpenTextFile=Otvori tekstualni fajl
+SelectImageFile=Izaberi fajl sa slikom
+SaveDocument=Spasi stranicu
+SaveDocumentAs=Spasi stranicu kao
+SaveTextAs=Spasi tekst kao
+EditMode=Režim uređivanja
+PublishPage=Objavi stranicu
+DontPublish=Ne objavljuj
+SavePassword=Koristi Upravnik lozinkama za pamćenje ove lozinke
+CorrectSpelling=(ispravan pravopis)
+NoSuggestedWords=(nema predloženih riječi)
+NoMisspelledWord=Nema pravopisnih grešaka
+CheckSpellingDone=Završena provjera pravopisa.
+CheckSpelling=Provjeri pravopis
+CantEditFramesetMsg=Composer ne može uređivati HTML frameset-ove ili stranice sa umetnutim frame-ovima. Za frameset-ove, pokušajte urediti stranicu za svaki frame zasebno. Za stranice sa iframe-ovima, spasite kopiju stranice i uklonite <iframe> oznaku.
+CantEditMimeTypeMsg=Ovaj tip stranice nije moguće uređivati.
+CantEditDocumentMsg=Ovu stranicu nije moguće uređivati iz nepoznatog razloga.
+BeforeClosing=prije zatvaranja
+BeforePreview=prije pregleda u browseru
+BeforeValidate=prije validacije dokumenta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveFilePrompt, PublishPrompt): Don't translate %title% and %reason% (this is the reason for asking user to close, such as "before closing")
+SaveFilePrompt=Spasiti promjene za %title%" %reason%?
+PublishPrompt=Spasiti promjene za %title%" %reason%?
+SaveFileFailed=Spašavanje fajla neuspješno!
+# Publishing error strings:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE Don't translate %dir% or %file% in the Publishing error strings:
+FileNotFound=%file% nije pronađen.
+SubdirDoesNotExist=Poddirektorij "%dir%" ne postoji na ovoj stranici ili je ime fajla "%file%" već u upotrebi od strane drugog poddirektorija.
+FilenameIsSubdir=Naziv fajla "%file%" je već u upotrebi od strane drugog poddirektorija.
+ServerNotAvailable=Server nije dostupan. Provjerite vašu konekciju i pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
+Offline=Trenutno ste offline. Kliknite na ikonu blizu donjeg desnog ugla bilo kojeg prozora da budete online.
+DiskFull=Nema dovoljno prostora na disku za spašavanje fajla "%file%."
+NameTooLong=Naziv fajla ili poddirektorija je predug.
+AccessDenied=Nemate dozvolu za objavljivanje na ovu lokaciju.
+UnknownPublishError=Desila se nepoznata greška prilikom objavljivanja.
+PublishFailed=Objavljivanje neuspješno.
+PublishCompleted=Objavljivanje završeno.
+AllFilesPublished=Svi fajlovi objavljeni
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE Don't translate %x% or %total%
+FailedFileMsg=%x% od %total% fajlova nije objavljeno.
+# End-Publishing error strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (PromptFTPUsernamePassword): Don't translate %host%
+PromptFTPUsernamePassword=Unesite korisničko ime i lozinku za FTP server na %host%
+RevertCaption=Vrati na posljednje spašeno
+SendPageReason=prije slanja ove stranice
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (PublishProgressCaption, PublishToSite, AbandonChanges): Don't translate %title%
+PublishProgressCaption=Objavljivanje: %title%
+PublishToSite=Objavljujem na stranicu: %title%
+AbandonChanges=Odbaciti nespašene izmjene na "%title%" i ponovo učitati stranicu?
+DocumentTitle=Naslov stranice
+NeedDocTitle=Molimo unesite naslov za trenutnu stranicu.
+DocTitleHelp=Ovo identificira stranicu u naslovu prozora i zabilješkama.
+CancelPublishTitle=Otkazati objavljivanje?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE: "Continue" in this sentence must match the text for
+## the CancelPublishContinue key below
+CancelPublishMessage=Otkazivanje za vrijeme objavljivanja može rezultirati nepotpunim prijenosom fajlova. Želite li nastaviti ili otkazati?
+MissingImageError=Unesite ili izaberite sliku tipa gif, jpg ili png.
+EmptyHREFError=Izaberite lokaciju za kreiranje novog linka.
+LinkText=Tekst linka
+LinkImage=Slika linka
+MixedSelection=[Miješani izbor]
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NotInstalled): %S is the name of the font
+NotInstalled=%S (nije instalirano)
+EnterLinkText=Unesite tekst linka za prikaz:
+EmptyLinkTextError=Unesite neki tekst za ovaj link.
+EditTextWarning=Ovo će zamijeniti postojeći sadržaj.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ValidateNumber):Don't translate: %n% %min% %max%
+ValidateRangeMsg=Broj koji ste unijeli (%n%) je izvan dopuštenog raspona.
+ValidateNumberMsg=Unesite broj između %min% i %max%.
+MissingAnchorNameError=Unesite naziv za ovaj anchor.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (DuplicateAnchorNameError): Don't translate %name%
+DuplicateAnchorNameError="%name%" već postoji u ovoj stranici. Unesite drugi naziv.
+BulletStyle=Stil grafičke oznake
+SolidCircle=Puni krug
+OpenCircle=Otvoreni krug
+SolidSquare=Puni kvadratić
+NumberStyle=Numerički stil
+Style_1=1, 2, 3…
+Style_I=I, II, III…
+Style_i=i, ii, iii…
+Style_A=A, B, C…
+Style_a=a, b, c…
+PercentOfCell=% ćelije
+PercentOfWindow=% prozora
+PercentOfTable=% tabele
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (untitledTitle): %S is the window #. No plural handling needed.
+untitledTitle=bez naslova-%S
+untitledDefaultFilename=bez naslova
+ShowToolbar=Prikaži alatnu traku
+HideToolbar=Sakrij alatnu traku
+ImapError=Nije moguće učitati sliku
+ImapCheck=\nIzaberite novu lokaciju (URL) i pokušajte ponovo.
+SaveToUseRelativeUrl=Relativni URL-ovi mogu biti korišteni samo na stranicama koje su već sačuvane
+NoNamedAnchorsOrHeadings=(Nema imenovanih anchor-a ili naslova na ovoj stranici)
+TextColor=Boja teksta
+HighlightColor=Boja isticanja
+PageColor=Boja pozadine stranice
+BlockColor=Boja pozadine bloka
+TableColor=Boja pozadine tabele
+CellColor=Boja pozadine ćelije
+TableOrCellColor=Boja tabele ili ćelije
+LinkColor=Boja teksta linka
+ActiveLinkColor=Boja aktivnog linka
+VisitedLinkColor=Boja posjećenog linka
+NoColorError=Kliknite na boju ili unesite ispravan string HTML boje
+TableCell=Ćelija tabele
+NestedTable=Ugniježdena tabela
+HLine=Vodoravna linija
+ImageAndLink=Slika i link
+NamedAnchor=Imenovani anchor
+ListItem=Stavka liste
+InputTag=Polje obrasca
+InputImage=Slika obrasca
+TextArea=Područje teksta
+Select=Lista za izbor
+FieldSet=Skup polja
+MissingSiteNameError=Unesite naziv ove stranice za objavljivanje.
+MissingPublishUrlError=Unesite lokaciju za objavljivanje ove stranice.
+MissingPublishFilename=Unesite naziv fajla za trenutnu stranicu.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (DuplicateSiteNameError): Don't translate %name%
+DuplicateSiteNameError="%name%" već postoji. Izaberite drugi naziv stranice.
+AdvancedProperties=Napredne postavke…
+AdvancedEditForCellMsg=Napredno uređivanje nije dostupno kada je označeno više ćelija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ObjectProperties):Don't translate "%obj%" it will be replaced with one of above object nouns
+ObjectProperties=%obj% postavke…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE This character must be in the above string and not confict with other accesskeys in Format menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (JoinSelectedCells): This variable should contain the "tableJoinCells.accesskey"
+# letter as defined in editorOverlay.dtd
+JoinSelectedCells=Spoji izabrane ćelije
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (JoinCellToRight): This variable should contain the "tableJoinCells.accesskey"
+# letter as defined in editorOverlay.dtd
+JoinCellToRight=Spoji sa ćelijom desno
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (TableSelectKey): Ctrl key on a keyboard
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (XulKeyMac): Command key on a Mac keyboard
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Del): Del key on a keyboard
+DeleteCells=Izbriši ćelije
+DeleteTableTitle=Izbriši redove ili kolone
+DeleteTableMsg=Smanjenje broja redova i kolona obrisat će ćelije tabele i njihov sadržaj. Da li ste sigurno da to želite uraditi?
+#Mouse actions
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE "RemoveTextStylesAccesskey" is used for both
+# menu items: "RemoveTextStyles" and "StopTextStyles"
+RemoveTextStyles=Ukloni sve stilove teksta
+StopTextStyles=Odbaci stilove teksta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE "RemoveLinksAccesskey" is used for both
+# menu items: "RemoveLinks" and "StopLinks"
+RemoveLinks=Ukloni linkove
+StopLinks=Odbaci link
+NoFormAction=Preporučujemo da unesete radnju za ovaj obrazac. Obrasci koji se sami šalju su napredna tehnika koja možda neće raditi dosljedno u svim internet preglednicima.
+NoAltText=Ako je slika bitna za sadržaj dokumenta, morate unijeti alternativni tekst koji će se prikazati u internet preglednicima koji prikazuju samo tekst i drugim internet preglednicima dok se slika učitava ili ako je učitavanje slike onemogućeno.
+Malformed=Izvorni kod nije moguće pretvoriti nazad u dokument jer nije ispravan XHTML.
+NoLinksToCheck=Nema elemenata sa linkovima za provjeru
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0ee5c165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Attn: Localization - some of the menus in this dialog directly affect mail also. -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.key "S">
+<!-- Edit menu items -->
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.label "Zalijepi bez formatiranja">
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY pasteNoFormatting.key "V">
+<!ENTITY pasteAs.label "Zalijepi kao">
+<!ENTITY pasteAs.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.label "Zalijepi kao citat">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY pasteAsQuotationCmd.key "o">
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.label "Pronađi…">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.label "Pronađi i zamijeni…">
+<!ENTITY enableInlineSpellChecker.label "Provjeravaj pravopis tokom pisanja">
+<!ENTITY enableInlineSpellChecker.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.label "Provjeri pravopis…">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY checkSpellingCmd2.key "p">
+<!-- Insert menu items -->
+<!ENTITY insertMenu.label "Umetni">
+<!ENTITY insertMenu.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.label "Link…">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY insertLinkCmd2.key "K">
+<!ENTITY insertAnchorCmd.label "Imenovani Anchor…">
+<!ENTITY insertAnchorCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY insertImageCmd.label "Sliku…">
+<!ENTITY insertImageCmd.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY insertHLineCmd.label "Horizontalnu liniju">
+<!ENTITY insertHLineCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY insertTableCmd.label "Tabelu…">
+<!ENTITY insertTableCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY insertHTMLCmd.label "HTML…">
+<!ENTITY insertHTMLCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY insertMathCmd.label "Matematiku…">
+<!ENTITY insertMathCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY insertCharsCmd.label "Znakove i simbole…">
+<!ENTITY insertCharsCmd.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY insertBreakAllCmd.label "Prijelom ispod slike(a)">
+<!ENTITY insertBreakAllCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!-- Used just in context popup. -->
+<!ENTITY createLinkCmd.label "Kreiraj link…">
+<!ENTITY createLinkCmd.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY editLinkCmd.label "Uredi link u novom Composeru">
+<!ENTITY editLinkCmd.accesskey "d">
+<!-- Font Face SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY FontFaceSelect.tooltip "Izaberi font">
+<!ENTITY fontfaceMenu.label "Font">
+<!ENTITY fontfaceMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY fontVarWidth.label "Promjenjiva širina">
+<!ENTITY fontVarWidth.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.label "Fiksna širina">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.accesskey "k">
+<!ENTITY fontFixedWidth.key "T">
+<!ENTITY fontHelvetica.label "Helvetica, Arial">
+<!ENTITY fontHelvetica.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY fontTimes.label "Times">
+<!ENTITY fontTimes.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY fontCourier.label "Courier">
+<!ENTITY fontCourier.accesskey "C">
+<!-- Font Size SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY FontSizeSelect.tooltip "Izaberite veličinu fonta">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSize.label "Manji">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSize.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY decrementFontSize.key "&lt;">
+<!-- < is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY decrementFontSize.key2 ",">
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSize.label "Veći">
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSize.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY incrementFontSize.key "&gt;">
+<!-- > is above this key on many keyboards -->
+<!ENTITY incrementFontSize.key2 ".">
+<!ENTITY fontSizeMenu.label "Veličina">
+<!ENTITY fontSizeMenu.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY size-tinyCmd.label "Sićušno">
+<!ENTITY size-tinyCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY size-smallCmd.label "Malo">
+<!ENTITY size-smallCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY size-mediumCmd.label "Srednje">
+<!ENTITY size-mediumCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY size-largeCmd.label "Veliko">
+<!ENTITY size-largeCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY size-extraLargeCmd.label "Veoma veliko">
+<!ENTITY size-extraLargeCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY size-hugeCmd.label "Ogromno">
+<!ENTITY size-hugeCmd.accesskey "O">
+<!-- Font Style SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY fontStyleMenu.label "Stil teksta">
+<!ENTITY fontStyleMenu.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.label "Podebljano">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY styleBoldCmd.key "B">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.label "Kurziv">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY styleItalicCmd.key "I">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.label "Podvučeno">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY styleUnderlineCmd.key "U">
+<!ENTITY styleStrikeThruCmd.label "Precrtano">
+<!ENTITY styleStrikeThruCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY styleSuperscriptCmd.label "Eksponent">
+<!ENTITY styleSuperscriptCmd.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY styleSubscriptCmd.label "Indeks">
+<!ENTITY styleSubscriptCmd.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY styleNonbreakingCmd.label "Bez prijeloma">
+<!ENTITY styleNonbreakingCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY styleEm.label "Naglašavanje">
+<!ENTITY styleEm.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY styleStrong.label "Jače naglašavanje">
+<!ENTITY styleStrong.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY styleCite.label "Citat">
+<!ENTITY styleCite.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY styleAbbr.label "Skraćenica">
+<!ENTITY styleAbbr.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY styleAcronym.label "Akronim">
+<!ENTITY styleAcronym.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY styleCode.label "Kod">
+<!ENTITY styleCode.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY styleSamp.label "Primjerak izlaza">
+<!ENTITY styleSamp.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY styleVar.label "Varijabla">
+<!ENTITY styleVar.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY formatFontColor.label "Boja teksta…">
+<!ENTITY formatFontColor.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY tableOrCellColor.label "Boja pozadine tabele ili ćelije…">
+<!ENTITY tableOrCellColor.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveStyles.key "Y">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveLinks.key "K">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors.label "Ukloni imenovane anchore">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY formatRemoveNamedAnchors2.key "R">
+<!ENTITY paragraphMenu.label "Pasus">
+<!ENTITY paragraphMenu.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY paragraphParagraphCmd.label "Pasus">
+<!ENTITY paragraphParagraphCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY heading1Cmd.label "Zaglavlje 1">
+<!ENTITY heading1Cmd.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY heading2Cmd.label "Zaglavlje 2">
+<!ENTITY heading2Cmd.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY heading3Cmd.label "Zaglavlje 3">
+<!ENTITY heading3Cmd.accesskey "3">
+<!ENTITY heading4Cmd.label "Zaglavlje 4">
+<!ENTITY heading4Cmd.accesskey "4">
+<!ENTITY heading5Cmd.label "Zaglavlje 5">
+<!ENTITY heading5Cmd.accesskey "5">
+<!ENTITY heading6Cmd.label "Zaglavlje 6">
+<!ENTITY heading6Cmd.accesskey "6">
+<!ENTITY paragraphAddressCmd.label "Adresa">
+<!ENTITY paragraphAddressCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY paragraphPreformatCmd.label "Preformat">
+<!ENTITY paragraphPreformatCmd.accesskey "f">
+<!-- List menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatlistMenu.label "Lista">
+<!ENTITY formatlistMenu.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY noneCmd.label "Nijedan">
+<!ENTITY noneCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY listBulletCmd.label "Grafičke oznake">
+<!ENTITY listBulletCmd.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY listNumberedCmd.label "Numerički">
+<!ENTITY listNumberedCmd.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY listTermCmd.label "Pojam">
+<!ENTITY listTermCmd.accesskey "j">
+<!ENTITY listDefinitionCmd.label "Definicija">
+<!ENTITY listDefinitionCmd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY listPropsCmd.label "Postavke listi…">
+<!ENTITY listPropsCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY ParagraphSelect.tooltip "Izaberite format paragrafa">
+<!-- Shared in Paragraph, and Toolbar menulist -->
+<!ENTITY bodyTextCmd.label "Tekst tijela">
+<!ENTITY bodyTextCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!-- isn't used in menu now, but may be added in future -->
+<!ENTITY advancedPropertiesCmd.label "Napredne postavke">
+<!ENTITY advancedPropertiesCmd.accesskey "p">
+<!-- Align menu items -->
+<!ENTITY alignMenu.label "Poravnaj">
+<!ENTITY alignMenu.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.label "Lijevo">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY alignLeft.tooltip "Poravnaj lijevo">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.label "Sredina">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY alignCenter.tooltip "Centriraj">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.label "Desno">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY alignRight.tooltip "Poravnaj desno">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.label "Obostrano">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY alignJustify.tooltip "Poravnaj obostrano">
+<!-- Layer toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY layer.tooltip "Sloj">
+<!ENTITY layerSendToBack.tooltip "Pošalji u pozadinu">
+<!ENTITY layerBringToFront.tooltip "Postavi u prvi plan">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.label "Povećaj uvlaku">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY increaseIndent.key "]">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.label "Smanji uvlaku">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY decreaseIndent.key "[">
+<!ENTITY colorsAndBackground.label "Boje stranice i pozadina…">
+<!ENTITY colorsAndBackground.accesskey "j">
+<!-- Table Menu -->
+<!ENTITY tableMenu.label "Tabela">
+<!ENTITY tableMenu.accesskey "b">
+<!-- Select Submenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu.label "Izaberi">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu2.label "Izbor tabele">
+<!ENTITY tableSelectMenu2.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu2.label "Umetanje tabele">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu2.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu2.label "Brisanje tabele">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu2.accesskey "B">
+<!-- Insert SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu.label "Umetni">
+<!ENTITY tableInsertMenu.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY tableTable.label "Tabelu">
+<!ENTITY tableTable.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY tableRow.label "Red">
+<!ENTITY tableRows.label "Red(ove)">
+<!ENTITY tableRow.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY tableRowAbove.label "Red iznad">
+<!ENTITY tableRowAbove.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY tableRowBelow.label "Red ispod">
+<!ENTITY tableRowBelow.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY tableColumn.label "Kolonu">
+<!ENTITY tableColumns.label "Kolonu(e)">
+<!ENTITY tableColumn.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnBefore.label "Kolonu prije">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnBefore.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnAfter.label "Kolonu poslije">
+<!ENTITY tableColumnAfter.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY tableCell.label "Ćeliju">
+<!ENTITY tableCells.label "Ćeliju(e)">
+<!ENTITY tableCell.accesskey "Ć">
+<!ENTITY tableCellContents.label "Sadržaj ćelije">
+<!ENTITY tableCellContents.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY tableAllCells.label "Sve ćelije">
+<!ENTITY tableAllCells.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY tableCellBefore.label "Ćeliju prije">
+<!ENTITY tableCellBefore.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY tableCellAfter.label "Ćeliju poslije">
+<!ENTITY tableCellAfter.accesskey "j">
+<!-- Delete SubMenu -->
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY tableDeleteMenu.accesskey "I">
+<!-- text for "Join Cells" is in
+ ("JoinSelectedCells" and "JoinCellToRight")
+ the access key must exist in both of those strings
+ But value must be set here for accesskey to draw properly
+<!ENTITY tableJoinCells.label "j">
+<!ENTITY tableJoinCells.accesskey "j">
+<!ENTITY tableSplitCell.label "Podijeli ćeliju">
+<!ENTITY tableSplitCell.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY convertToTable.label "Kreiraj tabelu iz selekcije">
+<!ENTITY convertToTable.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY tableProperties.label "Postavke tabele…">
+<!ENTITY tableProperties.accesskey "o">
+<!-- Toolbar-only items -->
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Traka izbornika">
+<!ENTITY formatToolbar.tooltip "Traka formatiranja">
+<!ENTITY cutToolbarCmd.tooltip "Isjeci">
+<!ENTITY copyToolbarCmd.tooltip "Kopiraj">
+<!ENTITY pasteToolbarCmd.tooltip "Umetni">
+<!ENTITY printToolbarCmd.label "Štampaj">
+<!ENTITY printToolbarCmd.tooltip "Štampaj ovu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY findToolbarCmd.label "Pronađi…">
+<!ENTITY findToolbarCmd.tooltip "Pronađi tekst na stranici">
+<!ENTITY spellToolbarCmd.label "Pravopis">
+<!ENTITY spellToolbarCmd.tooltip "Provjeri pravopis izabranog teksta ili cijele stranice">
+<!ENTITY imageToolbarCmd.label "Slika">
+<!ENTITY imageToolbarCmd.tooltip "Umetni novu sliku ili promijeni postavke izabrane slike">
+<!ENTITY hruleToolbarCmd.label "H.Linija">
+<!ENTITY hruleToolbarCmd.tooltip "Umetni horiznotalnu liniju ili uredi postavke postojeće">
+<!ENTITY tableToolbarCmd.label "Tabela">
+<!ENTITY tableToolbarCmd.tooltip "Umetni novu tabelu ili uredi postavke postojeće">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarCmd.label "Link">
+<!ENTITY linkToolbarCmd.tooltip "Umetni novi link ili uredi postavke postojećeg">
+<!ENTITY anchorToolbarCmd.label "Anchor">
+<!ENTITY anchorToolbarCmd.tooltip "Umetni novi imenovani achor ili uredi postavke postojećeg">
+<!ENTITY TextColorButton.tooltip "Izaberi boju teksta">
+<!ENTITY BackgroundColorButton.tooltip "Izaberi boju pozadine">
+<!ENTITY throbber.tooltip "Otvori &vendorShortName; početnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY HighlightColorButton.tooltip "Izaberi boju isticanja teksta">
+<!-- Editor toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY absoluteFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Postavi veličinu fonta">
+<!ENTITY decreaseFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Manja veličina fonta">
+<!ENTITY increaseFontSizeToolbarCmd.tooltip "Veća veličina fonta">
+<!ENTITY boldToolbarCmd.tooltip "Podebljano">
+<!ENTITY italicToolbarCmd.tooltip "Kurziv">
+<!ENTITY underlineToolbarCmd.tooltip "Podvučeno">
+<!ENTITY bulletListToolbarCmd.tooltip "Primjeni ili ukloni grafičke oznake">
+<!ENTITY numberListToolbarCmd.tooltip "Primjeni ili ukloni numeričke oznake">
+<!ENTITY outdentToolbarCmd.tooltip "Izvuci tekst (pomjeri ulijevo)">
+<!ENTITY indentToolbarCmd.tooltip "Uvuci tekst (pomjeri udesno)">
+<!ENTITY AlignPopupButton.tooltip "Izaberi poravnanje teksta">
+<!ENTITY InsertPopupButton.tooltip "Umetni link, anchor, sliku, horizontalnu liniju ili tabelu">
+<!ENTITY alignLeftButton.tooltip "Poravnaj tekst uz lijevu marginu">
+<!ENTITY alignCenterButton.tooltip "Centriraj tekst">
+<!ENTITY alignRightButton.tooltip "Poravnaj tekst uz desnu marginu">
+<!ENTITY alignJustifyButton.tooltip "Poravnaj tekst uz lijevu i desnu marginu">
+<!-- Structure Toolbar Context Menu items -->
+<!ENTITY structSelect.label "Izaberi">
+<!ENTITY structSelect.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY structRemoveTag.label "Ukloni oznaku">
+<!ENTITY structRemoveTag.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY structChangeTag.label "Promijeni oznaku">
+<!ENTITY structChangeTag.accesskey "P">
+<!-- TOC manipulation -->
+<!ENTITY insertTOC.label "Umetni">
+<!ENTITY insertTOC.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY updateTOC.label "Ažuriraj">
+<!ENTITY updateTOC.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY removeTOC.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY removeTOC.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY tocMenu.label "Sadržaj…">
+<!ENTITY tocMenu.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editorSmileyOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editorSmileyOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c62f1b734d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/editorSmileyOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Smiley Menu items -->
+<!ENTITY insertSmiley.label "Smajli">
+<!ENTITY insertSmiley.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY smiley1Cmd.label "Smiješak">
+<!ENTITY smiley1Cmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY smiley1Cmd.tooltip "Umetni smajli">
+<!ENTITY smiley2Cmd.label "Namršten">
+<!ENTITY smiley2Cmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY smiley2Cmd.tooltip "Umetni namršteno lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley3Cmd.label "Namigivanje">
+<!ENTITY smiley3Cmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY smiley3Cmd.tooltip "Umetni namigujuće lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley4Cmd.label "Isplažen jezik">
+<!ENTITY smiley4Cmd.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY smiley4Cmd.tooltip "Umetni lice sa isplaženim jezikom">
+<!ENTITY smiley5Cmd.label "Smijeh">
+<!ENTITY smiley5Cmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY smiley5Cmd.tooltip "Umetni lice koje se smije">
+<!ENTITY smiley6Cmd.label "Posramljen">
+<!ENTITY smiley6Cmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY smiley6Cmd.tooltip "Umetni posramljeno lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley7Cmd.label "Neodlučan">
+<!ENTITY smiley7Cmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY smiley7Cmd.tooltip "Umetni neodlučno lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley8Cmd.label "Iznenađenje">
+<!ENTITY smiley8Cmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY smiley8Cmd.tooltip "Umetni iznenađeno lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley9Cmd.label "Poljubac">
+<!ENTITY smiley9Cmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY smiley9Cmd.tooltip "Umetni lice s poljupcem">
+<!ENTITY smiley10Cmd.label "Vikanje">
+<!ENTITY smiley10Cmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY smiley10Cmd.tooltip "Umetni lice koje viče">
+<!ENTITY smiley11Cmd.label "Cool">
+<!ENTITY smiley11Cmd.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY smiley11Cmd.tooltip "Umetni cool lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley12Cmd.label "Money-Mouth">
+<!ENTITY smiley12Cmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY smiley12Cmd.tooltip "Umetni money-mouth lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley13Cmd.label "Foot-in-Mouth">
+<!ENTITY smiley13Cmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY smiley13Cmd.tooltip "Umetni foot-in-mouth lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley14Cmd.label "Nevin">
+<!ENTITY smiley14Cmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY smiley14Cmd.tooltip "Umetni nevino lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley15Cmd.label "Plakanje">
+<!ENTITY smiley15Cmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY smiley15Cmd.tooltip "Umetni uplakano lice">
+<!ENTITY smiley16Cmd.label "Zapečaćene usne">
+<!ENTITY smiley16Cmd.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY smiley16Cmd.tooltip "Umetni lice sa zapečaćenim usnama">
+<!ENTITY SmileButton.tooltip "Umetni smajli">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/editorPrefsOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/editorPrefsOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..255f19ec02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/editorPrefsOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorCheck.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY editorCheck.label "Composer">
+<!ENTITY editorCheck.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY compose.label "Composer">
+<!ENTITY editing.label "Postavke nove stranice">
+<!ENTITY toolbars.label "Alatne trake">
+<!ENTITY publish.label "Objavljivanje">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-composer.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-composer.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03f112e306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-composer.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-composer.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE 'Composer' prefs dialog. Similar to Communcator 4.x Document Properties/Colors and Background -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (pref.composer.title): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY pref.composer.title "Composer">
+<!ENTITY recentFiles.title "Meni nedavnih stranica">
+<!ENTITY documentsInMenu.label "Maksimalni broj izlistanih stranica:">
+<!ENTITY documentsInMenu.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY savingFiles.title "Prilikom spašavanja ili objavljivanja stranica">
+<!ENTITY preserveExisting.label "Zadrži izvorno formatiranje">
+<!ENTITY preserveExisting.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY preserveExisting.tooltip "Zadržava prijelome redova i originalno formatiranje stranica">
+<!ENTITY saveAssociatedFiles.label "Spasi slike i ostale povezane fajlove prilikom spašavanja stranica">
+<!ENTITY saveAssociatedFiles.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY showPublishDialog.label "Uvijek prikazuj dijalog za objavljivanja prilikom objavljivanja stranica">
+<!ENTITY showPublishDialog.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY composerEditing.label "Uređivanje">
+<!ENTITY maintainStructure.label "Zadrži raspored tabele prilikom umetanja ili brisanja ćelija">
+<!ENTITY maintainStructure.tooltip "Zadrži pravougaoni oblik automatskim dodavanjem ćelija nakon umetanja ili brisanja ćelija">
+<!ENTITY maintainStructure.accesskey "Z">
+<!ENTITY useCSS.label "Koristi CSS stilove umjesto HTML elemenata i atributa">
+<!ENTITY useCSS.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY crInPCreatesNewP.label "Return u paragrafu uvijek kreira novi paragraf">
+<!ENTITY crInPCreatesNewP.accesskey "R">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-editing.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/editor/prefs/pref-editing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a12ac6925
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.editing.title "Postavke nove stranice">
+<!ENTITY authorName.label "Autor:">
+<!ENTITY authorName.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY pageColorHeader "Izvorni izgled stranice">
+<!ENTITY defaultColors.label "Izvorne boje čitaoca (Ne mijenja boje na stranici)">
+<!ENTITY defaultColors.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY customColors.label "Koristi vlastite boje:">
+<!ENTITY customColors.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY normalText.label "Obični tekst">
+<!ENTITY normalText.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY linkText.label "Tekst linka">
+<!ENTITY linkText.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.label "Tekst aktivnog linka">
+<!ENTITY activeLinkText.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.label "Tekst posjećenog linka">
+<!ENTITY visitedLinkText.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY background.label "Pozadina:">
+<!ENTITY background.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY colon.character ":">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.label "Pozadinska slika:">
+<!ENTITY backgroundImage.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY chooseFile.label "Izaberi fajl…">
+<!ENTITY chooseFile.accesskey "a">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/CustomHeaders.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/CustomHeaders.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..719ae89a7c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY window.title "Prilagodi zaglavlja">
+<!ENTITY addButton.label "Dodaj">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY newMsgHeader.label "Novo zaglavlje poruke:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterEditor.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterEditor.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1239d68913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterEditor.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY window.title "Pravila filtriranja">
+<!ENTITY filterEditorDialog.dimensions "width: 105ch;">
+<!ENTITY filterName.label "Naziv filtera:">
+<!ENTITY recentFolders.label "Nedavno">
+<!ENTITY junk.label "Neželjena pošta">
+<!ENTITY notJunk.label "Nije neželjena pošta">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.label "Najniži">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.label "Nizak">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.label "Normalan">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.label "Visok">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.label "Najviši">
+<!ENTITY contextDesc.label "Primjeni filter kada:">
+<!ENTITY contextIncomingMail.label "Dobavljanje nove pošte:">
+<!ENTITY contextManual.label "Ručno pokretanje">
+<!ENTITY contextBeforeCls.label "Filtriraj prije označavanja neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY contextAfterCls.label "Filtriraj poslije označavanja neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY contextOutgoing.label "Nakon slanja">
+<!ENTITY contextArchive.label "Arhiviranja">
+<!ENTITY filterActionDesc.label "Izvrši ove radnje:">
+<!ENTITY filterActionOrderWarning.label "Napomena: radnje filtera će biti pokrenute drugačijim redoslijedom.">
+<!ENTITY filterActionOrder.label "Prikaži redoslijed izvršavanja">
+<!-- New Style Filter Rule Actions -->
+<!ENTITY moveMessage.label "Premjesti poruku u">
+<!ENTITY copyMessage.label "Kopiraj poruku u">
+<!ENTITY forwardTo.label "Proslijedi poruku">
+<!ENTITY replyWithTemplate.label "Odgovori sa šablonom">
+<!ENTITY markMessageRead.label "Označi kao pročitano">
+<!ENTITY markMessageUnread.label "Označi kao nepročitano">
+<!ENTITY markMessageStarred.label "Označi kao označeno">
+<!ENTITY setPriority.label "Postavi prioritet za">
+<!ENTITY addTag.label "Označi poruku">
+<!ENTITY setJunkScore.label "Postavi status neželjene pošte na">
+<!ENTITY deleteMessage.label "Izbriši poruku">
+<!ENTITY deleteFromPOP.label "Izbriši s POP servera">
+<!ENTITY fetchFromPOP.label "Dobavi s POP servera">
+<!ENTITY ignoreThread.label "Ignoriši nit">
+<!ENTITY ignoreSubthread.label "Ignoriši podnit">
+<!ENTITY watchThread.label "Nadgledaj nit">
+<!ENTITY stopExecution.label "Zaustavi izvršavanje filtera">
+<!ENTITY addAction.tooltip "Dodaj novu radnju">
+<!ENTITY removeAction.tooltip "Ukoni ovu radnju">
+ The values below are used to control the widths of the filter action widgets.
+ Change the values only when the localized strings in the popup menus
+ are truncated in the widgets.
+ -->
+<!-- Flex Attribute: -->
+<!ENTITY filterActionTypeFlexValue "1">
+<!ENTITY filterActionTargetFlexValue "4">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterListDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterListDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d50477fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/FilterListDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY filterListDialog.title "Filteri poruke">
+<!ENTITY nameColumn.label "Naziv filtera">
+<!ENTITY activeColumn.label "Omogućeno">
+<!ENTITY newButton.label "Nova…">
+<!ENTITY editButton.label "Uredi…">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY reorderUpButton.label "Pomjeri gore">
+<!ENTITY reorderDownButton.label "Pomjeri dole">
+<!ENTITY filterHeader.label "Omogućeni filteri se izvršavaju automatski prema niže prikazanom redoslijedu.">
+<!ENTITY filtersForPrefix.label "Filteri za:">
+<!ENTITY viewLogButton.label "Zapisnik filtera">
+<!ENTITY runFilters.label "Pokreni sada">
+<!ENTITY stopFilters.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY folderPickerPrefix.label "Pokreni izabrane filtere na:">
+<!ENTITY choosethis.label "odaberite ovaj folder">
+<!ENTITY choosethisnewsserver.label "odaberite ovaj server interesnih grupa">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/SearchDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/SearchDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57c113aedd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/SearchDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- for SearchDialog.xul -->
+<!ENTITY searchHeading.label "Traži poruke u:">
+<!ENTITY searchSubfolders.label "Pretraži poddirektorije">
+<!ENTITY searchOnHeading.label "Obavi pretragu na:">
+<!ENTITY searchOnRemote.label "Udaljenom serveru">
+<!ENTITY searchOnLocal.label "Lokalnom sistemu">
+<!ENTITY resetButton.label "Očisti">
+<!ENTITY openButton.label "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY searchDialogTitle.label "Traži poruke">
+<!ENTITY results.label "Rezultati">
+<!ENTITY moveHereMenu.label "Premjesti ovdje">
+<!ENTITY moveButton.label "Premjesti u">
+<!ENTITY goToFolderButton.label "Otvori direktorij poruke">
+<!ENTITY saveAsVFButton.label "Sačuvaj kao direktorij za pretraživanje">
+<!-- for ABSearchDialog.xul -->
+<!ENTITY abSearchHeading.label "Traži u:">
+<!ENTITY propertiesButton.label "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY composeButton.label "Sastavi">
+<!ENTITY abSearchDialogTitle.label "Napredno pretraživanje adresara">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74c149c7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abAddressBookNameDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY name.label "Naziv adresara:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abCardOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abCardOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b5ebee29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abCardOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Kontakt">
+<!ENTITY "Ime">
+ NameField1, NameField2, PhoneticField1, PhoneticField2
+ those fields are either LN or FN depends on the target country.
+ "FirstName" and "LastName" can be swapped for id to change the order
+ but they should not be translated (same applied to phonetic id).
+ Make sure the translation of label corresponds to the order of id.
+<!ENTITY "Ime">
+<!ENTITY "Prezime">
+<!ENTITY "PhoneticFirstName">
+<!ENTITY "PhoneticLastName">
+<!ENTITY NameField1.label "Prvo:">
+<!ENTITY NameField2.label "Zadnje:">
+<!ENTITY PhoneticField1.label "Fonetski:">
+<!ENTITY PhoneticField2.label "Fonetski:">
+<!ENTITY DisplayName.label "Prikaži:">
+<!ENTITY preferDisplayName.label "Uvijek preferiraj prikaz imena prije zaglavlja poruke">
+<!ENTITY NickName.label "Nadimak:">
+<!ENTITY PrimaryEmail.label "Email:">
+<!ENTITY SecondEmail.label "Dodatni email:">
+<!ENTITY PreferMailFormat.label "Preferira primati poruke formartirane kao:">
+<!ENTITY PlainText.label "Običan tekst">
+<!ENTITY HTML.label "HTML">
+<!ENTITY Unknown.label "Nepoznato">
+<!ENTITY ScreenName.label "Ime na ekranu:">
+<!ENTITY WorkPhone.label "Poslovni telefon:">
+<!ENTITY HomePhone.label "Kućni telefon:">
+<!ENTITY FaxNumber.label "Fax:">
+<!ENTITY PagerNumber.label "Pager:">
+<!ENTITY CellularNumber.label "Mobitel:">
+<!ENTITY "Privatno">
+<!ENTITY HomeAddress.label "Adresa:">
+<!ENTITY HomeAddress2.label "">
+<!ENTITY HomeAddress2.accesskey "">
+<!ENTITY HomeCity.label "Grad:">
+<!ENTITY HomeState.label "Regija/Pokrajina:">
+<!ENTITY HomeZipCode.label "Poštanski broj:">
+<!ENTITY HomeCountry.label "Država:">
+<!ENTITY HomeWebPage.label "Web stranica:">
+<!ENTITY Birthday.label "Rođendan:">
+<!ENTITY In.label "">
+<!ENTITY Year.placeholder "Godina">
+<!ENTITY Or.value "ili">
+<!ENTITY Age.placeholder "Starost">
+<!ENTITY YearsOld.label "">
+<!ENTITY "Posao">
+<!ENTITY JobTitle.label "Naslov:">
+<!ENTITY Department.label "Odjel:">
+<!ENTITY Company.label "Organizacija:">
+<!ENTITY WorkAddress.label "Adresa:">
+<!ENTITY WorkAddress2.label "">
+<!ENTITY WorkAddress2.accesskey "">
+<!ENTITY WorkCity.label "Grad:">
+<!ENTITY WorkState.label "Regija/Pokrajina:">
+<!ENTITY WorkZipCode.label "Poštanski broj:">
+<!ENTITY WorkCountry.label "Država:">
+<!ENTITY WorkWebPage.label "Web stranica:">
+<!ENTITY "Ostalo">
+<!ENTITY Custom1.label "Proizvoljno 1:">
+<!ENTITY Custom1.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY Custom2.label "Proizvoljno 2:">
+<!ENTITY Custom2.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY Custom3.label "Proizvoljno 3:">
+<!ENTITY Custom3.accesskey "3">
+<!ENTITY Custom4.label "Proizvoljno 4:">
+<!ENTITY Custom4.accesskey "4">
+<!ENTITY Notes.label "Bilješke:">
+<!ENTITY "Slika">
+<!ENTITY PhotoDesc.label "Izaberite jedno od sljedećih:">
+<!ENTITY GenericPhoto.label "Standardna slika">
+<!ENTITY DefaultPhoto.label "Izvorno">
+<!ENTITY PhotoFile.label "Na ovom računaru">
+<!ENTITY BrowsePhoto.label "Pretraži">
+<!ENTITY PhotoURL.label "Na webu">
+<!ENTITY PhotoURL.placeholder "Zalijepite ili unesite web adresu slike">
+<!ENTITY UpdatePhoto.label "Ažuriraj">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bc9a18a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMailListDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Title -->
+<!ENTITY mailListWindow.title "Mailing lista">
+<!-- Labels and Access Keys -->
+<!ENTITY addToAddressBook.label "Dodaj u: ">
+<!ENTITY ListName.label "Naziv liste: ">
+<!ENTITY ListNickName.label "Nadimak liste: ">
+<!ENTITY ListDescription.label "Opis: ">
+<!-- See bug 58485, when we implement drag and drop, add 'or drag addresses' back in -->
+<!ENTITY AddressTitle.label "Upišite email adrese da ih dodate na mailing listu:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4f6bc7f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abMainWindow.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Title -->
+<!ENTITY addressbookWindow.title "Adresar">
+<!-- Menus: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- File Menu -->
+<!ENTITY newContact.label "Kontakt…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newContact.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY newListCmd.label "Mailing lista…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newListCmd.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY newAddressBookCmd.label "Adresar…">
+<!ENTITY newLDAPDirectoryCmd.label "LDAP adresar…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newLDAPDirectoryCmd.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY newIM.label "Brze poruke">
+<!ENTITY printContactViewCmd.label "Štampanje kontakta…">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewContactViewCmd.label "Pregled štamanja kontakta">
+<!ENTITY printAddressBook.label "Štampanje adresara…">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewAddressBook.label "Pregled štampanja adresara">
+<!-- Edit Menu -->
+<!ENTITY deleteAbCmd.label "Izbriši adresar">
+<!ENTITY deleteContactCmd.label "Izbriši kontakt">
+<!ENTITY deleteContactsCmd.label "Izbriši označene kontakte">
+<!ENTITY deleteListCmd.label "Izbriši listu">
+<!ENTITY deleteListsCmd.label "Izbriši označene liste">
+<!ENTITY deleteItemsCmd.label "Izbriši označene stavke">
+<!ENTITY swapFirstNameLastNameCmd.label "Zamijeni ime i prezime">
+<!ENTITY propertiesCmd.label "Svojstva…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (propertiesCmd.accesskey) : DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY showAbToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka adresara">
+<!ENTITY layoutMenu.label "Raspored">
+<!ENTITY menu_ShowNameAs.label "Prikaži ime kao">
+<!ENTITY firstLastCmd.label "Ime Prezime">
+<!ENTITY lastFirstCmd.label "Prezime, Ime">
+<!ENTITY displayNameCmd.label "Ime za prikaz">
+<!-- Tasks Menu -->
+<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Uvoz…">
+<!ENTITY exportCmd.label "Izvoz…">
+<!-- Toolbar and Popup items -->
+<!ENTITY newContactButton.label "Novi kontakt">
+<!ENTITY newlistButton.label "Nova lista">
+<!ENTITY editItemButton.label "Svojstva">
+<!ENTITY newmsgButton.label "Sastavi">
+<!ENTITY deleteItemButton.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY newimButton.label "Instant poruka">
+<!ENTITY searchNameAndEmail.placeholder "Traži ime i email">
+<!ENTITY searchBox.title "Traži">
+<!-- Tooltips -->
+<!ENTITY addressbookToolbar.tooltip "Alatna traka adresara">
+<!ENTITY newContactButton.tooltip "Kreiraj novi kontakt u adresaru">
+<!ENTITY newlistButton.tooltip "Kreiraj novu listu">
+<!ENTITY editItemButton.tooltip "Uredi izabranu stavku">
+<!ENTITY newmsgButton.tooltip "Pošalji email poruku">
+<!ENTITY newIM.tooltip "Pošaljite instant poruku ili započnite razgovor">
+<!ENTITY deleteItemButton.tooltip "Izbriši označenu stavku">
+<!ENTITY throbber.tooltip "Idite na &vendorShortName; početnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.tooltip "Napredno pretraživanje adresa">
+<!-- Dir Tree header -->
+<!ENTITY dirTreeHeader.label "Adresari">
+<!-- Card Summary Pane -->
+<!-- Box Headings -->
+<!ENTITY contact.heading "Kontakt">
+<!ENTITY home.heading "Početna">
+<!ENTITY other.heading "Ostalo">
+<!ENTITY phone.heading "Telefon">
+<!ENTITY work.heading "Posao">
+<!-- Special Box Headings, for mailing lists -->
+<!ENTITY description.heading "Opis">
+<!ENTITY addresses.heading "Adrese">
+<!-- For Map It! -->
+<!ENTITY mapItButton.label "Dobavi kartu">
+<!ENTITY mapIt.tooltip "Prikaži ovu adresu na internet karti">
+<!-- Status Bar -->
+<!ENTITY statusText.label "">
+<!-- Swap FN/LN UI Set to "false" to show swap fn/ln UI -->
+<!ENTITY hideSwapFnLnUI "true">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abNewCardDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abNewCardDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..228bd27ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abNewCardDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Labels -->
+<!ENTITY chooseAddressBook.label "Dodaj u: ">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abResultsPaneOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abResultsPaneOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c756d65906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abResultsPaneOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY GeneratedName.label "Ime">
+<!ENTITY PrimaryEmail.label "Email">
+<!ENTITY Company.label "Organizacija">
+<!ENTITY _PhoneticName.label "Fonetsko ime">
+<!ENTITY NickName.label "Nadimak">
+<!ENTITY SecondEmail.label "Dodatni email">
+<!ENTITY Department.label "Odjel">
+<!ENTITY JobTitle.label "Naslov">
+<!ENTITY CellularNumber.label "Mobitel">
+<!ENTITY PagerNumber.label "Pejdžer">
+<!ENTITY FaxNumber.label "Fax">
+<!ENTITY HomePhone.label "Kućni telefon">
+<!ENTITY WorkPhone.label "Poslovni telefon">
+<!ENTITY ScreenName.label "Ime na ekranu">
+<!ENTITY sortAscending.label "Rastući">
+<!ENTITY sortDescending.label "Opadajući">
+<!-- context menu -->
+<!ENTITY composeEmail.label "Sastavi email za">
+<!ENTITY copyAddress.label "Kopiraj email adresu">
+<!ENTITY deleteAddrBookCard.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY newAddrBookCard.label "Nova kartica…">
+<!ENTITY newAddrBookMailingList.label "Nova mailing lista…">
+<!ENTITY addrBookCardProperties.label "Svojstva">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abSelectAddressesDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abSelectAddressesDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e81fa1f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/abSelectAddressesDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Title -->
+<!ENTITY selectAddressWindow.title "Izaberi adrese">
+<!-- Buttons -->
+<!ENTITY toButton.label "Za->">
+<!ENTITY ccButton.label "Cc->">
+<!ENTITY bccButton.label "Bcc->">
+<!ENTITY newButton.label "Nova…">
+<!ENTITY editButton.label "Uredi…">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY lookIn.label "Pogledaj u:">
+<!ENTITY for.label "za:">
+<!ENTITY for.placeholder "Ime ili email">
+<!ENTITY addressMessageTo.label "Adresiraj poruku za:">
+<!-- Tooltips items -->
+<!ENTITY addressPickerNewButton.tooltip "Napravi novu karticu adresara">
+<!ENTITY addressPickerEditButton.tooltip "Uredi odabranu karticu">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29c38185ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the Mailing list dialog
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailingListTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the Mailing List's display name
+mailingListTitleEdit=Uredi %S
+emptyListName=Morate unijeti naziv liste.
+lastFirstFormat=%S, %S
+firstLastFormat=%S %S
+newContactTitle=Novi kontakt
+# %S will be the card's display name
+newContactTitleWithDisplayName=Novi kontakt za %S
+editContactTitle=Uredi kontakt
+# %S will be the card's display name
+editContactTitleWithDisplayName=Uredi kontakt za %S
+# don't translate vCard
+editVCardTitle=Uredi vCard
+# %S will be the card's display name, don't translate vCard
+editVCardTitleWithDisplayName=Uredi vCard za %S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cardRequiredDataMissingMessage): do not localize \n
+cardRequiredDataMissingMessage=Morate upisati najmanje jednu od sljedećih stavki:\nEmail adresu, ime, prezime, ime za prikaz, organizaciju.
+cardRequiredDataMissingTitle=Nedostaju potrebne informacije
+incorrectEmailAddressFormatMessage=Primarna e-mail adresa mora biti u obliku korisnik@host.
+incorrectEmailAddressFormatTitle=Neispravan format email adrese
+viewListTitle=Mailing lista: %S
+mailListNameExistsTitle=Mailing lista već postoji
+mailListNameExistsMessage=Mailing lista sa ovim nazivom već postoji. Molimo izaberite drugi naziv.
+# used in the addressbook
+confirmDeleteMailingListTitle=Izbriši mailing listu
+confirmDeleteAddressbookTitle=Izbriši adresar
+confirmDeleteAddressbook=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izabrani adresar?
+confirmDeleteCollectionAddressbook=Ako je ovaj adresar izbrisan, %S neće više prikupljati adrese. Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izabrani adresar?
+confirmDeleteContact=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izabrani kontakt?
+confirmDeleteContacts=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izabrane kontakte?
+confirmDeleteMailingList=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izabranu mailing listu?
+confirmDeleteListsAndContacts=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izabrane kontakte i mailing liste?
+confirmDeleteMailingLists=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izabrane mailing liste?
+propertyListName=Naziv liste
+propertySecondaryEmail=Dodatni email
+propertyScreenName=Ime na ekranu
+propertyDisplayName=Ime za prikaz
+propertyCustom1=Prilagođeno 1
+propertyCustom2=Prilagođeno 2
+propertyCustom3=Prilagođeno 3
+propertyCustom4=Prilagođeno 4
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateAndZip):
+## %1$S is city, %2$S is state, %3$S is zip
+cityAndStateAndZip=%1$S, %2$S %3$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateNoZip):
+## %1$S is city, %2$S is state
+cityAndStateNoZip=%1$S, %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityOrStateAndZip):
+## %1$S is city or state, %2$S is zip
+cityOrStateAndZip=%1$S %2$S
+emptyEmailAddCard=Ne možete dodati karticu koja nema primarnu email adresu
+emptyEmailAddCardTitle=Kartica se ne može dodati
+browsePhoto=Slika kontakta
+# mailnews.js
+ldap_2.servers.pab.description=Lični adresar
+ldap_2.servers.history.description=Sakupljene adrese
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ldap_2.servers.oe.description is only used on Windows)
+ldap_2.servers.oe.description=OE kontakti
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ldap_2.servers.osx.description is only used on Mac OS X)
+ldap_2.servers.osx.description=Mac OS X adresar
+# status bar stuff
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (totalContactStatus):
+## %1$S is address book name, %2$S is card count
+totalContactStatus=Ukupno kontakata u %1$S: %2$S
+noMatchFound=Nema podudarnih rezultata
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (matchesFound1):
+## Semicolon-separated list of singular and plural forms.
+## See:
+## #1 is the number of matching contacts found
+matchesFound1=#1 podudaranje pronađeno;#1 podudaranja pronađeno
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsCopied): Semi-colon list of plural forms
+## %1$S is the number of contacts that were copied. This should be used multiple
+## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S.
+contactsCopied=%1$S kontakt kopiran;%1$S kontakata kopirano;%1$S kontakta kopirano
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsMoved): Semi-colon list of plural forms
+## %1$S is the number of contacts that were moved. This should be used multiple
+## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S.
+contactsMoved=%1$S kontakt premješten;%1$S kontakata premješteno;%1$S kontakta premješteno
+# LDAP directory stuff
+invalidName=Molimo da unesete ispravno ime.
+invalidHostname=Molimo da unesite ispravno ime hosta.
+invalidPortNumber=Molimo da unesete ispravan broj porta.
+invalidResults=Molimo da unesete ispravan broj u polje rezultata.
+abReplicationOfflineWarning=Morate biti na mreži da biste izvršili replikaciju LDAP-a.
+abReplicationSaveSettings=Postavke moraju biti sačuvane prije nego što imenik može biti preuzet.
+# For importing / exporting
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ExportAddressBookNameTitle): %S is the name of exported addressbook
+ExportAddressBookNameTitle=Izvezi adresar - %S
+CSVFiles=Odvojeno zarezom
+CSVFilesSysCharset=Odvojeno zarezom (sistemski set znakova)
+CSVFilesUTF8=Odvojeno zarezom (UTF-8)
+TABFiles=Odvojeno tabom
+TABFilesSysCharset=Odvojeno tabom (sistemski set znakova)
+TABFilesUTF8=Odvojeno tabom (UTF-8)
+failedToExportTitle=Neuspješan izvoz
+failedToExportMessageNoDeviceSpace=Izvoz adresara neuspješan, nema dovoljno prostora na uređaju.
+failedToExportMessageFileAccessDenied=Izvoz adresara neuspješan, odbijen pristup datoteci.
+# For getting authDN for replication using dlg box
+AuthDlgTitle=Replikacija LDAP adresara
+AuthDlgDesc=Za pristup direktorijskom serveru, unesite vaše korisničko ime i lozinku.
+# use + for spaces
+# For printing
+## For address books
+addressBookTitleNew=Novi adresar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressBookTitleEdit):
+# %S is the current name of the address book.
+# Example: My Custom AB Properties
+addressBookTitleEdit=%S svojstva
+duplicateNameTitle=Dupli naziv adresara
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateNameText):
+# Don't localize "\n• %S" unless your local layout comes out wrong.
+# %S is the name of the existing address book.
+# Example: An address book with this name already exists:
+# • My Custom AB
+duplicateNameText=Adresar s ovim nazivom već postoji:\n• %S
+# For corrupt .mab files
+corruptMabFileTitle=Neispravna datoteka adresara
+corruptMabFileAlert=Jednu od datoteka vašeg adresara (%1$S datoteka) nije bilo moguće pročitati. Nova %2$S datoteka će biti kreirana i prebačena u sigurnosnu kopiju stare datoteke, nazvana %3$S, će biti kreirana u istom adresaru.
+# For locked .mab files
+lockedMabFileTitle=Nije moguće učitati datoteku adresara
+lockedMabFileAlert=Nije moguće učitati %S datoteku adresara. Možda je označena samo za čitanje ili zaključana od strane drugog programa. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2073be2772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/addressbook/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These are error strings for problems that happen while in the
+# various states declared in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl. Note that
+# the number that indexes each error state is the same as the number
+# corresponding to that state in nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl.
+## @loc none
+0=Problem LDAP inicijalizacije
+## @loc none
+1=Veza sa LDAP serverom nije uspjela
+## @loc none
+2=Veza sa LDAP serverom nije uspjela
+## @loc none
+3=Problem u komunikaciji s LDAP serverom
+## @loc none
+4=Problem s traženjem LDAP servera
+# The format of the alert dialog itself
+## @name ALERT_FORMAT
+## @loc None of %1$S, %2$S and %3$S should be localized.
+## %1$S is the error code itself, %2$S is an LDAP SDK error message from
+## chrome://mozldap/locale/, and %3$S is a hint relating
+## to that specific error, found in this file.
+errorAlertFormat=Kod greške %1$S: %2$S\n\n %3$S
+## The following errors are for error codes other than LDAP-specific ones.
+## Someday mozilla will actually have a system for mapping nsresults to
+## error strings that's actually widely used, unlike nsIErrorService. But
+## until it does, these strings live here…
+## @name HOST_NOT_FOUND
+## @loc none
+5000=Host nije pronađen
+## @loc none
+9999=Nepoznata greška
+# Hints to for the user, associated with specific error codes (ie error code
+# + 10000)
+## @loc none
+10003=Molimo pokušajte kasnije, ili kontaktirajte vašeg sistem administratora.
+## @loc none
+10008=Snažna autentikacija trenutno nije podržana.
+## @loc none
+10021=Provjerite je li filter za pretraživanje ispravan i pokušajte ponovo ili se obratite administratoru sistema. Da provjerite je li filter za pretraživanje ispravan, iz menija Uredi, izaberite Postavke, zatim izaberite Pošta i interesne grupe, i zatim izaberite Adresiranje. Kliknite Uredi direktorije i odaberite LDAP server se koristi. Kliknite Uredi i zatim kliknite Napredno za prikaz filtera za pretraživanje.
+## @loc none
+10032=Provjerite je li Base DN tačan i pokušajte ponovo ili inače kontaktirajte vašeg administratora sistema. Da provjerite je li Base DN tačan, iz menija Uredi izaberite Postavke, zatim izaberite Pošta i interesne grupe i zatim izaberite Adresiranje. Kliknite Uredi direktorije i odaberite LDAP server se koristi. Kliknite Uredi za prikaz Base DN-a.
+## @name BUSY_HINT
+## @loc none
+10051=Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
+## @loc none
+10081=Provjerite jesu li ime hosta i broj porta tačni i pokušajte ponovo ili u suprotnom kontaktirajte administratora sistema. Da provjerite jesu li ime hosta i broj porta tačni, iz menija Uredi izaberite Postavke, zatim izaberite Pošta i interesne grupe i zatim izaberite Adresiranje. Kliknite Uredi direktorije i odaberite LDAP server se koristi. Kliknite Uredi za prikaz imena hosta. Kliknite Napredno za prikaz broja porta.
+## @name TIMEOUT_HINT
+## @loc none
+10085=Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
+## @loc none
+10087=Provjerite je li filter za pretraživanje ispravan i pokušajte ponovo ili se obratite administratoru sistema. Da provjerite je li filter za pretraživanje ispravan, iz menija Uredi, izaberite Postavke, zatim izaberite Pošta i interesne grupe, i zatim izaberite Adresiranje. Kliknite Uredi direktorije i odaberite LDAP server se koristi. Kliknite Uredi i zatim kliknite Napredno za prikaz filtera za pretraživanje.
+## @name NO_MEMORY_HINT
+## @loc none
+10090=Zatvorite ostale prozore i/ili aplikacije i pokušajte ponovo.
+## @loc none
+10091=Provjerite jesu li ime hosta i broj porta tačni i pokušajte ponovo ili u suprotnom kontaktirajte administratora sistema. Da provjerite jesu li ime hosta i broj porta tačni, iz menija Uredi izaberite Postavke, zatim izaberite Pošta i interesne grupe i zatim izaberite Adresiranje. Kliknite Uredi direktorije i odaberite LDAP server se koristi. Kliknite Uredi za prikaz imena hosta. Kliknite Napredno za prikaz broja porta.
+## @loc none
+15000=Provjerite je li ime hosta tačno i pokušajte ponovo ili u suprotnom kontaktirajte administratora sistema. Da provjerite je li ime hosta tačno, iz menija Uredi izaberite Postavke zatim izaberite Pošta i interesne grupe, potom izaberite Adresiranje. Kliknite Uredi direktorije i odaberite LDAP server se koristi. Kliknite Uredi za prikaz imena hosta.
+## @name GENERIC_HINT
+## @loc none
+19999=Molimo vas da kontaktirate vašeg sistem administratora.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25dcbbc73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Short name of import module
+ApplemailImportName=Apple pošta
+# Description of import module
+ApplemailImportDescription=Uvezi lokalnu poštu iz Mac OS X pošte
+# Success Message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(ApplemailImportMailboxSuccess): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ApplemailImportMailboxSuccess=Lokalne poruke su uspješno uvezene iz %S
+# Error Message
+ApplemailImportMailboxBadparam=Došlo je do greške. Uvoz nije uspio. Pokušajte uvesti ponovo.
+# Error message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(ApplemailImportMailboxConverterror): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ApplemailImportMailboxConverterror=Došlo je do greške prilikom uvoza poruka iz %S. Poruke nisu uvezene.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a0ea45573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the becky import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+BeckyImportName=Becky! Internet Mail
+# Description of import module
+BeckyImportDescription=Uvezite lokalnu poštu iz Becky! Internet Mail
+# Success Message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+BeckyImportMailboxSuccess=Lokalne poruke su uspješno uvezene iz %S.
+BeckyImportAddressSuccess=Adresar uvezen
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..848c80a1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Rule of this file:
+## 1. key should always be in lower case ascii so we can do case insensitive
+## comparison in the code faster.
+## Format of this file:
+## charset_name.title = a_title - specifies the human readable title for
+## this charset
+iso-8859-1.title = Zapadni (ISO-8859-1)
+iso-8859-2.title = Centralnoevropski (ISO-8859-2)
+iso-8859-3.title = Južnoevropski (ISO-8859-3)
+iso-8859-4.title = Baltički (ISO-8859-4)
+iso-8859-10.title = Nordijski (ISO-8859-10)
+iso-8859-13.title = Baltički (ISO-8859-13)
+iso-8859-14.title = Keltski (ISO-8859-14)
+iso-8859-15.title = Zapadni (ISO-8859-15)
+iso-8859-16.title = Rumunski (ISO-8859-16)
+windows-1250.title = Centralnoevropski (Windows-1250)
+windows-1252.title = Zapadni (Windows-1252)
+windows-1254.title = Turski (Windows-1254)
+windows-1257.title = Baltički (Windows-1257)
+macintosh.title = Zapadni (MacRoman)
+x-mac-ce.title = Centralnoevropski (MacCE)
+x-mac-turkish.title = Turski (MacTurkish)
+x-mac-croatian.title = Hrvatski (MacCroatian)
+x-mac-romanian.title = Rumunski (MacRomanian)
+x-mac-icelandic.title = Islandski (MacIcelandic)
+iso-2022-jp.title = Japanski (ISO-2022-JP)
+shift_jis.title = Japanski (Shift_JIS)
+euc-jp.title = Japanski (EUC-JP)
+big5.title = Tradicionalni kineski (Big5)
+big5-hkscs.title = Tradicionalni kineski (Big5-HKSCS)
+gb2312.title = Pojednostavljeni kineski (GB2312)
+gbk.title = Pojednostavljeni kineski (GBK)
+euc-kr.title = Korejski (EUC-KR)
+utf-7.title = Unicode (UTF-7)
+utf-8.title = Unicode (UTF-8)
+utf-16.title = Unicode (UTF-16)
+utf-16le.title = Unicode (UTF-16LE)
+utf-16be.title = Unicode (UTF-16BE)
+iso-8859-5.title = Ćirilićni (ISO-8859-5)
+windows-1251.title = Ćirilićni (Windows-1251)
+x-mac-cyrillic.title = Ćirilićni (MacCyrillic)
+x-mac-ukrainian.title = Ćirilićni/ukrajinski (MacUkranian)
+koi8-r.title = Ćirilica (KOI8-R)
+koi8-u.title = Ćirilićni/ukrajinski (KOI8-U)
+iso-8859-7.title = Grčki (ISO-8859-7)
+windows-1253.title = Grčki (Windows-1253)
+x-mac-greek.title = Grčki (MacGreek)
+windows-1258.title = Vijetnamski (Windows-1258)
+windows-874.title = Tajlandski (Windows-874)
+iso-8859-6.title = Arapski (ISO-8859-6)
+iso-8859-8.title = Hebrejski vizualni (ISO-8859-8)
+iso-8859-8-i.title = Hebrejski (ISO-8859-8-I)
+windows-1255.title = Hebrejski (Windows-1255)
+windows-1256.title = Arapski (Windows-1256)
+x-user-defined.title = Korisnički definisano
+ibm866.title = Ćirilićni/ruski (CP-866)
+gb18030.title = Pojednostavljeni kineski (GB18030)
+x-mac-arabic.title = Arapski (MacArabic)
+x-mac-farsi.title = Perzijski (MacFarsi)
+x-mac-hebrew.title = Hebrejski (MacHebrew)
+x-mac-devanagari.title = Indijski (MacDevanagari)
+x-mac-gujarati.title = Gujarati (MacGujarati)
+x-mac-gurmukhi.title = Gurmukhi (MacGurmukhi)
+ = (Isključeno)
+chardet.universal_charset_detector.title = Univerzalno
+chardet.ja_parallel_state_machine.title = Japanski
+chardet.ko_parallel_state_machine.title = Korejski
+chardet.zhtw_parallel_state_machine.title = Tradicionalni kineski
+chardet.zhcn_parallel_state_machine.title = Pojednostavljeni kineski
+chardet.zh_parallel_state_machine.title = Kineski
+chardet.cjk_parallel_state_machine.title = Istočnoazijski
+chardet.ruprob.title = Ruski
+chardet.ukprob.title = Ukrajinski
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a2ca345ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- address labels -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd The basic mail/news composition headers as they are seen in UI -->
+<!ENTITY toAddr.label "Za:">
+<!ENTITY ccAddr.label "Kopija:">
+<!ENTITY bccAddr.label "sKopija:">
+<!ENTITY replyAddr.label "Odgovori za:">
+<!ENTITY newsgroupsAddr.label "Novinska grupa:">
+<!ENTITY followupAddr.label "Nastavak-za:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95b111b3ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE askSendFormat.dtd UI for dialog that asks the user, which format to use for sending a message -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Pitanje o HTML pošti">
+<!ENTITY recipient.label "Neki od primalaca nisu navedeni da mogu primati HTML poštu.">
+<!ENTITY question.label "Želite li pretvoriti poruku u običan tekst ili je želite poslati u HTML formatu?">
+<!ENTITY plainTextAndHtml.label "Pošalji kao običan tekst i HTML">
+<!ENTITY plainTextOnly.label "Pošalji samo kao običan tekst">
+<!ENTITY htmlOnly.label "Pošalji samo u HTML formatu">
+<!ENTITY send.label "Pošalji">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70d575bb4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+convertibleYes=Vaša poruka može biti pretvorena u običan tekst bez gubitka informacija.
+convertibleAltering=Vaša poruka može biti pretvorena u običan tekst bez gubitka važnih informacija. Ipak, poruka s običnim tekstom može izgledati drugačije od onoga što ste vidjeli pri pisanju poruke.
+convertibleNo=Koristili ste oblikovanje (npr. boje) koje neće biti pretvoreno u običan tekst.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd93625750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the compose back end
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (unableToOpenFile, unableToOpenTmpFile):
+## %S will be replaced with the name of file that could not be opened
+unableToOpenFile=Nije moguće otvoriti datoteku %S.
+unableToOpenTmpFile=Nije moguće otvoriti privremenu datoteku %S. Pregledajte postavke vašeg 'Privremenog direktorija'.
+unableToSaveTemplate=Nije moguće sačuvati vašu poruku kao prilog.
+unableToSaveDraft=Nije moguće spremiti vašu poruku kao nacrt.
+couldntOpenFccFolder=Nije moguće otvoriti direktorij Poslana pošta. Provjerite jesu li postavke računa ispravne.
+noSender=Pošiljalac nije odabran. Unesite svoju adresu e-pošte u postavkama računa.
+noRecipients=Primalac nije odabran. Unesite primaoca ili novinsku grupu u područje za adresiranje.
+errorWritingFile=Greška pri zapisivanju privremene datoteke.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingFromCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingFromCommand=Greška prilikom slanja poruke. Server e-pošte je odgovorio: %s. Provjerite je li vaša adresa e-pošte ispravno upisana u postavkama pošte, te pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingDataCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingDataCommand=Došlo je do greške na serveru odlazne pošte (SMTP) prilikom slanja poruke. Server je odgovorio: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingMessage): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingMessage=Greška prilikom slanja poruke. Server e-pošte je odgovorio: %s. Provjerite poruku i pokušajte ponovo.
+postFailed=Poruka ne može biti objavljena jer povezivanje na server vijesti nije uspjelo. Server je možda nedostupan ili odbija povezivanje. Molimo provjerite da li su vaše postavke servera vijesti tačne i pokušajte ponovo.
+errorQueuedDeliveryFailed=Greška prilikom isporuke neposlanih poruka.
+sendFailed=Slanje poruke nije uspjelo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpServerError): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpServerError=Došlo je do greške prilikom slanja pošte: greška servera odlazne pošte (SMTP). Server je odgovorio: %s.
+unableToSendLater=Oprostite, vaša poruka nije uspješno spremljena za kasnije slanje.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (communicationsError): argument %d is the error code
+communicationsError=Greška u komunikaciji: %d. Pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (tcpReadError): argument %s is the network error
+tcpReadError=Došlo je do greške na mreži prilikom primanja podataka. (Mrežna greška: %s) Pokušajte se ponovo povezati.
+couldNotGetUsersMailAddress2=Greška prilikom slanja pošte: adresa pošiljaoca (Od:) je neispravna. Molimo provjerite da li je ova email adresa tačna i pokušajte ponovo.
+couldNotGetSendersIdentity=Greška prilikom slanja pošte: identitet pošiljaoca je neispravan. Molimo provjerite postavke vašeg identiteta i pokušajte ponovo.
+mimeMpartAttachmentError=Greška u prilogu.
+failedCopyOperation=Poruka je uspješno poslana, ali je nije bilo moguće kopirati u direktorij Poslana pošta.
+nntpNoCrossPosting=Poruku možete odjednom poslati na samo jedan server.
+sendFailedButNntpOk=Vaša poruka je objavljena na novinskoj grupi, ali nije poslana ostalim primaocima.
+errorReadingFile=Greška prilikom čitanja datoteke.
+followupToSenderMessage=Autor ove poruke je zahtjevao da se odgovori šalju samo autoru. Ako također želite odgovoriti i interesnoj grupi, dodajte novi red u polju za adresiranje, izaberite interesnu grupu iz liste primalaca i unesite ime interesne grupe.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorAttachingFile): argument %S is the file name/URI of object to be attached
+errorAttachingFile=Greška prilikom prilaganja datoteke %S. Provjerite imate li pristup datoteci.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (incorrectSmtpGreeting): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) greeting
+incorrectSmtpGreeting=Greška prilikom slanja pošte: server pošte je poslao neispravan pozdrav: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingRcptCommand): argument %1$S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response, argument %2$S is the intended message recipient.
+errorSendingRcptCommand=Greška prilikom slanja pošte. Server je odgovorio: \n%1$S.\n Provjerite primaoca pošte "%2$S" i pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTlsFailed): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+startTlsFailed=Došlo je do greške pri slanju pošte: nemoguće uspostavljanje sigurne veze sa serverom odlazne pošte (SMTP )%S koristeći STARTTLS jer ne podržava tu mogućnost. Isključite STARTTLS za ovaj server ili kontaktirajte vašeg davatelja usluga.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPasswordUndefined): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) account
+smtpPasswordUndefined=Greška prilikom slanja pošte: nije moguće dobiti lozinku za %S. Poruka nije poslana.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpTempSizeExceeded): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpTempSizeExceeded=Veličina poruke koju pokušavate poslati premašuje privremeno ograničenje servera. Poruka nije poslana; pokušajte smanjiti veličinu poruke ili sačekajte neko vrijeme i pokušajte ponovo. Odgovor servera: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded1): argument %d is the Outgoing server (SMTP) size limit
+smtpPermSizeExceeded1=Veličina poruke koju pokušavate poslati prelazi globalno ograničenje veličine servera (%d bajtova). Poruka nije poslana; smanjite veličinu poruke i pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded2): argument %s is the server's response
+smtpPermSizeExceeded2=Veličina poruke koju pokušavate poslati prelazi globalno ograničenje veličine servera. Poruka nije poslana; umanjite veličinu poruke i pokušajte ponovo. Server je odgovorio: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownServer): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendFailedUnknownServer=Dogodila se greška pri slanju pošte: Izlazni server (SMTP) %S je nepoznat. Server je možda pogrešno konfigurisan. Molimo provjerite postavke za vaš Izlazni server (SMTP) i pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendRequestRefused): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendRequestRefused=Poruka ne može biti poslana jer povezivanje na Izlazni server (SMTP) %S nije uspjelo. Server je možda nedostupan ili odbija SMTP povezivanja. Molimo provjerite da li su postavke Izlaznog servera (SMTP) tačne i pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendInterrupted): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendInterrupted=Poruka nije poslana jer je veza sa serverom odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S prekinuta usred prijenosa. Pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendTimeout): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendTimeout=Poruka nije poslana jer je veza sa serverom odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S istekla. Pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownReason): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendFailedUnknownReason=Poruka nije poslana koristeći server odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S iz nepoznatih razloga. Provjerite jesu li postavke vašeg servera (SMTP) ispravne i pokušajte ponovo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl=Server odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S čini se da ne podržava šifrovane lozinke. Ako ste upravo postavili račun, pokušajte promijeniti 'Metod provjere autentičnosti' u 'Postavke računa | Server odlazne pošte (SMTP)' u 'Lozinka, nesiguran prenos'. Ako je to prije radilo, a sada ne, možda ste bili podložni krađi lozinke.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl=Server odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S čini se da ne podržava šifrovane lozinke. Ako ste upravo postavili račun, pokušajte promijeniti 'Metod provjere autentičnosti' u 'Postavke računa | Server odlazne pošte (SMTP)' u 'Normalna lozinka'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt=Server odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S ne dozvoljava lozinke s običnim tekstom. Molimo probajte promijeniti 'Metod autentifikacije' u 'Postavke računa | Server odlazne pošte (SMTP)' u 'Šifrovana lozinka'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthFailure): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthFailure=Nije se moguće prijaviti na server odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S. Provjerite lozinku i postavke 'Metoda provjere autentičnosti' u 'Postavke računa | Server odlazne pošte (SMTP)'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthGssapi): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthGssapi=Server odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S nije prihvatio Kerberos/GSSAPI karticu. Provjerite jeste li prijavljeni na Kerberos/GSSAPI.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthMechNotSupported=Server odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S ne podržava odabrani metod provjere autentičnosti. Promijenite 'Metod provjere autentičnosti' u 'Postavke računa | Server odlazne pošte (SMTP)'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthenticationNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthenticationNotSupported=Nije moguće provjeriti autentičnost na Serveru odlazne pošte (SMTP) %S. Ne podržava autentifikaciju (SMTP-AUTH) ali vi ste odabrali da koristi autentifikaciju. Molimo promijenite 'Metod provjere autentifikacije' u 'Ništa' u 'Postavke računa | Server odlazne pošte (SMTP)' ili kontaktirajte vašeg pružaoca email usluga za uputstva.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorIllegalLocalPart): %s is an email address with an illegal localpart
+errorIllegalLocalPart=Postoje ne-ASCII znakovi u lokalnom dijelu adrese primaoca %s. Ovo još nije podržano. Promjenite adresu i pokušajte ponovo.
+## Strings used for the save message dialog shown when the user closes a message compose window
+saveDlogTitle=Sačuvaj poruku
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveDlogMessages3): Do not translate the words %1$S and \n.
+## %1$S is replaced by the folder name configured for saving drafts (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## Translate "Compose" to match the translation of item "windowTitlePrefix" below.
+saveDlogMessages3=Sačuvati ovu poruku u vaš folder sa nacrtima (%1$S) i zatvoriti prozor za pisanje?
+discardButtonLabel=&Odbaci izmjene
+## generics string
+defaultSubject=(bez naslova)
+chooseFileToAttach=Priloži datoteke
+## String used by the dialog that asks the user to enter a subject
+sendMsgTitle=Pošalji poruku
+subjectDlogMessage=Niste naveli temu za ovu poruku. Ako želite dodati jednu, molimo upišite je sada.
+## String used by the dialog that informs the user about the newsgroup recipient
+recipientDlogMessage=Ovaj račun podržava samo primaoce emaila. Ako nastavite, novinske grupe će biti ignorisane.
+## String used by the alert that tells the user an e-mail address is invalid
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressInvalid): %1$S is the email address
+addressInvalid=%1$S nije ispravna e-mail adresa jer nije u obliku korisnik@poslužitelj. Ispravite e-mail adresu prije slanja poruke.
+genericFailureExplanation=Provjerite jesu li postavke računa pošte i intesernih grupa ispravne i pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (undisclosedRecipients): this string must use only US_ASCII characters
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message
+messageAttachmentSafeName=Priložena poruka
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message part
+partAttachmentSafeName=Dio priložene poruke
+## String used by the Initialization Error dialog
+initErrorDlogTitle=Pisanje poruke
+initErrorDlgMessage=Došlo je do greške pri stvaranju prozora za pisanje poruke. Pokušajte ponovo.
+## String used if the file to attach does not exist when passed as
+## a command line argument
+errorFileAttachTitle=Prilaganje datoteke
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorFileAttachMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the non-existent file name. Do not translate
+errorFileAttachMessage=Datoteka %1$S ne postoji, te je nije moguće priložiti.
+## Strings used by the Save as Draft/Template dialog
+SaveDialogTitle=Sačuvaj poruku
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveDialogMsg): %1$S is the folder name, %2$S is the host name
+SaveDialogMsg=Vaša poruka je sačuvana u direktorij %1$S pod %2$S.
+CheckMsg=Ne prikazuj ponovo ovaj prozor.
+## Strings used by the prompt when Quitting while in progress
+quitComposeWindowTitle=Slanje poruke
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (quitComposeWindowMessage): don't translate \n
+quitComposeWindowMessage2=%1$S trenutno šalje poruku.\nŽelite li pričekati sa zatvaranjem dok se poruka ne pošalje ili želite zatvoriti sada?
+## Strings used by the prompt for Ctrl-Enter check before sending message
+sendMessageCheckWindowTitle=Pošalji poruku
+sendMessageCheckLabel=Da li ste sigurni da ste spremni poslati ovu poruku?
+assemblingMessageDone=Sastavljanje poruke…Završeno
+assemblingMessage=Sastavljanje poruke…
+smtpDeliveringMail=Isporučujem poštu…
+smtpMailSent=Pošta uspješno poslana
+assemblingMailInformation=Prikupljam podatke o pošti…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (gatheringAttachment): argument %S is the file name/URI of attachment
+gatheringAttachment=Prilaganje %S…
+creatingMailMessage=Stvaram poštansku poruku…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyMessageStart): argument %S is the folder name
+copyMessageStart=Kopiranje poruke u direktorij %S…
+copyMessageComplete=Kopiranje završeno.
+copyMessageFailed=Kopiranje nije uspjelo.
+filterMessageComplete=Filter završen.
+filterMessageFailed=Filter neuspješan.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (largeMessageSendWarning):
+## %S is the message size in user-friendly notation. Do not translate.
+largeMessageSendWarning=Upozorenje! Spremate se poslati poruku veličine %S koja će možda preći dozvoljeno ograničenje na serveru pošte. Jeste li sigurni da želite to uraditi?
+sendingMessage=Slanje poruke…
+sendMessageErrorTitle=Greška slanja poruke
+postingMessage=Objavljivanje poruke…
+sendLaterErrorTitle=Greška kasnog slanja
+saveDraftErrorTitle=Greška spremanja nacrta
+saveTemplateErrorTitle=Greška spremanja šablona
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving=Pojavio se problem prilikom uključivanja datoteke %.200S u poruku. Želite li nastaviti spremanje poruke bez ove datoteke?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending=Pojavio se problem prilikom uključivanja datoteke %.200S u poruku. Želite li nastaviti slanje poruke bez ove datoteke?
+returnToComposeWindowQuestion=Želite li se vratiti u prozor za sastavljanje poruke?
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle): #1 is the author (name of person replying to)
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle=#1 je napisao/la:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote=#2 u #3, #1 je napisao/la:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate=#1 napisao je #2 u #3:
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.reply_header_originalmessage=-------- Izvorna poruka --------
+## forwarded header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.forward_header_originalmessage=-------- Proslijeđena poruka --------
+## Strings used by the rename attachment dialog
+renameAttachmentTitle=Preimenuj prilog
+renameAttachmentMessage=Novo ime priloga:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the
+## word %S. Place the word %S where the host name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPrompt=Unesite lozinku za %S:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername): Do not translate the
+## words %1$S and %2$S. Place the word %1$S where the host name should appear,
+## and %2$S where the user name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername=Unesite svoju lozinku za %2$S na %1$S:
+smtpEnterPasswordPromptTitle=Potrebna je lozinka za server odlazne pošte (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveSentLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved sent messages (typically the "Sent" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+promptToSaveSentLocally2=Vaša poruka je poslana ali kopija nije sačuvana u vašem direktoriju sa poslanim porukama (%1$S) zbog grešaka na mreži ili pri pristupu datoteci.\nMožete ponovo pokušati ili sačuvati poruku lokalno u %3$S/%1$S-%2$S.
+errorFilteringMsg=Vaša poruka je poslana i sačuvana, ali se dogodila greška prilikom pokretanja filtera poruka na njoj.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveDraftLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved draft messages (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+promptToSaveDraftLocally2=Vaš nacrt nije kopiran u vaš direktorij sa nacrtima (%1$S) zbog grešaka na mreži ili pri pristupu datoteci.\nMožete ponovo pokušati ili sačuvati nacrt lokalno u %3$S/%1$S-%2$S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveTemplateLocally2): Do not translate the strings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved templates (typically the "Templates" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+promptToSaveTemplateLocally2=Vaš šablon nije kopiran u vaš direktorij sa šablonima (%1$S) zbog grešaka na mreži ili pri pristupu datoteci.\nMožete ponovo pokušati ili sačuvati šablon lokalno u %3$S/%1$S-%2$S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(saveToLocalFoldersFailed): Message appears after normal
+## save fails (e.g., to Sent) and save to Local Folders also fails. This could
+## occur if network is down and filesystem problems are present such as disk
+## full, permission issues or hardware failure.
+saveToLocalFoldersFailed=Nije moguće sačuvati poruku u lokalne direktorije. Možda nemate dovoljno slobodnog prostora.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(blockedAllowResource): %S is the URL to load.
+blockedAllowResource=Deblokiraj %S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentMessage): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## %S will be replaced by brandShortName.
+## Files must be unblocked individually, therefore the plural form reads:
+## Unblocking a file (one of several) will include it (that one file) in your sent message.
+## In other words:
+## Unblocking one/several file(s) will include it/them in your message.
+blockedContentMessage=%S je blokirao datoteku za učitavanje u ovu poruku. Deblokiranje datoteke će je uključiti u vašu poslanu poruku.;%S je blokirao neke datoteke za učitavanje u ovu poruku. Deblokiranje datoteka će ih uključiti u vašu poslanu poruku.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentPrefLabel, blockedContentPrefAccesskey):
+## Same content as (blockedContentPrefLabel, blockedContentPrefAccesskey)
+## in mail directory. SeaMonkey does only use Options and not Preferences.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e0b2dcdb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY attachImageSource.label "Priloži ovu sliku uz poruku">
+<!ENTITY attachLinkSource.label "Priloži izvor linka uz poruku">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12c9dc204b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE messengercompose.dtd Main UI for message composition -->
+<!ENTITY msgComposeWindow.title "Nova poruka: (bez naslova)">
+<!ENTITY fromAddr.label "Od:">
+<!ENTITY subject.label "Predmet:">
+<!ENTITY attachments.label "Prilozi:">
+<!-- menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Spasi">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.label "Spasi kao">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.label "Datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY saveAsDraftCmd.label "Nacrt">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.label "Šablon">
+<!ENTITY attachMenu.label "Priloži">
+<!ENTITY attachFileCmd.label "Datoteke…">
+<!ENTITY attachPageCmd.label "Web stranicu…">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE attachVCardCmd.label Don't translate the term 'vCard' -->
+<!ENTITY attachVCardCmd.label "Kontakt karticu (vCard)">
+<!ENTITY sendNowCmd.label "Pošalji sad">
+<!ENTITY sendCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.label "Pošalji kasnije">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!-- Edit menu items -->
+<!ENTITY editRewrapCmd.label "Prepakuj">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.label "Postavke računa pošte i interesnih grupa…">
+<!-- View menu items -->
+<!ENTITY showComposeToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka pošte">
+<!ENTITY showFormatToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka formatiranja">
+<!-- Format menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.label "Format">
+<!-- Options menu items -->
+<!ENTITY optionsMenu.label "Opcije">
+<!ENTITY quoteCmd.label "Citiraj poruku">
+<!ENTITY selectAddressCmd.label "Izaberi adrese…">
+<!ENTITY priorityMenu.label "Prioritet">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.label "Najniži">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.label "Nizak">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.label "Normalan">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.label "Visok">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.label "Najviši">
+<!ENTITY returnReceiptMenu.label "Potvrda o prijemu">
+<!ENTITY dsnMenu.label "Potvrda isporuke">
+<!ENTITY outputFormatMenu.label "Format">
+<!ENTITY autoFormatCmd.label "Automatski prepoznaj">
+<!ENTITY plainTextFormatCmd.label "Samo običan tekst">
+<!ENTITY htmlFormatCmd.label "Samo obogaćeni tekst (HTML)">
+<!ENTITY bothFormatCmd.label "Obični i obogaćeni (HTML) tekst">
+<!ENTITY fileCarbonCopyCmd.label "Pošalji kopiju na">
+<!ENTITY fileHereMenu.label "Arhiviraj ovdje">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE Toolbar items Don't change any "chrome://" URLs -->
+<!-- Toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY sendButton.label "Pošalji">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.label "Adresa">
+<!ENTITY attachButton.label "Priloži">
+<!ENTITY spellingButton.label "Pravopis">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.label "Spasi">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Zaustavi">
+<!-- We already inherit &menuBar.tooltip and &mailToolbar.tooltip from messenger.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY addressBar.tooltip "Adresna traka">
+<!ENTITY formatToolbar.tooltip "Alatna traka formatiranja">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.tooltip "Pošalji poruku sada">
+<!ENTITY sendlaterButton.tooltip "Pošalji poruku kasnije">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.tooltip "Odaberi primaoca iz imenika">
+<!ENTITY attachButton.tooltip "Uključi prilog">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.tooltip "Sačuvaj ovu poruku">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.tooltip "Zaustavi trenutni prijenos">
+<!-- context menu items -->
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.label "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachment.label "Preimenuj…">
+<!ENTITY attachFile.label "Priloži datoteke…">
+<!ENTITY attachPage.label "Priloži web stranicu…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a11764bd66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE sendprogress.dtd Main UI for Send Message Progress Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY sendDialog.title "Obrada poruke">
+<!ENTITY status.label "Status:">
+<!ENTITY progress.label "Napredak:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bf04383c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (titleSendMsgSubject):
+# %S will be replaced by the message subject.
+titleSendMsgSubject=Slanje poruke - %S
+titleSendMsg=Slanje poruke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (titleSaveMsgSubject):
+# %S will be replaced by the message subject.
+titleSaveMsgSubject=Spremanje poruke - %S
+titleSaveMsg=Spremanje poruke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (percentMsg):
+# This string is used to format the text to the right of the progress meter.
+# %S will be replaced by the percentage of the file that has been saved.
+# %% will be replaced a single % sign.
+messageSent=Vaša poruka je poslana.
+messageSaved=Vaša poruka je spremljena.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13073d9f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colonInHeaderName=Zaglavlje koje ste unijeli sadrži neispravan znak, poput ':', znak koji nije moguće štampati, non-ascii znak ili osam bitni ascii znak. Uklonite neispravan znak i pokušajte ponovo.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/downloadheaders.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/downloadheaders.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e7477df90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/downloadheaders.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY all.label "Preuzmi sva zaglavlja">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (download.label):
+ consider the download.label and headers.label as a single sentence
+ with the number of headers to be downloaded inserted between them:
+ EXAMPLE: "Download" <some number> "headers"
+ Either label could be set to null ("") if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY download.label "Preuzmi">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE (headers.label): see note for download.label -->
+<!ENTITY headers.label "zaglavlja">
+<!ENTITY mark.label "Označi preostala zaglavlja kao pročitana">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/fieldMapImport.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/fieldMapImport.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6931a2d40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/fieldMapImport.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.title "Uvoz adresara">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.size "width: 40em; height: 30em;">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.recordNumber "Uvezeni podaci za zapis: ">
+<!ENTITY "Sljedeće">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.previous.label "Prethodno">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.text "Koristite pomjeranje gore i dole kako biste uskladili polja adresara na lijevoj strani s ispravnim podacima za uvoz na desnoj. Uklonite oznaku sa stavki koje ne želite uvesti.">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.up.label "Pomjeri gore">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.down.label "Pomjeri dole">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.fieldListTitle "Polja adresara">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.dataTitle "Zapis podataka za uvoz">
+<!ENTITY fieldMapImport.skipFirstRecord.label "Prvi zapis sadrži nazive polja">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3af7421bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+mustSelectFolder=Morate izabrati ciljni direktorij.
+enterValidEmailAddress=Unesite ispravnu email adresu na koju želite proslijediti.
+pickTemplateToReplyWith=Odaberite šablon za odgovaranje.
+mustEnterName=Morate dati naziv ovom filteru.
+cannotHaveDuplicateFilterTitle=Dupli naziv filtera
+cannotHaveDuplicateFilterMessage=Naziv filtera koji ste upisali već postoji. Upišite drugačiji naziv filtera.
+mustHaveFilterTypeTitle=Nije izabran nijedan događaj za ovaj filter
+mustHaveFilterTypeMessage=Morate odabrati barem jedan događaj kada se ovaj filter primjenjuje. Ako privremeno ne želite da pokrenete filter na bilo kojem događaju, odznačite njegovo omogućeno stanje u dijaloškom okviru filtera poruke.
+deleteFilterConfirmation=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati označeni filter(e)?
+untitledFilterName=Filter bez naslova
+matchAllFilterName=Uporedite sve poruke
+filterListBackUpMsg=Vaši filteri ne rade jer datoteka msgFilterRules, koja sadrži vaše filtere, ne može biti pročitana. Nova msgFilterRules datoteka će biti napravlejna i sigurnosna kopija stare datoteke, nazvana rulesbackup.dat, će biti napravljena u istom direktoriju.
+customHeaderOverflow=Prekoračili ste ograničenje od 50 prilagođenih zaglavlja. Uklonite jedno ili više prilagođenih zaglavlja i pokušajte ponovo.
+filterCustomHeaderOverflow=Vaši filteri prekoračili su ograničenje od 50 prilagođenih zaglavlja. Uredite fajl msgFilterRules.dat, koji sadrži vaše filtere, kako bi koristio manje prilagođenih zaglavlja.
+invalidCustomHeader=Jedan od vaših filtera koristi prilagođeno zaglavlje koje sadrži neispravan znak, poput ':', neštampajući znak, non-ascii znak ili osam bitni ascii znak. Molimo uredite msgFilterRules.dat datoteku, koja sadrži vaše filtere, da uklonite neispravne znakove iz vašeg prilagođenog zaglavlja.
+continueFilterExecution=Primjena filtera %S nije uspjela. Želite li nastaviti primjenjivati filtere?
+promptTitle=Pokrenuti filteri
+promptMsg=Trenutno ste u postupku filtriranja poruka.\nŽelite li nastaviti primjenjivati filtere?
+cannotEnableFilter=Ovaj filter je vjerovatno stvoren od buduće verzije ovog softvera. Ne možete omogućiti ovaj filter iz razloga što ne znamo kako ga primijeniti.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterFailureWarningPrefix)
+# %1$S=filter error action
+# %2$S=error code as hexadecimal string.
+filterFailureWarningPrefix=Neuspješna radnja filtera: "%1$S" s kodom greške=%2$S prilikom pokušaja:
+searchTermsInvalidTitle=Neispravni pojmovi pretrage
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(searchTermsInvalidRule)
+# %1$S=search attribute name from the invalid rule
+# %2$S=search operator from the bad rule
+searchTermsInvalidRule=Ovaj filter ne može biti spašen jer pojam pretrage "%1$S %2$S" nije ispravan u trenutnom kontekstu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterActionOrderExplanation)
+# Keep the \n\n that mean 2 linebreaks.
+filterActionOrderExplanation=Kada poruka odgovara ovom filteru, radnje će se izvršiti ovim redoslijedom:\n\n
+filterActionOrderTitle=Stvaran redoslijed radnji
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterActionItem):
+# %1$S=sequence number of the action, %2$S=action text, %3$S=action argument
+filterActionItem=%1$S. %2$S %3$S\n
+# for junk mail logging / mail filter logging
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(junkLogDetectStr)
+# %1$S=author, %2$S=subject, %3$S=date
+junkLogDetectStr=Otkrivena neželjena pošta od %1$S - %2$S dobijena dana %3$S
+# %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI
+logMoveStr=premještena poruka id = %1$S u %2$S
+# %1$S=message id, %2$S=folder URI
+logCopyStr=kopirana poruka id = %1$S u %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterLogDetectStr)
+# %1$S=filter name %2$S=author, %3$S=subject, %4$S=date
+filterLogDetectStr=Primijenjen filter "%1$S" na poruku od %2$S - %3$S na %4$S
+filterMissingCustomAction=Nedostaje prilagođena radnja
+filterAction2=prioritet promijenjen
+filterAction4=označeno kao pročitano
+filterAction5=nit ukinuta
+filterAction6=nis spremljena
+filterAction7=označeno zastavicom
+filterAction11=izvršavanje zaustavljeno
+filterAction12=izbrisano s POP3 servera
+filterAction13=ostavljeno na POP3 serveru
+filterAction14=rezultat neželjene pošte
+filterAction15=tijelo dobavljeno sa POP3 servera
+filterAction16=kopirano u direktorij
+filterAction18=ignorisana podnit
+filterAction19=označeno kao nepročitano
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterAutoNameStr)
+# %1$S=Header or item to match, e.g. "From", "Tag", "Age in days", etc.
+# %2$S=Operator, e.g. "Contains", "is", "is greater than", etc.
+# %3$S=Value, e.g. "Steve Jobs", "Important", "42", etc.
+filterAutoNameStr=%1$S %2$S: %3$S
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderProps.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderProps.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2550e782bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderProps.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY folderProps.windowtitle.label "Svojstva">
+<!ENTITY generalInfo.label "Opšti podaci">
+<!ENTITY folderCharsetFallback2.label "Pomoćna kodna stranica:">
+<!ENTITY folderCharsetEnforce2.label "Primjeni kodnu stranicu na sve poruke u folderu (postavke kodne stranice pojedinih poruka i automatsko otkrivanje će biti zanemareno)">
+<!ENTITY folderRebuildSummaryFileTip2.label "Ponovo izgradi skupnu indeks datoteku">
+<!ENTITY folderRebuildSummaryFile2.label "Popravi folder">
+<!ENTITY folderRebuildSummaryFile.explanation "Ponekad se (.msf) datoteka koja je indeks foldera ošteti i poruke izgledaju nedostupne ili se izbrisane poruke i dalje pojavljuju; popravak foldera može riješiti ove probleme.">
+<!ENTITY folderIncludeInGlobalSearch.label "Uvrsti poruke iz ovog foldera u globalne rezultate pretraživanja">
+<!ENTITY retention.label "Politika čuvanja">
+<!ENTITY retentionUseAccount.label "Koristi moje postavke računa">
+<!ENTITY daysOld.label "dana staro">
+<!ENTITY message.label "poruke">
+<!ENTITY retentionCleanup.label "Čuvaj poruke:">
+<!ENTITY retentionCleanupImap.label "Čuvaj poruke i u lokalnim kopijama i u njihovim originalima na serveru:">
+<!ENTITY retentionCleanupPop.label "Čuvaj poruke uključujući njihove originale na serveru:">
+<!ENTITY retentionDeleteMsg.label "Izbriši poruke starije od">
+<!ENTITY retentionKeepAll.label "Sve poruke">
+<!ENTITY retentionKeepRecent.label "Najnovije">
+<!ENTITY retentionApplyToFlagged.label "Uvijek zadrži poruke sa zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY folderSynchronizationTab.label "Sinhronizacija">
+<!ENTITY folderCheckForNewMessages2.label "Prilikom primanja novih poruka za ovaj račun, uvijek provjeri ovaj folder">
+<!ENTITY offlineFolder.check.label "Odaberi ovaj folder za izvanmrežno korištenje">
+<!ENTITY offlineFolder.button.label "Preuzmite sada">
+<!ENTITY selectofflineNewsgroup.check.label "Odaberi ovu interesnu grupu za izvanmrežno korištenje">
+<!ENTITY offlineNewsgroup.button.label "Preuzmite sada">
+<!ENTITY "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY folderProps.location.label "Lokacija:">
+<!ENTITY folderSharingTab.label "Dijeljenje">
+<!ENTITY privileges.button.label "Privilegije…">
+<!ENTITY permissionsDesc.label "Imate sljedeće dozvole:">
+<!ENTITY folderType.label "Vrsta foldera:">
+<!ENTITY folderQuotaTab.label "Kvota">
+<!ENTITY folderQuotaRoot.label "Kvota najvišeg nivoa:">
+<!ENTITY folderQuotaUsage.label "Iskorištenost:">
+<!ENTITY folderQuotaStatus.label "Status:">
+<!ENTITY numberOfMessages.label "Broj poruka:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: When the number of messages can't be determined, this string is displayed as the number -->
+<!ENTITY numberUnknown.label "nepoznato">
+<!ENTITY sizeOnDisk.label "Veličina na disku:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: When the size can't be determined, this string is displayed as the size -->
+<!ENTITY sizeUnknown.label "nepoznato">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38db28f449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# %S=name of the Local folders account
+globalInbox=Globalna primljena pošta (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
+verboseFolderFormat=%1$S na %2$S
+chooseFolder=Izaberite folder…
+chooseAccount=Odaberite račun…
+noFolders=Nema dostupnih foldera
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderpane.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderpane.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a1eaae121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/folderpane.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY nameColumn.label "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY unreadColumn.label "Nepročitano">
+<!ENTITY totalColumn.label "Ukupno">
+<!ENTITY folderSizeColumn.label "Veličina">
+<!ENTITY folderLocationToolbarItem.title "Lokacija foldera">
+<!ENTITY mailViewsToolbarItem.title "Prikazi pošte">
+<!ENTITY searchToolbarItem.title "Traži">
+<!ENTITY searchSubjectOrAddress.placeholder "Tražite termin ili adresu">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be6f295557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.facetLabel): These are the labels used to label the facet
+# displays in the global search facet display mechanism.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.includeLabel): The label to use for the included group
+# in the facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.included.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.excludeLabel): The label to use for the excluded group
+# in the facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.excluded.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.remainderLabel): The label to use for the remaining items
+# that are neither part of the included group or the excluded group in the
+# facet display. If not provided, we will fall back to
+# "glodaFacetView.facets.remainder.fallbackLabel".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.folder.*): Stores the message folder in
+# which the message is stored.
+gloda.message.attr.folder.facetLabel=Direktoriji pošte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.fromMe.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.fromMe.facetLabel=Od mene
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.toMe.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.involves.*): Stores everyone involved
+# with the message. This means from/to/cc/bcc.
+gloda.message.attr.involves.includeLabel=uključuje bilo koga od:
+gloda.message.attr.involves.excludeLabel=ne uključuje:
+gloda.message.attr.involves.remainderLabel=drugi učesnici:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores the date of the message.
+# SeaMonkey normally stores the date the message claims it was composed
+# according to the "Date" header. This is not the same as when the message
+# was sent or when it was eventually received by the user. In the future we
+# may change this to be one of the other dates, but not anytime soon.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.attachmentTypes.*): Stores the list of
+# MIME types (ex: image/png, text/plain) of real attachments (not just part of
+# the message content but explicitly named attachments) on the message.
+# Although we hope to be able to provide localized human-readable explanations
+# of the MIME type (ex: "PowerPoint document"), I don't know if that is going
+# to happen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.*): Stores the mailing
+# lists detected in the message. This will normally be the e-mail address of
+# the mailing list and only be detected in messages received from the mailing
+# list. Extensions may contribute additional detected mailing-list-like
+# things.
+gloda.message.attr.mailing-list.facetLabel=Lista slanja je uključena
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.tag.*): Stores the tags applied to the
+# message. Notably, gmail's labels are not currently exposed via IMAP and we
+# do not do anything clever with gmail, so this is indepdendent of gmail
+# labels. This may change in the future, but it's a safe bet it's not
+# happening on SeaMonkey's side prior to 2.0.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores whether the message is
+# flagged or not, as indicated by a pretty flag icon.
+# Thunderbird uses a star.čeno zastavicom
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*): Stores whether the user has
+# read the message or not.čitano
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.repliedTo.*): Stores whether we believe
+# the user has ever replied to the message. We normally show a little icon in
+# the thread pane when this is the case.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.message.attr.forwarded.*): Stores whether we believe
+# the user has ever forwarded the message. We normally show a little icon in
+# the thread pane when this is the case.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.*.label): Map categories of MIME
+# types defined in mimeTypeCategories.js to labels.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.archives.label): Archive is
+# referring to things like zip files, tar files, tar.gz files, etc.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Media is meant to
+# encompass both audio and video. This is because video and audio streams are
+# frequently stored in the same type of container and we cannot rely on the
+# sending e-mail client to have been clever enough to figure out what was
+# really in the file. So we group them together. (Audio, Video)
+gloda.mimetype.category.pdf.label=PDF datoteke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gloda.mimetype.category.other.label): Other is the category
+# for MIME types that we don't really know what it is.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3e1584985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the imap code to display progress/status/error messages
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(imapAlertDialogTile): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+imapAlertDialogTitle=Upozorenje za račun %S
+# Status - opening folder
+imapStatusSelectingMailbox=Otvaranje direktorija %S…
+# Status - create folder
+imapStatusCreatingMailbox=Kreiranje direktorija…
+# Status - deleting a folder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusDeletingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being deleted.
+imapStatusDeletingMailbox=Brisanje direktorija %S…
+# Status - renaming mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusRenamingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being renamed.
+imapStatusRenamingMailbox=Preimenovanje direktorija %S…
+# Status - looking for mailboxes
+imapStatusLookingForMailbox=Traženje direktorija…
+# Status - subscribing to mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being subscribed to.
+imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox=Pretplaćivanje na direktorij %S…
+# Status - unsubscribing from mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being unsubscribed from.
+imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox=Otkazivanje pretplate na direktorij %S…
+# Status - searching imap folder
+imapStatusSearchMailbox=Pretraživanje direktorija…
+# Status - closing a folder
+imapStatusCloseMailbox=Zatvaranje direktorija…
+# Status - compacting a folder
+imapStatusExpungingMailbox=Sažimanje direktorija…
+# Status - logging out
+# Status - checking server capabilities
+imapStatusCheckCompat=Provjeravanje mogućnosti email servera…
+# Status - logging on
+imapStatusSendingLogin=Slanje informacija za prijavu…
+# Status - auth logon
+imapStatusSendingAuthLogin=Slanje informacija za prijavu…
+# Status - downloading message
+imapDownloadingMessage=Preuzimanje poruke…
+# Status - getting acl for folder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapGettingACLForFolder): Do not translate the word "ACL" below.
+imapGettingACLForFolder=Dobavljanje ACL direktorija…
+# Status - getting server info
+imapGettingServerInfo=Dobavljanje postavki servera…
+# Status - getting mailbox info
+imapGettingMailboxInfo=Dobavljam podatke o podešavanju poštanskog sandučeta…
+# Status - empty mime part
+imapEmptyMimePart=Ovaj dio tijela poruke će biti preuzet na zahtjev.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageHeaders3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the header being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of headers to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Joe's Account: Downloading message header 100 of 1000 in Drafts…"
+imapReceivingMessageHeaders3=Preuzimam zaglavlje poruke %1$S od %2$S u %3$S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageFlags3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the flag being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of flags to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Jim's Account: Downloading message flag 100 of 1000 in INBOX…"
+imapReceivingMessageFlags3=Preuzimam zastavu poruke %1$S od %2$S u %3$S…
+imapDeletingMessages=Brisanje poruka…
+imapDeletingMessage=Brisanje poruke…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapMovingMessages=Premještanje poruka u %S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapMovingMessage=Premještanje poruke u %S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapCopyingMessages=Kopiranje poruka u %S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapCopyingMessage=Kopiranje poruke u %S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the message being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of messages to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Juan's Account: Downloading message 100 of 1000 in Sent…"
+imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3=Preuzimam poruku %1$S od %2$S u %3$S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDiscoveringMailbox): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapDiscoveringMailbox=Pronađen direktorij: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the username should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the servername should appear.
+imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt=Unesite svoju lozinku za %1$S na %2$S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerNotImap4): Do not translate the word "IMAP4" below.
+imapServerNotImap4=Server %S nije IMAP4 email server.
+# This is intentionally left blank.
+imapEnterPasswordPromptTitle=Potrebna lozinka za email server
+imapUnknownHostError=Povezivanje na server %S nije uspjelo.
+imapOAuth2Error=Autientifikacija neuspješna prilikom povezivanja na server %S.
+imapConnectionRefusedError=Neuspješno povezivanje na email server %S; veza je odbijena.
+imapNetTimeoutError=Isteklo je vrijeme povezivanja na server %S.
+# Status - no messages to download
+imapNoNewMessages=Nema novih poruka na serveru.
+imapDefaultAccountName=Email za %S
+imapSpecialChar= Znak %c je rezervisan na ovom imap serveru. Izaberite drugi naziv.
+imapSpecialChar2=Znak %S je rezervisan na ovom imap serveru. Izaberite drugi naziv.
+imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeName=Lični direktorij
+imapPublicFolderTypeName=Javni direktorij
+imapOtherUsersFolderTypeName=Direktorij drugih korisnika
+imapPersonalFolderTypeDescription=Ovo je lični email direktorij. Nije podijeljen.
+imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeDescription=Ovo je lični email direktorij. Podijeljen je.
+imapPublicFolderTypeDescription=Ovo je javni direktorij.
+imapOtherUsersFolderTypeDescription=Ovo je email direktorij koji je podijelio korisnik '%S'.
+imapAclFullRights=Puna kontrola
+imapAclSeenRight=Podesi status pročitano/nepročitano
+imapAclInsertRight=Umetni (kopiraj u)
+imapAclCreateRight=Kreiraj poddirektorij
+imapAclDeleteRight=Izbriši poruke
+imapAclAdministerRight=Upravljanje direktorijem
+imapServerDoesntSupportAcl=Ovaj server ne podržava dijeljene direktorije.
+imapServerDisconnected= Server %S se isključio. Poslužitelj se možda ugasio ili je došlo do problema na mreži.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the imap folder.
+imapSubscribePrompt=Želite li se pretplatiti na %1$S?
+imapServerDroppedConnection=Nije moguće povezivanje na vaš IMAP server. Možda ste prešli maksimalan broj \
+povezivanja na ovaj server. Ako je tako, koristite dijalog naprednih postavki IMAP servera da \
+smanjite broj keširanih povezivanja.
+imapQuotaStatusFolderNotOpen=Informacije o kvoti nisu dostupne jer direktorij nije otvoren.
+imapQuotaStatusNotSupported=Ovaj server ne podržava kvote.
+imapQuotaStatusNoQuota=Nema kvote za pohranu na ovom direktoriju.
+# Out of memory
+imapOutOfMemory=Program je ostao bez memorije.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessageOf2): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the destination folder should appear.
+# Place the word %1$S where the currently copying message should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages should appear.
+imapCopyingMessageOf2=Kopiranje poruke %1$S od %2$S u %3$S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the name of the folder.
+imapMoveFolderToTrash=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati direktorij '%S'?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDeleteNoTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the name of the folder.
+imapDeleteNoTrash=Brisanje direktorija se ne može poništiti i biće izbrisane sve poruke i poddirektoriji koje direktorij sadrži. Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati direktorij '%S'?
+imapDeleteFolderDialogTitle=Izbriši direktorij
+imapDeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Izbriši direktorij
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=IMAP server %S izgleda ne podržava šifrovane lozinke. Ako ste tek postavili ovaj račun, molimo probajte promijeniti u 'Normalna lozinka' kao 'Autentifikacijski metod' u 'Postakve računa | Postavke servera'. Ako je prije radilo a sada ne radi, molimo kontaktirajte vašeg email administratora ili pružaoca usluga.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt=IMAP server %S ne dozvoljava obične lozinke. Pokušajte promijeniti 'Metodu provjere autentičnosti' u 'Šifrovana lozinka' u 'Postavke računa | Postavke servera'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=IMAP server %S izgleda ne podržava šifrovane lozinke. Ako ste tek postavili račun, molimo probajte promijeniti 'Lozinka, prenesena nesigurno' kao 'Metod provjere autentifikacije' u 'Postavke računa | Postavke servera'. Ako je prije radilo, a sad ne radi, ovo je uobičajen scenarij kako vam neko može ukrasti lozinku.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthMechNotSupported=IMAP server %S ne podržava izabranu metodu autentikacije. Promijenite 'Metoda provjere autentičnosti' u 'Postavke računa | Postavke servera'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthGssapiFailed): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthGssapiFailed=Kerberos/GSSAPI karta nije prihvaćena od IMAP servera %S. Provjerite jeste li prijavljeni na Kerberos/GSSAPI.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerCommandFailed):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account name should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+imapServerCommandFailed=Trenutna naredba nije uspjela. Email server za račun %1$S je odgovorio: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderCommandFailed): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+imapFolderCommandFailed=Trenutna naredba na '%2$S' nije uspjela. Email server za račun %1$S je odgovorio: %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerAlert):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the alert from the server should appear.
+imapServerAlert=Upozorenje iz računa %1$S: %2$S
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/importDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/importDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dbfa1769a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/importDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY importDialog.windowTitle "Uvoz">
+<!ENTITY importAll.label "Uvezi sve">
+<!ENTITY importMail.label "Pošta">
+<!ENTITY importFeeds.label "Pretplate na feedove">
+<!ENTITY importAddressbook.label "Adresari">
+<!ENTITY importSettings.label "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY importFilters.label "Filteri">
+<!ENTITY window.width "40em">
+<!ENTITY window.macWidth "45em">
+<!ENTITY importTitle.label "&brandShortName; čarobnjak uvoza">
+<!ENTITY importShortDesc.label "Uvezite email, adresare, postavke i filtere iz drugih programa">
+<!ENTITY importDescription1.label "Ovaj čarobnjak će uvesti poruke, unose adresara, pretplate na feedove, postavke i/ili filtere iz drugih programa za poštu i zajedničke formate adresara u &brandShortName;.">
+<!ENTITY importDescription2.label "Jednom uvezeni biti će dostupni za upotrebu unutar &brandShortName;a.">
+<!ENTITY selectDescription.label "Izaberite tip datoteke koju želite uvesti:">
+<!ENTITY selectDescriptionB.label "Izaberite postojeći ili kreirajte novi račun:">
+<!ENTITY acctName.label "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY noModulesFound.label "Ni jedna aplikacija ili datoteka za uvoz podataka nije pronađena.">
+<!ENTITY back.label "&lt; Nazad">
+<!ENTITY forward.label "Sljedeće &gt;">
+<!ENTITY finish.label "Završi">
+<!ENTITY cancel.label "Otkaži">
+<!ENTITY select.label "ili izaberite tip podataka za uvoz:">
+<!ENTITY title.label "Naslov">
+<!ENTITY processing.label "Uvoz…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ca8cfd7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Success message when no address books are found to import
+## @loc None
+2000=Nije pronađen imenik za uvoz.
+# Error: Address book import not intialized
+## @loc None
+2001=Nije moguće uvesti imenike: greška inicijalizacije.
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+2002=Nije moguće uvesti imenike: nije moguće stvoriti uvoznu nit.
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2003): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+2003=Greška prilikom uvoza %S: nije moguće stvoriti imenik.
+# Success message when no mailboxes are found to import
+## @loc None
+2004=Nije pronađen ni jedan poštanski sandučić za uvoz
+# Error: Mailbox import not intialized
+## @loc None
+2005=Nije moguće uvesti poštanske sandučiće, greška inicijalizacije
+# Error: Unable to create the import thread
+## @loc None
+2006=Nije moguće uvesti poštanske sandučiće, nije moguće stvoriti uvoznu nit
+# Error: Unable to create the proxy object for importing mailboxes
+## @loc None
+2007=Nije moguće uvesti poštanske sandučiće, nije moguće stvoriti proxy objekt za odredišne poštanske sandučiće
+# Error: Error creating destination mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2008): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S in your translation where the name of the mailbox should appear.
+2008=Greška prilikom stvaranja odredišnih poštanskih sandučića, poštanski sandučić %S nije pronađen
+# Error: Error creating destination mailboxes
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error 2009): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S in your translation where the name of the mailbox should appear.
+2009=Greška prilikom uvoza poštanskog sandučića %S, nije moguće stvoriti odredišni poštanski sandučić
+# Error: No destination folder to import mailboxes
+## @loc None
+2010=Nije moguće stvoriti direktorij za uvoz pošte
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2102=Ime za prikaz
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2104=Glavna email adresa
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2105=Sekundarna email adresa
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2106=Poslovni telefon
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2107=Kućni telefon
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2108=Faks broj
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2109=Broj pejdžera
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2110=Broj mobilnog
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2111=Adresa (kuća)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2112=Adresa 2 (kuća)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2115=Poštanski broj
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2117=Adresa (posao)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2118=Adresa 2 (posao)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2119=Grad (posao)
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2121=Poštanski broj
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2123=Poslovna titula
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2126=Web stranica 1
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2127=Web stranica 2
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2128=Godina rođenja
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2129=Mjesec rođenja
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2130=Dan rođenja
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2131=Prilagođeno 1
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2132=Prilagođeno 2
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2133=Prilagođeno 3
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2134=Prilagođeno 4
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+# Description: Address book field name
+## @loc None
+2136=Ime na ekranu
+#Error strings
+ImportAlreadyInProgress=Uvoz je u toku. Pokušajte ponovo kada trenutni uvoz završi.
+#Error strings for settings import
+ImportSettingsBadModule=Nije moguće učitati modul postavki
+ImportSettingsNotFound=Nije moguće pronaći postavke. Provjerite je li program instaliran na ovom računaru.
+ImportSettingsFailed=Došlo je do greške prilikom uvoza postavki. Neke ili sve postavke možda nisu uvezene.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportSettingsSuccess=Postavke su uvezene iz %S
+#Error string for mail import
+ImportMailBadModule=Nije moguće učitati modul za uvoz pošte
+ImportMailNotFound=Nije pronađena pošta za uvoz. Provjerite je li program za poštu ispravno instaliran na ovom računaru.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportMailFailed=Došlo je do greške prilikom uvoza pošte iz %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportMailSuccess=Pošta je uspješno uvezena iz %S
+# Error string for address import
+ImportAddressBadModule=Nije moguće učitati modul za uvoz imenika.
+ImportAddressNotFound=Nije pronađen ni jedan imenik za uvoz. Provjerite je li odabrani program ili format imenika ispravno instaliran na ovom računaru.
+ImportEmptyAddressBook=Nije moguće uvesti prazan imenik %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportAddressFailed=Došlo je do greške prilikom uvoza kontakta iz %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportAddressSuccess=Kontakti uspješno uvezeni iz %S.
+# Error string for filters import
+ImportFiltersBadModule=Nije moguće učitati modul za uvoz filtera.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+ImportFiltersFailed=Došlo je do greške prilikom uvoza filtera iz %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+ImportFiltersSuccess=Filteri uspješno uvezeni iz %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : The %S will get replaced by the name of the import module.
+ImportFiltersPartial=Filteri djelomično uvezeni iz %S. Upozorenja su navedena niže:
+#Progress strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+MailProgressMeterText=Pretvaranje poštanskih sandučića iz %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+AddrProgressMeterText=Pretvaranje adresara iz %S
+#Import file dialog strings
+ImportSelectSettings=Odaberite datoteku postavki
+ImportSelectMailDir=Odaberite direktorij pošte
+ImportSelectAddrDir=Odaberite direktorij adresara
+ImportSelectAddrFile=Odaberite datoteku adresara
+# Folder Names for imported Mail
+DefaultFolderName=Uvezena pošta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+ImportModuleFolderName=%S uvoz
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkLog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkLog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e62cf352d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkLog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY adaptiveJunkLog.title "Prilagodljiv zapisnik neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY adaptiveJunkLogInfo.label "Zapisnik prilagodljive kontrole aktivnosti neželjene pošte.">
+<!ENTITY clearLog.label "Očisti zapisnik">
+<!ENTITY closeLog.label "Zatvori">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkMailInfo.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkMailInfo.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc9fa967f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/junkMailInfo.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY window.title "O neželjenoj pošti">
+<!ENTITY window.width "450">
+<!ENTITY info1a.label "E-mail program automatski otkriva poštu koja bi mogla biti neželjena (poznata kao spam). Pored poruka za koje e-mail program misli da su neželjene, bit će prikazana ikona neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY info1b.label ".">
+<!ENTITY info2.label "U početku morate naučiti e-mail program da prepozna neželjenu poštu koristeći tipku neželjene pošte u alatnoj traci na način da označite poruke kao neželjene ili željene.">
+<!ENTITY info3.label "Nakon što e-mail program nauči ispravno prepoznavati neželjenu poštu, možete koristiti kontrole neželjene pošte kako biste automatski premjestili dolaznu neželjenu poštu u direktorij neželjene pošte.">
+<!ENTITY info4.label "Za više informacija, kliknite na Pomoć.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6106d4ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the local mail code to display progress/status/error messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ErrorDialogTitle): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+pop3ErrorDialogTitle=Greška s računom %S
+pop3EnterPasswordPromptTitle=Unesite vašu lozinku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3EnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words "%1$S"
+# and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear, and
+# %2$S where the host name should appear.
+pop3EnterPasswordPrompt=Unesite svoju lozinku za %1$S na %2$S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3PreviouslyEnteredPasswordIsInvalidPrompt): Do not
+# translate the words "%1$S" and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the
+# user name should appear, and %2$S where the host name should appear.
+pop3PreviouslyEnteredPasswordIsInvalidPrompt=Molimo unesite novu lozinku za korisnika %1$S na %2$S:
+# Status - Downloading message n of m
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (receivingMessages): Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following lines.
+# Place the word %1$S where the number of messages downloaded so far should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages to receive should appear;
+receivingMessages=Preuzimam poruku %1$S od %2$S…
+# Status - connecting to host
+hostContact=Poslužitelj kontaktiran, šaljem informacije za prijavu…
+# Status - no messages to download
+noNewMessages=Nema novih poruka.
+# Status - messages received after the download
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following line.
+# %1$S will receive the number of messages received
+# %2$S will receive the total number of messages
+receivedMsgs=Primljeno %1$S od %2$S poruka
+# Status - parsing folder
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (buildingSummary): Do not translate %S in the following line.
+# Place the word %S where the name of the mailbox should appear
+buildingSummary=Izgradnja datoteke sa sažetkom za %S…
+# Status - parsing folder
+# Status - pop3 server error
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerError): Do not translate POP3 in the following line.
+pop3ServerError=Greška se pojavila na POP3 serveru.
+# Status - pop3 user name failed
+pop3UsernameFailure=Slanje korisničkog imena nije uspjelo.
+# Status - password failed
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3PasswordFailed): Do not translate "%1$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear.
+pop3PasswordFailed=Slanje lozinke za korisnika %1$S nije uspjelo.
+# Status - write error occurred
+pop3MessageWriteError=Nije moguće zapisati email u poštanski sandučić. Provjerite dopušta li vam sistem datoteka pisanje, te imate li dovoljno prostora za kopiranje poštanskog sandučića.
+# Status - pop3 server or folder busy
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerBusy): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S where the account name should appear.
+pop3ServerBusy=Račun %S se obrađuje. Pričekajte da se obarada završi kako biste dobili poruke.
+# Status - retr failure from the server
+pop3RetrFailure=Naredba RETR nije uspjela. Greška prilikom preuzimanja poruke.
+# Status - password undefined
+pop3PasswordUndefined=Greška prilikom dobavljanja lozinke za poštu.
+# Status - username undefined
+pop3UsernameUndefined=Niste naveli korisničko ime za ovaj server. Navedite korisničko ime u postavkama računa i pokušajte ponovo.
+# Status - list failure
+pop3ListFailure=Naredba LIST nije uspjela. Greška prilikom dobavljanja ID-a i veličine poruke.
+# Status - delete error
+pop3DeleFailure=Naredba DELE nije uspjela. Greška prilikom označavanja poruke kao izbrisane.
+# Status - stat failed
+pop3StatFail=Naredba STAT nije uspjela. Greška prilikom dobavljanja broja poruka i veličine.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerSaid): Do not remove the leading space during translation.
+pop3ServerSaid= Server pošte %S je odgovorio:
+copyingMessagesStatus=Kopiranje %S od %S poruka u %S
+movingMessagesStatus=Premještanje %S od %S poruka u %S
+movemailCantOpenSpoolFile=Nije moguće otvoriti mail spool datoteku %S.
+movemailCantCreateLock=Nije moguće napraviti datoteku za zaključavanje %S. Da pokretna pošta radi, neophodno je napraviti datoteke zaključavanja u poštanskom spool direktoriju. Na mnogim sistemima, ovo se najbolje postiže postavljanjem spool direktorija na režim 01777.
+movemailCantDeleteLock=Nije moguće izbrisati datoteku za zaključavanje %S.
+movemailCantTruncateSpoolFile=Nije moguće skratiti spool datoteku %S.
+movemailSpoolFileNotFound=Nije moguće pronaći poštansku spool datoteku.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (movemailCantParseSpool): %S is file name
+movemailCantParseSpool=Nije moguće obraditi spool datoteku %S. Datoteka je možda oštećena ili neispravna.
+pop3TmpDownloadError=Došlo je do greške prilikom preuzimanja sljedeće poruke: \nŠalje: %S\n Naslov: %S\n Ova poruka može sadržavati virus ili nema dovoljno prostora na disku. Preskočiti ovu poruku?
+# Status - the server doesn't support UIDL…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportUidlEtc): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "UIDL"
+pop3ServerDoesNotSupportUidlEtc=POP3 server pošte (%S) ne podržava UIDL ili XTND XLST, koji su potrebni za implementiranje opcija ``Ostavi na serveru'', ``Maksimalna veličina poruke'' ili ``Dohvati samo zaglavlja''. Za preuzimanje vaše pošte, isključite ove opcije u postavkama servera za vaš server pošte u prozoru postavki računa.
+# Status - the server doesn't support the top command
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportTopCommand): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "TOP"
+pop3ServerDoesNotSupportTopCommand=POP3 server pošte (%S) ne podržava TOP komandu. Bez podrške servera za ovo, ne možemo implementirati postavke ``Maksimalna veličina poruke'' ili ``Dohvati samo zaglavlja''. Ova opcija će biti onemogućena i poruke će biti preuzete bez obzira na njihovu veličinu.
+nsErrorCouldNotConnectViaTls=Nije moguće uspostaviti TLS konekciju na POP3 server. Server je možda ugašen ili je možda nepravilno konfigurisan. Molimo provjerite tačnu konfiguraciju u postavkama servera za vaš server pošte u prozoru postavki računa i pokušajte ponovo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3MoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the name of the folder.
+pop3MoveFolderToTrash=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati direktorij '%S'?
+pop3DeleteFolderDialogTitle=Izbriši direktorij
+pop3DeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Izbriši direktorij
+pop3AuthInternalError=Interna greška tokom autorizacije POP3 servera. Ovo je interna, nepredviđena greška u programu, prijavite je kao grešku.
+pop3AuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=POP3 server izgleda ne podržava šifrovane lozinke. Ako ste upravo postavili račun, molimo probajte promijeniti 'Lozinka, prenešena nesigurno' kao 'Metod provjere autentifikacije' u 'Postavke računa | Postavke servera'. Ako je prije radilo, a sada ne, onda je ovo uobičajen scenario kako vam neko želi ukrasti lozinku.
+pop3AuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=POP3 server izgleda ne podržava šifrovane lozinke. Ako ste upravo postavili račun, molimo probajte promijeniti 'Lozinka, prenešena nesigurno' kao 'Metod provjere autentifikacije' u 'Postavke računa | Postavke servera'. Ako je prije radilo, a sada ne, molimo kontaktirajte vašeg email administratora ili pružaoca usluga.
+pop3AuthChangePlainToEncrypt=Ovaj POP3 server ne podržava lozinke u formatu običnog teksta. Pokušajte promijeniti postavke u 'Kriptovana lozinka' kao 'Metoda provjere autentičnosti' u 'Postavke računa | Postavke servera'.
+# Authentication server caps and pref don't match
+pop3AuthMechNotSupported=Server ne podržava odabranu metodu provjere autentičnosti. Promijenite 'Metoda provjere autentičnosti' u 'Postavke računa | Postavke servera'.
+# Status - Could not log in to GSSAPI, and it was the only method
+pop3GssapiFailure=POP server nije prihvatio Kerberos/GSSAPI karticu. Provjerite jeste li prijavljeni na Kerberos/GSSAPI.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailEditorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6f7ba8f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY sendPage.label "Pošalji stranicu…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailKeysOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailKeysOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0443859d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailKeysOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY markAsReadCmd.label "Kao pročitano">
+<!ENTITY markFlaggedCmd.label "Označi zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY openMessageWindowCmd.label "Otvori poruku">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd0.key "0">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd1.key "1">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd2.key "2">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd3.key "3">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd4.key "4">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd5.key "5">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd6.key "6">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd7.key "7">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd8.key "8">
+<!ENTITY tagCmd9.key "9">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13a8f14336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY newMessageCmd.label "Poruka">
+<!ENTITY newContactCmd.label "Kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY printButton.label "Štampaj">
+<!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Štampaj ovu poruku">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailTasksOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailTasksOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3385d6672f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailTasksOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (messengerCmd.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.label "Pošta i novinske grupe">
+<!ENTITY messengerCmd.commandkey "2">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.label "Adresar">
+<!ENTITY addressBookCmd.commandkey "5">
+<!ENTITY taskMessenger.tooltip "Pošta i novinske grupe">
+<!ENTITY taskAddressBook.tooltip "Adresar">
+<!-- searchAddressesCmd is also used by addressbook -->
+<!ENTITY searchAddressesCmd.label "Pretraži adrese…">
+<!ENTITY searchMailCmd.label "Pretraži poruke…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailViewList.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailViewList.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26db5faa54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailViewList.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd UI for showing various views on a folder -->
+<!ENTITY mailViewListTitle.label "Prilagodi prikaz poruka">
+<!ENTITY viewName.label "Prikaži naziv">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailViewSetup.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailViewSetup.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5885c346b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mailViewSetup.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd UI for showing various views on a folder -->
+<!ENTITY mailViewSetupTitle.label "Postavke prikaza poruke">
+<!ENTITY mailViewHeading.label "Naziv prikaza poruke:">
+<!ENTITY searchTermCaption.label "Kada je izabran ovaj prikaz, prikaži samo poruke koje:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e383ac0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Mail Views
+mailViewPeopleIKnow=Ljudi koje znam
+mailViewRecentMail=Nova pošta
+mailViewLastFiveDays=Zadnjih 5 dana
+mailViewNotJunk=Nije neželjena pošta
+mailViewHasAttachments=Ima priloge
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mapi/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mapi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8375642bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/mapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# MAPI Messages
+loginText=Unesite svoju lozinku za %S:
+loginTextwithName=Unesite svoje korisničko ime i lozinku
+loginTitle=%S pošta
+PasswordTitle=%S pošta
+# MAPI Security Messages
+mapiBlindSendWarning=Drugi program pokušava poslati email koristeći vaš korisnički profil. Želite li poslati email?
+mapiBlindSendDontShowAgain=Upozori me svaki put kada drugi programi pokušaju poslati email u moje ime
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/markByDate.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/markByDate.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9179371401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/markByDate.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY messageMarkByDate.label "Označi poruke kao pročitane na datum">
+<!ENTITY markByDateLower.label "Označi poruke kao pročitane od:">
+<!ENTITY markByDateUpper.label "Za:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/messenger.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/messenger.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75c4666098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/messenger.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY messengerWindow.title "Pošta i novinske grupe">
+<!ENTITY titleModifier.label "&brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY titleSeparator.label " - ">
+<!-- tabmail -->
+<!ENTITY tabmailClose.label "Zatvori tab">
+<!ENTITY tabmailClose.tooltip "Zatvori tab">
+<!ENTITY tabmailNewButton.tooltip "Duplicirati trenutni tab">
+<!ENTITY tabmailCloseButton.tooltip "Zatvori trenutni tab">
+<!ENTITY tabmailAllTabs.tooltip "Izlistaj sve tabove">
+<!-- menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY newMessage.label "Nova poruka">
+<!ENTITY newFolderCmd.label "Direktorij…">
+<!ENTITY newVirtualFolderCmd.label "Sačuvane pretrage…">
+<!ENTITY newTabCmd.label "Dupliciraj tab">
+<!ENTITY closeTabCmd.label "Zatvori tab">
+<!ENTITY newAccountCmd.label "Račun…">
+<!ENTITY openMessageFileCmd.label "Otvori datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.label "Prilozi">
+<!ENTITY saveAsMenu.label "Spasi kao">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.label "Datoteka">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.label "Šablon">
+<!ENTITY getNewMsgCmd.label "Dohvati nove poruke">
+<!ENTITY getNewMsgForCmd.label "Dohvati nove poruke za">
+<!ENTITY getAllNewMsgCmdPopupMenu.label "Svi računi">
+<!ENTITY getAllNewMsgCmd.label "Dohvati sve nove poruke">
+<!ENTITY getNextNMsgCmd.label "Dohvati sljedećih 500 novinskih poruka">
+<!ENTITY sendUnsentCmd.label "Pošalji neposlane poruke">
+<!ENTITY subscribeCmd.label "Pretplati se…">
+<!ENTITY renameFolder.label "Preimenuj direktorij…">
+<!ENTITY compactFolders.label "Sažmi direktorije">
+<!ENTITY emptyTrashCmd.label "Isprazni smeće">
+<!ENTITY offlineMenu.label "Van mreže">
+<!ENTITY synchronizeOfflineCmd.label "Preuzmi/sinhronizuj sada…">
+<!ENTITY settingsOfflineCmd.label "Postavke rada van mreže…">
+<!ENTITY downloadSelectedCmd.label "Dohvati odabrane poruke">
+<!ENTITY downloadFlaggedCmd.label "Dohvati poruke označene zastavicom">
+<!-- Edit Menu -->
+<!ENTITY deleteMsgCmd.label "Izbriši poruku">
+<!ENTITY undeleteMsgCmd.label "Vrati izbrisanu poruku">
+<!ENTITY cancelNewsMsgCmd.label "Otkaži poruku">
+<!ENTITY deleteMsgsCmd.label "Izbriši odabrane poruke">
+<!ENTITY undeleteMsgsCmd.label "Vrati izbrisane poruke">
+<!ENTITY deleteFolderCmd.label "Izbriši direktorij">
+<!ENTITY unsubscribeNewsgroupCmd.label "Ukini pretplatu">
+<!ENTITY selectMenu.label "Izaberi">
+<!ENTITY selectThreadCmd.label "Nit">
+<!ENTITY selectFlaggedCmd.label "Poruke sa zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY folderPropsCmd.label "Svojstva…">
+<!ENTITY folderPropsFolderCmd.label "Svojstva direktorija…">
+<!ENTITY folderPropsNewsgroupCmd.label "Svojstva novinske grupe…">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.label "Postavke računa pošte i interesnih grupa…">
+<!ENTITY undoDeleteMsgCmd.label "Vrati izbrisanu poruku">
+<!ENTITY redoDeleteMsgCmd.label "Ponovo izbriši poruku">
+<!ENTITY undoMoveMsgCmd.label "Vrati premještenu poruku">
+<!ENTITY redoMoveMsgCmd.label "Ponovo premjesti poruku">
+<!ENTITY undoCopyMsgCmd.label "Vrati kopiranu poruku">
+<!ENTITY redoCopyMsgCmd.label "Ponovo kopiraj poruku">
+<!ENTITY undoMarkAllCmd.label "Vrati označavanje svega kao pročitano">
+<!ENTITY redoMarkAllCmd.label "Ponovi označavanje svega kao pročitano">
+<!ENTITY undoDefaultCmd.label "Poništi">
+<!ENTITY redoDefaultCmd.label "Ponovi">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY showMessengerToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka pošte">
+<!ENTITY showSearchToolbarCmd.label "Traka za pretragu">
+<!ENTITY showTabsToolbarCmd.label "Alatna traka tabova">
+<!ENTITY messagePaneLayoutStyle.label "Raspored">
+<!ENTITY messagePaneClassic.label "Klasični pregled">
+<!ENTITY messagePaneWide.label "Široki pregled">
+<!ENTITY messagePaneVertical.label "Vertikalni pregled">
+<!ENTITY showMessagePaneCmd.label "Okno poruke">
+<!ENTITY showThreadPaneCmd.label "Okno niti">
+<!ENTITY showFolderPaneCmd.label "Okno direktorija">
+<!-- sortMenu is also used by addressbook -->
+<!ENTITY sortMenu.label "Sortiraj po">
+<!ENTITY sortByDateCmd.label "Datum">
+<!ENTITY sortByReceivedCmd.label "Primljeno">
+<!ENTITY sortByFlagCmd.label "Označeno zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY sortByPriorityCmd.label "Prioritet">
+<!ENTITY sortBySizeCmd.label "Veličina">
+<!ENTITY sortByStatusCmd.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY sortByTagsCmd.label "Oznake">
+<!ENTITY sortByJunkStatusCmd.label "Status neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY sortBySubjectCmd.label "Tema">
+<!ENTITY sortByFromCmd.label "Šalje">
+<!ENTITY sortByRecipientCmd.label "Primalac">
+<!ENTITY sortByUnreadCmd.label "Pročitano">
+<!ENTITY sortByOrderReceivedCmd.label "Redoslijed primanja">
+<!ENTITY sortByAttachmentsCmd.label "Prilozi">
+<!ENTITY sortAscending.label "Rastući">
+<!ENTITY sortDescending.label "Opadajući">
+<!ENTITY sortThreaded.label "Po nitima">
+<!ENTITY sortUnthreaded.label "Bez niti">
+<!ENTITY groupBySort.label "Grupirano prema vrsti">
+<!ENTITY msgsMenu.label "Poruke">
+<!ENTITY threads.label "Niti">
+<!ENTITY allMsgsCmd.label "Sve">
+<!ENTITY expandAllThreadsCmd.label "Proširi sve niti">
+<!ENTITY expandAllThreadsCmd.key "*">
+<!ENTITY collapseAllThreadsCmd.label "Skupi sve niti">
+<!ENTITY collapseAllThreadsCmd.key "\">
+<!ENTITY unreadMsgsCmd.label "Nepročitano">
+<!ENTITY threadsWithUnreadCmd.label "Niti s nepročitanim">
+<!ENTITY watchedThreadsWithUnreadCmd.label "Promatrane niti s nepročitanim">
+<!ENTITY ignoredThreadsCmd.label "Ignorisane niti">
+<!ENTITY headersMenu.label "Zaglavlja">
+<!ENTITY headersAllCmd.label "Sve">
+<!ENTITY headersNormalCmd.label "Normalno">
+<!ENTITY bodyMenu.label "Tijelo poruke kao">
+<!ENTITY bodyAllowHTML.label "Izvorni HTML">
+<!ENTITY bodySanitized.label "Jednostavni HTML">
+<!ENTITY bodyAsPlaintext.label "Običan tekst">
+<!ENTITY bodyAllParts.label "Svi dijelovi">
+<!ENTITY bodyMenuFeed.label "Tijelo poruke kao">
+<!ENTITY viewFeedWebPage.label "Web stranica">
+<!ENTITY viewFeedSummary.label "Sažetak">
+<!ENTITY viewFeedSummaryFeedPropsPref.label "Zadani format">
+<!ENTITY viewAttachmentsInlineCmd.label "Prikaži priloge unutar poruke">
+<!ENTITY reloadCmd.label "Učitaj ponovo">
+<!ENTITY stopCmd.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.label "Izvor poruke">
+<!ENTITY findCmd.label "Pronađi u ovoj poruci…">
+ This is the key used to show the Lightning quick filter bar. -->
+<!-- Go Menu -->
+<!ENTITY goMenu.label "Idi">
+<!ENTITY nextMenu.label "Sljedeće">
+<!ENTITY nextMsgCmd.label "Poruka">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadMsgCmd.label "Nepročitana poruka">
+<!ENTITY nextFlaggedMsgCmd.label "Poruka sa zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY nextUnreadThread.label "Nepročitana nit">
+<!ENTITY prevMenu.label "Prethodno">
+<!ENTITY prevMsgCmd.label "Poruka">
+<!ENTITY prevUnreadMsgCmd.label "Nepročitana poruka">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.label "Nazad">
+<!ENTITY goBackCmd.commandKey "[">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.label "Naprijed">
+<!ENTITY goForwardCmd.commandKey "]">
+<!ENTITY prevFlaggedMsgCmd.label "Poruka sa zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY startPageCmd.label "Početna stranica pošte">
+<!-- Message Menu -->
+<!ENTITY msgMenu.label "Poruka">
+<!ENTITY newMsgCmd.label "Nova poruka">
+<!ENTITY newNewMsgCmd.label "Poruka">
+<!ENTITY replyMsgCmd.label "Odgovori">
+<!ENTITY replyListCmd.label "Odgovori na listu">
+<!ENTITY replyNewsgroupCmd.label "Odgovori interesnoj grupi">
+<!ENTITY replySenderCmd.label "Odgovori samo pošiljaocu">
+<!ENTITY replyToAllMsgCmd.label "Odgovori svima">
+<!ENTITY replyToSenderAndNewsgroupCmd.label "Odgovori pošiljaocu i interesnoj grupi">
+<!ENTITY replyToAllRecipientsCmd.label "Odgovori svim primaocima">
+<!ENTITY forwardMsgCmd.label "Proslijedi">
+<!ENTITY forwardAsMenu.label "Proslijedi kao">
+<!ENTITY forwardAsInline.label "Sadržaj unutar poruke">
+<!ENTITY forwardAsAttachmentCmd.label "Prilog">
+<!ENTITY editMsgAsNewCmd.label "Uredi poruku kao novu">
+<!ENTITY createFilter.label "Stvori filter iz poruke…">
+<!ENTITY archiveMsgCmd.label "Arhiviraj">
+<!ENTITY moveMsgToMenu.label "Premjesti u">
+<!ENTITY copyMessageLocation.label "Kopiraj lokaciju poruke">
+<!ENTITY copyMsgToMenu.label "Kopiraj u">
+<!ENTITY moveCopyMsgRecentMenu.label "Nedavno">
+<!ENTITY killThreadMenu.label "Ignoriši nit">
+<!ENTITY killSubthreadMenu.label "Ignoriši podnit">
+<!ENTITY watchThreadMenu.label "Nadgledaj nit">
+<!ENTITY fileHereMenu.label "Arhiviraj ovdje">
+<!ENTITY copyHereMenu.label "Kopiraj ovdje">
+<!ENTITY tagMenu.label "Oznaka">
+<!ENTITY tagCustomize.label "Prilagodi…">
+<!ENTITY markMenu.label "Označi">
+<!ENTITY markThreadAsReadCmd.label "Nit kao pročitanu">
+<!ENTITY markReadByDateCmd.label "Kao pročitano do datuma…">
+<!ENTITY markAllReadCmd.label "Sve pročitano">
+<!ENTITY markAsJunkCmd.label "Kao neželjenu poštu">
+<!ENTITY markAsNotJunkCmd.label "Kao željenu poštu">
+<!ENTITY recalculateJunkScoreCmd.label "Pokreni kontrole neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY markAsShowRemoteCmd.label "Prikaži udaljeni sadržaj">
+<!ENTITY markAsNotPhishCmd.label "Nije prevara">
+<!ENTITY openFeedMessage.label "Otvori poruku kanala">
+<!ENTITY openFeedWebPageInWindow.label "Web stranicu u novom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY openFeedSummaryInWindow.label "Sažetak u novom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY openFeedWebPageInMP.label "Uključi web stranicu i sažetak u oknu poruke">
+<!-- Tools Menu -->
+<!ENTITY searchMailCmd.label "Pretraži poruke…">
+<!ENTITY searchAddressesCmd.label "Pretraži adrese…">
+<!ENTITY filtersCmd.label "Filteri poruke…">
+<!ENTITY filtersApply.label "Pokreni filtere na direktoriju">
+<!ENTITY filtersApplyToSelection.label "Pokreni filtere na odabranim porukama">
+<!ENTITY filtersApplyToMessage.label "Pokreni filtere na poruci">
+<!ENTITY runJunkControls.label "Pokreni kontrole neželjene pošte na direktoriju">
+<!ENTITY deleteJunk.label "Izbriši poštu u direktoriju označenu kao neželjenu">
+<!ENTITY importCmd.label "Uvoz…">
+<!-- Folder Pane -->
+<!ENTITY nameColumn.label "Naziv">
+<!ENTITY unreadColumn.label "Nepročitano">
+<!ENTITY totalColumn.label "Ukupno">
+<!-- Toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY getMsgButton.label "Dohvati poruke">
+<!ENTITY newMsgButton.label "Sastavi">
+<!ENTITY newHTMLMessageCmd.label "Sastavi u HTML-u">
+<!ENTITY newPlainTextMessageCmd.label "Sastavi kao običan tekst">
+<!ENTITY replyButton.label "Odgovori">
+<!ENTITY replyAllButton.label "Odgovori svima">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.label "Proslijedi">
+<!ENTITY fileButton.label "Datoteka">
+<!ENTITY nextButton.label "Sljedeće">
+<!ENTITY goBackButton.label "Idi nazad">
+<!ENTITY goForwardButton.label "Idite naprijed">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY undeleteButton.label "Vrati izbrisano">
+<!ENTITY markButton.label "Označi">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY junkButton.label "Neželjena pošta">
+<!ENTITY notJunkButton.label "Nije neželjena pošta">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.title "Napredno pretraživanje">
+<!-- Tooltips -->
+<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Traka menija">
+<!ENTITY mailToolbar.tooltip "Alatna traka pošte">
+<!ENTITY searchToolbar.tooltip "Traka za pretragu">
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.tooltip "Napredno pretraživanje poruka">
+<!ENTITY getMsgButton.tooltip "Dohvati nove poruke">
+<!ENTITY newMsgButton.tooltip "Piši novu poruku">
+<!ENTITY replyButton.tooltip "Odgovori na poruku">
+<!ENTITY replyAllButton.tooltip "Odgovori pošiljaocu i svim primaocima">
+<!ENTITY replyAllButtonNews.tooltip "Odgovori pošiljaocu i interesnoj grupi">
+<!ENTITY forwardButton.tooltip "Proslijedi odabranu poruku">
+<!ENTITY fileButton.tooltip "Pohrani odabranu poruku">
+<!ENTITY nextButton.tooltip "Idi na sljedeću nepročitanu poruku">
+<!ENTITY goBackButton.tooltip "Idi nazad jednu poruku">
+<!ENTITY goForwardButton.tooltip "Idi naprijed jednu poruku">
+<!ENTITY deleteButton.tooltip "Izbriši odabranu poruku ili direktorij">
+<!ENTITY undeleteButton.tooltip "Vrati izbrisanu odabranu poruku">
+<!ENTITY markButton.tooltip "Označi poruke">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.tooltip "Zaustavi trenutni prijenos">
+<!ENTITY throbber.tooltip "Idite na &vendorShortName; početnu stranicu">
+<!ENTITY junkButton.tooltip "Označi odabrane poruke kao neželjene">
+<!ENTITY notJunkButton.tooltip "Označi odabrane poruke kao željene">
+<!-- Remote Content Button Popup -->
+<!ENTITY remoteContentOptionsAllowForMsg.label "Prikaži vanjski sadržaj u ovoj poruci">
+<!ENTITY editRemoteContentSettings.label "Uredi dozvole za udaljeni sadržaj…">
+<!-- Statusbar -->
+<!ENTITY statusText.label "Gotovo">
+<!-- Thread Pane Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY contextOpenNewWindow.label "Otvori poruku u novom prozoru">
+<!ENTITY contextOpenNewTab.label "Otvori poruku u novom tabu">
+<!ENTITY contextEditAsNew.label "Uredi kao novo…">
+<!ENTITY contextReplySender.label "Odgovori samo pošiljaocu">
+<!ENTITY contextReplyList.label "Odgovori na listu">
+<!ENTITY contextReplyNewsgroup.label "Odgovori interesnoj grupi">
+<!ENTITY contextReplyAll.label "Odgovori svima">
+<!ENTITY contextReplySenderAndNewsgroup.label "Odgovori pošiljaocu i interesnoj grupi">
+<!ENTITY contextForward.label "Proslijedi">
+<!ENTITY contextForwardAsAttachment.label "Proslijedi kao prilog">
+<!ENTITY contextArchive.label "Arhiviraj">
+<!ENTITY contextMoveMsgMenu.label "Premjesti u">
+<!ENTITY contextCopyMsgMenu.label "Kopiraj u">
+<!ENTITY contextMoveCopyMsgRecentMenu.label "Nedavno">
+<!ENTITY contextSaveAs.label "Sačuvaj kao…">
+<!ENTITY contextPrint.label "Štampaj…">
+<!ENTITY contextPrintPreview.label "Pregled prije štampe">
+<!-- Folder Pane Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY folderContextGetMessages.label "Dohvati poruke za račun">
+<!ENTITY folderContextOpenNewWindow.label "Otvori u novom prozoru pošte">
+<!ENTITY folderContextOpenNewTab.label "Otvori u novom tabu">
+<!ENTITY folderContextRename.label "Preimenuj">
+<!ENTITY folderContextRemove.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY folderContextCompact.label "Sažmi ovaj direktorij">
+<!ENTITY folderContextEmptyTrash.label "Isprazni smeće">
+<!ENTITY folderContextEmptyJunk.label "Isprazni neželjenu poštu">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSendUnsentMessages.label "Pošalji neposlane poruke">
+<!ENTITY folderContextUnsubscribe.label "Ukini pretplatu">
+<!ENTITY folderContextMarkNewsgroupRead.label "Označi novinsku grupu pročitanom">
+<!ENTITY folderContextMarkMailFolderRead.label "Označi direktorij pročitanim">
+<!ENTITY folderContextNew.label "Novi poddirektorij…">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSubscribe.label "Pretplati se…">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSearchMessages.label "Pretraži poruke…">
+<!ENTITY folderContextProperties.label "Svojstva…">
+<!ENTITY folderContextSettings.label "Postavke…">
+<!-- focusSearchInput.key also used by addressbook -->
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.label "Napredno…">
+<!ENTITY searchButton.label "Pretraži poruke…">
+<!ENTITY all.label "Sve">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ab35a4d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the messenger application
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(statusMessage):
+# Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below. Place the word %1$S where the
+# account name should appear and %2$S where the status message should appear.
+# EXAMPLE: Jim's Account: Downloading messages...
+statusMessage=%1$S: %2$S
+renameFolder=Preimenuj direktorij…
+compactFolder=Sažmi ovaj direktorij
+removeAccount=Izbriši račun…
+removeFolder=Izbriši direktorij
+newFolder=Novi direktorij…
+newSubfolder=Novi poddirektorij…
+folderProperties=Svojstva direktorija
+getMessages=Dohvati poruke
+getMessagesFor=Dohvati poruke za račun
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getNextNewsMessages): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of news messages to get.
+getNextNewsMessages=Dohvati #1 sljedeću poruku vijesti;Dohvati #1 sljedećih poruka vijesti
+advanceNextPrompt=Idi do sljedeće nepročitane poruke u %S?
+replyToSender=Odgovori pošiljaocu
+EMLFiles=Datoteke pošte
+OpenEMLFiles=Otvori poruku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(defaultSaveMessageAsFileName): Do not translate ".eml"
+# in the line below. Also, the complete file name should be 8.3.
+SaveMailAs=Sačuvaj poruku kao
+SaveAttachment=Sačuvaj prilog
+SaveAllAttachments=Sačuvaj sve priloge
+DetachAttachment=Odvoji prilog
+DetachAllAttachments=Odvoji sve priloge
+ChooseFolder=Izaberite direktorij
+LoadingMessageToPrint=Učitavanje poruke za štampanje…
+MessageLoaded=Poruka učitana…
+PrintingMessage=Štampanje poruke…
+PrintPreviewMessage=Prikaz poruke prije štampanja…
+PrintingContact=Štampanje kontakta…
+PrintPreviewContact=Prikaz kontakta prije štampanja…
+PrintingAddrBook=Štampanje adresara…
+PrintPreviewAddrBook=Prikaz adresara prije štampanja…
+PreviewTitle=%S - %S
+LoadingMailMsgForPrint=(Učitavanje sadržaja za štampanje)
+LoadingMailMsgForPrintPreview=(Učitavanje sadržaja za pregled štampanja)
+saveAttachmentFailed=Nije moguće sačuvati prilog. Provjerite naziv datoteke i pokušajte ponovo.
+saveMessageFailed=Nije moguće sačuvati poruku. Provjerite naziv datoteke i pokušajte ponovo.
+fileExists=%S već postoji. Želite li je zamijeniti?
+downloadingNewsgroups=Preuzimanje novinskih grupa za upotrebu van mreže
+downloadingMail=Preuzimanje pošte za upotrebu van mreže
+sendingUnsent=Slanje neposlanih poruka
+folderExists=Direktorij s tim imenom već postoji. Upišite drugačiji naziv.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmDuplicateFolderRename): %1$S is name of folder being moved, %2$S is parent folder name, %3$S is proposed new folder name
+confirmDuplicateFolderRename=Direktorij naziva '%1$S' već postoji u direktoriju '%2$S'. Želite li premjestiti ovaj direktorij koristeći novi naziv '%3$S'?
+folderCreationFailed=Direktorij nije moguće stvoriti, naziv direktorija sadrži nepodržani znak. Upišite drugi naziv i pokušajte ponovo.
+compactingFolder=Sažimanje direktorija %S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(compactingDone): %1$S is the compaction gain.
+compactingDone=Sažimanje završeno (otprilike %1$S ušteđeno).
+autoCompactAllFoldersTitle=Sažmi direktorije
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(autoCompactAllFoldersText): %1$S is the compaction gain.
+autoCompactAllFoldersText=Želite li sažeti sve lokalne direktorije i direktorije van mreže kako biste uštedjeli prostor na disku? Ovo će uštediti oko %1$S.
+autoCompactAlwaysAskCheckbox=Uvijek me upitaj prije automatskog sažimanja direktorija
+compactNowButton=Sažmi &sada
+confirmFolderDeletionForFilter=Brisanje direktorija '%S' će onemogućiti povezane filtere. Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati direktorij?
+alertFilterChanged=Filteri povezani s ovim direktorijem će biti ažurirani.
+filterDisabled=Direktorij '%S' nije pronađen, filteri povezani s ovim direktorijem će biti onemogućeni. Provjerite postoji li direktorij i jesu li filteri usmjereni na ispravan odredišni direktorij.
+filterFolderDeniedLocked=Poruke nije moguće filtrirati u direktorij '%S' jer je druga operacija u toku.
+parsingFolderFailed=Nije moguće otvoriti direktorij %S, koristi se od strane drugih operacija. Pričekajte da operacija završi i zatim ponovo odaberite direktorij.
+deletingMsgsFailed=Nije moguće izbrisati poruke u direktoriju %S, jer se koristi od strane drugih operacija. Pričekajte da operacija završi i zatim ponovno odaberite direktorij.
+alertFilterCheckbox=Ne upozoravaj me ponovo.
+compactFolderDeniedLock=Direktorij '%S' ne može biti sažet, druga operacija je u toku. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
+compactFolderWriteFailed=Direktorij '%S' ne može biti sažet jer pisanje u direktorij nije uspjelo. Provjerite da li imate dovoljno prostora na disku i da ste upisali privilegije u sistemsku datoteku, zatim pokušajte ponovo.
+compactFolderInsufficientSpace=Neki direktoriji (npr. '%S') ne mogu biti sažeti zato što nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora. Izbrišite neke datoteke i pokušajte ponovo.
+filterFolderHdrAddFailed=Poruka se ne može filtrirati u direktorij '%S' jer dodavanje poruke nije uspjelo. Provjerite da li se direktorij prikazuje ispravno ili pokušajte ga popraviti u svojstvu direktorija.
+filterFolderWriteFailed=Poruka se ne može filtrirati u folder '%S' jer pisanje u direktorij nije uspjelo. Provjerite da li imate dovoljno prostora na disku i da ste upisali privilegije u sistemsku datoteku, zatim pokušajte ponovo.
+copyMsgWriteFailed=Poruke ne mogu biti premještene niti kopirane u direktorij '%S' jer pisanje u direktorij nije uspjelo. Da povećate prostor na disku, iz menija datoteka, prvo odaberite Isprazni smeće i zatim odaberite Sažmi direktorije i pokušajte ponovo.
+cantMoveMsgWOBodyOffline=Dok radite van mreže, ne možete premještati niti kopirati poruke koje nisu preuzete za van mrežno korištenje. Iz prozora pošte, otvorite meni datoteka, odaberite Rad van mreže i zatim pokušajte ponovo.
+operationFailedFolderBusy=Operacija nije uspjela iz razloga što druga operacija koristi direktorij. Pričekajte da operacija završi i zatim pokušajte ponovo.
+folderRenameFailed=Nije moguće preimenovati direktorij. Možda se direktorij analizira ili novi naziv nije ispravan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
+verboseFolderFormat=%1$S na %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterFolderTruncateFailed): %1$S is replaced by the folder name, %2$S is replaced by the brandShortName
+filterFolderTruncateFailed=Došlo je do greške prilikom pražnjenja direktorija Primljena pošta nakon filtriranja poruke u direktorij '%1$S'. Možda ćete morati zatvoriti %2$S i izbrisati datoteku INBOX.msf.
+mailboxTooLarge=Direktorij %S je pun i ne može primiti više poruka. Da biste oslobodili prostor za nove poruke, izbrišite staru ili neželjenu poštu i sažmite direktorij.
+outOfDiskSpace=Nema dovoljno prostora za preuzimanje novih poruka. Pokušajte izbrisati staru poštu, isprazniti direktorij smeća i sažeti vaše direktorije, te onda pokušati ponovo.
+errorGettingDB=Nije moguće otvoriti datoteku sažetka za '%S'. Možda je došlo do greške na disku ili je putanja preduga.
+# Used in message database list view to provide a text value for graphic based cells.
+messageHasFlag=Označeno zastavicom
+messageHasAttachment=Ima priloge
+messageJunk=Neželjena pošta
+# Used in the SMTP Account Settings panel when a server value has no properties
+smtpServerList-NotSpecified=<nije određeno>
+smtpServer-ConnectionSecurityType-1=STARTTLS, ako je dostupan
+smtpServers-confirmServerDeletionTitle=Izbriši server
+smtpServers-confirmServerDeletion=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati server: \n %S?
+# Account Settings - Both Incoming and SMTP server
+authNo=Bez provjere autentičnosti
+authOld=Lozinka, izvorni način (nesigurno)
+authPasswordCleartextInsecurely=Lozinka, nesiguran prijenos
+authPasswordCleartextViaSSL=Normalna lozinka
+authPasswordEncrypted=Kriptovana lozinka
+authKerberos=Kerberos / GSSAPI
+authExternal=TLS Certifikat
+authAnySecure=Bilo koja sigurna metoda (zastarjelo)
+authAny=Bilo koja metoda (nesigurno)
+# OAuth2 window title
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(oauth2WindowTitle):
+# %1$S is the username (or full email address) used for authentication.
+# %2$S is the hostname of the account being authenticated.
+oauth2WindowTitle=Unesite pristupne podatke za %1$S na %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-nntp): Do not translate "NNTP" in the line below
+serverType-nntp=Server novinskih grupa (NNTP)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-pop3): Do not translate "POP" in the line below
+serverType-pop3=POP server pošte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-imap): Do not translate "IMAP" in the line below
+serverType-imap=IMAP server pošte
+serverType-none=Lokalna pohrana pošte
+serverType-movemail=Unix Movemail
+sizeColumnTooltip2=Poredaj po veličini
+linesColumnTooltip2=Poredaj po linijama
+# status feedback stuff
+documentLoading=Učitavanje poruke…
+unreadMsgStatus=Nepročitano: %S
+selectedMsgStatus=Odabrano: %S
+totalMsgStatus=Ukupno: %S
+# localized folder names
+localFolders=Lokalni direktoriji
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inboxFolderName): OK to translate all foldernames, bugzilla #57440 & bugzilla #23625 fixed
+inboxFolderName=Primljena pošta
+outboxFolderName=Odlazna pošta
+junkFolderName=Neželjena pošta
+# "Normal" priority is often blank,
+# depending on the consumers of these strings
+#Group by date thread pane titles
+lastWeek=Prošle sedmice
+last7Days=Zadnjih 7 dana
+twoWeeksAgo=Prije dvije sedmice
+last14Days=Zadnjih 14 dana
+older=Stara pošta
+#Grouped By Tags
+untaggedMessages=Neoznačene poruke
+# Grouped by status
+messagesWithNoStatus=Bez statusa
+#Grouped by priority
+noPriority=Bez prioriteta
+#Grouped by has attachments
+noAttachments=Bez priloga
+#Grouped by flagged
+notFlagged=Nije označeno sa zastavicom
+groupFlagged=Označeno zastavicom
+# defaults descriptions for tag prefs listed in mailnews.js
+# (we keep the .labels. names for backwards compatibility)
+mailnews.tags.remove=Ukloni sve oznake
+mailnews.labels.description.4=Za obaviti
+# Format definition tag menu texts.
+# This is necessary in order to get the accesskeys to be the on the first
+# character of the menu text instead of after the menu text.
+# If a key definition exists for the tag at index n, that key's key will be
+# taken as the accesskey, eg.
+# <key id="key_tag3" key="&tagCmd3.key;" oncommand="ToggleMessageTagKey(3);"/>
+# makes the third tag have the accesskey &tagCmd3.key;.
+# In the menuitem's label, this accesskey appears at %1$S below; %2$S will be
+# replaced by the tag label.
+mailnews.tags.format=%1$S %2$S
+flagged=Označeno zastavicom
+# for junk status picker in search and mail views
+junk=Neželjena pošta
+# for junk score origin picker in search and mail views
+junkScoreOriginWhitelist=Popis dopuštenih
+junkScoreOriginImapFlag=IMAP zastavica
+# for the has attachment picker in search and mail views
+hasAttachments=Ima priloge
+# for the Tag picker in search and mail views.
+# mailnews.js
+# whether to generate display names in last first order
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(mail.addr_book.displayName.lastnamefirst):
+# the only valid values are: true OR false (choose from the untranslated English words)
+# whether to also show phonetic fields in the addressbook
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(mail.addr_book.show_phonetic_fields):
+# the only valid values are: true OR false (choose from the untranslated English words)
+# valid format options are:
+# 1: yyyy/mm/dd
+# 2: yyyy/dd/mm
+# 3: mm/dd/yyyy
+# 4: mm/yyyy/dd
+# 5: dd/mm/yyyy
+# 6: dd/yyyy/mm
+# 0: auto-detect the current locale format
+# a separator has to be either '/', '-', '.' and the year in Chistian year
+# otherwise mm/dd/yyyy (option 3) is used
+# separator for search date (e.g. "/", "-"), or empty when search_date_format is zero
+# leading zeros for day and month values, not used if mailnews.search_date_format is not zero
+# offline msg
+nocachedbodybody2=Tijelo ove poruke nije bilo preuzeto iz \
+servera za čitanje van mreže. Da čitate ovu poruku, \
+morate se ponovo povezati na mrežu, odabrati Van mrežno iz \
+menija datoteka i zatim odznačiti Rad van mreže. \
+U buduće, možete odabrati koje poruke ili direktorije čitati van mreže. Da uradite \
+ovo, odaberite Van mreže iz menija datoteka i zatim odaberite Preuzmi/sinhronizuj sada. \
+Možete prilagoditi postavke prostora na disku da spriječite preuzimanje velikih \
+# accountCentral
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(acctCentralTitleFormat): %1$S is brand, %2$S is account type, %3$S is account name
+acctCentralTitleFormat=%1$S %2$S - %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(nocachedbodytitle): Do not translate "<TITLE>" or "</TITLE>" in the line below
+nocachedbodytitle=<TITLE>Da biste vidjeli ovu poruku, isključite način rada van mreže</TITLE>\n
+# mailWindowOverlay.js
+confirmUnsubscribeTitle=Potvrdite otkazivanje pretplate
+confirmUnsubscribeText=Jeste li sigurni da želite otkazati pretplatu sa %S?
+# msgHdrViewOverlay.js
+deleteAttachments=Sljedeći prilozi će biti trajno izbrisani iz ove poruke:\n%S\nOva radnja se ne može poništiti. Želite li nastaviti?
+detachAttachments=Sljedeći prilozi su uspješno sačuvani i bit će trajno izbrisani iz ove poruke:\n%S\nOva radnja se ne može poništiti. Želite li nastaviti?
+deleteAttachmentFailure=Brisanje odabranih priloga nije uspjelo.
+# This is the format for prepending accesskeys to the
+# each of the attachments in the file|attachments menu:
+# ie: 1 file.txt
+# 2 another file.txt
+attachmentDisplayNameFormat=%S %S
+# This is the heading for the attachment summary when printing an email
+# Connection Error Messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(unknownHostError): %S is the server name
+unknownHostError=Povezivanje na server %S nije uspjelo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(connectionRefusedError): %S is the server name
+connectionRefusedError=Povezivanje na server %S; nije moguće, veza je odbijena.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(netTimeoutError): %S is the server name
+netTimeoutError=Isteklo je vrijeme povezivanja na server %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(netResetError): %S is the server name
+netResetError=Povezivanje na server %S je resetovano.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(netInterruptError): %S is the server name
+netInterruptError=Povezivanje na server %S je prekinuto.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(biffNotification): %1$S is the number of new messages
+biffNotification_message=ima %1$S novu poruku
+biffNotification_messages=ima %1$S novih poruka
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(macBiffNotification is Mac only):
+# %1$S is the number of new messages
+# %2$S is a list of names and/or email addresses separated by biffNotification_separator
+# %3$S is the number of new messages not displayed in the biff alert
+macBiffNotification_message=%1$S nova poruka od %2$S.
+macBiffNotification_messages=%1$S novih poruka od %2$S.
+macBiffNotification_messages_extra=%1$S novih poruka od %2$S i još %3$S.
+# Used to separate names/email addresses in a list. Note the trailing space ', '
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailNotification_message): %1$S is the name of the account %2$S is the number of new messages
+newMailNotification_message=%1$S je primio %2$S novu poruku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailNotification_messages): %1$S is the name of the account %2$S is the number of new messages
+newMailNotification_messages=%1$S je primio %2$S novih poruka
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailAlert_message):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the name of the account, #2 is the number of new messages
+newMailAlert_message=#1 primljeno #2 nova poruka;#1 primljeno #2 novih poruka
+# For the Quota tab in the mail folder properties dialog
+quotaUsedFree=%S od %S KB iskorišteno
+quotaPercentUsed=%S%% zauzeto
+# for message views
+confirmViewDeleteMessage=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj pregled?
+# for virtual folders
+confirmSavedSearchDeleteTitle=Izbriši sačuvano pretraživanje
+confirmSavedSearchDeleteMessage=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu sačuvanu pretragu?
+confirmSavedSearchDeleteButton=&Izbriši sačuvano pretraživanje
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (passwordPrompt): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# Place the word "%S" in your translation where the email address
+# or the username should appear
+passwordPrompt=Unesite svoju lozinku za %1$S na %2$S:
+## @loc None
+passwordTitle=Potrebna lozinka za server pošte
+# for checking if the user really wants to open lots of messages in separate windows.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openWindowWarningConfirmation): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of messages the user is attempting to open.
+openWindowWarningConfirmation=Otvaranje #1 poruke može biti sporo. Nastaviti?;Otvaranje #1 poruka može biti sporo. Nastaviti?
+# for warning the user that a tag he's trying to create already exists
+tagExists=Oznaka s tim imenom već postoji!
+# for checking if the user really wants to delete the adaptive filter training set
+confirmResetJunkTrainingText=Jeste li sigurni da želite poništiti naučena pravila filtera neželjene pošte?
+# for the virtual folder list dialog title
+# %S is the name of the saved search folder
+editVirtualFolderPropertiesTitle=Uredi postavke sačuvane pretrage za %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (foldersChosen): #1 number of chosen folders
+virtualFolderSourcesChosen=#1 direktorij odabran;#1 direktorija odabrano
+#alert to inform the user to choose one or more folders to search for a saved search folder
+alertNoSearchFoldersSelected=Morate odabrati najmanje jedan direktorij za traženje sačuvanog direktorija pretrage.
+# These are displayed in the message and folder pane windows
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE %.*f is the abbreviated size in the appropriate units
+byteAbbreviation2=%.*f bajtova
+kiloByteAbbreviation2=%.*f KB
+megaByteAbbreviation2=%.*f MB
+gigaByteAbbreviation2=%.*f GB
+# Error message if message for a message id wasn't found
+errorOpenMessageForMessageIdTitle=Greška prilikom otvaranja message-id
+errorOpenMessageForMessageIdMessage=Poruka za message-id %S nije pronađena
+# Warnings to alert users about phishing urls
+confirmPhishingTitle=Upozorenje na email prevaru
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE %1$S is the brand name, %2$S is the host name of the url being visited
+confirmPhishingUrl1=%1$S misli da je ova web stranica sumnjiva! Možda pokušava da imitira web stranicu koju želite posjetiti. Većina legitimnih web stranica koriste ime umjesto brojeva. Jeste li sigurni da želite posjetiti %2$S?
+confirmPhishingUrl2=%1$S misli da je ova web stranica sumnjiva! Možda pokušava da imitira web stranicu koju želite posjetiti. Jeste li sigurni da želite posjetiti %2$S?
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(mdnBarMessageNormal) %1$S is the name of the sender
+mdnBarMessageNormal=%1$S traži da bude obavješten kada pročitate ovu poruku.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(mdnBarMessageAddressDiffers) %1$S is the name of the sender, %2$S is the address(es) to send return receipt to
+mdnBarMessageAddressDiffers=%1$S traži da bude obavješten na %2$S kada pročitate ovu poruku.
+# mailCommands.js
+emptyJunkMessage=Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati sve poruke i poddirektorije u direktoriju Neželjena pošta?
+emptyJunkDontAsk=Ne pitaj me ponovno.
+emptyTrashMessage=Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati sve poruke i poddirektorije u direktoriju Smeće?
+emptyTrashDontAsk=Ne pitaj me ponovno.
+# junkCommands.js
+junkAnalysisPercentComplete=Analiza neželjene pošte %S završena
+processingJunkMessages=Obrada poruka neželjene pošte
+# tabmail: warning when closing multiple tabs (as in browser)
+tabs.closeWarningTitle=Potvrdi zatvaranje
+tabs.closeWarning=U ovom prozoru otvoreno je nekoliko tabova %S. Želite li ga zatvoriti i sve njegove tabove?
+tabs.closeButton=Zatvori sve tabove
+tabs.closeWarningPromptMe=Upozori me prilikom zatvaranja većeg broja tabova.
+# Messenger bootstrapping messages
+fileNotFoundTitle = Datoteka nije pronađena
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(fileNotFoundMsg): %S is the filename
+fileNotFoundMsg = Datoteka %S ne postoji.
+confirmMsgDelete.title=Potvrdi brisanje
+confirmMsgDelete.collapsed.desc=Ovo će izbrisati poruke u skupljenom prikaz. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti?
+confirmMsgDelete.deleteNoTrash.desc=Ovo će odmah izbrisati poruke, bez spremanja kopije u Smeće. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti?
+confirmMsgDelete.deleteFromTrash.desc=Trajno ćete izbrisati poruke iz Smeća. Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti?
+confirmMsgDelete.dontAsk.label=Ne pitaj me ponovno.
+mailServerLoginFailedTitle=Prijava nije uspjela
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailServerLoginFailedTitleWithAccount):
+# "%S" is the account name.
+mailServerLoginFailedTitleWithAccount=Prijava na račun "%S" nije uspjela
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailServerLoginFailed2):
+# %1$S is the host name of the server, %2$S is the user name.
+mailServerLoginFailed2=Prijava na server %1$S s korisničkim imenom %2$S nije uspjela.
+mailServerLoginFailedRetryButton=&Pokušaj ponovo
+mailServerLoginFailedEnterNewPasswordButton=&Unesi novu lozinku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (junkBarMessage): %S is the brandname
+junkBarMessage=%S smatra ovu poruku kao neželjenu.
+junkBarButton=Nije neželjena pošta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteContentBarMessage): %S is the brandname
+remoteContentBarMessage=Kako bi zaštitio vašu privatnost, %S je blokirao vanjski sadržaj u ovoj poruci.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(remoteContentAllow): %S is host name
+remoteContentAllow=Dozvoli vanjski sadržaj za %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (phishingBarMessage): %S is the brandname
+phishingBarMessage=%S smatra ovu poruku kao email prevaru.
+phishingBarIgnoreButton=Ignoriši upozorenje
+mdnBarMessage=Pošiljalac ove poruke je zatražio da bude obaviješten kada pročitate ovu poruku. Želite li obavijestiti pošiljaoca?
+mdnBarIgnoreButton=Ignoriši zahtjev
+mdnBarSendReqButton=Pošalji potvrdu o pročitanoj poruci
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveAsType): replace %S with the extension of the file to be saved.
+saveAsType=%S datoteka
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e98b7b937a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by libmime to emit header display in HTML
+# Mail subject
+## @loc None
+# Resent-Comments
+## @loc
+1001=Ponovno poslan-Komentari
+# Resent-Date
+## @loc
+1002=Ponovno poslan-Datum
+# Resent-Sender
+## @loc
+1003=Ponovno poslan-Pošiljaoc
+# Resent-From
+## @loc
+1004=Ponovno poslan-Od
+# Resent-To
+## @loc
+1005=Ponovno poslan-Za
+# Resent-CC
+## @loc
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (1006): Do not translate "CC" below.
+1006=Ponovo poslano-kopija
+# Date
+## @loc
+# Sender
+## @loc
+# From
+## @loc
+# Reply-To
+## @loc
+1010=Odgovori na
+# Organization
+## @loc
+# To
+## @name MIME_MHTML_TO
+## @loc
+# CC
+## @name MIME_MHTML_CC
+## @loc
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (1013): Do not translate "CC" below.
+# Newsgroups
+## @loc
+1014=Interesne grupe
+# Followup-To
+## @loc
+1015=Odgovori u
+# References
+## @loc
+# Message ID
+## @loc
+1021=ID poruke
+# BCC
+## @name MIME_MHTML_BCC
+## @loc
+# Link to doc
+## @loc
+1026=Link na dokument
+# Get Doc info
+## @loc
+1027=<B>Informacije o dokumentu:</B>
+# Msg Attachment
+## @loc
+# default attachment name
+## @loc
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (1040): Do not translate "%s" below.
+# Place the %s where you wish the part number of the attachment to appear
+1040=Dio %s
+# default forwarded message prefix
+## @loc
+1041=-------- Izvorna poruka --------
+# Partial Message Truncated
+## @loc
+# Partial Message Truncated Explanation
+## @loc
+MIME_MSG_PARTIAL_TRUNCATED_EXPLANATION=Ova poruka je veća od maksimalno dozvoljene veličine poruke postavljene u postavkama računa, preuzeto je samo prvih nekoliko linija sa mail servera.
+# Partial Message Not Downloaded
+## @loc
+# Partial Message Not Downloaded Explanation
+## @loc
+MIME_MSG_PARTIAL_NOT_DOWNLOADED_EXPLANATION=Samo zaglavlje ove poruke je preuzeto sa mail servera.
+## @loc
+MIME_MSG_PARTIAL_CLICK_FOR_REST=Preuzmi ostatak poruke.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cb5417360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by libmime for header display in XML & HTML
+FOLLOWUP-TO=Odgovori u
+NEWSGROUPS=Interesne grupe
+REPLY-TO=Odgovori na
+RESENT-COMMENTS=Ponovno poslan-Komentari
+RESENT-DATE=Ponovno poslan-Datum
+RESENT-FROM=Ponovno poslan-Od
+RESENT-MESSAGE-ID=Ponovo poslano-ID Poruke
+RESENT-SENDER=Ponovno poslan-Pošiljaoc
+RESENT-TO=Ponovno poslan-Za
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (RESENT-CC); Do not translate "CC"
+RESENT-CC=Ponovo poslano-kopija
+USER-AGENT=Korisnički agent
+FILENAME=Naziv datoteke
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgAccountCentral.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgAccountCentral.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e46aadf7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgAccountCentral.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY emailSectionHdr.label "Email">
+<!ENTITY readMsgsLink.label "Pročitaj poruke">
+<!ENTITY composeMsgLink.label "Piši novu poruku">
+<!ENTITY newsSectionHdr.label "Interesne grupe">
+<!ENTITY subscribeNewsLink.label "Upravljanje pretplatama na interesne grupe">
+<!ENTITY accountsSectionHdr.label "Računi">
+<!ENTITY subscribeImapFolders.label "Upravljanje pretplatama na datoteke">
+<!ENTITY settingsLink.label "Prikaži postavke za ovaj račun">
+<!ENTITY newAcctLink.label "Kreirajte novi račun">
+<!ENTITY advFeaturesSectionHdr.label "Napredne mogućnosti">
+<!ENTITY searchMsgsLink.label "Pretraži poruke">
+<!ENTITY filtersLink.label "Upravljanje filterima za poruke">
+<!ENTITY junkSettings.label "Postavke neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY offlineLink.label "Izvanmrežne postavke">
+<!ENTITY feedsSectionHdr.label "Kanali">
+<!ENTITY subscribeFeeds.label "Upravljanje pretplatama">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgFolderPickerOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgFolderPickerOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ad6e27224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgFolderPickerOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Labels -->
+<!ENTITY filemessageschoosethis.label "odaberite ovaj folder">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a404310add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY toField.label "Za: ">
+<!ENTITY fromField.label "Od: ">
+<!ENTITY senderField.label "Pošiljalac: ">
+<!ENTITY organizationField.label "Organizacija: ">
+<!ENTITY replyToField.label "Odgovori za: ">
+<!ENTITY subjectField.label "Tema: ">
+<!--# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ccField.label): DONT_TRANSLATE -->
+<!ENTITY ccField.label "Kopija: ">
+<!ENTITY bccField.label "sKopija: ">
+<!ENTITY newsgroupsField.label "Interesne grupe: ">
+<!ENTITY followupToField.label "Nastavak-za: ">
+<!ENTITY tagsHdr.label "Oznake: ">
+<!ENTITY dateField.label "Datum: ">
+<!ENTITY userAgentField.label "Korisnički agent: ">
+<!ENTITY referencesField.label "Reference: ">
+<!ENTITY messageIdField.label "ID poruke: ">
+<!ENTITY inReplyToField.label "Odgovori za: ">
+<!ENTITY originalWebsite.label "Web stranica: ">
+<!ENTITY editMessage.label "Uredi skicu…">
+<!ENTITY attachmentsTree.label "Prilozi:">
+<!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.label "Otvori">
+<!ENTITY viewAttachmentCmd.label "Prikaži izvor">
+<!ENTITY saveAsAttachmentCmd.label "Sačuvaj kao…">
+<!ENTITY detachAttachmentCmd.label "Otkači…">
+<!ENTITY deleteAttachmentCmd.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY saveAllAttachmentsCmd.label "Sačuvaj sve…">
+<!ENTITY detachAllAttachmentsCmd.label "Otkači sve…">
+<!ENTITY deleteAllAttachmentsCmd.label "Izbriši sve…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewPopup.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewPopup.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7cb41f3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgHdrViewPopup.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Message Header View Popup -->
+<!ENTITY AddToAddressBook.label "Dodaj u adresar…">
+<!ENTITY EditContact.label "Uredi kontakt…">
+<!ENTITY ViewContact.label "Prikaži kontakt">
+<!ENTITY SendMailTo.label "Sastavi email za…">
+<!ENTITY CopyEmailAddress.label "Kopiraj email adresu">
+<!ENTITY CreateFilterFrom.label "Stvori filter iz…">
+<!ENTITY openInBrowser.label "Otvori u browseru">
+<!ENTITY bookmarkLinkCmd.label "Zabilježi ovaj link…">
+<!ENTITY copyLinkCmd.label "Kopiraj lokaciju linka">
+<!ENTITY CopyMessageId.label "Kopiraj ID poruke">
+<!ENTITY OpenMessageForMsgId.label "Otvori poruku radi ID">
+<!ENTITY OpenBrowserWithMsgId.label "Otvori pretraživač uz pomoć ID-a poruke">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgSynchronize.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgSynchronize.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26c2b2fe5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgSynchronize.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from MsgSynchronize.xul and msgSelectOfflineFolders.xul-->
+<!ENTITY MsgSynchronize.label "Preuzmi i sinhroniziraj poruke">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelect.label "Stavke za upotrebu van mreže">
+<!ENTITY MsgSyncDesc.label "Ako ste već odabrali direktorije pošte ili interesnih grupa za van mrežno korištenje, možete ih preuzeti i/ili sinhronizovati sada. U suprotnom, koristite &quot;Odaberi&quot; dugme da odaberete direktorije pošte i interesnih grupa za van mrežno korištenje.">
+<!ENTITY MsgSyncDirections.label "Preuzmi i/ili sinhroniziraj sljedeće:">
+<!ENTITY syncTypeMail.label "Poruke pošte">
+<!ENTITY syncTypeNews.label "Poruke s novinskih grupa">
+<!ENTITY sendMessage.label "Pošalji neposlane poruke">
+<!ENTITY workOffline.label "Radi izvanmrežno kada preuzimanje i/ili sinhronizacija završi">
+<!ENTITY selectButton.label "Odaberi…">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelectDesc.label "Odaberi datoteke e-pošte i novinske grupe za izvanmrežno korištenje.">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelectInd.label "Preuzmi">
+<!ENTITY MsgSelectItems.label "Datoteke i novinske grupe"> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7d9b2ef13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgViewPickerOverlay.dtd UI for showing various views on a folder -->
+<!ENTITY viewPicker.label "Prikaži:">
+<!ENTITY viewAll.label "Sve">
+<!ENTITY viewUnread.label "Nepročitano">
+<!ENTITY viewNotDeleted.label "Nije izbrisano">
+<!ENTITY viewTags.label "Oznake">
+<!ENTITY viewCustomViews.label "Prilagođeni prikazi">
+<!ENTITY viewVirtualFolder.label "Sačuvaj prikaz kao datoteku…">
+<!ENTITY viewCustomizeView.label "Prilagodi…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7577ed9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Msg Mdn Report strings
+MsgMdnDisplayed=Napomena: Ova potvrda o primanju samo potvrđuje da je poruka prikazana na računaru primaoca. Nema garancije da je primaoc pročitao ili razumio sadržaj poruke.
+MsgMdnDispatched=Poruka je odštampana, faksirana ili proslijeđena bez prikazivanja primaocu. Nema garancije da će primalac pročitati poruku kasnije.
+MsgMdnProcessed=Poruka je obrađena bez prikazivanja od strane programa primaoca za e-poštu. Nema garancije da će poruka biti pročitana kasnije.
+MsgMdnDeleted=Poruka je izbrisana. Ne možemo biti sigurni da li je osoba pročitala poruku. Možda će je kasnije vratiti iz izbrisane pošte i pročitati.
+MsgMdnDenied=Primalac poruke vam ne želi poslati potvrdu čitanja.
+MsgMdnFailed=Došlo je do greške. Odgovarajuća potvrda čitanja ne može biti generirana ili poslana vama.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+MsgMdnMsgSentTo=Ovo je potvrda čitanja za poštu koju ste poslali %S.
+MdnDisplayedReceipt=Potvrda čitanja (prikazano)
+MdnDispatchedReceipt=Potvrda čitanja (poslano)
+MdnProcessedReceipt=Potvrda čitanja (obrađeno)
+MdnDeletedReceipt=Potvrda čitanja (izbrisano)
+MdnDeniedReceipt=Potvrda čitanja (odbijeno)
+MdnFailedReceipt=Potvrda čitanja (neuspjelo)
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newFolderDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newFolderDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95567f0e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newFolderDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Labels -->
+<!ENTITY newFolderDialog.title "Novi direktorij">
+<!ENTITY name.label "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY description.label "Kreiraj kao poddirektorij od:">
+<!ENTITY folderRestriction1.label "Ovaj server ograničava direktorije na dvije posebne vrste.">
+<!ENTITY folderRestriction2.label "Dozvolite vašem novom direktoriju da sadrži:">
+<!ENTITY foldersOnly.label "Samo direktorije">
+<!ENTITY messagesOnly.label "Samo poruke">
+<!ENTITY accept.label "Kreiraj direktorij">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..988a76599e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+downloadHeadersTitlePrefix=Preuzmi zaglavlja
+downloadHeadersInfoText=Za ovu novinsku grupu postoji %S novih zaglavlja poruka za preuzeti.
+cancelDisallowed=Čini se da ova poruka nije vaša. Možete otkazati samo svoje poruke, ne i one koje su napisali drugi.
+cancelConfirm=Da li ste sigurni da želite otkazati ovu poruku?
+messageCancelled=Poruka otkazana.
+enterUserPassTitle=Potrebno korisničko ime i lozinka za server novinskih grupa
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (enterUserPassServer): %S is the server being accessed
+enterUserPassServer=Upišite korisničko ime i lozinku za %S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (enterUserPassGroup): %1$S is a specific newsgroup to set
+# the password for; %2$S is the server from which the newsgroup is accessed
+enterUserPassGroup=Upišite korisničko ime i lozinku za %1$S na %2$S:
+noNewMessages=Nema novih poruka na serveru.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newNewsgroupHeaders): %1$S is the number of the current
+# header being downloaded, %2$S is the number of headers to be downloaded, and
+# %3$S is the newsgroup whose headers are being downloaded.
+newNewsgroupHeaders=Preuzimanje %1$S od %2$S zaglavlja na %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newNewsgroupFilteringHeaders): %1$S is the name of the MIME
+# header being filtered on, %2$S is the number of the current header being
+# downloaded, %3$S is the number of headers to be downloaded, and %4$S is the
+# newsgroup whose headers are being downloaded.
+newNewsgroupFilteringHeaders=Dobavljanje zaglavlja za filtere: %1$S (%2$S/%3$S) na %4$S
+downloadingArticles=Preuzimanje članaka %S-%S
+bytesReceived=Preuzimanje novinskih grupa: %S primljeno (%SKB pročitano na %SKB/sec)
+downloadingArticlesForOffline=Preuzimanje članaka %S-%S u %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoUnsubscribeText): %1$S is the newsgroup and %2$S is the newsgroup-server it is being removed from.
+autoUnsubscribeText=Novinska grupa %1$S ne postoji na serveru %2$S. Želite li otkazati pretplatu na nju?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the newsgroup.
+autoSubscribeText=Želite li se pretplatiti na %1$S?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error -304): In the following item, don't translate "NNTP"
+# Error - server error
+## @loc None
+-304=Došlo je do (NNTP) greške:
+# Error - newsgroup scan error
+## @loc None
+-305=Došlo je do greške. Skeniranje svih novinskih grupa je nepotpuno. Pokušajte prikazati sve novinske grupe ponovo
+# Error - NNTP authinfo failure
+## @loc None
+-260=Došlo je greške prilikom autentifikacije. Pokušajte ponovo unijeti svoje korisničko ime i/ili lozinku.
+# Error - TCP error
+## @name TCP_ERROR
+## @loc None
+-206=Došlo je do greške u komunikaciji. Pokušajte se ponovo spojiti. TCP greška:
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsError.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsError.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32ffe05c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsError.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newsError.title): The title of the news error page.
+ Not generally visible. -->
+<!ENTITY newsError.title "Problem prilikom učitavanja članka">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (articleNotFound.title): The main heading for the news
+ error page. -->
+<!ENTITY articleNotFound.title "Članak nije pronađen">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (articleNotFound.desc): A longer description for the news
+ error page. -->
+<!ENTITY articleNotFound.desc "Server novinskih grupa prijavljuje da ne može pronaći članak.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (serverResponded.title): A string preceding the text
+ response from the newsgroup server describing the error. -->
+<!ENTITY serverResponded.title "Server novinske grupe je odgovorio:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (articleExpired.title): A string explaining that the
+ article may have expired. -->
+<!ENTITY articleExpired.title "Možda je članak istekao?">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (trySearching.title): A string preceding the message's
+ ID. -->
+<!ENTITY trySearching.title "Pokušajte tražiti članak:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeExpiredArticles.title): The label for the button
+ to remove all expired articles from the newsgroup. -->
+<!ENTITY removeExpiredArticles.title "Ukloni sve istekle članke">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/am-newsblog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/am-newsblog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69ce01c15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/am-newsblog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY loginAtStartup.label "Provjeri za nove članke pri pokretanju">
+<!ENTITY biffAll.label "Omogućite ažuriranja za sve kanale">
+<!ENTITY newFeedSettings.label "Zadane postavke za nove kanale">
+<!ENTITY manageSubscriptions.label "Upravljanje pretplatama…">
+<!-- entities from rss.rdf -->
+<!ENTITY feeds.accountName "Blogovi i vijesti">
+<!ENTITY feeds.wizardShortName "Kanali">
+<!ENTITY feeds.wizardLongName "Blogovi i vijesti">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/feed-subscriptions.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/feed-subscriptions.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98fbb0f09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/feed-subscriptions.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Subscription Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY feedSubscriptions.label "Pretplate na kanale">
+<!ENTITY learnMore.label "Saznajte više o kanalima">
+<!ENTITY feedTitle.label "Naslov:">
+<!ENTITY feedLocation.label "URL kanala:">
+<!ENTITY feedLocation.placeholder "Unesite ispravnu adresu kanala za dodati">
+<!ENTITY feedLocation2.placeholder "Unesite ispravan url kanala">
+<!ENTITY locationValidate.label "Potvrdi">
+<!ENTITY validateText.label "Provjeri ispravnost i dobavi ispravan url.">
+<!ENTITY feedFolder.label "Spremi članke u:">
+<!-- Account Settings and Subscription Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY biffStart.label "Preuzmi nove članke svakih ">
+<!ENTITY biffMinutes.label "minuta">
+<!ENTITY biffDays.label "dana">
+<!ENTITY recommendedUnits.label "Izdavač preporučuje:">
+<!ENTITY quickMode.label "Prikaži kratki pregled članka umjesto učitavanja web stranice">
+<!ENTITY autotagEnable.label "Automatski stvori oznake iz naziva &lt;kategorija&gt; kanala">
+<!ENTITY autotagUsePrefix.label "Prefiks za oznake:">
+<!ENTITY autoTagPrefix.placeholder "Unesite prefiks oznake">
+<!-- Subscription Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY button.addFeed.label "Dodaj">
+<!ENTITY button.verifyFeed.label "Provjeri">
+<!ENTITY button.updateFeed.label "Ažuriraj">
+<!ENTITY button.removeFeed.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY button.importOPML.label "Uvezi">
+<!ENTITY button.exportOPML.label "Izvezi">
+<!ENTITY button.exportOPML.tooltip "Izvezi kanale sa strukturom direktorija; ctrl klik ili ctrl enter za izvoz kanala kao liste">
+<!ENTITY button.close.label "Zatvori">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e2c4bdc82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/newsblog/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+subscribe-validating-feed=Verifikovanje feeda…
+subscribe-cancelSubscription=Želite li otkazati pretplatu na trenutni feed?
+subscribe-cancelSubscriptionTitle=Pretplaćivanje na feed…
+subscribe-feedAlreadySubscribed=Već ste pretplaćeni na ovaj feed.
+subscribe-errorOpeningFile=Nije moguće otvoriti datoteku.
+subscribe-feedAdded=Feed dodan.
+subscribe-feedUpdated=Feed ažuriran.
+subscribe-feedMoved=Pretplata na feed premještena.
+subscribe-feedCopied=Pretplata na feed kopirana.
+subscribe-feedRemoved=Otkazana pretplata na feed.
+subscribe-feedNotValid=URL feeda ne sadrži ispravan feed.
+subscribe-feedVerified=URL feeda je verifikovan.
+subscribe-networkError=URL feeda nije pronađen. Provjerite naziv i pokušajte ponovo.
+subscribe-noAuthError=URL feeda nije autorizovan.
+subscribe-loading=Učitavanje, molimo da pričekate…
+subscribe-OPMLImportTitle=Izaberite OPML datoteku za uvoz
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleList):
+## %S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportTitleList=Izvezi %S kao OPML datoteku - popis feedova
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleStruct):
+## %S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportTitleStruct=Izvezite %S kao OPML datoteka - feedovi sa strukturom direktorija
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportFileDialogTitle):
+## %1$S is the brandShortName, %2$S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportFileDialogTitle=%1$S OPML izvoz - %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDefaultFileName):
+## %1$S is the brandShortName (Thunderbird for example), %2$S is the account name.
+## The default extension (.opml) is added here as it is not automatically appended in the file picker on MacOS.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportInvalidFile): %S is the name of the OPML file the user tried to import.
+subscribe-OPMLImportInvalidFile=Datoteka %S nije ispravna OPML datoteka.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFeedCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## #1 is the count of new imported entries.
+subscribe-OPMLImportFeedCount=Uvezen #1 novi feed.;Uvezeno #1 novih feedova.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## #1 is the count of new imported entries
+subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds=Uvezen #1 novi feed na koji niste bili pretplaćeni;Uvezeno #1 novih feedova na koje niste bili pretplaćeni
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds):
+## #1 is total number of elements found in the file
+subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds=(od ukupno #1 pronađenog unosa);(od ukupno #1 pronađenih unosa)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportStatus):
+## This is the concatenation of the two strings defined above to compose 1 sentence.
+## %1$S = subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds
+## %2$S = subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds
+subscribe-OPMLImportStatus=%1$S %2$S.
+subscribe-OPMLExportOPMLFilesFilterText=OPML datoteke
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDone): %S is the export file name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportDone=Feedovi u ovom računu su izvezeni u %S.
+subscribe-confirmFeedDeletionTitle=Ukloni feed
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-confirmFeedDeletion): %S is the name of the feed the user wants to unsubscribe from.
+subscribe-confirmFeedDeletion=Jeste li sigurni da želite otkazati pretplatu na feed: \n %S?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-gettingFeedItems):
+## - The first %S is the number of articles processed so far;
+## - The second %S is the total number of items
+subscribe-gettingFeedItems=Preuzimanje članaka feeda (%S od %S)…
+newsblog-noNewArticlesForFeed=Nema novih članaka u ovom feedu.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-networkError): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-networkError=Nismo mogli pronaći %S. Molimo provjerite naziv i pokušajte ponovo.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-feedNotValid): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-feedNotValid=%S nije ispravan feed.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-badCertError): %S is the feed URL host
+newsblog-badCertError=%S koristi neispravan sigurnosni certifikat.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-noAuthError): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-noAuthError=%S nije autorizovan.
+newsblog-getNewMsgsCheck=Provjeravanje feedova za nove članke…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(feeds-accountname): This string should be the same as feeds.accountName in am-newsblog.dtd
+feeds-accountname=Feedovi blogova i novosti
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(externalAttachmentMsg): Content in the MIME part for external link attachments.
+externalAttachmentMsg=Ovaj je MIME prilog pohranjen odvojeno od poruke.
+## Import wizard.
+ImportFeedsCreateNewListItem=* Novi račun *
+ImportFeedsNewAccount=Kreiraj i uvezi u novi račun feeda
+ImportFeedsExistingAccount=Uvezi u postojeći račun feeda
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(ImportFeedsDone):
+## - The first %S is the import file name;
+## - The second %S is the value of either ImportFeedsNew or ImportFeedsExisting;
+## - The third %S is the feed account name.
+ImportFeedsDone=Uvoz pretplata na feedove iz datoteke %1$S u %2$S račun '%3$S' je završen.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00629059ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the outlook express import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+## @loc None
+2000=Outlook Express
+# Description of import module
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2011): In this item, don't translate "Outlook Express"
+2011=Outlook Express pošta, adresari i postavke
+# Success message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2002): In this item, don't translate "%S" or "%d"
+## The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+## The variable %d will contain the number of messages
+2002=Poštanski sandučić %S, uvezeno %d poruka
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2003=Loš parametar je proslijeđen za uvoz poštanskog sandučića.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2004): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+2004=Greška prilikom pristupanja datoteci za poštanski sandučić %S.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2005): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+2005=Greška prilikom uvoza poštanskog sandučića %S, možda nisu uvezene sve poruke iz ovog poštanskog sandučića.
+# Default name of imported addressbook
+## @loc None
+2006=Outlook Express adresar
+# Autofind description
+## @loc None
+2007=Outlook Express adresar (windows adresar)
+# Description
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2006): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2008=Uvezen adresar %S
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2009): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2009=Greška prilikom uvoza adresara %S, možda nisu uvezene sve adrese.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2010=Pogrešan parametar je proslijeđen za uvoz adresara.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bc37d8ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
+# Download Messages Prompt
+downloadMessagesWindowTitle=Rad van mreže
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
+downloadMessagesLabel=Želite li preuzeti poruke \nza van mrežno korištenje prije odlaska u van mrežni način rada?\n\n
+downloadMessagesCheckboxLabel=Uvijek me pitaj prilikom uključivanja van mrežnog načina rada
+downloadMessagesNoDownloadButtonLabel=Ne preuzimaj
+# Send Messages Prompt
+sendMessagesWindowTitle=Rad na mreži
+sendMessagesLabel2=Želite li sada poslati vaše neposlane poruke?
+sendMessagesCheckboxLabel=Uvijek me pitaj prilikom uključivanja mrežnog rada
+sendMessagesNoSendButtonLabel=Ne šalji
+# GetMessages Offline Prompt
+getMessagesOfflineWindowTitle=Dohvati poruke
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
+getMessagesOfflineLabel=Trenutno ste u izvanmrežnom načinu rada. Želite li \nuključiti mrežni način rada kako biste dohvatili nove poruke?\n\n
+getMessagesOfflineGoButtonLabel=Idi na mrežni način rada
+# Send Messages Offline Prompt
+sendMessagesOfflineWindowTitle=Pošalji poruke
+# do not localize "\n". use "\n" to make the text fit nicely in the dialog.
+sendMessagesOfflineLabel=Trenutno ste u izvanmrežnom načinu rada. Želite li \nuključiti mrežni način rada kako biste poslali vaše neposlane poruke?\n\n
+sendMessagesOfflineGoButtonLabel=Idi na mrežni način rada
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd81d10303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+title=Rad na mreži
+desc=Želite li uključiti mrežni način rada?\n\n(Ako odaberete raditi u izvanmrežnom načinu rada, uvijek možete kasnije uključiti mrežni način rada - odaberite `Van mreže' iz menija `Datoteka', te uklonite kvačicu s `Rad van mreže'.)
+workOnline=Rad na mreži
+workOffline=Rad van mreže
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d17b2e4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the outlook express import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+## @loc None
+# Description of import module
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2010): In this item, don't translate "Outlook"
+2010=Outlook pošta, adresari i postavke
+# Success message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2002): In this item, don't translate "%S" or "%d"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the mailbox
+## The variable %d will receive the number of messages
+2002=Poštanski sandučić %S, uvezeno %d poruka
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2003=Loš parametar je proslijeđen za uvoz poštanskog sandučića.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2004): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the mailbox
+2004=Greška prilikom uvoza poštanskog sandučića %S, možda nisu uvezene sve poruke iz ovog poštanskog sandučića.
+# Address book name
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2005): In this item, don't translate "Outlook"
+2005=Outlook adresari
+# Description
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2006): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2006=Uvezen adresar %S
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2007=Pogrešan parametar je proslijeđen za uvoz adresara.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2008): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2008=Greška prilikom pristupa datoteci za adresar %S.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2009): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2009=Greška prilikom uvoza adresara %S, možda nisu uvezene sve adrese.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8244f11bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the pgpmime content type handler
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pgpMimeNeedsAddon): The text can contain HTML tags.
+# %S is the url to Enigmail on AMO supplied from preferences.
+pgpMimeNeedsAddon=Ovo je enkritovana OpenPGP poruka.<br>Za dekripciju ove poruke, trebate instalirati <a href="%S">OpenPGP dodatak</a>.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountManager.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountManager.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..797b436226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountManager.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from AccountManager.xul -->
+<!ENTITY accountManagerTitle.label "Postavke računa pošte i interesnih grupa">
+<!ENTITY addAccountButton.label "Dodaj račun…">
+<!ENTITY setDefaultButton.label "Postavi kao glavni">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Ukloni račun">
+<!-- AccountManager.xul -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : this is part of an inline-style attribute on the account
+ setting dialog, which specifies the width and height in em units of the dialog.
+ Localizers ONLY can increase these widths if they are having difficulty getting
+ panel content to fit.
+ 1ch = The width of the "0" (ZERO, U+0030) glyph for the current font.
+ 1em = The height of the font.
+ XUL/FE DEVELOPERS: DO NOT MODIFY THIS VALUE. It represents the correct size of
+ this window for en-US. -->
+<!ENTITY accountManager.size "width: 105ch; height: 55em;">
+<!ENTITY accountTree.width "width: 32ch;">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountWizard.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountWizard.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47bf354278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountWizard.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Entities for AccountWizard -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Čarobnjak za račune">
+<!ENTITY accountWizard.size "width: 40em; height: 38em;">
+<!-- Entities for Account Type page -->
+<!ENTITY accountSetupInfo2.label "Da biste primali poruke, prvo morate podesiti račun.">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeTitle.label "Podešavanje novog računa">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeDesc2.label "Ovaj čarobnjak će prikupiti informacije potrebne za postavljanje računa. Ako ne znate tražene informacije, obratite se administratoru sistema ili pružaocu internetskih usluga.">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeDirections.label "Izaberite vrstu računa koju želite podesiti:">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeMail.label "Email račun">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeNews.label "Račun interesne grupe">
+<!-- Entities for Identity page -->
+<!ENTITY identityTitle.label "Identitet">
+<!ENTITY identityDesc.label "Svaki račun ima svoj identitet, koji predstavlja informaciju po kojoj će vas drugi prepoznati kada prime vaše poruke.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullnameDesc.label) : do not translate two of "&quot;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY fullnameDesc.label "Upišite ime koje želite da se pojavi u polju &quot;Šalje&quot; vaših odlaznih poruka">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullnameExample.label) : use following directions for below line
+ 1, do not translate two of "&quot;"
+ 2, Use localized full name instead of "John Smith"
+<!ENTITY fullnameExample.label "(naprimjer, &quot;John Smith&quot;).">
+<!ENTITY fullnameLabel.label "Vaše ime:">
+<!ENTITY emailLabel.label "Email adresa:">
+<!-- Entities for Incoming Server page -->
+<!ENTITY incomingTitle.label "Informacija o dolaznom serveru">
+<!ENTITY incomingServerTypeDesc.label "Izabrite koju vrstu dolaznog servera koristite.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapType.label) : Do not translate "IMAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY imapType.label "IMAP">
+<!ENTITY imapType.accesskey "I">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (popType.label) : Do not translate "POP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY popType.label "POP">
+<!ENTITY popType.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY portNum.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY portNum.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY defaultPortLabel.label "Izvorno:">
+<!ENTITY defaultPortValue.label "">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (incomingServerNameDesc.label) : Do not translate "&quot;;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY incomingServer.description "Unesite naziv vašeg dolazećeg servera (naprimjer, &quot;;).">
+<!ENTITY incomingServer.label "Dolazni server:">
+<!ENTITY leaveMsgsOnSrvr.label "Ostavi poruke na serveru">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (incomingUsername.description) : do not translate "&quot;jsmith&quot;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY incomingUsername.description "Upišite korisničko ime za primanje emaila koje vam je dao vaš email provajder (naprimjer, &quot;jsmith&quot;).">
+<!ENTITY incomingUsername.label "Korisničko ime:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newsServerNameDesc.label) : Do not translate "NNTP" or the "&quot;" entities in below line -->
+<!ENTITY newsServerNameDesc.label "Unesite naziv vašeg servera vijesti (NNTP) (naprimjer, &quot;;).">
+<!ENTITY newsServerLabel.label "Server interesne grupe:">
+<!-- Entities for Outgoing Server page -->
+<!ENTITY outgoingTitle.label "Informacije o odlaznom serveru">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (outgoingServer.description) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY outgoingServer.description "Unesite naziv vašeg odlaznog servera (SMTP) (naprimjer, &quot;;).">
+<!ENTITY outgoingServer.label "Odlazni server:">
+<!ENTITY outgoingUsername.description "Upišite korisničko ime za slanje emailova koje vam je dao vaš email provajder (obično je identično korisničkom imenu za primanje emailova).">
+<!ENTITY outgoingUsername.label "Odlazno korisničko ime:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (modifyOutgoing.suffix) : This string will be appended after each of
+ haveSmtp1.suffix3, haveSmtp2.suffix3, haveSmtp3.suffix3 .
+<!ENTITY modifyOutgoing.suffix "Možete promijeniti postavke odlaznog servera iz postavki računa pošte i interesnih grupa.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (haveSmtp1.prefix and haveSmtp1.suffix3) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;" in
+ these variables. Also, translate haveSmtp1.prefix and haveSmtp1.suffix3 as a single sentence, inserting
+ text after the "&quot;" entity in haveSmtp1.suffix3, if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp1.prefix "Vaš postojeći odlazni server (SMTP), &quot;">
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp1.suffix3 "&quot;, će biti korišten.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (haveSmtp2.prefix and haveSmtp2.suffix3) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;" in
+ these variables. Also, translate haveSmtp2.prefix and haveSmtp2.suffix3 as a single sentence, inserting
+ text after the "&quot;" entity in haveSmtp2.suffix3, if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp2.prefix "Vaše postojeće odlazno (SMTP) korisničko ime, &quot;">
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp2.suffix3 "&quot;, će biti korišten.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (haveSmtp3.prefix and haveSmtp3.suffix3) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;" in
+ these variables. Also, translate haveSmtp3.prefix and haveSmtp3.suffix3 as a single sentence, inserting
+ text after the "&quot;" entity in haveSmtp3.suffix3, if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp3.prefix "Vaš odlazni (SMTP) server, &quot;">
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp3.suffix3 "&quot;, je identičan dolaznom serveru, dolazno korisničko ime će biti korišteno za pristup serveru.">
+<!-- Entities for Account name page -->
+<!ENTITY accnameTitle.label "Naziv računa">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (accnameDesc.label) : do not translate any "&quot;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY accnameDesc.label "Unesite naziv koji želite da se odnosi na vaš račun (naprimjer, &quot;Poslovni račun&quot;, &quot;Kućni račun&quot; ili &quot;News račun&quot;).">
+<!ENTITY accnameLabel.label "Naziv računa:">
+<!-- Entities for Done (Congratulations) page -->
+<!ENTITY completionTitle.label "Čestitamo!">
+<!ENTITY completionText.label "Molimo vas da potvrdite da su dolje navedene informacije ispravne.">
+<!ENTITY serverTypePrefix.label "Vrsta dolaznog servera:">
+<!ENTITY serverNamePrefix.label "Naziv dolaznog servera:">
+<!ENTITY smtpServerNamePrefix.label "Naziv odlaznog servera (SMTP):">
+<!ENTITY newsServerNamePrefix.label "Naziv servera vijesti (NNTP):">
+<!ENTITY downloadOnLogin.label "Preuzmi poruke odmah">
+<!ENTITY deferStorageDesc.label "Označite ovaj kvadratić da pospremite poštu za ovaj račun u globalnu dolaznu poštu za lokalne direktorije. U suprotnom, račun se pojavljuje kao račun najvišeg nivoa, a njegova pošta se čuva u njegovom direktoriju.">
+<!ENTITY deferStorage.label "Koristite Globalno sanduče (čuvajte poštu u lokalnim direktorijima)">
+<!ENTITY clickFinish.label "Kliknite Završi da spasite ove postavke i izađete iz čarobnjaka.">
+<!ENTITY clickFinish.labelMac "Kliknite Gotovo da spasite ove postavke i izađete iz čarobnjaka.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-addressing.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-addressing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b8058c806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-addressing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-addressing.xul -->
+<!ENTITY addressing.label "Sastavljanje i adresiranje">
+<!ENTITY addressingGroupTitle.label "Adresiranje">
+<!ENTITY autocompleteToMyDomain.label "Automatski dodaj moju domenu u adrese">
+<!ENTITY addressingText.label "Prilikom pretrage email adresa:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (override.label) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY useGlobal.label "Koristi moj LDAP server za ovaj račun">
+<!ENTITY editDirectories.label "Uredi direktorije…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (directories.label) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY directories.label "Koristi drugi LDAP server:">
+<!ENTITY directoriesNone.label "Nijedan">
+<!-- am-addressing.xul -->
+<!ENTITY compositionGroupTitle.label "Sastavljanje">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (useHtml.label) : do not translate "html" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY useHtml.label "Sastavljaj poruke u HTML formatu">
+<!ENTITY autoQuote.label "Citiraj izvornu poruku prilikom odgovora">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (then.label): This will concatenate with the 4 strings that follow. -->
+<!ENTITY then.label "Zatim,">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (quoting.label): This will concatenate with the 4 strings that follow. -->
+<!ENTITY quoting.label "Kada citirate,">
+<!ENTITY aboveQuote.label "započni moj odgovor iznad citata">
+<!ENTITY belowQuote.label "započni moj odgovor ispod citata">
+<!ENTITY selectAndQuote.label "izaberi citat">
+<!ENTITY place.label "i stavi moj potpis">
+<!ENTITY belowText.label "ispod citata (preporučeno)">
+<!ENTITY aboveText.label "ispod mog odgovora (iznad citata)">
+<!ENTITY includeSigOnReply.label "Uključi potpis za odgovore">
+<!ENTITY includeSigOnForward.label "Uključi potpis za proslijeđivanja">
+<!ENTITY globalComposingPrefs.label "Globalne postavke sastavljanja…">
+<!ENTITY globalAddressingPrefs.label "Globalne postavke adresiranja…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-advanced.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27f2b08414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpServer.label): do not translate "SMTP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY smtpServer.label "Postavke odlaznog (SMTP) servera">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpDescription.label): do not translate "SMTP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY smtpDescription.label "Prilikom upravljanja vašim identitetima možete koristiti server iz ove liste njegovim odabirom kao odlaznog servera (SMTP) ili možete koristiti izvorni server iz ove liste ako odaberete &quot;Koristi izvorni server&quot;.">
+<!ENTITY smtpListAdd.label "Dodaj…">
+<!ENTITY smtpListEdit.label "Uredi…">
+<!ENTITY smtpListDelete.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY smtpListSetDefault.label "Postavi kao glavno">
+<!ENTITY serverDetails.label "Detalji izabranog servera:">
+<!ENTITY serverDescription.label "Opis: ">
+<!ENTITY serverName.label "Naziv servera: ">
+<!ENTITY serverPort.label "Port: ">
+<!ENTITY userName.label "Korisničko ime: ">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurity.label "Sigurnost veze: ">
+<!ENTITY authMethod.label "Metoda autentikacije: ">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-archiveoptions.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-archiveoptions.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89db16aa0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-archiveoptions.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-archiveoptions.xul -->
+<!ENTITY dialogTitle.label "Opcije arhiviranja">
+<!ENTITY archiveGranularityPrefix.label "Prilikom arhiviranja poruka, smjesti ih u:">
+<!ENTITY archiveFlat.label "Jedan direktorij">
+<!ENTITY archiveYearly.label "Direktoriji arhivirani po godinama">
+<!ENTITY archiveMonthly.label "Direktoriji arhivirani po mjesecima">
+<!ENTITY keepFolderStructure.label "Zadrži postojeću strukturu direktorija arhiviranih poruka">
+<!ENTITY archiveExample.label "Primjer">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (archiveFolderName.label): this should match the default
+ name for the "Archives" folder -->
+<!ENTITY archiveFolderName.label "Arhive">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (inboxFolderName.label): this should match the default
+ name for the "Inbox" folder -->
+<!ENTITY inboxFolderName.label "Primljena pošta">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-copies.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-copies.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2c04c5449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-copies.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-copies.xul -->
+<!ENTITY copyAndFolderTitle.label "Kopije i direktoriji">
+<!ENTITY sendingPrefix.label "Pri slanju poruka:">
+<!ENTITY fccMailFolder.label "Automatski ostavi kopiju u:">
+<!ENTITY fccReplyFollowsParent.label "Smjesti odgovore u direktorij poruke na koju se odgovara">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ccAddress.label): do not translate "Cc" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY ccAddress.label "Dodaj ove email adrese u Cc:">
+<!ENTITY ccAddressList.placeholder "Odvojite adrese zarezom">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (bccAddress.label): do not translate "Bcc" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY bccAddress.label "Dodaj ove email adrese u Bcc:">
+<!ENTITY bccAddressList.placeholder "Odvojite adrese zarezom">
+<!ENTITY saveMessageDlg.label "Prikaži dijalog za potvrdu prilikom spremanja poruke">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (sentFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
+<!ENTITY sentFolderOn.label "Direktorij &quot;Poslano&quot; na:">
+<!ENTITY sentInOtherFolder.label "Drugi direktorij:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (archivesFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
+<!ENTITY archivesTitle.label "Arhive poruka">
+<!ENTITY keepArchives.label "Čuvaj arhive poruka u:">
+<!ENTITY archiveHierarchyButton.label "Opcije arhive…">
+<!ENTITY archivesFolderOn.label "Direktoriju &quot;Arhiva&quot; u:">
+<!ENTITY archiveInOtherFolder.label "Drugi direktorij:">
+<!ENTITY specialFolders.label "Nacrti i šabloni">
+<!ENTITY keepDrafts2.label "Čuvaj nacrte poruka u:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (draftsFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
+<!ENTITY draftsFolderOn.label "Direktorij &quot;Nacrti&quot; na:">
+<!ENTITY draftInOtherFolder.label "Drugi direktorij:">
+<!ENTITY keepTemplates.label "Čuvaj šablone poruka u:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (templatesFolderOn.label): OK to translate this, bug #57440 -->
+<!ENTITY templatesFolderOn.label "Direktorij &quot;Šabloni&quot; na:">
+<!ENTITY templateInOtherFolder.label "Drugi direktorij:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-identities-list.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-identities-list.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97f03cf4ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-identities-list.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY identitiesListManageDesc.label "Upravljajte identitetima ovog računa. Prvi identitet je izvorno korišten.">
+<!ENTITY identitiesListAdd.label "Dodaj…">
+<!ENTITY identitiesListEdit.label "Uredi…">
+<!ENTITY identitiesListDefault.label "Postavi kao glavno">
+<!ENTITY identitiesListDelete.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY identitiesListClose.label "Zatvori">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-identity-edit.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-identity-edit.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f4f749c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-identity-edit.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This value should be roughly
+ equal to the value of accountManager.size entity minus the value
+ of accountTree.width entity. -->
+<!ENTITY "min-width: 75ch;">
+<!ENTITY identityListDesc.label "Podesite postavke za ovaj identitet:">
+<!ENTITY settingsTab.label "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY copiesFoldersTab.label "Kopije i direktoriji">
+<!ENTITY addressingTab.label "Sastavljanje i adresiranje">
+<!ENTITY publicData.label "Javni podaci">
+<!ENTITY privateData.label "Privatni podaci">
+<!ENTITY identityAlias.label "Oznaka identiteta:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-junk.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-junk.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73bbf70320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-junk.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY junkSettings.label "Postavke neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY trainingDescription.label "Ako je omogućeno, morate prvo naučiti &brandShortName; da identifikuje neželjenu poštu korištenjem dugmeta za neželjenu poštu na alatnoj traci da označite poruke kao neželjene ili ne. Trebate da identifikujete i neželjene i željene poruke. Nakon toga &brandShortName; će biti u mogućnosti označiti neželjenu poštu automatski.">
+<!ENTITY level.label "Omogući kontrolu neželjene pošte za ovaj račun">
+<!ENTITY move.label "Premjesti nove poruke neželjene pošte u:">
+<!ENTITY junkFolderOn.label "Direktorij &quot;Neželjena pošta&quot; u:">
+<!ENTITY otherFolder.label "Ostalo:">
+<!ENTITY purge1.label "Automatski izbriši neželjenu poštu stariju od">
+<!ENTITY purge2.label "dana">
+<!ENTITY whitelistHeader.label "Ne označavaj automatski poštu kao neželjenu ako je pošiljalac u: ">
+<!ENTITY ispHeadersWarning.label "Ukoliko je omogućeno, &brandShortName; će smatrati poruke označene od strane ovog vanjskog klasifikatora kao neželjene.">
+<!ENTITY ispHeaders.label "Vjeruj zaglavljima neželjene pošte postavljenim od: ">
+<!ENTITY junkClassification.label "Selekcija">
+<!ENTITY junkActions.label "Odredište i zadržavanje">
+<!ENTITY globalJunkPrefs.label "Globalne postavke neželjene pošte…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-main.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-main.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf86fff019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-main.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-main.xul -->
+<!ENTITY accountTitle.label "Postavke računa">
+<!ENTITY accountName.label "Naziv računa:">
+<!ENTITY identityTitle.label "Glavni identitet">
+<!ENTITY identityDesc.label "Svaki račun ima svoj identitet, a to su informacije koje drugi ljudi vide kada čitaju vaše poruke.">
+<!ENTITY name.label "Vaše ime:">
+<!ENTITY email.label "Email adresa:">
+<!ENTITY replyTo.label "Adresa za odgovor:">
+<!ENTITY replyTo.placeholder "Primaoci će odgovarati na ovu adresu">
+<!ENTITY organization.label "Organizacija:">
+<!ENTITY signatureText.label "Tekst potpisa:">
+<!ENTITY signatureHtml.label "Koristi HTML">
+<!ENTITY signatureFile.label "Priloži potpis iz datoteke umjesto:">
+<!ENTITY choose.label "Izaberi…">
+<!ENTITY editVCard.label "Uredi karticu…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachVCard.label) : do not translate "vCard" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY attachVCard.label "Priloži moj vCard uz poruke">
+<!ENTITY manageIdentities.label "Upravljanje identitetima…">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpName.label) : do not translate "SMTP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY smtpName.label "Odlazni server (SMTP):">
+<!ENTITY smtpDefaultServer.label "Koristi glavni server">
+<!ENTITY smtpServerEdit.label "Uredi SMTP server…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-mdn.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-mdn.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f3ed8f2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-mdn.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pane.title "Potvrde čitanja">
+<!ENTITY useGlobalPrefs.label "Koristi moje globalne postavke potvrde čitanja za ovaj račun">
+<!ENTITY globalReceipts.label "Globalne postavke…">
+<!ENTITY useCustomPrefs.label "Prilagodi potvrde čitanja za ovaj račun">
+<!ENTITY requestReceipt.label "Prilikom slanja poruke, uvijek zahtijevaj potvrdu čitanja">
+<!ENTITY receiptArrive.label "Kada potvrda stigne:">
+<!ENTITY leaveIt.label "Ostavi je u Primljenoj pošti">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE moveToSent.label Translate: 'Sent' according to Netscape glossary -->
+<!ENTITY moveToSent.label "Premjesti je u folder &quot;Poslana pošta&quot;">
+<!ENTITY requestMDN.label "Kada primim zahtjev za potvrdu čitanja:">
+<!ENTITY returnSome.label "Dozvoli potvrde čitanja za neke poruke">
+<!ENTITY never.label "Nikada ne šalji potvrdu čitanja">
+<!ENTITY notInToCc.label "Ako nisam u Prima ili Kop dijelu poruke:">
+<!ENTITY outsideDomain.label "Ako je pošiljaoc izvan moje domene:">
+<!ENTITY otherCases.label "U svim ostalim slučajevima:">
+<!ENTITY askMe.label "Pitaj me">
+<!ENTITY alwaysSend.label "Uvijek pošalji">
+<!ENTITY neverSend.label "Nikada ne šalji">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4d9ad0db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Strings used in prefs.
+prefPanel-mdn=Potvrde čitanja
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-offline.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-offline.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bb73312a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-offline.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY doNotDownloadPop3Movemail.label "Zarad uštede diskovnog prostora, ne preuzimaj:">
+<!ENTITY doNotDownloadNntp.label "Zarad uštede diskovnog prostora, ne preuzimaj za offline korištenje:">
+<!ENTITY doNotDownloadImap.label "Zarad uštede diskovnog prostora, preuzimanje poruka sa servera i čuvanje lokalnih kopija za offline korištenje može biti ograničeno po starosti ili veličini.">
+<!ENTITY allFoldersOffline.label "Zadrži poruke ovog računa na ovom računaru">
+<!ENTITY allFoldersOffline2.label "Zadrži poruke u svim direktorijima za ovaj račun na ovom računaru">
+<!ENTITY allFoldersOfflineNote.label "Napomena: Promjena ovog utiče na sve direktorije ovog računa. Koristite dugme Napredno… da biste podesili direktorije zasebno.">
+<!ENTITY offlineNotDownload.label "Poruke veće od">
+<!ENTITY autosyncNotDownload.label "Ne preuzimaj poruke veće od">
+<!ENTITY kb.label "KB">
+<!ENTITY daysOld.label "dana staro">
+<!ENTITY message.label "poruke">
+<!ENTITY nntpNotDownloadRead.label "Čitaj poruke">
+<!ENTITY nntpDownloadMsg.label "Poruke starije od">
+<!ENTITY retentionCleanup.label "Kako bi oslobodili diskovni prostor, stare poruke se mogu trajno obrisati.">
+<!ENTITY retentionCleanupImap.label "Kako bi se oslobodio prostor na disku, stare poruke mogu biti trajno izbrisane, lokalne kopije i izvorne poruke na serveru.">
+<!ENTITY retentionCleanupPop.label "Da bi se oslobodio prostor na disku, stare poruke se mogu trajno izbrisati, uključujući i izvorne poruke na serveru.">
+<!ENTITY retentionKeepMsg.label "Izbriši poruke starije od">
+<!ENTITY retentionKeepAll.label "Ne briši nikakve poruke">
+<!ENTITY retentionKeepRecent.label "Izbriši sve osim najnovijih">
+<!ENTITY retentionApplyToFlagged.label "Uvijek zadrži poruke sa zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY nntpRemoveMsgBody.label "Ukloni tijela poruka starija od">
+<!ENTITY offlineSelectNntp.label "Izaberite interesne grupe za offline korištenje…">
+<!ENTITY offlineImapAdvancedOffline.label "Napredno…">
+<!ENTITY syncGroupTitle.label "Sinhronizacija poruke">
+<!ENTITY diskspaceGroupTitle.label "Prostor na disku">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: (ageAutosyncBefore.label, ageAutosyncMiddle.label, ageAutosyncAfter.label):
+ The entities ageAutosyncBefore.label, ageAutosyncMiddle.label, and ageAutosyncAfter.label appear
+ on a single line within the scope of useAutosync.ByAge as follows:
+ &ageAutosyncBefore.label [textbox for autosync value] &ageAutosyncMiddle.label; [dropdown for autosync interval] &ageAutosyncAfter.label;
+<!ENTITY allAutosync.label "Sinhronizuj lokalno sve poruke bez obzira na starost">
+<!ENTITY ageAutosyncBefore.label "Sinhronizuj najnovije">
+<!ENTITY ageAutosyncMiddle.label "">
+<!ENTITY dayAgeInterval.label "Dana">
+<!ENTITY weekAgeInterval.label "Sedmica">
+<!ENTITY monthAgeInterval.label "Mjeseci">
+<!ENTITY yearAgeInterval.label "Godina">
+<!ENTITY ageAutosyncAfter.label "">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-advanced.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-advanced.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f4e6d36fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-advanced.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY serverAdvanced.label "Napredne postavke računa">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (serverDirectory.label): DONT_TRANSLATE "IMAP" -->
+<!ENTITY serverDirectory.label "IMAP server direktorij:">
+<!ENTITY usingSubscription.label "Prikaži samo direktorije na koje sam pretplaćen(a)">
+<!ENTITY dualUseFolders.label "Server podržava direktorije koje sadrže poddirektorije i poruke">
+<!ENTITY maximumConnectionsNumber.label "Maksimalan broj serverskih veza koje treba spremiti u predmemoriju">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (namespaceDesc.label): DONT_TRANSLATE "IMAP" -->
+<!ENTITY namespaceDesc.label "Ove postavke određuju imenski prostor na vašem IMAP serveru">
+<!ENTITY personalNamespace.label "Lični imenski prostor:">
+<!ENTITY publicNamespace.label "Javni (podijeljeni):">
+<!ENTITY otherUsersNamespace.label "Ostali korisnici:">
+<!ENTITY overrideNamespaces.label "Dozvoli serveru da premosti ove imenske prostore">
+<!ENTITY pop3DeferringDesc.label "Prilikom preuzimanja pošte sa servera ovog računa, koristi sljedeći direktorij za pohranu novih poruka:" >
+<!ENTITY accountInbox.label "Primljena pošta za ovaj račun">
+<!ENTITY deferToServer.label "Primljena pošta za drugi račun">
+<!ENTITY deferGetNewMail.label "Uključi ovaj server prilikom primanja nove pošte">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-top.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-top.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d7eab261e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-server-top.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from am-server-top.xul -->
+<!ENTITY messageStorage.label "Spremište poruka">
+<!ENTITY securitySettings.label "Sigurnosne postavke">
+<!ENTITY serverSettings.label "Postavke servera">
+<!ENTITY serverType.label "Vrsta servera:">
+<!ENTITY serverName.label "Naziv servera:">
+<!ENTITY userName.label "Korisničko ime:">
+<!ENTITY port.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY serverPortDefault.label "Izvorno:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (biffStart.label) : translate below 2 line with grammer dependency
+ For example, in Japanese cases:
+ biffStart.label "every"
+ biffEnd.label "minutes for new messages Check"
+<!ENTITY biffStart.label "Provjeri dostupnost novih poruka svakih ">
+<!ENTITY biffEnd.label "minuta">
+<!ENTITY useIdleNotifications.label "Dozvoli trenutna obavještenja servera kada stigne nova poruka">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurity.label "Sigurnost veze:">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-0.label "Nijedan">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-1.label "STARTTLS, ako je dostupan">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-2.label "STARTTLS">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-3.label "SSL/TLS">
+<!ENTITY authMethod.label "Metoda autentikacije:">
+<!ENTITY leaveOnServer.label "Ostavi poruke na serveru">
+<!ENTITY headersOnly.label "Dobavi samo zaglavlja">
+<!ENTITY deleteByAgeFromServer.label "Najduže">
+<!ENTITY daysEnd.label "dana">
+<!ENTITY deleteOnServer2.label "Dok ih ne izbrišem">
+<!ENTITY downloadOnBiff.label "Automatski preuzmi nove poruke">
+<!ENTITY username.label "Vaše ime za prijavu">
+<!ENTITY deleteMessagePrefix.label "Kada obrišem poruku:">
+<!ENTITY modelMoveToTrash.label "Premjesti je u ovaj direktorij:">
+<!ENTITY modelMarkDeleted.label "Samo je označi kao izbrisanu">
+<!ENTITY modelDeleteImmediately.label "Odmah je ukloni">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (expungeOnExit.label) : do not translate two of "&quot;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY expungeOnExit.label "Počisti (&quot;Izbriši&quot;) Primljenu poštu prilikom izlaza">
+<!ENTITY emptyTrashOnExit.label "Isprazni smeće prilikom izlaza">
+<!ENTITY loginAtStartup.label "Provjeri dostupnost novih poruka pri pokretanju">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (maxMessagesStart.label) : translate below 2 lines with grammar dependency
+ maxMessengerStart.label will be followed by maxMessagesEnd.label with the number
+ of messages between them
+<!ENTITY maxMessagesStart.label "Upitaj me prije preuzimanja više od">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (maxMessagesEnd.label) : see note for maxMessagesStart.label -->
+<!ENTITY maxMessagesEnd.label "poruke">
+<!ENTITY alwaysAuthenticate.label "Uvijek zahtijevaj autentikaciju prilikom povezivanja na ovaj server">
+<!ENTITY newsrcFilePath.label "newsrc datoteka:">
+<!ENTITY newsrcPicker.label "Izaberi newsrc datoteku">
+<!ENTITY abbreviate.label "Prikaži imena novih grupa u direktoriju za poruke kao:">
+<!ENTITY abbreviateOn.label "Puni naziv (naprimjer, 'netscape.public.mozilla.mail-news')">
+<!ENTITY abbreviateOff.label "Skraćeni naziv (naprimjer, 'n.p.m.mail-news')">
+<!ENTITY advancedButton.label "Napredno…">
+<!ENTITY serverDefaultCharset2.label "Izvorno enkodiranje teksta:">
+<!ENTITY localPath.label "Lokalni direktorij:">
+<!ENTITY localFolderPicker.label "Izaberite lokalni direktorij">
+<!ENTITY browseFolder.label "Odaberi…">
+<!ENTITY browseNewsrc.label "Odaberi…">
+<!ENTITY accountTitle.label "Postavke računa">
+<!ENTITY accountSettingsDesc.label "Sljedeći račun je poseban. Nijedan identitet nije povezan s njim.">
+<!ENTITY storeType.label "Tip pohrane poruka:">
+<!ENTITY mboxStore2.label "Datoteka po direktoriju (mbox)">
+<!ENTITY maildirStore.label "Datoteka po poruci (maildir)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-serverwithnoidentities.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-serverwithnoidentities.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3291468c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/am-serverwithnoidentities.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY accountName.label "Naziv računa:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/mailPrefsOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/mailPrefsOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46cf59d1a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/mailPrefsOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- These are added to the Advanced - Scripts & Plugins panel -->
+<!ENTITY enbPluginCheckMailNews.label "Pošta i novinske grupe">
+<!-- These are added to the Window menu -->
+<!ENTITY mail.label "Pošta i novinske grupe">
+<!ENTITY addressbook.label "Adresar">
+<!-- These are added to Preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY viewingMessages.label "Prikaz poruke">
+<!ENTITY notifications.label "Obavijesti">
+<!ENTITY composingMessages.label "Sastavljanje">
+<!ENTITY format.label "Format za slanje">
+<!ENTITY address.label "Adresiranje">
+<!ENTITY junk.label "Neželjena pošta i sumnjva pošta">
+<!ENTITY tags.label "Oznake">
+<!ENTITY return.label "Potvrde čitanja">
+<!ENTITY characterEncoding2.label "Kodiranje teksta">
+<!ENTITY networkStorage.label "Mreža i pohrana">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-addressing.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-addressing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb352d9959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-addressing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.addressing.title "Adresiranje">
+<!ENTITY emailCollectiontitle.label "Kolekcija email adresa">
+<!ENTITY emailCollectionPicker.label "Dodaj email adrese na moj:">
+<!ENTITY emailCollectiontext.label "Email adrese iz odlaznih poruka mogu biti automatski dodane u lokalni adresar.">
+<!-- Autocompletion -->
+<!ENTITY addressingTitle.label "Automatsko dovršavanje adrese">
+<!ENTITY highlightNonMatches.label "Istakni adrese koje se ne dovršavaju automatski">
+<!ENTITY addressingEnable.label "Lokalni adresari">
+<!ENTITY autocompleteText.label "Kod adresiranja poruka, traži odgovarajuće adrese u:">
+<!ENTITY directories.label "Server direktorija:">
+<!ENTITY directoriesNone.label "Nijedan">
+<!ENTITY editDirectories.label "Uredi direktorije…">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-character_encoding.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-character_encoding.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..013a0d9b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-character_encoding.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.character.encoding2.title "Kodiranje teksta">
+<!ENTITY messageDisplay.caption "Prikaz poruke">
+<!ENTITY viewFallbackCharset2.label "Pomoćna kodna stranica:">
+<!ENTITY viewFallbackCharset.desc "(Koristi se za zastarjeli sadržaj koji ne deklariše kodiranje.)">
+<!ENTITY composingMessages.caption "Sastavljanje poruka">
+<!ENTITY useMIME.label "Za poruke koje sadrže 8-bitne znakove, koristite 'quoted printable' MIME kodiranje. Ostavite odznačeno da pošaljete poruku kakva jeste.">
+<!ENTITY sendDefaultCharset2.label "Izvorno kodiranje teksta:">
+<!ENTITY replyInDefaultCharset3.label "Kada je moguće, koristite zadano kodiranje teksta u odgovorima. (Kada je odznačeno, samo nove poruke koriste ove postavke.)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-composing_messages.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-composing_messages.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e92aa15fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-composing_messages.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.composing.messages.title "Sastavljanje">
+<!ENTITY generalComposing.label "Opće">
+<!ENTITY forwardMsg.label "Proslijedi poruke:">
+<!ENTITY inline.label "Sadržaj unutar poruke">
+<!ENTITY asAttachment.label "Kao prilog">
+<!ENTITY warnOnSendAccelKey.label "Zatraži potvrdu kod slanja poruke pomoću prečice na tastaturi">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSave.label): This will concatenate with
+ "xxx minutes", using a number and (autoSaveEnd.label). -->
+<!ENTITY autoSave.label "Automatski sačuvaj poruku svakih">
+<!ENTITY autoSaveEnd.label "minuta">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (wrapOutMsg.label): This will concatenate with "xxx characters", using a number and (char.label). -->
+<!ENTITY wrapOutMsg.label "Upakujte poruke s običnim tekstom na">
+<!ENTITY char.label "znakova">
+<!ENTITY defaultMessagesHeader.label "Izvorne postavke za HTML poruke">
+<!ENTITY font.label "Font:">
+<!ENTITY size.label "Veličina:">
+<!ENTITY fontColor.label "Tekst:">
+<!ENTITY bgColor.label "Pozadina:">
+<!ENTITY defaultCompose.label "Zadani oblik kompozicije:">
+<!ENTITY defaultBodyText.label "Tijelo teksta (Tipka enter kreira novi red)">
+<!ENTITY defaultParagraph.label "Paragraf (Tipka enter kreira novi paragraf)">
+<!ENTITY selectHeaderType.label "Izaberite tip zaglavlja za odgovor:">
+<!ENTITY noReplyOption.label "Bez zaglavlja za odgovor">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (authorWroteOption.label): this is tied to the
+ mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle preference. [Author] needs to be
+ translated. -->
+<!ENTITY authorWroteOption.label "[Autor] napisao:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (onDateAuthorWroteOption.label): this is tied to the
+ mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote preference. [Author] and [date]
+ need to be translated. -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (onDateAuthorWroteOption.label): this is tied to the
+ mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate preference. [Author] and [date]
+ need to be translated. -->
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory-add.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory-add.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a7fdfa815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory-add.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY directoryName.label "Naziv: ">
+<!ENTITY directoryHostname.label "Naziv hosta: ">
+<!ENTITY directoryBaseDN.label "Base DN: ">
+<!ENTITY findButton.label "Pronađi">
+<!ENTITY directorySecure.label "Koristi sigurnu vezu (SSL)">
+<!ENTITY directoryLogin.label "Bind DN: ">
+<!ENTITY "Opće">
+<!ENTITY "Van mreže">
+<!ENTITY "Napredno">
+<!ENTITY portNumber.label "Broj porta: ">
+<!ENTITY searchFilter.label "Traži filter: ">
+<!ENTITY scope.label "Opseg: ">
+<!ENTITY scopeOneLevel.label "Jedan nivo">
+<!ENTITY scopeSubtree.label "Podstablo">
+<!ENTITY return.label "Ne vraćaj više od">
+<!ENTITY results.label "rezultata">
+<!ENTITY offlineText.label "Možete preuzeti lokalnu kopiju ovog direktorija tako da je dostupan za upotrebu kada radite van mreže.">
+<!ENTITY saslMechanism.label "Metoda prijave: ">
+<!ENTITY saslOff.label "Jednostavno">
+<!ENTITY saslGSSAPI.label "Kerberos (GSSAPI)">
+<!-- Localization note: this is here because the width of the dialog
+ is determined by the width of the base DN box; and that is likely
+ to vary somewhat with the language.
+<!ENTITY newDirectoryWidth "36em">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fa5920175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-directory.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (window.title) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY pref.ldap.window.title "LDAP direktorijski serveri">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (directories.label) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY directories.label "LDAP direktorijski server:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (directoriesText.label) : do not translate "LDAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY directoriesText.label "Izaberite LDAP direktorijski server:">
+<!ENTITY addDirectory.label "Dodaj">
+<!ENTITY editDirectory.label "Uredi">
+<!ENTITY deleteDirectory.label "Izbriši">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-formatting.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-formatting.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f83eea8cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-formatting.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.formatting.title "Format za slanje">
+<!ENTITY sendMaildesc.label "Ako prilikom slanja formatirane (HTML) poruke jedan ili više primalaca nisu označeni da mogu primati HTML poruke:">
+<!ENTITY askMe.label "Pitaj me šta uraditi (Pošta traži da odaberete format)">
+<!ENTITY convertPlain2.label "Pretvori poruku u običan tekst (oblikovanje može nestati)">
+<!ENTITY sendHTML2.label "Pošalji poruku samo kao HTML (može uzrokovati probleme s prikazom)">
+<!ENTITY sendBoth2.label "Pošalji poruku kao običan tekst i HTML (veća veličina)">
+<!-- Html and Plain Text Domains -->
+<!ENTITY domain.title "Domene HTML-a i običnog teksta">
+<!ENTITY domaindesc.label "Kada šaljete poruku na adresu koja sarži jednu od domena prikazanih ispod, Pošta automatski šalje poruku u preferiranom obliku (oblikovan tekst ili običan tekst).">
+<!ENTITY HTMLdomaintitle.label "HTML domene">
+<!ENTITY PlainTexttitle.label "Domene običnog teksta">
+<!ENTITY AddButton.label "Dodaj…">
+<!ENTITY DeleteButton.label "Izbriši">
+<!-- Add Domain Name -->
+<!ENTITY add.htmltitle "Dodaj naziv domene za HTML">
+<!ENTITY add.htmldomain "Naziv domene za HTML:">
+<!ENTITY add.plaintexttitle "Dodaj domenu za običan tekst">
+<!ENTITY add.plaintextdomain "Naziv domene za običan tekst:">
+<!ENTITY domainnameError.title "Greška u nazivu domene">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not translate @string@ -->
+<!ENTITY invalidEntryError.label "Naziv domene @string@ je neispravan i biće ignorisan. Ispravni nazivi domene moraju uključivati barem jedan '.' i znakove s obije strane.">
+<!-- Global auto-detect switch -->
+<!ENTITY autoDowngrade.label "Automatski šalji poruku kao običan tekst ako nema prikazanih značajnih oblikovanja (poništava druge opcije)">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-junk.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-junk.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54cf3546bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-junk.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.junk.title "Neželjena pošta i sumnjva pošta">
+<!ENTITY junkSettings.caption "Postavke globalne neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY junkMail.intro "Dodatne postavke za neželjenu poštu mogu se izvršiti u dijalogu postavki računa.">
+<!-- Junk Mail Controls -->
+<!ENTITY manualMark.label "Kada označim poruke kao neželjenu poštu:">
+<!ENTITY manualMarkModeMove.label "Premjesti ih u direktorij &quot;Neželjena pošta&quot;">
+<!ENTITY manualMarkModeDelete.label "Izbriši ih">
+<!ENTITY markAsRead.intro "Označi poruke kao pročitane:">
+<!ENTITY autoMarkAsRead.label "Kada &brandShortName; odredi da su neželjena pošta">
+<!ENTITY manualMarkAsRead.label "Kada ih ja ručno označim da su neželjena pošta">
+<!ENTITY enableJunkLogging.label "Omogući zapisnik filtera neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY openJunkLog.label "Prikaži zapisnik">
+<!ENTITY resetTrainingData.label "Resetuj podatke o obuci">
+<!ENTITY pref.suspectMail.caption "Sumnjiva pošta">
+<!-- Phishing Detector -->
+<!ENTITY pref.phishing.caption "E-mail prevare">
+<!ENTITY enablePhishingDetector.label "Obavjesti me ako se sumnja da je poruka koju čitam prevara">
+<!-- Anti Virus -->
+<!ENTITY pref.antivirus.caption "Antivirus">
+<!ENTITY antiVirus.label "Omogući antivirusu da skenira dolazne poruke još lakše">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-mailnews.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-mailnews.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22ba7e0d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-mailnews.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.mailnews.title "Pošta i novinske grupe">
+<!ENTITY generalSettings.caption "Opće postavke">
+<!ENTITY confirmMove.label "Potvrdi prilikom premještanja direktorija u smeće">
+<!ENTITY preserveThreading.label "Sačuvaj rasprave pri sortiranju poruka">
+<!ENTITY mailBiffOnNewWindow.label "Provjeri novu poštu samo nakon otvaranja pošte i interesnih grupa">
+<!ENTITY defaultMailSettings.description "Učinite &brandShortName; kao glavnu aplikaciju za:">
+<!ENTITY setDefaultMail.label "Poštu">
+<!ENTITY setDefaultNews.label "Vijesti">
+<!ENTITY setDefaultFeed.label "Kanale">
+<!ENTITY useInternalSettings.description "Koristite &brandShortName; poštu i vijesti pri otvaranju linkova browsera za:">
+<!ENTITY useInternalMail.label "Pošta (mailto:)">
+<!ENTITY useInternalNews.label "Vijesti (news:, snews:, nntp:)">
+<!ENTITY messengerStartPage.caption "Početna stranica pošte">
+<!ENTITY enableStartPage.label "Kad se Pošta pokrene, prikaži početnu stranicu u prostoru za poruke">
+<!ENTITY location.label "Lokacija:">
+<!ENTITY useDefault.label "Vrati na početne vrijednosti">
+<!ENTITY rememberLastMsg.label "Zapamti posljednje odabranu poruku">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-notifications.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-notifications.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c0e6b3d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-notifications.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.notifications.title "Obavijesti">
+<!ENTITY notifications.caption "Obavijesti">
+<!ENTITY newMessagesArrive.label "Kada stigne nova poruka:">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: (showAlertFor.label, showAlertTimeEnd.label)
+ showAlertFor.label is associated with the checkbox to show the alert,
+ leading into a numerical field to enter a time in seconds, followed by
+ showAlertTimeEnd.label which in en-US is the unit of the value -->
+<!ENTITY showAlertFor.label "Prikaži upozorenje za">
+<!ENTITY showAlertTimeEnd.label "sekundi">
+<!ENTITY showAlertPreviewText.label "Prikaži pregled teksta poruke">
+<!ENTITY showAlertSubject.label "Pokaži predmet">
+<!ENTITY showAlertSender.label "Pokaži pošiljaoca">
+<!ENTITY useSystemAlert.label "Koristite sistemska obavještenja na desktopu">
+<!ENTITY useBuiltInAlert.label "Koristite &brandShortName; vlastiti prozor obavještenja">
+<!ENTITY showTrayIcon.label "Prikaži ikonu u sistemskoj traci">
+<!ENTITY showBalloon.label "Prikaži balon upozorenja">
+<!ENTITY bounceSystemDockIcon.label "Animiraj ikonicu u docku">
+<!ENTITY playSound.label "Reproduciraj zvuk">
+<!ENTITY playButton.label "Reproduciraj">
+<!ENTITY systemsound.label "Novi zvuk pošte sistema">
+<!ENTITY customsound.label "Prilagođenu zvučnu datoteku">
+<!ENTITY browse.label "Odaberi…">
+<!ENTITY browse.title "Izaberite datoteku">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-offline.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-offline.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..407e0074a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-offline.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- extracted from content/pref-offline.xul -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The 'Offline' preferences dialog -->
+<!ENTITY "Mreža i pohrana">
+<!ENTITY pref.offline.caption "Van mreže">
+<!ENTITY textStartUp "Prilikom pokretanja:">
+<!ENTITY menuitemRememberPrevState "Zapamti prethodno stanje rada na mreži">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAskMe "Pitaj me za stanje rada na mreži prilikom pokretanja">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAlwaysOnline "Uvijek pokreni u režimu online">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAlwaysOffline "Uvijek pokreni u režimu offline">
+<!ENTITY menuitemAutomatic "Otkrij automatski (ako je dostupno)">
+<!ENTITY textGoingOnline "Poslati neposlane poruke prilikom povezivanja na mrežu?">
+<!ENTITY radioAutoSend "Da">
+<!ENTITY radioNotSend "Ne">
+<!ENTITY radioAskUnsent "Pitaj me">
+<!ENTITY textGoingOffline "Preuzmi poruke za korištenje van mreže prije odlaska u rad van mreže?">
+<!ENTITY radioAutoDownload "Da">
+<!ENTITY radioNotDownload "Ne">
+<!ENTITY radioAskDownload "Pitaj me">
+<!ENTITY mailConnections.caption "Povezivanja pošte">
+<!ENTITY mailnewsTimeout.label "Vrijeme isteka veze:">
+<!ENTITY mailnewsTimeoutSeconds.label "sekundi">
+<!ENTITY Diskspace "Prostor na disku">
+<!ENTITY offlineCompactFolders.label "Sažmi sve direktorije kada će uštedjeti više od">
+<!ENTITY offlineCompactFoldersMB.label "Ukupno MB">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-receipts.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-receipts.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae673ea574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-receipts.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE pref-receipts.dtd: UI for Mail/News Return Receipts prefs -->
+<!ENTITY pref.receipts.title "Potvrde čitanja">
+<!ENTITY prefReceipts.caption "Potvrde čitanja">
+<!ENTITY requestReceipt.label "Prilikom slanja poruke, uvijek zahtijevaj potvrdu čitanja">
+<!ENTITY receiptArrive.label "Kada potvrda stigne:">
+<!ENTITY leaveIt.label "Ostavi je u primljenoj pošti">
+<!ENTITY moveToSent.label "Premjesti je u direktorij &quot;Poslana pošta&quot;">
+<!ENTITY requestMDN.label "Kada primim zahtjev za potvrdu čitanja:">
+<!ENTITY returnSome.label "Dozvoli potvrde čitanja za neke poruke">
+<!ENTITY never.label "Nikada ne šalji potvrdu čitanja">
+<!ENTITY notInToCc.label "Ako nisam u Prima ili Kop dijelu poruke:">
+<!ENTITY outsideDomain.label "Ako je pošiljaoc izvan moje domene:">
+<!ENTITY otherCases.label "U svim ostalim slučajevima:">
+<!ENTITY askMe.label "Pitaj me">
+<!ENTITY alwaysSend.label "Uvijek pošalji">
+<!ENTITY neverSend.label "Nikada ne šalji">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-tags.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-tags.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8363eba217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-tags.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.tags.title "Oznake">
+<!ENTITY pref.tags.caption "Prilagodi oznake">
+<!ENTITY pref.tags.description "Oznake mogu biti korištene za katekorizaciju i prioritete vaših poruka. Izmijenite izgled i važnost oznaka koristeći postavke ispod. Oznake pri vrhu su važnije od onih koje su ispod.">
+<!ENTITY tagColumn.label "Oznaka">
+<!ENTITY colorColumn.label "Boja">
+<!ENTITY defaultTagName.label "Nenaslovljena oznaka">
+<!ENTITY addTagButton.label "Dodaj">
+<!ENTITY deleteTagButton.label "Izbriši">
+<!ENTITY raiseTagButton.label "Povećajte značaj">
+<!ENTITY lowerTagButton.label "Smanjite značaj">
+<!ENTITY restoreButton.label "Vrati na izvorne vrijednosti">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-viewing_messages.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-viewing_messages.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..495bf74b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/pref-viewing_messages.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY pref.viewing.messages.title "Prikaz poruke">
+<!ENTITY style.label "Stil:">
+<!ENTITY regular.label "Normalno">
+<!ENTITY bold.label "Podebljano">
+<!ENTITY italic.label "Iskošeno">
+<!ENTITY boldItalic.label "Podebljan iskošen">
+<!ENTITY size.label "Veličina:">
+<!ENTITY bigger.label "Veće">
+<!ENTITY smaller.label "Manje">
+<!ENTITY color.label "Boja:">
+<!ENTITY displayPlainText.caption "Poruke s običnim tekstom">
+<!ENTITY fontPlainText.label "Font:">
+<!ENTITY displayQuoted.label "Postavke za citirane poruke:">
+<!ENTITY wrapInMsg.label "Prelamanje teksta radi prilagođavanja širine prozora">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : (convertEmoticons.label) 'Emoticons' are also known as 'Smileys', e.g. :-) -->
+<!ENTITY convertEmoticons.label "Grafički prikaži smješke">
+<!ENTITY generalMessageDisplay.caption "Opće">
+<!ENTITY autoMarkAsRead.label "Automatski označi poruku kao pročitanu">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (markAsReadAfter.label): This will concatenate to
+ "Only after displaying for [___] seconds",
+ using (markAsReadAfter.label) and a number (secondsLabel.label). -->
+<!ENTITY markAsReadAfter.label "Samo nakon prikazivanja u trajanju od">
+<!ENTITY secondsLabel.label "sekundi">
+<!ENTITY openingMessages.label "Prilikom otvaranja poruka, prihaži ih u:">
+<!ENTITY newWindowRadio.label "Novom prozoru poruke">
+<!ENTITY existingWindowRadio.label "Postojećem prozoru poruke">
+<!ENTITY disableContent.label "Blokiraj slike i druge sadržaje iz udaljenih izvora">
+<!ENTITY showCondensedAddresses.label "Prikaži samo ime za prikaz osoba iz mog imenika">
+<!ENTITY closeMsgWindowOnDelete.label "Zatvori prozor poruke pri brisanju poruke">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69b824fa18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the Account Wizard
+enterValidEmail=Molimo vas da upišete ispravnu email adresu.
+accountNameExists=Račun sa ovim nazivom već postoji. Molimo unesite drugi naziv računa.
+accountNameEmpty=Naziv računa ne može biti prazan.
+modifiedAccountExists=Račun sa tim korisničkim imenom i serverom već postoji. Molimo unesite drugačije korisničko ime i/ili naziv servera.
+userNameChanged=Vaše korisničko ime je ažurirano. Možda ćete morati ažurirati vašu email adresu i/ili korisničko ime povezano sa računom.
+serverNameChanged=Postavka naziva servera je promijenjena. Molimo provjerite da svi direktoriji korišteni u filterima postoje na novom serveru.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (junkSettingsBroken): %1$S is the account name
+junkSettingsBroken=Postavke neželjene pošte na računu "%1$S" imaju mogući problem. Želite li ih pregledati prije spremanja postavki računa?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (localDirectoryChanged): %1$S is program name (&brandShortName;)
+localDirectoryChanged=Potrebno je da se %1$S restarttuje kako bi primijenio promjene u postavkama lokalnog direktorija.
+userNameEmpty=Korisničko ime ne može biti prazno.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (localDirectoryInvalid): %1$S is path to folder
+localDirectoryInvalid=Putanja lokalnog direktorija "%1$S" nije ispravna. Izaberite drugi direktorij.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (localDirectoryNotAllowed): %1$S is path to folder
+localDirectoryNotAllowed=Putanja lokalnog direktorija "%1$S" nije prikladna za pohranu poruka. Izaberite drugi direktorij.
+# if the user chooses to cancel the wizard when no accounts are there throw a message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cancelWizard)
+# do not localize "\n\n"
+cancelWizard=Da li ste sigurni da želite napustiti čarobnjaka za račune?\n\nAko izađete, sve informacije koje ste unijeli će biti izgubljene i račun neće biti kreiran.
+accountWizard=Čarobnjak za račune
+# when the wizard already has a domain (Should we say something different?)
+enterValidServerName=Molimo unesite ispravan naziv servera.
+failedRemoveAccount=Neuspješno uklanjanje ovog računa.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: accountName: %1$S is server name, %2$S is user name
+accountName=%1$S - %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: confirmDeferAccountWarning: do not localize "\n\n", it means a new empty line in the string.
+confirmDeferAccountWarning=Ako pohranite novu poštu ovog računa u dolaznu poštu drugog računa, nećete biti u mogućnosti više pristupiti već preuzetim e-mailovima ovog računa. Ako imate poštu na ovom računu, molimo kopirajte je prvo na drugi račun.\n\nAko imate filtere koji filtriraju poštu u ovom računu, trebate ih onemogućiti ili promijeniti odredišni direktorij. Ako bilo koji račun ima posebne direktorije na ovom računu (Poslano, Nacrti, Šabloni, Arhive, Neželjena pošta), trebate ih promijeniti da budu na drugom računu.\n\nDa li još uvijek želite pohraniti e-mail ovog računa na drugi račun?
+confirmDeferAccountTitle=Odgoditi račun?
+directoryAlreadyUsedByOtherAccount=Direktorij naveden u postavkama lokalnog direktorija već koristi račun "%S". Izaberite drugi direktorij.
+directoryParentUsedByOtherAccount=Roditeljski direktorij direktorija navedenog u postavkama lokalnog direktorija već koristi račun "%S". Izaberite drugi direktorij.
+directoryChildUsedByOtherAccount=Poddirektorij direktorija navedenog u postavkama lokalnog direktorija već koristi račun "%S". Izaberite drugi direktorij.
+#Provide default example values for sample email address
+emailFieldText=Email adresa:
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: defaultEmailText: %1$S is user name, %2$S is domain
+defaultEmailText=Unesite vašu email adresu. Ovo je adresa koju će drugi koristiti kako bi vam poslali email poruku (naprimjer, "%1$S@%2$S").
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: customizedEmailText: %1$S is provider, %2$S is email username, %3$S is sample email, %4$S is sample username
+customizedEmailText=Unesite vaš %1$S %2$S (naprimjer, ako je vaša %1$S email adresa "%3$S", vaša %2$S je "%4$S").
+# account manager stuff
+prefPanel-server=Postavke servera
+prefPanel-copies=Kopije i direktoriji
+prefPanel-synchronization=Sinhronizacija i pohrana
+prefPanel-diskspace=Prostor na disku
+prefPanel-addressing=Sastavljanje i adresiranje
+prefPanel-junk=Postavke neželjene pošte
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefPanel-smtp): Don't translate "SMTP"
+prefPanel-smtp=Odlazni server (SMTP)
+# account manager multiple identity support
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: accountName: %1$S
+identity-list-title=Identiteti za %1$S
+identityDialogTitleAdd=Novi identitet
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (identityDialogTitleEdit): %S is the identity name
+identityDialogTitleEdit=Uredi %S
+identity-edit-req=Trebate navesti ispravnu email adresu za ovaj identitet.
+identity-edit-req-title=Greška pri kreiranju identiteta
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity-delete-confirm): %S is the identity name
+# and should be put on a new line. The new line is produced with the "\n" string.
+identity-delete-confirm=Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati identitet\n%S?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity-delete-confirm-title): %S is the account name
+identity-delete-confirm-title=Brisanje identiteta za %S
+choosefile=Izaberite datoteku
+forAccount=Za račun "%S"
+removeFromServerTitle=Potvrda trajnog, automatskog brisanja poruka
+removeFromServer=Ova postavka će trajno izrisati stare poruke sa udaljenog servera i vaše lokalne kopije. Da li ste sigurni da želite nastaviti?
+confirmSyncChangesTitle=Potvrdi izmjene sinhronizovanja
+confirmSyncChanges=Postavke Sinhronizovanja poruka su promijenjene.\n\nŽelite li ih sačuvati?
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/removeAccount.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/removeAccount.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0761ac16e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/removeAccount.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY dialogTitle "Ukloni račun i podatke">
+<!ENTITY removeButton.label "Ukloni">
+<!ENTITY removeAccount.label "Ukloni podatke računa">
+<!ENTITY removeAccount.desc "Uklanja samo &brandShortName; znanje o ovom računu. Ne utiče na račun na serveru.">
+<!ENTITY removeData.label "Ukloni podatke poruka">
+<!ENTITY removeDataChat.label "Ukloni podatke o razgovorima">
+<!ENTITY removeDataLocalAccount.desc "Uklanja sve poruke, direktorije i filtere povezane sa ovim računom iz vašeg lokalnog diska. Ovo ne utiče na neke poruke koje će možda još biti čuvane na serveru. Nemojte odabirati ovo ako planirate arhivirati lokalne podatke ili ih ponovo koristiti u &brandShortName; kasnije.">
+<!ENTITY removeDataServerAccount.desc "Uklanja sve poruke, direktorije i filtere povezane s ovim računom s vašeg lokalnog diska. Vaše poruke i direktoriji se još uvijek čuvaju na serveru.">
+<!ENTITY removeDataChatAccount.desc "Ukloni sve sačuvane zapise razgovora na ovom nalogu, sa vašeg lokalnog diska.">
+<!ENTITY showData.label "Prikaži lokaciju podataka">
+<!ENTITY progressPending "Uklanjanje izabranih podataka…">
+<!ENTITY progressSuccess "Uklanjanje je uspjelo.">
+<!ENTITY progressFailure "Uklanjanje nije uspjelo.">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7e0109ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+removeQuestion=Da li ste sigurni da želite ukloniti račun "%S"?
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18dcf108cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+replicationStarted=Replikacija započeta…
+changesStarted=Tražim promjene za replikaciju…
+replicationSucceeded=Replikacija uspješna
+replicationFailed=Replikacija neuspješna
+replicationCancelled=Replikacija otkazana
+# do not localize %S. %S is the current entry number (an integer)
+currentCount=Unos u replikacijski direktorij: %S
+downloadButton=Preuzmite sada
+cancelDownloadButton=Otkaži preuzimanje
+directoryTitleNew=Novi LDAP direktorij
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (directoryTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the LDAP directory's display name
+directoryTitleEdit=%S postavke
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/smtpEditOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/smtpEditOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1eb36c6b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/smtpEditOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY settings.caption "Postavke">
+<!ENTITY security.caption "Sigurnost i autentikacija">
+<!ENTITY serverName.label "Naziv servera:">
+<!ENTITY serverDescription.label "Opis:">
+<!ENTITY serverPort.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY userName.label "Korisničko ime:">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurity.label "Sigurnost veze:">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-0.label "Ništa">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-1.label "STARTTLS, ako je dostupan">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-2.label "STARTTLS">
+<!ENTITY connectionSecurityType-3.label "SSL/TLS">
+<!ENTITY smtpEditTitle.label "SMTP server">
+<!ENTITY serverPortDefault.label "Izvorno:">
+<!ENTITY authMethod.label "Metoda autentikacije:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/renameFolderDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/renameFolderDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a4353f30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/renameFolderDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY renameFolderDialog.title "Preimenuj direktorij">
+<!ENTITY rename.label "Upišite novi naziv vašeg direktorija:">
+<!ENTITY accept.label "Preimenuj">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f524ac5332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#these need to match nsMsgSearchAttrib interface in nsMsgSearchCore.idl
+#and nsMsgSearchAttribMap in nsMsgSearchAdapter.cpp
+ToOrCc=Za ili Cc
+AgeInDays=Starost u danima
+SizeKB=Veličina (KB)
+# for AB and LDAP
+AnyName=Bilo koji naziv
+DisplayName=Ime za prikaz
+ScreenName=Ime na ekranu
+AdditionalEmail=Dodatni email
+AnyNumber=Bilo koji broj
+WorkPhone=Poslovni telefon
+HomePhone=Kućni telefon
+# more mailnews
+FromToCcOrBcc=Od, za, Cc ili Bcc
+JunkScoreOrigin=Porijeklo rezultata neželjene pošte
+JunkPercent=Postotak neželjene pošte
+AttachmentStatus=Status priloga
+JunkStatus=Status neželjene pošte
+MissingCustomTerm=Nedostaje prilagođeni pojam
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef872a1319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+1=ne sadrži
+4=je prazno
+5=je prije
+6=je poslije
+7=je veći od
+8=je manji od
+9=počinje sa
+10=završava sa
+11=zvuči kao
+13=je veće od
+14=je manje od
+16=je u mom adresaru
+17=nije u mom adresaru
+18=nije prazno
+19=podudara se
+20=ne podudara se
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f99abb95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# search and filter strings
+# these are the fields that get inserted in the search line
+# for "and" searches, this looks like:
+# searchAnd0 <attribute> searchAnd1 <operator> searchAnd2 <value> searchAnd4
+# for example, in english this looks like:
+# and the [Sender ] [doesn't contain] [John]
+# TODO: need to special-case the first line (filterindex==0)
+# filter stuff
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (matchesFound): #1 number of matches found
+matchesFound=#1 podudaranje pronađeno;#1 podudaranja pronađeno
+noMatchesFound=Nema podudarnih rezultata
+moreButtonTooltipText=Dodaj novo pravilo
+lessButtonTooltipText=Ukloni ovo pravilo
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/searchTermOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/searchTermOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17fb8991e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/searchTermOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY matchAll.label "Podudara sa svime od sljedećeg">
+<!ENTITY matchAny.label "Podudara s bilo čim od sljedećeg">
+<!ENTITY matchAllMsgs.label "Podudara sa svim porukama">
+ The values below are used to control the widths of the search widgets.
+ Change the values only when the localized strings in the popup menus
+ are truncated in the widgets.
+ -->
+<!ENTITY searchTermListAttributesFlexValue "1">
+<!ENTITY searchTermListOperatorsFlexValue "1">
+<!ENTITY searchTermListValueFlexValue "3">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28e642bba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These strings are loaded and represented by the XUL dialog.
+shutdownDialogTitle=Prozor progresa gašenja
+taskProgress=Obrada %1$S od %2$S zadataka
+# These strings are loaded by the individual shutdown tasks.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6806e1c2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the smime content type handler
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE: the text can contain HTML tags.
+1000=Ovo je <B>ENKRIPTOVANA</B> ili <B>POTPISANA</B> poruka.<br> Ova email aplikacija ne podržava enkriptovanu ili potpisanu poštu.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/am-smime.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/am-smime.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8226e8a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/am-smime.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY securityTitle.label "Sigurnost">
+<!ENTITY securityTab.label "Sigurnost">
+<!ENTITY securityHeading.label "Da biste slali i primali potpisane ili enkriptovane poruke, trebate navesti certifikat za digitalni potpis i certifikat za enkripciju.">
+<!ENTITY encryptionGroupTitle.label "Enkripcija">
+<!ENTITY encryptionChoiceLabel.label "Glavne postavke enkripcije prilikom slanja poruka:">
+<!ENTITY neverEncrypt.label "Nikad (nemoj enkriptovati)">
+<!ENTITY alwaysEncryptMessage.label "Zahtijevano (slanje poruka nije moguće ukoliko svi primaoci nemaju certifikate)">
+<!ENTITY encryptionCert.message "Koristiti ovaj certifikat za enkripciju i dekripciju poruka poslanih vama:">
+<!ENTITY digitalSign.certificate.button "Odaberi…">
+<!ENTITY digitalSign.certificate_clear.button "Očisti">
+<!ENTITY encryption.certificate.button "Odaberi…">
+<!ENTITY encryption.certificate_clear.button "Očisti">
+<!ENTITY signingGroupTitle.label "Digitalno potpisivanje">
+<!ENTITY signMessage.label "Digitalno potpiši poruke (izvorno)">
+<!ENTITY signingCert.message "Koristiti ovaj certifikat za digitalno potpisivanje poruka koje šaljete:">
+<!ENTITY certificates.label "Certifikati">
+<!ENTITY manageCerts2.label "Upravljanje certifikatima…">
+<!ENTITY manageDevices.label "Upravljanje sigurnosnim uređajima…">
+<!-- Strings for the cert picker dialog -->
+<!ENTITY certPicker.title "Odaberi certifikat">
+<!ENTITY "Certifikat:">
+<!ENTITY certPicker.detailsLabel "Detalji izabranog certifikata:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daab0bcd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## S/MIME error strings.
+## Note to localization: %S is a placeholder
+NoSenderSigningCert=Odredili ste da ova poruka treba biti digitalno potpisana, ali aplikacija nije uspjela pronaći certifikat za potpisivanje određen u vašim postavkama računa pošte i interesnih grupa ili je certifikat istekao.
+NoSenderEncryptionCert=Odredili ste šifriranje za ovu poruku, ali aplikacija nije uspjela pronaći certifikat za šifriranje određen u vašim postavkama računa pošte i interesnih grupa ili je certifikat istekao.
+MissingRecipientEncryptionCert=Odredili ste da ova poruka treba biti šifrirana, ali program nije pronašao certifikat za šifriranje za %S.
+ErrorEncryptMail=Nije moguće šifrovati poruku. Molimo provjerite da li imate važeći email certifikat za svakog primaoca. Molimo provjerite da li su certifikati određeni u postavkama računa pošte i interesnih grupa za ovaj račun pošte ispravni i povjerljivi za ovu poštu.
+ErrorCanNotSignMail=Nije moguće potpisati poruku. Provjerite valjanost i pouzdanost certifikata za e-poštu navedenih u postavkama pošte i interesnih grupa za ovaj račun.
+## Strings used for in the prefs.
+NoSigningCert=Menadžer certifikatima ne može pronaći valjani certifikat koji može biti korišten za potpisivanje vaših poruka.
+NoSigningCertForThisAddress=Menadžer certifikatima ne može pronaći valjani certifikat koji može biti korišten za potpisivanje vaših poruka s adresom <%S>.
+NoEncryptionCert=Menadžer certifikatima ne može pronaći valjani certifikat kojeg druge osobe mogu koristiti da bi vam poslali šifrirane poruke e-pošte.
+NoEncryptionCertForThisAddress=Menadžer certifikatima ne može pronaći valjani certifikat kojeg druge osobe mogu koristiti da bi vam poslali šifrirane poruke e-pošte na <%S>.
+encryption_needCertWantSame=Također trebate navesti certifikate za druge ljude da ih koristite kada vam oni šalju šifrovane poruke. Da li želite koristiti iste certifikate za šifrovanje i dešifrovanje poruka poslanih vama?
+encryption_wantSame=Želite li koristiti isti certifikat za šifriranje i dešifriranje poruka poslanih vama?
+encryption_needCertWantToSelect=Trebate također odrediti certifikat kojeg će koristiti druge osobe kada vam budu slale šifrirane poruke. Želite li sada podesiti certifikat za šifriranje?
+signing_needCertWantSame=Trebate također odrediti certifikat za digitalno potpisivanje vaših poruka. Želite li koristiti isti certifikat za digitalno potpisivanje vaših poruka?
+signing_wantSame=Želite li koristiti isti certifikat za digitalno potpisivanje vaših poruka?
+signing_needCertWantToSelect=Trebate također odrediti certifikat za digitalno potpisivanje vaših poruka. Želite li sada podesiti certifikat za digitalno potpisivanje poruka?
+## Strings used by nsMsgComposeSecure
+mime_smimeEncryptedContentDesc=S/MIME šifrirana poruka
+mime_smimeSignatureContentDesc=S/MIME kriptografski potpis
+## Strings used by the cert picker.
+CertInfoIssuedFor=Izdato za:
+CertInfoStoredIn=Spremljeno u:
+NicknameNotYetValid=(još nije važeći)
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/certFetchingStatus.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/certFetchingStatus.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d469225062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/certFetchingStatus.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE shown while obtaining certificates from a directory -->
+<!ENTITY title.label "Preuzimam certifikate">
+<!ENTITY info.message "Pretražujem direktorij za certifikate primaoca. Ovo može potrajati par minuta.">
+<!ENTITY stop.label "Zaustavi pretragu">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6deb4f849c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgCompSMIMEOverlay.dtd UI for s/mime hooks in message composition -->
+<!ENTITY menu_securityEncryptRequire.label "Šifriraj ovu poruku">
+<!ENTITY menu_securitySign.label "Digitalno potpiši ovu poruku">
+<!ENTITY menu_securityStatus.label "Prikaži sigurnosne informacije">
+<!ENTITY securityButton.label "Sigurnost">
+<!ENTITY securityButton.tooltip "Pogledajte ili promijenite sigurnosne postavke">
+<!ENTITY menu_viewSecurityStatus.label "Informacije o sigurnosti poruke">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..306e10a79f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## S/MIME mail compose window error strings.
+NeedSetup=Morate podesiti jedan ili više ličnih certifikata prije no što možete koristiti ovu sigurnosnu mogućnost. Želite li naučiti kako to uraditi sada?
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgCompSecurityInfo.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgCompSecurityInfo.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58de6ff0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgCompSecurityInfo.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgCompSecurityInfo.dtd UI for viewing security status when composing a message -->
+<!ENTITY title.label "Sigurnost poruke">
+<!ENTITY subject.plaintextWarning "Napomena: naslovi e-mail poruka nisu nikada enkriptovani.">
+<!ENTITY status.heading "Sadržaj vaše poruke će biti poslan na sljedeći način:">
+<!ENTITY status.signed "Digitalno potpisano:">
+<!ENTITY status.encrypted "Enkriptovano:">
+<!ENTITY status.certificates "Certifikati:">
+<!ENTITY view.label "Prikaz">
+<!ENTITY view.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY tree.recipient "Primalac">
+<!ENTITY tree.status "Status">
+<!ENTITY tree.issuedDate "Izdano">
+<!ENTITY tree.expiresDate "Ističe">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63ddb98949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+StatusNotFound=Nije pronađeno
+StatusNotPossible=Nije moguće
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgReadSMIMEOverlay.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgReadSMIMEOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..807f82877b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgReadSMIMEOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgReadSMIMEOverlay.dtd UI for s/mime hooks in message reading -->
+<!ENTITY menu_securityStatus.label "Informacije o sigurnosti poruke">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a876cd9154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+ImapOnDemand=Prikazana poruka je digitalno potpisana, ali svi njeni prilozi još uvijek nisu preuzeti. Zbog toga, potpis ne može biti validiran. Kliknite OK za preuzimanje kompletne poruke i validaciju potpisa.
+#NOTE To translater, anything between %..% and <..> should not be translated.
+# the former will be replaced by java script, and the latter is HTML formatting.
+CantDecryptTitle=%brand% ne može dešifrirati ovu poruku
+CantDecryptBody=Pošiljaoc je šifrovao ovu poruku za vas korištenjem jednog od vaših digitalnih certifikata, međutim %brand% nije uspio pronaći ovaj certifikat i odgovarajući privatni ključ. <br> Moguća rješenja: <br><ul><li>Ako imate pametnu karticu, molimo ubacite je sada. <li>Ako koristite novu mašinu ili ako koristite novi %brand% profil, trebate vratiti vaše certifikate i privatni ključ iz sigurnosne kopije. Sigurnosna kopija certifikata obično završava u ".p12".</ul>
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgReadSecurityInfo.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgReadSecurityInfo.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e571417ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/msgReadSecurityInfo.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE msgReadSecurityInfo.dtd UI for viewing security status when reading a received message -->
+<!ENTITY status.label "Sigurnost poruke">
+<!ENTITY signatureCert.label "Prikaži certifikat potpisa">
+<!ENTITY encryptionCert.label "Prikaži certifikat enkripcije">
+<!ENTITY "Potpisan od:">
+<!ENTITY "Enkriptovano za:">
+<!ENTITY email.address "Email adresa:">
+<!ENTITY "Certifikat izdao:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91c05e7fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/smime/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Signature Information strings
+SINoneLabel=Poruka nije digitalno potpisana
+SINone=Ova poruka ne uključuje digitalni potpis pošiljaoca. Odsustvo digitalnog potpisa znači da poruka može biti poslana od nekog drugog pretvarajući se da posjeduje ovu email adresu. Također je moguće da je poruka promijenjena u toku tranzita putem mreže. Međutim, malo je vjerovatno da se neki od ovih događaja desio.
+SIValidLabel=Poruka je potpisana
+SIValid=Ova poruka sadrži ispravan digitalni potpis. Poruka nije mijenjana nakon što je poslana.
+SIInvalidLabel=Digitalni potpis nije ispravan
+SIInvalidHeader=Ova poruka sadrži digitalni potpis koji je nevažeći.
+SIContentAltered=Potpis se ne podudara tačno sa sadržajem poruke. Izgleda da je poruka promijenjena nakon što ju je pošiljalac potpisao. Ne trebate vjerovati validnosti ove poruke dok ne provjerite sadržaj sa pošiljaocem.
+SIExpired=Certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke je istekao. Provjerite da li je sat vašeg računara ispravno podešen.
+SIRevoked=Certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke je opozvan. Ne biste trebali vjerovati ispravnosti ove poruke dok ne provjerite njen sadržaj s pošiljaocem.
+SINotYetValid=Čini se da certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke još nije ispravan. Provjerite da li je sat vašeg računara ispravno podešen.
+SIUnknownCA=Certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke je izdan od nepoznatog autoriteta.
+SIUntrustedCA=Certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke je izdan od autoriteta kojem ne vjerujete za izdavanje ove vrste certifikata.
+SIExpiredCA=Certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke je izdan od autoriteta čiji je vlastiti certifikat istekao. Provjerite je li sat vašeg računara ispravno podešen.
+SIRevokedCA=Certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke je povučen od strane organa za certifikaciju. Ne trebate vjerovati validnosti ove poruke dok ne provjerite sadržaj sa pošiljaocem.
+SINotYetValidCA=Čini se da je certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke izdan od autoriteta čiji vlastiti certifikat još nije ispravan. Provjerite je li sat vašeg računara ispravno podešen.
+SIInvalidCipher=Poruka je potpisana koristeći jačinu enkripcije koju vaša verzija softvera ne podržava.
+SIClueless=Pojavili su se nepoznati problemi s ovim digitalnim potpisom. Ne biste trebali vjerovati ispravnosti ove poruke dok ne provjerite njen sadržaj s pošiljaocem.
+SIPartiallyValidLabel=Poruka je potpisana
+SIPartiallyValidHeader=Unatoč tome što je digitalni potpis ispravan, nepoznato je jesu li pošiljaoc i potpisnik ista osoba.
+SIHeaderMismatch=Email adresa prikazana u certifikatu pošiljaoca je drugačija od email adrese koja je korištena za slanje ove poruke. Molimo pogledajte detalje certifikata za potpisivanje da saznate ko je potpisao poruku.
+SICertWithoutAddress=Certifikat korišten za potpisivanje poruke ne sadrži email adresu. Pogledajte detalje certifikata potpisa kako biste saznali ko je potpisao poruku.
+## Encryption Information strings
+EINoneLabel2=Poruka nije enkriptovana
+EINone=Poruka nije enkriptovana prije slanja. Neenkriptovane informacije poslane putem Interneta mogu pročitati druge osobe prilikom transfera.
+EIValidLabel=Poruka je enkriptovana
+EIValid=Poruka je enkriptovana prije slanja. Enkripcija poruke itekako otežava drugim ljudima čitanje informacija dok ista putuje mrežom.
+EIInvalidLabel=Poruka ne može biti dekriptovana
+EIInvalidHeader=Poruka je enkriptovana prije slanja, ali ne može biti dekriptovana.
+EIContentAltered=Čini se da je sadržaj poruke promijenjen u toku prijenosa.
+EIClueless=Došlo je do nepoznatih problema s ovom enkriptovanom porukom.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/start.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/start.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43961134d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/start.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY startpage.title "Dobrodošli u &brandShortName; poštu i interesne grupe">
+<!--# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headline.label): the URL for <a id="vendorURL"> is fetched from -->
+<!ENTITY headline.label
+'Dobrodošli u <a id="vendorURL" href="">&brandShortName;</a> poštu i interesne grupe!'>
+<!ENTITY description.label
+"&brandShortName; pošta i interesne grupe je moćan klijent pošte i vijesti otvorenog koda, koji podržava napredno otkrivanje neželjene pošte i druge korisne funkcije.">
+<!ENTITY features.title "Funkcije">
+<!ENTITY feat_multiacc.label "Podrška za više računa">
+<!ENTITY feat_junk.label "Otkrivanje neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY feat_feeds.label "Čitač kanala">
+<!ENTITY feat_filters.label "Filteri poruke">
+<!ENTITY feat_htmlmsg.label "Podrška za HTML poruke">
+<!ENTITY feat_abook.label "Adresar">
+<!ENTITY feat_tags.label "Prilagođene oznake i prikazi pošte">
+<!ENTITY feat_integration.label
+"Uska integracija sa &brandShortName; aplikacijskim paketom">
+<!ENTITY dict.title "Rječnici">
+<!ENTITY dict_intro.label "Rječnici su korišteni za provjeru spelovanja vaših poruka.">
+<!--# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dict_info.label): the URL for <a id="dictURL"> is fetched from -->
+<!ENTITY dict_info.label
+'Mnogi dodatni jezici mogu biti instalirani iz sekcije
+<a id="dictURL" href="">rječnika</a> na serveru
+<a href="">Mozilla dodataka</a>.'>
+<!ENTITY info.title "Više informacija">
+<!--# LOCALIZATION NOTE (info_bugs.label): the URL for <a id="releaseNotesURL"> is fetched from -->
+<!ENTITY info_bugs.label
+'<a href="">Mi</a> pohvaljujemo
+prijave i zahtjeve za funkcijama,
+ali molimo prvo pročitajte <a id="releaseNotesURL" href="">bilješke o izdanju</a> i upit na <a href="">Bugzilla</a>.'>
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/subscribe.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/subscribe.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c79608004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/subscribe.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY subscribeDialog.title "Preplati se">
+<!ENTITY subscribeButton.label "Preplati se">
+<!ENTITY unsubscribeButton.label "Ukini pretplatu">
+<!ENTITY newGroupsTab.label "Nove grupe">
+<!ENTITY refreshButton.label "Osvježi">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Zaustavi">
+<!ENTITY server.label "Račun:">
+<!ENTITY subscribedHeader.label "Preplati se">
+<!-- commenting out until bug 38906 is fixed
+<!ENTITY messagesHeader.label "Messages"> -->
+<!ENTITY namefield.label "Prikaži stavke koje sadrže:">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..320e3ce55a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+columnHeader-nntp=Naziv interesne grupe
+columnHeader-imap=Naziv direktorija
+currentListTab-nntp.label=Trenutna lista grupa
+currentListTab-imap.label=Lista direktorija
+pleaseWaitString=Molimo sačekajte…
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeb5c12990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the outlook express import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+## @loc None
+2000=Tekstualni fajl (LDIF, .tab, .csv, .txt)
+# Description of import module
+## @loc None
+2001=Uvezite adresar iz tekstualnog fajla, uključujući formate: LDIF (.ldif, .ldi), razdvojene tabulatorom (.tab, .txt) ili tačka-zarezom (.csv).
+# Description of import module
+## @loc None
+2002=Tekstualni adresar
+# Description
+## @loc None
+2003=Uvezen adresar %S
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2004=Pogrešan parametar je proslijeđen za uvoz adresara.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2005=Greška prilikom pristupa fajlu za adresar %S.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2006=Greška prilikom uvoza adresara %S, možda nisu uvezene sve adrese.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/threadpane.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/threadpane.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c300a2b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/threadpane.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY threadColumn.label "Nit">
+<!ENTITY fromColumn.label "Šalje">
+<!ENTITY recipientColumn.label "Primalac">
+<!ENTITY attachmentColumn.label "Prilozi">
+<!ENTITY subjectColumn.label "Naslov">
+<!ENTITY dateColumn.label "Datum">
+<!ENTITY priorityColumn.label "Prioritet">
+<!ENTITY tagsColumn.label "Oznake">
+<!ENTITY accountColumn.label "Račun">
+<!ENTITY statusColumn.label "Status">
+<!ENTITY sizeColumn.label "Veličina">
+<!ENTITY junkStatusColumn.label "Status neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY unreadColumn.label "Nepročitana nit">
+<!ENTITY totalColumn.label "Ukupno u niti">
+<!ENTITY readColumn.label "Pročitano">
+<!ENTITY receivedColumn.label "Primljeno">
+<!ENTITY flagColumn.label "Označeno zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY locationColumn.label "Lokacija">
+<!ENTITY idColumn.label "Redoslijed primanja">
+<!ENTITY columnChooser2.tooltip "Izaberite kolone za prikaz">
+<!ENTITY threadColumn2.tooltip "Prikaži niti poruke">
+<!ENTITY fromColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj prema pošiljaocu">
+<!ENTITY recipientColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj prema primaocu">
+<!ENTITY attachmentColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj prema dodacima">
+<!ENTITY subjectColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj prema naslovu">
+<!ENTITY dateColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj po datumu">
+<!ENTITY priorityColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj prema prioritetu">
+<!ENTITY tagsColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj po oznakama">
+<!ENTITY accountColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj prema računu">
+<!ENTITY statusColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj prema statusu">
+<!ENTITY sizeColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj po veličini">
+<!ENTITY junkStatusColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj po statusu neželjene pošte">
+<!ENTITY unreadColumn2.tooltip "Broj nepročitanih poruka u niti">
+<!ENTITY totalColumn2.tooltip "Ukupan broj poruka u niti">
+<!ENTITY readColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj prema pročitanom">
+<!ENTITY receivedColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj prema datumu prijema">
+<!ENTITY flagColumn2.tooltip "Sortiraj po oznakama sa zastavicom">
+<!ENTITY locationColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj po lokaciji">
+<!ENTITY idColumn2.tooltip "Poredaj prema redosljedu prijema">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd9f0a47cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the vCard import code to display status, error, and
+# informational messages
+vCardImportName=vCard fajl (.vcf)
+vCardImportDescription=Uvezi adresar iz vCard formata
+vCardImportAddressName=vCard adresar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (vCardImportAddressSuccess): %S is replaced by the
+# name of the address book being imported.
+vCardImportAddressSuccess=Uvezen adresar %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (vCardImportAddressSuccess): %S is replaced by the
+# name of the address book being imported.
+vCardImportAddressBadSourceFile=Greška prilikom pristupanja datoteci za adresar %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (vCardImportAddressSuccess): %S is replaced by the
+# name of the address book being imported.
+vCardImportAddressConvertError=Greška prilikom uvoza adresara %S, možda nisu uvezene sve adrese.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/viewLog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/viewLog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d31a99034b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/viewLog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY viewLog.title "Zapisnik filtera">
+<!ENTITY viewLogInfo.text "Zapisnik filtera bilježi filtere koji su pokretani za ovaj račun. Koristite kućicu ispod kako biste omogućili bilježenje.">
+<!ENTITY clearLog.label "Očisti zapisnik">
+<!ENTITY enableLog.label "Omogući zapisnik filtera">
+<!ENTITY closeLog.label "Zatvori">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderListDialog.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderListDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65f70f6d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderListDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY server.label "Račun: ">
+<!ENTITY virtualFolderListTitle.title "Izaberi direktorij(e)">
+<!ENTITY virtualFolderDesc.label "Izaberi direktorije za pretraživanje:">
+<!ENTITY folderName.label "Naziv direktorija">
+<!ENTITY folderSearch.label "Traži">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderProperties.dtd b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderProperties.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1e1b815c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/virtualFolderProperties.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY virtualFolderProperties.title "Novi direktorij spašenih pretraga">
+<!ENTITY name.label "Naziv:">
+<!ENTITY description.label "Kreiraj kao poddirektorij od:">
+<!ENTITY searchTermCaption.label "Podesite kriterij pretraživanja korišten za ovaj direktorij spašenih pretraga: ">
+<!ENTITY folderSelectionCaption.label "Izaberite direktorije za pretragu: ">
+<!ENTITY chooseFoldersButton.label "Izaberi…">
+<!ENTITY searchOnline.label "Pretraži online (daje svježe rezultate za IMAP i News direktorije, ali povećava vrijeme potrebno za otvaranje direktorija)">
+<!ENTITY newFolderButton.label "Kreiraj">
+<!ENTITY editFolderButton.label "Ažuriraj">
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdd10894a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mailnews/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the windows live mail import code to display status/error
+# and informational messages
+# Short name of import module
+## @loc None
+2000=Windows Live Mail
+# Description of import module
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2001): In this item, don't translate "Windows Live Mail"
+2001=Windows Live Mail postavke
+# Success message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2002): In this item, don't translate "%1$S" or "%2$d"
+## The variable %1$S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+## The variable %2$d will contain the number of messages
+2002=Poštanski sandučić %1$S, uvezeno %2$d poruka
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2003=Loš parametar je proslijeđen za uvoz poštanskog sandučića.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2004): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+2004=Greška prilikom pristupanja datoteci za poštanski sandučić %S.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2005): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will contain the name of the Mailbox
+2005=Greška prilikom uvoza poštanskog sandučića %S, možda nisu uvezene sve poruke iz ovog poštanskog sandučića.
+# Default name of imported addressbook
+## @loc None
+2006=Windows Live Mail adresar
+# Autofind description
+## @loc None
+2007=Windows Live Mail adresar (windows adresar)
+# Description
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2006): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2008=Uvezen adresar %S
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (2009): In this item, don't translate "%S"
+## The variable %S will receive the name of the address book
+2009=Greška prilikom uvoza adresara %S, možda nisu uvezene sve adrese.
+# Error message
+## @loc None
+2010=Pogrešan parametar je proslijeđen za uvoz adresara.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mozldap/ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mozldap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86fe1fd63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/chrome/mozldap/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following two strings are used when prompting the user for authentication
+# information:
+## @loc none
+authPromptTitle=Neophodna lozinka LDAP servera
+## @loc %1$S should not be localized. It is the hostname of the LDAP server.
+authPromptText=Molimo da unesete vašu lozinku za %1$S.
+# These are string versions of all the errors defined in
+# nsILDAPErrors.idl, as well as the nsresult codes based on those
+# errors. See that file for the genesis of these codes, as well as
+# for info about how to get documentation about their precise
+# meanings.
+## @loc none
+1=Greška operacije
+## @loc none
+2=Greška u protokolu
+## @loc none
+3=Prekoračen timelimit
+## @loc none
+4=Prekoračen sizelimit
+## @loc none
+5=Poređenje lažno
+## @name COMPARE_TRUE
+## @loc none
+6=Poređenje tačno
+## @loc none
+7=Metoda autentikacije nije podržana
+## @loc none
+8=Neophodna jaka autentikacija
+## @loc none
+9=Primljeni djelomični rezultati i referali
+## @name REFERRAL
+## @loc none
+10=Primljen referal
+## @loc none
+11=Prekoračena administrativna ograničenja
+## @loc none
+12=Nedostupno kritično ograničenje
+## @loc none
+13=Neophodna povjerljivost
+## @loc none
+14=SASL bind u toku
+## @loc none
+16=Nema takvog atributa
+## @loc none
+17=Nedefinisan tip atributa
+## @loc none
+18=Neodgovarajuće podudaranje
+## @loc none
+19=Prekršaj ograničenja
+## @loc none
+20=Postoji tip ili vrijednost
+## @loc none
+21=Neispravna sintaksa
+## @name NO_SUCH_OBJECT
+## @loc none
+32=Nema takvog objekta
+## @loc none
+33=Problem s aliasom
+## @loc none
+34=Neispravna DN sintaksa
+## @name IS_LEAF
+## @loc none
+35=Objekat je leaf
+## @loc none
+36=Problem s dereferenciranjem aliasa
+## @loc none
+48=Neodgovarajuća autentikacija
+## @loc none
+49=Neispravni akreditivi
+## @loc none
+50=Nedovoljan pristup
+## @name BUSY
+## @loc none
+51=LDAP server je zauzet
+## @loc none
+52=LDAP server je nedostupan
+## @loc none
+53=LDAP server je nevoljan da izvrši
+## @name LOOP_DETECT
+## @loc none
+54=Petlja uočena
+## @loc none
+60=Nedostaje Sort Control
+## @loc none
+61=Rezultati pretrage prekoračuju raspon naveden u ofsetima
+## @loc none
+64=Narušavanje imenovanja
+## @loc none
+65=Narušavanje objektne klase
+## @loc none
+66=Operacija nije dozvoljena na nonleaf-u
+## @loc none
+67=Operacija nije dozvoljena na RDN-u
+## @loc none
+68=Već postoji
+## @loc none
+69=Ne mogu izmijeniti objektnu klasu
+## @loc none
+70=Rezultati preveliki
+## @loc none
+71=Utiče na više servera
+## @name OTHER
+## @loc none
+80=Nepoznata greška
+## @name SERVER_DOWN
+## @loc none
+81=Ne mogu kontaktirati LDAP server
+## @name LOCAL_ERROR
+## @loc none
+82=Lokalna greška
+## @loc none
+83=Greška pri enkodiranju
+## @loc none
+84=Greška pri dekodiranju
+## @name TIMEOUT
+## @loc none
+85=Isteklo vrijeme LDAP servera
+## @name AUTH_UNKNOWN
+## @loc none
+86=Nepoznata metoda autentikacije
+## @name FILTER_ERROR
+## @loc none
+87=Neispravan filter pretrage
+## @loc none
+88=Korisnik je otkazao operaciju
+## @name PARAM_ERROR
+## @loc none
+89=Pogrešan parametar za LDAP rutinu
+## @name NO_MEMORY
+## @loc none
+90=Nema više memorije
+## @loc none
+91=Ne mogu se povezati na LDAP server
+## @loc none
+92=Nije podržano od strane ove verzije LDAP protokola
+## @loc none
+93=Zatražena LDAP kontrola nije pronađena
+## @loc none
+94=Nema vraćenih rezultata
+## @loc none
+95=Više rezultata za vraćanje
+## @name CLIENT_LOOP
+## @loc none
+96=Klijent je uočio petlju
+## @loc none
+97=Prekoračen hop limit referala
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini b/l10n-bs/suite/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c475f9ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/crashreporter/crashreporter-override.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterProductErrorText2): The %s is replaced with a string containing detailed information.
+CrashReporterProductErrorText2=SeaMonkey je imao problem i srušio se. Pokušat ćemo vratiti vaše tabove i prozore kada se ponovo pokrene.\n\nNažalost izveštavač o rušenju nije u mogućnosti prihvatiti izvještaj o rušenju.\n\nDetalji: %s
+CrashReporterDescriptionText2=SeaMonkey je imao problem i srušio se. Pokušat ćemo povratiti vaše tabove i prozore pri ponovnom pokretanju.\n\nDa biste nam pomogli pri utvrđivanju i otklanjanju problema, možete nam poslati izvještaj o rušenju.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/ b/l10n-bs/suite/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..012cd1c7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#filter emptyLines
+# If non-English locales wish to credit multiple contributors, uncomment this
+# variable definition and use the format specified.
+#define MOZ_LANGPACK_CONTRIBUTORS <em:contributor>Kerim Kalamujić</em:contributor> <em:contributor>Nihad Suljić</em:contributor> <em:contributor>Mirzet Omerović</em:contributor> <em:contributor>Elvir Ćesko</em:contributor> <em:contributor>Kenan Dervišević</em:contributor>
+#unfilter emptyLines
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/ b/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30c979a910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+REG_APP_DESC=$BrandShortName donosi sigurno, jednostavno web pretraživanje. Poznati korisnički interfejs, poboljšane sigurnosne funkcije uključujući zaštitu od krađe online identiteta, a integrisana pretraga vam omogućava da dobijete najviše od weba.
+OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS_TITLE=Odaberite opcione komponente
+OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE=Izaberite koje mogućnosti $BrandFullNameDA želite instalirati.
+DOMI_TITLE=DOM inspektor
+DOMI_TEXT=Pregledava strukturu i svojstva prozora i njegov sadržaj.
+DEBUGQA_TITLE=Ispravljanje grešaka i QA UI
+DEBUGQA_TEXT=Pruža dodatno otklanjanje grešaka i QA UI za $BrandShortName razvoj.
+CHATZILLA_TEXT=Čist, jednostavan za korištenje i vrlo proširljiv IRC klijent.
+CONTEXT_OPTIONS=$BrandShortName &Opcije
+CONTEXT_SAFE_MODE=$BrandShortName &Sigurni režim
+SAFE_MODE=Sigurni režim
+# MAILNEWS_TEXT appears in Windows (All) Programs menu as "SeaMonkey $(MAILNEWS_TEXT)"
+PROFILE_TEXT=Menadžer profila
+OPTIONS_PAGE_TITLE=Tip postavljanja
+OPTIONS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Izbor opcija postavljanja
+SHORTCUTS_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Kreiraj programske ikone
+SUMMARY_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Sve je spremno za instalaciju $BrandShortName
+SUMMARY_INSTALLED_TO=$BrandShortName će biti instaliran na sljedećoj lokaciji:
+SUMMARY_CLICK=Kliknite Instaliraj za nastavak.
+SUMMARY_REBOOT_REQUIRED_INSTALL=Restart vašeg računara bit će neophodan za kompletiranje instalacije.
+SUMMARY_REBOOT_REQUIRED_UNINSTALL=Restart vašeg računara bit će neophodan za kompletiranje deinstalacije.
+SURVEY_TEXT=&Recite nam šta mislite o $BrandShortName
+LAUNCH_TEXT=&Pokreni $BrandFullNameDA odmah
+CREATE_ICONS_DESC=Kreiraj ikone za $BrandShortName:
+ICONS_DESKTOP=Na mom &Desktopu
+ICONS_STARTMENU=U Programs direktoriju mog &Start menija
+ICONS_QUICKLAUNCH=U mojoj &Quick Launch traci
+WARN_WRITE_ACCESS=Nemate pristup za pisanje u instalacioni direktorij.\n\nKliknite OK za odabir drugog direktorija.
+WARN_DISK_SPACE=Nemate dovoljno prostora na disku za instalaciju na ovoj lokaciji.\n\nKliknite OK da odabir druge lokacije.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_CPU_MSG=Žao nam je, $BrandShortName se ne može instalirati. Ova verzija $BrandShortName zahtijeva procesor s ${MinSupportedCPU} podrškom. Molimo kliknite OK za dodatne informacije.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_MSG=Žao nam je, $BrandShortName ne može biti instaliran. Ova $BrandShortName verzija zahtjeva ${MinSupportedVer} ili noviju. Pritisnite dugme OK za dodatne informacije.
+WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_CPU_MSG=Žao nam je, $BrandShortName se ne može instalirati. Ova verzija $BrandShortName zahtjeva ${MinSupportedVer} ili novije i procesor s ${MinSupportedCPU} podrškom. Molimo kliknite OK za više informacija.
+WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_INSTALL=$BrandShortName se mora zatvoriti da bi se nastavila instalacija.\n\nMolimo da zatvorite $BrandShortName za nastavak.
+WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_LAUNCH=$BrandShortName je već pokrenut.\n\nMolimo da zatvorite $BrandShortName prije pokretanja verzije koju ste upravo instalirali.
+WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_UNINSTALL=$BrandShortName se mora zatvoriti da bi se nastavila deinstalacija.\n\nMolimo da zatvorite $BrandShortName za nastavak.
+WARN_RESTART_REQUIRED_UNINSTALL=Vaš računar se mora restartovati da bi se kompletirala deinstalacija $BrandShortName. Da li ga želite odmah restartovati?
+WARN_RESTART_REQUIRED_UPGRADE=Vaš računar se mora restartovati da bi se kompletirala nadogradnja $BrandShortName. Da li ga želite odmah restartovati?
+ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY_PREFIX=Greška pri kreiranju direktorija:
+ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY_SUFFIX=Kliknite Odustani za obustavu instalacije ili \nPonovi za novi pokušaj.
+UN_CONFIRM_CLICK=Kliknite Deinstaliraj za nastavak.
+UN_CONFIRM_PAGE_TITLE=Deinstaliraj $BrandFullName
+UN_CONFIRM_PAGE_SUBTITLE=Uklonite $BrandFullName sa svog računara.
+UN_CONFIRM_UNINSTALLED_FROM=$BrandShortName će biti deinstaliran sa sljedeće lokacije:
+STATUS_INSTALL_APP=Instalacija $BrandShortName…
+STATUS_INSTALL_LANG=Instalacija jezičkih fajlova (${AB_CD})…
+STATUS_INSTALL_OPTIONAL=Instaliranje opcionalnih komponenti…
+STATUS_UNINSTALL_MAIN=Deinstalacija $BrandShortName…
+BANNER_CHECK_EXISTING=Provjera postojeće instalacije…
+# _DESC strings support approximately 65 characters per line.
+# One line
+OPTIONS_SUMMARY=Izaberite željeni tip instalacije, zatim kliknite Sljedeće.
+# One line
+OPTION_STANDARD_DESC=$BrandShortName će biti instaliran sa najneophodnijim opcijama.
+# One line
+OPTION_COMPLETE_DESC=$BrandShortName će biti instaliran sa svim dostupnim opcijama.
+# Two lines
+OPTION_CUSTOM_DESC=Možete izabrati pojedinačne opcije koje će biti instalirane. Preporučuje se iskusnim korisnicima.
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/ b/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3936c8e0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# To make the l10n tinderboxen see changes to this file you can change a value
+# name by adding - to the end of the name followed by chars (e.g. Branding-2).
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE=Dobrodošli u $BrandFullNameDA čarobnjak za instalaciju
+MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT=Ovaj čarobnjak će vas voditi kroz instalaciju $BrandFullNameDA.\n\nPreporučljivo je da zatvorite sve druge aplikacije prije početka instalacije. Ovo će učiniti mogućim ažuriranje bitnih sistemskih datoteka bez restartovanja vašeg računara.\n\n$_CLICK
+MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_TITLE=Sporazum o licenci
+MUI_TEXT_LICENSE_SUBTITLE=Molimo pregledajte uslove licence prije instalacije $BrandFullNameDA.
+MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_TOP=Pritisnite Page Down da vidite ostatak sporazuma.
+MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM_CHECKBOX=Ako prihvatate uslove sporazuma, kliknite na kvadratić ispod da potvrdite. Morate prihvatiti sporazum da instalirate $BrandFullNameDA. $_CLICK
+MUI_TEXT_COMPONENTS_SUBTITLE=Izaberite koje mogućnosti $BrandFullNameDA želite instalirati.
+MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO=Postavite kursor miša iznad komponente da biste vidjeli njen opis.
+MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_TITLE=Izaberite lokaciju za instalaciju
+MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_SUBTITLE=Izaberite direktorij u koji će biti instaliran $BrandFullNameDA.
+MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_SUBTITLE=Molimo da sačekate dok se $BrandFullNameDA instalira.
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_TITLE=Instalacija kompletirana
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE=Instalacija je uspješno završena.
+MUI_TEXT_ABORT_TITLE=Instalacija je prekinuta
+MUI_TEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE=Instalacija nije uspješno završena.
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE=Završavanje $BrandFullNameDA čarobnjaka za instalaciju
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT=$BrandFullNameDA je instaliran na vaš računar.\n\nKliknite Završi da biste zatvorili čarobnjaka.
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT=Vaš računar se mora restartovati kako bi završila instalacija $BrandFullNameDA. Da li želite odmah restartovati?
+MUI_TEXT_FINISH_REBOOTLATER=Želim restartovati ručno kasnije
+MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_TITLE=Izaberite direktorij u Start meniju
+MUI_TEXT_STARTMENU_SUBTITLE=Izaberite direktorij iz Start menija za $BrandFullNameDA prečicu.
+MUI_INNERTEXT_STARTMENU_TOP=Izaberite direktorij u Start meniju u kojem želite napraviti prečicu za programe. Također možete unijeti ime za kreiranje novog direktorija.
+MUI_TEXT_ABORTWARNING=Da li ste sigurni da želite ugasiti $BrandFullName instalaciju?
+MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE=Dobrodošli u čarobnjak za deinstalaciju $BrandFullNameDA
+MUI_UNTEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT=Ovaj čarobnjak će vas provesti kroz deinstalaciju $BrandFullNameDA.\n\nPrije nego pokrenete deinstalaciju provjerite da $BrandFullNameDA nije pokrenut.\n\n$_CLICK
+MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_TITLE=Deinstaliraj $BrandFullNameDA
+MUI_UNTEXT_CONFIRM_SUBTITLE=Uklonite $BrandFullNameDA sa svog računara.
+MUI_UNTEXT_UNINSTALLING_SUBTITLE=Molimo da sačekate dok se $BrandFullNameDA deinstalira.
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_TITLE=Deinstalacija kompletirana
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_SUBTITLE=Deinstalacija je uspješno završena.
+MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_TITLE=Deinstalacija je prekinuta
+MUI_UNTEXT_ABORT_SUBTITLE=Deinstalacija nije uspješno završena.
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE=Završavanje $BrandFullNameDA čarobnjaka za deinstalaciju
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT=$BrandFullNameDA je deinstaliran sa vašeg računara.\n\nKliknite Završi da biste zatvorili čarobnjaka.
+MUI_UNTEXT_FINISH_INFO_REBOOT=Vaš računar se mora restartovati kako bi završila deinstalacija $BrandFullNameDA. Da li želite odmah restartovati?
+MUI_UNTEXT_ABORTWARNING=Da li ste sigurni da želite ugasiti $BrandFullName deinstalaciju?
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/ b/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da73122534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/installer/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file must be saved as UTF8
+# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
+# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).
+# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
+# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
+# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
+# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
+# being used as an accesskey.
+# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
+# from en-US contains a \n.
+# Strings that require a space at the end should be enclosed with double
+# quotes and the double quotes will be removed. To add quotes to the beginning
+# and end of a strong enclose the add and additional double quote to the
+# beginning and end of the string (e.g. ""This will include quotes"").
+SetupCaption=$BrandFullName Instalacija
+UninstallCaption=$BrandFullName Deinstalacija
+BackBtn=< &Nazad
+NextBtn=&Sljedeće >
+AcceptBtn=&Prihvatam uslove ugovora o korištenju
+DontAcceptBtn=&Ne prihvatam uslove ugovora o korištenju
+ShowDetailsBtn=Prikaži &detalje
+ClickNext=Kliknite Sljedeće za nastavak.
+ClickInstall=Kliknite Instaliraj za početak instalacije.
+ClickUninstall=Kliknite Deinstaliraj za početak deinstalacije.
+LicenseTextRB=Molimo vas da pregledate uslove ugovora o korištenju prije instalacije $BrandFullNameDA. Ako prihvatate sve uslove ugovora, izaberite prvu opciju ispod. $_CLICK
+ComponentsText=Označite komponente koje želite instalirati, a uklonite oznaku sa komponenti koje ne želite instalirati. $_CLICK
+ComponentsSubText2_NoInstTypes=Odaberite komponente za instalaciju:
+DirText=Instaler će instalirati $BrandFullNameDA u sljedeći direktorij. Za instalaciju u neki drugi direktorij, kliknite Pregled i odaberite drugi direktorij. $_CLICK
+DirSubText=Destinacijski direktorij
+DirBrowseText=Izaberite direktorij u koji želite instalirati $BrandFullNameDA:
+SpaceAvailable="Dostupan prostor: "
+SpaceRequired="Potreban prostor: "
+UninstallingText=$BrandFullNameDA će biti deinstaliran iz navedenog direktorija. $_CLICK
+UninstallingSubText=Deinstalacija iz:
+FileError=Greška pri otvaranju datoteke za upis: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nKliknite Otkaži za obustavu instalacije,\r\nPonovi za ponovni pokušaj, ili\r\nZanemari da preskočite ovu datoteku.
+FileError_NoIgnore=Greška pri otvaranju datoteke za upis: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nPritisnite Ponovi za ponovni pokušaj, ili\r\nOtkaži da zaustavite instalaciju.
+CantWrite="Nije moguć upis: "
+CopyFailed=Neuspjelo kopiranje
+CopyTo="Kopiraj u "
+Registering="Registracija: "
+Unregistering="Odjava registracije: "
+SymbolNotFound="Simbol nije pronađen: "
+CouldNotLoad="Nije moguće učitati: "
+CreateFolder="Kreiraj direktorij: "
+CreateShortcut="Kreiraj prečicu: "
+CreatedUninstaller="Kreiran deinstaler: "
+Delete="Izbriši datoteku: "
+DeleteOnReboot="Izbriši pri restartu: "
+ErrorCreatingShortcut="Greška pri kreiranju prečice: "
+ErrorCreating="Greška pri kreiranju: "
+ErrorDecompressing=Greška pri dekompresiji podataka! Oštećen instaler?
+ErrorRegistering=Greška pri registraciji DLL-a
+ExecShell="ExecShell: "
+Exec="Izvrši: "
+Extract="Raspakivanje: "
+ErrorWriting="Raspakivanje: greška pri upisu u datoteku "
+InvalidOpcode=Oštećen instaler: neispravan kod operacije
+NoOLE="Ne postoji OLE za: "
+OutputFolder="Izlazni direktorij: "
+RemoveFolder="Ukloni direktorij: "
+RenameOnReboot="Promjena imena pri restartu: "
+Rename="Promjena imena: "
+Skipped="Preskočeno: "
+CopyDetails=Kopiraj detalje na Clipboard
+LogInstall=Bilježi instalacioni proces
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/profile/ b/l10n-bs/suite/profile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5900876dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/profile/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#filter emptyLines
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The 'en-US' strings in some URLs will be replaced with
+# your locale code, and link to your translated pages as soon as they're live.
+#define bookmarks_title Zabilješke
+#define bookmarks_heading Zabilješke
+#define personal_toolbarfolder Lični direktorij alatne trake
+#define seamonkey_and_mozilla SeaMonkey i Mozilla
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey):
+# link title for (in the personal toolbar)
+#define seamonkey SeaMonkey
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_long):
+# link title for (in normal bookmarks)
+#define seamonkey_long Projekt SeaMonkey
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_org):
+# link title for (in the personal toolbar)
+#define mozilla_org
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_org_long):
+# link title for (in normal bookmarks)
+#define mozilla_org_long Mozilla organizacija
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_projects):
+# link title for
+#define mozilla_projects Mozilla projekti
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozilla_about):
+# link title for
+#define mozilla_about O Mozilli
+#define extend_seamonkey Prilagodite SeaMonkey
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_addons):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_addons SeaMonkey dodaci
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_themes):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_themes SeaMonkey teme
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_dictionaries):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_dictionaries Rječnici za provjeru pravopisa
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_plugins):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_plugins Priključci za SeaMonkey
+# link title for
+#define mozdev
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozdev_seamonkey):
+# link title for
+#define mozdev_seamonkey SeaMonkey proširenja sa
+#define community_support Zajednica i podrška
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_community):
+# link title for
+#define seamonkey_community SeaMonkey zajednica
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozillazine):
+# link title for
+#define mozillazine mozillaZine
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_support):
+# link title for the mozillaZine SeaMonkey Support forum
+#define seamonkey_support SeaMonkey forum podrške (mozillaZine)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_l10n):
+# insert full bookmark line for localized SeaMonkey page (personal toolbar)
+# e.g. #define seamonkey_l10n <DT><A HREF="http://www.seamonkey.tlh/">SeaMonkey tlhIngan</a>
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (seamonkey_l10n_long):
+# insert full bookmark line for localized SeaMonkey page (normal bookmark)
+# e.g. #define seamonkey_l10n_long <DT><A HREF="http://www.seamonkey.tld/">tlhIngan Hol SeaMonkey</a>
+#unfilter emptyLines
diff --git a/l10n-bs/suite/updater/updater.ini b/l10n-bs/suite/updater/updater.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dba13aa933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-bs/suite/updater/updater.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
+TitleText=Ažuriranje %MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME%
+InfoText=%MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME% instalira vaša ažuriranja i pokrenut će se za par trenutaka…